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The College Football Playoff Semifinals Were All Time Classics | Mostly Sports EP 72 | 1.2.24

Mark Titus and Brandon Walker talking sports… mostly.

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Aah N Nah Bar stool Sports are ti Brandon Walker mostly Sport welcome to mostly Sports I’m Mark Titus he is Brandon Walker today is Tuesday January 2nd 2024 we are back from a very very very very long happy New Year Mar break vacation Brandon looks so refreshed I’m so tired looks so refreshed over there we are live from Chicago what do you

Want to talk about Brandon it has finally happened after months of waiting last night we found out we saw it The Rock has started the feud with Roman Reigns The Rock came out on Raw unannounced and said Roman I’m Coming For That Ass so we’re headed towards a

WrestleMania main event of The Rock and Roman Reigns head of the table now I can’t help but notice that you wanted to open the show talking about wrestling uh yes you are the number one just I’m connecting some Dots here the number one college football personality of 2023 mhm

Calendar has turned to 202 no no the calendar has turned to 2024 we’re coming off the college football playoff semi-finals sure sure you you don’t want to open the show with that and also I can’t help but notice that the banner behind you has been taken down well it

Wasn’t taking down con a lot of Dots here Brandon we’re connecting a lot of Dots here I think it fell down and I just simply when I sat down I said I’ll turn around and fix that and forgot to do it so it fell down now I’ll bring

Your attention to this Proclamation from the state of missoury that said Brandon Walker knows ball this is an official Proclamation from the entire state of Missouri nah I don’t I don’t I don’t want this show to get political so um you know good for you I guess but like I

Don’t you know you got you got State representativ here’s the thing about themselves into the show I don’t I don’t like it the college football playoff we’re going to talk about it and that’s fine but you realize as an Ohio State guy Michigan is inevitable you’re

Talking to me or you talking to yourself talking to you and me I’m talking to us I’m talking to us dude I realize you can accept it now or you can accept it then I don’t care Michigan I told you this I told you this weeks ago I told you like this

When when Ohio State lost to Michigan I said this is inevitable I I I I don’t necessarily think Ohio state is the second best team in the country but the second we lost to I was I really thought that we were the only shot at knocking

Michigan out of the I guess Georgia had Georgia made the playoff I would have liked Georgia’s chances against Michigan in like a national championship but otherwise it was it’s it’s this this is their Destiny this is how this works that’s what like the the more you get

Angry about the cheating or the the [ __ ] fake adversity or the Michigan versus everybody and why does everybody hate us I don’t understand this why does every we’re America’s team aren’t we the more you get upset about that the more it fuels them I I there there was no

Point during that game yesterday where I thought Michigan was going to lose even when Alabama is up by seven with the ball with four minutes left in field goal range I was like they’re going to find a way to [ __ ] this up because that’s what the Michigan is Destin to

Win the national championship they’re going to beat Washington by three touchdowns I think it opens up a philosophical debate maybe there needs to be a philosophical Awakening in this country where people want to be good and just but cheating works oh it works man cheating [ __ ] works by the way i’

I’ve already come to terms with the fact that nothing’s going to happen in Michigan in terms of I got a week I got a week that I can talk about them being cheaters uh after next Monday I can never talk about it again so I will talk

About it but cheating [ __ ] works you made the worst yeah deal with Dave of all time yeah there was no return for you I’ve realized something there was Zero return deal was if Michigan Wass a national championship you never talk about it again if they don’t yeah you get nothing I’ve realized something

About my interactions with Dave uh I’m am like a runner in the open field who decides to run out of Bounds at the very quickest opportunity I every time I’m in an argument with Dave I’m really just thinking in my mind how do I get how do

I just exit this immediately and if it’s accept a Blood Oath that where I don’t give anything and or where I give everything and you give nothing fine fine fine let me get out of bounds J milro on that first third down run where

He uh it was like third and eight or 10 whatever it was he could have stuck his nose in there and got yeah and he just like slid three yards short of the first down no no no I’ll give up I give up to his credit though milro Savin must have

Motherfucked him because the rest of the game when he would run the ball he just put his head down and was yeah trying to Barrel people over you know that game was uh first of all it was a war it was sloppy um I thought it was fantastic and and the committee

Made a conscious decision a month ago to screw over a team who probably deserved to be in in favor of getting more watchable playoff games I think in that regard they they got it right like this was two great playoff games they came down to the wire now the Michigan

Alabama game was sloppy as hell the defenses ran the show the quarterbacks never really could get anything going Jaylen milro made more mistakes than JJ McCarthy did and now thus Michigan’s playing for a national title yeah I I didn’t feel like the game was that good until

The fourth quarter it was one of those shitty cuz even was more close than good yeah and it wasn’t even like a defensive game to me it was like more the offenses were just [ __ ] up cuz it wasn’t like the defenses were making I know Michigan

Got five sacks like they were they were but it wasn’t like uh yeah it didn’t feel like they were the defense was making incredible plays it was just like guys are wide open I have one major take away on that receivers and fumbling and Michigan Michigan turned to trick plays so fast

In this game which was shocking to me yeah um anyway way uh my my one major takeaway of that is I think we all agree that Nick Sabin is at least in the conversation for greatest college football coach of all time if we all agree with that he’s top 10 for me he’s

He’s he is the greatest college football coach of all time I have no idea how and why Alabama couldn’t find a center you can’t find a center that can snap the [ __ ] ball like it happened all night where he’s sending the guy low he’s snapping the ball badly he’s and

Then finally at the end you have one play to keep your season alive and I think milro panicked and milro freaked out but there was a low snap and mil’s body just shut down yeah he just he he forgot the play the play went to the

Left and he said you know what I’m going to run as fast as I can into those fat guys is is that what we think cuz I saw the the running back is was in motion or not whatever he it was an RPO he he could have thrown it he should have

Thrown it you have a guard you have a guard pulling into that Gap to lead you into the end zone if you choose that you also have two receivers out there blocking for this receiver or this running back if you choose that and both were wide open and he decided Well

Snap’s a little low I’m going to go dive into that guy’s [ __ ] yeah then that’s what he did should that that rarely Works never I don’t know a lot about a lot rarely works but I just don’t know when diving into a guy’s [ __ ] is the

Correct play I will say though I can’t say never I can’t say never but rarely is it the correct play and his defense if it was if it was uh fourth and inches right maybe the [ __ ] works I don’t know probably would have got it I it was

A great it was a great play for fourth and inches uh fourth and goal from the the half yard line it was Unfortunately they were on it wasn’t even that like they were on the three like the the play at at first I was like that’s your play

Call and then the more I looked at it like the play call was fine it just the quarterback kind of freaked out the bigger story to me of Alabama’s choking was uh it was less about that final play and it was more like the defense just completely folded like for Michigan to

Score that easily in overtime is an embarrassment well that and the final drive was was yeah the final like the the the final drive I guess kind of happens in football because you you do the prevent defense [ __ ] and you don’t want to give up the big play and

You kind of let him get big chunks and you know like that that remember fourth and two at the 40 I know I know we see but we see that more often in football where like it’s the final drive and of course the team always gets it down in

To the Red Zone and then whatever but like for overtime it’s a hard reset it’s a you have time to stand on the sidelines and [ __ ] your guys and be like let’s let’s dig deep let’s and for Michigan to just hand the ball off twice and score that easily was fourth and two

At I believe the 35 36 yard line they just defended a play the same way and then Michigan has one guy who can beat you offensively Blake corm yeah and the Alabama just said you know what no I’m not covering him [ __ ] him and and that

That I really think the game kind of the game changed when Alabama had a lead in the fourth quarter milrose at Midfield they have a chance to go up to to to step on their throats and put it Out Of Reach and milro fumbles now Michigan ended up missing a field goal right

There but that just took Alabama’s momentum away entirely when they had it they had built it up for a quarter and a half they had it he fumbles and the game’s basically over at that point um but yeah I I just feel good I feel good

For Dave poroy man I feel good for a guy who’s just a complete piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] and one of the worst human beings you ever see but I whenever a rich guy gets richer whenever a guy just flaunts and and and and is able to bet a

Million dollars on a game where he can’t name three players and he wins I think everybody everybody wins I feel good for Jim Harbaugh I feel good for a guy who had to sit out half the season for various cheating allegations I feel good for Connor stallions a guy who’s made

His entire Name by completely cheating the system and being a devious piece of [ __ ] so I feel good for all those guys you can’t it’s a feel-good story that rarely happens in sports where you have so many [ __ ] [ __ ] winning at the same time I hate that you’ve taken this

From me by the way hey I’m just the number one college football media I I hate that you’ve taken the Michigan hatred from me to where I have to be the one that kind of like lets you no crazy you can have it too you can come along

With me I I can’t you come along come on after you say all that what am I going to say come on come on with me it’s fun there’s plenty of room here um it will sound like sour grapes because I’m a buck guy but I I genuinely believe this

So like Michigan uh is in a vacuum it feels like they’re very lucky but I I am a believer that at a certain point and we talked about this with the eagles which we’ll get to in a second because the Eagles are frauds but like when the Eagles were winning and

And it was obvious they weren’t that good but they kept winning um at a certain point you do just say like yeah it might be luck but you can’t continue to get lucky over and over and over there’s something to this this keeps happening like JJ McCarthy getting the

Ball tipped on that big pass how’s that happen the ball gets tipped and it’s still a perfect spiral and if the guy’s finger is 1 millimeter to the left you know it becomes a duck and maybe it gets picked off like all those [ __ ] with that’s how football works it’s a game of

Inches Michigan also [ __ ] up a lot of things I don’t know but if the the part of me obviously I’m watching this through the lens of like I’m cheering against Michigan and to have like so many plays be like that close yeah and this is the same thing in the Ohio State

Game where like the touchdown pass that like goes through our guys ass goes through our guy’s [ __ ] out his mouth and then he catches it with two fingers for a touchdown and then we strip it and it’s like kind of and then all these plays keep happening to where uh yeah in

A vacuum or like in those one specific instances you’re like [ __ ] this team dude they’re so lucky but then I’ve gotten to a point where I see the bigger picture and I realized they’re just destined to win the national championship and that’s just what it is

And at a certain point um you just kind of tip your cap and you’re like I guess they’re just going to win national this reminds me by the way I I I said this earlier I I do not think Michigan’s going to get punished whatsoever by the

NCA whatsoever ever I don’t think th this this Michigan run reminds me of Kansas basketball winning the 2022 National Championship when Bill self is under an active investigation by the NCA the FBI was involved in investigation they win the national championship and the feeling was like this is [ __ ]

Hilarious because this is definitely getting taken away yeah and then fast forward less than a year later they had half a half a swimming scholarship taken away yes and nothing happened and um it feels it feels very similar to that to me yeah it it is like that and also

I I don’t know if it’s a sec I don’t know if it’s 100% going to happen I don’t know but it does feel like Jim Harbaugh is about to catch to the next bus out he’s going to win a National Title catch the next bus out of town

When it comes time to punish him NCAA will say hey Michigan you shouldn’t have done that and they’re going to say that was Jim Harbaugh that was Jim Harbaugh left don’t punish the kids yeah we we that was Jim Harbaugh we had nothing to do with that and then and then

Everybody’s going to wash their hands and I mean in all seriousness all the players that have been involved in this Conor stallions era are going to be gone too like they’re they’re losing everybody after this year the the Michigan uh do not say they’re not gonna be good next year they’ll probably still

Be good but they’re I think JJ hard back and they’ll they’ll they’ll be fine I I I I don’t feel I feel like he’s a guy that’s going to play like as many years as possible in college like he he’ll be and which is happening right now I mean

Michael pennix who is we’re going to talk about in a second is is 29 years old um so let’s talk actually we talk about him now um go ahead that that so we watched the first game right and JJ McCarthy made the play in the end to to

Win the game that’s fine but for four quarters he wasn’t exactly great jayen milro was outright bad at times uh he was scared to death and then Michael pennix takes the field and looks like the greatest quarterback that has ever walked God’s green earth yeah he throws deep balls like they’re nothing like

Like he’s just dropping it into their hands he he throws he might throw the prettiest deep ball I’ve ever seen in my life yeah I would agree with that like he just drops it right right perfectly into their cradle every time time he’s the quintessential let it rip

Quarterback well maybe that’s not true cuz let it rip is like more of a gunslinger right like he’s a how do you describe he’s like the Steph Curry of quarterbacks like he he has a he has an arc to it he has a beautifulness to it

Like he like he he has a Steph Curry quarterback game where he just throws it up and it just it just Falls in there so perfectly and beautifully he’s got touch touch touch is he cute as hell too or is that just for he’s not that he’s not

That cute okay he’s not that cute Steph Curry’s cute as a button but um no he’s not yeah he’s not a let letter it rip guys are turnover machines that also I wonder how many is he’s a spin it guy he’s he’s a he’s a quintessential spin

It guy I think he’s a touch guy but I’m saying like I don’t know he’s a spin it guy I think spin it guy is closer to gunslinger okay so hold on hold on okay when when penx drops back and the the shoulders dip and he’s got

The drop back and you know the Deep Ball’s coming and there’s that like half second where you’re like oh [ __ ] here it comes that’s a very exciting moment um but you also when Brett fav would do that when Josh Allen does that those are two guys

That um you have no idea where the ball’s going to go or if he’s throwing it into quadruple coverage or not when when pennick does it you know you’re about to see a 70 yard [ __ ] bomb like right into the fingertips of dude all right so he’s between where else he’s

Throwing to so there’s let it rip let it rip spin it spin it Gunslinger Gunslinger but let it rip and Gunslinger are same I I think so but that’s what I thought we let rip and Gunslinger the same thing all that out and then and then there’s a touch guy right I feel

Like there’s a there’s a there’s a magic guy in there somewhere there’s a guy who it doesn’t make sense but he just makes the right play at all times aren’t you kind of a let it rip guy in that scenario like who’s a let it rip guy I

Don’t I think of a let rip guy as a guy that if you tried to there on a Major League Mound right now he’d throw 97 with with some run on it you know mes Allen are like Let It Rip but pennix isn’t let rip I don’t think pennix is is

Is a throw at 97 guy he’s a throw at 89 on the dot guy cuz like Joe burrow isn’t a letter rip guy but he’s probably like a a spin it guy Joe burrow can spin it [ __ ] Joe burrow can spin it right [ __ ] dude is he a Swagger guy is

Uh an enigma guy oh what about what about guys who throw catchable balls I think I think penx is the guy that throws the most catchable balls throw a more catchable ball I think I think penx throws the most catchable ball he’s he might be the catchable ball guy which is

Crazy cuz he’s left-handed and isn’t that what people usually say about left-handers is that their their balls are not catchable because they’re spinning the wrong way why left do they throw it better we’ve had this discussion why do left-handers do everything prettier than right-handers it’s prettier everything is PR left

Handed quarterbacks are prettier right left-handed quarterbacks are prettier their throws I Matt lard had this Kell Moore had this they they have a a to him not they had a LOF to him that just different than right-handers Timbo just like watching him drop back and like left-hander jump shots are naturally

Prettier yeah and I TBO uh by the way unless I misheard uh as pinex is is slinging it letting it rip spinning it throwing catchable balls throwing catch balls as pinx is throwing catchable balls all over the field last night um sha MCD sprinkles out the stat that he

Is now third I don’t know where he ended up but at one point in the game he was third all time and sugar bow passing yards and for a single game at the top of the list was Tim TBO who threw for 482 yards yeah yeah I saw

That one and uh when he said that what uh I wonder how many people went to bed last night and woke up not knowing how close Washington came to losing that game oh you’re you’re looking at one of them cuz they were up 37 31 Texas kicks

An on side kick does not get it game’s over I turn I literally turned the TV off at that point I was like I can go to now deal three times and then do a do a punt that like hangs in the air forever yeah and then they’re going to leave

Like seven seconds to go 90 yards exactly what they tried to do yeah but everything that could possibly go wrong to lead detectives having a chance happen like the guy Dylan Johnson gets hurt on third down which I don’t I I listen God bless him I don’t know what

Happened to him I don’t know how he’s feeling today you you got a helicopter off that field you got to figure out a way to get to get off the field right like I don’t know him getting hurt almost lost him the national title like get off the

Field the idea of like offensive lineman pick him up and throw him a team setting up for a play and a guy just like Barrel rolling the sideline as the clock ticks down yeah you got to figure out a way to get off the [ __ ] field do you think

These guys know that rule though there’s no way they know there’s no way like in that situation he’s like if I stay on this field that’s going to stop the clock and create and the play clock gets reset like I think he’s just probably like surely once I get off the field we

Just pick right back up over I I think what it was like was all right I’m gonna go oh [ __ ] my leg doesn’t work yeah and that I think when your leg doesn’t work that changes your thought process about everything yeah um but anyway here’s the thing about Texas

Texas gets the ball they go down the field immediately just like it was easy they throw it down the field they get to the 12 yard line and Sark and Quin lose their goddamn mind that I I’ve never seen anything like it they get to the 12

Yd line they throw aggressively they get there now they’ve got 15 seconds and four downs they throw the first pass is u a one- yard pass in the flat for no reason I have no idea why he did that the second pass is 30 yards out of the

Back of the end zone gives nobody a chance to catch it third pass once again in the flats for nothing and then you got one pass he throws a 50/50 ball in the corner when a dart would have probably won the game but the third the third one he was get

About to get sacked and you like kind of threw it out of bounds in the flat right mm uh yeah yeah because also the time was taken and he knew he needed to get the ball the what so the first one was out of bound no the first one was the first

One was the the flat the the guy did they throw the second one I watched it I watched it very quickly this morning on the second one was the one he threw over everybody’s head in the end zone yeah but even the the final one was out of

Bounds right or was that in bounds could that could have been caught in bounds but it would have been it was a very very narrow window he was trying to hit and really it was a back shoulder it was dying to be a back shoulder he threw it

Up like it was a 5050 ball and it was it was it was a bad throw and I I would have I would have thrown it I don’t know cuz like as I was watching this morning I was like just throw it to where they’re not and then catch it so I was

Like watching that final play yeah and I did a I did a screenshot yeah so I I you know like guys are moving all over the place whatever but if you just stop the video mhm and just pop freeze it right there everybody looks freeze mhm there’s

A lot of green yeah and if he just would have thrown it there and then the Texas guy could have come back to the ball I think that I think you’re talking about Texas maybe win a National Championship but instead here’s what I would have

Done I would have done all of that but way before the whole game so that you don’t even come down to the end yeah I would have done that the whole game like Michael penx did who was throwing catchable balls they’re throwing the most catchable balls I do I got a I’m

Excited for next football season cuz I’m going to I’m going to work on some brands of I’m I’m going to Tweet more during football games um and I’m G to I’m G to be the guy that like if a team goes for two and uh doesn’t get it I say

That was a bad call yeah and if they do get it sounds like you’re setting up to be the rosting of college yeah um most people have hobbies you have college football tting as as Texas marches down the field and if they would have scored

Or not whatever I’m G to just fire off [ __ ] like that it’s just like I don’t know why they didn’t do this earlier they should have just simply scored earlier um that that uh that fumble in the Texas uh Washington game it was rough so funny that the the rest

Didn’t see that uh that that really made me laugh what else did I write down that was funny uh tits on Bourbon Street go ahead go ahead do you have something I just had a whole bed I was about to do can I should I do the bit anyway my bad

My bad I was GNA go ahead do do it anyway do it anyway I’m sorry I was going to ask everybody to get serious for a moment because last night lost in the spirit of competition and this great great event in America there were titties on bur Street

And and ESPN didn’t didn’t catch the titties they showed them they were right there there’s okay allow me two minutes as we can talk about titties okay because there’s a special thrill when titties sneak through the sensors when titties when titties get out remember the titties in the world series oh God

That’s just when when titties show up in unexpected places man what a great time to be alive when was the Janet Jackson Super Bowl 2004 it was 04 oh yeah yeah 2004 January of or February of 0 uhhuh that was cool that yeah yeah that was pretty cool yeah I like that remember

The World Series titties was that in Houston jul Rose yeah yeah yeah launched her I don’t want to say launched her career but that got her a lot of Fame right yeah yeah how about the uh how about the Alabama chers by the way with the shout out Brent Musburger musberger

Eat your heart Brandon you want some uh you want some more unexpected boobs yeah what what are you doing what what’s going on don’t show it on camera don’t be careful be very careful so he just so we have have Playmate cards I’m going to oh wow

There’s so there’s no there’s no uh easing into it it’s just no and there’s 52 of them it’s just it’s just right there if you just want to open it up and and just bang wow okay all right can I ask a question is is is 9 is 9:15 a.m. on

January 2nd too early in the day and year for titties no man okay no no no no we got to set we got to start 2024 off the year it’s going to be the year of the titty see what else we yeah careful with the with

With keep it down are there more every time you go through there’s there it’s just two decks it’s it’s two okay all right all right we’re going to play cards we’re GNA be a card show now um are you a believer in uh here’s here’s two things

We can revisit uh the Heisman Trophy are you believer in Michael pinnick boy he really he really showed those Heisman voters that they [ __ ] that one up or uh no no I’m a very staunch and strong believer in the opposite first of all people get caught up in the

Heisman that’s fine the Heisman is a regular season award and pinx was great for most most of the season last two or three games maybe three or four games he wasn’t great like he he had some struggles he wasn’t great against Washington State he wasn’t great against

Arizona State like he had some struggles down the stretch there’s a reason Jaden Daniels passed him in won but that is a regular season award and it is over Michael penx now has an opportunity to win something far more substantial and significant than the [ __ ] Heisman Trophy yeah and I think winning this

Title and then beating Michigan and throwing for 400 yards and beating Michigan would be way bigger way bigger Legacy than winning the Heisman Trophy and are we we Frozen for a second yep that’s awesome I love that I I was I was hoping we didn’t leave every tradition

Back in 2023 that’s awesome I was hoping we were able to continue how come I’m the only one that ever freezes is I guess it’s this camera oh that’s a not a good oh no that’s good well now you’re not are you frozen is he Frozen or not I’m just

Going to freeze myself therefore they’ll never know yeah uh yeah oh like the rundown what about it big cat does that on the rundown sometimes right oh yeah yeah that is true yeah that’s funny yeah when he does that but big cat does the thing that you’re doing yeah never never

Seen it I don’t watch the r no he’s been doing that for years right yeah I think almost a decade at this point yeah I don’t really it’s really can we talk about you today Evo what’s up I think you’re looking a little rough yeah I got

In uh got up at 4:30 this morning fly in how come you never just fly in all right come on in how come you never uh fly in the day before um I was traveling back from Vermont and so therefore I couldn’t fly unless it was during the uh time time

Time I didn’t want to fly during the games why were you in Vermont uh I went skiing you’re so like actual skiing yeah I tried yeah yeah you hit the slop I tried I tried skiing For the First Time Hit how’ It Go all right got a couple runs in X game soon

Yeah okay yeah are you any good at skiing I’ve never tried I’ve water skied it’s like the same thing what’s the number one skill set you need to be a skier balance yeah shift your weight strong knees no you got them from all the dicks

Sucking I don’t know you want a point do you suck dicks with your knees well yeah you got to be you know you got to be on your knees I would assume some but you’re not using your knees you’re not us you have to have strong knees how

Long can you stand on your or sit on your knees on the floor hurt strong you have to have a strong cord get on your knees I couldn’t do this for very long but it’s not you’re not using your knees you’re on your knees yeah but I’m on my

Knees that’s like saying you need a strong ass to sit on a couch I think you need strong knees to be on your knees I mean this would get a this would hurt for for a while you need strong glutes to hold yourself up no you need strong

You need strong knees no no no this is going to this might sound make some sounds when I try to get up so oh [Laughter] God Connor what did you do on your break uh drove back to Pennsyvania I was there in Pennsylvania all break um 11h hour

Drive lovely beautiful and uh yeah was just thinking about the manifesto on the way it’s it’s just it’s just weird because he promised us the manifesto so so so many times I forgot about it yeah completely forgot about it so many times but I I we still want it we still W it

I’m kind of over it I’ve started it so I’ll finish it whether or not we want to use it or not I think we I think all right when Michigan wins a national championship I think uh well that’s next Monday right yeah Monday so a week a

Week from today I think uh you do the manifesto is that enough time to finish it plenty of time cuz I think Michigan winning the national Championship will be proof positive the manifesto written by Connor’s work mhm so then that next morning we will on the show have our own

Connor read his own Manifesto as to what it will take to get this show to the top what is the goal with the manifesto it is World Domination by mostly Sports yeah 100 pages so I’m not going to be able to read the whole thing no no no

I’m not saying what’s the goal for the manifesto and and what is the goal what will the manifesto accomplish for us how to take mostly sport to its peak level and make it the most dominant show in the history of the universe now let me ask you this Conor will there be

Anything about crushing our [ __ ] enemies and [ __ ] their wives and burning their villages to the ground because I I could use a little bit of that in this Manifesto uh no spoilers but you’ll really like chapter 87 right should be important we shouldn’t Peak too fast manifestos have

Chapters you know different there’s a there’s an index there’s a table of contents and that’s maybe you know are you’re just going to fill it up with all the the stff never actually get to the manifesto no no no no no no no no it’s a legitimate thing what’s a um yeah what’s

Another chapters doesn’t feel like the right word for manifestos it needs yeah um bullet points directive articles Artic articles is that’s the right word that’s the right word I I’ll change that uh maybe sounds like EO might be better at writing manifestos but I hey I don’t know I can’t read or write

So um all right so back to college football you said that pinck last night was incredible was incredible but it does nothing to make you want to revisit the Heisman because no not really what happens in the bowl games has no bearing on what we saw in the regular season

Like that that moment in time that we made yeah to me Heisman is a is well not to me but a regular season award and and you know know I I I do think if we were if we were deciding right now who the best quarterback in

The country is I mean Michael pennick certainly is is front of mind because of what he did yesterday um but but Heisman done now if this [ __ ] goes out there and beats Texas like he did last night 430 yards if he throws for 400 and

Beats Michigan I he he he wins the Vince Young Heisman correct which is which is better I think I mean I mean the the national title and proving that you probably should have been the highman winner or at least you can make that argument is probably better than winning the

Heisman whoa hold on there’s no way this is true but I I want to start 2024 off with a bang and just throw out [ __ ] that I don’t believe um good good good good is being the guy who is being the best guy to never win the Heisman better than

Being a forgettable Heisman winner I don’t think so I don’t think like would I rather be pton Manning or Troy Smith in the very small context of college football would you rather be Vince Young or Troy Smith your legacy as a college football quarterback i’ much rather be Vince Young yeah much rather

Much rather uh now I let me ask a legitimate question though because Michigan looks like they’re a team of Destiny I think this matchup is incredible for them because Washington’s run defense isn’t great and they’re just going to run it they’re just going to run it they’re just going to run it

They’re going to run it however Michigan has won some close games and pennick will be Far and Away not even close the best quarterback they’ve played like the big games they’ve won they beat Penn State with Drew Aller who wasn’t great they beat Ohio state with KY McCord who

Wasn’t great they beat Alabama with Jaylen milroe who was scared to death pennix isn’t going to be that he’s going to be Michael pennick so is there a world where pennix goes nuts and they win the game I I think it is the Vince Young model right it’s like the other

Team is better but like this guy is just they got the dude they got the best player on the field and when has the ball in his hands they’re always going to have a chance um I I do think there shootout potential but you’re right like Michigan’s going to run the ball right

Down their throat and I don’t trust Washington’s defense I got another quarterback I got another quarterback go so there’s let it rip yeah there’s spin it there’s uh but Vince Young just made plays he’s just making plays just making plays yeah playmaker yeah there’s just so Vince Young cuz Vince Young didn’t

Spin it he wouldn’t let a rip guy but he just made plays Vince Young would would take the snap and you had no idea what was coming but you knew that there a play was happening it would be successful for Texas you knew that there

Was going to be a play that was about to happen you just didn’t know what it was Ben young just made plays are there are there overlapping sections in these categories or are they all could this be diagram I think you could have uh you

Could be a guy that just makes plays who occasionally lets it rip all right right yeah I think we need to sort out some of these quarterbacks eventually but I’m not seeing there’s obviously game managers which is game hold on I mean come on Michael Sam play defense okay um Davis

Moment yeah wonder what all the naysayers are thinking today let did n know that was all time that was all time it’s a shame we don’t have it’s a shame we don’t have our old show for lead in that could have broken that down for us

I uh I’m not the biggest McAfee I don’t dislike Pat at all um he’s not my cup of tea more often than that but that was that was his his his crowning achievement on college game day I would say to cut in on reys Davis to draw attention to that was

Incredible was incredible as a guy who’s like more often than not when I’m watching game day I’m like I I like I like what Pat brings to the table in theory but I just want to turn him down he’s at like a 12 I need him at like a

Seven or eight right now um and that’s generally how I feel when I watch game day yeah but i w when I saw that I was like I take it all back that was that was it was worth it was worth everything all it was worth an entire season of Pat

McAfee just for that one moment and the and the internet era where where Clips kind of rule everything um that and then the one he did at against Georgia where he did the you know who’s what’s that coming down the track and he just set

Him up and he healed on him yeah he’s he’s built perfectly for the clips for the clips but that but like when you’re watching the show you’re like I don’t need a clip right now like what the [ __ ] like because you can tell he’s got the he’s got that Brandon Walker in him

Which it’s like we’re all trying to just like have a conversation and suddenly you’re like turning down barrel and you’re like playing to the crowd and you’re and you’re doing a wrestling promo in the middle of a conversation but did you see the titties um what else what else uh what

Else did I write down so we we said link um got that um can one millisecond where ree Davis thought he had made the ultimate oh Rees Davis cuz when someone steps in on like you doing like a camera like that that’s probably never happened

To him in his whole career I wonder if he thought he made the ultimate mistake for no he uh he had no idea what was going on or he did maybe he or what he thought was going on was not what was going on he was he was three steps

Behind everyone else at that desk for the first two minutes but even if he did make that mistake I think ESPN would eventually bring him back as like a watch salesman or something right I have a couple more college football things before we get to Connor’s terrible terrible terrible Eagles fraud Eagles MH

Awful gross MH yeah are they still in the playoff no I don’t think so I don’t think are they out no well we’re we’ll talk about we’re going to get to the awful and terrible Eagles in a minute cuz God damn are they bad so bad Jesus

Christ we’re going to get to that so bad um can we discuss Florida State fans I would love to they are uh they are they are as down bad as I’ve ever seen a group of human beings ever before in my life now I yeah now I wonder why

They would be Brandon that’s crazy I don’t deny that if what happened to them happened to my team I would probably be the same way I’d be the biggest [ __ ] in the world but it didn’t happen to my team so I get to say that they are the

Biggest [ __ ] in the world I I I would i’ I’d be upset everybody would be upset but using yesterday the playoff committee a month ago decided to to try to have the most watchable games possible to have the most competitive playoff and they succeeded this was a

Very terrific playoff that was tense and it was taught and it was everything it had to be it was evenly matched teams it was a great playoff from start to finish and Florida State fans saw Alabama losing overtime and just absolutely swarm the internet saying see

See we told you they didn’t belong they didn’t belong like Florida State you have to accept reality without Jordan Travis Michigan would have beaten the [ __ ] out of you I I disagree I think Florida state would have won by two touchdowns you prove me wrong based on

What prove me wrong based on what no I mean I get I get that you might think that that’s crazy but I and I’m I’m willing to have the conversation I’m just asking you to prove me wrong and if you prove me wrong then I’ll change my

Opinion but I think I think Florida state would maybe three honestly Tate rodmaker who’s is the guy that they would have four touch Tate rodmaker is the guy they would have leaned on yesterday t R maker couldn’t move the ball against Florida the worst Florida defense in decades he could not move the

Ball against Florida Michigan has the best defense in the country now Florida State’s defense is very good it would have been ugly and I know Brandon maybe they compete a little bit but I just don’t think I yeah I don’t know I don’t want to do it again I don’t

Want to do it again I and you can go back and and and watch the show when we were yelling at each other I agreed with you that Florida state would have gotten destroyed yeah for me that doesn’t matter like that that’s the part that I couldn’t comprehend was like I don’t we

Don’t you shouldn’t factor that in as to what you think is going to happen and I still stand by like the committee had no rationality to what they were deciding whatsoever and that like if you really wanted the four best teams I think Georgia should have been in there

Because like I don’t I don’t see how you can see Georgia beat the [ __ ] out of Florida state which I put zero stock into but some people I don’t put stock into some people want to because Georgia beat the [ __ ] out of him then why wasn’t

Georgia in the playoff if you wanted the four best team Georgia would have given Michigan or Washington a hell of a game too if there’s if there’s anybody in college football that needs their ass kick today it’s it’s Kirby Smart and his coaching staff for losing to the Alabama

Team I’m just say like when when you what what what ultimately happened was they wanted to put an SEC team in the playoff and the only way they could rationalize putting the SEC team in is because because Texas had already beaten Alabama if you’re going to put Alabama

In you have to put Texas in yeah like that’s they they started with that the starting point was we have to have an SEC team in this playoff we have to put Alabama in above Georgia because they just beat Georgia in the in the SEC Championship but if we put Alabama in

That means we have to put Texas in cuz Texas won at Alabama and then everyone looked around the room and they’re like yeah we’re fine with that and that’s ultimately what they landed on and then they if they just would have said that I would not have cared um but then to say

It was the bet I agree with you it was it was a great playoff I’m I’m glad that I’m glad that those four teams as a fan of college football and a guy who wanted to have an enjoyable day watching football yeah I am glad that Florida

State was not in it I just don’t think that that if you are if you are seriously trying to to you know conduct a championship event I don’t think you can do it that way and that was my gripe all along was like I I think Florida

State deserved the right to go get their ass kicked in the semi I think the second you I think they earned the right to get their ass kicked the second you appoint a committee and you you say you give committee a power to choose the four best teams you you bring this

Possibility yeah to to the Forefront and I think the committee did their job it was a tough job it it sucked the situation sucked but I think the committee ultimately got it right they got it right then they got it right I do I think they did I don’t think the four

Best teams were in this playoff I think Georgia was one of the four best teams in this country Kirby Smart man and I think that’s the that’s the [ __ ] up predent which I I know we’re going to 12 team so we really don’t need to talk about that much but

Like that’s the the the you know like what happens if if you believe that Georgia loses to Alabama the SEC Championship you’re like that was a fluk or like Georgia yeah you know uh Carson Beck gets hurt in that game in the first quarter Alabama beach Georgia and then

That we find out that Carson Beck would be good to go for the playoff do you put Georgia in over I don’t know it’s it was just like an insane precedent but we don’t have to worry about it anymore I I I defend Florida State I still think

Florida State should have been in I do think they would have got their ass kicked I don’t think that matters and I will never really fully understand how that yeah college football is is so [ __ ] insane to me and I am kind of worried about the precedent for the 12

Team playoff like what happens I I I you’re coming around on this that that the the midm need to break off and do their own thing yes they absolutely and and I’m not coming around i’ I’d been around CU I’m worried I’m worried about it like I

Think in the 12 team playoff Liberty got [ __ ] destroyed by or Liberty biberty but I think Liberty deserves a spot I think if you’re undefeated in a conference Championship you should uh I heard the wasn’t even a joke it wasn’t even a joke that was just um that was just you

Saying just you saying nonsense uh I think I I think if you put in certain guidelines and parameters um that a group of five team if they hit those Milestones every year should be considered like 2021 Cincinnati absolutely belonged in the playoff um if they hit these parameters and everything

They should be considered for the playoff spot but there should not be an automatic group of five spot every single year because we did not have a great group of five team this year Liberty was garbage I know I guess scammed their way to a new as I’m thinking ahead I’m already I’m

Already I’m I’m pread about a world where there there is an undefeated and again I don’t think that Liberty would have won the it’s just like I my brain can cannot compute whatsoever a a situation in sports where you beat everybody you play and you don’t have a

Chance to win a championship so look I understand that this happened in college football many times I know but it doesn’t and it’s never made any [ __ ] sense when it’s happened is my point and like I don’t I I so if if if you are admitting that Liberty is not anywhere

Close to as good as these other teams which I agree with yeah then why are they in the same division as all these teams and if it’s not Liberty it’s going to be another team and that’s that’s the part that uh the 12 team playoff I I do

Think that like we won’t have a Florida to State situation anymore but we’re still going to have to deal with that where there’s going to be a year where there’s like three undefeated group of five teams yeah and only one goes in and then the other two were like what the

[ __ ] were we supposed to do we beat everybody we played and and all that and that’s but I guess that’s as you said that’s college football that’s what we’re supposed to do is to argue about it do you think um hold on hold hold on what’s your question I was I was just

Curious um I don’t know if it’s necessarily the group of five will break off but I think we are going to see a lot of um group of five teams maybe fold their football program eventually because they they can’t sustain you can’t you just can’t compete 85

Scholarships if you break off and have all separate TV how [ __ ] electric would a group of five national championship tournament be like an eight team tournament to or eight team playoff awesome I mean they’ve had they’ve had the FCS playoffs for years years no one gives a [ __ ] like no one watches

That yeah yeah like you said there was two days of college football left and there’s actually there there was actually three days of college football left if you include January uh 7th no that can’t be true I can’t Brandon’s the number one college football personality there’s a game between he would see

Here’s the thing I to me January 6th is so big in my family that I don’t even pay attention to January 7th so I got big plans this weekend so TJ’s coming right yeah hell yeah brother uh group of five teams are never going to have like

You’re never going to be watching Sunday night football game ever see like like XYZ player James Madison XYZ player Marshall cuz before they graduate from the school they’re going to leave and go to a power five school so you’ll never see like I mean on rare occasions you’ll

See it but you’ll really never see like a power or a group of five team represented on like NFL field that’s an interesting difference between football and basketball because basketball I think the uh the mid majors in the portal era are still going to be okay

Because you’re going to be able to get the trickle down the trickle down guys the guys that went to the the Dukes they were five star or four stars they went to Duke they got no playing time and they’re like [ __ ] that so they transfer to wford or something that happens in

Football too but you one guy doesn’t make a ripple like you can in basketball basketball um speaking of real quick before we get to Connor’s terrible no good team um did you see on Sunday Night Football Jordan Addison announced his his school you know they always say you

Know Dak Prescott Mississippi State you know the introductions he goes Jordan Addison pit USC are we going to see that from now on pit USC pit USC he went pit USC pit USC said both of them said said both the teams that he played for Russ

Would do the thing for a while I don’t know if he still does it where he like uh Wolfpack of badgers or whatever or something like that yeah Wisconsin Wolfpack uh but you’re there’s no rules for those things right you can do whatever where where do we stand on

Those now I used to love I love them I I think people are getting too cute with it now though you see too many of those guys a guy did Ball So Hard University like 10 years ago didn’t he says a Trill Suggs yeah t- Sizzle yeah so I I we do

Whatever you want to with it now I get disappointed as a Mississippi State fan I will make sure I tune in the 7:15 or right when the game starts so I can see them say Mississippi State and when they when they say they’re high school I die

A little bit inside y yeah darus slay says Brunswick High School and he went to Mississippi state does your fan base have a meltdown about that yeah the absolute meltdown Fletcher is the one that gets him he he says yazu City High School and our fans just because

Obviously that means that he hates Mississippi St did he go to Mississippi clock Fletcher clock did Fletcher Cox yeah Fletcher Cox mhm Fletcher Cox i y hold on let let him cook let him cook folks Fletcher [ __ ] no I don’t have it um don’t let him cook Conor uh yeah what

The [ __ ] Conor NFL it’s over NFL football it is no it’s totally Eagles are bad yeah yeah how the Cardinals I listen I know we were up 21 to six uh trust me but you didn’t you stay up 216 I know it’s the it’s one of the

Biggest collapses I’ve ever seen in my life so I if if both Dallas and and Eagles win this Sunday um Dallas wins the Division Dallas wins the Division who’s Dallas play they play Washington so we need the commanders to be the Eagles officially need help win the

Division yeah yeah we we need to beat the Giants and Washington needs to beat Dallas otherwise commanders are protecting a draft pick too right so they’re not going to try to win yeah if if they lose to Dallas and we both have the same Record 12 and five as Dallas

Dallas is the two seed we fall into the fifth seed and we have to play a road playoff game against the Bucks which is Stephen Chay stepen Chay wanted it and they might beat us you’ll beat you’ll you you could beat the bucks on the road in playoffs that’s fine but

If you’re the five and you and you win you’re probably going to be the highest seed left that means a second week trip to San Francisco I I believe so no no it does yeah I I said this Theory half joking about six weeks ago maybe right

When the season started I think I think the Eagles players hate Jaylen herdz I think AJ Brown hates Jaylen Herz I think AJ Brown hates our coordinators and Brian Johnson at OC I think he I think is Jaylen herdz too much of a pretty boy to be a good quarterback TJ wasn’t that

Your theory uh Sam Harman or something uh Sam Hartman Joe burrow guys that get hot all of a sudden can’t be good at quarterback you you got to pick one yeah you can’t be hot and be a good quarterback like Jo bro was ugly Tom Brady Tom was H Tom Brady was we’ve

Talked about this Tom Brady was not hot for a while and then he won then he won and got hot but he kept winning though he already won didn’t win anything and then he got super hot and then he that’s true when when Joe burrow was at Ohio State he was

Just like a frumpy Ohio boy Sam Hartman’s biggest win in college went to Baton Rouge got some Swagger Ruckers in the gator bow yeah yeah and he was a cool guy he was cool guy Joe and he wasn’t even good his first year at LSU and then all right so who’s Domin [ __ ]

Mahomes has dominating the league he’s not hot okay so who else has won a Super Bowl recently well Tom Tom got hot they had he won already he won yeah but then they had the gap of like what six or seven years and then at the peak hotness

They won more he won first he was already appr he already had Championship DNA in his DNA his body in his DNA yeah before he got hot there was an erir of really like ugly quarterbacks that were good I I don’t know that the the hot quarterback really exists as much as it

Used to Phil Rivers El Eli Manning wasn’t good Ben rbg’s ugly as [ __ ] Payton Eli Manning looks not great pton looks deformed likeon with the red forehead yeah we took off fine but he’s yeah but he’s got the face thing uh the face thing you had a nominee for

Cold ass white boy of the Year oh yeah uh I’d like to nominate uh Joe flacko for cold ass white boy of the air can cold white boy cross Sports I don’t know I I think it’s I don’t I don’t like it it’s basketball it’s a basketball now

Connor said he’s too he’s not a boy but here’s the thing if in basketball whether you’re 10 20 40 or 60 if you or white guy that plays basketball you’re a white boy yeah you never age out of being a white boy and the whole point of

Being the cold ass white boy because like I don’t think Europeans qualify because the point is that you’re a white dude that’s been growing up playing against all black dudes and you finally have earned their respect cuz you’re a cold ass white boy at basketball you know it’s out of that’s the

What’s that noise I think that’s our air conditioning working oh we got it is Pleasant in here today yeah we sacrificed the camera not lagging air condition yeah it’s only 74 instead of the usual 76 damn that’s awesome uh yes so the Eagles [ __ ] suck uh the Dolphins are

Confirmed finesse [ __ ] okay here’s my problem with this finesse [ __ ] team here’s my problem with this Dolphins last week the Dolphins beat the Cowboys which means the Cowboys are frauds and the Dolphins are great no they weren’t this week the Dolphins lost to the Ravens which means the Dolphins

Are fraud I have never wavered from the dolphins being a finesse [ __ ] team ever I I because you when you hear a finesse [ __ ] team you think I’m saying they’re a bad team or that they’re frauds they are not they are a good football team they be a finesse [ __ ] they’re a

Finesse [ __ ] team they’re a good football team they’re definitively good but they’re a finesse [ __ ] but they’re a finesse [ __ ] team that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying well the Ravens by the way are great right oh my God yeah cuz we haven’t we haven’t done

A show since they went to San Francis or Santa CLA or wherever their hell their stadium is pissed out of the ners yeah mhm that was the Brock P that was the Brock P forgot how to play football gam yeah dude I was you know I’ve I’ve been a I’ve

Beeny yeah I’ve been banging the drum for the Niners and I was uh shell shocked yeah believe it it feels like the Ravens just kind of held serve as a pretty good team for about 12 weeks and then over the last month they just said [ __ ] it the best team yeah their defense

Is incredible and having a having a situation where like Lamar Jackson is the the face of the franchise and he’s the guy that everybody knows but then really like he’s he is their best player but like the defense is what’s winning them games that’s like an interesting

What they get Kyle Hamilton in the draft um with a pick thank you ebo that’s that’s why they’re the best in the business it’s one of the couch boys are the best in the business um because the Ravens are that team or one of those teams that everybody else is going to

Overthink the pick and the best player is always going to fall to the Ravens 14 14 yeah no chance he should have been the 14th pick of any draft he’s so good positional value and such you know so good doesn’t make any sense to me so

Good he’s so good why would they DFT me hold on I need about 30 second I’m I’m gonna fight to fight some you going to throw up nah just fighting a little fighting a little diarrhea so I’ve been working on yeah you sucking you sucking

In right now yeah just just wait I might have to freeze I might have to freeze just okay no y’ y’ll talk should um I’ve been working on some sort of way to decide try and figure out who’s good and who isn’t in the NFL if you guys want to

Take you don’t think the records are record no shot this year has been so weird so so I came up with a couple categories if you want to help me tier these okay for the playoff teams playoff eligible Team all right so this is what I think makes the most sense for who’s

Good and who isn’t in the NFL all right teams that can go to the Super Bowl I don’t know if you can see it Titus uh that’s that’s tier one peaked early can Peak again peing right now which is a good thing peing right now which is a

Bad Thing peaked early cannot Peak again no chance at doing anything and eliminated and that’s where you have all the teams that are eliminated yeah so all of these teams are in the playoffs or not eliminated still technically in the hunt yeah still playing games yeah

Brand [ __ ] his pants oh no oh no oh no he ran out of what the hell is going on dude he ran out of here he went dainty mode too did you see that he tiptoeing look like Fred Flintstone trying to start a car I mean we’ve all been there but was

There any indication that he had to no he his stomach was upset this show or what Brandon’s pretty transparent um when we come in to do the show uh I usually get here at 8:30 or so and uh Brandon we we’ll both sit down and look

At each other and Brandon will be like I got diarrhea today or yeah I feel like dog [ __ ] or whatever else he didn’t he didn’t say anything today felt like he was felt like he was good today and then uh just kind of came out of nowhere um

All right so uh do we abandon that or you want to do it without it seemed like it threw his Vibes that’s what caused the diarhea Hat my tier list idea so much Brandon’s faking it like he’s just like I can’t do this I’m not qualified to to tear these

NFL teams and he’s just like I got to get out of this um were there too many commercials last night there were right was it was it more than usual in college football or is it just that we’re more locked in on those games so you notice it more

Whereas when I throw a random ass game on on a Saturday I don’t notice how many commercials there are it it was more those are so bad that was so bad last night it was also it was the fact that the game got started at was 8:45 Eastern

And then was dragging on and on and on like that game no the second game started way after that cuz the first they delayed the kiss yeah but yeah that that can never happen again yeah um but I don’t know how cuz the rose bow I I uh

I’m I’m sure you’re gonna agree with me Conor because you’re a big 10 guy I you can’t move the rose bow you can’t it has to be played on January 1st it has to be a 2 pm local kickoff um the sunset I literally said that as I was

Watching the game uh it was a dog [ __ ] game up until the sun started setting and I was like this is this is the moment that the rose bow always gets good is when the Sun starts to set crazy [ __ ] happens um and then the game picked

Up and it was awesome I I do believe that the rose bll is sacred uh you know people that aren’t Pack 12 and and Big 10 people might disagree with that but I don’t think you move the the rose bow and that seems to be what caused the

Problem is because if you do the Rose Bowl at what was it 5 Eastern then you have to do the sugar bowl at 8:45 because it has to be after or does it have to be after why couldn’t they do it before CU [ __ ] all these other games

Dude [ __ ] all the I I didn’t want to say this to Brandon because I didn’t want to break his heart but while he’s he’s dealing with his diarrhea I’m gonna be completely honest I didn’t watch any bowl games other than the playoffs I watched I watched the first half of Ohio

State turned it off because I was like even if we win we’re going to lose there’s no winning here we’re up three nothing this is the most disgusting football game I’ve ever seen and um I don’t want to watch anymore I turned the Ohio State game other than the first

Half of Ohio state Missouri I didn’t watch a second of any of the other bowl games which you know I that that might just be me maybe people are still into it but um I don’t know I I so I I didn’t give a [ __ ] about like all the leadup

The like Wisconsin played LSU I think I saw people tweeting about what [ __ ] that gate like that’s we got to move the Sugar Bowl before the rose bow or something that was egregious though CU this is today is the worst day for everybody in this country to go back to

Work yeah this is the number one I guess Monday scare Sunday scare whatever you call it like last night is [ __ ] brutal as you’re staring at the clock and you’re just like I got to work tomorrow oh my the Tuesday Terrors yeah the Tuesday Terrors we setting in and

For you to have a football game that we we we all have to watch you have to watch you have to watch you have to watch it’s Texas Washington they’re awesome it was going to be a great game it was a great game um I turned it off

With a minute left and I was still premature with turning it off that’s egregious to make people stay up that late I don’t like it I don’t like it one bit what time did it wrapped up at what like 12:30 Eastern or something like that because it was yeah around 11:30

Here you you have all day of a holiday you could have played it before I don’t know I don’t know I but I guess maybe ultimately you got to move the Rose Bowl but I don’t think you mov the Rose Bowl did you watch the Pop-Tart bowl at all I

Did not I saw the uh I saw the pop you guys sent it to the group chat I saw the uh the edible mascot incredible did they actually eat the guy it was uh oh we’re Frozen he uh he he descended into a gigantic toaster with a sign that said

Dreams really do come true and then was spit out as a edible version of the living mascot and then they ate his face and body as kind of like biblically yeah it it was the eating the body of Jesus Christ when you say you ate his body what did

That look like were they were they were they ripping pieces of the mascot off and eating it were they just going into the whole mascot and biting off pieces ripping it off ripping it off I saw a picture where it was just like an eyeball left yeah it was awesome it’s

Hilarious people were saying he looked like Anakin after uh episode three of the you never seen the movie Star Wars uh uh when they threw the ring into the volcano level well what is next year is it a different next year is the guy e

The actual guy or does he rise from the toaster yes biblically and come back to life I think the guy has to wear whatever that was that they were eating he’s wearing that and they’re just eating his face and he’s running away from them or maybe he’s not running away

From maybe he likes it you got to go again man no no that took Ria huh no more Marty I I I I took I took a big [ __ ] took took a was it was it runy no it yeah yeah I don’t want to

Talk about it it was it was rough it was rough y’all see that Panthers owner throw that drink at that dude mhm that was crazy that was wild just throwing just a rich guy throwing drinks on poor people yeah that doesn’t make any sense to me that’s

That’s stupid guy being an [ __ ] to to to to poor people that they can’t really who would ever throw a drink on poor people you know don’t do it what what no I was taking I was taking a drink I was could you imagine though um we were talking

About uh while you were gone while you were having a a I went out there to the bathroom F was waiting did y’all tell F was waiting at the bathroom door with a camera like let me go to the bathroom yeah yeah sorry just doing my job just doing my job doing my

Job what a dick dude all right what a dick uh we were talking about uh the commercials and those two games taking forever last night oh my god um how how do you uh I’m G to pitch this to you I’m G to pitch so

Yes go I think part of the reason or the reason the the second game kicks off so late is obviously the first game goes long but you can’t move the rose bow the roseb has well that’s the [ __ ] why not why he’s not he’s not a big 10 pack

12 kind of guy I see I see why the banner I see why I see why they took the banner down why does the Rose Bowl get to hold Lord over the entire sport why does the Rose Bowl get its own certain time every single year you could make an

Argument the Rose Bowl is the only thing college football has left that’s like good the Rose Bowl has been around a long time and it is the granddaddy of them all and I I acknowledge that the Orange Bowl the Sugar Bowl all of those bowl games have also been a long time

They’ll move they’ll go here they’ll go there they’ll do whatever is needed for the product the rosebowl nuh we’re starting right here and if you have to stay up till 2: a.m. on the East Coast [ __ ] you the rosebowl is the product the rose bow is the product the the the

Problem is that the Rose Bowl is a part of the the playoff so we have to have the two playoff games it should be alone in its own day no here’s what it should be here’s what it should be we have to as we go to the 12 team playoff I think

They got to move up the playoff and start it way sooner like the the idea of giving the idea of every week is you’re in a rhythm you obviously get one bye throughout the season but it’s like every Saturday we’re playing we’re playing we’re playing we’re playing now

Take 48 days off and wait for your big playoff game that’s the school [ __ ] you know the finals and stuff I understand but you got to have the appearance of it right no you don’t anymore move the playoff up you don’t have to play it exactly one week after the conference

Championships but like move it up in college football season January 1st at 2 p.m Pacific kicking off in the Rose bow with the national championship every year you want the rose I want the rose bow to be the national championship every year I wanted to end January 1st

The idea that college football West Coast guys man the idea that college football leads into middle of January now is [ __ ] insane this is not football season it’s basketball season step aside step aside have you ever uh step aside I mean you’ve never you’ve never lived out in La so you don’t

Really know what it’s like to go to Rose bow but no well God damn you’re wrong dude you’re so wrong I mean I think we would have heard about it if you did no I I I have been to the Rose bow I’ve been to Rose Bowl many times um

And as a tourist you flew out there I I went to the uh I went to the Rose bow last year Penn State Utah um I went to that Rose Bowl and you’re saying to yourself why would why would a buckeye living in the midwest fly out to watch

Penn State that is weird play Utah I I actually didn’t I just drove over um you were living out there yeah yeah it was just a quick little day trip over to Pasadena um not for you weren’t but you weren’t like living by the beach yeah it was so it was it was

Actually a little bit further of a trip for me um most people know that wonder how long of a trip to pasaden is for Jane Lynch uh one other college football thing I want to throw at you uh we didn’t talk about JJ McCarthy cured his depression by Googling how to not be

Depressed um you don’t think I no I absolutely think you don’t think no he definitely did that he in his Google searches he discovered he came across on my Wikipedia page that in 2015 AMA yeah Titus disclosed that he struggled with depression do you think

I believe do you think that I should get credit if Michigan wins a national championship I should get credit for saving JJ McCarthy’s brain I think that’s Mark I think that’s silly I I I think that’s trivial I think you putting yourself as like the savior of their football program winning a national

Title now you do I think you saved JJ McCarthy’s life yeah I do yeah I do I think he Google depression the first hit was Mark Titus in a 2015 Reddit AMA said I get depressed sometimes and it changed JJ McCarthy’s life and now did you see

He he goes on the field Barefoot and meditates before every game we’re doing that that’s what we’re doing in 2024 believe it’s called grounding so Google says that depression yeah I’ve given up the fight dude I have I can’t do it anymore like the the the I I gave up the

Fight when Ohio State and Michigan were playing and it felt like and maybe it was just an inferiority complex cuz I’m a buckeye [ __ ] and and was just just sad that we were losing but it felt like most people were clowning Ryan Day for being a dumb [ __ ] and were cheering for

Jim Harbaugh and I thought listen I I’m not saying Ryan day is the most likable guy in the world but for Jim Harbaugh in this Michigan program to position themselves as as good even kind of likable it’s [ __ ] insane to me but uh it was a fight that I I I guess I’ve

Just lost I don’t know I guess this is maybe they really are America’s team BR well America’s in a bad I see JJ McCarthy medita and I’m like this is this is Russell Wilson Russell Wilson does this [ __ ] all the time before games yeah yeah there he’s and we [ __ ]

Clown him and he’s a loser Russell Wilson stands at Midfield like sticks his hands out and like Twirls around and you know and everyone’s like what a loser dork this guy is and he’s he’s going through his and then JJ McCarthy does it and it’s like this is this guy’s

Awesome this is cool well yeah but he was inspired by your 2015 true that is true I’m I’m to blame for this mhm can can we agree no that okay I think that the Big 10 suspense defending Jim Harbaugh was the dumbest thing they possibly could have done because now it

Creates a situation where okay they still beat Penn State they still beat Ohio accept it they’re winning the national title doesn’t matter I I hear what you’re saying but it also just accept it none of this like it didn’t it did nothing and now it validates that

They were the best team and the cheating maybe didn’t have much to do with it and now they do kind of have a like but but like I you’re you’re I’m not I’m not mad I’m not frustrated you you’re right you’re right I’m just saying that like I

I have come to grips with the fact that none of this [ __ ] matters and the NCA was never going to do anything they’re still not going to do anything um and none of this [ __ ] matters if Jim Harbaugh coached every second it would have had no bearing on anything none of

This matters this is just how college sports work now oh we actually cheat your balls off you win the championship what we I’m sorry we actually have’t had oh yeah we haven’t we have an ad I have to read it right here but we we did

Y’all not know about it oh [ __ ] we have an ad I oliz go ahead maybe Conor if you want to do a reading of it but I got to do the real quick um balls deep inside of me is a great way balls balls deep inside of me is a

Great way to spend your birthday that’s that’s the that’s the ad that came up on the show uh Connor if you want to do a no Brandon that’s very inappropriate that’s very inappropriate con if you want it’s an ad uh ball read this in the voice of Jake Marsh

Announcing the Arizona bow all’s deep inside of me is a great way to spend your birthday is an advertisement that a lot of people are getting these days so was that on Amazon is this your Derek Jeter commercial yeah I just everything about that so [ __ ] funny yeah um did he do

This on purpose I don’t I don’t think so did he he knew that he was going to get I don’t I was he you think Whitlock you know how likees Whitlock have that in his bag you know how you tweet a bunch of dumb [ __ ] and

Yeah yeah I don’t really mean it yeah do the tap dancing meme yeah I never I do mean it uh but yeah I get it it gets engagement do you think that’s what he was doing I kind of want to go to The NFL Standing that same NFL standing page

And see what ad I get oh should we all should we all should we all should we all temp fate should we all what what is that that where’s he at what you what do you Google NFL standing ESPN uh I’m looking uh we all got to

Google the same thing so we click on the same link that comes up oh I got I got mine I got mine I’ll I’ll get my laptop to I got ad blockers folks okay ohine you got okay so what we’re doing is we’re going to and looking up

NFL standings or we Google I’m going to Google NFL ESPN and then click on the top result okay all right and see what I get all right I I have to I’m watching Rey Mysterio’s Hall of Fame Legacy on WWE Network right now close a few tabs

Not want that tab to be open when I do this Google new incognito no it can’t do Incognito that defeats the purpose I think I actually got an ad for the same site but for a different product how do you open a non Incognito tabn well standing csvn right so I’m

Going to go click on that and I okay here we go NFL standing I don’t have is this the Jason Whitlock challenge by the way Jason Whitlock chall I’m ready I’m ready I think we all have the same the same sight as he um I I have the solo

Smokeless stove oh yeah um that I actually bought for the for the yak uh Christmas so so that actually checks out and also have I have two two banner ads I have the solo smokeless stove and I have Jeep Wrangler which makes a lot of sense for me this

Is this is kind of embarrassing um but this feels like a targeted like I feel like my laptop is listening to you I this this ad tells me I’m spinning way too much time with you because my ad is a car holder tray adjustable car tray table mobile phone holder mount and it’s

A picture of a chicken sandwich on a tray on a tray that you put in your cup holder you put it in your cup holder that’s awesome and then it’s a tray and you just put your that’s [ __ ] awesome you put your wait that’s isn’t that that

That that that titty site yeah that’s a titty site I have the same thing too te titty site U is a titty site titty site yeah it’s a titty site oh yeah if you go on Tik Tok it’s all leaks and stuff yeah you’ll just be scrolling

Through and then there’s just like a naked girl it’s like oh go to Teemu to find like the real video is titties and car holders TR that’s pretty convenient well so wait I’m confus like what do you mean titty site I’m fine with it being a titty I think it’s a multi-purpose site

Multi-purpose what a porn site or just like girl don’t know if you’re on Tik Tok you’ll be scrolling it’s it’s an Alibaba it’s like they do like Drop Shipping and fake products and knockoffs you know what [ __ ] also have it’ll also have it’ll say that they have Livy duns

Leaks yeah people use porn to get you to use their promo code basically okay all right this is I clicked on the shop now this is uh how much is that’s a dollar up there for the for the chicken sandwich in your car yeah do yeah like

Drop ship products from China take six weeks to ship there’s a are made out of a bunch of drones a a quick release multi-functional breathable vest for outdoor adventure a tactical vest oh I’ll need that for the Saturday yeah all right what luck challenge uh what TJ that’s yours you have Team you

Too what you got what do you got Conor I I have teu and it’s a bunch of corny ass signs that you hang up if you’re like an old married couple uh oh my screen went blank I the one about bike riding one is

A an O to this guy’s old wife um and then a cat’s map of the bed if we wanted either of those or any of those for the studio Evo um I just got the the bike riding yeah so team just dominates their ad placements well I I I did it I

Refreshed and I just wait I got Jeep Wrangler was was that teu Whitlock teu oh it was oh oh so we all you all got it I didn’t get it I I’m getting nothing but Jeep Wranglers this bike riding sign actually is pretty cool I’m going pick it up I

Mean I don’t want to [ __ ] all over like a very funny moment on the internet but like balls deep inside of me is is there a world where he just got a a random ass Teemu product and it just so happened to be a balls deep one

You know that’s weird feels like we’re all getting I’m just goingon to say you got a chicken sandwich tray for your car right he got like some sort of device and Jason Whitlock got balls deep inside of me yeah does that mean Jason Whitlock [ __ ] a

Lot I think that’s the takeaway here I think Jason Whitlock [ __ ] a lot good for him he posted a long ass [ __ ] tweet about it this morning oh really let me see it how long was the Tweet way too long oh don’t care don’t care oh my [Laughter]

God my bro just yapping with this picture that is crazy dude oh my God talking about Britney Runner what are you he’s babbling drugs [ __ ] I kind of want Conor to read that as Anor the NW is in it so probably can’t do that wait co go back down I just want to

Read one sentence you you think Disney couldn’t stop I lick swallow and suck T-shirts from appearing on its Sports Website oh wait there Jesus wilock keep going Brandon Jesus withlock did brashard right there yeah all right ESPN also AP apologize for the tits uh they released a statement on

That too response the last night’s tits to the [Laughter] t-shir oh the internet is so terrible but sometimes it’s so wonderful what a stupid stupid place um else uh the Detroit Pistons while we were away set the record for most losses in a row but then they won but then they won then

They won and then they sna the that was really confusing cuz they set the record for the most losses in a row then they win to avoid setting the record for the most losses in a row because after they set the record for the most losses in a

Row in a single season everyone pivoted to overall no there was like a the record was you end your season with a bunch of losses then you start the next season with a bunch of losses okay um so congrats to the Pistons on losing so much but then not losing not but then

Not losing I guess yeah yeah um what else what else uh Chinese chess champion stripped the title after defecating in hotel Batha alleged anal be okay hold on I need to break down the sentence Chinese chess champion hard to say stripped of title after defecating in hotel bathtub comma alleged anal bead’s

Cheating does that mean he got caught [ __ ] in batb but then he alleged somebody else of anal be cheating or all of this is him all of this is him 48-year-old Yan Ching long beat dozens of contenders last week to win the national title of jangi King but the victory was

Shortlived after the celebration ended with him defecating in a bathtub the association was forced to address rumors circulating online that Yan had cheated during the competition by using anal beads equipped with wireless transmitters to send and receive signals Yan allegedly clenched and unclinched rhythmically to communicate information

About the chessboard via code to a computer which then sent back instructions on what moves to make in the form of vibrations according to reports circulating on the Chinese social site wait a second EA how did you come across this story you just Google sports headlines and that that popped up

At the top oh interesting tget a Target Banner ad um you know what I’m just going to read one sentence again um he allegedly clenched and unclenched rhythmically to communicate information about the chess board via code to a computer which sent back instructions on what moves to make

In the form of vibrations good he wins that’s what I I he wins if you and if he did in fact do all this he deserves to win if he violated his own [ __ ] and communicated via his [ __ ] to a computer and then listened via his

[ __ ] he wins you win something he win something I don’t know if you win chess champion but you got to win something what an [ __ ] that was good so if the Astros had done this instead of the trash can would you Asos Astros would you have would you be okay

With the Astros cheating if this is what it was anal be ask Pros if they did that uh yeah I think you have to be I think if Conor stallions was stealing signs using his [ __ ] I walk back everything I’ve said about Michigan football if we come to now are we ruling

That out I’m not if if that’s that’s how you get me to drop it I I will I will never speak of you know I’ll never speak of the the Michigan cheating stuff again if if we find out that Conor stallions was using his [ __ ] if you use your

[ __ ] to cheat I’ll allow it Danny DeVito unless you’re like a a wife because come on this was an episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia that Danny DeVito does this where he cheats in chess by sticking well Charlie sticks anal beads up his ass happen in real life allegedly

Well we we’ve already done a this right we did a store we launched the show this was a few months ago there was a story anal beads just keep coming around yeah that’s a chess that’s a I mean that’s a chess anal be that’s like the pine tar of

Chess anal beads man that’s his I just because you know when when a guy hits a home run the umpire’s calling back out and check the bat so the guy’s walking off the chat who whoa whoa whoa whoa come here come here let me let me check let me check that [ __ ] they’ve

Been doing this for hundreds of years that’s his that’s as straightforward as it gets cheating uh in chess uh in other in other wacko sports news there’s a 16-year-old this is a TJ story there’s a 16-year-old dominating the darts the world dart I need I didn’t need TJ to

Fill in the blanks for me but I saw this headline that uh I think he’s competing today for the chance to go to the finals um and he’s 16 years old there’s a darts proy Luke ller yeah Luke ller I don’t know about that name rhymes with

Hitler okay wait he’s that kid’s 16 yeah well first of all he looks he looks 25 he’s been balling out darts is the best man where uh where is he from England or Ireland or seems every every every darst is is English right thank you for recognizing them as dsts is darst correct

Darter he’s got some zestiness to him he’s not six he’s not yeah that is a shock that I would just like this a Dani situation i’ like to isolate what Conor Griffin just said so I can use that in other he’s got some flare he’s just he’s

Out of nowhere he’s got some zestiness to him the way the way he like strutting after that yeah that was some Pizzazz Pizzazz yeah that guy looks like a junior in an SEC school when they pan to the crowd and he’s uh yes he’s like a

Frat and he’s standing next to a girl who’s way too hot yeah yeah he’s a junior at Tennessee shaking a palm palom the Rocky Top as they just scored a touch that is the most embarrassing thing about being an SEC fan is is the insistence by Alabama fans and Alburn

Fans and others of shaking pom poms yeah and also getting your ass handed to you in the playoff by big 10 schools that’s got to be the most embarrassing thing too having two having two big 10 teams beat two SEC teams in the playoff that’s that’s got to be that is

That that that that is that is sad though right like like last night we had four teams from four corners of the country one from the Upper Midwest Great Northwest um Texas and then the South and it next year that’s just two big 10 teams in two that’s depressing right but

That’s what I’m saying the 12 everyone I don’t I don’t want to dive back into it but we’re here everyone’s saying next year the 12 team playoff we don’t have to worry about issues like Florida State ever again I mean who are we kidding like there’s it’s GNA come down to like

Should Penn State make it in or should yeah if James M Madison had gone undefeated who deserves the bid and everyone’s goingon to be like well Penn State would be favored by 20 on a neutral field so they should make it in and then that’s what that’s what that’s

What the playoffs always going to be it’s going to be half SEC half Big 10 teams Brandon saw something funny or he’s got diarrhea again one of the two what if what if what if Whitlock was just like Googling Pinn State and that’s what triggered the balls deep inside of

Me it’s not it’s not the first show of 2020 I mean come on what if that’s what okay all right you’re right you’re right you’re right first show uh anything else uh no I I think uh any Friday show did well did very well yeah 90k views thank

You for watching it it was it was it was awesome I can’t help but think Nick tery did play a small part in and helping heny Friday become a thing that can’t be true if that was true he would get some of the money from the hinny Friday shirts he’s never getting that

[ __ ] oh all right we had gifts from that I don’t know I think they’re under the couch my the photos that I got we got to put them we got put them yeah what did that happen on the show can I just address also uh I I do most people seem

To a lot of the feedback I got from the people that watch the Henny Friday show were like I I do understand why you didn’t you were no show the next morning you are hammering the H um but I uh there is a narrative for me that I might have a

Dependence a dependency the alcohol yeah that like I’m way too comfortable throwing back to Henny but you’ve retired I have retired from the hny those are those are so good we got to hang those up yeah we got we got a there’s some rearranging in here that we

Got to hang up the kitten we got to hang up a lot um yeah people people like I I hammer hen and everyone’s like damn Titus is an alcoholic um I don’t really drink at all which is why I just want to go on record

Of saying I I actually don’t drink a ton which is why when we do a hin Friday show I have no concept of pacing I’m just your problem is you’re the guy that shows up with the 5K that doesn’t really run and decides all right I’m going to

Run as fast as I can as long as I can I’m going to win and you you you run the first half mile in 31 seconds and then you look around like oh my God yeah I’m that’s exactly what happens but yeah but I I wanted to go on record because I I

Had way too many people like damn dude you just like you just drink all the time like the way you’re hammering that Hennessy you look like an alcoholic and I’m like dude it’s the exact opposite well my burners have been saying you’re a raging alcoholic that’s a piece of

[ __ ] so I just I just want to get on record as that is uh I really don’t I really don’t drink that much at all but uh something about Henny Friday man it comes out something about hny Friday Henny Friday brings it out of me I can’t

Lie uh I guess it was Christmas Eve Eve 23rd I went out with some of my buddies at uh the hometown bar they had Hennessy I did have some Hennessy yep it was it was the day after TJ was having the Hennessy too I brought some to the TJ

Had some of his cargo pants side pocket dude Tom L told me to bring the Henny on Friday I said all right fine TJ looked like he was trying to uh pants remember that uh that like six-month window when people would bring smearing off I around

And like ice ice your your buddies look like TJ was doing that at the parties just going to present a surprise bottle of hny and make everybody drink it so funny all right uh we’re we’re all right shut her down we are back uh we are back uh Monday through

Friday it’s our year boys this is uh this is it what what are do we want to do resolutions we want to save it for the manifesto we can do save for the manifesto we can we can everybody bring your New Year’s resolutions for Manifesto day yeah because it’s a basic

[ __ ] move to read your resolutions day one everybody’s doing it now yeah you gotta you got to actually give some time and say we’re committed to this and then we’ll we’ll read our resolutions in but we are uh we’re back in the stadle man it’s good

To be back um we’ll see you guys tomorrow yep that’s how ball is Done A A N Family family family family family family family


  1. Titus an Ohio guy awarding Michigan the title. The Huskies disrespected is off the charts.

  2. Here goes Brandon again with his SEC bias showing, “the committee made a choice for a better game” yeah ok buddy. That game was sloppy on offense, was won with defense, and the undefeated team found a way to win. I think the FSU/UM game would have been equally as drug out with defense. And don’t try to tell me FSU didn’t belong by bringing up the Orange bowl because that was FSU with about 30 opt outs (with like 6 or so NFL players opting out), which is a COMPLETELY different team than would have competed in a playoff. What the committee did will never be okay.

  3. THANK YOU MARK TITUS AGAIN, “Prove me wrong” because you just don’t know man, the game is played on the field not a boardroom. Whatever, I don’t want to be the crazy FSU guy anymore it’s just egregious, just gonna take my regarded ass and sit down now. VIVA 10X

  4. WTF does BW think he is .dave portnoy found you in your basement and you hate on the guy .
    Its not even a shtick .

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