Golf Players

We are all going to be Upper Core at some point in our golfing life. #Wrightbalance

Larry Rinker played in 525 PGA Tour events and has over 10,000 hours of teaching experience. He met Dr. David Wright in 2016 and found out about the upper core swing and how that was his natural swing model. Larry believes he has been upper core his whole life. After measuring 1400 people, over 90% of Larry’s students have been upper core. With Wright Balance there are three swing models. Upper, mid, and low core. Mid core is your average Tour player swing which is what most people teach. Low core players will have their hips rotated the most at impact. Upper core the least.

I’ve been using right balance now for seven and a half years with right balance there are three swing models upper mid and low core most of us are upper core We Believe 2third of all males are going to be upper core all ages and the truth is at some point as

We all get older we’re all going to end up being upper core so if you look at me here here and you can see that uh I’m set up here and these are four key things about the upper core swing number one hips least rotated at impact

We early extend come out of posture and we release the earliest those are three things a midcore teacher is going to want to change about an upper core player they’re going to say we need to be more rotated stay in posture and release later well here’s someone that

Was very notorious for being a low core player and a low core player is going to be somebody like Paul ainger here’s ainger impact low core players are rotated the most with the weight in their left heel and if we look at Jordan spe who we believe is Lowe you can see

How rotated he is and you can see where his weight is in his left heel so here here’s Lee trino who used to look like that in his prime but now here at 78 this was just a few years ago here is Lee trino at impact he is not very

Rotated and if you look at Lee at a dress he doesn’t have as strong of a grip as he used to have I asked him a couple years ago I say Lee have you made your grip more neutral that means is he looks down his hands they’re going to rotate

Counterclockwise and use your hands to release the club more through impact he said I can’t believe you told me that look at this release with the hands but he said I can’t believe you said that because I’ve just been talking about that with my son Daniel and they’re

Going to be playing in the PNC again this December now here is burnhard Langer he’s been setting uh the Champions Tour on fire has the AL time record past hail Irwin most wins there’s burnhard at impact he’s my age he’s 66 now here’s the shark Greg Norman number

Seven at Augusta there he is at impact look at the right foot here’s Chris Kirk I get asked all the time about Chris Kirk what about Chris Kirk is he upper core we’ll look at him at impact certainly looks like it to me you know he rotates into a jump

He’s not very rotated at impact here’s VJ Singh he’s almost 60 now this was him playing the PGA at uh at ballish RW this is the fourth hole and you can see he’s not that rotated you know so all these players are just not that rotated and and so we have other players

That I could show you um here’s web Simpson here’s a guy that uh is definitely upper core look at him at impact you can see the shaft standing up look at the shaft look at it stand up Kenny Perry his longtime Pro said hey if you keep your right foot on

The ground you won’t hit the ball to the right look at Kenny Perry at impact look at his right foot look look how he keeps that right foot on the ground all that whole time Kenny Perry played a draw here’s Mar omera he’s my age my vintage 19 57

We look at Oma here he is look at the shaft standing up there’s the shaft standing up as he comes into the ball so the truth is at some point in time we are all going to be upper core and here I am face on and you can see

The the upper core player turns the most on the back swing moves the least lateral makes a little shift rotates into a jump and the key thing is we let the Club go by us and we release the earliest we’re not holding on to angles there so the truth

Is most of us are upper core and at some point in time we’re all going to be upper core so you might want to understand this swing it really is sad to me that this is not a swing that is very well known because most of us are

Upper core and it’s a really simple swing and if you want to find out more about it just Google right balance wri ght balance and upper core there’s a lot of information out there I’ve written a book on it and it’s a really simple swing and as you’re getting older we’re

All moving toward this Swing model thanks


  1. Great video, Larry…speaking as a former Lower Core Player, now playing as Upper Core. With Upper Core Handle size and stance widths I move to the balls of my feet (was over center of arches) and so much easier to swing. You are the best. Look forward to seeing you next month..Doc

  2. thanks Larry.
    cant beat Father Time.
    Ligaments tighten, muscles and tendons dehydrate, discs narrow, joints from head to toe become arthritic.and that's even without prior injury.cant hit it as far as I used to, no matter what tweak in technology.for me its more focus on short game arround the green to keep score as low as possible.

  3. Hi Larry, im 70 and have started swinging too steep on the down swinging and skiing the ball with the driver, hopefully try it next time out 👍🏌‍♂️

  4. Moe Norman was asked, " are you more of an upper body player?" Reply, " oh yes, I have been all my life." He was not bad, old or young!!!

  5. Hi Larry, I get this. It looks like a natural progression for our swing. In my younger years I was always trying to clear the left side but that's becoming more difficult. This swing looks to have plenty of time and an easy consistent balanced finish. I'm learning from this that it's OK to use arms and wrists more into impact. Good stuff!!

  6. You can add TW to that group that is upper core as well. Great description of the backswings and downswings of the three model players in the system.

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