Golf Babe

Bound for Bigfoot. Episode 1.

Harley tells the story of his “Disc Golf Career” up to this point, and what he plans to do as he moves into the 2024 season. Shoutout to Bigfoot Disc Golf Shop for the opportunity to compete for a place on their street team, and as always a huge thank you to Lone Star Discs for allowing Bella’s Bombers to represent your brand.

What’s up everybody I’m Harley petett I’m a lieutenant on team Lone Star and the more handsome half of Bella’s bombers and this is a series I’m going to call Bound for Bigfoot Bigfoot is a disc golf shop in Durant Oklahoma they carry a wide range of discs host plenty

Of PDGA sanction tournaments and they have a street team that I would love to be a part of they’re hosting a qualifier tournament in two weeks where I’m going to compete to try to earn my spot today we’re going to be playing nine holes at the IBC Woods course in shaune Oklahoma

And along the way I’m going to tell you about my disc golf Journey how I got here and what I plan to do in 2024 to take my game to the next level let’s get on to Hole one and hopefully we can get off the tea

Cleanly all righty guys here we are on the tea of hole one throwing our Founders Bearcat on a little Hiser flip line Sorry for the lack of an intro we didn’t really have good audio because I was using the wide angle lens we’re going to step up and tap this out

Through this little group of trees in front of us should be able to collect the birdie well I’ve definitely played that hole worse in the past my disc golf Journey started about like everyone’s I would imagine my cousin came over with some cheap Walmart Frisbees and asked if I

Wanted to go play I didn’t have anything else to do so I tagged along we went to John’s Park in simol Oklahoma which I hope you’ll get the chance to see at some point in this series and we played we didn’t know the layout we didn’t

Really know the rules but we had a blast throwing and we went back a few more times until finally we met someone playing for real and they taught us the basics that guy let us know that there was a course a couple miles out of town called the mission and there were a

Couple guys that play out there most weekdays around noon let’s stop there for now and see how we do on hole two and when we come back we’ll go from there all righty hopefully y’all can hear me now this is a 177t par three we’re going to go

Straight at it with this Penny Putter and hopefully we can do something special come on straight at it it came out of it a little bit at the end but hey if every Drive was perfect we wouldn’t have no fun putts I sold myself a little short back

There this actually ain’t bad I thought it went down the hill but we’re right here to tap in and just like that we’ll kick it back to the studio and I’ll tell you a little more about me oh I can’t believe that didn’t go in it was an absolute bullet probably I

Haven’t actually filmed around yet so at this point in the story I bought a few discs and I think I’m pretty good we go to the mission right about noon to meet up with Ray and Shane Shane was the parks and wreck guy for the tribe which

Was in charge of maintaining the course him and Ray actually designed the course and installed the baskets and at this time there were hundreds of feet between our drives there were dozens of Strokes between our scorecards but they welcomed me with open arms and showed me how fun

Disc Golf could be from a competitive standpoint eventually my drives got longer my scorecard started to look a little more like theirs and we started talking about tournaments we’ll get into those after I show whole three who’s boss all righty so far I’ve managed to

Stay two down through two this is a 140t really easy chip up Hiser hopefully we can keep our streak alive we just got a small Gap to hit we’re going to go that Penny putter once again that thing is way too straight that’s going to be a tricky put

I slipped on this little thing always clear your tea pads folks so after a less than Stellar t- shot this is what I have left let’s see if I can make a miracle happen oh wow all righty first part of the video okay maybe it can be its own boss

I mean it’s a free country so in May of 2017 I played my first tournament funny enough it was hosted at Eagle Hill Disc Golf Course in Krebs Oklahoma which just so happens to be where the Bigfoot qualifier tournament is I shot eight over par and placed middle of the pack a

Month or so later me Shane and Ray went to a Trilogy challenge in Ponka City I played the intermediate Division and somehow managed to take first place I played a few more tournaments over the next few years but never really managed to put a few good rounds together when

The pressure was on I found more and more disc golfers in my area and eventually I had a pretty solid group of people to play with on a regular basis but between the fun and Casual rounds and the adult responsibilities becoming a reality I kind of just lost interest

In playing disc golf competitively I got married I had a baby I got a good job and disc golf just kind of took a back seat obviously it didn’t stay that way or we wouldn’t be here talking now so let’s play hole four and when y’all come

Back we can talk about how that fire got reignited y’all like the little swipe up I wrote a script for this because I am horrible at talking to the camera but anyway let’s get into whole four hopefully I don’t embarrass myself all righty this one’s really hard to film

Because it’s a blind shot off the tea so I’m actually going to walk you guys up here make the corner with you point you at the basket and hopefully you’ll see my disc fly into frame shortly put you right up here all righty we let my buddy Greg play

Through shout out to him for hitting an ason hole too back there I hope y’all can hear that in the audio but we’re going to let him get a little further along and then we’re going to take this putt it looks like it’s a little obstructed but I love an elevated basket

So let’s see if we can give it a bid I left it just a little bit short looks like we’re drawing up another par see if I can just selfie can this one that’s an awkward hole to film since it’s blind off the tea hopefully it

Wasn’t too jarring to watch so in 2021 as Co was still running rampant and there wasn’t a whole lot else to do me and my little brother Logan who hopefully you guys know from the channel started to play more regularly after a few months of being back in the swing of

Things my buddy Ray texted me to let me know that he had built an 18 holek course on his property and he was having a tournament about a month later on the course the format was interesting as it was a two round blind draw doubles with a new partner each round I actually

Managed to win that event and bring home a gold leaf disc that he made as a trophy it’s actually right back there in that shadow box as the world got back to normal though and life kept on keeping on we started playing a little a little

Less until winter time came and we just didn’t have enough daylight when I got off work to play it was looking like history was going to repeat itself and disc golf was going to get pushed onto the back burner once again but then right around daylight savings time when

The day started getting longer I got a text that changed everything let’s see this absolute Park job on hole five and then I’ll tell you what it said welcome back guys we’re on our fifth hole for the day this is a 170t par three we’re going to throw the Bearcat at it we’re

Aiming for the basket on the bottom oh it flipped a little too much gave our a comebacker hey hey I’ve always been the type to park far away from the door quit judging me so after months of not being able to play and not even being sure I was going

To play disc golf again I got a text from Ray and it had been almost a year since his tournament that I won and sure enough he was going to have it for a second year I showed the flyer to Logan and he got excited and we both agreed to

Start practicing whenever we could to prepare for the tournament along the way we joined the simol county Disco Association and they were starting a doubles league and at that point Bell bombers was born and we were hooked again we went on to play and raise tournament we didn’t win this year but

We managed to win a practice basket in the raffle that took place afterwards and that really helped Logan’s putting as we got ready for these sanction tournaments cuz Ray’s tournament as well as the doubles League sparked that competitive spirit inside of us and we decided that we wanted to do some

Sanctioned events I helped Logan sign up for the PDGA and we were off to the races during this time we were for fortunate enough to join team lonar we got on their Ranger team and we had to rebuild our bags pretty much from scratch this really benefited my game in

The long run because I had a bunch of gaps in my bag that I never even realized beforehand and this is the point of the story in which I learn about Bigfoot disc golf shop as our first tournament was the Magnolia open at the Craig Parker Memorial disc golf

Course in Durant sponsored by Bigfoot if you can believe it I’ll tell you more about that event after a brief Ace run on ho six ah it felt good out of my hand what do you want me to say so we made the trip down to Durant for the Magnolia open and

That’s where I got the chance to meet Bigfoot Mike I got to see all the Bigfoot players in their jerseys for the first time I was very fortunate actually cuz I got to be on the Bigfoot feature card with three other members of the team I say other members like I’m a

Member but hey wishful thinking the guys were awesome they really made it a fun round I went on to shoot my highest rated round of the year at 954 I had a mediocre second round that dropped me to middle of the pack but I had a great

Time at the event and I left Durant that Sunday knowing I wanted to find a way to get on the team I kept my eye out the rest of the season for any events that were being presented by Bigfoot and I made it out when I could and each time I

Was impressed with how Bigfoot Mike ran the events and how much he went above and beyond to give the players the best experience that he could offer them I reached out a time or two asking what I could do to get on the team and after

Whole seven I’ll let you know what he said all right guys we made it the most acable hole on the course all we got to do is make it in the basket and we can get two strokes back for all the mistakes I’ve made so far let’s see if I

Can ring it up with this Penny putter straight at it come on yes oh my gosh it face straight through the chains but we’ll collect another birdie all righty so I might have spoke a little too soon this is about a 25 ft obstructed putt with some limbs in the

Way but I’m not backing down yet I’m still going to do my best and ring this up as a birdie after all those cars I need it that’s such a fun hole I hope I gave it a good bid so I messaged Bigfoot Mike

And I asked him what I could do to join team Bigfoot he let me know to be on the lookout for a podcast or video that would be releasing in the near future explaining how so I kept my head down and I played every event that I could

Most of them sanction not all of them but most work through a shoulder injury that hindered me for a few events before thankfully being able to finish out the year feeling healthy again my rating isn’t quite where I want it but I feel like I’ve gotten to the point where I’m

Finally showing up to tournaments and playing golf I never really did that before I would choose to throw the fun shots over the optimal ones despite how it would affect my round my putt feels better than it ever has I’m more comfortable with my bag than I’ve ever

Been and then the podcast gets released while I’m feeling my best find out what was said on the podcast if I could learn to talk find out what was said on the podcast after a brief message from Whole 8 that’s another one that’s a bit tricky

To film but at least we got the two I hope anyways the podcast finally came out and Bigfoot Mike let us know that there was going to be a Bigfoot qualifying tournament at Eagle Hill Disco course in Krebs Oklahoma it’s going to happen on January 13th in this

Event the top two players of each division will be offered a spot on the team how fitting is it for it to be held at the same course where my first ever tournament was held seven years ago so the podcast was out and this series was

Born I wanted to use this first video as a way to introduce myself to you all and tell a little bit of my story and how I got here and now I want to use the rest of the series to show you how my game has evolved and the steps I’m going to

Take to make sure that I’m ready to perform my best come tournament day I’ll be doing an in the bag video showing what I’ll be throwing for for the 2024 season as well as showing you how I approach field work and putting practice thank you guys so much for

Watching and listening to my story hopefully I made it worth your time and hopefully I can park the island on our ninth and final hole all righty guys this is the last hole it all comes down to this if I can get this Birdie on this

Island hole we end up six down through nine I don’t think that’s a bad score but hopefully after some field work and a little bit of putting practice we can revisit this at the end of the series and see if I can shoot nine down through

Nine we’re going to take this last shot with our Penny putter thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me just one more shot oh that looks good make it through the trees I think that’s a park job guys thanks again all right everybody hopefully that

Wasn’t too to hard to watch hopefully it wasn’t too cringey I had a script I was going off of because when I tried to do it Acappella off the Dome it just wasn’t coming out right I was rambling and not getting the points across that I wanted

To I hope that y’all kind of get the gist of who I am and why I want this so bad and how I got here and I hope you’ll stick around to see what I do moving forward I’m going to show up and play

The best golf I can on the 13th and I hope I qualify for team Bigfoot but either way we’re going to have a great 2024 season I’m going to be representing team lonar and we’re we’re going to try to get our rating up try to get some

Wins try to have a good season thank you all for watching

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