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New Puppy Surprise! *Guard Dog*

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Today could either go good or bad you know what we’re doing today no today I’m planning on getting a new dog for real we need to find a way to talk to Mommy so we get your sh dog no yes no what is up church family it’s your

Boy JP and K and we got another if you’re new to channel man make sure you smash that subscribe button and if you’re not new then you already know you tuning in to the L Family on YouTube so trench family today could either go good or bad Zak do you know

What we’re doing today no at all you don’t know what we’re doing no all right so look let me just tell you today I’m planning on getting a new dog for real yes a new puppy do you hear that Teddy we’re about to get a new puppy you’re

About to get a new friend that means you’re going to get a new family member bro that’s a good idea bro exactly that’s a good idea but what do you think mommy’s gonna say um I think she said no p in the house exactly no pets in the

House bro what do you that’s what that’s what I’m trying to that’s what I’m trying to tell you like I basically need your help okay we need to find a way to talk to Mommy like we got to tell her like we got to explain to her how about

Everything that’s been happening we need like a guard dog we need somebody to to like when we’re sleeping the dog’s going to be awake and it’s going to if something’s not right it’s going toake wake up and wake us up like it’s going to start barking we’re going to get a

Big guard dog and on top of that Teddy needs a friend right yeah so it’s like how are we going to tell Mommy um we can like SK in the house and then put the dog like um um like in the um bathroom so she don’t know when she what so

You’re trying to get me in trouble you’re talking about sneaking the dog in you know what Mommy does you’re saying sneak the dog in and hide him in the bathroom what if she finds him no she’s not what we can um um we can lock the door

No all right hold on I I don’t think you’re the right person for this I don’t think you’re going to help me okay I think I’m going just go tell her by myself all right okay all right but look so the kind of dog oh oh my God Teddy

I’m so sorry baby oh my God my little babies I’m so sorry teddy I stepped on you my boy my bad but don’t worry Teddy we’re going to fix that because today you are going to get a new friend yeah all right Ka so are you ready to

Tell Mommy with me um yeah are you sure yeah don’t mess the up for me bro cuz I’ll just go do it by myself okay all right let’s go let’s go hey beautiful ladies hi how y’all doing what why Teddy just ran under hey Teddy what you doing

My boy hey he’s excited cuz we got some news you guys what do you have uh guys do you want to tell Mommy what we were talking about um yeah so we’re getting a um um security dog yeah we’re getting a security dog what you but wait wait let

Me explain what are you talking about wait let me explain all right so you know everything that’s been going on right okay with us getting followed look at this person just literally following us around Walmart look what are you talking about you think I’m crazy I’m

Not crazy what look again let me see no who is this person and getting followed in the car this car has been following me since we left out of you think so what if they’re just going in the same direction though I’m in a turning lane he’s

Turning what take off take off take off no he’s getting in our lane the first take the first he’s following me again what you mean oh my God he does he got his left signal on yo why they got the window down they’re trying to look inside the car

Basically what I’m trying to say is I don’t want it to get worse I don’t want it to get closer to home and us not be prepared so wait wait wait wait wait so we just got to be aware of our surroundings we’re not wait wait so what

About when we’re when we’re not able to be aware when as if when we’re sleeping what is this dog doing don’t worry about that he’s excited because he wants another friend what are you talk JP stop listen so what I’m trying to say is what about when we’re not able trying to

Convince wait what about when we’re not able to to be aware of our surroundings what I’m saying is what about when we’re sleeping who’s going to be there watching us when when when we’re not able to watch ourselves we have a security we have an alarm yes we have an

Alarm system okay but a dog is more aware it senses stuff I’m about to walk out I’m telling you babe I’m not just getting any kind of dog I’m getting a a a nice dog every dog’s nice first of all but I’m getting a nice protective family

Dog which is a Rottweiler no yes no trench family do you guys hear the words of trench family comment down below and Teddy needs a friend bab it works for everybody and my little zeli zel right you want yeah that’s what I’m saying and you too right Ka you want exactly Z what

Do you mean she just said she wants another dog babe think about you have me on the spot right now and that’s how it is because that’s just how it is at the trench family house babe we need it think about everything that’s been going on I

Know it’ll be better for the family babe right exactly zel agrees Z you think that’s okay yes she does she already said it babe babe I babe everybody’s saying it trych at me comment down below if y’all think we should get a puppy we need to are you going to train that dog

To security dog yes I’m going to do everything I have to do mark my words baby mark my words baby I promise I promise bab Ka man you’re not helping me bro you posted to be on a you supposed to be trying to help me convince her what you doing One Good Reason

Zakas One Good Reason tell her one good reason cuz we’re getting a new L cuz Tedy don’t have a new friend exactly that’s a great reason fine yeah get it guys yeah yeah hey hey hey break dancer break dancer hey break dancer break dancer hey

Hey all right so look we got to go we got to go because where are we going we’re about to go get a dog I told you I already got it all set up so this was already in the plan you didn’t care about me no I did that’s why I came to

Talk to you first okay look Z’s excited yay baby go Z hey hey go Z yeah yeah she’s like wait what is he doing over there even when she doesn’t feel good she’s happy right now I know my little baby doesn’t feel good but she’s about to feel better after this are y’all

Ready I guess you ready yeah all right babe so do you know where we at no but do you hear that that’s a real protective dog you to New Puppy no no no stay right here come here man come here you hear that ka yeah all right y’all

About to meet y’all new puppy bab wait what you mean you hear that is he not hey knock on knock ring on the doorbell ring on the doorbell uh-oh hey watch out watch out you back up no cuz hey that’s a protective dog that’s what we need in our house bab I’m

Telling you that’s what we need you see that hey no you knocked so hard why they trying to knock the whole door down are we good bro yo I think yall good I think y good just let them sniff you all right all right all right see that’s what we

Need I’m telling you that’s a guard dog you can do it they nice but they’re nice but if they got to protect their household they going to do that they going to do that that’s a big dog I don’t think I can go in there babe

You’re good man you’re good just let let him sniff you like he said all right go ahead you go first you go first all right I’m going to go first I’ll go first all right hey but hey shout out to my boy man the short shout out to the

Short family we got Baby Lux in the back y’all make sure y go subscribe to their Channel man defitely whoa who we got right here what’s we got Kane right here Kane what’s up Kane he just sniffing yeah he just kids he like kids he likes

Kids yeah he just don’t like when people knock on the door or they try to come in exactly hey that’s key right there you heard that they don’t like when somebody’s trying to come in the house that’s what we need okay that’s perfect I guess you’re right they just

Got they just got to sniff you look at that oh my God so wait this is how big the dog’s going to get yes so now tell me do you think anybody’s going to try to get in the house like that no nobody hey bro they’re yo they’re beautiful and healthy

Bro so this right here this is the mom right that’s the mom yeah she just had puppies her first litter her first litter her first litter wow congrats mama oh I don’t I don’t know how moms be acting when they just have babies what she bit the dog

Sitter she bit when we let we went out of town she bit the dog sitter cuz the doll said it was her in between her and the puppies exactly that’s what I’m trying to tell you they’re protective very very they’re very protective it’s a good protective so bit the hey and

That’s what we need I don’t know if you seen but we’ve been having like some some weird stuff going on where we’ve been getting followed so this is perfect man I appreciate you calling me you know and checking like come oh wa who who that’s his that’s him plan that’s him

Plan that’s him Planet I understand I’m in your house man I respect it stop acting scared babe as you can see they friendly dogs love don’t be scared though but they’re familyfriendly dogs I swear babe babe look they got a baby just chilling over there look at Little

Lu man he’s chilling he just chilling man these dogs been around a lot of kids like I I make sure to keep them real social you know I like my dogs they love to be petted so like if you pet them that’s that’s when they going to never

Get away from they like to be yeah but like if they start if you start petting them they will come back cuz they want more like their attention Seekers I can tell cuz he hasn’t stopped look he he been all over me this whole time you

Want to come home with me no I’m going to take one of your kids though what he ain’t been a father yet so you need to take these puppies I’m tell hey he he a dead beat what he doing he a dead beat he don’t take care of his kids just no

We can’t be doing that these dog slobber to they going to slow on you wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute hey baby it’s okay cuz look look look he going to be cleaning it cuz exactly I got it look you take care of Teddy and I

Take care of know the new pupp the dog’s going to do good with Teddy are you sure thank you thank you I was saying Teddy needed a friend wait but Teddy’s not like this type of dog so is he going to like attack Teddy no come on man he

Going to play with them though he going to play with them they going to play I’m not going to lie right now they going to be the same size so they’ll get used to each other yeah no way no way babe oh yeah now look

At you now look at you and look at K look at him what happened what oh my God hey look at this doggy oh my God so that’s our boy right there that’s your boy that’s the trench family though that’s the new trench family member oh

My God once again fluffy shout out to the short family man make sure y’all go subscribe because man they the ghost man I appreciate y’all wow she’s going to fit perfectly with y’all yeah this is so perfect for the bab I love it he’s so

Did you see it come here P come come come come look at it look k pet it oh my it’s so fluffy look he’s a big one yeah he is you said he was is the biggest one right out of the litter one the biggest one of

The biggest okay okay oh my goodness it looks so cute like this do they grow fast like they’re going to get B fast it depends it’s like I don’t know it’s going to be about six six months the first 6 months they going to he’s going to go pretty fast like

Yeah but you know oh my God this how much you feed him but look though there’s one thing though we can’t take them home just yet bro you can tell them you want to tell the CH family why we can’t take him home yet listen I don’t

Even want to be the one to bring the bad news but but he needs to stay with his mama for like two more weeks at least a week or two really to to get the rest of his milk and I’m I got to keep feeding him the dog food so he can transition

Know and so she can clean him cuz I can’t clean him yet she can only do that exactly but it’s ours though it’s ours thoughs it’s locked in it’s locked in man it’s the trench family dog it’s the new member to the family can’t get over

How fluffy I love bro I’m tell when I pet my dogs they these are therapy dogs like when I touch the dog it does something for me when I’m petting it you know like a fluffy dog like we like it’s like a little bear bro I can’t pick it

Up yet yeah you it pick it up baby just don’t let him touch the ground and he’s going to be a little dirt okay it’s okay baby that’s that that that’s basically your new sun right there oh my god wow it is like a oh my gosh bro it is so

Fluffy oh my wow it’s oh my God it’s even better in person oh okay can I take it now now it’s cute two weeks baby two weeks man oh you are just so cute a oh my God he’s going to f right in with Teddy so so what y’all going to

Name him that a I think hey look I think we should leave he brought this up to me today so that’s up to the trench family I’m not going to lie yeah I did all this is new to her but look we’re going to leave that to the trench family the

Trench family is going to decide I know you guys named their R it was just it was just for us temporary temporary name just to take care keep keep him like keep the dolls category exactly so you know which one’s which I get it I get it

But trench family man make sure yall comment down below what y’all think the name should be and yeah that’s how we going to do kind of like R so far you like R I kind of like no that’s temporary man oh my goodness that puppy was so

Cute like trench family I am so in love with that dog hey y’all see the change of attitude right look y’all see I already knew that was going to happen after you saw it in person I already knew I know it was so beautiful K you

Like that dog right yeah it was nice oh my God I wish we can just go back and take it home like right now soon baby it’s already hours yeah it’s true it’s already I already paid for it it’s just we got to wait like like you said the

The dog still has to be with the mom for right now and I cannot wait trench family were literally having a new member you guys have been asking for it Teddy needs a new friend we want another dog we want another dog we got it I just

Find it so crazy that like okay in the beginning when JP first mentioned it to me I was like yeah know not happening but then I see the dog in person and I’m like yeah come home right now it’s like a little baby teddy bear yeah that’s

What I was about to say it’s like a teddy bear but you know what I’m thinking before we go home what can we please go buy the doggy a bed what babe the dog’s not even in the house yet it doesn’t matter for when it comes to the house it’s going to already

Have its bed and maybe some little treats and little toys that’s crazy R went from not wanting to do this to oh let’s have it set up already all right let’s do it I’m with it let’s go all right you guys so we just made it to the

What babe pet the fly store and tell them why we’re here because you fell in love with the puppy after you said you wouldn’t I babe don’t make it seem like that it’s because whoo look at the names of those an wait what what chrisan rock

Wait what are they trying to say blue face are they toic or something Bera you you wouldn’t known nothing about that hey who names the lizard blue face and chrisan rock that’s funny I no seriously but I wanted to get a bed for the puppy because why not I’m getting ready for it

To come home exactly so so where’s the bed what bed are we grabbing all right I mean I see some beds over there you want to go look let’s go let’s go k what are you doing my boy wa there’s um toys over there what toys um toys for you or toys

For the dog no toys for the dog yeah you’re right you’re right we need the bed we need the bed I see some beds right here you need the bed you need where in here I don’t know I just spotted okay you found it you what oh

Look at this oh I like this one I like that one oh my God hold on put on the floor guys lay on it real quick tell me if it’s comfy how does it feel I want to be his dog imagine I was he get up man get up get up get up

All right so there’s hey that that one look comfy that one looks comfy if I was a dog I’d pick that one yeah but what if it’s like too comfy for the dog oh look at that one like a couch amazing oh this is so cute stop it yeah that’s actually

Nice this is kind of Bo oh that’s nice too no white gets dirty fast yeah no white gets dirty fast put that back Ka I it’s either between this one and this one oh this is a orthopedic pet bed joint relief maximum support W hey that’s if he’s going to be guarding the

House he needs to be comfortable you’re right he’s going to be taking care of the house while we’re sleeping is he going to grow fast because this is yeah he’s this is perfect this is good for now right he’s going to outgrow it for sure like he’ll this is good for now but

Then he’ll grow into like probably those big ones over there those big ones so I think for now we’re good with this one you guys agree this one you like it I like this one you like that one yeah we got a lot of toys bro the toys are not

For you just so you know it’s for the dog okay yeah yeah baby nice Z like yo get me out of here get me home yeah all right so we got the bed check now let’s go see what wants to get we got the bed yeah what was you talking

About hold on slow down man slow down I just need a good energy you said what good energy where we going not in here let me see where is it oh what there’s a lot of toys in here what is this is like a weight that’s a jolly Tu and toss tug

And until you throw it and what oh and you fill it up with something I guess right tug and to we’re going to need that cuz I want I want our dog to be strong guys what do you babe look he’s look what he’s doing what did he do he’s

Already putting toys in here we didn’t even say yes or nothing I mean he wants to get that for the dog look at him oh no no no hey chill out chill out chill out what you think this is what one get one bro you’re picking too much of the

Same stuff look you already got another one right here yeah so all the same things oh and he got one down here come on now come on K you just picking anything at this point here take this back the dog remember he’s a puppy so right now you can’t even you’re going to

Have to grab stuff like this he grab some like little no he no he grabbed the big one though a big one and like a smaller one look can you grab that take that out bro all right let me take it out what are you doing man look let’s

How about we grab something like what do you think he’ll like Ka um I think he will like a chicken I think we should get the snake what you think no he’s going to be scared scared yeah man he’s going to be the guard dog he ain’t scared of nothing

He better not be but we looking at I’m just I’m just looking at anything Ka pick one toy go ahead not that one that’s like too tiny yeah man pick something pick something cool all how about we all pick something you pick something K pick something and I pick

Something okay all right so that’s what you pick a duck yeah let me see Yo that kind of looks like you hey K let me see look that kind of looks like you look at me really really all right so that’s your toy what you getting you getting

That I mean that’s pretty cool cool right so he can pull on it yeah you okay hey I got hey I got you you okay you choking yes I’m good I like this one you want to know why it’s not going to make a mess if he breaks it

There’s no stuffing so no mess oh my God forget you all right TR family I’m going to go ahead and go with let me see you know what I’m saying this is the new member of the family this is the new puppy so I got to get something nice

Something that makes sense babe I feel like you would like this one I don’t want that right there just wait like this no hold on one second hold on hold on hold on what are we going to get let me see let me see let me see oh

You know what I’m saying we got to get a little what is this a little little crocodile action yeah really you know what I’m saying cuz I’m from Florida so oh okay dang this is heavy and it’s heavy too and it’s and it’s going to be

Like it’s going to be hard for him to break you won’t be able to just break that’s not easy yeah I like this T your dog I’m getting a duck no you already got the duck bro nah bro I don’t like that you don’t want the duck so you

Getting that instead yeah oh the shark is cool too though man we all said we was getting one so which one do you want all so this one’s for zi that one’s Z zel’s getting that one for she didn’t want this one what you mean how you know zeli yes you want this

One yeah yeah there goes that little smile my baby all right so we ready yeah yeah we ready so so that’s all we’re getting for now I mean no no no no we got to get something for Teddy he’s going to be upset he’s going to see we

Got all these toys so look guys you can get that for Teddy if you want you want to get that for Teddy uh I will get something for the other dog no no no you already got something for the other dog the duck where’s the duck wait I forgot

Oh you put it back all right then you can get that you can get that just get that one the one in your hand thinking and get something else for teddy too cuz he’s going to be jealous what oh wait we we have to wait 2 weeks we’re not going

To have the dog for Christmas so I can’t get him a Christmas after Christmas though oh okay so never mind we’ll get him after so what you so that one’s for Teddy and this one’s for um the dog and this is for all right bro chill no no no yeah yeah

Relax just get two right now one for Teddy and one for the dog yeah which two do you want uh this one all right so put this one back so that’s good are we ready now now put it in the car now we’re ready to pay all right so we’re

Ready yes we’re ready I’m happy we got the bed that’s really what I wanted to come for and we got a cozy bed for the little puppy y yay so we good we ready to go I think we’re good good job good job hey trench family I think it’s a mission accomplish

I wanted to tell her about the dog so we can get it and now we’re getting it and now we’re in the pet store buying a bed for the dog yeah you knew what you were doing hey guys give me five we did that give me five this look by you you said

What this look by you this looks like me yeah bro that looks like you stop playing you know what you look like those fishes in the back hey yeah yeah my son does not look like a fish okay all right man stop it man I hope you

Guys enjoyed this Vlog man make sure you guys like comment share and subscribe and we’ll see y’all in the next video peace A


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