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Episode 842: #RuffinosRants Times 2, Heard Hits Portal/Wingo Enters Draft, Carter Bryant Joins Us

Tonight’s Topics:
-#RuffinosRants x2
-Recap On #LSU vs Wisconsin
-Heard Hits Portal/Wingo Enters Draft
-Carter Bryant (@CarterThePower) Joins Us
-CFP Reaction

Presented By @Betonline_ag | @BleavNetwork

He We are live welcome back ladies and gentlemen I am your host Blake rafino this is R series Sports hope all of you making it go we know that we are as well huge show in store for you tonight Carter the power Bryan now normally as always joins us on Mondays but we did

The postgame show yesterday obviously we had the college football playoff weren’t going live on a Monday after the post game couldn’t really do that so we’re moving Carter to Tuesday good to have him here it’s not as if that we don’t have a lot to talk about him with because he’s absolutely

1,00% going viral because of the video he posted from Jo Duce about maai Wingo which will lead off our rafino rants here tonight that right there is like for me like a glare like a massive issue it’s a massive issue regardless of what’s said publicly what’s even said behind it

Doesn’t matter the it that is out in the public for every LSU fan to see I’m not saying you make decisions based off of what a of what a guy declared from today to go into the NFL but if you got players doing that while they know

That and and look I don’t know if maai wngo knew that the camera was there regardless if he knew the camera was there and if you even haven’t seen the video and you’re like Blake what are you even talking about well today there was a video that was posted of mat house

Walking up to maai wingo and he completely not wanting to talk talk to him it was published on Twitter how you hadn’t seen it by now I have no clue no clue but never less it’s still out there we’ll touch on that a little bit here tonight Lance herd officially

Hits the transfer portal we’ll touch on that uh maai Wingo Brian Thomas Jr both entered their names into the draft Carter Bryant at 7:30 we’ll talk a little bit about the college football playoff as we do every Tuesday and Thursday hasht ask Blake thoughts questions conc conern concerns fire them

Inside the Rudy crew chat you already know what it is you do send a Super Chat we will get to those questions first we got a lot to discuss we’ll do even a Wisconsin versus LSU recap going back watching the game what did I think thought was an amazing performance by

One Garrett nuser so lots and lots and lots to discuss Mark Smith right out of the gate with a $999 super chat says Blake what offensive line blocking schemes do uh changes does Brad Davis need to make to get the running game fixed now that JD is gone I don’t really

Think scheme for him needs to change anything watch the 49ers all traps and pulling guards why LSU can’t do it so Mark number one that’s not something that is dictated by Brad Davis that 1,00% is dictated based off the play that’s been called and if that’s the

Design we’ll talk on that I I think that they got to get better in the running game with with Jane Daniels not here it have to I think that they will I mean I I I said yesterday that it’s got to get better people took it as like I

Said they can’t get better at all which is not what I said what I said you got to get better there you got to develop and I didn’t make it a big talking point well I should have known that LSU fans would take it and run with

It I it’s going to be base dictated off of the play so nothing that Brad Davis can do there now can he teach techniques and and different these guys have another year of experience bigger faster stronger going into another off season that completely dictates it now we’ll talk

About Lancer too I know we’ll talk a lot more about the offensive line uh tonight than we than we normally do because even as a o line guy we we always overlook him uh Todd Davis says Blake I likes the brown sugar Todd’s it’s an elite

Pop-Tart now uh I did go get one I I did not after that show but I did go get one I wanted so I wanted my son to experience what a brown sugar poptart would taste like with it warmed up in the toaster and a large glass of milk uh

Hanka says that video uh in the post uh post game uh with maai wingo and Matt house was rough for Matt house I agree Dane says Blake you Pop-Tart eating hater what’s I make one comment about Pop-Tarts and it goes viral uh where are you I’m right

Here here I am here I am how do you do Josh says people that have kids you know exactly what I just said daddy finger it’s a bad song because it it will completely get taken out of context but if you have kids and they have an iPad you will know

Exactly what that means 1,000% uh Josh says Blake do you know anything about the decision to put Harold Parkins uh in it running back for the first score yeah this a trick play in a bowl game you know maybe does it lead to something else who knows I I

Mean I had not been told either way um but it’s a trick playing a bowl game you know what even crazier Texas does it Texas actually does it all the time they they put their defensive lineman in the backfield and those heavy packages and they yesterday they gave him a ball to

Score or gave did a fullback dive for Barron to score so yeah so yeah um Makai Wingo did come out and and say that what he said was was not what we’ll talk about tonight he says I was emotional after the game which is why I

Was looking around LOL I was letting him know that I was done with school that’s not what happened that’s not what happened come on that’s that’s not what happened his body language was completely that’s not what happened I know what he said he’s trying to comment down that’s not that’s not what happened

At all all right lots to discuss let’s talk about our good friend oh oh oh oh oh you’re right you’re right I see you in the chat I know I know where are you watching the show from tonight you in the 985 225 504 337 318 or if you’re

Just not even the State anymore but you’re from here where are you from um Rob said Blake warn me if you’re gonna do an F bomb I’m listening with my daughter I am sorry did I F bomb today did I I I don’t think that I I

Send an F bomb y’all’s way not on a casual Tuesday chance Babin says think herd is definitely going or is he still negotiating with him we’ll talk about it we’ll talk about it we’ll see all right lot to discuss everybody do us a favor hit the like and

Share if you’re on Facebook like share like the page share to all those social media groups if you’re watching us listening to us on YouTube like subscribe notification Bell wherever you listen to podcast rate review And subscribe we greatly appreciate you guys doing that for us talk about good

Friends over at Bine and our good friend Tyler Alexander which man look if you’re a realtor and you’re looking to switch teams why not go to the number one realtor in the state of Louisiana give him a call and you do not have to be in the local

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Sent you on by gota get got to pay the bills we’ll be right back maai Wingo rafo’s rant MAA Wingo briyan Thomas all in the draft well not all three of those not all three of those you know what I mean two of those guys obviously going into the into the

NFL draft not Lance herd let’s take a break we’ll be right back let’s talk about it do it next benan is the fastest and easiest way for you to wager on all of your favorite sports contest events with the first to Market odds in lines F

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If you do want to comment red like Daniel Edwards does right here who sends us a $10 Super Chat says after we watching the game it seemed In fairness that house had players in position to make plays and our guys did not make plays you have to make plays at this

Level it’s interesting because that is so in the topics I put hash rafino rants times two in my personal opinion Daniel 100% hit our second one we’ll touch on that thank thank you Daniel for the super chat give me like three or five minutes we’re talking

About that specific point in a more deep down Dove all right also Devon Johnson with a $199 Super Chat he says will LSU get it right year three no more excuses we’ll have to wait and see there’s a lot of question marks in there Devin lots

And lots and lots of question marks that I have that need to be answered like there are question marks that have to be answered before we talk about that more but since Daniel since Daniel okay asked this first we’ll talk about this okay in our first little

Rafo rant we’ll talk about maai Wingo lanard in just a second I going back and watching the game last night I 1,00% agree with Daniel in the super chat with man there were a lot of times yesterday that I thought that players were put in a right position to make

Plays against Wisconsin like lots of positions you had multiple times that you could have sacked Tanner morai right like sending the heat sending the pressure sing The Blitz now you finally got there in that last drive you 100% in that last Drive got there three times Jefferson got the strip sack you have

McKai wingo and then Greg Penn there at the End closing the game out you were put in good positions with weeks earlier in the game that could have had another SE that would ended ended a scoring drive that they had a touchdown scoring Drive I might add as well

But this is in no way for and this kind of runs a little bit into one another from Daniel’s point of view in the sense of that this is in no way to say whatsoever that I think that Matt house should stay will stay even wants

To stay here what I will say is is that if we’re g to talk about just 2023 now that the season is over in general which we’ll do a lot of with Carter Bryant in just a moment you gotta look at the entire season and even start asking the

Question well hey man you fixed some things schematically against Wisconsin and it did not change you ran man-to-man coverage you did some good things by sending pressure all day long you still gave up 31 points against offense that is not that good you did not have opt

Outs right like you did not have opt outs on the defensive side for where for you to say well you know what man we’ll give him a break in the bowl game because there weren’t guys there no everybody that could play did play like Jane Daniels didn’t play defense and him

Sit out right like it wasn’t as big of a differential you’re gonna have to look yourselves in the mirror and say to yourself like look man the way that we the way that we fix things defensively number one it starts with the players uh leadership and accountability for

Everybody to look themselves in the mirror and say we have to be better like we have to get to our our ceiling our our College ceiling what is our ceiling in college we have to get there a little bit sooner we got to take this a little bit more in focus and say

To ourselves like hey man last year was on us exactly what the offense did remember last year a lot of you having questions about the offense you had questions after questions well is Jane Daniels gonna actually throw the ball down the field this year or is he gonna take off

And run well the truth is he did both I mean and he did both at an elite not good not great but Elite level those guys regardless if you they stay on staff the the coaches that stay on staff are you get fired the players are the ones that have to look

Themselves in the mirror and say we got to get better along with their head coach like everything that happens good bad or indifferent falls under the head man he knows that he’s been doing this for 30 I think he said 33 years this will be his 34th season he knows that

Right like we’re we’re acting like he hasn’t been in this position before guys he’s had been in this position multiple times at Notre Dame now maybe not this bad maybe not this bad of a defense but this bad and how one area is so proficient and the other one is not

Now I thought I’ll get Carter’s question I thought it was Matt House’s best called game of the year was it good no not really I I mean but I thought it was the best call game he had and that is the that if that’s his ceiling all right right but he still

Didn’t call I thought his game plan was phenomenal I I got to be real with you he played bump and run manto man coverage he play he mixed in some zones he could not get home with the four guys he would get in situations and he would

Send the heat multiple times you ran the ball on the outside you’re you got players there that have to make the play they guys they have to make tackles so that might make you say okay well what is Blake trying to ultimately get at with here is it scheme is it coaching

Sure I’m sure there is a lot to that a lot of it is he’s got to get the best out of them even though I don’t like that excuse I’m gonna use it but he’s not like he he’s not and the reason I know that he’s not and why I don’t think

That you can change so if the players got to develop get look themselves in the mirror and get better I think they will do that like I I have a lot of faith that they have leadership on that defense that will do that and get them there what I don’t have the confidence

In what I don’t have confidence in right now man quite honestly it it’s just mad house to some extent and it’s not so much from a cl play calling aspect what what for me what it is there is a video that came out today of an interaction with Matt house and

Maai wingo I know that maai Wingo came out and said that you know man I was just emotional and he he could have been I I don’t think he’s a liar he’s probably telling the truth but it even if that’s what he said to him the body language in which the video

That’s circulating between the interaction at the end of the game between Matt house and maai wingo was not good so you have a coach a defensive coordinator coming up to arguably one of the best defenders that you have on the team and him telling him come in Matt house you can

Hear him says hey man you guys want us the game there at the end you guys talking to the defensive line you guys the game there at the end his body language was like man get out get out of my face I I I don’t want get out of my

Face maai Wingo is the public tipping of the iceberg what do I mean by that now everybody knows like you have heard the rumor like there has been a rumor that Matt house has not had the ability to reach players like that rumor’s been out there his entire tenure at

LSU you just got a video that showed it right like now you have a video that’s out there that showed it so I don’t know what’s going to happen I’m not going to come in here right now before I know definitively and tell you I know what’s going to happen along the

Defensive coaching staff what I will tell you is is that that will live with you the entire offseason of if Matt house does come back right then what or even if he doesn’t man what could have been if Matt house could have been better it’s not

All on him it’s not all on him we we blame him for every single thing that happened to an extent it’s at oron’s fault for for allowing that roster to fall the way that it did it’s Brian Kelly’s fault a little bit because they weren’t able to fix it and I 100% %

Believe him that he tried all year but I go back into the game right like I I go back into the game that we had yesterday and LSU and Wisconsin played we talked about a lot there’s not a lot of differences that changed for me offensively like guys I got I I’ll be

Real with you the same thing that I thought yesterday in the postgame show is it’s the same thing that I think today even going back and watching it I think Garrett nus Meer in this offense started off slow was to be expected it’s his first start he goes down 14 points

And the Young quarterback that we had seen at LSU in his tenure would have been rattled like we saw Garrett NM get rattled against Southern because he had to go out there and make plays but he was poised and he was confident and he didn’t get out of he

Didn’t you know let let the moment get too big for him he settled down guys this is what a third-year backup quarterback with the talent that He has should look like it’s old school but here we are like it’s old school but here we are and

The I think the kid is poised to have a really good game there was a lot of question marks that he answered Jarrett nus me going down on 98 yard drive there at the end to win you the football game guys it’s a Legacy Drive it’s a baton

It’s passing the Baton from Jane Daniels to Garrett NM offensively I look at like what kylin bilot the wide receiver that LSU signed in this class he is absolutely destroying dudes at the All-American Game I know that you got talent and you’re going to be okay on offense we

Got a commitment coming up to Marlo and Harlem Barry on January the 6 we have a commitment coming from the number one player in 2025 in Bryce Underwood I do not fear Brian Kelly at all when it comes to what you are doing on the offense zero

Zero everything falls to what I went back and watched to literally this morning and rewatching a film against LSU and Wisconson and saying to myself it’s not just one area that you’re bad in it’s not just solely one thing there’s not solely one thing that when you look at this

Team that you’re good or bad in it’s not just Matt house it’s not just Robert Steeples it’s not just John jansik it’s not just the players and you’re gonna have to have a massive offseason a massive off to be real with you you’re going to have to have an

Offseason like you did in 2022 you I mean from a defensive side of things you’re not going to get there because you’re not attacking the portal that well but the way that you do things being disciplined coaches can make a very big difference coaches can make a massive

Difference and they do they 100% do okay but players play you can put dudes in right positions they were literally this defense was literally put in the position over and over and over again on defense couldn’t make the play on a lot of those things Miss tackles Miss

Assignments you know one the running play the 34 yard running play to give Wisconsin 28 basically guys basically the entire defensive line got bullied they they got bullied jacobe gillery gets washed down okay massively on a double team leaving a gaping hole on the back side and the

Running back goes through it and he scores he’s not even touched he’s not he’s not even remotely touched that doesn’t happen against even that might happen against average defenses every now and then like maybe even late in the game when you’re tired and DEP chart starts to show that does

Not happen to good defenses ever ever you might get one occasionally that happens but it just you’re not there and that is the big concern for me it 100% is the biggest concern for me I think you can look I I think the way that you’re built offensively you can

Roll out of bed and win nine games in a regular season with the coaching and everything that you got going on you are walking out of bed winning nine games because of the confidence that I have in what they’re doing on offense Joe Sloan Cortez hton Mike Dan Brock leaves all

Right we got two really damn good play I dude what they did they had a really good game in a first start of a quarterback like that I mean that’s it guys first start they look good they were good enough because they’re gonna get better Garett nusmile will be better

This team will be better because he’s getting a lot of game reps what you’re doing on the outside at wide receiver I I I mean look man no worries you’re you’re doing the way that you’re recruiting offensively you can win an National Title in my opinion like you can be

National Title caliber uh a national Tiber National Title picture holder every year I I think that you’re there going into year three I think that you’re there now a lot of people will argue me on that but I think that Brian Kelly who is an offensive guy a very

Very good coach has establish what they can do on offense they got to pick it up in some areas but you’re recruiting at such a high level such a high level you’re recruiting at on offense guys Harlem Barry and and four or five days in the next five days there’s a

Chance that you’re getting the number one running back in the country there’s a really good chance you’re getting the number one quarterback and number one player in the country at quarterback if things stay the same that they are right now at least committed at least committed so yeah I think you’re doing

Pretty freaking good good you could be a coaching staff turnover away man like and I know that I’m I’ve talked a lot of bad about the personnel and had question marks um but we’ll see very quickly before I get to Carter the the power Bryant let me make one mention on lanceur okay

Um Lance it was official today that that LSU offensive tackle former five-star offensive lineman Lance turd entered the transfer portal um I’m gonna say this because I’ve already brought it up before and I don’t feel like I need to go into a a massive ordeal here on his right shoulder he has a

Tattoo and on that tattoo it says money over something what does it say hold on I probably should have written it down why I didn’t write down to 18-year-old kid’s tattoo uh is beyond me um but the tattoo says money over everything I the dude’s literally got it tatted on his

Shoulder in the past it would be a massive hit for you a massive massive hit for you okay go be where you want to be go be you know go to Old Miss go somewhere else okay we’re recruiting too high at a level to to worry about being held

Hostage uh Daniel Awards with a $20 superat says I’m concerned that we are losing the nil war and that we have to recruit knowing that every three or four years we will compete for a Natty whereas a school like Bama and Georgia will be in the playoff a every year Well

Georg is not in the playoff uh this year collectives matter we have a collective guys and look Daniel let me just say this you have one of the biggest donors of that Collective coming out and say that we have money the problem is is I think there’re there is I I don’t think

You’re behind behind in reference to the money you will spend because you’re getting five stars you’re going into Texas and getting Weston Davis you’re still in the top 10 what I what I will say is you’re a better defensive line recruiting class away from being top five again and that

Should tell you all that you need to know if you’re in the top five you’re nitpicking at that point to some extent and you’re not done right like you’re not done Terry bus is still out there and you got guys like kyin bilot destroying five stars in an All-American

All right last one before we get to Carter D Smith with a $199 Super Chat says football God made Texas lose for us to get Bo Davis maybe he did maybe the maybe the football gods did do that but you know what the football gods and thank you D

Smith for the Super Chat you know what the football guyss gods did do that connected us with our next guest and longtime guest comes on here every week uh is Carter Bryant so let’s do this let’s take a quick break we’ll get to Carter the power Bryant everybody hits

The like and share during the break but let me talking about our good friends over at Avid inspection specialist residential and Commercial inspections guys listen if you need mold inspections lead inspections as best as inspections drone inspections they do it all with their 11th month new home warranty inspections there’s nothing they can’t

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I always like to get feedback from everyone okay and I tweeted out the clip because I was actually going to lead with that with my show tonight and I knew we were G to talk about that today and I just wanted some thoughts because the the only reason I clipped the Tweet

Is because it was part of like a thre minute montage so I didn’t think it was going to go crazy and maai respond to it obviously I love maai Wingo after the end of a game all kinds of things are happening and look what I’m about to say has nothing

To do with his reaction I just found it interesting okay um so yeah I it was awkward uh for to watch that but I I do think Makai was just in the moment uh you’re soaking in that it’s it’s time for the next level but I do truly

Believe that there’s something to that what say you I listen I like Makai Wingo a lot I think he’s one of my favorite players I think he’s a dedicated person I I think that he he came here in a time when we desperately needed him he worked himself

Into a starter hell he worked himself into being voted in as a captain the captain number 18 the captain I don’t care what he tweeted to you because I can tell but I am a body language expert and that body language told me that he does not like Matt house

And we’ll talk about this tonight Carter the way that I let off the show was talking about hey man yesterday was mat to me mat House’s best call game maybe at LSU you didn’t make plays like yesterday’s Personnel you did not make plays whatsoever he look there you should have sacked Tanner morai

Seven times yesterday seven you there’s no reason that they should have had 14 points I mean none but you get down early you got a new quarterback that body language though okay tells me what I need to know about what your leader your captain feels about Matt house if this was a freshman

And a freshman’s just being all cool yeah whatever 18y old kid this is a 22 year old kid like he’s been around the block yeah I mean he’s he’s one of the smartest High football maybe we should have given context for anybody who just joined us but basically Matt house walks

Up to Makai Wingo he starts telling them like hey man you know you guys won it for us there at the end the way that you played and Mak when he goes body language is like he just dismissed Matt house wouldn’t look him in the

Eye yeah here here’s my thing I do agree with you that Matt did do a better job and the first touchdown in particular the defensive call was perfect you just need a corner to to make that play right you you got unblocked pressure home okay what I would also say about this Blake

Is Matt outside of the Wingo situation has just been a disaster this year I mean that nothing about the Tweet nothing about what Wingo had to say changes my opinion of the LSU defensive coordinator situation it’s bad and it was another really poor defensive performance I do agree though that Matt

Did a better job calling defensive sequences uh in this game in particular in the first half so uh I give him a lot of credit for that and I do give Matt house a lot of credit for doing what we begged him and in particular you begged

Him to do put ma put Mason Smith as a zero Tech nose it was the same exact thing that got Greg Pinn the the big interception to end the game versus Texas A&M and it was also the same thing that ended this game so um Matt started

Doing some some some basic things that got Mason in a particular to make plays and you’ve been very in particular you have um and and rightfully to a certain extent have been calling out Mason Smith make some plays make some plays Mason finally made big time plays in these

Last two games of the season so Matt did a lot uh to to to do uh to to get Mason in the right spot to make those plays I have my hand raised go on ahead do what you gotta your honor I testify to the truth and nothing but the truth

So help you God okay did not what I say that they needed to do with their defensive line they not do against Washington from a pass game standpoint and it win yeah it it did 1000 I know it I know it did because I said it should have

Sorry if I I said that because I’m so aggravated Carter that I if you’ve been around the game long enough you know this kind of stuff like you’re gonna have if you cannot get home with four all right you’re giving up the pass play anyway you’re playing passive aggressive

On the back end you’re playing Zone well you can’t you it’s a defe US mindset hoping and praying that Harold Perkins will get home yeah right you gotta send pressure they did a much better job okay of calling things Carter we went out to practice last week and the first thing I

Let off with was man they play bump and run manto man coverage on the outside and it worked like that they had some really good things that helped them like Ashton STS drops a pick catches a pick in practice that LSU posts on Brian Thomas Jr who’s going to the

NFL and we’re just sitting here saying to ourselves man he put you in enough positions to win yesterday you did not make the plays Carter they’re there for outside Zone you got a white running back shaking heral Perkins in the open field and running for 20 yards that

Cannot happen that Carter that cannot happen yeah it guy guys needed to step up and make plays and they did not so I’m giving Matt house a pass on this Wisconsin game I I’m 1% I mean look I’m there I Carter tell me tell me did did you think that they had guys

Called in and put in right situations and LSU’s guys on the field just didn’t execute yes in this game in I I actually do agree with that um I I I I will tell you I’ve not done the full defensive side of the football yet I’ve mostly

Focused on what Garrett did in this game um and normally I rewatched the game immediately and put the film study up but like you I wanted to watch a college football playoff games because they’re so good yesterday so um also today uh this is crazy um a pro offensive

Coordinator came to visit me here uh from from from Europe and uh we we got to watch some QB film we watch Nico and Garrett in particular so I haven’t really been able to watch uh the the the the defense um in particular but just from the first watching of the game that

Every single one of you watched I’ve not rewatched the defense yet they were in position ashon stamps has got to make that play on that first drive no doubt J jav and Toano had some opportunities to make some plays can’t get beat on a double move I will give Toano a lot of

Credit for making the touchdown saving tackle though to hold them to a field goal there at the end no doubt right um because they wind up kicking the field goal and that’s what that’s the difference of the game that’s the difference yeah that one stop that they

Had down in the Red Zone won them the football game so I I honestly thought Toano did some really good things I also saw also saw JV and Toano make one of the best tackles on the season um when he was actually in a safety uh position

Which I think it’s more of his natural position yeah uh so um I I I thought he did some I thought he did some good things also Blake outside of wingo and Smith it was a tough day for the others to get off blocks um and and that’s

That’s the thing you know we’ve been begging for this guy to play or that guy to play yesterday was a really good day for Bron Swinson because he didn’t play and that was the one guy outside of those two that can get off blocks and we

And and and you missed you missed him uh very dear so overall a lot of different a lot of difficult defensive decisions that they’re going to have to make but uh like I’m really excited about this offense moving forward with with Garrett nuspire all right want to get to him

Next Carter What do you do because I I do think that look for so I want to go back to that that drive where they they kicked the three there at the end to get to one points you give up the Long play Toano makes a tackle well the first play they

Run was the tackle for loss that major Burns had in the back field that was a a a a play call where he’s just his only responsibility is the flat he has no man he has no Zone I mean no like no Zone in

The back end his job is to take care of the flat he read it perfectly he played it perfectly he made the tackle in the open field that put them behind the sticks they cannot score so we’ve seen them change thing change something up now okay and guys did not

Make plays when they needed to make plays what do you think about moving forward into 2024 yeah so I still think Matt house needs to go all right um and and I yeah and and look I I’ve defended him to a certain extent likee but he’s just not

What we need I look I’m I’m a little bit more lenient with all other LSU sports sets out of LSU baseball right you you never settle for mediocre at LSU with LSU football you shouldn’t and Matt house has been mediocre to bad uh at best mediocre this year at very best

Also Blake there are players on this team that played a lot of snaps this year and didn’t make enough plays I it’s just that simple and it’s not just Omar Spates it’s easy to pile on Omar Spates he’s he’s not he’s he’s not a Louisiana guy he’s from Oregon State it’s a little

Bit easier to pile on him but there are some tough conversations that need to be had about some of the guys that played a lot of snaps defensively so it’s GNA be tough right uh Jordan Gilbert’s coming in he’s gonna want to play right but yeah he’s gonna start I mean he’s gonna

Start right he I mean I think at this point he’s got to with the way the safety play was yesterday major Burns better as a game moved on there were some tough moments mixed in there as well throughout the year uh W with major Burns Andre Sam had a tough day but

Guess what Andre Sam was your best safety this year he’s gone so that position needs to get revamped is it Jordan Allen is it somebody else I don’t know and then obviously the linebacker position is it Greg Pinn and Whit week’s for sure next season do you feel a th%

Confident in those guys next year Blake I’m telling you right now there has never been an opportunity for a true freshman to step in and play a lot next year like there will be next year with this defense especially if they don’t get any portal linebackers um BK might

Say look the last portal linebackers that have come into LSU with a lot of hype they didn’t produce I’m going to trust my high school guys Blake I like Devon Keys a lot I really do I mean this was a BigTime producer at a big time high school in Texas there’s a lot

There’s a lot of people that love Atkins uh the young man coming in who was also insanely Ty Singleton is just a dude he he’s a freak he’s he’s long he’s athletic um he’s he looks like one of those old USC linebackers like you know or even s safety hybrids like Taylor ma

Remember Taylor Ma I remember yeah and then Cravens and and those guys yeah um I IEX I I really do like this linebacker Class A lot can they come in and and be difference makers in year one so there are very difficult questions to be asked but this

Is my biggest thing all right I am not a coach I know a lot of people reach out to me for film opinions okay there’s recruits that reach out to me to to not so much like big Power five recruits but like lower level guys that want me to

Watch your tape or whatever this is just a basic defensive philosophy Blake this year the never was set on this defense ever it just wasn’t set like I it it cost you the old Miss game in many ways uh a lot of things cost you the old Miss

Game mostly broken tackles but I I felt this year I you might you might disagree with me but I felt this year LSU didn’t have the best Edge play and maybe B galari and Ali gay did a lot more last year than we even give him credit for

Because we missed both of those guys dearly um they struggled at at those positions Z Jack and the opposite side defensive end um and and they they need to figure out what do you want to do defensively and obviously that starts with whatever you want your defensive coordinator to

Be so Ed setting just was not there this year for this defense either Garr mus Garrett nme had a massive game uh yesterday Carter in his first start I tweeted this but I’m going to say it publicly now I know I’ve kind of hinted around it we’ve talked about it a little

Bit the best thing for me yesterday with Garrett nelme was not the Deep throw to Chris Hilton I know he can hit H hit wide receivers deep I know that he can he’s got a really good arm I know he’s a gunslinger I don’t necessarily really mind the interception you’re trying to

Make a play I I I I will live with that you made a right decision you’re trying to get it to the best receiver on the field probably the best player on the field I don’t mind that at all you know what the biggest thing for for me

That calms me down on Garrett NM moving forward the check down to Caleb Jackson okay when he was normally so they run a little seam route okay you have a safety that’s baiting him normally the old Garrett NM would have thrown that seam and it would have been picked but he

Didn’t have it and he knew he didn’t have it so he did risk it he goes you know what I got a dude Nam cayb Jackson right here I’m just going to dump it off to him I’m gonna let him go get some yardage but the biggest he’s down 14 in

That game twice and not once did he get rattled he comes down from a 98 yard drive a lot like you know what it’s a little like Poetic Justice because jayen daniels’s Legacy moment where at least I knew that he could he should be the starting quarterback was the 99 yard

Drive that he had against Florida State that’s when I knew and even said it publicly like look man you can’t just do what that dude just did what poetic justed it was on those three things what did Garett nus Meer do for you yesterday that you

Saw yeah so you know the one thing that was told to me from someone CL gar NM was the intangibles right and it’s kind of the same thing I was told to me about Jaden Daniels when he started and with Garrett it makes sense right his dad’s coached everywhere his dad’s a very

Successful coach and it’s amazing how calm he was in this game um I’m going to give you one other thing that really stood out to me um and this was actually what what the coach told me earlier today uh and I said it on my live stream

Yesterday it was a final touchdown to btj right Play Clocks running down and he was just lining everybody up he was saying hey you go here you go here you go here and then and then he he gets to touch down to btj that’s ridiculous it’s absolutely ridiculous football IQ um

Rocky first quarter and he just kept getting better and better and better as the game moved on right and something else Blake is the team really likes him they really do um yeah I dude when he threw that touchdown to Brian Thomas and the way I

Know that you you scored to go in to win you know like I I’m no they reacted differently even the Chris Hilton touchdown they were like you know let’s you know you could see it you know like there’s a picture so let me just show you this one this is what

Uh this was our cover art for the night you ready yeah that’s it look at this like look at Brian Thomas Jr in the background okay he’s looking at us like as a badass white boy right there you know like the old you remember the movie uh Remember the Titans when they’re like

That’s a when he when he hits the dude and he you know he hurts him when he gets in the game and he like hey blue let him through you remember that and he he knocks the dude’s knees out from under him he goes slipping him and the

Guys walk up they’re like as a badass White Boy tell me that that’s not what Brian Thomas is looking like to Garrett nire after he just threw this touchdown to btj I I I love it that’s I just love that’s what they were doing bro he was

Like that’s a cold white boy right there but that right there tells me as much as the mat house body reaction with maai Wingo told me how they felt about him was the polar opposite of what the players felt like towards Garrett nme I agree Blake and

Look nuts is just good I mean there’s just really no other way around he’s just a good quarterback right so hopefully that continues into next season he’s going to have some rough starts mixed in there but this guy’s tough as nails and as we said before we

Knew Garrett Nspire could play but could he start the other team this is Luke fickle legendary uh modern-day coach took cinnati to the college football playoff and he had he had weeks to prepare for this right and just couldn’t really stop him you know and Garrett

Nest come back with no Logan Diggs and in particular no malite neighbors was good here here’s my major takeaway because I know we’re short on time yeah Jo Joe Sone big day for him absolutely big day um I think you felt pretty comfortable with Joe Sloan though I felt

Pretty comfortable with him as well well you know you know what the different Dynamic of it is too and and look I’m not going to keep him out of this conversation I know that Joe slan it was told by Brian Kelly that he would make the actual physical play call you see Cortez

Hton oh wh what’s your big takeaway I’m interested okay the scoring Drive remember there was an injured player okay and I think LSU came off to the yeah LSU comes off to the sidelines or it might have just been Garrett Cortez puts his his uh microphone down and they’re talking one

Onone so let me tell you what I think happened there I think Joe came down with the play call actually I heard a little something something I heard that Joe came down with the play call Cortez tells Garrett Hey listen kyon’s about to run a seam they’re about to run cover

Two and he’s going to be wide ass open so with that being said Joe calling to play and Cortez knowing the passing game okay I really do believe from what little birdies are chirping in my ear have told me Cortez is also a big part of this

Passing game that I think people are leaving out into this because Brian Kelly’s going to mention this in his next press conference about Cortez listen to what I’m telling you now don’t just and I’m doing this on a live show I’m not doing this behind a phone call I’m telling you don’t don’t

Underestimate it I I’m I’m I’m I’m with you man I love it because because Carter he was so decisive going to Lacy on that on that scene that 37 yard bomb he knew instantly it was cover two he go goes into the middle of the field he gives a

Little you know it’s not PP fake but he gives a little shoulder jerk and then he goes back to Karen Lacy on in in the cover too in between the safety and the in the corner I love it okay sorry I got a little nerd no no that’s great Intel

That’s that’s why you that’s why people tune in to to the ays network here here’s here’s here’s what I would say though yesterday was your first great game from Chris Hilton that was his first great yeah I agree with that he’s had good games yet that was the first

Real great game that b the catch in the in the end zone let me get your opinion on this and I gotta get you I gotta ask you about Dominick mckenley okay yeah the catch that he had for the touchdown could have gone either way if he calls

It in incomplete I don’t think that they overturn it for a touchdown but H the bomb that he caught coming back to it and being focused was the better catch to me that’s one of the best catches of the season if you ask me because it was

Underthrown right mely yeah and and you know obviously Garrett’s gonna have to get better at that that’s that’s something that Jaden you know struggled with uh and we know Garrett’s got plenty of arms you just don’t want to overshoot him in that situation Chris is a guy under shoot me don’t undershoot me

Pause uh that that was really really one of the best catches uh of the season and that’s really saying some knowing some of the catches we we saw this year if you factor in time situation and all of that and that’s why it really stood out

To me with Chris Hilton because most of the plays he’s made have been good plays but we’ve seen them against Grambling we’ve seen him and not so great spots this was the first time time now it’s his time so I I’m I’ve been a chrison skeptic I I’ve I’ve cheered for him

Because he’s an LSU Tiger through and through he’s had plenty of opportunity used to go elsewhere and be a clearcut number one or number two option but he really worked his ass off to get to where he is right now and and just he’s been played with injuries so you haven’t

Had the ability you know and then the two guys he comes in with Malik and Brian Thomas surpass him because he’s hurt they’re not so this was I think more than anyone he improved his stock on this team and I I’m I’m really really impressed with with Chris and I I’m I

Hope he could stay healthy because I think he after yesterday I mean he made those are really really difficult plays he made and he sees the opportunity and obviously I want him to to to succeed and then on top of this Blake what is really swept under the rug and we kind

Of take it for granted was the LSU offensive line was phenomenal again and Charles Turner had a rough game in in some spots but will Campbell emry Jones The Crew they freaking murdered it again and again and again it was a great performance you could tell they were

Motivated because they didn’t get the Joe Moore award they they were phenomenal in this game versus Wisconsin uh very quickly because I know you got a show at 8:15 is that right yeah yeah yeah go ahead um quick thoughts on Dominic McKinley five star from Lafayette signing with or not

Signing committing to LSU on midnight on New Year yeah BK deserves a lot of credit obviously know doing the inhome a few weeks ago uh with the Frank that that was obviously really good it was good getting that on New Year’s Eve uh that’s always that’s always a great

Reaction what what did you do for New Year’s uh we had some just some people over okay good some Stakes rib eyes yeah and um oh oh hey hold on I invited your crazy ass what are you ask did what I did I invited you you I I did

Get the invite and I would have loved to been there um yeah you didn’t show up that’s what I I was I honestly when I when I got the text I I was actually DJing a New Year’s party and what was so great about it was I had just started

Booy set it off and then dude my my body left my soul and I think I actually recorded a video during the Cupid Shuffle and I tweeted it out or whatever um because everyone loves the line dances in Cupids of Louisiana Legend and he’s a great guy too he’s one of the

Nicest guys who a little inside he actually knows Malik um Lafayette Legends right there um but man I was on Cloud9 really excited obviously five star um the the representation of you know stealing someone from Texas A&M and uh Dominic’s got a long way to go but I

Mean raw talent wise you see it anyone could see it and hopefully it all works out good stuff BK good stuff let’s go see you next Monday buddy all right no we actually will not see you next Monday oh what what are you doing or am I I National Championship Game oh

Yes okay give me your opinion on this all right I’ll do my segment my playoff segment with you because we just did one on rafino and Joe I know this is where you’re going no no no give me your give me your quick opinion the jayen milro

Play did he actually have a shot to get in I do believe he did I I can’t say with near certainty with that no I’m not saying with near no you didn’t I you you asked me do you think that there was a chance he chance he could get in okay

Yeah I think there’s a chance he could get in because the left the left guard sealed the edge and he runs straight if he follows his guard he’s in now he might have to break a tackle on the on the guy coming in but yeah but that’s

Not even another one Carter he had numbers on the outside on that screen they had bump and man-to-man coverage on the two receivers out there no safety to help the linebacker is going in motion and is drastically behind Okay the running back if he just if he

Makes the decision to throw that screen they score go back and watch it no no I’m with you the low snap though probably made him Panic well could maybe he could have he could have made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich back there then thrown it okay and he still would have

Scored that’s how bad the linebacker was behind the running back low snap my ass he could have he could have thrown it I in in these spots though if I see a Defender make a legendary play I’m I’m going to side with the the defense the number five for Michigan I

Forget his name tweeted out I tweeted out this clip that was as impressive of an edge set in a big moment versus JC freaking leam who’s going to play in the NFL for a long time JC leam made the tackle his own offensive lineman the fact that um they

D he destroyed leam that bad to trip uh milro in the backfield that’s an all-time great defensive play kind of like the Washington DB making the all-time great uh defensive play uh versus Texas I like seeing defensive plays great defensive plays decide games right that’s why the Chad Jones

Bat down versus Mississippi state is one of my all-time favorites right or the the the strip sack of John Parker Wilson you rarely see a defensive player get a big highlight moment like that with the game on the line I’m glad number five for Michigan was able to get that done baby we’re

Back no they’re not yes yes yes that’s Sam mellinger that’s right no they’re not you blew it you absolutely blew it you had one job and you blew it Quinn ERS is still mid Quinn ERS is still mid Arch Manning will win that job let’s do it he’s

Not it ain’t gonna happen right see we’ll see you next Tuesday peace buddy all buddy cheers that’s part of the power Brian he’s got his show coming up at 8:15 y’all can go over there uh and check it out as well uh we just did did

That with him uh go over to rafino and Joe show if you want our takes on um might take on the playoffs uh black goatee with a $2 Super Chat says middle wasn’t set either what middle uh specifically black goatee were you talking about Tommy Brooks says I’ve

Always thought of Mason Smith could really be effective as a strongs side end in a fourman front AKA Cam Jordan and my off base is his speed his issue yeah I don’t think he’s as athletic as Cam Jordan I I understand the um your thought there right like a 1,00 percent

Understand your thought there he’s just not as as athletic as cam uh which look they put him at end when oron was here it didn’t work for him I think he’s an interior guy you know and so with that being said um you know is what it is all right see y’all

Tomorrow man y’all have a good night Peace


  1. Yes, i agree with you. The players need to get better. However, i dont feel confident in the current defensive staff to elevate their strengths. They're bad but i cant believe they're THIS bad.

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