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Standup Girl Episode 1 | Zara Noor Abbas | Danyal Zafar | [ Eng CC ] 21st Dec 2023 | Green TV

Embark on a thrilling odyssey as a young woman navigates an identity crisis, shattering stereotypes on her path to fulfilling her dream of becoming a stand-up comedian. Witness her intertwining fate with a charismatic rap singer as they embark on a journey of love and creative pursuit.

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Standup Girl Episode 1 | Zara Noor Abbas | Danyal Zafar | [ Eng CC ] 21st Dec 2023 | Green TV

Presented by: Q&K PRODUCTIONS in association with MULTIVERSE ENTERTAINMENT

Directed By: Kashif Nisar

Written By: Awais Ahmad & Adeel Afzal

Sohail Ahmad
Zara Noor Abbas
Daniyal Zafar
Saba Faisal
Adnan Shah Tipu
Farah Tufail
Saqib Sameer
Maira Saeed
Saad Azhar
Ali Jaan
Ahmad Abdur Rahman
Afifa Shah
Arham Khan
Adeel Afzal

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#GreenTV #StandupGirl #ZaraNoorAbbaas #DanyalZafar

Now what’s my problem? I can do comedy verbally. And a lot of people think of it as my talent… But if someone picks up a point, everyone gets offended, they mind it. Now it’s the same as telling Babar Azam that come,

Let’s play cricket, play on the field but you can’t play cover drive. Is it possible? Can Babar or I do this? We can’t do it like this, dude. [chants] Zara! Zara! Zara! Zara! Okay okay, that’s it, that’s enough… enough clapping, save it for later. You all are really happy today? Yes?

My brother in a checkered shirt, you’re showering a toothy grin… It’s okay, show your teeth. I’m also really happy today. A lot of things have been cooking inside of me for many years… On a low flame. And today, finally it’s the day

When I’ll express everything in my heart in front of you guys. Because I needed an audience just like you guys… Now clap for yourself. So the story is that… No, no, no, no… before the story, I want you all to clap for our principal who canceled the mocks this year.

And sitting beside her, our special guest of honor, clap for her as well. Okay so the thing is, ever since childhood, I had a lot of pressure of studies. Although, my father wasn’t in my home… But, the pressure of studies was still there. Why? Because I have a mother.

And you all know about mothers, brown mothers… My mother also blackmailed me, emotionally… That, “my child, you have to get into a good unversity”. I also studied day and night, I did a lot of hard work and then finally I reached… here. I’ve always heard,

If you go to any reputable educational institutions… You’ll find such precious gems of education, that your life is incomplete without it. But tell me honestly, what did we get exactly? What did you get? What did I get? What exactly did we get from here? At every big role in this country,

There is a man or woman from a prestigious university. Then why is our country in such a situation? We all get busy in finding out “Y” for “X” and the basic manners, that are basic, we don’t learn those. There is a book of Ghalib on the cupboard, there is Shakespeare, but no,

We drive on the roads like we have a war scheduled with Changez Khan this evening. Today we will clear all accounts. As I said, we don’t have basic manners. We know everything, we are informed but we’re not habitual, now… Ma’am? Ma’am? Let him be, give him some space… he’s listening to me,

Everyone else is also listening, he’ll listen. Well, our ma’am Shumaila… if we look at her, it’s apparent that she only allowed the special guest after checking her nails before letting her sit here. Okay okay, ma’am… okay. Hey, friends? Ma’am is getting really angry and

Along with her, our principal’s mood is also really bad. Now she’s telling me, to get off the stage? Okay, okay, okay, okay… Well isn’t it fun? It’s such a homely environment. I mean, the principal is here, a special guest is here, and ma’am is signaling me from a far,

That doesn’t misbehave… That happens when we’re sitting in our lounges at home, and some guests arrive… Parents signal from afar, that “my child, don’t misbehave… act, pretend, no problem if there are 0 manners learned, but… act like talking with manners. Okay ma’am, I’ll get off,

I know the principal’s mood is getting worse… Well, no matter what happens in the world, either someone breaks up, or there is an earthquake… or the sky falls over… But our principal has one solution to everything… What? You… Call your parents. Do you have any manners?

Do you have any idea how important guest we had? You just went on stage and started speaking nonstop. Do you even know how I was insulted? Did I allow you to go on stage so you could make fun of the teachers and the institute? But ma’am, I…

I’m speaking, let me complete… You were talking about manners, no one taught you not to interrupt when elders are talking? Look, I’m a stand-up comedian, my job is to make people laugh… and people were there… Secondly, I did a really good set, accept that at least.

I think you should talk to the principal. Who even wants to study? I am not interested in studying. Wow man, amazing! It was so fun, boss. You’re a great person. You’re shining everywhere. The one about bringing parents along was the best. Don’t you feel like visiting? I come when you call…

Yeah well, at least I got this. That’s how it happens. It’s a long discussion… if we’re meeting for 5 minutes, can’t we talk about something good? Hi? Hello, Assalam-o-Alaikum. Walaikum Assalam… You didn’t mind anything, right? Of course… I was doing the stand-up,

I was on stage… I was making everyone laugh and I noticed… you laughed the most on my bathroom joke… So that means, that you clearly don’t mind, right? No, it was good… Right? It was good. In my understanding, it was a brilliant set… But who’d tell them? They’re saying that you disgraced us

In front of the special guests, you embarrassed us. Someone go and ask the special guest… maybe her sense of humor works fine… which I believe is true… But that’s not your problem, that’s not my problem either… this is a problem of the educational system. God! The student’s future

And the teacher’s sense of humor… both are misplaced, that’s why all of this is happening. Here, look at this, they handed me this… they even signed… they’re just asking me to leave. Well, who even wants to study here? I’m not interested either. Anyway, nice meeting you… bye. Oh God!

Oh, that’s it, that’s it, I brought hot tea… please, please take this… Hey? I just… Drink this… and don’t read the book. I just started… You can start again tomorrow… well, what are you reading? Silence wrapped in a dress. Gulzar? Really? Don’t you get bored of reading books?

Can a librarian ever be bored of books? Okay, tell me, how was the performance today? You didn’t tell me. It was good, really good… people didn’t lift me on their shoulders. And I think it’s better that they did not… I don’t understand, I don’t get it whatever you are doing…

Tell me seriously. Of course I’m serious, what do you mean by serious? If you want details, there was a big crowd, a big hall, everyone was appreciating a lot… and… There was this teacher, she came to me and said… she thinks, if there is ever an Olympics of comedy,

I can bring the only good medal for Pakistan. Just imagine that. What happened? Why are you looking at me like this? You’re doubting me? Seriously? On your one and only child? That means on your own brought up? I don’t… that’s so ironic, I don’t believe it… Okay, tell me

What did the principal say? What was her reaction? That’s fine, you know how to speak… But that doesn’t mean that you think of classroom, ground, canteen as a stage and say everything you feel like… And the principal was saying there was such an important guest in today’s event

And you made us proud in front of them, Zara… We’re so proud of you… Do you have any idea? That how much you’ve embarrassed us in front of the guests? Ma’am, what’s embarrassing about this? You’re giving stage, mic, and audience to a comedian, obviously they’ll say something… I did the same.

The principal was also saying, bring your mother to the university someday, we’ll have some tea… And tell her how amazing her daughter is. I think, you should have been there, mother… you would have got to know about your daughter. Ma’am? Ma’am? Ma’am, I wanted to say that leave this at least…

Ma’am, look at me… Take this… and bring your parents with you… Ma’am… that was the joke… Oh God… Yes, my child… so you accept it now? Well you were on point, I don’t know why she was upset the whole time? That’s what I’m saying… the makeup artist wasted their 4 hours

For no reason to make Aunt look presentable… And then, if the aunt was going to keep such bad expressions, she shouldn’t have wasted so much time. Okay, stop it… she’s my mother in law… Oh, really? Your mother-in-law? Let the wedding happen, in 2-3 days… no, take a margin of 2-3 months.

Let the time pass then you’ll know how much “mother” is left from the mother-in-law… And anyways, a picture doesn’t lie… it’s apparent… she wants you dead. Hey… refuse… Listen? Why don’t you say no? Stop your nonsense, let it be. You tell me, you didn’t come to my bridal shower?

There was an event at the university… then I had to pick some of the mother’s report from the hospital… And you know the whole day passed like that, we can’t even understand it. I’ll come over tomorrow for the event, InshaAllah. Wait, wait, wait, wait… We’ve found out that

Alina’s best friend Zara is here today. And we also found that she’s really good at standup… No, sit down… So why not, on this joyous occasion, we listen to her… No… Please, Zara. Hey, be quiet… Zara… Okay so, Alina? Do you remember? Aunt, the first time I saw her at college,

She was on the notice board. And I’ve started disliking her since then… Now why wouldn’t I dislike her? Her name was on the top of the billboard. Now a woman can tolerate everything, but not another woman… No matter if it’s co-wife, friend, or daughter-in-law… Alina looks so beautiful… she looks really happy… Happy?

Her teeth didn’t disappear… overactress… That’s good, may Allah always keep her happy. Hey, why are you holding the mic in the pictures? Yes, you say this as if I force everyone to listen to me, I’m really funny… They forced me, that’s why I had the mic… Okay so, what did you say?

So, today… Alina is getting married and I’m happy for her… But believe me, I’m not genuinely happy… The girl is so talented, she has so much potential. She could have done something much better than marriage. But its fate… hers or yours… brother. What can we say? You must be thinking

I have a personal problem with marriages…. There is nothing like that, I don’t have any personal problems, I just have a slight issue relating to it, that really makes my brain feel uneasy… And that is, this system didn’t have any upgrades. I mean, you become a bride,

And with that, you become a daughter-in-law… After that you become a younger daughter-in-law, then you become the senior daughter-in-law… Then you become the bad daughter-in-law, then you become even worse of a daughter-in-law… and then you become a mother-in-law. I mean, what is this life plan that doesn’t have any growth?

At the end of it, you become a mother-in-law. I still don’t have any problems with marriage, but even in our society, it’s settled…. Even they show it on media, there is a nice daughter-in-law, and then there is a bad one… there are only these two types. And Alina’s mother-in-law

Was rolling on the floor laughing, she stopped eating and said I want to hear this girl’s set, how is she so funny? And Alina was amazed… And when the dinner started, she came to me and said… “My child, listen… I would have made you my daughter-in-law if I had another son”.

Aunt, listen to this with attention… these nice daughters-in-law, at first she’s come straight to you and say. Here, cut off my tongue, and you will do that, because that’s what mother-in-laws do… But the problems didn’t end here, the drama of this “nice daughter-in-law” won’t end here… She wears a shalwar/kameez and dupatta,

She wears those then goes back behind the curtain to cry. And if someone asks, “What happened, why are you crying?” She says “Nothing, just something went in my eye” And then, when the husband comes home from the office, she brings her cheek forward for him and

Says “Hit me, slap me once, you have a right”. And now we’ll talk about the bad daughter-in-law… aunt, listen carefully… Now I want to tell you what does a bad daughter-in-law does… Number 1, She gets her hair blow-dried from the parlor. Number 2, she wears pants… even in front of her mother-in-law…

She then tells the husband and mother-in-law, “Don’t lecture me, communicate”. In these days, do the husband and wife sit and discuss? What kind of daughter-in-law is that? Now you must be thinking why am I talking about all this… Aunt, you’re more curious, it’s apparent from your face… The question raises that Alina…

Would she be a nice daughter-in-law? Or bad daughter-in-law? Right? That’s what you’re thinking? Now if we check Alina’s track record, Alina will try her best to be a nice daughter-in-law… But… she won’t be able to do it, sister… you won’t be able to do that… Aunty, I’m sorry. Alina?

Why did you become my friend? What happened? Should I tell you? Everything? Since the beginning? Yes please, if you tell me clearly I would be grateful. All my life, no cute boy came to me because of you… Because everyone was scared of you… I used to study so much

But teachers never gave me the right marks because I used to be with you. I used to go to college in the car comfortably, you told my mother that “aunt, bus would drop her close to the house” What is your problem, sister? Why can’t you see me peacefully?

All these are old topics, what did I do now? Why was there a need to bring up the topic of daughter-in-law and mother-in-law? Alina? Are you serious? You’re still holding a grudge since then? Today is your wedding, focus on that instead. Yes… because there is a discussion happening at my place,

Because of the things you said… Who felt what, everything is being discussed… from a 9-year-old child to a 90-year-old grandmother, everyone is included in the discussion. And where is your man? That day he was smiling. He’s also there… neither is he picking up my calls nor is he replying to me.

Call him then… no, text him… tell him to be a man. Take a stand for you, this is the time… that’s when you’ll know whether he loves you or not. And I’ll also tell brother-in-law, I didn’t like this… is this the thing to make a big deal about?

Do one thing, don’t come to the wedding tomorrow. You called me to say that? Alina, I’m your best friend… and I shouldn’t come to the wedding? No… I mean… I mean, yes. Yes, I’ve already told you everything so I’m completely sure that you won’t be quiet tomorrow.

And I don’t want the same situation at home tomorrow as well. Okay, fine… Get married without me, I won’t come. I’m sorry for what I said. No dude, don’t be. Okay, then I’ll hang up. Okay listen, call the guy… tell him to be a man. Stop it, girl… stop it.

Try to text, let’s see what he replies. Thank you so much, sister… I’m hanging up the call, Allah Hafiz. Bye. The school I went to, as a child… there used to be quotations written on the walls, with green and white paint. One of those quotations was,

“A tongue doesn’t have any bones but it can break many. Today I realized… it’s very important to control your tongue, but very difficult as well… Us… I… I’m so sorry. I… I’ll come to talk to you, I’ll come to meet you. Yes, yes… Sorry, once again… it’s yours…

Thank you, thank you so much… Mother, breakfast is ready, there is tea as well, before I return, don’t do anything by yourself, just watch the TV and relax. I’ll be back soon. Where are you going? To play cricket, going to the university, where else would I go? Stop this Zara, stop this…

What? Should I leave the university? It’s my last year of studies. What do you think of yourself? Whatever you’re doing, I won’t find out? Tell me what was the need to argue with the principal? She couldn’t hold it back, she spat out. She made a scene out of nothing…

I didn’t say anything to her. Really? Didn’t say anything? What about the stories you were telling me last night about Alina? How her mother-in-law want you to marry if she had another son? I didn’t lie… She was actually interested in me. And why do they call me to their events

And give me mics to say something, then when I say something, their mothers-in-law mind it? Zara, I have cancer. It’s a 4 years old news. But I’m more worried about you than my own sickness. Why are you worried about me? I look fine, see, it’s a new shirt, new earrings.

Look my child, life won’t be the same after me, everything will change. How will you survive with this attitude? What do I do then? Take off my tongue? You’re my mother, you tell me… Why am I like this? There was someone like this in our family? Father was like this?

So many arguments so early in the morning? So many problems? Take a bite. I don’t want it, go away. Bye. She speaks nonsense. Now, are you going to tell us to take her to Lahore like the doctors in movies? Zara? What happened to you? Sorry, doctor… She just speaks before thinking…

Please tell us. She’s actually right… You’ll have to take her to Lahore. What are you watching? Will you become a news anchor when you grow up? Oh God! Did you apologize to your principal? What’s the plan for tomorrow? Will you go to the university? Oh God! Look at these petrol prices.

I don’t want to talk about that now. What exactly is happening nowadays? Why do you not want to talk about it now, and if not now then when? Look my child, don’t run away from the reality, you don’t have anyone else than me. And I’m not here for long either.

How will you manage yourself? Okay, I’ll do everything… I’ll apologize, I’ll manage, I’ll do everything… How will you manage? I should also know. And denying the truth won’t change the reality. Do you understand? Yes, I do. How will you survive in this life with this nonserious behavior? I’m worried about that. I’m too.

That’s it, that’s it… Zara, my child, my baby, this world is very cruel, you don’t know. Before you hit rock bottom, handle yourself, please… Please. Dude? Can I keep this phone? No actually, I think it’s exactly like me. The cracks on its screen are exactly like the cracks on my heart.

I can’t do it, man. Sometimes I feel like leaving all this. Neither my brain works nor does my heart say a thing, I don’t feel like writing anything, even if I try… Dude, tell me one thing… Why do we damage these phones in our problems?

I mean, why do we break them? Why nothing else? Why does nobody break their cars? Or some other devices? Why is it always phones that endure our wrath? You’re thinking about keeping the phone? I’m thinking about getting it framed. It is exactly like me, like this cafe of mine…

Always the one being thrown against the wall. Are you done with your nonsense? What happened? Creative block happens, it happens to every artist. It’s a phase, it’ll pass… You were the one who made these earlier… Yes, but… I can’t do it anymore… That’s the problem, I’m unable to do anything. Okay, come…

I’ll make the announcement, then we’ll do something about you… Don’t leave. Hello? Hello… Hello… Here is a warning, if you guys are eating something, or having tea or coffee then stop your hands immediately. Because the artist who is about to come to the stage, in their presence, your mouth can only

Do one thing… Laugh. So hold your hearts and your mouths… Please give a round of applause and welcome to the stage… Out Cafe’s pride, our Cafe’s fame… Ronal. Lahore’s pillar? Akhtar Lawa. It wasn’t fun, once again. Lahore’s pillar? Akhrar Lawa. Well, it’s so tragic, look at the condition of this country

And you all are still laughing? That’s too much. Shameless people, get better. Ms. Zara? Even if you stand there all day, it won’t make any difference to me. Ma’am, I just want to apologize, I’m very sorry… I told you, to bring your parents… I’ll only talk to them. Ma’am my parents can’t attend,

My mother is very sick. There must be another elder at the home? No, I only have my mother. You have answers for everything. You were asking that’s why I’m answering. Else, I can communicate in sign language, but for that, you’ll have to look at me. Ms. Zara,

I think you don’t realize your mistake at all. Regret for what? What did I do? Did I kill your special guest? Or did the students stop studying after my jokes that day? What exactly happened in this university? What’s so bad? Oh my God! Get out of my office, and next time…

Next time bring my parents along, right? That’s what you were willing to say? Look, I understand your point, try to understand mine. I don’t do it deliberately; it just slips out of my mouth. Just leave… Leave. Mother? What happened? Are you alright? You… What happened? How did you get here? Tell me.

I’m sorry, I couldn’t pick up your call I was with the principal… You sent me to apologize to her. Tell me how did you end up here? Greet them. Assalam o Alikum, Assalam o Alikum… Tell me what happened? Did you talk to the doctor? Zara, you… Your report… What? Your grandfather…

And your elder uncle. Zara? My child… Am I your daughter, or is that also a lie? How do I accept? Come here, come to me. Because… Everything you’ve ever said, all of it is a lie… Because I remember you telling me that grandfather was a really influential person…

And the relatives, and the whole family were martyrs, right? And the relatives occupied the property and then you found my father… And he supported you, and he went abroad for us, and then… He was caught in a case of something, and he was jailed… All of it was a lie?

Come here, I’ll let you know. That means, all of my childhood… Come to me, I’ll explain everything to you… All of it? Come to me, I’ll tell you everything… These two strange men… Are my grandfather and uncle? And is it true that my father is alive?

Tomorrow, my father would be alive as well, right? No… No, because grandfather and uncle are alive, so father could be alive as well. Please tell me if there is anything like that… No, wait a minute… I… I don’t want another story of yours because… I don’t know what you’ll tell me next,

Is true or the one that I’ve been listening to all my life was true? No… The story I’ll tell you now is true. As true as the relationship between you and me. Come to me, no more stories after this. Then you’ll miss this story… Come on… That’s it.. come my child…

There was a girl, innocent and naive… Like you? No, like you… Who used to do everything she believed in. She was immature, she wasn’t aware of how the world works… But she had a belief in her, that she’ll make her life better. She used to think,

Her home and the mindset of her family were the chains in her feet. And without taking them off, she… She can never be the one she thinks of herself. Then one day, she met a stranger… That stranger appreciated the girl, a lot… Her beauty, her talent…

First, he became a fan and then a lover… The girl really tried to make him understand but… The stranger said the string of his life is connected to that girl… To honor his love, she escaped with him. And she made a decision that she’ll never go back. In fact…

Perhaps going back wasn’t an option, she believed in the passion of her lover. Passion ran out fast, then love followed… And at the end, appreciation also ran its course. Now there was a girl, and life forming in her womb… That day she decided,

She’ll never let the past catch up to this new life. The daughter who came out of her womb became her whole life… The reason for her life. And then that girl made a new world… Where everything was exactly how she wanted it to be. So, she kept making stories

About her background and her family for her daughter… a lot of stories. Then eventually the girl got old and her daughter grew up. So she ended the difference between stories and the reality for her daughter. So if the daughter wants, she could live in the fantasies,

Or if she wants, she could face them in reality. Since childhood, I used to think, the aliens that descend on this earth in English movies, why do they always go to England or America’s side? Why don’t they come to Lahore, Mochi Gate Pakistan? And little did I know,

One day… I’ll reach someone like an alien. Where I am to others, and others to me are aliens.


  1. Wow wow wow Zara's acting kya bat hai bhut tume bad green t.v walon ma akhir wo content laya jis ko dekh ka laga real pakistan mohsray ki akasi kar raha hai ❤❤❤❤

  2. I saw some scenes on TikToks n got interested but just 10 minutes I watched it n my goodness so annoying serial 🤦🏻‍♀️

  3. I think this drama is another level like I never thought this is Pakistani drama I thought this is an indian drama Well done Green Entertainment 👍

  4. I think Green Entertainment is unique there dramas I think this is the future of Pakistani film industries

  5. Hmari universities k already jo haalaat us pe aisy character promote kr k jalti pe tail wala kam.. 😂😂youth k nam pr kch kr lo thk hai so according to our media this is the way to settle every issue in society seriously 😏😟

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