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Titans POSTGAME: Titans and Texans mercifully ends after nightmare day in Houston

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All right welcome in adz sports it is your Titan postgame live Sam failen here with Jack Gentry and merly Jack as we see in the title of uh today’s postgame show today’s game is over a 26-3 final score from Houston the Titans just get bodied uh by the Texans will Levis gets

Hurt it was a nightmare afternoon uh in Houston for the Titans so a lot to talk about we’re going to talk about the will Levis injury who’s to blame for the will Levis injury uh break down a little bit of Mike Vel and his impact on today’s

Loss and then just uh maybe get it an update on the tank maybe that’s the positive to close things out as an update on the tank Jack uh so first of all what a horrific game and then second of all tell the people what to do yeah

I’m sorry we all had to go through that together but we’re all here now we’re going to Hash it out we’re going to have some big conversations about the future and about the decision to start will Lis today but while you guys are all coming

In we want you to like the show do not forget to like the show let’s get to 100 likes I see over a 100 people already in here there’s no reason why we shouldn’t get to 100 likes on this show let’s finish 2023 strong on the show chat do

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Toz sports goes live finally if you’re watching on Twitch text that twitch link to your Titans text groups we all want to talk about how bad it was we all want to point the finger we’re playing the blame game a little bit today so we want

To hear from you guys by in order to do that we need all of you to come in here so we can take the temperature of the Titans fan base so text that twitch link out share the show on Facebook turn those notifications on on YouTube and

Sam let’s get the show on the road yeah here we go let’s do it uh before we jump in everything want to give some love to our partners jumping in the door here that’s X Golf Nashville the home of indoor golf in Middle Tennessee X golf play Train entertain at xgolf the mint gaming Hall home of big jackpots and big fun just 35 minutes north of Nashville at the mint betmgm use code at200 and turn a $10 moneyline wager into $200 in bonus bets instantly at BM Jam they’re an official partner of the Tennessee Titans the law offices of Amanda J

Gentry were Justice demands in Tennessee and family criminal courts in 35 counties in Middle Tennessee at Amanda jentry decom chim chimney for all your chimney needs visit chim-chimney Adventure Science Center explore and discover your full family adventure awaits at Adventure and Jarrett fire HVAC and plumbing keeping your

Facility comfortable and secure one inspection at a time they’re Jarrett Jack 26-3 the final score really hard to find any posit positives to talk about I guess DeAndre Hopkins played pretty well and caught all the targets that came his way but the tennessy Titans uh got got

Bodied by the Texans in just about every way will Levis gets hurt um CJ strad looks pretty good it it’s just it’s hard to come away from this with any sort of positive even though it was good for like draft positioning this is not the

Way that you want to tank you want to tank with some like feeling of positive energy I guess the only win of the day is that both the Andre Hopkins and Derrik Henry go over 10,000 yards on the season so that’s cool I guess but wow

That was ugly oh yeah it really looked like this Titans team wanted to be anywhere else but on the football field playing against the Houston Texans today I mean it was a it’s a we’ll talk about Mike Vel shortly it was a total loss and a total failure on the coaching staff to

Have these guys look so unprepared today in a road divisional game that you’re supposed to care about remember this franchise moved from Houston to Tennessee you are supposed to care about this game you know not that and I know the coaches always say you know every game matters the same you know it’s

Whichever game we’re playing next is the most important game no no no no that’s BS this team and this ownership group cares more about the Texans games than they do anybody else on the schedule Mike Vel knows that the players should know that and they’ve already won Oilers

Gear twice this season the last time against the Texans they got embarrassed in the second half in so it’s inexcusable for a team to show up this dead and this flat with Will Levis gutting it out I mean will Levis we’ll talk about the decision to start him

Will Levis is the only player with that play and Harold landre you could throw in there as well with Deno ay and dehop but there’s a small select group of players but will Levis leads this team in the amount of passion and fire he plays with he’d play with a broken arm

If he could and that’s maybe the problem but the thing is when will Levis leaves the game you saw this entire team just deflate the entire sideline was dead when Ryan tanel got in there it felt like this Titans team had already given up and you know when you have a coach

Who’s going to be back next year the last thing you want to see as a fan is a team just absolutely quit on themselves and that’s so I mean do we think I I don’t know if I agree with that I that like this team quit or didn’t play hard

Today I I just think I at it yeah I mean I that was never really something that I noticed or that I was like oh look at them like lack of effort I just think you have a ton of inexperienced football players that aren’t very good that are

Probably not NFL caliber players playing and like starting on your team so it I don’t know that was my take away from it I I didn’t necessarily lean as much into like oh look at them playing uninspired football as much as I was like wow this offensive line sucks and the secondary

Sucks and you’re playing undrafted free agents at like six spots on the defense I just looked at the talent level and and that was more concerning to me than like effort I I don’t know I I guess it’s easy to mix the two together when you’re so much less talented than your

Opponent and you’re getting uh bodied in just about every way I guess you could mistake lack of talent for lack of effort I felt like that’s no mistake for me I it’s not a mistake for me it was a lack of effort today on both sides of

The football but more importantly on the offensive side I get it you don’t have a lot of talent what do you point to to say lack of effort though Sam I it’s just overall like level of play today it felt like nobody was grinding it out you

Had you on the RO I don’t think play poorly but I mean Sam here’s the thing lack of talent only gets you so far in my eyes because the Texans are not World beaters okay they’re fortunate to be nine and seven and they are it was

Supposed to be a rebuild year for them they’re a little bit ahead of the eightball there you are not 23 points worse than the Houston Texans when it comes to your roster it’s bad it’s not 2 Three Points bad they went one for 12 on third down the 23 points bad when you’re

Looking at the Titans playing third string players like I mean these are practice squad guys you are by far deficient on the offensive line you say it’s practice squad guys but Sam just two weeks three weeks ago we saw them beat the Miami Dolphins so if the roster

Is if we’re going to make excus far health for that game they were far healthier for that game healthy in terms of what you have an you have their defense was was actually like a defense an NFL defense for that game I mean they are without ammani hooker

They’re without Jeffrey Simmons they are without Christian Folton they are without Jack Gibbons they’re without Tierre tart now I mean they are playing maybe they’ve been without tier tart since like week they’re playing maybe without what three like three guys on this defense that were starters at the beginning of the

Year there are a lot of bad teams in this league Sam but none of them get embarrassed like this I mean this game wasn’t close from the get-go the Titans made no effort to climb back in this football game it felt like they quit today I’ve watched Titans I’ve watched

This team play football my entire lifetime and it felt like the Titans quit today they they gave up when will Levis went down I I just don’t know if I agree with that I think that’s a really easy thing to to say in hindsight I think it’s really easy to be like oh

Clear as day Sam they quit Sam they quit it was obvious everybody knows they quit I think it’s obvious that they’re a bad football team uh so I don’t know I guess we’ll see can they not be both can they not be a bad football team who gave up after

Lis but is that like I don’t I just think efforts hard to quantify I think efforts hard to like point to it’s easy to see like I see the chat right now is saying oh look at the clear lack of effort they allowed six sacks that’s not lack of effort that’s

Their players suck their players are literal their players suck like that that that is why they gave up 6X it’s a bad team it’s a really bad offensive line it Andre Diller didn’t go I could block this guy but ah I don’t feel like it because Levis isn’t in the

Game dang it no he’s where’d he go oh oh no quarterback’s on his butt so like I mean I just think it’s easy to mix up effort for just being bad I think this team is bad and it was a bad team that is now really really injured playing on like

Three like fourth stringers at times these are guys that were on other teams practice squads a week or two weeks ago that are now starting for the Tennessee Titans it’s slim Pickin so it’s like yeah they’re I I guess you’re right you can’t quantify effort right it’s an imp

There’s no stat that determines effort but it just felt to me like the body language on that sideline got so down so early there was no guy that that kind of went over to the old line and said hey guys we got to wake up we got to wake up

We got to fix this before it gets out of control it got out of control and you know tanah Hill is not exactly a Rah R guy and a lot of these guys playing alongside tanah Hill on the offense you know haven’t been there for a long time so

Their relationship with Ryan tanah Hill might be a little different than others I’m not saying they’re not blocking as hard when tanah Hill gets in there I’m just saying it didn’t feel like you know they were they were willing to pick themselves off the mat after they took

That first punch it felt like they were waiting to get punched in the face they got punched in the face and they said you know what in instead of trying to fight back I’m just going to lay here and take it and that’s what they did yeah it’s interesting because when you

Hit this stage of the season right we talk about motivation and motivation is very individual at this point it’s what is your personal motivation is it a statistic is it a um a certain incentive is it just the fact that you’re on an NFL field and getting opportunity and

You need to put something on tape to to earn the job there is by the nature of the position you’re in less team incentive uh at this stage and so uh yeah potentially less there’s less reason to get the rest of the group around you going if you believe it’s a

Fruitless effort you just got to go in and take care of your own business so that might be what you see more of when it comes to like I don’t know a guy like DeAndre Hopkins right who’s tired of losing but he’s gonna go out there and

Do his job and and whatever will Levis is a natural spark competitor who is out there and wants to fire everybody up and I do think naturally fires everybody up um I don’t know just the hard thing to quantify I I just I don’t come out of

This game my my whole issue with with this is I don’t come out of this game being like look at the Titans who didn’t play with any effort I say look at the Titans who are so much worse than their opponent and have basically no talent I mean that that’s essentially my takeaway

From it you say tomato I say tomato I mean it’s a it a horrible effort today the reason why I’m I’m so geared up about you know this whole level of effort that they showed for four quarters is because you know on paper they didn’t didn’t have anything to play

For right the the playoffs that’s out of the window but there were still motivational factors in this game where I thought the Titans should have been able to stand up uh and you know want to to succeed today and that was you know I guess you’re playing a divisional team

You don’t have a win in your division you don’t want to go winless in your division for the first time since 1982 that should be a motivational Factor the second motivational Factor will Levis will Levis was you know cast off cast out of the second round or cast out of

The first round the Titans draft him and it’s obviously a big Edge and the offense should have gotten fired up for Levis and maybe they did and he just got hurt too early and we’ll never know what would happened if he stayed in but it just felt like they should have gotten

Up for Levis they should have gotten up for you know this franchises history they don’t get swept in the division they’re about to if they don’t fix things heading into next week against Jacksonville which I don’t think that they can this fast um you know I just

And Amy Adam Shunk and the way that she looks at these Texans Titans games I just felt like there were motivational factors that you know should have played a bigger role in today and I don’t think want to play like if you do want to point at a motivational thing though I

Mean we I would point to the red zone defense and say look at how the Titans defense stood up in the Red Zone over and over again and kept them in this game for as long as possible I mean their offense got absolutely nothing done which ultimately turned this into a

I mean the Titans defense allowed 19 points like it was a pretty good day for the Titans defensively with the number of guys that they had out I think that shows a team and unit that had played with some heart uh to get behind and still only allow 19 points only allow

One I believe offensive touchdown uh there was the fumble six that accounts for seven of Houston’s points but it really was the Titans offense getting done where I just think you you you were Bare Bones uh let’s get to our one-word question though Jack gonna ask everybody

In the chat what’s one word to describe this Titans loss to the Texans what is one word to describe this Titans loss to the Texans while you guys go in with your one word I will be telling you about the law offices of Amanda J Gentry wherever Justice demands Amanda J is

Practiced in Tennessee and family and criminal courts in 35 counties in Middle Tennessee as a middle Tennessee trial lawyer protecting father’s rights Amanda J protects your fundamental and constitutional right to be a father to your children protecting constitutional rights is all is what she’s all about Middle Tennessee criminal and defense

And father’s rights attorney know your rights protect your rights give Amanda j a call and do not talk to the police without a lawyer instead talk to her and give her a call at Amanda J mandj Gentry docomond lose 26 to three what are they saying trash from memory uh fired from

Clayton typical from volunteer we got stopped from Beverly um uninspired good word from Chaz trash Quit Super Chat from coaching oine bad deflated pitiful fired expected a word that I can’t put on the screen um disintegration from Justin tank trash fireable alt the left tackle out of Notre Dame expected from Andre

Tank pathetic draft heartless pathetic uh you know Sam there’s a lot of great words in the chat a lot of Titans fans very upset as as we can see in the comment section but um to me I I’m going to use Sleepwalk I thought the Titans sleepwalked today or slept walked

Today I don’t know whatever the Titans were sleepwalking today in Houston you know they’re not good enough to not show up early and not try and deliver that first punch um you’re not going to get away with that in this league not being ready to play you know in the first quarter

And after will Lis like it just felt like the Titans team a couple of years ago when they had that number one seed the next man up team I’m not seeing a whole lot of that and I know that the the depth is a lot

Worse than it was that year but I’m just not seeing a whole lot of guys Step Up step in and and ready to rise to that to that level that you need to compete in this level against the divisional rival I I think that they’re sleepwalking I

Think that they know this season’s over you see Mike rael’s body language on the sideline and I don’t want to be a body language expert guy but it just feels like that there isn’t a lot left going on for for this team they really want to

Simulate to the end you know in a Madden game when you’re getting your butt kicked at halftime you Sim to the Finish you super Sim it it feels like the Titans are ready to do that they’ve got one more game to play I hope they can play inspired football next week in a

Situation where if you win you can really screw Jacksonville over and ruin their season so I want them to show up I want them to show up for that fact but you know today it felt like they were sleepwalking hopefully next week with a little more to play for in you know a

Potential uh you know spot to ruin the Jag season they’ll get up for that game but it felt like they were sleep walking in Houston today yeah my word’s going to be hyphenated word it’s going to be on brand I think this was a very on brand

Loss for the Titans just in the way that they let this game get away uh lot of opportunity red zone defense stood up kept you in this football game there was a potential like signs of Hope big turnover turns into a touchdown you allow six sacks of your quarterbacks and

Really don’t give them much of a shot back there um like that killed basically all the offensive momentum that they had and then just stupid stuff right I mean we talk about the Caleb Murphy penalty running into the kicker turns into a 90 yard touchdown drive for Houston when

You had them stopped backed up in their own End Zone to punt uh dropped passes at times false starts 12 men in the Huddle uh different things like that that really just took this team and took them out of these game took them out of this game uh and then missed

Opportunities late in the game like driving down you’re in the Red Zone first and goal from like the the two yard line you’re unable to score it was a very on brand loss for the Titans and what we’ve grown accustomed to know from this version of the Tennessee Titans uh

Just a headache I thought that you know that picture of Mike Vel going like like this during the game giving himself a forehead massage uh was fitting because uh the these players just can’t get out of their own way and yeah this is what we know this is

Who they are at this point so you know the big tune of Bill parcel’s once said you are what your record says you are and what the Titans record reflects right now is that they’re a really bad team but even though we all know we’ve known for weeks

Even months that this is a bad team right I just want to see them I just want to see them throw one more you know one more dagger at somebody like the Dolphins win was awesome and then we came down from that by a disappointing Texans collapse in the second half now

You know same thing against Seattle last week right you’re up at half halftime you blow it this week it feels like those two losses might have carried over into this week and I’m not going to say they definitely did but it just felt like that after a couple of gut punches

This team might have been ready to lay down and um you know they just didn’t have the offensive Firepower today to do it the defense I I’ll I’ll I’ll leave the defense out of what I’m saying because those guys show up every single week they they know that they have to

Play a near perfect game in order for this team to win and they do as as best they can every single week with no Personnel on the back and with out Trey Avery without Christian Fulton with you know a it feels like a revolving door of

Safety is coming in and out of the game for the Titans back there you know a new linebacker this week so it it feels like those guys rise to the occasion every single week but this offense is just it’s just so boring and so Bland and I’m just ready to see something different

And I know that won’t happen until next year but I I just want to see them I just want to see him try I want to see them let it all hang next week we’ll see if they call it that way but it’s uh it’s hard to find a silver lining after

Games like today well a quick update the New York Giants just missed a 54 yard field goal with time expiring uh Mason Crosby the guy every Titans fan wanted in uniform here just missed the field goal so the the Rams will win my Chicago Bears eliminated from the playoffs with

That uh despite getting a big win today and the Titans uh hurt their D I guess not hurt but miss an opportunity to jump the Giants in draft position so we’ll see how that tiebreaker plays out that would have been huge though uh but it is they missed field goal for Crosby and

The Giants lose uh so they stay up got to get to some super chats here kick it to the king says Sam you are wrong there’s a difference for protecting Levis versus protecting Spears everyone else is icing on the cake Levis is the cake you protect him to prevent any

Other injury from happening I like that analogy um I don’t know I mean I I I don’t view it as all that different I think it’s a football player that needs to play football and you have the offseason to get healthy and I that

That’s kind of just what it is to me at this point I understand not everybody’s going to agree with that uh but I just think yeah I don’t know I I don’t think there’s a huge difference there Connor says the staff did this to themselves they put multiple players on IR ending

Their season when they likely could have came back playing Levis behind this line to play spoiler is a terrible decision um the staff might have done this to themselves and putting players on IR but they did that after playoff contention was out of the mix uh and they had guys

Who had MCL injuries that couldn’t play so they put guys on IR that were not healthy enough to play I’m not sure they uh you know I’m not sure they did this to themselves in that sense is they just had guys get hurt but yeah you know the

Message to the team is when you hear Christian Fon say you know I’m surprised I’m on IR I’m surprised they made this move I wonder what message that sends to the locker room they need yeah according to Mike Vel they needed the roster spot and there were guys that weren’t going

To be available and they needed the roster spot so that’s why the Fon move happened when it did Andre says said all season bad coaching of a bad roster uh Connor comes back again says Vel is known and got coached the year for making something out of nothing with a

Bad roster but this year he is exempt nah he deserves the blame too I’m not sure he he made something of out of nothing with a bad roster the year you got coach of the year they had a really good offensive line that year they had

Some very talented pieces AJ Brown as we know uh like that that was a different deal he’s literally coaching with undrafted free agents right now playing like Jonathan wardis is running back he’s got guys like Chad I’d give if you could name the starting 11 on defense

You can come and and criticize Mike Vel that’s my take on it it’s like we’re sitting here like but but vel’s not Without Blame right Rael hasn’t Rael hasn’t maximized this roster and it’s not a great roster but he’s let a lot of opportunities he might maximiz this

Roster uh you think so with seven losses you think with seven losses by one score seven Los by one score lose games in the NFL because you’re a bad team like bad there’s a lot of close games teams win close games about games five blown halftime leads like we’re not going to

Sit here and say that rael’s done everything right are we Sam hopefully no I mean not not everything right I don’t think like I think anytime an organization or a team is this bad there’s blame in the organization to go around I just think The Narrative of like dying on the

Hill of like look at how bad Mike Vel has been this year I think is just you’re walk around with your eyes closed you’re not watching the football team like you’re sitting here being like result equals head coach sucks like there’s not a coach on the planet

There’s not a coach on the planet you could resuscitate Vince Lombardi and have him Coach this team they’re still going to win five or six games Max I think you’re selling some of the fans short though I don’t think that all the fans are saying the results are the only

Reason why Mike Vel should be under Fire it’s I think it’s the coordinator stuff I I think that you know making the same mistakes over and over again from an offensive play calling standpoint where Rael you know in the offense this is another thing that I’ve I I don’t understand

Though is like this what what is Tim Kelly supposed to call a pass play it’s tough it is quarterback dies a run play his R line can’t block like it I why is the issue with this team look at the play calling look at the garbage coaching it’s just bad players it’s a

Bad roster like and if this thing happens next year if this is the type conversation we’re having next year Vel will be fired Vel will be gone I have no doubt about that because he has an opportunity this offseason to fix it with cap space an opportunity that they

Didn’t really have last year to fix all these problems so now it is on him and it is on Rand carthon to make the corrections but I don’t I just think when you’re this bad like when you’re when you’re this bad like it’s not one person’s fault but it I think everybody

Shares a piece of the pie here that’s why I’m saying Vel shouldn’t be exist from blame Vel has a hand in all of this it starts at the top you know this team has been uncompetitive in far too many games this season something we haven’t been used to seeing from Vel coach teams

So Vel absolutely has a hand in this season while he may not have been dealt the best hand of cards he’s still he still has some blame to take and I Brandon says Kick the Can Sam talking about like why not fire Vel now because you do not fire this is such a

Difficult thing I guess to to explain to people who don’t want to hear it don’t want to listen don’t want to open their eyes don’t want to see Nuance don’t want to be told anything other than their meat head take is is perfectly accurate and correct Mike Vel had no opportunity to

Fix this roster all the way they did not have cap space they did not have draft Capital they had a lot of problems that stemmed from John Robinson’s tenure as general manager that Amy Adam Shunk commit admitted was John’s fault when she fired John Robinson last December

Now Rand and Mike tried to fix this roster the best thing they could they did not have the resources to get it all the way to the Finish Line they now have another off season building behind a quarterback who they feel confident will be their quarterback next season on a

Rookie contract not paying a veteran 20-some 30s something million dollars a year a rookie contract to build a winning roster around them knowing what they need and having seen and assess the holes if you fail to do that then and you go to three straight losing Seasons

Now you are on the hook for your own mistakes you reap what you s you make your own roster they were handcuffed and what they were able to do this past off season and firing Mike Vel or Rand carthon before they have the opportunity to see the process through a building

The roster they’ve started is foolish business and a foolish decision and an emotional decision which is thank God the fans don’t get to make it that’s it so yeah well Sam here you’re passionate today I love your passion just like I’m I’m tired of people that don’t they

Can’t see Nuance to situations at all like football is not black and white football is is not team record bad so coach bad team record bad so no heart team record bad so like there are details that go down to why the Titans got here and there is a plan in place to

Get out of being here if they fail to execute that plan then there will be consequences with the head coach getting fired but NFL is a league of parody there are highs and there are lows and the fiveyear run that the Titans went on or fouryear run whatever since Mike Vel

Was hired as the Titans head coach is an extreme Rarity that very few organizations have that level of success to go one two three four straight winning seasons with multiple playoff appearances have a coach of the year right that is a la a success that not many organizations ever reach and so for

This pendulum to swing back low and not give that head coach ample opportunity to build back up the roster is silly no other way about it it’s silly I think we’re getting a little too big picture here I think I think we need to focus on just kind of what happened we’ve gotten

Way off the rails here and and the next the next question we need to ask people is leis Levis went out of the game today he suffered a right foot injury was carded to the locker room how severe it is we we don’t know yet we’ll find out

I’m sure postgame will bring some clarity to the situation but let’s ask this question Sam who is most to blame for will Lev’s new injury who is most to blame for will Lev’s new injury not the same ankle new foot new iny who’s most to blame we want to hear from you guys

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Is to blame for will Lev’s new injury and uh the chat here pretty much unanimous Mike Vel it’s it’s a lot of Mike Vel here Dylan Cole says o line but there are a lot of Rael you know Johnny Davis said Levis he agrees with you that Levis was

To blame most well I I think Levis is to blame I think Levis was to blame for that particular sack for taking that which injury right that’s that’s what we’re talking about um so mostly o line a lot of comments saying o line I’ll

Continue to get to as many as I can here we want to hear from you guys K kendria says Vel uh Jacob says Vel Chris Parker says will Levis and the o line Caleb’s putting it up a little bit and I think that that’s the right way to do it he

Says o line 90% it wasn’t I don’t think it was one person’s fault I think that multiple factors contributed to this injury and we we’ll get to some of those here in a second Vel from Randy Mike Fran Vel from Brandon the boss of the

Team says Zack that’s Vel um so a lot of o line lot of like more Rabel though than anything else Sam I want to ask you a few questions here because I think that I think we can really get to the bottom of whose fault this was here with

This series of question um what percentage do you think will Levis was at heading into this game because we know he missed last week’s game and with an ankle injury it’s really tough to get back to 100% in such short you know in such a short time span where do you

Think he was heading into this game 90 to 95 I mean he felt he looked really good in practice he said the only the the only thing that was holding him back was some pain management uh not like a risk of reinjury not a weakness not his ability to play it was

Really just like pain tolerance uh but he practiced was running around jumping around looked fine uh was pretty much close to 100% you’re never at 100% yeah in the NFL season that’s like a Mike Vel saying is that from the moment you hit training camp that’s the last moment

Anybody’s ever 100% healthy uh but yeah he he was close to his normal self if not his normal self uh back healthy so when it comes to a franchise quarterback playing in a you know I don’t want to say meaningless game but I mean this game for the Titans really there wasn’t

A whole lot of meaning to it outside of the factors that I mentioned at the top of the show rivalry game not wanting to get swept by your division but is there a number that you would look for you know and this is this is we’ll never

Figure out the real number of what Lev’s you know Health was at but is there a number you’d look for in your starting quarterback playing a game like this to where you’d be like okay he’s got to be at at at least this much healthy in

Order to get the nod heading into Sunday is there a number You’ like to you know it’s hard to put numbers on the Stu like percentages what qualifies as what percentage but I just think you look for the key pillars that Mike Vel talked about this week which is uh is he able

To protect himself in the sense that he can move like is he able to to move around back there where he’s not standing still like a statue where he’s not hobbling around and his game is not impacted by the injury if he’s able to play with the same level of mobility and

Full Tilt uh ability that he talked about earlier in the week then I think he’s good to go um like but if he’s sitting there and he’s like limping around right we’ve seen Ryan tanah Hill in the past playing on an ankle injury where he’s like

Hobbling as he like goes to you know we didn’t see that from Levis early today did we no not not at all we didn’t see it in practice and and so there are levels to it and yeah if your quarterback is clearly ailing going into the game and and has little ability to

Move around then you’re put putting him in a position to fail but I think he had checked all the boxes of a guy who could move around and and look like himself now I agree with you and I think here’s where it gets tricky if you’re Mike Fel

Because will Levis is going to tell you he’s 100% will Levis will do anything to be on that football field will Levis doesn’t understand hey it’s best for me to sit out these last two games to preserve my health he doesn’t think that way he’s a competitor who wants to win

More so than I would I would be willing to wager 99% of this Titans roster right we’ve seen how competitive he is when he’s out there so will Levis isn’t going to tell you hey coach I need another week but that’s that’s when Mike Vel should step in and I’m not saying this

Injury caused this new injury because it didn’t but this is a situation where heading into next week Mike vel’s gonna have this decision okay if Will tells me he’s fine we trust that he’s fine and we’re gonna let him play I think they don’t do I don’t think they make their

Decision solely based off of what will lvis tells them it has factor in yeah sure I mean will Lis I mean if he says coach this isn’t comfortable I can’t go right there like that changes things versus if he’s like yeah I want to play I’m healthy I can play but it

Really go comes down to the training staff how will looks during practice his ability to move around and then what the training staff assesses so it’s a joined effort um so I guess you’re just saying what what do they do now for next week knowing well yeah because you have to

You know I I understand if he’s healthy enough to play you Sam I know you’re a believer that you play the guy right you can’t just be scared of injuring your quarterback but now he’s got no good legs to stand on he’s got this left ankle he’s been dealing with he’s got a

New right foot injury and look this foot injury is concerning to me because will Levon College dealt with turf toe there was a team Chris mortson reported I was doing some digging in the second half while the Titans were getting their asses kicked there was a report from

Chris Mortenson last year that said at least one team passed on Levis because they thought his toe injury was bad enough that he needed surgery to repair it will Levis disagreed and for the most part this season he’s looked great he’s been able to scramble when he needs to

Scramble he’s been able to take big hits and get back up but now you’re dealing with a player who has a an injured left ankle and a newly injured right foot there is nothing there is nothing that I need to see I don’t need to see anything

Else will L should not be out there next week even if he looks good in practice it’s just too risky at this point you’ve got really nothing left to gain and you know this was kind of an experiment in its own right this week throwing out throwing them out there behind this new

Makeshift offensive line and you know we saw him get hit early and often just like he got hit in the second half the last time we saw them play the Texans so I think that you’ve seen enough from your Supporting Cast to know and to hopefully realize that this group isn’t

Capable of doing their best in front of will Levis and that that in in itself jeopardizes will Lev’s future and his health and everything that you want to be right heading into this offseason so he gets a full offseason with his guys I I I think the decision for next week is

Easy you sit will Levis you can go back and forth on the decision this week was it the right call to play him Sam you’re going to say yes there’s people in the chat that agree with you there’s people in the chat that disagree but the

Decision for next week should be an easy one do you agree with that I think it’s based off of the exact same pillars and principles if he looks good if he can play if he looks like himself you play him and if he doesn’t and he looks hindered

And he looks like these leg injuries are catching up to him you don’t and it still it’s still a very simple black and white recipe to me but now we know he’s got two two bum legs right or two bum feet at I don’t know if we know that I

Mean I I don’t think he had I mean what do you mean by bum lay like he had a previous that is he missed a game he missed a game two week just two weeks ago with a left foot injury he was then announced out today after barely playing

A quarter right with a new foot injury so knowing what we know now we have to take this information and then make new new you know then form new opinions so with this new information and this new injury I my opinion is that he should

Not play next week and it I don’t think he will play next week because I do believe this foot injury is going to be something that hinders him throughout this week and if it hinders him throughout this week uh then he’s not in a place to play next weekend so I that I

Mean that’s what I expect but I mean if he wakes up tomorrow feeling fine and the foot feels fine then yeah you play him again no Sam you can’t you just got away with one this week you’re lucky it wasn’t an ACL you’re lucky wasn’t an ACL

Or a shoulder injury that he suffered in college he’s dealt with turf toe he’s had a finger dislocation he’s had an ankle sprain he’s had a quad strain you don’t want to tack on something else this late in the season when it doesn’t matter because after all I think that

The risk of injury here this last final game outweighs the risk of deterring his development and maybe setting him back a month or two heading into the offseason I it to me this is an easy decision after you got away with one last week or this week it doesn’t look that severe

You’re not you’re not guaranteed that next week maybe he maybe he turns his ankle in a different way maybe he dislocates his shoulder you’re you’re lucky he got his foot stepped on this week you dodged a bullet you have to say you know what you know I’m I’m that

Bullet just whizzed by my ear instead of you know staying in the same place I’m gonna go inside and I’m gonna protect myself that’s what the Titan should do they should take Levis inside so there’s no more flying bullets you know coming off the Left End and the Right End like

You got to protect your assets after today you’ve got to realized that you got lucky it was just a foot injury and you’ve got to sit him next week I don’t care if he’s good in practice this week I don’t know I mean that’s just not

How I look at it I think you show up to work and you do your job and that’s you know what you got to do it’s what you got to do if your will Levis it’s what you got to do if you’re the Titans it’s

What you got to do uh in general so that’s how I look at it I I I know a lot of people don’t agree with it I think there’s more Nuance to this than you know people want to realize but I don’t expect anything different at this point

So it is what it is I mean yeah I guess we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on this I think that you know the Titans are lucky to have will Levis upright right now after the beatings he’s taken this season and I don’t think that you know just just because he’s healthy

Enough to go next week the right decision is to start him again around the league look around the league like players play when they’re eliminated from playoff contention like yeah but this isn’t just any player right this is a player with thisen the league though I mean teams that are from playoff

Contention or still like Carolina’s still playing Bryce young that offensive line sucks like but he’s not he doesn’t have two two feet injury or two leg injuries but he could always but but you’re operating under the like the assumption that he has injury that like like injuries that actually him and if

He has injuries that affect him then I agree with you I think if he’s hurt you don’t play him that’s I I’ve been very black and white on this and people want to take my words as like Sam thinks they should just throw him out there for the

Sake of throwing him out there absolutely not if he’s healthy he plays if he’s not he doesn’t it’s simple I don’t get how people disagree with that because for the history of football and the history of professional know he’s not healthy no you don’t you you assum

Yes you do he left the game he was carded to the locker room today you know he’s not healthy if he wakes up tomorrow and on Wednesday and he’s healthy and he’s not the foot doesn’t bother him at all then he’s healthy and he should play

Now if that is still an issue and it’s still like bothering him he’s limping around then he obviously doesn’t play and a perfect example of that is how they handled the high ankle sprain he was bothered I watched him go out there and practice last week Friday two

Fridays ago and he’s sitting there limping around in stretch he didn’t look like himself and there was a sense of could he tough this out in play probably are you putting him in a position to succeed absolutely not and so they had to sit him and that was absolutely the

Right call when they did that but with how he looked in practice this week looking like his normal self they were fine to go out there and play him yeah he got hurt with a completely unrelated injury that was completely separate from his ankle and that happens and and if

And if that’s bothering him throughout this week then you definitely don’t play him but if he’s okay you play him and you look at every other team around the NFL it’s exactly what they do because that’s how football works it’s a job you sign up for it you don’t play out of

Fear and if a guy is healthy he should be on the field easy not every not every employee should be treated the same and there are different there are levels to it at every company you want to know what sends a bad message to the locker room hey this guy’s more important than

You that fans love doing the locker room thing we love doing the Mike Vel might be losing the locker room with how he treats his players to say hey rookie quarterback he doesn’t need to play but you you better go busted against Jacksonville that is how you lose a locker room but

No and it’s not because Levis has two injuries he has to deal with there are players that can gut it out on the offensive line that are making chump change will Levis you have to you I understand you don’t want to give off the message that will Levis is important

Than the backup Right Guard but that’s just the truth he is more important than anyone else on this on this football team and he is the most important player on this football team when you look at the next season and the you know the next four years his whole rookie

Contract he is the most important football player on this football team and if anyone in that locker room wants to disagree with Mike Vel have at it you’re gonna lose that argument 10 times out of 10 Craig Craig says it here though it’s any player can get hurt on

Any play at any time because it’s a violent Sport and that’s what happens and so you you play the game you hope for the best if a guy is not in a position to protect himself and not in a position to succeed you don’t play him

And you look out for him if he’s healthy he wants to be out there if he’s healthy the team wants him to be out there he needs to be out there I just I don’t see the where this is I I don’t get how I’m just glad you aren’t I’m just glad you

Aren’t the GM of the Titans Sam because what they’re gonna do it’s what they’re gonna do because that’s how coaches and GMS think as well is hey if this guy’s healthy he should be on the football field tears his ACL against Jacksonville and ruins the first half of next year

And next and the year after that there’s going to be blamed to go around people will lose their jobs for that decision that is the truth I don’t know maybe maybe not uh oh come on they I don’t know I it’s football they will lose

Their jobs you that is that is a crime against football Humanity to roll your quarterback out there in a meaningless game in week 18 for what for the experience the rep year though every year every year there’s a player there are multiple players next week’s week 18

And more than half the teams in the NFL are going to be eliminated from playoff contention and they’re all going to start their most healthy starting they’re not hurt like Levis most healthy Levis isn’t the most healthy he ain’t even the second most healthy quarterback Jack we’re saying the same thing if the

Guy is healthy he plays if Will Lis had no injuries right now and was healthy he does why are we saying why are we saying he’s Health know he’s not healthy did you look at the MRIs did you look at the x-rays if he was not healthy enough to

Finish this football game or finish the first half of this football game he’s not going to be healthy enough to start next year I I agree with you I agree with you that he likely won’t be healthy enough I’m saying that if he is he should play it again it’s black and

White it’s not that hard to see what I’m saying I’ve been want take my words people want to take my words and get them out of context and say sam thinks that he wants to throw the injured quarterback out there it’s not what I’m saying I don’t

Think he’ll play this week but if he’s healthy he should play you can’t play the man that’s that’s where I stand we might we might disagree we might agree I don’t know but we’re goingon to have to move on um next up Sam what do we got X factors yeah we

Gotta look at our X factors which probably were uh horrible across the board they probably just didn’t execute him at all but how did our X Game X golf X factors impact this Titans Texans game um like I said it is the X golf xfactor powered by X golf X golf has the

Reinvented the player experience by creating the most accurate indoor golf simulators on the market today giving every person the power to take on the world’s top courses compete in a variety of game formats improve their swing with lessons and Superior analytics I’ve been over to ex golf it’s the best spot in

Nashville I’m G to keep going back I’m GNA watch my uh NFL playoff football there I’m gonna watch March Madness there when it when that time comes around they have leagues they have lessons uh they have top-of-the-line golf simulators to help improve your game with bar and food and fun all

Around you as well so go check them out it’s xgolf to schedule uh you know your your Bay with them go book your Bay and get your time over at X golf uh Jack what was your ex golf X Factor before the game I said the big

Three on defense Deno ay Harold Landry and aiz alire and you know they played well Deno ay had two tfls aiz alire led the team in tackles with 13 also had two tfls Harold Landry shows up big in the fourth quarter with another back so you know the big three played well on

Defense this was not a defensive issue right the Titans didn’t lose this game because of the defense they lost this game because they can’t figure out how to put points on the board and you know Deno arri and Harold Andre and aiz Al Shier have been playing their asses off

All season long they deserve better than this it’s disappointing that they go out there and bust their ass and have to watch the offense just absolutely get their head pushed down into the dirt it’s it’s disappointing those three deserve better they played well as they always always do today sadly my xfactor

Didn’t matter uh yeah my exactor did matter some because it came down to the running game for me I said that they needed to get derck Henry in the Run game going uh Derrick Henry had a better day than he did last time against the Texans 12 carries for 42 yards but Taj

Spears with six carries for zero yards so it combined 18 carries for 42 yards between Henry and Spears Jonathan Ward got a few handoffs late uh but overall just a little little bit over two yards per carry for the Titans two main running backs another big factor in why

This offense was uh incompetent for most of the day because they weren’t able to establish the run and they couldn’t pass protect uh and when you do both of those things together you usually do not score points so I think our X factors uh you know not bad an idea just didn’t

Necessarily work out and I got I got a couple things I uh I was actually looking at the last Texas game box score Harold andry three tfls two quarterback hits and a sack today ay ay was not a big factor he only had one tackle on the

Day and aiz alire did what he could in the middle of the defense eight tackles which was third on the team cavon well Kavon Wallace led the team with 11 tackles followed by Otis ree with 10 there we go shout out OT for uh playing

I don’t know if he played well or not I’d have to look at the tape but did have a lot of tackles so that’s good uh let’s move on again to uh the Adventure Science Center nor normally we do the Mike Vel winning formula but today we’re

Going to ask for a percentage uh from the chat and from you Jack and we’re gonna ask how much is this Titans result how much is this Titans result Mike vel’s fault just Mike Vel just looking at Mike varel how much is this his fault the

26-3 loss to the Houston Texans uh and of course we uh brought it up there but it is Adventure Science Center Adventure Science Center your full family adventure awaits at Adventure uh you can explore and discover with them uh with the contemplating the endless concept of infinity and their

Immersive exhibit of the Infinium room you can step inside Nashville’s ultimate familyfriendly DIY Workshop or challenge your friends and family to learn about the human body as you fight pathogens with lasers at Body Quest uh they also have some 21 plus events coming up as

Well that are good fun night out or a little date night if you want to check into that you can dry your hand at nine different climbing events in the kinetic climber a lot of science fun where you can learn and have fun it’s a great

Event for the family on a weekend so if you’re looking for something to do with the weather not all that great here as we get into January and February go over to Adventure Science Center for your full family adventure at Adventure csi. org Jack uh what number I guess a

Percentage are you putting on Mike Vel for this loss let’s go to the chat first kick it says 100 Andre 65 Demetrius and Zach both at 100 Shady says five it’s mostly on the players um Jacob says 50 75 from uh Mr E Campbell Brandon says

100% 35 from Bor 100 from fade 100 from Ethan 50 from Gabriel ton says 30 50% from Scott 100 from Patel 80% from Connor 75% from volunteer 100 from Jared Sam this is a tough one for me because even if Mike Vel had done everything right on the sidelines today

I still don’t know that they win that football game so for that reason I’m going to say that 20% of this loss is on vvel I’m going to say and it’s hard if if you asked me to make a pie it would take forever a blame pie because I think

You know a lot of this is roster related you know with with the coaching issues that we have we’ve seen with Tim Kelly it’s hard for them to call stuff that works on offense when the offensive line doesn’t give you time doesn’t give you an option to run the football you’re

Having no success doing that so everybody knows now that you got to turn to the pass and let’s just face it the Titans don’t have Ryan tanah Hill back there to throw for 350 yards a game he’s not built to do that Mike Vel and in this team the penalties were better

Today that’s the one redeemable quality only three penalties today but I you know I think that it’s it’s 20% Mike Vel because when you when you’re a sales department okay when you’re in a sales department and you don’t hit your quota for the year who gets the blame the head

Of the sales team when you don’t do what you should do or you need to do against a division rival a game that Amy Adam shrunk cares most about there’s going to be some blame on the head coach there for not having this team prepared for not having them ready for for not

Finding adjustments in the middle of the game and it’s hard to move quickly in the NFL but you’ve got to make adjustments going from Levis to tanah Hill it’s it’s just another failure but I don’t know that Mike Vel deserves a 100% of the blame for this loss it feels

Like even you know if the Titans had had played their best football they still would have needed a little bit of luck late to win this football game so for that reason I’m going to give Mike Vel 20% today and some some of the guys in the comments might think that I’m going

Soft on Vel but I just I I can’t blame Mike Vel fully for this performance it’s it’s player related mostly yeah uh I’m at 10% is really the most that I can do I do find this comment interesting from uh from Zach garinger says it can’t be

The players fault they are udfa and I do think there’s an important like separation of like it’s the players’s fault to me it is the roster’s Fault the reason the Titans lost this game is because of the roster and the lack of Talent on the roster and so that is the

Players but it’s also you know it’s not like these are players that are just underperforming not living up to expectations there are some occasions of that on the like Tayon bur’s dropping a deep ball hello catch the ball offensive line Andre Dillard got all this money he

Can’t block me out there like these are issues of guys on under performing but like yeah at the end of the day right if your if your sixth string Corner doesn’t cover Nico Collins and you give up a big gain you don’t want to be like what the

Heck man you got to be better than that that’s just who they are but uh I just look at like what what is the root cause of this and ultimately it’s the roster and the way that the injuries have now put this roster what was already an underwhelming roster looking even worse

Um and yeah I I just don’t believe reel could have done much of anything differently today to change this outcome they’re just significantly worse than Houston in just about every area game and you know a play today that’s a good example of this is Eric garer totally

Overshooting his angle to try and stop the run the Texans break a big one down the left sideline that’s not Mike vel’s fault that’s execution on Eric Garr yeah it’s nobody’s fault but Eric garer making that play right now you can look at it and be like well Eric G is a udfa

Who had like decent special teams value all you got and looked okay in training camp and so you were like oh maybe he deserves to fight for a spot he was never supposed to be a starting corner but that’s where we are and so uh yeah it like you get

This like riddle down from injuries you get this thin and you end up with just a bad team that that that struggles to execute uh let’s move on to the I guess the final little bit today which is not going to be the result of the Titans and

The AFC South I guess we can preview the AFC South a little bit because Houston won they’re N9 and seven Jacksonville won they’re nine and seven Indie barely held on against the Las Vegas Raiders they’re nine and seven which means next week Texans Texans and Colts are gonna

Play each other one of them is going to go to the playoffs with their 10th win but do they win the AFC South that’ll come up to the Tennessee Titans and the Tennessee Titans playing Jacksonville Jacksonville wins the uh wins the Division with a win so they’re probably

Sitting pretty right there uh and then as far as the tank is concerned Jack I’m pulling it up right now and I will uh give everybody the full update on the tank right after I tell everybody about Jarrett uh HVAC and fire and Jarrett companies comprehensive Fire Safety Solutions at Jarrett from installation

To inspections and maintenance they’ve got you covered whether it’s a fire sprinkler alarm extinguisher they’ve got it all and they can do it all with industry-leading experience customized plans and a rapid response time they’re also locally owned they aren’t corporate and they like it that way so they can

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Jack uh the tank so uh the Titans lost so they are currently sitting sitting in the number six spot because they are below the Los Angeles Chargers who have not played yet but based off of strength of schedule a Chargers loss would then put the Titans right back in

That seventh draft spot that win or that loss that the Giants took late really really being a factor right now um because you would like to have that game back I guess here’s an interesting one is the Arizona Cardinals play at home next week against the Seattle Seahawks the Cardinals upset

Philly this afternoon uh and got their fourth win so if the Cardinals win a game the Cardinals will then jump or the Titans would then jump the Cardinals in the division or the draft standings as well but right now they’re they’re scheduled to pick seventh and they’re they’re staying put right there good

Point yeah today not great for your strength of schedule as the Titans saw the entire AFC South com away with wins today that’s the tiebreaker and it’s not good when your former opponent’s win football games when you’re vying for one of those top draft picks and you’re jockeying with teams with the same

Amount of wins and losses as you so the Titans next week needed an AFC South collapse and also a loss themselves in order to climb even higher for the Titans right now I guess if you’re a Titans fan why Steelers and Seahawks doesn’t matter because you played both

Of those teams you should be rooting for the Broncos to beat the Chargers well I guess no we’re rooting for the Chargers to win that game duh because then you can jump the Chargers you need to root for the Chiefs to beat the Bengals though that game is on right now you did

Not play the Chiefs you did play the Bengals a loss to the Bengals would help the strength of schedule I guess uh for some of this tiebreaker stuff and then we will Circle back uh I’ll probably have an article on adz this week to uh lay out the best case

Scenario for the Titans um Borg says top six pick is the realistic goal I know some people who want top five the question is are you going for the receiver are you going for the Topo lineman I’ll have like a comprehensive breakdown of all of the scenarios later

This week so that going into the final week of the regular season you know what needs to happen if you’re a Titans fan rooting for that top draft pick hey before we go show’s about to wrap up we let’s do this before we get out of here

It’s been a tight show it’s been a tint show there’s been a lot of stuff that happened today that needs to be talked about throughout the week ad toz is gonna have you covered Sam’s gonna have you covered don’t forget to read all of Sam’s content and ad’s content this you

Can hate read it you can hate read as long as you read it here’s a challenge before we go out we’re going out happy on 2023 okay here’s our challenge before you go like the show and comment something nice say something nice in the comments before you go let’s end happy

Hey it’s been a rough season it’s been a rough 2023 for Titans fans say something nice in the chat we’ll pull it up before we get out of here don’t forget like the show and have a Happy New Year’s people something nice yeah you have to say

Something nice too if you’re asking them to say you know what you know what impresses me is the amount of people we get in here after blowout losses like this and this this season has been a perfect excuse for Titans fans to tune us out to not listen to the titanup

Podcast to not come to the a toz postgame show after losses to check out of the halftime show the chat not only attends but they stay engaged I don’t think that you guys realize that I I’m watching you guys debate it out in the chat while I’m giving my takes and

Listening to Sam takes as well the chat has had a great season even though the Titans have not I’m I I love being on here I love doing these shows even after l is it’s it’s nice to have a little therapy session with some Titans fans so I appreciate everyone who sticks around

After these bad games it’s been a tough year but next year is going to be better I promise so I want to wish everyone and Sam yourself included a Happy New Year’s it’s been fun to do these shows and you know that there’s one more week to go so

It’s not over yet yep Carrie says here’s to more wins in 2024 Jamie says I hate reading with love which which I appreciate Andre says his good thing is he doesn’t have to watch me tomorrow on Monday with come on Andre we’ll see I do have Titans at two tomorrow Andre you

Could always watch Titans at two uh Conor’s in the same boat he glad he doesn’t have to hear my terrible takes tomorrow Brandon says love youall dudes man happy New Year Happy New Year to you too Brandon uh let’s see what else we got here we got uh Zach wants a fire of

Rael for the new year to be nice next year’s a new year that is the a really good one from Patrick bird Nick coming after the white socks he’s not wrong they do suck so yeah they make me Miser as well um let’s see we all love from Brandon again

Appreciate uh my nice thing kind of in line with yours Jack hey you guys care I appreciate that you guys care yeah I as much as I I’ll sit here I’ll I’ll argue with you I’ll tell you my opinion I I Won’t Back Down for my opinion we can go

Might even call you Meatheads you guys make my job a thing you make my job happen and you make all of media happen you make Sports happen because fans are at the heart and at the center of every professional sport and it takes fans like yourselves who at 5 and 11 are

Going to come into our chat just to tell me how dumb I am it takes fans that care that much to make this happen so I will always appreciate you guys listening I will always appreciate you guys commenting and taking time out of your day to listen to me spew what you you

Think to be nonsense either way it’s a appreciate it so uh Happy New Year happy 2024 we’ll see you guys tomorrow for the ad toz Sports Morning Show and Titans at 2 one week to go and then we can talk about some more positive stuff and we

Can get optimistic about hope for the NFL draft and a new year that is to come and as Zach says we all want the same thing which is true which is a Titans team that is good fun to watch fun to talk about fun to cover um and hopefully

That’s coming here in the near future so it’s going to be a great year I have got a great feeling about it I I do too I’m actually pretty optimistic so we’ll see people might not want to hear that but I am all right we’ll talk to you guys

Later we’ll see you tomorrow uh AD toz Sports Morning Show in Titans at 2 till then tighten up


  1. Eagles fans calling for their coaches heads after an 11-4 season, and yet, we protect our staff after 2 insanely bad seasons. Ironic that they are historically better than us?! 🤔. #Demandbetter

  2. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.” This quote is attributed to Tim Notke, a high school basketball coach, and was popularized by Kevin Durant, a basketball player in the American NBA.

  3. Bro said theyre without Kristian Fulton?!!!😂😂😂 now i know hes not to be taken seriously..Fulton is a dumpster fire at best..#110 outta 118

  4. Lack of talent isn't the reason theyve had what 4 punts blocked? Lack of talent isn't the reason they are 0-3 vs Gardner minshew and case keenum… Exactly how much fucking talent does it take to beat low end backup qbs? Mularkey got fired for much less, jrob never had a losing season and gor fired yet vrabel is clearly safe. It doesn't make sense. Hes a .500 conservative lathargic meathead defensive head coach. Vrabel is the great value jeff fisher.

  5. The team didn't quit but, they seem to have dialed it back to 75-80%. The texans have had a ton of injuries season long but it doesn't show because of effort. Its hard to be motivated when you know there's nothing do play for.

  6. Couldn’t disagree with Sam more than today. Kicking Vrabel out now is critical. This is the year that we have the cap and draft pick to pitch to a new coach. What will we have next season? Not a situation where that coach can design the roster his way.

  7. Time to move on from Vrabel. Titans need an offensive coach. It seems like the offense has been the same under every coach they’ve had, boring and vanilla. There seem to have hit on a QB, just need to put pieces around him.

  8. Go out next week and hammer Jacksonville. Help the old Texans boys. The defense didn’t quit. They were bringing it all game. Sam you need a smarter partner.😂😂😂😂

  9. After what happened last game I thought the Titans would've been fired up to keep the Texans out of the playoffs.

  10. When youre constantly giving Vrabel all these excuses even now then nothing will ever be enough in your mind to fire this guy

  11. Sam makes no sense maybe he’s tryna get on Vrabel good side lls. Vrabel football is unwatchable 💀💀💀

  12. Lmfao 90-95%?? On a high ankle sprain? Seriously Sam, youre showing that youre another brainwashed Vrabel defender and its sad

  13. im a Texans fan and we knew that we would beat you. we didn't like it when you guy's put those uniforms on. and then Tennessee thought you was going to slap us but no we beat you at home. then you came to our house and we beat you guy's down. GO TEXANS

  14. you did say one thing right they came from Houston Texas. So how do you thing us here in Houston Texas feel. those uniforms really belong to Houston Texas. But Amy is getting everything she deserves a ass whipping

  15. stop it Houston Texans and stop crying we best you we have better team and better coaching staff. cry me a river haha haha haha haha haha.

  16. Tennessee has no history with those uniforms in 82 they were here in Houston Texas and they moved from here in 87 see you was still in diapers when they left go get your big boys pants on


  18. hey sam have you ever played the game or are you one of those guy's that thinks he knows the game. i did and everyone has to do there job. its takes everyone

  19. its starts with the owner and you dont have a great owner with Amy she doesn't know anything about football her dad did but not Amy' get her to sell the team before amy doesn't have anyone

  20. Amy Adams- SKUNK! 🔥 in hell Bud! This bigger than you Nashville. This is a TEXAS SIZE FUED!!!

  21. For someone who is in the building every day like Sam, he is completely out of touch with this football team.

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