Clubface Must Look Open to be Square & On Plane

Dr. Wright and Albert Pistorius ( 2020 when Albert played the Korn Ferry Tour) during a lesson demonstrate how a square clubface looks open at address and the impact grip, shaft lean and a square face are to path.

Years ago I made a video showing in order for the club face to be square it is going to look open and it has to do with the L angle how the club sits on the ground at a drifts so the more that toe is in the air the more open it has

To look so go ahead and ground the club Albert so what Albert has tended to do is square the face here so it looks square to him and when he does that I’m sorry that’s left yeah that’s pretty far left you can see how far left that is now

Albert I’m going to pan out again and if you would reset change your grip is that too heavy on the end no it’s okay change your grip the way you have and your setup then we’ll show it again face on so this is with a grip change and a little bit of

Shaftline and you can see that Albert is that is just absolutely spoton let me zoom in again here Albert it is right on that first line absolutely dead Square uh so Albert knows now what’s the face look like to you Albert oh it looks open

Yeah if your grip is good and the Sha and you set the Sha Lan yeah that’s why it’s really important for me just set it over here get a good grip over here that’s shling already and then I can just basically walk around and step in

Like that and he just goes right down to the ball notice the hand position Alber now you’ll notice that that face looks pretty wide open when I put this magnet on that is absolutely spoton that’s exactly where Albert wants to be so and Albert how long did it take you to make that

Change two days dog two days and so this is with or without the change with this is with the change up yeah okay I see the glove go ahead and start that back and notice the path okay one more time for me Al notice this path this this is

Where the changes he’s made now albre go back to where you were so rather than working on positions as you’ll see here that’s a big change that’s a shin breaker there Albert gave me a break didn’t come back too quickly so just changing grip and shaing he start was starting the club outside

Somewhere in the back swing had to reroute it that’s right to get it on plane


  1. A wayyyy under talked about subject… people as so closed at address and even line up using the top line of their irons. The more open the better and less compensations in the swing imo

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