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Top 10 Best Bluffs of 2023!!!







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#highstakespoker #poker #cashgame #livestream

Bluff come on can I get some hands hands say my name I’m an artist what a play for Mariano he lets it go oh my God unbelievable we got a game show him God is chosing me God God chose you Han [Applause] as I mentioned earlier if you’re new to

Our show and you’re not familiar with blank Che Ben he is uh he’s an action player he’s a lot of fun but he is certainly prone to tilting and you wonder if does that begin to happen at some point does he [Applause] Reby [Applause] 14,000 Pump It Up Make It

40,000 kading not a Believer is going to attack robs button bet nine high is the best hand right now so it’s just raising for [Applause] Value look at this though we’re playing poker now Rob has made the call he doesn’t believe it either so Rob floating with a gut shot [Applause]

Just under $100,000 in the pot and the cards are correct kading with nine High Rob with seven [Applause] High kiding not going to slow down by the way Rob has picked up a double gutter can catch a deuce or a [Applause] six $169,000 in the pot it’s 70,000 to call if you’re

Rob but he’s got seven High you got the 56 no kidding not [Applause] lying kiding with absolutely nothing except some courage and Rob is made the call what’s the plan on a blank nearly a quarter of a million dollars in the pot this might be the best hand of the night simply

Because neither player has anything and the rivers a five so Rob hits a pair of [Applause] fives keing with nine High [Applause] And it looks like 140,000 give or take 160 160 into the 239 fascinating hand Rob has not Le him [Applause] throughout spread the pot [Applause] please rob Young on the right side of your screen has not believed keing throughout this hands and now he’s got a pair of fives can he make this

Call no he lets it Go and King [Applause] shows a than you oh thank you d [Applause] somebody ask you if you have five six you have to I have one too right he said no he was telling the truth know that’s what I’m saying I have a coffee too

Right how that work that’s my one I one I smelt it Rob that’s what you did in the code Y t74 and then boom they give you 50 bucks that’s pretty sweet I’ll STI each kid for one Buy Jacky flop here no suits Mariano open-ended Henry with the over pair oh

Really I swear to God I’ll take her for a 1500 no problemy money [Applause] six Mariano raising right away has she seen you play I don’t think Henry’s going anywhere not on not yet at least we got a pot breu Henry makes the call Pot about $15,000 turns to five of clubs

Understand the hand and everything not but she’s like you know she’s just watching rooting for you to like win yeah and she’s trying to figure it out like it’s not just [Applause] 15 Mar G double barreling this after the check raise and he goes pot 15,000 into

154 I would imagine Henry a call one more [Applause] [Applause] time does make the call back door clums get there Henry does not have a club in his hands C got $45,000 in [Applause] it so [Applause] creative and Mariano going more than pot 80 LGE

Wow I tell you whether this works or not this is a this is a heart this is a lot of heart Mariano check raises the Flop goes pot on the turn and then goes 2x pot on the river what a play here from the guy who was just playing 1

Three a few years [Applause] ago King’s just a bluff catcher at this point no way Mariano is doing this for value with a hand worse than [Applause] [Applause] Kings feel a little different [Applause] [Applause] last Henry in the tank facing an $80,000 [Applause] bet 880,000 exactly game in [Applause] Monday [Applause] the [ __ ] imag that and Henry lays it down what a play for marianao look at a smile5 yeah was a great guy he’s a great [Applause]

Guy he inspired me to get to lose weight he sent me the pictures of what he’d done at his age made me lose two Stone ohone 14 five large s hand’s how much stone is oh yeah I was 13 now I’m 11 [Applause] ior 14 13 WHO race [Applause] yep

40,000 airball put into another decision you also take this dominated offensive Bob’s going to go nowhere let’s see what H does before that [Applause] though good [Applause] fold three-way to the Flop it’s escalated fairly quickly 130,000 magic let’s see [Applause] three airball does not want to see a queen I like it [Applause]

Your hand generally a dangerous board for Rob but he begins with a check like what have I done check is good like what have I done hey [Applause] you’re [Applause] nobody putting in money but5 except for the person 12% and no pair we’re both down we both just like

The I don’t necessarily see haralabob raising he does choose to call a is going to need miracle River here I I didn’t make it anything seven for the chop Jack for the [Applause] win it’s going to be nearly impossible to get Bob to [Applause] fold has roughly a pot siiz bet left

What you going to do airball [Applause] he’s loading up countdown I’m all in all in all of it haralabob top set however loses to a seven loses to Queen Jack [Applause] yeah if Bob calls airballs down a mill 260 [Applause] what I [Applause] very I un

All made us finally FL us up turned us up not exactly what airball wants to hear Coral looks like he doesn’t love it but he’s going to click the call [Applause] button probably you have you have the diamond yes I think I I have like black aceing I

Mean Ace King is fine hands on the cards but then he can’t have he lets it Go airball gets it through haralabob Taps the table twice nice hand king queen of diamonds yeah no he mixed the board up that back door one more that’s going to sting airball gets it

Through if he gets called he’s down a million folded a set of course did you def didn’t you hear me say I thought you said you flopped a set like I finally I finally oh my God sets okay call you I don’t have a

Set oh my God what it was just I’m just supposed to call with a four card straight with a I mean I would have jamm with a set of nines I didn’t have a set of Nines What I have a set of n oh of T yeah I would have jammed inste

Of n i l anyway why would you jam inste of n right d that’s smart right that that’s why you offered me four times when you had acist oh my god dude how sharp is D can I I was trying to take a chop the que was coming out

You’re accepting the chop before pair eight from Mariano back door clubs back for straight Equity dou M with Ace Queen on this AI flop Mark crer says when is Bart gonna play on the stream again Bart Bart flies in like once every six weeks or so he does some commentary he

Plays on the stream I’m sure I’ll be back soon at all right [Applause] kill Bluff says tuck would you stay in a hotel room for one year for 1 million way I do I don’t know if I do that no I don’t I would not do that cuz

I I I I have a kid and I there’s no amount of money that I would give up to like lose a year of my kid’s life in the sense of like not being able to spend that with him I have two boys so yeah I’m not doing that 28

More friendly you you don’t feel like bad G like I only have so much time with my kids I’m not giving up that for anything I should have just been like did you double or you die I was talking to somebody about giving up uh like technology or something like

That double m in the tank here with Ace Queen Mariano just just Stone Cold Bluff with a pair of eights I mean and double m is not a Believer he makes the call wow this pot now $85,100 Mariano stepping out of line looking for an eight or a six on the

River does not get bailed out now 10 seven got there so you start thinking of some of the draws that Mariano might have done this with 107 is one of them I guess maybe picked up diamonds maybe he just had it this pot’s got $85,000 in

It Mariano not afraid to put his chips to use as we’ve seen time and time again will he do it again here boom Mariano dropping the hammer double mend called 28,000 on the turn can you call 88,000 here what’s the EV on this one Double m in the tank how much is it 88 88,000 looks like he wants to Let It Go Mariano betting 28,000 on the turn and then backing that up with 88,000 looks like he wants to let it go tell you Mariano’s got heart this guy’s got courage beyond belief this is amazing

And double M lets it Go somebody say something Jesus Christ let me get chips nice Maro thank you regardless of whether that was good or not wow what a spot uh 200 Mariano shaking his head be he folded so it’s going to be in the Vlog 16 mhm 16 he said thank you you have I appreciate it no no no oh sorry [Applause] me the bigger artist he went to the Browns immediately couldn’t wait to go to the or bad from Wesley 53 of diamonds a lot of action around will just folds folds the best [Applause]

Hand King High flop generally good board for the four better however Pepe wrapping around that King of Spades as well as having middle [Applause] pair six not exactly what Wesley wanted to see would have loved his just generate a [Applause] fold the orange Dot next to the player’s

Name means that they do not have a standup button if you’re the last one without an orange button in the game you pay each of your tabl mates $500 how you get an orange button you have to win a pot as you see there’s an orange button in front of Pepe not one

In front of Wes you he’s getting beat into the pot not necessarily what Wesley wants to see there’s 75,000 in this pot wesy has five high check mark to Pepe if he doesn’t fold he just wins Lauren Brick K the artist Wesley paint a portrait that makes that pot go his [Applause]

Way does one more bullet get it done he’s loading it big wager incoming it’s a lot of chocolate 125 125,000 gets it done call me call me nothing nothing slap come he really want fist pump from Henry says call me you buy the chips you have to use otherwise you have a

SM oh got somebody clip that oh my God say my name say my name oh my God small dick oh no not the Doom zo there’s no mercy 1 1200 1200 just a little bit 12 [Applause] 12 make it three jungle man raising it up Bobo

Going to put some pressure on him free batting right [Applause] away I’ll make it 10 10 it’s maybe 10 I like this 10 I like this 10 you like this like call yeah I like this t plus draw for jungle man going to be very difficult for BoBo to figure out a

Way to win this one was had like what 15 170 180 yeah 180,000 [Applause] [Applause] 20 13,500 back over to Jungle Man Bobo doing this with just absolutely nothing he’s trying to rep a big hand but jungle man’s not going to go anywhere not with Ace Queen of Clubs

He’s got to think that at least at minimum his Ace is good and obviously a club would be good but Bobo is playing this hand he’s got no repair and the question is how much money is he willing to put in the pot to get jungle man to

Fold he already raised the 20,000 on the [Applause] Flop looks like he’s about to put 30 or 40 in there 25 and he goes 25 jungle man not getting a bad price a little bit more than three to one to make this call plus of course implied [Applause]

Odds think about how lucky Bobo got here I mean how thin Bobo drawing I mean just almost dead I mean you need a nine that’s not a club right basically the nine of diamonds the nine of Spades nothing else in the deck and bubo hits it unbelievable so bbo goes from bluffing

And trying to rep a big over pair to well maybe my nine is good from our viewing perspective probably the Le one of the least interesting Hand cards in the deck as now it’s far less likely that bobo will continue bluffing or betting Even jungle man cutting out those 5K those chocolate chips and he’s going to raise what wow this is getting really interesting by the way on the Flop I almost just figured Bobo is drawing dead unless he can get Bluff him I almost didn’t even see the nine come off $146,000 in the

It’s 35 back over to Bobo who’s got a nine [Applause] now and he’s going to make this call as this pot is somehow ballooned up to $18,000 one of the biggest pots of the night the river it’s a blank can Jungle Man Fire one more time Bobo’s got 154 left there’s 181 in

The pot what does bobo do if jungo man moves all [Applause] in so I think Nick and were shocked that you were married they said it like three or believe it or not yeah jungle man looks like he is reaching for some big Ones all all the guys that and would look like it was going to be Bobo bluffing has changed with Bobo hitting a two outter on the turn and now it’s jungle man a guy Nam airball yeah who’s in a position to Bluff the guy is constantly drunk and saying stupid [ __ ] sure those good shots in the green chip like a cherry on top jungle man is going for it it looks like 126 126 that is almost all of Bobo’s chips $36,000 in the pot 126 to call [Applause] [Applause] e [Applause] and he lets it go what a bluff so Bluff show Bluff oh I can’t Bluff here oh you can no no n Mickey can’t Bluff here I’m oh my God show us come on show us one time you want to see okay I’ll show okay maybe okay maybe I [Applause]

Oh I call I yeah it’s high yeah I I have something I hope so yeah I have I bigger than him I hope so he has pocket pair no another a pocket pair what not a pocket pair eight right you felt you felt you were beat

And you use a cooler I should follow that and by the way the BET was like so reasonable you I’m I’m you got you the four nuts you have the fourth nuts Ace King he hasn’t got Aces second n cuz I can round Str let’s go boys four round of four round four

Stop bullshitting why he’s going to isolate the fish right uhhuh with with Ace King or Aces was a fantastic rant by Rob is the biggest winner but it’s time to move on oh well was a big finally got a reputation as a good player Rob y has confirmed the title not

See what you like when you don’t hit so I can’t say you’re a great player you go back and watch the stream he just loses but he doesn’t hit he just loses well you you need to ask yourself the question why am I thinking about folding her hand right I mean I

Must think you I mean I guess you ball checking off no you jack 10 would you ever consider folding that hand to me ask any okay cannot win with a queen could win with a four or a nine true I have to ask myself the question

He would never put put it in with Kings against ever He just flat calls I think it’s really hard for me to have a 167 in the middle either player has a pair so I have to ask myself the question now yeah but that exact top top

Kicker uh oh 200k going over to the five seats think Nick representing a back door flush jerby blocks the nut flush this is a punt there you can jrb field it are you in the gambling world would you bet that I I can’t answer that question and say

Yes cuz I don’t know if I would have bet 84 yeah but what if I bet 82k what do you mean well I’m not CU I’m telling you I would let the you statement I would exactly the same amount well now you’re backing down put it down your yeah and I’m you I

Don’t know if I the exact but I that’s what I’m saying we agree yeah you won tell the truth you good we Mak we make and how filthy would it be if JB turn this hand into a bluff he’s not going to but he’s got the Ace of Hearts could if he

Wanted just in case airball has what he’s representing a back door flush well if you’re playing with me on a day where I have theut off you’re [ __ ] aren’t you if you’re playing with me day when I have nothing it’s the same if he P me up when

I I prefer if hus paused the conversation let his neighbor think in peace be looking for something any sort of tell also rewinding the hand in his Head told you should I didn’t I honestly didn’t believe you that you had said until you showed me I want you [Applause] P it’s a big moment for Nick airball if this gets through he has momentum could win a couple million if it doesn’t stuck he’s going to need to make some

Hands I got Rick Solon screaming in my ear call call call [ __ ] is that a call it’s not a call I haven’t called yet I’m not going to raise you I know that h maybe let them finish this one this is torture what’s the other for Nick a

Ball part of me is like I just should have just raised right right away when he bet then other me like well you know if he has a smaller flush then he probably going to call me if I raise so but he raised me on the

Flop and then it turn so he could had had Queen n on the turn we could have Queen n on the turn but when I call on the turn I could easily have a flush draw and he’s not even a little bit scared of the

FLH and then he could over bet the pot oh my God this doesn’t make sense because you have the Ace of Hearts it does not make sense doesn’t make sense when it doesn’t make sense you’re not even a little bit concerned that I hit a flush you put in the call Nick

Airball unlucky that jrb has that Ace of Hearts however it still might work maybe seven eight of diamonds maybe sorry guys I think you deserve to be paid [Applause] off a I know even if I’m wrong Rick Rick would be happy for me to call even if

I’m wrong I know that sick hearing this and be really pissed if I P clock airball calls the clock desperation move to try and level jrb into folding [Applause] typically when players call the clock on you they want you to call Nick knows that J knows

That he’s screaming at the TV right now I promise you SC at the TV I think jity would have called plus the BET size is like you don’t want to be paid off I should do what uh what his name does hold on randomiz randomize it randomizer says I have to pay off how many seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 hands

Dead Nick airball gets it through you guys all are playing tight let’s play let’s [ __ ] gamble come on jerie call Rick’s screaming at you wow listen to your boss call come on hus BR you let me would air ball let’s go what a timely clock call

That’s Bluff come on I think that was the difference let’s put these guys to the test Rob let’s show them how his bosses play he worked the hand out perfectly makes no sense it doesn’t have to make sense you have to put more money in than they’re willing to call that’s

All that matters that is true doesn’t have to make sense he worked it out though if you could do that if you could do that you win every single hand if you could put more money in there I’m working on it Rob I’m working on it this

Is the first time I’ve gotten five people to buy in a million and sit with me so that I can actually put in more money for a million now yeah finally I’m what you’re saying is you want a little foreplay it wasn’t sexual I well D’s

Really on on his aame today a aame Mater [Applause] I think that’ be good w a bit with 2400 even2 also give new faces to get multiple faces to get involved here we go yeah Rob opens to 3,000 with pocket sixes Wesley puts in a very light three bat 84 suited on the

Button and Doug pul puts in the cold forbet with s six suited in the small blind I hate to do this going push Rob out and likely push Wesley out empty the clip sometimes you got to empty the [Applause] clip or is it going to push Wesley out

Nope here comes a five bit right in your grill Doug poke [Applause] a small [Applause] one yeah Doug’s got a [Applause] call Wesley has no idea that his eight high is good heading to the Flop it’s no longer good Doug flops middle pair there is one speed out [Applause] [Applause] there Doug puts in the call this pot is 376,000 look at the hands Doug’s got third pair Wesley has Complete Air however if you can bomb this turn card got to believe the pot is [Applause] his Wes needs an eight on the river stead it’s a five front door flush straw comes

In I think last night’s version like you got to think about a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] when you play it it’s like super fun I like it yeah that’s what I’m saying it’s like I feel like it changes the game completely like it’s not even close to

Being the same thing I don’t want this time Doug’s gonna turn his hand into a block look at [Applause] that this would be interesting if Wesley had the king of hearts in his hand I wouldn’t put it past him to go all in I think he’s just Saving Face here [Applause] however no

Recourse when you’re holding the 84 let’s [ __ ] go let’s [ __ ] go let’s [ __ ] go can get some hands hands has the best hand oh the fist pump all right all right all right fist bumps come on it was nice I’m an I’m an artist I’m an artist okay up okay you’re not the

Artist I have eight High you are not the artist I have eight high oh God I bet then I’m not Li you can say my hand that’s a good line you were not an artist I had ate High especially don’t share the secrets when have you play Big Nick Nick had a

Lot big play Big a lot I’m pushing a lot for big an online and live it’s way better it’s more fun punishes the NS and bu and VIPs aren’t playing that position the most aggressive guy just picked up the number one and Hank has a very strong hand

Himself he’s Jack is just doing poorly against this one hand come on everyone next [Applause] up everyone just through 65,000 in the middle whatever sizing Doug chooses is the right sizing little more than one3 [Applause] pot and that’s going to bring Hank in with the back door flush draw

And he now has the nut flush [Applause] drop 111,000 in the middle guess how much Doug will bet it’s like a little poker test you can take see how close you are I’m going to say 75 81 all right you should speak to a friend of mine coming here called Michael Kim the

Owner of GG I’m I’m telling him he should be using big anti [Applause] online Hank puts in the call he needs a diamond instead it’s the nine of Hearts [Applause] Le Doug is targeting a queen [Applause] he’s going huge [Applause] 200,000 if anyone could have Jack 10 here Hank or I should say

He’s more likely to have it than Doug and he’s got a Jack in his hand is he thinking of doing something [Applause] awesome he’s thinking about it [Applause] this would put Doug in a very tough spot got to believe his plan was to bet [Applause] fold are you ready to be a hero

[Applause] Hank [Applause] dog is really hoping to hear [Applause] call this would be beautiful poker in all in all in says Hank wow how much is it oh it’s like oh I don’t think I can you can’t [Applause] call some of these are okay this is incredible Hank has had

Enough and then have so many other hands [ __ ] Doug hates folding I don’t think I don’t think I’m going to be able to to do it but you got to believe his plan was to bet 200 and fold to a jam here’s the jam you broke down

The can you somehow some way find the call 9 6 [Applause] 5 should just check somewhere if he does call this will be the largest pot in the history of hustle Cino over two you turn something into a bluff million [Applause] dollar Hank is not gotten out of line at all

Today rather have I would rather have rather heav Queen I like [Applause] [Applause] it can’t read that man can you I can’t really have that much better stuff uhoh can you sh what you [Applause] have really good players when they anything about you Hank other than we took a picture together last

Year and they can’t have better stuff I’d rather have a queen yeah they’re inclined to call could have some occasional sets not that much stuff not that much stuff oh [ __ ] I think I’m going to have to occasionally put it in WoW better to not have a diamond maybe not yeah

Not oh sorry guys take your time Tom might call the clock definitely better to not have a diamond I can never turn it off that means Hank could have Miss Diamonds okay here’s what I’m going to do I am going to one out of four times I’m going to call okay wow so I I got a heart and a spade I’m going to mix them up if it’s Ace of Hearts twice in a row I call otherwise I fold can ask a

Question is that binding uh it’s 100% binding if a Hearts twice in a row okay you understand Hank so Hank can show his hand now guys yeah you okay do what okay so Nick here you go okay so so if you get Spade I fold if you get heart we do

It again can do it you can go SP aold they’re asking for no one else to be involved in I understand they’re telling me I apologize Spade I fold heart I we do it again I’m not picking you have to pick I have to pick okay they said okay Spades

Spades a fold this is amazing Spade right fold show them [ __ ] wow [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] instant Legend wow [Applause] props Hank Hank Rampage who what’s up fish a fish to be honest no I blocked Jack Diamond yep you blocked Jack 10 call my story 10 10 Jack Diamond good [Applause]

Story this guy was a late addition to the lineup what we got a doom Zoom you dou I think he gets the the the stand up game button yeah Lauren he can have a stupid game button what a good I love the way can I have my phone I want to take a

Picture of him decided to call her phone that so stupid my heart is buming ah no I so stupid I played with him for like a month and a half I think I saw him Bluff once and then he’s just like oh you know Doug’s got Aces I got Jack beautiful poker

How did you how did you feel when you knew I was going to flip good three out of four you know good three out of four God is CH Wasing me yeah God D God chose you Hank you know what tell them that I’m going to sit up the rest of the stream but I want them to keep the vpip stat running for me it’ll be the same [ __ ] you H well again I don’t have my stack instead of not playing hands over there

One guy that is in the teens for be pip is Wesley for sure I’m just he tried to needle you Wesley yeah it doesn’t work doesn’t work right doesn’t work yeah never fish doesn’t know rage never two never work7 a club’s just going to call with Queen

Queen iight with play a trap BR here we don’t see what he has six bet six bet by 18K that’s Ked I was like I was like screaming at in that game you five bet 60k and how bet 60k top set here for H who just Flack and he checks and PV here

Open-ended very juicy with King eight yeah hands super underr upt and Rampage is going to check race here this flop right yeah he you are in hands has got queen queen big action one of 750 750k drinks bottle of Scotch 20K rose gold interior anytime you ask what did you

Drink last night I drank a ble of scotch it was 7K a glass cool okay drinking Corona we can afford B’s out of there R could have King King n i mean he could have a lot of hands h just a single ra pot and a club comes off here on the

Turn and Rampage picks up the nut flush draw so nut flush draw got her to a King check raised the Flop as the pre- Flop Razer at least never SL I don’t me my Queens a queen a like you you should come to uh Vegas and play with us

Very 175 and here comes the overb here 175 and hands is just so under reped here I can’t imagine how he’s not going to continue I mean it’s it’s still better than your PO BL I believe you I believe your parents aren’t a HED Fund [Applause]

In M you in the head fun go ah head fun but again we’re dealing with much wider ranges than what would be expected here because hands just flatted the big blind versus the small Australia yeah Australia there’s a call and this would be a disaster if a queen or a jack of

Clubs somehow rolled off the [Applause] Rampage aty the river here that bull is a brick and is Rampage going to go for [Applause] it there’s absolutely no way that Rampage can know how strong hands all in all in from Rampage what heart unbelievable 618,000 all in for people that said that

His stack might not be in play he’s answered that question holy [Applause] smokes again if you’re coming into this hand in the middle gentl super unorthodox yeah he must hate me blind versus blind hands just called pre flop and he’s going to fold and Rampage gets it through oh my God

Unbelievable we got a game Ste hands stey hands hand of the weekend kids got heart oh two sorry no last night we two so no thank you not that Rich A Oh A


  1. Henry is scared money. I’ve seen him get pushed off so many big hands because he’s scared to stick it in and his opponents know this.

  2. No.2 is a harder bluff to make, and both creative and gutsy. Rampage's bluff is very cool as well, but its more like a brute force play, just pure balls.

  3. I think an annual best of •Hero Calls• must also make the list of top 10 shows.
    The heart of a hero call is what makes poker great too!

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