Golf Players

Happy New Year – NEW TP5x PROTO

Happy New Year – Tp5x Proto

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Hopefully people will start to come in I can wait so anyway I I’ll wait for a few people to turn up but um we are in 2024 now it feels like a different no I’m just joking doesn’t feel any freaking different to me every day is just

Another day so um very interesting stuff if that’s what you sort of care about but I’m just in my front yard probably the first time I could uh actually get outside so um actually for a little bit because it has been raining it’s it’s been it’s been raining a lot from where

Where I am here um at Kanga so just down the road from North Lakes um we’ve had a bit of rain I can’t imagine we’ve had any more than 100 or so mil oh I got people looking at me oh oh people are crazy um so basically had probably less than 100 Mil

So the pool we wanted to overflow a little bit so we’ve uh pulled the uh the plug out of that anyway it’s okay it hasn’t overflowed but um it’s been wet I know down the coast is properly Coop it down down the coast is uh actually

Before anyone can anyone hear me can you hello Josh Mars oh do you need to do that okay um can everyone hear me that’s all I really care about cuz I’ve I’ve never done a live I’ve never done a live wearing the mic I’ve always just filmed using

Um uh the the camera but because it’s a little bit Breezy out here I thought I’d uh see if the mic goes sound is good beautiful I’m glad uh so yeah like I said I’m at Kanga um I said it’s been wet but it hasn’t been silly it hasn’t

Been silly but I know down the go Coast they’ve properly copped it uh probably between 500 and 800 mil so plenty of plenty of rain so um and will I see your comment there yeah send us through that and and that’s kind of what I’m mainly on for is

To say Happy New Year hope everyone’s well uh hopefully the first couple of days of the new year has gone swimmingly not a metaphor that I actually swimmingly hopefully you’re not flooded uh especially here in Queensland I know there’s a few places around the world that have copped it Japan sort of

Copped a bit little bit of a either tsunami or an earthquake or something like that so that’s not ideal but you know it is what it is um yeah few things to talk about few things to talk about but um like I said we’ve had a bit of rain here down the

Coast has absolutely copped it so I don’t know how we’re going to go from a golf course perspective and doing some Vlogs so that’s going to kind of suck a little bit but yes it’s a bit Breezy out here it’s a bit Breezy that’s sort of

Why that’s sort of why I wore the mic like I said to see how it goes who likes me Pokémon shirt if anybody’s into it that’s Venusaur or actually it’s ior so uh I’m I’m All About Pokemon and Dragon Ball so uh anyway I’ll plun this back on so like I

Said the main reason was to say get at everybody and hope everybody’s well but the second reason was to sort of let everybody know who’s you know who and what what happened with um with the Glades thanks Josh can’t hear the wind so that’s perfect I’m glad that that’s

That’s that’s spot on uh so we had the Glades recently it was uh myself myself richo Dave Maxfield and Nev Austin from the T block so Dave Maxfield has his own YouTube channel we done a guess to score uh for the four of us playing in Ambrose and lots of guesses which was

Fantastic uh thanks for everybody that has or had commented and uh we actually had 13 people guess 12 under so um there’s going to be a bit of postage going on there’s a couple that live relatively local that I might be able to drop some stuff off to but um of the 13

And I know Will’s in the comment there he he he did win so you got to email me will if you can Aussie gol reviewer uh all of our stuff should be in the description below maybe I don’t have the email address in there but either way Aussie

Golf reviewer all one word at um we had Peter we Wayne henset uh we had will who’s in the comments at the moment uh Chris Johnson Flavio Darren schilz old man golf which is male Roberts so the so the ones that haven’t contacted us all of them have

And I know will will uh we haven’t had Sarah Clark Robert Scott Jimmy Jim Cole which is chongo boy Mcall uh we had flip lip so f l1p l i Tony Sutton and Jody Mason so there the uh handful what we got two four six that

Haven’t contacted us so yeah will I can yes see the thumbs up uh send us an email um with like I said your description your your your address your usual shirt size and we’ll get some stuff sent out so once all of that gets sent out uh once all of that gets sorted

Out uh email wise I’ll start sending out I know Peter we’ve I’ve dropped some stuff off to him before so maybe I’ll do that I know old man golf which is M Roberts I’ll probably drop some stuff after after him the other guys I will

Get sent away so Wayne uh henset who is down down the coast I believe hopefully you’re doing all right mate I know there’s been a bit of water around I know tambourine Mount tambourine has absolutely coped it I don’t know about the golf course copying it but I know

Some houses around there uh potentially like a mini tornado um some people have absolutely coped a flogging which isn’t ideal especially to the start of the year um not ideal but like I said terrible choke scratch handwriting but uh they they’re the ones everything down my left hand side Peter we Wayne

Will Chris Flavio Darren and old man golf all have replied to my email or at least in the comment yeah crazy no we’re in a cold Z I mean that that’s the craziest person to ever call him coming to the street but those that need to contact us if you

Do watch this is Sarah Clark Robert Scott uh chongo boy mcco flip lip Tony Sutton and Jody Mason so that’s housekeeping done but any comments guys hope everyone’s well uh if you want to leave any comments I’m happy to read some but there’s just a few little

Things that I I want to have a chat about uh one of them being that okay as most people might know I use provy 1 x uh I’ve used prov1x for a long time um why probably because I used it when I was playing prob 1X is pretty much what I’d

Used but this ball has certainly got me has certainly got me thinking a little tiny bit um that’s that so it’s the Proto the new Proto made tp5x now I’ve played one round of golf and I’ve done a little bit of numbers and so the numbers were pretty impressive

Now inside off the mat yeah new new tp5x this a tp5x compared to Prov 1X it’s 4 to 5 mph quicker and granted my club head speed so on the testing I done I posted in Instagram just a photo right of the numbers now there was a pretty Prett big

Difference in the numbers between tp5x so the new Proto tp5x which will become the tp5x next year and the Prov One X it was a pretty big difference um faster I I warmed up hitting the Prov One X and then I hit the tp5 so a mph

Increase in club head speed for seven9 I was hitting but I gained like 8 m in the air extra Peak height more ball speed more distance now not Saturday just gone the Saturday before I played out at one tea I shot Square I was kind of happy with the score

But look I was kind of Blown Away with the golf ball a little bit it was a little bit Breezy it wasn’t overly windy but I teed off on the 10th right so if anybody knows the 10th it’s where the pin was I think it was5 to the flag 124

To the flag downhill right back into the Bri Breeze a little bit hello Mark but yes put some comments in there if if if you want to have a have a little bit of a a chat with me and I’ll and I’ll do that so 124 downhill so it’s about 120 back

Into the wind playing about 123 I would have thought right that’s about what I hit my pitching wedge like on a pretty good one I don’t warm up I literally had a few practice wings and then hit it this thing is carried to the back of the

Green which would have been about you know playing 128 is um so and the and the ball flight was completely different I thought when I hit it I thought it’s carrying on the 11th T block anyone that’s played one team will sort of know I’ve hit this thing and

I’ve said to the playing Partners I’ve going oh that’s got to get down and I mean did have to get down it was a few meters past but the thing launched so high in comparison to what I do generally with uh a proy 1x I’m very very very interested in

Mucking around with with that now like I said I shot I shot Square I hit driver so good it’s not funny like I didn’t miss a fairway apart from 11 and then one just on the edge which you could have called anyway it hit every Fairway and center cut every

Fairway one thing that I did notice with this ball is the now again I need that’s why I need to do more testing and and Mark Bounty that is I’m going to get to that I’m I’m going to get to that I’m used to seeing me under spin the

Ball a little bit now that’s why I generally use the prov1 X because it did because it does spin more I was kind of interested to see how it go in the real world now it was good it did spin lower 100% now if we’re comparing just numbers with

Numbers off a mat Prov v1x spun my 79 basically at 7,000 the tp5x spa at low low sixes right so pardon me it was quite interesting so it was basically 800 odd spin difference between tp5x and prov1x I didn’t I personally didn’t like the ballf flight because I’m not used to

Seeing that I think that’s the most difficult part about it is I’m not used to seeing it so a lot of the shots that I did hit I hit from I was putting from long so on on 10 I hit it up the back made par moved

On 11 Par Four aimed at the if you played one but down the right hand side tried to draw it back it went bolt straight I’ve made the best birdie my life from there just quietly 120 odd M hit an 8 on hook around the tree like it

Was perfect and hit it to about 10t made birdie like it was absurd next because they’re McKing around with with the um with the layout you have to go basically from 11 to where you generally hit your second shot on the third hole and then you play the

Front nine and you work your way back and go one two and then 13 yeah that’s kind of what they’re doing at the moment I hit gap wedge and the ball flight it’s so high and it was a completely different ball flight than what I’m used to and then

Played Four terrible I had like 50 m in hit it up the back of the green two pad that’s my fault but I hit Adine into the sixth hole which I hit three-wood Adine back into the wind didn’t hit it very well and it got there it definitely cuts

Through the wind but what I did notice and again I will have to practice and muck around some more this ball did not move in the air I I don’t know if it’s a golf ball with driver I just went it just went yo yo y it went so

Straight with the IR it just kept going straight and oh it was okay there’s definitely something in the golf ball I think the spin rate’s definitely a bit low now I’m going to have to do more testing like I said maybe the tp5 is where I’m at not the X

But the tp5x compared to prov1x it’s a club difference in distance it’s it’s 4 to 5 mph the 79 faster for only a mph extra Club head speed I’ll do some videos on it it blows me away but like I said I I I need to around with it

More definitely an interesting thing if you spin the ball crap loads this is definitely a very very good golf ball uh like I said prototype it’s always nice to sort of muck around with the Proto uh very very good though one thing I will say I mean this

Is a brand new one I haven’t I marked two golf balls um I still use the Trident if anybody wants to know when I’m actually playing I think that’s a great idea with the lab P look I’m going to put a video out will uh eventually

I’ll do it maybe this this week I can do it at work maybe I’ll do it in in the lab um I know I’m busy tomorrow it’s crazy Thursday I’m pretty busy at least late in the day so maybe in the morning or something I I’ll do something or not

But I’ll put something up uh maybe the normal tp5 uh is is is is mint but I’ll marck around with that I’ve also got uh provy one normal provy one that I want to Mark around with but I’ve never thought about changing golf ball I’ve just stuck with it but at at

The very least the Taylor Made tp5x has made me think about it I don’t know how this will work but if I put this up and you can scan it and then maybe you can get an you know I don’t know where it goes but it probably goes to a uh you know

Information page I would say give them a little bit of a go absolutely give them a little bit of a go pretty impressive so I’ll change the description cuz I didn’t think I was going to do that that’s why I ran to the car before I started any who let’s get

Back to some of these questions so if any anybody uh has any questions like I said ask me away Lodge potato says I use the current tp5x and love them uh the last Tade ball I used was like a tp5 it might have been the tool

Preferred years ago like not the tp5 it was the tool preferred before they changed them cuz if you go back and watch a vlog we did at service Paradise just trying to think when it was it’s a couple of years ago for sure I used it

At least for the first three holes cuz I remember hitting driver down the middle very straight again I I don’t know if it’s me or the golf ball and that’s why I need to do some more testing because at one team I could not miss driver the

First hole now has a massive Dam on the right now the wind was into pushing to the right and I’ve hit this thing down the left side and anyway middle middle had 20 y out almost stumped the next one and made an easy birdie move on like it

Was it was insane how straight the ball was going on the 16th downwind I was playing with a group um great group just quietly 170 I believe it was the flag 168 I believe it was I had seven on in my hand and I decided not to hit

7even on so I decided to go back to an eight on yes it’s downwind by better a club I thought but this ball goes so far anyway I’ve hit Adon that’s gone that’s flown past pin High I’ve pulled and Drew it a bit too much and it carried the

Bunker there and went nearly 20 over the back I’ve hit an eight on about 200 it may have hit the the path on on one of the second or third bounce I’m not sure but it’s carried at least 170 something maybe 180 and gone long anyway

It’s gone miles more test needed but I did catch them flies like like I’m going to get to with Mark Bounty just saying that found the original tp5 inconsistent with spin every now and again yes you get unexpected fly that’s what it looked like to me a lot so from the numbers I

Only did 79 I didn’t do anything else 79 spun about 800 less but it did launch higher and it did come off faster and that’s where again to me it launched higher it spun less it came off faster it got picked really high the thing is out of the middle of the

Fairway it was amazing I hit a pitching wedge on 7even at one teer H thr on off the te hit it left in into the rough it was it wasn’t great had 127 pin was pretty much up the back and I hit it long on eight I had 100 m on

The dot usually just it’s an easy 54 gets me there and okay granted was slightly down Breeze I’ve flown it 100 65 something like that and hit it over the back so it definitely goes longer now is it me that needs to adjust because the ones I hit well yes they

Were longer but they did stop on the green too I think that where I worry about it is where the spin rate gets low when you’re in the rough that’s when you catch that proper flly I mean the ball flight was so much higher than I’m used

To seeing which is great cuz I don’t hit it overly high but out of the rough that’s when you get into a little bit of strife I reckon so maybe I’ll muck around with tp5 there’s certainly some stuff to muck around with contemplating changing my ISS this year

For no reason uh maybe I want to play more I don’t know put put it this way the day I played one teer a couple of weeks ago Mr Cameron Smith was there and I thought about my Round And His short game if I had so so the the distance I

Struggled with and I do anyway was between sort of let’s call 30 40 and 40 and 70 something along those lines if we go through the round of golf on the fourth I had 50 60 on the 9th I had 50 made bogey there just

Quietly three puted cuz I hit it way up the back of the green um um into the second I hit it pretty good but I sort of backed off it it was 100 m exactly again and I left it short hit it about 96 95 anyway um into

The 15th which is a par 4 they used uh I had like 40 m hit it long nearly up the back of the green 17 pin High uh off the T so you know 280 whatever it is uh nearly hold it but hit it a bit long

Didn’t didn’t make the Putt and then up on 18 50 60 m in and hit it up the back again so if I had Cameron Smith short game or even a half decent low marker short game the instead of it being Square it probably could have been two

Or three under up pretty easily but that’s golf there’s no practice I’ve got no system uh I’m I’m not great at that anyway so but anyway yes Mark I I agree there certainly more numbers needed oh like I said I will get some videos done tp5x versus my ball and maybe even some

Other balls I if you remember years ago we done a ball fitting comparison where I marked out all the balls with a certain amount of dots and I had a bit of a legend there that said ah this is a provie 1X and I got richo Kieran and softy I

Think anyway I’m pretty sure yeah I’m pretty sure it’s softy and we just done it basic of feel putts chips uh and iron shots no drivers and I didn’t do numbers but I would like to do something more extensive and actually do numbers you know with them without them knowing and

Certainly a titless was always in the top couple and the Callaway soft feeli super soft sorry at the time uh was in the top three for all the guys so if you go back and watch that maybe when I while I’m doing this live so I’ll try to

Put something on there for now but interesting stuff very interesting stuff but ball for ball spitting people fitting people need to do it more often they don’t they don’t do it enough and um I’ve always use proon x cuz it does spin more for

Me and if anything I do spin it a little low um Russell Ward I got to go but wish you Merry Christmas have a new year all that sort of stuff thanks mate what coures do you have planned to play this is my son’s in there looking at me through the

Window uh Brandon Davis what courses do you have uh in play in early this year well who knows because this rain’s supposed to keep up up for at least a little while so um brenon I’m not sure uh it looks like nothing down the coast

It looks like up the coast is wet but okay we need to travel like I said we need to go north I would like to go north but I know Coral Cove right now is actually is underwater as well I want to do Rocky so basically what I want to do

Is head up that b buger off um I definitely want to head up north uh and and want to do rockampton Mai Bundy uh burara Coral Cove I want to do all of that so that would be a nice trip heading up that way also April the live

Event in Adelaide we’ve contacted the guys I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but contact the guys like last year we were meant to go down but it fell through on my end um but potentially do a trip down like a a drive down play one or two courses on

The way down do the grain then a couple of courses in Adelaide again what I would really like to do so maybe I’m going to put it out there in the world is I mean Cameron Smith he’s he’s he’s back here until January he just got married so he’s got

Other stuff to do he’s got other stuff to deal with so when it comes to April time I might try to get in contact with him and find out it would I should have spoken on anyway didn’t happen in April it’ be great to come down and uh have

Rich on I versus cam or something like that as a bit of course guide for for live golf Adelaide play a couple of them I don’t know if we’d go to the event but who knows and then drive back and play a few courses back up maybe the

Murray you know cobram maybe Rich River stuff like that it’ll be nice to do something along those lines that like I said that’s for April uh I would like Matt Heath to do something I know when he was here in in Brisbane he was so busy we didn’t catch up sucks a little

Bit but again would be great to do um to do something with uh Ron Chopper’s father I mean richo is Ron Chopper’s father just in case people didn’t know that you know richo Chopper is Ron Chopper’s father you know we could do a paternity test but 100% that that’s the

Case uh gu Roberts happy New Year um happy New Year mate maybe you’re just massive what am I massive I don’t I don’t know what the story is there uh uh what irons am I currently playing well give me half a second and I’ll run to

The car you’ll be able to enjoy that you’ll be able to hear me so what do I play with will uh mauno I’ve been using them for for quite a while I’ve had a combo as you can hear I’m opening up my car all right so basically I’ve had Munos for

Many many years I’m just sort of upgr ated from that previously right so so that’s what I’m using so basically that’s the Muno 221 uh I’ve got that at standard length at standard Muno Li angle so 61 and a half project x65 uh they always feel too

Stiff for me and I think they really are I could probably go back to a 60 um but you know when I’m swinging it sort of lowish 90s depends on how you know everyone goes your swing looks kind of slow it looks like okay it’s not fast

I’ve I’ve definitely lost speed yeah but I’ve I’ve had these for quite a while the previous ones I had were Mo uh motus 125 X’s as much as I like the feeling of the motus better I think I have better results with this because I don’t know I’m just I’m just

So used to it it feels heavy and these are the the blades anyway I’m rambling I got five iron to pitching wedge in the 221s I have a 223 4 iron and then I have a srick and uh what have I got utility I don’t even know which

Model it is the U utility not not the newest one the one before that one yeah so again gear I don’t know if I’ll CH make a change like I kind of want to make a change just for change’s sake I almost want something that people

Don’t have you know like a like a Japanese I love mauno I love the shape of them and I think that’s where it’s hard for me to to make a change cuz I look at that I just love the look of it is the Top Line the thinnest nope I

Think as a blade I think maybe your tailor Maids are pretty pretty slightly Slimmer than this and a little bit smaller head I’m not a massive fan of the small list head but I don’t like a big head but it’s also a shaping thing as well you know it’s for me it’s it’s

Kind of really just down there is is is where I I don’t know tailor made stuff looks great but I don’t know anything that looks bad so uh but that’s what I’m using will that’s what I’m using will Cameron Smith has got other things on his mind he absolutely does

Mate uh what bow does Rich prefer to play is from lodged potato um Rich has lots of different balls only has one actually but he he uses the sugar ball because we got quite a few of them and they’re very very good cheaper urethane ball uh Vice not really but seed that’s

The one so seed balls pretty good but every time he uses say a um a Callaway ERC soft or a super soft super soft super soft he gains like a club because they spin so low but I would say uh seed and uh and the sugar they are a very similar golf

Ball very very similar very good very cheap Snell as well if he can get his uh hands on it Peter thanks for commenting as well Peter and and you’ve won your stuff so I’ll get it too are you guys going to play minipi anytime no blank answer

No uh we contacted them a couple of weeks a month or so before they um they actually opened to do a video they don’t want us to do anything they want to wait a couple of years for everything to be finished and fixed and you know in the

Clubhouse so that’s up to them so we we won’t go there and film anything we’ll wait for them to contact us it’s the same as RQ when we went there um probably a bit of inside baseball but uh yeah we um we me to do rawal Queensland

They blocked out nine holes I got pissed off and said that no we’re not doing nine holes that’s 18 holes and basically that was that so it didn’t happen so I’ll try to do RQ again we didn’t do it try to do it this year maybe we’ll try

To do it next year for the uh for the Aussie PGA so that that’s basically what that’s for we need to do IQ uh it would have been great we would have been out there with Dave Simpson so one of the pros there would have been great but it

Just didn’t uh didn’t happen uh but yeah no no manii no manii the kids are going to stay at their uh all right have a good have a good time with grandmas and granddad’s okay okay um what do we got there uh happy happy New Year everyone yep

Uh yeah right they still look SMI yeah well they do mate I mean they they’re blades I like I said I I I don’t don’t know if I really want to I really don’t want to change anything too much because they are they are great I’m I’m hitting

Them pretty good like I said I don’t really play much golf it’s once a fortnite if I’m lucky one team was great I took the day off and it was fantastic just to play with out of camera and with some old mates um and play half decent like I

Said it’s Square for me I’m happy with it even though it could have been under it shows I’ve still got at least some ability but I think I need to do it under the pump in when I got a comp not just kind of a bit of a it’s not social

But just a bit of a muck around J car’s asking about the poter here I’m going to go grab it because um yeah sorry guys but yeah the the The Potter’s actually going not too bad I did Buck around with it uh on New Years what I do yeah on New

Year’s Day I did mck around with it and I posted something on uh Instagram of me hitting three putts and literally that was it was it was one take I didn’t I didn’t do anything all I done is line the balls up started the camera and then

Um and then went from there and of a what is it probably 15t pot I hold two or three and um all I did is line them up prior to me starting the camera and stepped up in my thongs and bank bank and then missed the next one but it was

It was pretty good I’m starting to get used to it again that’s kind of cool I did pay a bit more for that but whatever that’s really really cool like I said it it’s definitely an interesting poter I like I said everyone everyone there’s a lot of

People that have asked me about what do I think of it right the feel off the face is very good 100% the feel off the face is great um the look of it is not offensive by any stretch if you don’t like Center shafted Putters if you don’t like Center shafted

Putters then you you’re probably not going to like this so there’s nothing offensive in the feel the looks it’s definitely different to stroke but I’m kind of getting the idea of it so yes qu it it’s it’s it’s quite interesting like I said I I I do like

It I do like it hey mate do you have any fitting any fitting appointments available for Friday there you go yes I do I will book you in yes I do all right what do we got here pter putter Putter’s good jazz C’s very very good

Lodge potato should make a trip out to Woodford once things dry out uh a few remove has being washed away with the rain look um Woodford I love Woodford woodford’s amazing I I think woodford’s one of the better course around again when it’s not dry it’s great uh like everything after

This rain it’ll be amazing it’ll be absolutely amazing I think every course will just quietly so that’s where we need to um try to book in a few but at this point in time I mean you can’t really see the clouds I’ll show you it towards

The end but yeah yes I’m lucky we we’re not having any rain at the moment but it’s it’s it’s not ideal but we we absolutely need it are those weights on the bottom yes they are will now what are they I don’t know I’m I’m gathering that

It’s each individual weight is there for a reason it’s balanced a certain way so we can see how that is you see there’s no talk to it that’s what’s kind of interesting right that would just continue to spin it’s look it’s an interesting idea

I like the feel I like the idea of the L angle balance that’s what I like about it so it’s all based on this what angle in which I are you putting and then it goes from there uh and uh yeah again I’ll do more on this I’ve done a quick

Unboxing you’ve seen me putt am I hauling any more putts n probably not do am am I starting to hold maybe a few more in the tiniest little bit of practice I do maybe it’s getting close like the idea is there it’s sorry it’s definitely getting

There but stealth two driver you fit me to uh 4 has changed my game I know who you are uh good I’m glad I’m glad because you swing it good you just need things to help you out a little bit and then you start changing the way that you move the club

Uh or you don’t but I think we got your set up pretty good pretty good uh Ken uh you buy a lab uh the putters in Brisbane are you fitted for one or just order them online uh at golf Central where I’m at no we we we don’t do them uh I know

Wayne persy at golf 24 does he’s at Hendra so so so basically what it’s about is you you get the length correct I mean that’s not the hardest thing to to to get um so length then you need to figure out your L angle uh which isn’t that difficult but

If you send it through to their online fitting tool all you need to do is get up against at 90° Edge like a straight edge have a putt and then it’s just that angle off that is your is your L angle basically sort of how how you’re putting

So um I done a little bit of a test on GC quad after I got this and it’s within a degree so it’s good it’s good um it t it’s definitely a bit to get used to but it’s I like the idea I absolutely like the idea so that’s all that’s all I

Want it was almost the same as aim point when I was playing even though aimo might have been too because I don’t think too much about my game I don’t think I like to change stuff in my equipment but I don’t really think too much about my game I just do

It aimo was really good because it actually gave me a a point to aim at oh you feel this through your feet and you know Express wasn’t kind of a thing we had a book back when I was doing it but Express was just starting to come in it

Gives you like even if it’s wrong it gives you a definitive place to actually aim that’s one thing I lack I don’t read a green very well but generally if somebody actually I don’t know I’d probably beg to differ on a scramble I tend to struggle I tend to struggle so

Again I don’t I don’t know I think I made more putts playing on the Saturday uh at one teer than I did Bloody after three people puted in front of me right but I think it’s partly luck as well I I like the idea of the putter I I I

Definitely struggle with putting as is probably the worst part of my game along with short game but yeah maybe I just need to shut up and actually practice and play better golf so I’m going to say what do we got going on here we might get some rain any

More questions guys probably shut this off pretty soon but uh Lodge potato like I said Wayne py at golf 24 Hendra I would definitely get in contact with him either Facebook or whatever but yes Wayne could do something so have you had a chance uh who we got Brennan Davis

Have you had a chance to try the new AI smoke yet the answer is yes uh not more than two shots look look I think it looks better than the paradigm the coloring the the what do they bloody call it the the forge carbon look is

Better it looks sort of smoky on the bottom but the color is better do I think it’s better than Paradigm look paradigms meant I thought maybe the Paradigm would contend against my ping so that would be very very interesting uh i’ definitely have to have a bit of a

Look at that I’m always wanting to change stuff but when it comes to how well I drive the Ping it’s so difficult to to to to to not want to to stick with that do I think there’s other longer I think just cuz I went from the original

Sim yes the original Sim to that and the stealth to that I think the tailor mods were a little longer but that is just bolt straight so maybe I need to muck around with a little bit of a setup but the Ping is awesome the Ping is so

Hard to beat uh would like to try one before buying one lodg potato I agree you have to you have to you have to give him a putt now like I said Wayne way I think W have a basic fitting cart down there now what that is I think it’s every

2° maybe at 34 in they’ve got the the the models so you’ll have like a 71° L angle poter you’ll have a 69 degre L angle a 67 and maybe a 73 that that’s what you would try you you’d get it that way and then Wayne it fit you it’s not

That difficult of a fitting process um it is literally just where do you hold that angle in in in comparison to 90° is it 10 off 90 which gives you 80 is it 30 20° off 90 which gives you 70 that’s kind of where where it’s at so

Definitely give a mck around and and look LOD if if I mean I’m at golf Central from Wednesday through Saturdays I can bring it into the lab and if you want to have a pot with it more than happy for you too mine’s at 68

Degre of L angle so it’s a little on the flatter side of things but if you want to have a bit of a pot I’m more than happy to to lend it uh for you to have a pot with there you go if you want to

Muck around with it I mean I make nothing from this we can’t sell it if you want to buy it online so be it there’s plenty of guys support Wayne py Uh uh down there like I said golf 204 Hendra um yeah yeah absolutely I’m I’m

I’m happy to help you out to have a little bit of a pot jazzar again uh sm10 announced they honestly can’t uh can’t be much of a difference look I haven’t actually seen the sm10 yet I’ve seen all the new gear from Taylor Made all the new gear from ping

All the new gear from Callaway um haven’t seen the uh the the cobra stuff yet but whatever but I haven’t seen the SM 10s so I’ve seen them just like you have now what am I guessing that they’re going to be about I would say that they’re going to have a hydrop

Hydrophobic type coating like the pings right so I’ve seen the 159 pings they look amazing just quietly but I would say the sm10 have very similar Tech to sm9 but I’m going to guess that they’re going to have like a like a micro grooving on the face uh or a hydrophobic type finish

That under wet conditions they do a better job of uh kind of like the pinks that that’s what I’m going to guess because if you have a look at their testing over the years in the wet like if you look somebody like um uh txg uh who is Club Champion over there

In Canada txg Ian um Fraser very very good stuff just spraying spraying water on the face of the wedge in the ball it’s like half the spin drops off on the tight list and a couple of thousand off the the pings so hydrophobic Coatings

Are a big big thing so yeah um yes yeah uh Peter why we why uh where why is richo so good at putting he has a putting mat under the house and so he usually gets kicked out of the house downstairs and enjoys a coffee so he putts a

Lot but starting it online is literally the even though richo sort of cuts across it and it’s it it’s starting online and I think a putting mat actually uh Brendan dvor from B better golf he’s selling all that is is just a felt putting strip about an inch inch

And inch or so wide literally starting the ball on target is the most important part with putting and if I was to do any putting practice uh on a real green would be a string line a that’s all over done with a string line a a putting

Mirror like Grant field cams coach Back to Basics with Richard Woodhouse I would get one of them string line and that’s on a green but if you’re just practicing on the practicing on the carpet or on something would just be a strip of something that you can start it

On starting the ball on target is the most important part with putting face overrides everything when it comes to putting so even though Rich’s path’s probably cutting across it quite a lot his face points at nothing different like it’s which is which is brilliant he’s a great putter he’s a great putter

I wish I had his short game and putting I might be an okay golfer um have you tried tailor maid’s new driver if so are you allowed to talk about it I have tried it am I allowed to talk about it well there’s embargo I’m not

Let to show it even though we’re going to try to do some testing so I want very soon to do some testing and actually do some videos cuz the Embargo is kind of soon so yes I would like to do something with that um I’m not going to say the name of it

You’ve seen it uh if you watch the the latest good good videos with the barel guys they’re using it so it’s there there’s images that have been popped up guys this week uh at the Tournament of Champions are using it do I think it’s going to be much better no jazzar I’m

Yeah I’m basically saying that to you as well certainly they’re saying that one of the models is the same as basically the big ping model which look 10K is big like from a from Ani standpoint that’s a big thing to me all the companies can really

Do is head in the direction of where ping is right now what I mean by that is high more people struggle to square that face up if anything were driver so a slightly higher M makes it slightly easier to square that face up I do think the new one will be very good

But it will be interesting to do some mucking around with right tail made stuff for me is always fast and relatively low spinning so that’s always good but the my P ping is not high spinning by any stretch so I’ve got a 9° uh G4 pardon me g430

LST in the tensei orange Pro in stiff 60 G stiff even though I move the club between you know 112 and 15ish yes it’s xlex that’s a pretty stiff stiff shaft and I don’t like anything that feels super stiff that’s kind of why I hate the Hazardous feeling

Profiles and vent’s black and stuff like that so um yeah I I don’t think there’s a necessity for people who have a stealth stealth two to change maybe the original stealth maybe but no like again you never have to change golf clubs from a fitter and somebody’s trying to sell clubs as well

I don’t think anybody really ever needs to change clubs but it’s when you try them and it’s consistently better that’s when you really need to start to have a have a think about it really so um yeah Michael Jazz happy New Year mate Happy New Year to you

Too um yeah all right I’m going to finish this up on the hour so we’ve got 15 minutes so if anybody wants to to ask more questions that’ll be great it is starting to kind of get dark around here we’re at nearly 7:00 um I will show everybody the sky

Yeah it’s it’s kind of getting a little bit um average but it is what it is um what we got here lodg potato I have an M4 driver would it be worth look I thought for the time M4 was great but see this is this is where I I said to all my

Fits if you swing driver like a busted turd with driver only a driver is going to help you so much like I could probably get the face way more shut but you might start hitting more pulls you might aim way to the right and that’s causing your path to be over the

Top all this sort of stuff I’d have to see in general do I think there’s something better than M4 out there Lodge potato yes I do I would I would want to say 100% but I absolutely think uh yes there’s a difference between an M4 driver and say a stealth to or even

What’s coming and so that’ll all start to be announced like everything’s starting to get announced now uh for all the new gear the new Callaway would be amazing the Ping would be amazing uh because again I I sort of feel I don’t do the numbers because I don’t really

Care what I’m selling and I hope my boss doesn’t care either because it’s to me it’s more about what fit and what what works but probably the top three drivers sold would be ping Paradigm and you’d probably say a tie between Taylor mid and tight list I

Would say that’s what I would say without actually seeing the numbers so and the main reason I think um ping and the callaways have done so well is because especially in the normal Paradigm model it’s easier to square the club face up and I think that’s the real

Key is is squaring the club face up you know being able to square the club face up is huge huge um because most people have a club PA that isn’t say Inside Out generally it’s slightly left leaning and so if you could get your face a couple of degrees closed in general what

That’ll do is make you hit straighter shots it’ll slice a little bit less and it and it may move a little bit less in the air but see if I got you shutting the face down by two three more degrees you might start hitting big pulls anyway it’s all it’s all very

Interesting so you need to need to get fit at the very least you need to have a little bit of a hit so um right we got about 10 minutes jazar is talking about it herd golf Central is getting an upgrade when will that happen also many videos ago you mentioned that someone

Was looking uh was looking to put in a pitching put near golf Central is that’s still happening um golf Central is getting about 20 more Bays more of an entertainment Precinct that’s going to be starting in January it’s meant to be starting in December but it didn’t supposed to be

Starting in in December uh golf Central was meant to get a pitch and put I don’t know if that’s still going ahead I hope it does for everyone else’s sake for for my sake Rich’s sake uh the punter’s sake uh brisbane’s sake because no one’s

Doing it so I think that would be a huge thing but yes I believe the pitching area is becoming much bigger thanks for the very informative live crazy good with great questions in chat as well last question for me what degree is your driver set at my I I haven’t actually

Measured actual Loft but it’s a 9° head ping generally seem to have a higher me whatever it says on it they’re generally measured higher so I would say mine’s nine even though it says nine it’s probably 9 and a half maybe even a little bit more not too sure but mine

Says nine and it’s set on 9° in the LST which is a pretty Square Face um potenti yeah again I haven’t as much as I would like a new Drive driver I don’t know if I need don’t know if I need a new driver look I’d need to gain 15

M really for me and I don’t see that happening me moving the club head faster is probably going to cause that to to happen look ping moved through through space a little slower than some others because it’s a bigger shaped head if you had say I reckon I would move say a

Paradigm Triple Diamond through space a little better potentially slight small ah head all that sort of stuff but there’s lot look there’s lots of different reasons why you you would change but I had the ball very straight with what I’ve got I don’t see a necessity to change unless something

Just like I said like the golf ball that’s intrigued me that jumps out and it makes me go oh maybe I do need to change that maybe I do need to change that but um at this point in time no need for a change no need for a change

H thanks for the live fitting we’ll sort out a part of fitting with you other clubs can’t wait uh I’ll sort my swing out yeah thanks Jazz um how will golf Central ad 20 more Bays will be going to continue the line as in line up look there’s an

Entertainment Precinct being put in 20 more Bays down further on the grass area down the right as you hit balls so they’re going to be um more on entertainment side of things and the bays in which that are well the original Bays that are current will turn into

Into more people wanting to kind of practice a little bit more um and then on the Platinum side of things there’s going to be more grass area there plus a bigger pitching area and like I said it means that I would hope the pitching area turns into a

Better pitching area because like I said right now it’s getting small right it’s the P the pitching area that’s that it’s going to be bigger it’s going to be a a bigger pitching area with a bigger pitching chipping green so I would hope like I said that that gets utilized a

Little bit more that’s what I would hope uh but certainly the entertainment area it’s going to become massive like I said 20 extra Bays with the top Tracer stuff there and yes it’s it’s it’s definitely going to be an improvement do I think it’ll be finished in the next month not

A chance am I hoping it’ll be finished by mid year that would be brilliant there’s going to be a brewery being put in there uh there’s going to be a corporate type area being put in so look it looks like it’s going to be brilliant Lodge potato you’re 100%

Correct the weight times are crap but again at least you’ve got some technology there uh you could use the putting and chipping space as well so it’s not just again more time you take to do anything yeah it’s it sucks cuz you want to get

In and get out in a half an hour I completely get it it depends on the times in which you go but then that would mean if you go around after work time or anything after 3:00 then yes it gets busier like I said those 20 odd

Extra Bays that’ll take out some of the say the Riff Raff later at night I don’t say Riff Raff but the people just wanting to have a drink and just hit balls so that’ll take out some now there is Bays outside but then you don’t get

To use the technology of the top Tracer and if people don’t know what that is again Richard and I need to do a video on that because it again it’s a it’s a great idea keeps track of a lot of things as as well so um but look who would have foreen golf

To be what it is now like like a 30 odd per increase in rounds played uh it’s getting busier and busier and busier so it’s a good and a bad thing it’s how does that infrastructure continue to move I would hope that I don’t get pissed on in the next little bit but

Like I said I got five minutes and uh I’m going to take off but guys thanks for watching Lodge potato like I said if you want to come down I’m more than happy for you to um have a little bit of a putt with that

More than happy for you to do so but I would par you on to Wayne py as well because perski does have the demo stuff so if Wayne py has them he won’t be watching but if you contact Wayne py Uh at golf 24 he will be able to to do that

As well so absolutely would be a good thing to uh to do so contact Wayne if not come down and use mine like I said it’s it’s on the flatter end of things generally uh most people don’t put as flat as I do but that’s kind of where I would I would

See see you kids but uh have a good couple of nights I’ll see you on Friday I’ll see you on Friday see you mate love you have been sleep yeah see you mate so um yes kids are staying at the uh grandparents because we’ve got to work we’ve got to work

Bye see you later right we got five minutes any more questions any more questions thanks for the stream been very informative LOD potato like I said happy to help um yeah Will is saying 350 million new golfers post I don’t really want to say the word because it’s all but um Post Nonsense uh worldwide that is obviously yeah look will it’s it’s massive because people had time that’s probably the only good thing about what has happened over the last couple years is literally the only thing cuz everything else is nonsense that has come of that um

Um people close to me know what I think about the last couple of years uh people on this videos I’ve mentioned some stuff you know not too much but anyway it’s all horseshit you can look into it uh I don’t need to spread what I think too

Much to people who don’t want to believe it even though it’s in black and white but anyway guys I’m going to get going like I said I’ve got 4 minutes or three and a half minutes until I’m going to stop it right in the hour mark thanks

Everybody for watching for the thumbs up all that sort of stuff uh Happy New Year hopefully everybody has a great year hopefully 2024 is better than say 2020 that is all I’m going to say because that’s what I believe is going to happen so there you go but

Again Lodge potato happy for you to uh have a bit of a look at this anybody that wants a club fit I’m more than happy uh to help out uh it must be time to grab not much rain at the moment correct I reckon we’re going to get

Something later on tonight um I will go inside the family’s gone I had usually don’t e breakfast it’s my wife’s birthday so if she watches this but she just left happy birthday to my wife it was my birthday yesterday it was my birthday yesterday my wife’s birthday

Today uh I turned 39 she turns uh 37 doesn’t look a day over 38 so good honor just joking so we had breakfast so I’m not overly hungry I usually don’t eat breakfast uh I might have some leftover chicken that I’ve got in there and that’ll probably be that probably

Sit down do very little I enjoy my night before I go back to work CU tomorrow is bloody busy if anybody wants a club fitting at golf Central like I said this is at the end I probably should do it at the start contact either me or whatever but I’ve got time this

Week yeah anyway that’s kind of it no more questions guys we got 14 people watching thanks for everybody watching uh I really really appreciate it I hope uh we can do some more videos in 2024 uh if we get enough videos up our sleeves I will just put them in two

Parts so nine holes front and back nine kind of the schedule would nice to be like a Monday show a equipment just a general sort of something going on on a Wednesday and then a Friday and a Saturday I release the course Vlog two parts and then do it all again that’s

Kind of what I want to do um so four videos a week would be nice uh I was only saying who was I saying to Dave Maxfield we’ll definitely get out with Dave again Dave was great uh but I was kind of looking back at it no one was really doing drone stuff

Until we done the Drone stuff people still aren’t doing the flight scope with the trackman numbers and the shot Tracer like we we are no not many if any were doing the shot stuff all these other guys just done it better I kind of wish

I had more time but this makes this Miz makes bugger all money it’s literally enough to get uh a merchandise and I’ve already overspent what we made for the year like getting merchandise but again I appreciate everybody watching I hope everybody has a great year uh rich and I

Are going to try to get together more and more and more I appreciate literally appreciate everybody I do this regardless of people watch or not uh and richel and I just enjoy meeting up with people from time to time and that’s all it comes down to for me like is it’s not

About the views it’s not about the money it’s about a little community that eventually just sticks together David Lee Peter wear we’ve got so many guys who have watched for 8 years it’s basically been 8 to n years since we’ve been doing this so granted we’re not the highest

Subscribers and not the highest viewership but I enjoy what we’re doing it’s getting very dark and I reckon it’s going to rain guys appreciate the love uh will email me with your shirt stuff I’ll get all the stuff sent off love you guys thanks for watching for an hour

Really really appreciate it thanks guys we’ll see you next time really really appre appreciate everybody else out there Ripp in 2024 see you guys


  1. Watch the channel from time to time. Great viewing. Those of us that have bothered to go deeper know the bs with it all and what is to unfold unfortunately isnt pretty as many of the brave scientists and doctors are predicting. Never be silenced there are plenty of us out there.

  2. Happy New Year to you and Richo,I’ve noticed that u guys are edging closer to 12k Subscribers,are you Richo are going to do something similar,to when u got to 11k,like say a Golfing question,and the winners get some merch or a glove balls etc… loyal watcher for the last few years love what u and Richo always do,looking forward to future content.🇦🇺⛳️🏌️‍♂️

  3. HNY to you Richo and your families. Love the channel, keeping it real. keep it coming guys. Can we buy your merch? Appreciate some details plus how and £$.

  4. happy new year Al…..if you like the weight of the 6.5 (130g?) but they feel a bit stiff, check out the Modus Tour line, their "X" plays less "X" than ProjectX while maintaining weight, much smoother in the handle – for reference I moved from a KBS Tour-V x-stiff to the Modus 120X and wish I'd done it years ago…..and for new irons, don't discount the Wilson Staff players irons (CB and MB), they're mint

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