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2023 Fantasy Football Week 17 CHAMPIONSHIP LAST MINUTE Advice – LIVE Q&A with Jake and Kyle

2023 Fantasy Football Week 17 CHAMPIONSHIP LAST MINUTE Advice – LIVE Q&A with Jake and Kyle
The 2023 Fantasy Football Season is here and it’s never too early to start looking at 2023 Fantasy Football lineup advice for Week 17 of Fantasy Football! In this episode of The Fantasy Headliners fantasy football podcast Jake and Kyle will give fantasy football advice and break down some of the top things you need to do to have a great fantasy football draft in 2023 fantasy football. Who will be the top, must have players at Wide Receiver or Running Back for fantasy football week 17? How do your rankings look for these wide receivers and running backs? You need to be sure to have these guys marked during your fantasy football draft! Be sure to hit that Like button and let us know how you have your fantasy football rankings right now!

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When the game on the line you can’t and you can’t safe and not be going for the win remember back was on the now they tuned in cuz my game too legit Fanty Nation Nation fantasy for the nation I’m I’m A off the draft gu so legit fanty World our game you know we about that life stuck in a r and you need Theine I’m a Hit I’m yo welcome to the final Saturday stream of the 2023 NFL season we’ve made it man it’s championship week it’s like we look forward to it all year long and then it gets here and it flies by fli and here we are the last Saturday stream not only

Of the Season Kyle but of the year of the year you know what’s gone faster than the season the entire freaking year I mean it it feels like we were just celebrating New Year’s Eve yesterday last year crazy pretty much yeah I I I can agree with that but you know what we

Got a lot of football to talk today a lot of people in some fantasy championships there are some people that play in week 18 them some sick puppies right there but if you do play in week 18 we’ll have videos this week for you as well most people stop after week 17

Cuz all the masses the crowd is gone but we’re here for everyone in headliner Nation so we’ll have videos next week as well not a live stream on Saturday but we will have our weekly videos but and next week will be like some condensed videos still same information but you’re

Going to see more along the lines of what we did for quarterbacks and tight ends two weeks ago right yes last because we’re going to probably have some teams that are resting starters and with the injuries we’re just trying to find healthy playable bodies in week 18

But we’ll talk about that this upcoming week Kyle I know there’s gonna be a lot of people out there with some Championship questions though so they are and I just I’m just I’m gonna shout out a whole bunch of names right now because we’ve got some amazing people in

The chat showing up week 17 to be here David lmb The Lunatic Mato tev just Flo my boy Trey Matthew Richard Chris mark couch main gaming Zack Johnson Dex stro and then it goes on and on so many people still here we 17 yep but now before we get into all these questions

Do me a favor hit the like button if you could for us as we head into non-stop football talk here for the next hour and a half or so I do want to mention that we have two games that we’re kind of paying attention to for weather tomorrow

That is going to be the Patriots and bills a 80% chance of rain slight chance of snow there as well as in Chicago for the Bears and the Falcons a 71% chance of snow in that game as well but we’ve also had other news this week we know

About Russell Wilson being benched in that whole Denver Fiasco we got players injured all over the place Kyle so let’s try to put together the best lineups we can here going forward and we’ll just see how it works yeah keep this is a this is a huge week where you just got

You got to hope for a little bit of luck right you got to hope for it once you get to this point point it’s just a little bit of luck that you need to walk away with a championship oh snap the lone bone bone himself is in the chat

Max here too the lone bone bone what up lone bone bone TC gifting five memberships to the headliner Nation Community TC appreciate you thank you so much uh Trey Perez hey guys and a full PPR pick too from chuba Pard or Reed thanks I know Rico dle isn’t playing yeah I know

I I don’t want anything to do with Tony Pard I I mean it’s hard to want to do anything with Tony Pard am I crazy for picking chuba and Reed overp this week I mean probably probably not I mean I think I think starting chuba doesn’t

Sound like a good idea going up against Jacksonville they’re a great run defense and it’s just like the name factor for a lot of people right because chuba has been performing just fine for multiple weeks he’s definitely dedicated to in that offense honestly I probably don’t

Mind going chuba and Reed at this point I know Reed’s coming off an injury as well that’s something to pay attention to but I’m I’m kind of with you Kyle and that’s what’s crazy is I think Pard is somebody you put in there if you just

Want to ride and die with the studs that you drafted right because hey I I I can’t live with the fact if I lose because I bench Pard those are the people that need to start them everyone else that’s willing to gamble and risk it chuba and Reed yeah when I look at

Chuba and Pard I look at Pard as being a guy that possibly has a a little bit of a safer floor with no Rico dle but I do feel like chuba might have a little bit more upside in the hopes that maybe he gets a few dump offs and maybe he can

Spring a decent play here or there from those if they can’t get the running game going but the one thing we know is my sanders has not been getting any touches lately so both of these guys are basically going to be owning the Back Field this week so kind of depends what

What route you want to go but I am getting Reed in there for upside at this point stallion Productions pick two from Walker most dir in Kamara well it’s definitely going to be uh mostart as you have it in the uh in the chat start more

Problems I have Kamar at 15 I don’t love him this week I do have him below Kenneth Walker the problem is Kamar plays at one Walker plays at four and Walker is a game time decision as of right now at this point if you own Kenneth Walker and you want to play

Kenneth Walker I really hope you have Zack shanet so you can make a quick switch there if you need to if not we’re probably going to have to play it safe and we’re going to have to go with whoever the other player is so I would say it’s moster and Kamar right now

That’s probably the direction that I go as well as of right now unless we hear word about Walker prior to the one o’clock kickoffs tomorrow and then he also wants to know would you start Nico kollin and the flex over the AR uh running back you don’t choose yeah

Because they play at one right um yes they do so yeah so that’s it’s the same situation but even then Nico could have a huge week this week so yeah I’m I’m I’m fine with Nico this week with CJ strad coming back I’m fine with it going mostart Kamar mostart here

I am reading what he’s typing now mostart Kamar and Nico Collins and then if you really want to try to maybe give yourself the safer floor you can go Walker over Collins If you hear before 1 pm but if it’s me I’m kind of just locking in moer Kamar and Nico right now

Hector Gonzalez need two running backs in a flex from Walker Elliot white C Harrison Collins for for C it does sound like Pacho has a really good shot of playing now this week so I’m going to try to stay away oh excuse me try to

Stay away from C so if you need two running backs here I’m going to pick white and I’m gonna pick Zeke for right now then for the flex going Nico Collins yep going niiko Collins there as well um Eric E in a PPR need one tight

End and two Flex from Hunter Henry Jaan Johnson Tucker craft Chandler zamir white Gabe Davis Osborne or Shahed for the flex definitely going to walk lock in uh zir White for sure Chandler against Green Bay is also another decent pick there now I didn’t have him super

High in my rankings this week because if you listen to my rankings I really ranked based on floor this week knowing we’re in our fantasy Championship we could be missing some guys I wanted to give you my safest options instead of kind of ranking for upside like I

Normally do so I had him a little bit lower CU I don’t know how many touches Alexander Madison is going to get for sure but I’m still going to pick out of this group of players Chandler and white and then as far as the tight end goes if

You want to play it safe it’s Tucker craft if you want more upside it’s Jan janen okay yeah I mean I I had a gut feeling about a player a couple weeks ago and I don’t remember who it was and it happened to work out I have that same

Feeling this week about Rasheed Shahed but there is no safety that goes into that whatsoever I just believe that New Orleans is going to have to throw the ball against Tampa Bay the Tampa Bay offense is great right now they’re playing great so New Orleans going to

Have to throw the ball in a beat up secondary for Tampa Bay I can see Shahed getting loose for one but it’s not safe the running backs are definitely safer like you said I got coffee on myself it’s okay it happens there worst things that you can

Get on yourself it’s got it got stuck in my whoa Doug Fenton fields are Stroud um let me look here I have Fields just higher but I will say that the floor is going to be safer for CJ strad because we just don’t know for sure about the weather conditions for

Justin Fields with the chance of snow I like both of them that’s a great thing they’re both inside the top 10 which is great so I think it’s a win-win for you the safer option probably Stroud higher ceiling potentially fields and then Bears or Rams defense we have the Rams

Defense higher this week there you go uh Louis Al please help in a full PPR I have Kyler etn Kamar cup lamb alive McBride and JT starting don’t hate that at all not um bench I have Eckler J Will javante Williams Jamar Chase and Connor who do I start I

Have man I have javante Williams one St one spot behind Alvin Kamar Kamar presents more upside because of his potential work in the passing game but here’s my issue and I talked about this in both my running back episodes this week when Kamar came back from his suspension dude was getting

More targets than most wide receivers in the NFL those have disappeared over the last several weeks even with them being super banged up at the wide receiver position so I have no idea what his changed but he has lost his ceiling BEC well excuse me he’s lost his floor

Because of it because he is not not been good on the ground this year he has not been good he’s been extremely inefficient not scoring a ton of running touchdowns and he’s really used that passing game work to kind of prop that floor up it’s not there

Anymore that’s a problem if he doesn’t get it this week his he’s kind of screwed yep I think gavonte Williams is a little safer well you don’t have to start either one of them because they’re both on the bench well in oh really are you starting somebody else he’s got ET oh you’re

Talking about he’s got etn and Kamar in his lineup so you want to go I’m talking about potentially switching Kamar and javante swiching those two so I mean when I take a look at your lineup you have upside with lamb could have a huge night against Detroit tonight etn has a

Really great matchup for him as well they’re going to have to run the football to win they to win has good upside McBride has huge upside again JT has potentially a good starting matchup and I’ll explain why in a few minutes because people are going to push back about Las Vegas and I’ll

I’ll I’ll give you a little mythbuster here in a second um I feel like you have a decent amount of upside but I think etn JT and Alive also can be Boomer bust I want to get a little bit safer I’m going to go javante Williams over Mar I

Want to get a little bit safer I need just a little bit more floor and I think javante Williams has a better floor in this lineup well there you go that’s just what was your my mythbuster about JT so I heard a lot of people saying hey

Why are you so high on JT Las Vegas has been really good against the run as of recent and I understand that and I’ll give you the numbers here in just a second on what that looks like so over the last four weeks the Las Vegas

Raiders have allowed the one two 3 four five six fewest rushing yards in the NFL so the numbers off the top they look good right they look good but here’s the issue last week they played against a Kansas City Chiefs defense or Kansas City Chiefs offense that lost Isaiah

Pacho pretty early in the game he went out in the first half right yeah I think it was like second quarter so and he was running pretty hard at that point had a rushing touchdown you know was looking pretty darn good um the week before that they played the Los Angeles Chargers and

Completely poo pooed on top of them to the point that Los Angeles couldn’t even think about running the football because they had to go as fast as they possibly could so of course La didn’t run the football and they didn’t give up any yards in that game the week before that

They played against Minnesota and lost three to nothing and Minnesota’s R rushing attack has been garbage all year long Chandler’s shown some spurts here or there but they haven’t been like that’s not like a top tier running game that you expect to have a good week now

The week before that against the healthy Pacho they did limit him to 55 yards but he scored two touchdowns JT when he is healthy and Zack Moss is out again gets just as much volume as the top five running backs in the league against a defense that hasn’t

Been as great as the numbers perceive it to have been over the last four weeks weeks they’re going to run the football against Las Vegas and if they get any type of a lead they’re going to keep running it give me JT this week I’m all

On board there you go myth busted busted all all all your face not not busting not busting busting not bu bu okay took a long long route around that question there but we got that Tak care of nuisance becoming a member of hold and chub nuisance welcome into the exclusive

Headliner Nation appreciate you uh Darren Messinger hey fellas in a flex got to go with Jake Ferguson or Jaden Reed thank you I think if you’re looking for floor it’s Fergie if you’re looking for upside it’s Reed yep I agree the way that they use Reed in the running game

And the passing game his upside just a little bit higher yep Nathan M welcome to Holden chub thanks for joining the exclusive headliner Nation welcome in Bango becoming a member for the 15th month Happy New Year’s Eve happy New Year is eveeve it’s eveeve

Okay I was gonna say I was like wait a second wait a second new as always you guys are awesome Bango appreciate Bango listen at this time of the year you could say it was July 4th and I would probably believe you because I’ve lost

Track of what day it is so it is what it is beard bellich chuba or sequin starting CMC Nico alive and more um I’m pretty sure I have saquan higher still I’m almost positive I do at number eight yeah going going with saquan there Brent McDuff celebrating three months with us

As an excessive chub member Brent he got so much chub so much call the doctor because he’s had that chub for three months now should be starting Stroud or Fields this week also start two running backs and one in the flex we already answered stoud and Fields St is going to

Be safer yep Fields be the higher upside we just have that weather concern um one in the flex between bar zamir white bejan and etn at receiver start two from Mike Evans DJ Mo and Cooper cup if I had to guess are you going Evans and cup over DJ Moore Evans

And cup are over DJ Moore yes look at me I am just on a roll and the flex so two running backs and one in the flex so I can we can pick three from Barkley zamir white bejon and etn I am a 100% going etn if you want the most upside it’s

Going to be white bean and etn that’s the most upside if you want to play it safe we’re probably doing uh Barkley over beon then at that point bejan has a good matchup passing game wise on the ground not so much but he’s going up against who is it again Chicago Chicago

That’s right Chicago doesn’t allow a whole lot of uh yards on the ground but they allow the I think it’s the most receptions and the third most receiving yards to running backs which is obviously where bejan can um can definitely give you some really nice upsides so white Barkley and etn if you

Want to play it safe white bean and etn if you want the highest upside love it Jake we’re locked in this week let me just tell you what we’re winning so many ships so many ships this week y’all are setting those lineups and y’all are going to be celebrating I am a

Little bit disappointed just as a side note in one of my leagues Kyle I am not playing for the championship but Jaden is my son so it’s like I’m torn cuz like I’m pissed that I’m not going to win but I’m kind of Pumped up and want to see

Him win but then I don’t want him to like carry the belt around the house cuz then I’m just going to get pissed off you know what I mean so I don’t know I’m kind of at a loss here that dude’s going to be wearing the belt and only his box

That’s all he’s going to wear on the house is just the belt like nothing else and it’s going to be irritating and disgusting put some clothes on I know um Brian Jackson two for the flex in a PPR League Derrick Henry likely Higgins locket and Osborne two uh two for the

Flex probably leaning Higgins here we talked about this before the stream went live Jamar Chase is at practice but he’s not doing anything related to his shoulder he’s only doing running stuff yeah and the part that worries me is with Higgins now given the options I

Will probably end up going that way but going up against Kansas City they just basically shut down Devonte Adams I mean I just don’t I don’t want to to go out there and be like I’m pumped to start Higgins I would start Higgins knowing that there’s a chance that it’s not a

Ceiling day okay um I mean honestly I’m just going I’m going with Henry and Higgins and I’m hoping for the best because I don’t want to lose either one of those guys in my bench I’m going likely in Higgins that’s a likely answer from you

You like them tight ends I was all over those tight ends last week not as good as a week as I would have hoped but it also wasn’t awful just a whole not a whole lot of touchdowns from tight ends last week right Derrick Henry ran for nine yards

The last time they played against Houston on 20 total touches he had 10 total yards I think I get I just do I think that’s going to happen again no but also Houston has been really good against the run and we know that with CJ stoud being back if if we find Tennessee

In a negative game script we know taji Spears is going to be on the field even if he doesn’t get volume he still plays more snaps when they are behind I hear you I mean upside wise I got to go like Le and Higgins if you want to play a safe

Floor then throw Derrik Henry in there over likely but man I just I don’t love it either yeah I don’t love it but I would hate to lose I mean because here we go because in the past we know that Derrick Henry has annihilated Houston like over his career

Yeah and yeah he sucked like two or three weeks ago whatever that game was for sure and it’s more than likely that his days are numbered in Tennessee do they run him into the ground in meaningless games because they’re not GNA have to worry about him going

Forward I don’t know I don’t I would hate to lose if I started Isaiah likley who got six points and Henry had 26 on my bench and I lose because of it like that’s just one of those guys that I don’t know if I could live with it

Personally yeah jeffy’s right though I mean who doesn’t like a good in these days you know what I mean 100% I agree it definitely it it hurts for me to be so against Henry and championship week because remember that article that I wrote when we were still doing articles

On the website about Derk Henry Y and how the breakout campaign was coming and I put it on Reddit and I got absolutely trashed for about three months and then all of a sudden Derrick Henry had that breakout campaign he’s always held a special place right here in your heart

Yeah and down there and now you just turned your back on the king got it you take it his crown if Addison’s out do I go Gabe Davis or Demarcus Robinson in the flex I have puka as a wide receiver to Championship baby what where are you

Reading this from oh is this Thomas Allen yeah I got you okay I didn’t know where you’re I didn’t hear the name yeah Thomas Allen okay do you go Gabe Davis or Demarcus Robinson personally if it’s me I’m going Demarcus Robinson I was going to say the same thing I I just

Know I can probably trust him a little bit more Gabe Davis May outscore him he may have another boom week but in a game that have that could have some bad weather and Gabe Davis literally has like five games over the last two months with like less than two fantasy points I

Know the boom weeks are nice but they’re impossible to Peg so I’m going with the Marcus Robinson LeAndre Nicholson becoming a member for the ninth month need to start three in a full PPR from Evans Pitman Adams Collins DJ Moore and mclen championship week baby thank you

Guys for all the guidance LeAndre we got you baby Evans is g to be one absolutely Collins is g to be two Absolutely I’ll let you pick the hardest one the part I’m going with Michael Pitman as the other one I mean now that we know that he’s back in the lineup he

Is good yes I didn’t get caught up on everything yesterday cuz we were driving for six hours so there was some stuff I missed now he was also good at this time last week Kyle so this is true that is definitely something to pay attention to

But I’m going with Pitman as of right now now because Evans Pitman and Collins then yep 100% Christian compost what up Christian Hey Jake and Kyle and the final and ready to win love it my final line in a standard league is Josh Allen Gibbs and Kiren AJ Brown and iuk KD

Masterer uh Buffalo moster Buffalo D and Aubrey bench Elliott puka zamir white and likely holy Lord I love that lineup and then I saw your bench and I’m like oh dear lord I want to start some of those people yeah I mean based on rankings that’s who I got in

There I have puka as my wide receiver nine right now oh boy do you have auk below him I do but they’re back toback puka is at nine auk’s at 10 oh my God and auk has a matchup going up against Washington which is great he just has to split the

Ceiling with Debo is the only reason with moster like slightly limited this week and their matchup Baltimore against Baltimore I I would not sitting the rb2 on the season absolutely is not something I would want to do but I also also would not fault you if you wanted to try and play it

Safe and just ran with puka over moster knowing that most’s day is probably made from a touchdown more than anything which he’s been known to get a lot of this year 21 times to be exact yeah yeah I I have a hard I totally get

It but man I’d have a hard time yeah sitting any I don’t want to sit any of those guys if I’m being honest so I mean it’s a great team no matter who you throw can you call your your person you’re going up against and be like hey

Can we start everybody in our lineup and we’ll just take total points yeah we because I can’t imagine they have a better bench than you to be honest probably not uh TC 7786 with the $20 Dono TC with five membership gifts and $20 Dono today so our TC appreciate you

Playing for third place do I need to change anything pie Barkley Mixon Pitman Debo KD then McBride in the flex there we go TC putting a couple tight ends in the flex there bench Goff Ridley Kamar and Reed thank you for both all of your effort and work you put into this

Channel happy New Year TC Happy New Year to you as well I am rolling with what we have there y I am too yes I am y I’m rolling with that your running backs don’t have the biggest upside in the world for me so in the in in championship week I would

Rather have someone with a little bit more upside but Kamar also isn’t where I would want to go either so I’m good with what you have there y Jesse J Noy becoming a member for the 26th month we here all year all year hey we get a

Little hashtag we here all year we here all year we here all year we here all year if you plan on staying around all season as a member of the channel stay sub headliner Nation stay subbed I’m working on so many things I’m so excited I started putting together my big board

For the NFL Draft last night started working on that a little bit I’ve got several film reviews that I want to do here in the next couple of weeks already so much members only content we’re still going to be doing videos all offseason uh we’re going to be doing um some

Underdog stuff during the playoffs still so you’re not going to want to miss out on that if you want to see a little green on your screen hashtag green on your screen green on your screen green on your screen green on your screen sorry you are not a good

Cheerleader like if if I went to an NFL game and you were a cheerleader I would not watch you I would rock the hell out of the outfits I’ll tell you that I don’t know I’m gonna take a pass on that one especially the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders like I would fit right in

Don’t you think so much so much hair everywhere just just so much hair so much and it would be like you’d see hair coming out of places that you just wouldn’t be able I just be like no that’s definitely would have to make sure manscaped was used prior to that

Game oeg official becoming a member for the 29th month now that everybody left what up goats my season didn’t finish well but I do appreciate what you all done for me this season bring on the offseason and draft guide already ordered oh yes oeg appreciate you someone became a member for the 15th

Month and then retracted the message so I don’t know who that was don’t know who it was nuisance also it says nuisance became a member for the six month but earlier in the Stream it said they became a new member I know maybe they had to reup it I don’t

Know caught me off guard Championship Time full PPR pick two from Isaiah likele or Sam leaport thanks for everything guys forehead kisses wait a second pick two and you only listed two did you mean pick one or pick two cuz if we pick two then that’s super easy it’s

Like maybe the easiest question we get all day was there supposed to be was there supposed to be a third option there nuisance can you let us know if I have to like if I have to raid them oh I know likely was really close to lepor I think he was over him

Actually he is I’ve got likely at six and laporta at seven this week and it’s nothing against laporta just Dallas is a little bit of a tough they have really athletic linebackers and that helps them kind of cover the middle of the field where lorta would

Eat the most so I’m just I’m a little bit worried about a ceiling I’ve got likely a spot higher so if I’m picking one it’s likely then leaport if I’m picking two it’s easy if there was a third option you didn’t put in there can you let us know yes please eeman

Becoming a member for the ninth month I need two in a flex moster Kamar Montgomery bean and zamir white also have McBride and likely full PPR thanks for everything I am going with the running backs in this position so I’m not flexing likely I’m playing McBride

As my tight end and I’m not flexing likely I would go with moster bejan and crazy enough zamir white those are my top ranked running backs out of that group I mean I can’t really argue it obviously I want to throw in guys like David Montgomery and stuff too but I was

Zamir White gonna get as many touches as he’s going to get in that game going up against a a great match up in Indianapolis like I I I got to agree he’d be in there as well well new Min Pi pick one okay perfect um TKO with the $10 Dono half PPR my

Running backs are Kiren JT and moer wide receivers are lamb and Jaden Reed on the bench zamir white and Terry McClaren would you make any changes evenly matched with my opponent I’m running with that right there I am too yep I’m I’m not risking it with Terry this week nope uh two

Swift onepoint PPR got Allen Diggs Devonte Smith Bree Hall Gibbs leaport DJ I’m assuming more bench with it says Devin I’m assuming that’s Devana Chan okay white I just realized that when people just put white in the chat I have to remember that it could be zamir Wright or Rashad

White yeah that could be a problem today so if you’re going to put white in the questions we need to know is it zamir white or Rashad white yep um Gus and likely uh two wide receivers running back one flex help who should I start for wide receiver and flex I mean the

The lineup that you have right now I move DJ Moore to the bench and I put in either zamir or Rashad I don’t know which one that is but it doesn’t matter because they would both be over DJ Moore for me yep I would agree with that other

Than that I like what you’ve got set up already yeah y Jeffrey foot pick two for the flex I need help and I have no other options C Demario Douglas Curtis Samuel taji Spears Kenneth gainwell khil Herbert and chiggy oo two of them I don’t even know if I

Want to pick one of them Jeffrey much less I gotta pick two of them I I don’t love this but I’m going Curtis Samuel and if you want to play it safer you go Taj Spears for a safer floor since I think they could be trailing in that

Game if you want to gamble for some slightly higher ups I we go chioko at the tight end position there at the uh the other Flex spot but I don’t I don’t love any of them none of them are just like Clear Choices for me Curtis SEL I

Think can kind of fly under the radar this week get some action in a game they’re going to be losing plus now with jacobe brassette injured probably going to have Sam Howell again so we know he looks the way of Curtis Sam so I’m going Samuel and Spears if you want safety

Samuel and OKO if you want to gamble Jake what do you think about a little back and forth half flow let’s do it which side do you want I’ll do the the chat the regular chat okay I’ll say in the soups then okay all right you can go first because

I need to refresh the Super Chat just in case go ahead and refresh it how about we have Irvin Alvarez Raiders defense or Rams let me see Raiders or Rams Raiders or Rams I have where’s Vegas at I have Vegas higher the the Las Vegas Raiders the Q

Becoming a member for the 29th month fighting for a TI title can Diggs cup ecka and Henry go off dude started Haul on the Cleveland defense I need a 40 burger from Lamar great season fellas the Q it could happen but please don’t hold your breath just in case yeah just cross everything

You can all might 776 jiren hall or gof I understand I don’t love the matchup for Goff but I’m not going to sit him for jiren Hall who’s a very unproven NFL quarterback so give me Goff Jess Chrome and a full PPR two running backs two wide receivers and a flex from bejan

Zamir Montgomery achan javante cidd Godwin flowers and Chase also Josh Allen or pie we have Josh Allen over pie right Jake yep and then for the two wide receivers were definitely going CD lamb and then I would guess flowers over Godwin flower um I don’t know about that

One this week I have I have flowers at 22 Godwin at 23 boom look at me baby we’re on and then for your two running backs bean and zamir are going to be my highest ranked uh and then I would go javante Williams after that don’t love the matchup for David Montgomery this

Week T oh crazy oatmeal says Jake picked two out of likely Everett and gdt I’m going with likely and GD this week I don’t dislike Everett but I like the other two a little bit more I was getting ready to just take over let it flow playing for

Third place from TC 7786 again with a 20 bomb in the Super Chat do I need to change anything from py Barkley mix and P wait is this not the same one that we I don’t know I can go golf Ridley it’s the same exact one I don’t know if

It showed up twice or if you did it twice by accident TC but we did answer it if you need me to answer it again just let me know yes um becoming a member for the 18th month what’s good fam thanks for everything I’m hurting this week that one didn’t count start

One in my Flex from Henry Trey McBride or Demarcus Robinson need the highest upside it’s Trey McBride BRZ uh D’Angelo duberry love that uh Stafford or perie I like both of them a lot this week I have Brock py two spots higher though uh lmb with a 10 bomb what up fellas down

26 points already in the ship in a full PPR need two run running backs in one Flex from Pard Pacho or C Zeke zamir white and Noah Brown your two running backs for me are going to be P what they play at what time again which who Pacho Kansas City four o’clock

Yep um Pard plays tonight what time toes Zeke play one z z plays at one two right yep all right so for one of the I’m going zamir white for sure in one I am going then put Pacho in now and if peo is ruled out

For any reason then go ahead and roll with c one of those guys are going to play I know both of them are banged up but Jerick McKinnon’s not playing so one of those guys are going to end up playing and it already sounds like Andy

Reid thinks Pacho will so put peo in if something happens I’m sure zamir white is playing so go ahead and throw peo in as well and and then um trying to let it flow and I can’t even do that got some slow got some slow flow where do I have Zeke this

Week why can I not find him I’ve got him at 18 I’ve got Zeke higher against Buffalo because his pass catching upside he’s been targeted more than any other player over the last four weeks in New England I’m going to go Zeke Pacho and zamir white here Rio says Pickins or mclen I

Liked mclen a lot more when we thought it was going to be jacobe brassette now that’s probably gonna be Sam Howell and we know that Mason Rudolph wants to throw the ball hopefully down the field to George Pickins they’re both gambles but give me Pickins Brian Keith becoming

A member for the ninth month got one team going for a championship thank you Headliners Brian appreciate you thank you to you and good luck uh Dalton if Jamar Chase I’m guess you’re say if he plays he’s my Flex one point PPR who get the start out of zamir white if Jacobs

Is out Jacobs is out or Demarcus Robinson I mean it’s I’m going zamir white 100% there just due to the volume he sees I’m not so sure that Jamar Chase is playing yet yeah he’s running all over practice but he’s got a shoulder injury last time I checked you don’t run

On your shoulders so we’ll have to wait and see Joe Lopez with the 20 bomb Jake Kyle thank you we got back to back to the championship or we got back to the championship excuse me I just assume everyone’s going back to back let’s set this championship lineup one quarterback

Two running backs two wide receivers and a flex plus a defense Lamar or gof is Lamar is definitely higher than golf this week yep bejan Gibbs Kiren and achan it’s going to be as of right now it’s Gibbs and Kiren then St Brown auk Ridley puka it’s going to be St Brown and

Puka and then if you want the highest upside possible go with auk if you want to play it maybe a little bit more safe go with bejan personally I’m going to play auk over bejan because I think auk has more upside and I think bejan’s floor could

Be God knows where any given week yeah can’t trust uh can’t TR trust old Arthur Smith over there how about Gabriel do I start puka and McBride or do I sit puka and play KD and McBride I’m not sitting puka he’s it’s gonna be puka and McBride

For me Donnie Cash becoming a member for the eighth month for Championship glory in a full PPR pick from Deontay Johnson jacobe Myers or C love you guys let’s bring in 2024 with a what I’m talking about Deontay Johnson jacobe Myers are C in a full PPR jacobe Myers Jake over Deontay

Johnson probably but I don’t love it but yes probably that’s where I would go then I think the touchdown upside may be a little bit higher for him this week yeah um how about Jordan lovees consistency or Justin Fields upside for Brady Ray personally if it’s me I’m a gambler okay

I don’t go out there and just always play it safe I’m gonna go out there and put put it on the table you know what I mean so I’m still going with Justin Fields if the weather is bad maybe he doesn’t throw as much but that leads to

The pocket breaking down can’t move the ball down the field he’s got to scramble a little bit more so I’m still going with Fields Caleb block rank them from Kiren Jay Taylor Swift etm I need upside thanks boys it’s Kiren it’s etn it’s Swift and it’s Taylor in that order for

Me okay how about I’m a liar I’m a liar damn liar k a damn hash it is Kiren it is etn it is Taylor then it is Swift all of those running backs are in my top five this week Christopher do all super chats get answered Absol freaking lutely we’ll uh

Be working on them for the next hour or so but like we answer them in the way that they’re received uh PPR this is for Dusty Hobson PPR start two out of bejon James Cook Montgomery zamir white and Elliott in a PPR format still oh man you got plenty of options

That I do like I If it’s my team I’m going I’m going bejon I’m going bejan and I’m going zamir White AG neita flex and a half PPR from Pitman or M McBride I think I’m gonna get a side eye from Jake here but I’m going Trey McBride over Pitman this week

Patrick auger full PPR need two out of zamir white Joe Mixon Zeke Elliott zamir white would be one of them I think he’s the safer option of the group and then after that in a full PPR I’m GNA lead Zeke for all the checkdowns that he gets Miranda nicely with their

10th Super Chat Miranda appreciate you I need help with my wide receivers and a full PPR pick two from Thelen Reed Judy Demarcus Robinson and jacobe Myers full PPR is going to be Reed who’s highest from Thelen Robinson and Myers Jake um you say this is full PPR yes

Thelen Thelen okay that’s what I was thinking but I needed a double check let’s go with theen and Reed there um Ridley or Lockett for kaisen 22 now that we know about Trevor Lawrence I’m a little bit more worried about Calvin Ridley Tyler Lockett hasn’t been

Consistent though for weeks on end in a matchup going up against Pittsburgh I’m still gambling and I’m hoping for the touchdown upside of Calvin Ridley Bruce cowry need two in a full PPR from Rasheed Shahed Douglas Demarcus Robinson or Slayton second in a full PPR Connor

Or Zeke full PPR it is absolutely Zeke over Connor for me and then as far as your wide receivers go give me give me Demarcus Robinson and a little Shahed Rasheed touchdown Shahed perfect just Flo Championship weekend sit one out of Brandon Cooks Rasheed Shahed or Romeo

Dos he gets extra points for 40 yard touchdowns and 50 yard touchdowns if that’s the case we going for them big boys uh getting the big uh deep touchdowns down the field it’s Brandon Cooks and it’s Shahed because for whatever reason Green Bay can’t commit

To Romeo dobs week in and week out Devin chowski Eagles or Bears defense knowing the weather in Chicago I had the Eagles defense significantly higher than the Bears already prior to that I’m still going to roll with it um Gabriel back again would it be feasible to sit iuk for

KD and do I just sit KD alog together I mean personally if it’s me I’m going auk over KD his floor is safer weekly than that of KD even though they both have crazy high upsides I’m still going with with auk over KD G Hefe play Pard over

Zamir nope I’ve got zamir white higher would hate if Jacobs decided to play being doubtful if they’ve already got him listed as doubtful and he’s barely logged any practices over the last couple of weeks I highly doubt he plays this week I’m rolling with zamir white overpowered still parla Ora Orie Ari

Carla Carla a please help mshu or stum I’m not trusting Jarrett STM in my fantasy Championship I’ll go with Gardner menu with a return of Michael Pitman instead Danny dolman becoming a member for the 15th month it is championship week and a full PPR pick one Flex from Nico Collins Austin neckar

Devonte no that’s not Devonte Adams ston Diggs James Cook already starting Stafford William Swift AJ Brown and jedha thanks ooh One Flex from colins Eckler digs and cook that’s a hard one I’m glad your highest upside is going to be Nico Collins here but the problem with that

Is do you really need that much upside with William Swift AJ Brown and Justin Jefferson yes if you want to go for broke and you want to just absolutely annihilate your opponent and make them cry the rest of the season knowing that they were significantly worse than you

Put in Nico Collins for sure if you’re like I just want I just want to play it safe here because I have so much upside available to my team anyway then it would be Austin Eckler Josh prao momes or py for the chip I get it a lot of

People are disappointed with Mahomes this season he’s just an an above average starting quarterback right now but he’s not Elite in fantasy terms honestly this week I have Brock pie going against Washington higher than Mahomes this week Brad Booth becoming a member for the 32nd month good morning

Headliners hope you all have had a great xmiss and have a Happy New Year same to you Brad take home some chips this week I’m trying to get to best of luck Brad Jaden sharf worst team you’ll ever see in the finals who do I start at the

Flex John doson Antonio Gibson Noah Brown I also just picked up Nik mik Hardman I need much upside I mean at that rate now that we know that defitely not Mel Hardman it’s not Mel Hardman uh now that we know that CJ Str is back I’m

Going to gamble and I’m going to go with Noah Brown and hopes that he can get a little bit of extra space with Nico out there taking away some attention Trix becoming a member for the 22nd month Reed Ridley obj or Curtis Samuel C Pacho Herbert from De Bears or Patterson

Thanks for a great year um Reed Ridley obj or Curtis Samuel out of that group I’m gonna go with Reed C Pacho Herbert from De Bears or Patterson it’s definitely going to be either Pacho or C if Pacho plays it’s him if if PCO is out then it is

C uh Pitman or Tai Chandler for the flex for Jay quer quar I can’t pronounce a name to save my life today welcome to my world that’s right I got to start picking easier names uh no uh I’m gonna go with Michael Pitman still I don’t dislike Tai Chandler but the way that

Michael Pitman has produced consistently when on the field is something I can’t turn away from everybody’s gonna be going into their YouTube Pro profile that Chang her name to John Smith for the next hour like Bob yeah Brenton nope Christopher Brandon what up guys Happy

New Year and a full PPR my lineup is Dak beon deont AJ Brown DJ Moore lit pora and Nico I have didley Noah Brown javante and cancade on the bench should I make any changes thanks guys you’re the best I have javante Williams higher than David Montgomery maybe David Montgomery

Ends up having a little bit more upside due to touchdown potential but I think from a pure your yardage standpoint especially with no Russell Wilson now this week I’ve got to go javante Williams with a much safer floor I’m playing him over David Montgomery appreciate the 20 bomb I’m not making any other

Changes all right I kind of lost my spot here so I was trying to keep up with you just Brendan bushan becom a member for the third month what up Headliners need two and a full PPR from KD Ferguson leaport and Aaron Jones with no Keenan n waddle I’m hurting thanks for everything

I am probably going to go I have to see where KD is at real quick I think I have KD at like three or four yeah I’ve got him at three I mean my two highest ranked tight ends are KD and Ferguson I would probably lean towards

Being a little safe with a little upside and I probably actually play man if you want to play it safe go Ferguson and Aaron Jones if you want more upside go KD and Ferguson um let’s see here we have just because I hate myself Kyle I’m trying to

Pick some difficult names we have George Christo dakis he just wants to say headliner Nation you guys rock we appreciate that um let’s see here fourth and schlong Su Headliners why can’t we see the questions at the bottom like we normally do is it just me

I don’t know what you’re referring to we never have questions on the bottom of the screen never have in seven years so I have no idea what it is you’re referring to there um Jesus BM one defense Cowboys Jags or rank RS let me see here Cowboys no Jags or

Rams where’s Rams at I’m going with Jacksonville against Carolina Trevor Andre need flex help for a PPR start one of the following uh Elliot white Meyers G or Osborne give me zamir white boy he better have a good week this week I tell you what yeah he he better uh Drexler

Singer at full PPR Flex do I start zamir white or Jaylen Warren I’m probably still going zamir white there you’re right we’re probably going to end up saying zamir White’s name a ton today Kyle um Robert Coleman in a full PPR pick two from Zeke peo White Jones in

Hubard um as of right now because we don’t know about Pacho your safest bet would end up being Zeke and white if you want to try and risk it with Pacho and he doesn’t end up playing then you could end up going to Aaron Jones on Monday

Night or on Sunday night cuz there is Monday night game on Sunday night if you wanted to so um Zeke white best upside go with Pacho and white uh if you’re willing to risk it a little bit and then you can swap over to Aaron Jones if you

Need to Josh Arnett Jordan love or Kyler Murray I have Kyler Murray um five spots higher than I do Jordan love I just expect Kyler to be trailing like they always are in Arizona he’s going to have to throw all four quarters Matt Walters with a 10 bomb and

A half PPR stoud Connor White Tyreek Chase Everett Chandler would you all put single T in for all any of my running backs single has more upside than Conor if you need more upside which you don’t even know if Chase is playing and it looks like you’re asking

If Chase is out do you play Pickin or dos do is going to be safer if you play Pickins you just have to hope for big plays again like he had last week I would say you need to play it a little bit more safe or you need to play for a

Little bit more upside so I go probably single ter white and Chandler and leave Conor on the bench instead and then uh play for that upside and go picking at wide receiver and just keep your fingers crossed Tim Westby says how do you get a membership you hit the little blue join

Button right underneath the video Tim and you can become a member there we also have Mark Arden Evan Ingram or likele I like both of these guys this week I think likele is going to be your safer floor bet but if you’re gambling for the higher upside if we have CJ

Bethard I think he’s gonna lock on a lot to Evan Ingram so I’m going Ingram for the higher upside Somebody’s knocking stuff over in my garage Christian Campos final lineup in a half PPR Stroud Hill Diggs Gibbs moster nooku DJ Moore zamir white buter Texans defense King Henry

Monty Jaden Reed a Chan and flowers Gibbs moster nooku DJ Moore zamir white nope I’m leaving it as is you’re locked in baby Paul wolfer which quarterback field Stafford or Carr what’s crazy is all three of them are inside my top 12 Fields has the highest

Upside but we also have the chance of bad weather staff may be the guy who’s playing the best that gives you the most consistent floor and ceiling Carr is a high upside guy but has the most risk of the bunch if it’s me I’m probably leaning towards Stafford because I think

His floor is safe and he still got that higher ceiling AG welcome to Hull and chub thanks for joining the exclusive headliner Nation Red Hulk becoming a member for the 27th month pick three and a full PPR from Chase Deontay achan javante Williams Amir white C Pacho um

If it’s me I am not relying on Jamar Chase I’m going to go Javonte Williams zir white and Pacho there and then just go to C if Pacho is out also need two wide receivers and three flex and a PPR from Chase Adams Pitman DK javante Chandler and white so for your three

Flex Spots I’m going javante Chandler and white for your two wide receivers if you want the most upside I’m going Pitman and DK if you want to play it safe go Adams and Pitman all right Kyle I’m going to try to help you get caught up we’ll go back and forth in super

Chats for a couple minutes okay um Eddie mavelli full PPR Monty Connor or C if it’s me I’m still going with the guy in the best offense that gets touches I don’t love it but I’m still going Monty Andre Melo need two running backs two wide receivers and a flex from Collins

DJ Moore am and raw flowers Naji C Adams and moster needing all the upside this week so for our two running backs needing all the upside it’s definitely going to be mo moster and then you’re going to have to play na since peo sounds like he is

Going to play this week two wide receivers definitely going to be Nico Collins then you’re going to go Aman ra St brown with him and then as far as more upside after that man Z flowers has more upside for me than DJ Moore or Devonte Adams so I would say because

You’re going upside all over the place if you want to play it a little bit more safe do you have Adams over more this week probably not um no I have DJ Moore two spots higher I would say DJ Moore if you want to play it a little bit safe

Plus mix in some upside and then flowers if you just want all the upside in the world but no you’re sacrificing some floor J par no you’re good I that’s what I was gonna say J Parson welcome to Holden chub an official member of headliner Nation Ricky Ricky full PPR upside

Question for both y’all question one start one wide receiver One Flex out of Nico Swift Pitman zamir white that’s a lot of great options if I’m going for my wide receiver here it’s going to be Nico Collins for my Flex play if you want to

Play it safer you go zir white if you want to gamble then we go with Michael Pitman question two start one wide receiver one running back one Flex we got Ridley DJ Moore zamir white Kenneth Walker Chandler and Jaden Reed for the one wide receiver I’m going with I’m

Going with DJ Moore for the one running back I’m going with zamir white and for the One Flex for the One Flex I want it to be Kenneth Walker and is there anybody else you have that plays after him just in case yes I plan on Kenneth Walker if

Kenneth Walker does not play for whatever reason then you can pivot to Jaden Reed on Sunday night Ricky Ricky in a full PPR upside questions question one jsn or Demarcus Robinson I’m going to go regardless of upside or floor I’m playing jsn over Demarcus Robinson he’s

Just he’s been too good for Seattle down the stretch here and then if Z flowers gets ruled out should I go GD or jsn I’m also going jsn there as well night Mara Schultz or Everett T or rice zamir or Monty thanks boys I’m going I’m going with Schultz at tight

End I have Rashid rice over T Higgins this week and I’m going zamir over Monty Ethan M start two from zamir single ter or moster it’s deir and moer uh Ricky Ricky says question for both y’all for upside full PPR need one wide receiver and two flexes out of metf

Higgins Jaden Reed Eckler Walker Connor javante Williams bejon zamir white C wow for my wide receiver I’m going DK metf and for your two Flex plays I’m going man I hate to sit some of these guys in Championship weekend I’m going with zamir white and bean Robinson uh big route becoming a member

For the 14th month morning guys has moster dropped it all in your rankings he has not if he played plays he stays right there if he doesn’t play then we kick him out yep San 24 strad returns and superflex need to sit one out of Mixon Swift metf or DJ Moore need this

Chip I think think if you want to keep all the upside in your lineup you sit Mixon if you want to play it a little bit safer then you sit DJ Moore vvhs 20 starting running backs Kiren and Kamar wide receivers Hill and Thelen flexes Chandler benches Aaron Jones Naji Deonte

And Demarcus Robinson do I change anything I am sticking with that right there yeah I’ll stick with that yep okay FZ wear Adams Devonte Smith Reed Gibbs Kamar beon and Chandler need two running backs two wide receivers and a flex okay so for your two running backs I’m going

Gibbs and beon for your two wide receivers I’m going Devonte Smith and Devonte Adams going double Devonte and then at your Flex spot between Reed Kamar and Chandler I’m gonna Gamble and go with Kamar um Julius cook Flex paard white chanet and then Baker or Stafford Stafford higher than Baker this week yes

Stafford for quarterback white for your flax David Herrera out there dropping the 20 bomb says starting Kyler Diggs DK Kamar Henry saquin leaport Elliott and the Bears D on your bench you got Naji Addison C Shahed you’re going to against Josh Allen Devonte Adams olave KD Bree

And James Connor lost confidence in my team what do I do don’t lose confidence you’re you’re in the championship for a reason right you’re definitely there so don’t worry about that Anything Can Happen we’ve seen that over the past couple of weeks really I feel like you have the best

Overall lineup in there being that you’re going up against Bree Hall who kind of started off crazy hot already this week if you wanted to go for a little bit of added upside but just know that it’s a gamble it’s Shahed over Zeke but that is definitely a Gamble and not

Safe you have the safest possible lineup as of right now John Campbell pick three from Kiren Williams Gibbs Taylor or Pacho I’m going Williams Gibbs and Taylor there pick two from Chase London Demarcus Robinson or KJ Osborne I’m going to be going with London and Demarcus Robinson because we have no

Idea about Chase at this point it doesn’t look good lost waddle and Cooper that’s what I’m going with there uh we got Mando junor 97 should I go Pard or Zeke crazy that this is actually a question this year but Zeke is probably going to be the the better safer option

As of right now um Pard C Chandler or a Chan in a full PPR pick two thanks from Brendan Bond Brendan appreciate you um I haven’t said Tony PD’s name a lot today I will say it right here and I’ll say chandler and Pard for me Andre Miran PPR JT starts per usual

Mythbust uh who is the rb2 out of Jacobs white um javante Connor Chandler achan I have doomar L Porta and Dak today need safety upside I’m I’m going with zamir white out of all those options he gives you the safer floor and still has a high ceiling um John Alderson Mixon Kamar

White Chandler Aaron Jones two running backs in a flex please thank you both and the team Mixon Kamar and white for me will be my three kle you know what it’s time for Houdini weeny in what’s going on out there my friend says what’s up guys thanks forini that’s right thanks for

Getting weenie weenie Houdini anyway thanks we houd all four of my teams to the playoffs two for the chip and one fighting for third Pitman out last week screwed me big time lfg PPR pick two out of javante Kenneth Walker Aaron Jones and DeAndre Hopkins I’m going javante Williams as one of

Them I wish we knew more about Kenneth Walker for sure because we don’t I’m going Aaron Jones as your second option I scrolled and I did not realize we were as far as behind that’s why I’m helping you out boogi akinola thank you so much for your support out there

Aubrey dropping a 10 bomb thank you both for all the help this season playing for first need two running backs a tight end and a flex out of JT Zeke moer James Cook zamir white Ingram Ferguson okay so for your two running backs two running backs I’m going with JT and I’m going

With zamir white scratch that I’m going JT and moard as your two running backs at your tight end spot over Ingram or Ferguson I’m going with Ingram his upsides a little bit higher still at your Flex spot oh man I’m if it’s me I’m going zamir white in your Flex Mike suterland

Standard knee3 Taylor Bean Henry achan Zeke and C is going to be Taylor and bean for me and then I will go Henry over a Chan radioactive I need one running back in one Flex position in a PPR Pacho zamir white Adam Thelen Aaron Jones and Alvin Kamar thank you for the

Major help absolutely appreciate you out there so I get to pick two of these in a PPR I’m going I’m going zamir white as one of them and then a full PPR I’m gonna I’m going to gamble and go with Alvin Kamar as the other radioactive I need one running back and

One Flex I just did my bad TKO welcome to Holden chub thanks for joining the exclusive headl Nation Christopher with a 10 bomb two PPR League need two and one overall the the hell you talking about Christopher two PPR League DST need two and one overall

I’m just going to rank them in order then Denver Colts Bears Rams and Las Vegas Denver is at seven the Colts are at 10 the Bears are at 11 the Rams are at three Las Vegas is at 24 so it is the Rams Denver col Colts bears and Raiders

In that order since I have no idea what you’re asking my apologies Flex Kamar Nico Smith achan JT zamir or Reed if I’m only picking one out of this group here if you want the most upside it’s Nico if you want to play it safe it’s JT I’m

Probably leaning JT here a little bit flex Barkley Reed Hubbert or Nico once again if you want safety it’s Barkley if you want upside it’s Nico I actually might lean Nico here a little bit though over Barkley rb2 JT Kamar Mixon achan zamir out of this group it’s JT for me

And they make br or KD it’s McBride okay we had G Santos saying did you skip my Super Chat no they’re all answered in order we’re still trying to get through all of them we can only talk so fast I’m pretty sure if you guys like having your

Chat at the very top it says top chat fan funding you can drop down and see where you’re at in the queue we’re going right in the order of they were received how about Christopher Kay start two in a PPR jsn Noah Brown Gabe Davis or Shahed

Well a lot of those guys are all Boomer bust they’re all going to score zero or probably around 16 if it’s my team I’m gambling going Rasheed Shahed and with the other one I probably play it h I think I honestly Chris K being that they’re all

Boomer bust I think we just throw our nuts on the table and go Gabe Davis and rashed Shahed both of them nuts baby jongo 31 Stephen what’s up baby just wanted to wish you guys a Happy New Year also thank you for all the amazing content that’s Stephen’s 20th Super Chat

On a live stream jongle appre appreciate you baby uh again I’m blessed with Houdini weeny we got a PPR two r two running backs two flexes out of poer Jones Connor single Terry Monty Higgins Pitman also one defense okay let’s do the other ones first for the two running

Backs I’m going with a bunch of risk here we’re going David Montgomery as one of them we’re going Aaron Jones as the other as your two Flex options we’re going with t Higgins and Michael Pitman and then for your defense out of Denver Las Vegas Houston Indianapolis or the Rams so Denver Las

Vegas Houston Indianapolis or the Rams wait for I’m going Las Vegas out of that group there Terry oh no no no Tom Robbins pick one from do slayt and Demarcus Robinson are Osborne in a standard leave give me Demarcus Robinson Terry Hudak Hudak Terry in this chat unfortunately got knocked out last week

Just wanted to say thank you guys for all the hard work on the season happy New Year and forehead kisses Terry we appreciate your support for the last 15 months here be sure to hang around Terry we got some good stuff coming up here in the offseason Nathan Neely in a PPR I

Have jc4 James Cook dh22 DeAndre Hopkins tp20 I’m assuming is Tony par with no D Zeke or Zeus if no Jacobs is Ze zamir white is that a thing apparently I don’t I don’t keep up with all the number nicknames honestly I don’t boy Chase is just playing it was just announced I’m

Looking I’m still looking bioi your I said that wrong I apologize your Super Chat did not have a question with it it was just a super chat if you post it in the regular chat we will keep an eye on it but your Super Chat had no question attached to

It Andre we’ve answered a couple of super chats from you all already so I don’t know if you missed it or if you have another one coming up that we just haven’t gotten to I don’t see anything official about Jamar Chase yet all right we are not seeing anything about Jamar Chase yet

Make sure you guys have those sources if you’re posting it in the chat cuz now we’ve had to stop to go look for it okay hook us up with good information um okay need two running backs and a flex I have Nico as my current Flex lamard or stoud Jake Lamar

Or Stroud who’s higher this week Lamar okay Lamar is higher this week I’m going with since it’s a full PPR I’m going with Zeke I’m going with James Cook and I’m going with zamir white here um let’s see here G Santos need to from zamir white Chandler DJ Moore Shar

Is on waivers give me white and Chandler here oh dh22 is Derrik Henry [ __ ] what yall come up with all these number nicknames for yeah just just say Henry pay two more dollars to just get a few more SPAC fit anyway put Henry in there cuz now I have to go back it

Is it is still the same for for me Zeke Zeus and Tony Pard okay and then did you do G Santos or no yes you’re on Deon Turner all right Devon Turner BEC a member of the sixth month didn’t make the finals either in my leagues but most

The most trying year of fantasy after winning two out of the last three years hate the feeling thanks for all your hard work don’t get disappointed Devin I I know we’re all competitive right we never want to lose but that’s just part of fantasy football if you never lost

And it was never a struggle it wouldn’t be as fun as it is sometimes coming back from behind and and playing the underdog at times it’s a good thing so don’t get too discouraged out there uh hubard plays at one Kenneth Walker plays at four as of right now you’re probably

Going to have to lean hubber Tom Robbins because we don’t know if Kenneth Walker is going to play or not unless you can get Zack sharan a on your team somehow um and if you do then if Walker’s out then play shbs uh Javier compos Carr Taran Hall Miss jiren Hall Easton

Stick or Mason Rudolph you need two two of them Derek car is going to be one of them my next highest ranked one is going to be out of Hall stick or Rudolph is going to be East and stick for the second one um that was Javier yes Isaac

Rodriguez in a PPR lineup as prie and then Aman raah DJ Moore Mixon Henry McBride Tai Chandler in the flex achan C Reed Ridley thielen any swaps no I’m sticking with that right there um we got heat flash standard Le do I need to make any changes starting Stafford Pard Kenneth Walker Pitman

Rasher rice KD Higgins Ravens defense on the bench you got zamir C Tua Lockett Ridley and shbs only thing that I do I’m putting zamir white over Tony Pard if it’s me other than that I’m keeping it the same Rob d82 becoming a member for the 29th month and a half PPR Flex

Javante Chandler or KD already starting CMC and iuk or hope for Jamar do I start Dallas D or Vegas I’m flexing javante Williams in that scenario and just rolling with it I’m not waiting for Chase and I’m not playing KD when you already have exposure to CMC and iuk and

Then Dallas D or the Vegas D I’m pretty sure Dallas is higher um yes Mr Vic looking for my second Championship thanks to you D higher yep okay perfect looking for my second Championship thanks to you Jake and Kyle pick three in a full PPR out of bejan zamir Pacho and javante Williams

I’m going Bean zamir and javante Williams this week all right let me everyone’s asking in the Super Chat all everyone’s asking ladies and gentlemen we are behind on super chats if you’re asking if we got it there is a good chance we did especially if you were charged for it

And you saw it come through we just have not gotten to it yet so stay stay patient with us we are trying to get caught up I saw a few of you ask already and for a majority of you that have asked yes I have seen yours come in but

We are not to it yet so just stay you’ve seen it on your screen it will be read if you see it on the screen it’s coming guys we haven’t stopped talking for an hour and 15 minutes like we’re gonna keep on going we you just got to give us

Some time to get through it um who did you just read yes Mr Vic you’re you’re on Christian castanada Okay Christian castanada in a 14 team or 14 man PPR and in the semis or in the the finals excuse me I have quarterbacks Goff and Lawrence mcaffrey Kamar Connor Singletary Pitman

Rice Ridley Pickins McBride and Browns Christian appreciate the $10 donation I don’t you didn’t ask a question though you just said your team so am I picking anybody here I mean Lawrence H it might not even play has he been officially ruled out me see if it’s official I know he

Was doubtful I’m I’m playing with golf tonight you can’t wait on Lawrence and see what happens running backs would be mcaffrey Kamar single ter and Connor in that order wide receivers would be he is out so you have to play golf um wide receivers Pitman rice Ridley and

Pickins in that order McBride at tight end and Browns defense so I just ranked them for you so then you can pick who you need to out of it it just so happens that I get a third of the day PPR One Flex Aaron Jones Monty Gus locket leaport you already

Have Trey at tight end McBride so only one of those I’m going with Aaron Jones I’m gonna gamble a little bit G Hefe please help in a PPR po or white go ahead and give me white overp this week even though even if it’s Rashad or zamir yep

Roger vew need two running backs and one Flex out of Swift Monty C and Chandler so I need to basically pick three of these guys we’re going with Swift we’re going with zamir and we’re going with Monty and the flex boogi okay so here’s a super chat

With a question attached to it so I don’t know if you meant this one but you sent two super chats this is the second one I’ve seen from you and there is a question here I’m in a PPR Championship who should I start cook Zeke Connor or single

Ter wide receivers AJ Brown cup and Higgins I need to start two wide receivers and two running backs with one Flex Brown and cup are your wide receivers easy cook and Ezekiel Elliott are your running backs I would if you want to play it safe go with Devin single ter but

Higgins probably has substantially more upside than single ter but also his floor I believe is a lot lower as well uh Steve welcome to Holden chub becoming an official member of headliner Nation then we got Steve mcqueston with a question PPR would you change anything about the quarterback being stoud Mixon

White lamb and puko Waller tight end Flex is olve Falcons defense and you got Elliot on the bench Connor KT Higgins Nico and Zeke wow tons of great options there um I would love to get Nico Collins in there but lamb puka and ol are all great options to already have there zamir

White and Mixon I probably don’t change either if you want a little bit more safety maybe it’s Zeke over Mixon but honestly the way you have it is the way I’m probably going to be leaving it right now Brenton bushelon need two Flex in a tight end from KD

Leaport Ferguson Aaron Jones zir White Kamar thanks guys um One Flex will be zamir white for sure KD is my highest ranked tight end Ferguson would be my other Flex if you want to play Upside if you want to play it’s safer than go Ferguson white and

Kamar all right here we go I know you’ll try to pronounce it again so it’s he in one syllable like he in big trouble unless you pick a quarterback Stafford or momes that is a great thank you so much for helping with the uh the pronunciation I know we struggle every

Single week hean but thank you very much for that help so between Stafford and momes it may sound crazy but I have Matthew Stafford higher this week than Patrick Mahomes um Eddie P I’m up 27 points and have two spots for Debo Diggs and N which two are you playing Debo and

Nea Devin chowski in the chat Goff or Carr H I actually have Carr one spot higher keep in mind I may have to stack with Aman raw too Kyle can’t answer because he’s a boys fan oh that Devon is Happy New Year headliner Nation I’m still going even though you got Aman raw

There I’m I got Derek Carr a little bit higher as a safer option this week with a safer floor Paul D and a 10 team full PPR finals my starters are Herz Bean Rashad AJ Brown I’m and R mcbright and puka I have Dak and JT on the bench should I swap anyone

Um okay so that’s Rashad white bejan and Rashad white I have JT over Bean and then I would probably we talked about this earlier with bejan Robinson I’m okay with playing puka over him so I’m putting JT in my lineup and bejan on the bench Mason ruier out there in the

Chat says full PPR full PPR Monty and Connor in now but debating on starting Noah Brown Shahed or dorch you already have McBride at tight end anything I think of feels risky this week those are a lot of risky picks for sure I don’t know if I want to go I

Think the way you have it Macy with Mason with Monty and Connor is probably the safest floor play for sure if it’s me being that some of these guys are a little bit scary I just go all in on the scariness and I go rashed Shahed over Connor Um Tyler Garcia wait who did you just do I did Mason okay I’m on Tyler starting stum over GF this week am I insane I don’t think you’re insane but I think you’re overthinking it Broncos fan yeah I mean you got a Broncos logo in your in

Your name there oh man PPR superflex do I flex Jaden Reed Ridley hubard or golf also which D Las Vegas Indianapolis or Baltimore so as far as a superflex league goes I would be okay starting sidam and Goff this week I would go with both of those guys before I would go

With over or any of the other options that you have since it’s a PPR League you could start Golf and go with Jaden Reed if you wanted to to maybe get a little bit more upside there because I don’t I don’t anticipate STM stepping in and being a game changer for you either

So especially with no courland Sutton so I mean that’s gonna hurt a little bit too yep Fox I dropping a 20 bomb their first Super Chat on a live stream thank you so much says Championship round right now starting quarterback is Josh Allen then you got Gibbs and Kiron

Williams love that wide receiver Hill and puka love that tight end leaport love that flex and Swift I have a full-on chub right now defense is the bills on the bench you have Kenneth Walker Adam Thelen Jaden Reed Zeke Elliott Texans Colts and Noah Brown okay

Or honestly the way you have it is the way I’m leaving it my biggest question is why do you have three defenses on your roster the only thing I can be thinking of is you’re trying to block an opponent and if that’s the case then the

Last week of the Season more power to you uh but yeah I like it how you have it right there and I’m I’m leaving it as is um Goldie D with a $5 Dono Goldie appreciate you Steve with a $5 Dono hey fellas neita flex and a wide receiver

Demarcus Robinson Deontay Johnson Curtis amul Shahed Shahed Kenneth Walker or Pacho going for the chip baby so what time does DeMarcus Robinson play he’s got to be an afternoon game right Um I don’t know let me see I accidentally closed the schedule so um no they play at one yeah they’re one Deontay Johnson plays at 405 okay this is what I’m going to do here this is what I’m going to do let’s go ahead and lock in

Kenneth Walker and Isaiah Pacho if for some reason Kenneth Walker isn’t playing then you can go ahead and go with Deontay Johnson at that point then he’s playing since he’s playing a little bit later and then if for some reason peo isn’t playing either then you could go uh maybe

Not I read that wrong f it I’m risking it we’re going Kenneth Walker and beo try to grab somebody off waivers that you could use that has a late game game that you could throw in there but I’m sorry I can’t I can’t justify if Kenneth Walker and peo play and you

Start any of these other guys you’re completely hurting your lineup yep for sure all right we had another five gifted from tc7 out there I don’t know if we already shouted that one out but hey not that once again greatly appreciate the support tag says need a championship kicker Myers or Super C

Hello from Vancouver British Conn BR we got some we got some people from Canada out here in the chat I think my last two questions have both been from Canada out there Canada can Canada a uh out of Myers and super cou let me see here I

Have uh given the weather for Chicago I got Myers a little bit higher was that it yeah Adam Walker morning Headliners how do we feel about Eckler over Henry this week I have Eckler over Henry this week his matchup is better also need a flex between

Godwin and DJ Moore give me some DJ Moore would you start stoud over love yes I would going for third thanks for the content Adam appreciate the 10 bomb nailed it Doug nailed it Doug Fenton two we ship round Murray Swift Hall JJ Alan Ross Schultz white brown Sanders versus

Strad CMC Aaron Jones lamb Devonte Smith Ingram puka Rams and bass who wins this week I mean Hall was off to a hot start there so that was a great start uh for for that team overall I still give the slight Edge to the stoud team but it’s not by very

Much your turn Kyle Dr exquisit and two championships thank you so much headliner Nation my last question for the year and a full PPR Zeus or Montgomery for the running back spot slot slot spot slot spot Zeus over Montgomery for me tell Ty to suck it she doubted me

She said Dr exquis Exquisite said she though remember I don’t tell wives girlfriends side pieces to suck it if this was your grandmother though she would be in then it’s okay but I will do this um Ty stop dting people now go to your room

Uh the the chefs dropping a 10 bomb half PPR Flex Aaron Jones or Tai Chandler and then defense you got the Ravens or the Jags I’m gonna Flex Aaron Jones and I got the Jags over the Ravens uh ju fona guys need two wide receivers in the

Flex Pitman Nico auk J Reed Kamar Happy New Year’s and forehead kisses forehead kisses give me Pitman Nico and I UK there Fox Ivy gifting a membership to the headliner Nation Community thank you fox Mark championship week full PPR any changes between Allan cook Kiron Williams AJ Brown Nico Collins KD zamir

White the Jags and bass on the bench you got Jamar Chase DJ Moore Javonte Williams Tai Chandler and Chris Godwin no I mean I absolutely love your starting lineup I’m not changing anything I got to give a quick shout out vapor in the chat my CDL brother and

What is going on baby Snake Eyes 11 no no no that’s 11123 becoming a member for the 12th month need help in a superflex league to bring home the ship starting hurts have no Russell Wilson do I go with jiren Hall jacobe brisket um Derek

Carr or do I grab tyod off of waivers out of that group right there I’m going Derek Carr that’s a pretty easy one for me thanks guys let’s bring the ship home let’s hook it up let’s bring it in baby Jeremy Vincent thanks Headliners for

Getting me to the ship but I still need help etn or Rashi rice at the flex spot and then Stafford or stoud that’s a lot closer now let me see I have Stafford one spot higher than stra and the rankings they’re both inside the top eight as for etn or Rashi

Rice I think Rashid rice is going to give you the safest floor so if you’re just looking for a solid flex play it’s rice if you need to shoot for some higher upside though with a little bit more risk that’s when we go etn Dr squiz

It just wanted to let us know that he has no sexual relations with Ty that it is just a female league mate so is it is it back on the table now I still can’t do it Ty suck it Jake will do it then okay

I got was that AP ziby that you just did or is that me that’s you you did Jeremy yes AP zby with his 20th Super Chat Championship time baby tough time for Keen and Allen to be out need Kamar to stay healthy and a PPR need one Gabe

Davis Josh DS locket currently has Herz CMC AK olave javante thanks Headliners happy New Year AP Happy New Year to you thanks again for the 10 bomb I’m going to go Tyler Lockett here I’m go Tyler locket all right mirinda nicely I’m flexing javante Williams and Tai Chandler with Jaylen

Warren Jerry Judy Demarcus Robinson and jacobe Myers on your bench full PPR thoughts I don’t hate it I don’t hate it I think that that’s probably the safest option I think if you wanted more upside You’ go Robinson over Chandler but it’s more of a risk that way the way you have

It I like the amount of volume you could see there from your Flex spot so I probably don’t change it um you just did mirenda right yep Kyle not paying attention Kyle Jonathan right and a half PPR pick to zamir Gus Noah Brown I’m going zamir and Noah

Brown there and then Hunter Henry or Everett I’m going to go with Everett at tight end cuz Hunter has been Hunter Henry has been banged up Jay new need to pick two and a half PPR bejon Mixon or Monty I’m going with bejon and man give

Me I think the safer floor play is still going to be Monty his ceiling just isn’t going to be what it has been in weeks past if it’s my team I’m gambling and going beon and Monty if you want to play it safer as beon and Mixon he end with

The $10 Dono proud to be a non CMC owning finalist and there’s not very many of those one of only 40% of the teams out there but afraid because I’m facing him pick one well there it is then pick one in a full PPR from Noah Brown Deontay Johnson Demarcus Robinson

Or ce8 S Paco we got to go Noah Brown here and just hopefully he has a huge game for you yeah I mean he’s probably the higher upside guy Demarcus Robinson’s been pretty safe here as of late um Maggie lost Lawrence only quarterback on waivers are stum hall or brassette who’s

A game time decision and faces the 49ers who should I get if it’s me I’m I’m I can’t even believe I’m saying this I’m going jiren Hall only because of the weapons he has to throw it to stum without courland Sutton what can we expect from that

Offense so I’m going jiren Hall and just praying that it doesn’t backfire uh um Raider Raiders Broncos Jags uh allrise 99 we’re going with the Jags there on defense Chris half PPR start a Chan C or Jaden Reed in the flex have t Chase and Ridley for wide

Receivers had Bree and beon set in running back spots also Raiders or bears I’m going Raiders or bears Raiders or bears where’s that one at Raiders Bears okay so for the first thing you say you have t and Chase and Ridley for wide receivers like are those the ones you’re starting because we

Don’t even know if Jamar Chase is going to play or not for sure yet the only question here the first one achan C or Jaden Reed in the flex I think if you want to play it the safest you go Jaden Reed if you’re willing to gamble it’s

Devon Chan with no jayen Wadd in the lineup but it’s a difficult matchup uh so it really depends how much of a risk you want to take as for the Raiders or Bears defense I’m going to lean towards Las Vegas beast mode Kane pick two from Conor

Monty or Zeke go ahead and give me Monty and Zeke there basil Hazelwood hey guys love the videos and thank you for all the effort you put into them I’m wondering do you think Lamar or Brock for quarterback and then etn or moer also if you have time do you trust

Jefferson so for the first question Lamar or Brock I have Lamar higher this week um etn or mostart I can’t sit a guy with over 20 touchdowns this season I just can’t there’s too many opportunities and with no Jaylen wadle maybe they have to rely on him a little

Bit more so I’m going moster by a hair do I Trust Jefferson I trusted him a lot more with Nick Mullins jiren Hall is just an unproven guy in the NFL we don’t really know what to expect but what we do know is there’s no TJ hackinson and

Jordan Addison is not 100% healthy so Jefferson should get peppered with targets I scrolled you scrolled take Bryson half PPR need one running back and two Flex zamir white rice Elliot Pacho C Ridley Chandler GD already played in joku should I pick up the Raiders defense over the Broncos I

Prefer the Raiders defense this week as that question for the one running back in the two Flex I’m going at the one running back zamir white and then for your two Flex plays I’m going Rashi rice and in a half PPR gim me Zeke Elliot uh William butlicker only but licker our prices

Have never been lower thumbs up in the chat if you know what I’m talking about cuz Jake does not thank you guys for all your help I need to pick one running back right and two yep and two Flex between Warren C Herbert Ingram down Z Jones KJ Osborne or Jamal Williams one

Running back and two Flex I’m going with Ingram as one of my Flex I’m going with Jaylen Warren as my wide rece or my running back there and then I’m going to also go with Herbert as well allrise 99 I’m going to keep going for another one

Half PPR zamir white or Jaden Reed I’m going zamir white you did that because you want me to get a long one from Newton nman G with the $20 donation thanks for a great season I’m the six seed verse the one in the championship match up in a half PPR choose three and

One wide receiver and two Flex oh choose three one wide receiver and two Flex flowers mccan uh McClaren Cooks jsn Noah Brown Tai Chandler RI to my dad oh boy ripped to my dad 1221 23 cheering on my team and giving forehead kisses from Heaven forehead kisses no man I am very

Sorry to hear that you just recently lost your father thoughts prayers out to you and your family absolutely um especially this time of the year it’s always difficult to deal with that stuff so uh keep your head up let us know if you need anything we’re here baby okay

So six seed versus the one seed we have to pick a wide receiver out of flowers mclen and cooks and jsn and Noah Brown I got flow highest I’ve got a feeling about Brandon Cooks tonight man put him in the flex I I don’t I don’t dislike that either I’m

Going Tai Chandler as one of my Flex and then I would say if you want to play it safe go flowers and jsn if you want more upside go flowers and Cooks well you can put one of them as a wide receiver in two flexes so you can flexx flowers and then

And exuse me you can put flowers in your wide receiver and then Flex Chandler is one of my flexes so then I need two wide receivers for the wide receiver and flex spot yep yep you got it uh quick for rb2 Javonte Williams Jaylen Warren chuba

Hubard or zamir white and witch Flex out of the given running backs or Nico Collins damn it I really want to play Nico Collins so for the running back two I’m going zir white and then flex and ni uh kobus hatting becom a member for the

Ninth month with moster limited or do I go with Chan or Chandler I’m playing moster if he plays I’m not playing either of those guys over moster if moster plays if moster out then I go Chandler brri says if Kamar doesn’t play do I go with Henry or Williams at that

Point I gamble and I go with Derrik Henry William butlicker again forgot to mention it’s a full PPR does not change the answer that I gave you does not change the answer that I gave you I am still sticking with your running back being Jaylen Warren and

Then your Flex being Ingram and Herbert there so I’m still sticking with those Christian compos thank you guys for all the content and for helping me get to two out of three Championship Finals almost had all three but lost someone that had Amari Cooper shaking my head

For my earlier question I kind of missed it puka over moster in the flex for a standard Happy New Year’s o it’s a standard League mhm I’ll let you answer it I just wanted to read it oh you just wanted to read it I mean in a standard in a standard

League it makes mostard a little bit more intriguing because of the touchdown upside but given the matchups even though it’s standard I probably still lean puka uh and appreciate you Christian for the $50 Dono huge old Dono in the chat let’s get a little Christian scrolling

Through the chat right now as a thank you 7730 thank you for your advice I keep getting mixed answers for this question Barkley or rice and a full PPR Barkley’s is going to be your safest bet rased rice is going to be your highest upside so it really depends on what you need

This week in my opinion yeah I don’t dislike either one of them completely Young Money says need a quarterback two out of stick Hall bethard stum or Mason Rudolph out of the options there the highest ranked one I have is east and stick Mira one of my top five favorite

Members here on the channel hi guys I hope you both had a great Xmas and have a very happy New Year good luck to everyone I hope you all get these ships today forehead kisses for kisses hopefully you had a great holiday as well Mira hean is the frequent most

Mispronunciation from Kyle and correction from Jake a bit it’s hilarious final championship question Broncos Rams or bears is it a bit no Kyle he just has it ingrained in his head to say it that way and I cannot let it slide if I hear it so I always have

To correct it um we have the Rams highest okay there you go the Rams highest for the defense Anthony C one wide receiver and one Flex from Higgins Reed Douglas Connor javante Williams thank you locking javante Williams is my Flex and give me Reed as my wide receiver Joey catellis PPR start three

Out of Jaden Reed David Montgomery zamir white bejon Robinson and either Kansas City running back since you have since you have both of them all right so start three of them it’s going to be beon it’s going to be zamir white um and then if you want to play it safest

Next would be Jaden Reed if you wanted to gamble it would be David Montgomery if it’s me I’m probably leaning towards Jaden Reed Jonathan Rodriguez Dak or Fields we’ve got Fields higher right um upside wise safety would be Dak though D safety is Dak still okay also thank you

Guys me personally I’m going with Dak I just I don’t know how Detroit stops them tonight also thank you guys for all the content I made the championship in three out of four leagues and it’s thanks to you guys Jonathan we were a small part

Of it it’s thanks to you you guys fill out your lineups listen if we’re going to sit here and be like y’all can’t like come after us and blame us when you set your lineups we also can’t sit here and say hey we’re going to take all the

Credit that you did well no it’s your lineup if you did well it’s because you said it maybe you use some of our information to do it that’s great that’s awesome we were a small part of it but you ultimately made the decision that has led you to this road

Trey Perez becoming a member for the 18th month I’m going again thanks for all the Heth this year fellas Happy New Year’s full PPR Flex C Deontay Johnson or Judy that’s a tough one I shouldn’t have gone again you shouldn’t you shouldn’t have taken this question I’ll go Deontay

Johnson there and since it’s full PPR and boy you got to just hope yeah unless you’re willing to Super gamble with no courland Sutton that Jerry Judy just gets a butt ton of targets um and then Jags are Colts defense it’s Jacksonville higher and then concer craft wait hold

On a second yeah it is the Jags higher and then craft is higher for tight end uh and then he’s in he’s in 16 leagues and made the championship in nine of them that’s it’s a pretty good percentage right there Ed Miller what’s up fellas half PPR need a wide receiver

Two running backs and a flex out of Reed flowers Robinson Brown Henry achan Monty cook and Warren damn so for your one wide receiver out of Reed flowers or Demarcus Robinson or Noah Brown I have Z flowers highest for your two running backs for the two running backs I’m

Going Derk Henry and James Cook and then your FX play out of Reed Robinson Brown achan Monty and Warren if you want to play it safest I go Demarcus Robinson for safety if you’re wanting to gamble more it’s Devon Chan all right I lost where we

Were at my family is waiting for me to go to laser tag and Cony Island I’m going to shut off super chats that’s fine and if we can like let it flow through this to get caught up I would greatly appreciate it because I’m getting text messages asking

When I’m gonna be done yeah exactly my kids my daughter just texts me she’s like Hey Dad I thought you said you’d be done by 230 yeah you’re like oh yeah well we are way behind yeah go ahead and shut them off I’ll keep going for right

The second okay um Ken Hawk half PPR need to start two of the following Chandler Montgomery Kenneth Walker single Terry or Ezekiel Elliott thanks for all the help this season uh need to start two of them I’m going with Ezekiel Elliott as one of them and Kenneth Walker as the second if

Kenneth Walker can’t go you can go ahead and then pivot to Ty Chandler on Monday uh Roman dallos gifting a membership to headliner Nation out there Brian F 2011 start two out of niik cup etn DK Zeke in a full PPR damn it that’s too many options if

It’s my team I’m probably leaning towards Nico and cup Logan is that crack Logan cak zamir white or Aaron Jones and Waller or likely at tight end got a chance to win my league for the first time awesome congrats on that I’m going zamir white over Aaron Jones and then I’m

Going I’m going likely over Waller at tight end for a little bit of safety there in that matchup Matt cards quarterfinal half PP how could it be the corner finals have be the semi-finals right it would have to be unless unless Matt out there playing week 19 by himself week 19

Um Noah brown or KJ Osborne give me Noah Brown Eckler or Zeke I’ve got Zeke higher since it’s a half PPR and then Chargers or Tampa I have got I’ve got the Chargers higher all right we got um Danny Ariaga Jr half PPR bench one out of Pitman

Connor Chandler Eckler or Isaiah Pacho tight end Goddard or Schultz I’m going Goddard over Schultz and if I had to bench one of those options I don’t love it but I bench James Connor yes Andre we are gonna get to all super chats I just had to turn them off

So we could get caught up because I got to be done by three um who are we at now sorry Joseph V vido Joseph VTO Ridley or Reed need hu huge upside I’m still going to go Reed over Ridley here if Lawrence was playing I would go Ridley I’m not

Trusting a backup quarterback with Ridley with how inconsistence he been give me a read Omar Reyes need one and a half PPR Zeke Tai Chandler KJ Osborne Jaden Reed also Stafford or Stroud thank you Happy New Year’s and good luck to all happy New Years to you as well Omar

One and a half PPR I’m going to go with Zeke and then I still have Stafford higher than stoud ever so slightly Kevin Fanning do I gamble on the Kyler Flu Game or start golf tonight I’m all right starting golf tonight if you want to play it safe Kyler would have more

Upside in my opinion but again you don’t you don’t want to have to worry about that especially if you don’t have any other options it really would depend on who’s going to be on waivers but based on your question the way you gave it to me it’s it’s golf Tim Westby two points

Per reception need one wide receiver One Flex out of Chandler Le pora Connor Z flowers pigin Demario Douglas stick with Tua over menu or Levis happy New Year yet I know it’s closer Tua yes Tua is still going to be the highest of those options and for the one wide receiver

And one Flex I’m I’m putting Z flowers at wide receiver and then I’m flexing Tai Chandler allrise 99 Everett or craft give me Everett let’s go Brandon we got thank you for all your help fellas start qu start question of Puka or Brandon I UK and then jir Gibbs or Jonathan Taylor

Why can’t we start all of these guys I have puka one spot higher than auk and then I’m gonna go with Gibbs just over Jonathan Taylor um Andre you did send a super chat but you retracted the message so I have no idea what the question was now

I’ll see if you have another one coming up here soon Central Coast wild cat playing in the championship full PPR any help Jordan love CMC James Cook Chris Godwin St Brown etn Derek Carr chuba Hubbert Aaron Jones Deontay Johnson Demarcus Robinson and Shahed so if your

Lineup is love do we have love over car this week no I got car higher we’ve got Derek Carr over love I thought that that’s why I wanted to ask CMC and cook were going to leave in St Brown we going to leave in I’m playing Chris Godwin

Over Robinson and Shahed etn I’m leaving in at the flex so I’m leaving your lineup as is except for switching the the quarterbacks uh now we have Michael Lopez in the championship picked two out of jsn Demarcus Robinson Evan Ingram you guys are the best if it’s me I’m going Demarcus

Robinson and I’ll probably go with jsn as more of a safer option out of the two um Eric Watson in a full PPR pick to from Kamar C zamir white Zeke achan I already played be Bree hall for the ship since you’re off to a good start I’m going to

Go Kamar and zamir white I am not sitting Kamar for C cuz Pacho last we heard from Andy Reid he looks like he’s going to play this week we don’t know that for sure and I’m not going to risk it I’m going Kamar and I’m G to go zamir

White Here Andrew full PPR picked two flex two Flex one nothing we got Walker Mixon white Barkley Chandler or Jamar Chase already have Hill and St Brown both my teams project to score 138 help you say two fle you need two Flex and one but there’s nothing after the one so for

Your two Flex Spots I’m going with zamir white and saquan Barkley and I don’t know if you would need anything else after that because you already have the rest of your your lineup there so give me zamir white and sequan Barkley Andrew Stephen tahada PPR Mahomes or

Stafford not that it matters if it’s PPR but I’m going Mahomes over Stafford start three from Tai Chandler moster cook white if Chase doesn’t play Douglas do Shahed or Demarcus Robinson safer floor out of this group here Demarcus Robinson probably has the safest floor for you and then starting three from

Chandler moer cook and white I’m going moster and white for sure if you want to play it safe it’s cook if you want more upside then it’s Chandler LC just found the Pod welcome absolutely one point PPR need one wide receiver if Chase doesn’t play out of London dorge CH Johnson also

Need One Flex out of moard or poo thanks I’m going to go moard over poo still and then after the one wide receiver if Chase doesn’t play my next highest one is GNA be Drake London yes Cammy cam super chats are off right now because we’re still behind and

I’ve got to be off at 3 o’clock to go play laser tag with my kids so um we had to turn them off to get caught up did you just do Omar Reyes or is that me no that’s you all right give me Omar Reyes then bills are Raiders defense I’ve got

The bills higher and then in a full PPR flexs KJ Osborne KT Demario Douglas or Quinton Johnston yikes probably Demario Douglas here because KT is still iffy right now from last I saw um the Warman 82 we got Mayfield love or Kyler Murray as of right now

Kyler Murray is one spot ahead of Baker Mayfield but if you’re worried about the sickness of Kyler Murray and you’d rather play it safer it’s Baker Mayfield Andre help wide receivers to here’s your question now in defensive special teams so flowers picking Myers and Addison Douglas Shahed Cooks Johnson CH

On waivers I’m playing flowers and Meyers here if you want more upside then pick up Brandon Cooks drop pickings and go flowers and Brandon Cooks if you need more upside and then Las Vegas Chiefs and Falcons I’ve got the Falcons the highest there Robert Jameson as well thanks for the $2 donation

Donation there you go Jason Matlock Flex one of Kelsey zamir Adams or Walker kind of tough yeah it is um I think if you want to play your safest option there it’s zamir white that one gives you the safest option if you want to gamble on the higher

Upside that’s when we go with Travis Kelsey there but I think zamir white gives you the safer floor regardless uh someone became for a member for the eighth month and retracted it James jamus sit one from po Diggs and Higgins I’m sitting Higgins there I’m sitting

Higgins out of that group CJ hudat pick one from the Rams Texans and Seahawks Rams for me and then Carr or Kyler right now Kyler’s higher but if you’re worried about the sickness and rather be play it safe it’s car perfect and then we have vew blue full PPR if

Walker is out do I F like shonet or flowers if he plays also what defense Raiders Eagles Rams or Falcons thank you for your help throughout the season guys so for the first question if Walker is out do you Flex charbonnet or flowers as of right now I’m going flowers and then a

Defense Raiders Eagles Rams I have the Raiders highest and who was that Reginald that was Reginald uh third wide receiver Demarcus Robinson or Shahed since this is your wide receiver three let’s shoot for upside baby give me some Rasheed Shahed here and then I’m gonna go Everett over

A cono and Jan Johnson Wes fiser full PPR two wide receivers Reed Higgins dobs Noah Browns Shahed jsn uh we need two of them I’m going there a lot of them are going to be gambles anyway so I’m going with t Higgins if you want to play it a little

Bit safer you go Jaylen Reed if you want to gamble it’s rashed Shahed is the next one at two running backs you got Gibbs bejon Zeke and Walker two of them I’m just going with Gibbs and beon and locking them in and then at tight end

McBride or KD I lean McBride by a hair and then Flex one of the leftover options I’ll probably end up flexing Zeke there as my next option um Sam Hansard with a $20 donation his first on a live stream Sam appreciate you starting momes Kamar Chandler aute Collins Ferguson and Bean

On the bench metf Connor Pacho Kyler Murray Osborne Demarcus Rober and zamir white any suggestions in a PPR going for the ship personally I have zamir white over Kamar I am making that switch there if you want to play it safer I would also switch out bejan and

Go with Pacho but we also don’t know if Peko is playing so personally I probably leave it as is and then change Kamar and white and do it that way Cameron Ramsey with his first Super Chat on the live stream half PPR with random bonus points

Goof or love at quarterback I have goof higher and then boners yep and then Everett or Waller at tight end um which one you got higher Kyle ever or Waller I’m sorry I’m going Waller you’re going Waller Waller safer Waller safer Waller is safer with ever has more upside though I got

You actually now that I think about it I think I might have Everett higher than Waller well go look at it I might also be lying to you I do I have Everett at 10 and Waller at 11 I’m going Everett here all right well there you go uh thank you for

Everyone saying bless you by the way yeah Jessie Villa Lobos coming remember the third month in the championship thanks to you guys not it’s all because of you I had Bree and Cleveland give me a good lead so far this weekend looking for a bit more floor half PPR start

Leaport or Ferguson you guys are awesome I’m gonna lean towards personally I’m going towards Sam leaport ched ahead and a half PPR Ridley Warren jsn or Demarcus Robinson give me Warren here Carl Bru full PPR for the chip starting perie beon Rashad AJ Brown Debo puka Gerald Everett on the bench Connor Pickin

Flowers no Brown CH any changes going against mcaffrey cidi Josh Allen Kiron and Godwin so you got your hands full in your matchup there Carl but the way that you have it set right now is exactly how I would have it for sure um Joel 0120

And a half PPR pick three Running Backs from moster Chandler white white pick three wide receivers from Diggs McClaren Osborne dobs Robinson wh Char and Addison so for your three running backs it’s going to be moster and it’s going to be the two whites Rashad and zamir

And then for your three wide receivers it’s definitely going to be Diggs I’m also going to throw mclen in because none of your other options are safe safer and I’ll go Demarcus Robinson as well allrise 99 Walker C or Tide Chandler in a standard I want it to be

Walker but if Walker is ruled out we’ll know that before Tai Chandler plays so plan on Walker if he’s ruled out then I’m going to go with Tai Chandler um Daniel Davis becoming a member for the 32nd month thanks y’all for everything you do in a full PPR uh

Javante Williams or zamir white and downs or Mingo give me white and downs here Ricky Ricky Higgins or Reed I need upside and a PPR given the matchup I probably gonna lean towards Jaylen Reed um Phil RS picked two from leor KD Higgins and C in a full PPR go ahead and

Give me Porta and KD here George P happy New Year guy Happy New Year’s guys fields or Stroud this week Flex achan Monty also have Gibbs two or flowers I have let’s close stoud fields has the higher upside Stroud’s the safer play uh personally in this situation I’m going to go stoud

Because out of the flex options you’re going to have to take a risk and I’m going to say I’m going to risk it right now as Z flowers uh Chris Melo limped in his team is better I’m playing for upside and a half PPR super Flex car or love upside

Give me some Car Las Vegas or Kansas City give me Kansas City there rest of Team Jefferson alive Hopkins Walker Kamar zek craft Cooks on the bench thank you if you need upside we have got to get Cooks in your lineup I’m playing him over DeAndre Hopkins quick full PPR golf

Or Gino I have go hire for quarterback and Montgomery or zamir for your rb2 it’s going to be zamir white for me and would you use either over Nico in the flex no I’m going to go ahead and keep flexing Nico vanilla villain sending their $10 donation as their 20th Super

Chat on a live stream and a full PPR 05 tight end premium Monty tonight or roll with Aaron Jones is the second Flex still go ahead and give me some Monty tonight shbs as Walker is out I wouldn’t play shbs over Monty or Aron Jones if

Walker is out still give me Monty there currently have Ferguson at the flex slot for last wide receiver with waddle out Reed Addison London or Johnson give me Reed okay we got Andre melow just says thanks guys headliner Nation Rocks appreciate you Andre Scott Drummond dropping the 20 bomb in the chat says

Full PPR quarterback is Fields running backs are Kiron and Gibbs wide receivers Pitman and AA tight end is Kelce flexon zamir white with the Rams defense on the bench you have flowers McBride Reed Goff your opponent has St Brown and also have the Bears and Las Vegas defense any

Changes so who is your defense in here kicker oh you got the Rams defense I have the Raiders defense slightly higher I hate to sit Trey McBride I think he probably is safer than Travis Kelce which is crazy to say at this point but I probably still leave Kelce in there

For the higher upside Jay new welcome to Holden chub thanks for joining the exclusive headliner Nation stem base becoming a member for the sixth month happy new year and a half PPR need one for the flex with waddle out Ridley Warren what what did I miss look in the chat real

Quick oh Nick’s incredible opinion don’t don’t read it but we know who that’s from right do we yeah I’m you’re guessing it’s his name okay we’ll find out okay we won’t put up with any of that crap if it is okay yeah yeah I just

I want to make sure that we see that there yeah um who was I on stem base happy New Year half PPR need one for the second Flex with waddle out um Ridley Warren Json dorch Douglas and Robinson I have puka half PPR need one will you also take a

Quick picture of that just in case um redley Warren Json dorch Douglas and Robinson need one I’m probably going to go jsn here since it is a oh it’s a half PPR jsn is probably safer but Warren has more upside with me he’s not going to

Get as many touches as nii but I think he’s got that big play ability in a pretty decent matchup he could take two Touches for huge gains possibly score a touchdown and then go over it and then pancakes becoming a member for the third month star I missed a few live streams I

Appreciate all the advice and I won’t cancel the membership sadly lost in the first round win against Amari Cooper pancakes appreciate you and thanks for committing to stay around ladies and gentlemen that is it for super chats I want to say one thing real quick this has been the busiest live stream that

We’ve ever had I believe in week 17 so that tells me a couple of things number one more of you are sticking around longer which is super appreciative because we have been doing everything we can to keep our audience involved not just during the regular season but into

The fantasy playoffs and then all off season so if you’re still here consider continuing to be a member defin defitely stay subscribed because we do content all offseason long so even if this season didn’t work out the way that you would have liked to start preparing early cuz we’re going to be preparing

All winter all spring all summer until next fall gets here but number two it also tells me that yall are playing for a lot of fantasy championships and if you’re here asking Our advice you’ve probably used our information to help you get there so I appreciate it it

Means we’ve been doing something right to help you all get here this year love it but we got to get going ladies and gentlemen we appreciate every single one of you thanks so much for being here thanks so much for being the best community on YouTube and in the fantasy

Industry today we wouldn’t be here for out you all uh without you all I say it all the time in our Discord I truly from the bottom of our heart we appreciate all of you thank you so much hopefully you all have a great rest of the day

Have a great New Year’s I will be here tomorrow morning for our odds Jam stream to talk about some pick thems for tomorrow and then I’ll do our Members Only stream as usual so be here with me tomorrow morning and we’ll let it rip Baby Jake anything you want to say real

Quick before we go no everything you say was great appreciate all the support out there thank you guys so much for another great fantasy football season but we’re not done yet love you all have a great one peace out stay safe stay healthy we’ll see you on the next One the on the line you can’t F and you can’t be got


  1. I need 2 WR, 2 RB and 1 Flex. I have M.Evans and D.Samuel … K.Williams and T.Etienne … R.Rice all locked in. My bench is T.Henry, S.Diggs, E.Elliott, J.Williams… any changes???

  2. dang whatever some idiot wrote stopped kyle in his tracks and i looked for it in the chat and couldnt find it what was said? i know im nosey but it looked extremely upsetting to kyle and i hope it wasnt a threat to his family or to anyone

  3. Which backup do I need to take a shot on this week ? Options are stick, Stidham, Tyrod, Rudolph, Bryce young 🙃

  4. Ezekiel Elliot or zamir white? Also mostert but not confident with achan back. Also raached white, saint r no joke stopping the run.

  5. QB – Love or Carr? For Flex – pick two – Chandler, Singletary, Achane, Goedert, D Robinson, D Douglas? Def – Bears, Denver, Colts, or Rams? Thank you!!!

  6. In non ppr I need 2 RB K. Williams, A. Jones, R. White or ETN. 2 WR DJ Moore, R.Rice, Lockett or Diontae Johnson

  7. Kenneth Gainwell looked like my only safe option on waiver 😂

    Jacobs out mostert out

    I do have allgeier on the bench


  8. hey guys I have E-elliott A- kamara an K-walker an I-PACHECO and T-chandler which ones for my RB and flex spot ?

  9. I have Stafford, but picked up Stroud and Carr to sit on my bench and block.
    My opp has Fields starting in 32 degree freezing sleet on the Chicago lakefront.
    Going for the chip!

  10. Help ok playing in the championship. Full ppr league. For my flex: DJ moore, javonte williams, Jayden reed, or tee Higgins

  11. I don’t need advice anymore or anything because you guys have crushed it all year long. I just wanted to log onto this last video and tell you guys you guys are the greatest in the industry another championship I have won five straight years now with you I am a headliner I am a headliner. I am a headliner. Thank you guys so much.🎉🎉🎉🎉

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