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Did the refs get the ending of Lions vs. Cowboys correct? John Parry breaks it down | SC with SVP

ESPN NFL Officiating Analyst John Parry joins SportsCenter with Scott Van Pelt provides perspective on the ending between the Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys where a go-ahead 2-point conversion for Detroit was nullified due to a penalty on offensive lineman Taylor Decker.

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I’ve kitted with John Perry that he’s really good at what he does and he helps when he joins us but if he joins us it means that something’s G haywire and that certainly happened here Saturday in Dallas we just heard Dan Campbell explain two guys can’t report forgive me

I don’t know the rule book backwards and forwards two guys are not uh cannot report as eligible in the same play correct uh no two eligible or ineligibles can report to play the opposite position that they need to two is not the issue the issue here tonight

Is did Brad Allen here did Brad Allen recognize visually or verbally with number 68 I don’t think he does I think he sees 70 come off the line off the sideline follows him all the way in I I’m guessing that Brad Allen based on his mannerisms his eyes

Where his hat is looking he never recognized him okay so John uh um Taylor decker is 68 Dan Skipper is 70 and we just got to look with like the line of sight it’s 68 but you’re right 70s coming in I this is something that they can’t look at because it appears Allan

Just got it wrong well it’s not reviewable what you need to do in that situation when the game is on the line remember the clock has stopped we just had six points so now we’re going to go for two we have where there’s no rush here take your

Time make sure that you know who participating they’re going for two will it be a run will it be a pass it’s the football IQ slow everything down make sure you have it correct make sure the defense knows who is eligible and who is not I think in this case when you watch

Brad and his movements and him focusing on number 70 I don’t think Decker number 68 and Brad Allen ever connected well but whose responsibility is that if if if de if Decker’s standing in front of Allen and saying I’m I’m reporting as eligible but he’s looking

Around and he I mean it’s it’s on it’s on Decker to make certain that that has been communicated absolutely it is on the player it’s a unique play it’s a gadget Play you want to make sure that the referee definitely knows what position you’re playing okay and and so again

It’s I I mean there’s a lot going on but as you say the clock is stopped at this point so there’s no need to be in any rush for anyone is there no and and of course people are going to focus on hey he kind of brushed his jersey that’s a

Normal look it is a normal look but I I think that we would want the player to get to him much stronger than he does in this case Brad is not looking at number 68 he’s looking at number 70 MH 68 also owns a little bit of this and

Recognizing hey Brad Allen’s not looking at me I need to make sure Brad knows I I get it but then if you you don’t to be doing jumping jacks and jump around and say I’m eligible because then you draw attention to the fact that you

You know what I’m saying like I mean I get it right but but it would I mean I don’t know I’m sure it’s it’s it’s loud and it’s fog a war and all that stuff but I I I could certainly identify with the anger on the Detroit side uh in

Feeling that their guys had run what he had instructed them to run it just appears to be an incredibly difficult pill for them to SW F and it’s worth pointing out had it counted Dallas still would have had 23 seconds left and I believe all of their timeouts so that’s where things would

Have been had it had it been adjudicated in the way that Detroit hoped it would that’s a fair way to leave it correct I think a fair way to leave it John thank you very much appreciate the uh edification there it’s always very very helpful Happy New Year be well all [Applause] Right [Applause]


  1. How do you not see a 6 foot 9" player that standing right in front of you… 70 was still running on the field the ref was gone before 70 even got there!!!! That dude is a joke!!!

  2. Dan Cambell LITERALLY told the refs pregame that if they got into a 2pt conversion play. 68 would be the lineman eligible, the audacity of these people to still blame the Lion's players is insane

  3. don’t understand why detroit didn’t just forget abt going for two and kick an extra point on ONE of their next TWO chances

  4. So when he announced who was eligible why didn't the Lions say anything that's the million-dollar question???

  5. If you watch the wide view, you will see 70 running onto the field with left hand up and right hand rubbing his chest/belly. That is the "I'm declaring eligible" signal. That wide view also shows the ref looking at him as this is occurring.

  6. It was announced on the bog speaker that 70 was eligilble . Why wasnt it corrected. There a lot oflf crying over the lions screwing up .. they scred up period

  7. Sometimes the refs’ pride overrides the right thing to do, and in this case not admitting being wrong, only thinking about himself (the ref)

  8. And since Skipper lined up at right tackle as an eligible player, the Lions had committed an illegal formation foul as well on the play

  9. Starting to see the weight and influence of the NFL. Everyone knew that the ref made a blantant and egregious error, which seemingly appeared deliberate to cost the Lions a win. Especially in light of the details that this very play was shown to the officials before the game and the players that were going to be used along with the play. #70 was being used as eligible the whole game for the lead up of the bait and switch to #68 for game winning play. Lions did it, refs blew it. Now all of the commentators are switching to blaming the Lions for 3 players approaching the ref. It was a deliberate distraction towards the Cowboys. The NFL is to blame on this one. Former players have already commented by saying that having multiple guys by the officials is normal for the purpose of distraction of their opponents. Lions, one of the smallest NFL markets beat the Cowboys, the NFL's largest market. This is the real reason of this "error" in officiating.

  10. What do u mean its “not reviewable” 🤔 thats funny cause when they want it to be reviewable it magically becomes eligible for review. Gotcha 😜 I dont even watch sports but this is WILD

  11. #70 is running up to get his attention that he’s eligible and they seem to be confused who’s doing what #70 looks like he was understanding his assignment and 68and #58 just standing around waiting for a sandwich

  12. Mann look I'm from flint,mi watch the lions play every season all season i can honestly say the refs been cheating the lions DEPRIVING THESE HARD WORKING MEN OF A SUPERBOWL EVERY YEAR

  13. The part I don’t understand is if the refs announce who is eligible why are the lions trying yo confuse Dallas when the ref will tell them anyways. Lions tried getting to cute with 3 lineman around the ref and screwed themselves

  14. Only 6 players (including the QB) can be eligible to get a pass in American football. I see 73, 77, 60,70, 58, 68 – six players with down lineman numbers on the field. Their are five other players on the field all with numbers associated with eligibility. Meaning only one lineman could be eligible. I think everyone is missing the forest for the trees here…am I wrong?

  15. Can we talk about the refs calling a tripping penalty on the series before against the Cowboys when it was Aiden Hutchison that tried to trip Pollard. If that call was made correctly, the possibility is high that there never would have been a game tying drive to begin with.

  16. 70 came in giving the signal he was reporting: his left hand is up and his right hand is covering his jersey number. So he gives the hand signal and the ref is clearly looking at 70. 68 NEVER gives the hand signal. And we also know that the ref announced 70 as the eligible receiver. Not 68. I believe the Lions were trying to deliberately conceal who was the eligible receiver, and they got too cute for their own good.

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