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There’s A Different Breed of Man | Keep Hammering Collective | Episode 053

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0:00:00 Intro: Cam’s Favorite Books
0:04:17 A Special Breed of Man
0:08:23 Archer: Paul Schafer
0:11:23 Archer: Dwight Schuh
0:12:53 Generational Stories
0:14:36 Excerpt From 45 Unforgettable Bowhunters
0:16:38 Forward from “Backcountry Bowhunting”
0:17:32 How Cam & Dwight Became Friends
0:21:08 The Adventure of Bowhunting
0:24:56 “Deliverance” by Dwight Schuh
0:33:21 Alaska Brown Bear Hunt: Roy’s Temperament
0:39:17 “Deliverence” Contd.
0:48:07 “A Different Breed of Man” by Cameron Hanes
0:52:14 Earning Respect From Roy
0:53:29 Roy Doesn’t Hunt for Glory
0:55:15 Outro

#keephammering #cameronhanes

Every step I take I move my truth every time they tell me stop I use every comment hate that makes my f GA up my energy and boom I he them talking saying the way that I move is so reckless that is a part of my mind I’ve been blessed

With giving my blood so I am Relentless all right welcome to the keep hammering Collective this is this is going to be part of my Roy series um but this segment here you know I did the Prelude already to it but this segment here is I’m going to talk about Roy but I I’m

Also going to talk about there’s a group of men of bow Hunters who I’ve been you know following for years have known about for years maybe not even have met but because of media you know media gets a lot of I don’t know I don’t want to say

There is some negativity to social media but with regard to hunting there’s a group of hunters who I don’t know think that we shouldn’t be celebrating what we love which is the hunting tradition and yeah we’re reaching more people now and to me that’s a good thing

You know we can share why we love archery why we love bow hunting why we love hunting in general with millions of people back in the day I I did the same thing I’m doing now I just loved everything about archery and and um you know it changed my life so

Now I’m just doing that same thing I’m just sharing just like with these old books I have right here this is the one that I mentioned the other day uh with my first segment this is hunting with the bone arrow by Saxon Pope special introduction by Fred Bear this is the

One that mentions of raw heid and senu uh being that tough there’s books like this one by Mr James 45 Unforgettable bow Hunters all badass say love that book one of my favorite books of all time hunting books is life at full draw this is the Chuck Adams story and Chuck

Adams is you know it’s it’s crazy to me that a lot of new bow Hunters these days might not even know who Chuck Adams is one of the most accomplished bow Hunters of all time just did incredible things one of my heroes and Mentor not really mentors

Cuz I didn’t know him but he was a hero from afar I read all his stuff couldn’t believe that one year he killed 10 poping Young animals and I was just like how could you kill I mean killing 10 animals seemed crazy with the bow and

Then have them all be record book class which you know for for people that don’t know bow hunting Pope and young that’s the record book that they score these antlers and uh based on Symmetry and size and length and mass it a total number comes up and has to reach a

Minimum to make the pope and young record book well Chuck killed 10 or maybe he’s in 13 I can’t remember now but it was crazy amount I’m like this guy’s unbelievable um and so this book here had a a huge impact on me and and I

Remember you know if you if you look at this quote which is in Bor um life at full draw the Adam story it’s by Eugene herle who wrote Zen In The Art of archery his quote is you have become a different person in the course of these years for this is

What the artart of archery means a profound and far-reaching contest of the Archer with himself you will see with other eyes and measure with other measures it happens to all who are touched by the spirit of this art and that’s Zen In The Art of archery and

That’s what bow hunting does not not for everybody I mean Bow Hunting isn’t for everybody it’s freaking really hard but um for the people that embrace it and love the challenge it I mean it’s it’s life defining so in these group you know I talk about there’s a special breed of

Men and I think Joe Rogan summed it up perfectly in this quote I want you to listen to this quote right here human beings that have different temperament and different minds and different mentality and a ruthless competitive drive that’s almost terrifying to the the ordinary person there’s a thing inside some people that

Is a driving force that allows them to overcome the greatest around them he’s a [ __ ] conqueror he’s a [ __ ] conqueror human so that’s what I think of when I think of guys like Paul schaer right here that’s what this book is about I talked about silver tip on one

Of the Joe Rogan episodes that I did and uh Bob whitower wrote this incredible book but Paul Schaefer Bart shiler who I also talked about Roy knew him up in Alaska these guys it’s just another level and so it’s weird to me to see there’s a group of

Men nowadays who I mean there’s Pages dedicated to taking shots at me because of you know the animals I kill or how many hunts I go on a year and I just I don’t it’s like so foreign that mindset to think about another man and like this

Man is accomplishing or doing this and it and it’s it makes me feel a certain way it’s like I don’t I don’t even get that I do not get when I when I you know I do remember being jealous or being envious when I was you know when I was like five and

You that’s what kids do right they they can’t get attention for doing good things so they do bad things so I acted out at school and I got attention for being a bad kid right once I got past that age it was just like okay I don’t I know how to get

Attention I’m not going to feel jealous or envious of somebody and want to get some weird type of attention negative attention or create some issue just to put the spotlight on myself so these guys who are like you know so worked up about what I do or where I hunt or how

Many hunts I I go on it’s just it’s foreign to me because if I see somebody who’s accomplished what I want to like Chuck Adams back in the day I would say instead of hate on Chuck I would say how can I get what can I do how can I

Experience those that type of life right and so it’s it’s like an inspiration or it’s a it helps me set a goal a big goal and it’s not not to slight any other man you know we have we use other men as measuring sticks and I remember Roy and

I would you know we’d go on hunts and we’d say well has any man ever done this and if a man has done it we thought that we could do it we’re men too so if somebody else did it we can do it and that’s the mindset

These guys who I’m talking about here guaranteed they’re not even worried about anybody else any other man they’re they’re not like it’s not even on the radar they’re focused on their own goals what they can do living this incredible wild existence doing amazing things in some of the most breathtaking country on

Earth they’re not thinking about oh this guy did this and he killed a bull and now I can’t kill a bull like so I don’t I mean these are the type of men who I want I want to resonate with or have their words impact

Me I don’t even get somebody a de Feist type um I I just a crazy attitude so when I read these I’m like this is like this is inspirational I want to I want to talk about well a few of them but Paul Schaefer and rible Bow Hunter he died

Much too young a lot of these guys who you know it’s the mountains are unforgiving so Paul died Bart Shyer died they say he got you know eaten by Grizzly after he killed a moose but Bob wrote or Barts mentioned in this a lot along with Paul

Schaer but Bob Whow wrote this and he it was so nice I mean you guys got to read this book it’s it’s it’s an Incredible Book Silver Tip but he you know wrote a really nice card to me and I didn’t know it at this time but

Uh pretty crazy one story that that Paul schaer had is he killed a sheep and it was on the edge of a cliff and he had to hold onto a tree and hold on to the leg of the sheep with the other arm and 250

Lb sheep and he pulled it up on this Cliff I didn’t know that of that story when I did a similar thing in 8 with my doll sheep and you I I’m sure it’s still on YouTube but uh Bob mentions that here and when he sent me this this book in

2021 so not even that long ago but uh I told him how much I like the book so he sent this to me and he he sent me a few extra copies so I could give them away and I have gave one to my son got you

Know just love giving them out because again this is spreading the word of bow hunting that’s that’s a special part of our tradition so he writes I am pleased that you enjoyed silver tip and I thank you for promoting in on your podcast you’ve had a positive influence on my book

Sales and my family I particularly enjoyed how you tied your sheep and wrestled to the in I particularly enjoyed how you tied your sheep wrestling to the match Paul also had at the edge of the cliff a great video as a tangible thank you I’ve included a few gift books for you please

Use them um at age 79 with a new ankle replacement my world adventures is shrinking but if your adventures bring you our way please look me up or any of the wooden hours or sniders and we’ll try to have some fun together our best wishes to you for all you do your friend

Bob now but this book as I said it’s uh incredible impactful Paul you know Paul and Bart both shot like super high poundage bows re and these are recurves and uh you know a lot of people these days you say you shoot a high poundage bow they’re like oh you’re doing it for

Ego or you could do the same thing with the 70 or 60 lb it’s just like I don’t even it doesn’t even make sense to me um these guys weren’t worried about what anybody else is shooting for a bow or the poundage or just it’s just a nonf factor it’s a

Non-factor for people like this um the next Archer I was going to discuss is Dwight Shu because Dwight Shu he wrote a great article about hunting with Roy and again as I said the last time when I read babam mean’s article in Frank noska it’s one thing if I say something

About Roy obviously I’m biased we grew up together we learned bow hunting together I’m I’m going to I mean he’s I’m his number one fan right Roy was incredible but when somebody like Dwight Shu who if people again I’m going to use this as a way to celebrate

Archery and the world of archery but Dwight Shu was uh yeah just one of the most impactful figures in archery for the last I don’t know number of decades when I started bow hunting I watched um video that that was with Dwight Shu and Larry D Jones

Another archery Legend and um it was called elk fever I watched that video thousands of times I mean it was it was the reason why I wanted to bow hunt elk so Dwight was you know the man back then he went and was editor of this magazine

Bow Hunter magazine I think one of the best bow hunting magazines of all time and then before him the editor at Bow Hunter was mrr James mrr James wrote a book 45 Unforgettable bow hunters and these are all the Legends so again this is the history this is why this is why

We need to do stuff like that this is why we celebrate hunting and tell these stories and and uh we we share our history and our lessons and our adventures so it impacts others just like these men have impacted me it is our responsibility to impact the Next

Generation because that’s what keeps our passion alive that’s what keeps this tradition of bohun and hunting alive is passing down these stories sharing these stories yes people will say you know I don’t I don’t know you know 10,000 years ago there’s cave drawings telling the story of a hunt and then it

Was well you’d get have some old black and white pictures or you’d have an artist rendering and then it was maybe we had some good pictures and then some film like when Fred Bear started coming up he made he made these films on incredible adventures in Alaska

And then it evolves and now it’s a different form of media as I said it’s social media but the point is it’s like we’ve always shared The Adventures of the Hunts we’ve already shared uh you know the close calls the uh everything that makes a hunt Special that’s what that’s a responsibility of

Hunters to get that down to where it can be recorded and shared that’s so we got to do it I mean we got to do it otherwise this is a this is a ptime that’s going to die guaranteed because without without that history I don’t know it’s just going to fade away I’m

Afraid so 45 unfor Unforgettable bow Hunters Mr James writes and this one’s about Dwight Shu and I just I’ll give a little preview of Dwight Shu before I get into his article about hunting with Roy but Mr writs regarding Dwight some outdoor writers write well enough but

Tend to rely on hyper bowl and embellishments rather than shooting skill and hard earned success to turn out suitable suitable manuscripts they’ve learned they’ve learned a long time ago it’s much easier to hit a big game article with a typewriter key that a well-placed bullet or Broadhead read

Their articles you may be convinced they’re knowledgeable efficient Hunters meet them talk to them or hunt with them and you may come away disappointed or disillusioned so just saying basically that they write better than they hunt I mean they can just tell a story and who knows how much fact or fiction is

Involved Maybe a little more fiction than fact and then you meet him and you’re like oh yeah it’s not really adding up cuz you can tell you can tell pretty quickly if somebody has what it takes to be a good Hunter you can fake it on

Paper is tough to fake in person so Mr writes continues on about Dwight other writers have talents which are not limited at telling tales and attempting to impress their readers with glowing accounts of their accomplishments these people are good writers ERS and good Hunters their articles entertain and

Inform they tell it as it is share a hunting camp with them and you’ll generally walk away impressed Dwight shu is one such writer so that’s regarding Dwight and Dwight wrote an incredible book I I have it here also it’s called bow hunting for Mu deer um just a

Legendary book he in the archery and bow hunting Hall of Fame I’m telling you top top of the mountain when it comes to the history of bow hunters and what’s crazy is like as I said he was so influential for me starting out out my first year was 1989

When I killed my first Bull and he wrote the forward to my my book in Backcountry bow hunting and he uh I think he he even mentions in here he thought we had a you know somewhat of a kindered spirit just because he grew up in Oregon went to the

University of Oregon with a journalism degree and uh that’s why he writes right in the forward to some extent Cameron and I are Kindred Spirits we both grew up in Oregon and we started bow hunting we’re both short of money and long of desire to satisfy our obsessions while

Keeping the cost down we hunted on public lands and we hunted do it-yourself without guides we also frequently hunted alone either because we couldn’t find anyone else dumb enough to go along or because we simply preferred to go alone during our during our early years we hunted primarily by

Backpacking but later we both acquired pack to extend our mobility and range in the back country so that’s Dwight wrote the forward for me and we actually became friends it’s uh in 2008 my first time running Boston Dwight also he trained hard he always trained hard he

Was always in shape which was another connection I had with him um back in the day I think he’d run 10ks and things like that you know as he was getting ready for bow hunting but in 2008 he qualified for Boston I think he ran a marathon down in California I had

Qualified I think here in Eugene so we were both going to go run Boston it was a for any marathoner that’s like a dream race right it’s the most most historic marathon in the US everybody knows about the Boston Marathon so we both qualified we both wanted to go Dwight

Said you get back to Boston and like some of those older East Coast towns like that they’re everything stacked on top of each other which space is very limited lots of people and so like the hotel rooms are small older buildings um they’re just piling people

In there because it as I said it’s limited real estate well Dwight said I think he said he’s having a hard time finding a hotel room or maybe they are very expensive so he he asked if I had one I said yeah I got one it’s you know pretty

Close to where we need to take the shuttle to get to the start line and uh you know I’m sure I got room in the the hotel room um you can just stay with me so he said okay so we got there got to Boston we checked in got to the front

Desk and I said uh yeah you know reservation haes this and that and I said so is it I said as opposed to like a king bed could I get two queen beds because I got you know somebody who’s going to be bunking with me they said oh

We we only have one one bed here at this hotel there’s no no no rooms have two beds and was like oh okay so it turns out Dwight and I slept in the same bed there and uh yeah I don’t really know how we I can’t remember if we had

Pillows lined up in between us but I don’t know what happened but but either way bow hunting Legend one of my heroes growing up we’re sharing a a bed in Boston we both ran good races I think he came in maybe right under 4 hours which

You know he was older than me at this time it was a pretty good marathon and that was year that I ran with Lance and uh had a good race and and you know it was just an awesome experience but we shared that so that’s that’s Dwight Shu

I just want to tell the backstory there again archery Hall of Famer one of the there’s not a person in this industry which this is rare this is rare you know this is a Cutthroat ego-driven industry but I don’t think there’s a person in this industry that would say a negative

Thing about Dwight Shu so I mean that should that should tell you all you need to know he’s uh yeah best guy you’ve ever ever going to I mean he died now but he was the best guy you’d ever meet and helpful help me with

Writing um told me I needed to go back to school and become a better writer and I didn’t but uh yeah so anyway other than that love Dwight no I love he was right I probably should have went back to school but uh I was too busy bow

Hunting so there was a time though before I get or I mean I’m going to get into this right now 2006 was I mean it was a long time ago obviously and I got to give a shout out to so I knew I could not find I have so

Many magazines here this is you see all these books you see all these it’s like yeah I I mean if there could be a mad scientist on bow hunting not so much bow hunting just not the technical stuff I mean I know my bow but I’m more the

Adventure it’s the adventure it’s like what it does to a to a person’s life living out there in the mountains that’s what I care about the bow yes I love archery but it’s more about the adventure so I’m not like this gear Tech freak on archery I’m more of I Love The

Adventures of these guys out there making a mark on hisory his and so could not find this article I was like all points bolletin I wanted to share with you guys cuz I remembered it but it’s been a while 2006 right I mean that’s that’s some time ago so I reached out to

Jill Roy’s wife she’s not she’s not at home for she’s uh with her daughter for the holiday so she’s not at home she thought she had the magazine reached out to my buddy sha man and uh he knows Dwight daughter so he ended up get getting me a copy of this

Also Shay uh yeah Shay awesome guy um learned to bow hunt the back country you know he was trying to he was filming me and tough and learning a lot this is like when he’s first starting off but he was one of the first cameramen I had in

The eag cap him and then Nate Simmons but uh you know just learn learn the hard way back there and now has killed bulls with a Rec cvent a compound just a stud it’s a pilot awesome guy he reached out to Dwight’s daughter Emily and got got me

This and then also Danny Ferris reached out to uh Kurt Wells who is a current editor of bow hunter so the the editing human being sorry the editing lineage went Mr James Dwight Shu then Kurt well so it’s been a lot of history there but he got Kurt went through his archives

Pulled me out a copy and he said uh he sent this to Danny who then sent it to me and he says anniversary issue October November 2006 and Kurt writes in this text here he writes I bought Roy and his son breakfast in Kodiak one morning tried to talk him into writing an

Article for us but he didn’t show much enthusiasm for it as anyone who knows it might expect hope this works for cam so thank you Danny thank you shay thank you Kurt Wells thank you Emily thanks Jill I know you would made it happen and then

Also Jason Bowerman was going to make it happen he’s there in Colorado as well but you know Kurt mentioned he wanted to get Roy to write an article and you know there’s a there’s a quote also about Paul schaer that Montana Bow Hunter I was talked about at the beginning of this

Episode he’s uh people tried to get him to write articles because he killed like these incredible animals also and all he would say is not much of a writer and that was it these guys they don’t necessarily don’t care about the attention or seeing their name in print

Like you know as a writer there’s nothing like seeing your by line and seen your your story told and shared with others that’s that’s what writers I mean it’s a big part of being a writer but if you don’t care about that it doesn’t matter you’re just

Living and that’s how Paul Schaefer and then also Roy was but I uh I made sure Roy’s story got out um in this one here this is called the Deliverance this is by Dwight Shu this is on that hunt in 2006 with Roy Roth and as I said Dwight been around

Done it all you know he didn’t kill the Super Slam I think he killed 22 of the 29 animals but that’s a hell of an accomplishment um Hall of Famer what do you say so the deliverance and the the subtitle here to this article is uh the Wilds of Alaska very

God let me start this over the Wilds of Alaska might very well teach a bow hunter more about life than about hunting so that was his by line or his subtitle there the article starts off I was worried never before had I met Roy Roth

And now he and I would spend two weeks Alone Together on Kodiak Island it all started with my friend Baba mean I call Bob the Sitka King because he is a fanatic for hunting Sitka Blacktail deer that’s a de that live on Kodiak Island it’s a it’s a subspecies of the black of

The Columbia Blacktail and uh they’re awesome animals so Dwight continues he has probably killed as many Sitka deer as any Bow Hunter alive and some of and some of the biggest when Bob invited me to hunt deer with him on Kodiak Island to record a program for bow hunter

Magazine TV I jumped at the chance Bob’s Alaska friend Roy Roth would round out the party I was excited however when I arrived in Anchorage Bob delivered bad news he had an infection in his leg and his doctors forbade him to go hunting he might

Die that meant Roy and I would go alone I had never met Roy in our first meeting concerned me Roy looked like a couch potato could he pull his own weight I was worried so Roy you know Roy is uh he’s just a beast it’s like but people have these preconceived motion

Notions on what a beast looks like if you see Roy you might not know he is a beast but we’ll see what if Dwight’s tune change here so uh looked like a p Couch Potato could he pull his own weight I was worried Dwight continues or the article continues Roy

Is the best bow hunter I know Bob assured me he’s also the toughest guy I’ve ever met and he’s a great guy in Camp you’ll see well whatever the case we were going to Kodiak Roy and I and we had Bob to Bob to than for making it

Possible after all we would be using all his equipment and eating his food a week before he had shipped his tent rubber raft Alo motor food in two weeks for two weeks and all other needed gear to kodiac and short he had outfitted our Expedition when Roy and I arrived in

Kodiak all we to do is pick up Bob’s gear loaded onto Roland roose’s Seahawk air beaver and fly to a remote Lake as a plane disappeared in the blue sky and glaring Sun we began setting up Bob’s bombproof tent and had to take off our shirts to cool down man it’s hot out

Here I remarked enjoy it Roy himself a veteran of Kodiak Island said sure it’ll change when we began hunting on October 28th we could see we had hit things right severe weather in 1999 had killed an estimated 90% of all deer on the island since then the winters had been

Mild and by the fall of 2005 the deer were once again thriving right off we were seeing 20 to 30 bucks a day the South half of Kodiak Island has no trees so we hunted by glassing and then stocking in some places with broken terrain getting close

To the deer was easy but when they weren’t we’re in the tall grass and aler brush we often could not sneak with sneak within bow range that’s when we employed a secret weapon a decoy hat so yeah Roy Roy Loved These hats Bob I don’t know if Roy got

Them from Bob I think so but they’re basically a hat and they have deer ears on them they look like a kind of a deer head and actually Danny Ferris who I mentioned he has a company called ultimate decoy and it does the same thing but these are very effective on

These sit kab bucks that on Kodiak Island so they were using the deer hats I cannot say enough good things about the guys over at Montana Knife Company I’ve been using their knives in the mountains for the past three years and I’ve been nothing but impressed they’re an American company their knives are

Made here in America and their Master blad Smith Josh Smith is one of the best knife makers out there their culinary color is some of the best I’ve used even though I don’t use it CU I don’t cook but I do use it when I’m eating but I do

Know any cook would likely love them in their kitchen I’m proud to partner with the guy over Montana knife and looking forward to some cool new products we’re working on collaborating on in the coming months head over to Montana knife today and use code cam for free

Shipping as we all know I’ve been putting all my guests through a pretty good cardio session on Mount Pisa go rock is a welcome new addition to the podcast and lift run shoot series I love the 80lb sandbags but I’m not sure how my guests feel about it but what do they

Say pain is weakness leaving the body all the people at go rock are beasts and I’m thrilled to partner with them we use the rocks and sandbags on almost every episode and now you can take your training to the next level as they are offering listeners 10% off when you use

Code cam cam see you guys on the mountain you better not forget that we over the next few days I also learned the truth about couch potatoes this is Dwight rting again the southern half of Kodiak Island compris a small mountain ranges 3 to 5 miles long separated by mile wide

Valleys of muscade creeks and ponds deer concentrated in the mountain ranges but during the rut the Bucks cross The Valleys looking for Doe’s Roy reminded me of those roaming bucks he had to go to the next mountain range just to see what was there whether we killed a deer

In a Range didn’t matter once we hunted there we had to go to the next range over until we were walking 5 miles just to start hunting Roy I pleaded I can’t pack a buck that far don’t worry about it he insisted I’ll pack the deer here

And he did over the next three days we killed three more bucks and Roy packed them all plowing across a tundra like a bulldozzer walking faster with 70 PBS of deer meat on his back than I could walk with no weight on November 1st Roy suggested we

Look further a field so we inflated Bob’s Raff and headed up a Creek in many places the creek was too shallow for the motor to me that was a problem to Roy it was a minor inconvenience he simply jumped in with the chess waiters and dragged the raft Upstream 5 miles up we

Placed two small backpacking tents on the Gravel Bar where the creek swung close to a fresh mountain range after the strenuous March up the creek I assumed we would rest but Roy didn’t think of that he simply changed into his hiking boots and headed up to the

Nearest Ridge as I trailed along trying to keep up he had killed a red fox and a good siiz buck so just visualize that so Roy had drugged this this boat up through these shallow Waters cross gravel bars for 5 miles they get there they set up camp

And then Roy takes up off up the ridge Big Roy mind you this is the couch potato that Dwight labeled him as originally Roy takes off up the Ridge and Dwight’s trying to keep up and while he’s trying to keep up Roy killed a fox

In a buck with his bow I mean how how insane is that so again this isn’t me telling these stories about Roy this is and this isn’t somebody who makes stuff up this is Dwight Shu who’s been around forever and one of the most authentic talented writers there is who

Just tells it like it is so that’s what he’s saying about Roy the next day this is Dwight again the next day I shot a buck at 15 yards as he trailed a dough after dressing the deer and bagging the meat we continued on up the cany canyon

And saw a buck cruising down the hillside obviously looking for do when he spotted our dough hats he came to check us out and Roy made that a fatal mistake with two deer on the ground we called it a day and packed meat back to

Camp but Roy wanted to carry both deer I would not let um at least this once approaching camp we saw a bear down by the creek 200 yard away we stayed high on the hillside talking and whistling to make sure he knew we were there and

Stayed away however as we topped a hill we saw his enormous head coming right up our Trail 20 yards away apparently he had come up to investigate all the noise as I fumbled for my bear spray Roy yelled and waved his arms the bear ran away my heart was racing but Roy simply

Seemed amused by the event so this is I mean you know I been with Roy I killed a Grizzly or a brown bear here’s Roy’s temperament it’s like always always in control always just as calm as can be and it’s it’s uh yeah we loved the adventure we loved when it worked out

But all these challenges and all these intense moments that happen they’re just part of the hunt it’s like I’m not getting worked up about it when I there’s a YouTube video John rivet went up with me to Alaska with me and Roy we’re going to hunt brown bear

And uh I said hey John would you want to come up and you know film and it’s going to be great to hang out with Roy and I think you’d really like him so we go up there I do the stock on this brown bear and this is Again on YouTube bear gets

Up 40 yards frontal and I hit him pretty much perfect maybe an inch to the right and uh Bear runs off you know obviously fat wounded I go back Roy’s back probably 150 yards back just kind of watching let me do the stock had a stock

In this Creek up through this tall grass get up the bear sat up he was right on the edge of the creek and then I shot him and uh when when all that happened a s brown bear a giant one over 20 years old is what we are

Estimating she got all worked up by the story or I mean by the the noise Arrow hitting the the bear making out a kind of a Beller maybe she smelled the blood from the blood coming out after the arrow went blew through and she came over she attacked that bear the my Bear

Died and she was attacking it so we were yelling at her she ended up his her Focus came off that my brown bear that I killed and shifted to us Roy had a rifle and he shot out there because I was saying I go God she’s tearing on my bear

I said shoot out there get her off that bear and so he shot a couple times out there and finally the bear you know snapped out of attacking the bear I killed but her Focus came to us then and then we’re there kind of in the kneehigh grass not a tree anywhere

And she sees us about 130 yards away and just comes sprinting so Roy standing there and I’m standing there and that’s when I knock up another arrow uh John was he had the ammo in his pack so we said go you know Roy had shot twice

Already I don’t know how many shots he had left probably just one uh and he said as this bear was charging in he said if she crosses the creek I’m going to have to kill her I said yeah so she kept coming Splash through the creek all

The way up to our side and stops maybe 20 yards away and it’s like stood up and it was like huffing just looking you know crazy I don’t know what was going on in her head but it you you know they normally brown bear aren’t quite as

Crazy as Grizzlies but man the the situation with that dead boar she had three full grown Cubs which means you know the Cubs can survive on their own they’re probably 300 lb but they hang out with their mom even past when they’re they don’t need her to survive

But it’s just kind of sometimes full grown Cubs hang out after their year lanss and and so she had three full g c Cubs there so it was might have been the the situation with the B and the blood and the yelling and the shooting and the Cubs all of it made her

Crazy so she comes over stands up huffing and puffing popping doing everything she’s doing and Roy still we were like yelling at her Hey get out of here get out of here Roy you know didn’t want to shoot we you know we got had a bear killed already we didn’t want to

Kill another bear and um so he said he was going to shoot when she crossed if she crossed the creek which she did did and he didn’t shoot but then she came up to on our side of the bank there and she’s you know maybe 20 yards away and stood up we

Still he never shot I had an arrow knocked it was you know whatever you’re just trying to figure out what you’re going to do and then uh we’re yelling the bear drops down and charges so Roy you know boom shoots drops her at I don’t know from

Here to this camera it might be I don’t know 10 feet away maybe not even that and then no excitement just like I think I mentioned this in the book but I was just we were both upset we we were both like I’m like [ __ ] did not want to

Kill another bear and he’s like he’s like dude I had to but it was like it was it was just that’s just what happened so that’s Roy’s demeanor so he’s had a lot of close calls with bear once you if you been in Alaska and you’ve been doing all the Hunts that he

Did you’re going to run into Grizzly and brown bear plus he killed a lot of them you know in hunting and uh it’s just it’s just the nature of the the business up there essentially um but so when Dwight writes that Roy seemed essentially amused by that bear um yeah

He said Mar Dwight wrote The Bear ran away my heart was racing but Roy simply seemed amused by the event that doesn’t surprise me I’ve seen Roy in a lot of intense situations always always in control and unflappable um rare quality very rare quality be get a lot of people worked

Out but um yeah he was one of a kind in that regard so this article continues Dwight’s article that was in uh in the 2006 issue here of bow hunter called Deliverance what it was yeah the Deliverance on no November 5th as Roy had predicted the weather changed with

The wind hitting 50 to 70 mph snow flying the River freezing along the edges we returned to base camp and the Dependable shelter of our big tent November 9th was our last scheduled day of hunting Roy had one tag left but things were not not looking favorable a

Full-fledged blizzard had set in with Winds of 50 mph in heavy snow at times visibility was less than 30 ft the reasonable response would been been to stay in the tent to ride out the storm however Roy had a deer Tagle left and he was going hunting we plunged to the

Deepening snow checking checking protected draws where deer might seek shelter for an hour we did not see a deer but then through the curtain of blowing snow we made out a buck bed with a dough crawling through the snow we got within 40 yards but Roy did not have a

Clear shot and we could get no closer for 2 hours we crouched in the Roaring wind snow hitting us like bullets waiting for the buck to move my goal was to shoot video but in reality I wanted to run to the I was freezing Roy wouldn’t budge he was going to kill that

Deer he kept his hands bare so he could shoot as he faced the wind keeping visual ice coated his face let me know if you’re going to shoot I shouted over the Roar as I hunkered back to the wind Pro to protect my hands and face Roy

Stayed po poised to shoot at last the buck stood giving Roy a shot as Roy’s Arrow disappeared in the blowing snow the hard hit Buck sprinted down the hill sending plumes of snow flying with each bound knowing the trail would seem disappear we followed immediately and found the buck floating

In a creek he had tried to jump the creek but had died mid-flight and landed in the water so yeah that’s Roy in in Crazy weather conditions also so that just gives gives you the idea of I don’t even know I mean to say tough it’s not it’s not tough it’s more

Than tough I don’t know what it is but it’s like as Joe that little clip I played of Joe it’s like the special breed of men not many people are going to go out in those conditions and then if out there not many people are going to be

Able to get a buck killed but there’s a special breed of men who will that’s Roy that’s why we tell these stories that’s Bart Shyer that’s Paul Schaefer that’s so many Legends out there that people don’t know about it’s my goal to it’s my goal to share these stories about these guys who

Just impacted my life so November 10th this is Dwight picking up in his article again November 10th was our pickup day the plan was simple we would Mo motor 15 miles Downstream to a point where Roland could land his plane to pick us up and

I’ve done this hunt too um Roy and I went here how you get in there is they’ll they’ll land on it’s a little river but those float planes can land on if if it’s deep enough they can land on a little river it’s kind of more like a

Creek and then we’d Camp right there by the side but to be able to land there they have to have water it can’t be frozen right um the pontoons have to be able to hit the water and slow down and do everything they do if the river’s Frozen not going to

Happen so then when you get in there by that and or you need to float down the river to a pick a spot to get out the river cannot be Flo Frozen right so that’s the challenge these guys had at this time mercifully the wind had

Subsided but the snow is now 2 feet deep and slabs of slush floated down the icy River the big question was how do we fit our 1200 lb of gear weighted on the Seahawk scale before the flight out plus eight deer into a 12T raft so they killed eight

Bucks that’s a lot of deer um into a 12T raft with his usual finesse Roy attacked the project by the time he had constructed a float Mountain only one question remained where am I supposed to sit I said just climb up top Roy laughed those deer those deer racks

Will hold you down despite the precarious load we were lated as we were headed Downstream we had great hunting and be home within and we’d be home within a day life was good when we fit the when we hit the first ice Jam we tried to break through with the raft but

That proved impossible the ice was too thick and extended Downstream for at least a mile fortunately we had a satellite phone enabling us to call seak Air that afternoon R Roland flew out to survey the situation his report he could see no place to land near us we’d have

To reach original pickup point we had 2 miles of ice to Portage he would drop us some food the next day good luck we set up camp at the head of the ice and for the next two days packed GE gear and let’s

See oh we set up camp at the head of the ice and for the next two days packed gear and deer packing one deer at a time 60 to 70 lbs I felt heroic Roy packed two deer at a time and as if that weren’t enough he tied a plastic tarp to

His pack frame and dragged another 100 lbs of gear over the snow on easier trip trips he packed the 100lb raft and the 15 horse outboard with all of our gear finally at Open Water we again launched a floating Mountain we were jubilent a mile Downstream we hit more ice when

Roland had mentioned 2 miles of ice we thought thought he meant the ice who had just portaged around we were wrong we spent several hours scouting on foot and learned the next Open Water according to my GPS was exactly 1.8 Mi straight line from the raft could we do another

Portage twice as long as the first I wasn’t sure we have no choice Roy said confidently let’s get after it once again we set up camp and for the next 3 days 8 hours a day now listen 8 hours a day is pretty much all the

Daylight you have on Kodiak in this time time of year cuz it’s it gets light like at maybe 8:00 in the morning and dark at 4: in the afternoon so when he said they were working eight hours that was basically the whole daylight and then it

Was dark the nights are super long on Kodiak when you’re getting in into November um yeah 16 hours a night eight hours a day plus a brown bear walking around um so yeah that’s that’s why they had eight hours to get it done so

Uh 8 hours a day we packed gear and deer laughing and joking Roy acted as if we were having fun the only serious threat seemed to be the smell in our tent it was bad Roy blamed me I blamed him we did nothing about it on the night of

November 16th one week behind schedule we had everything but the tent and sleeping bags down in Open Water one last load the morning of November 17th and we were home free so that’s Roy and Dwight’s hunt they were they were going to hunt I think for about 12 days they

Got stuck they were there for 20 some days on Kodiak Island and uh it’s I don’t know what an adventure right and sadly both these men are gone now do I died of cancer a few years ago um Roy obviously fell sheep hunting in 2015 both Legends both gone but their

Stories live on and um all let’s wrap wrap this up with uh this last paragraph here of Dwight’s article in Alaska nothing inspires joy and Triumph like the sight of a long awaited bush plane and Roy and I felt those emotions as rolling taxi to the

Bank of the river to pick us up finally Deliverance despite our trials we felt no regrets after all we had had great deer hunting for ruding Sitka bucks and we’d enjoyed endless fun with the decoy hats yes we had our trials but they simply had taught us a lot about

Ourselves we had built a great relationship and three weeks in the field proved Baba mean’s assessment of Roy Roth absolutely accurate above all the whole experience had reinforced in me the immutable truth that you cannot judge a couch potato by his skin so that that was just a mistake

People would make about Roy until they spent one minute around him um yeah it’s uh yeah so that’s uh I I just like telling the the backstory of Roy so people who again from me it’s it’s one thing from Legends like Dwight bobam me Frank nska it’s another um and I’ll just

Wrap up this little this episode here about a we’ll just call it a different breed of men um this is an article I wrote in Bow Hunter this is back in uh September of 2010 and here on the on the top of the front cover there says cam hannes is a

Wannabe pride yourself in being an intimidate imitator page 12 so this is when I first started my column for bow hunter and I wrote this article and it’s called wannabe when you imitate someone worthy of imitation you can pride yourself on being an imitator and uh it was me

Basically telling Roy stories about why he was he was who I wanted to live up to and it’s like it’s a great picture of me and Roy on on my doll sheep hunt I killed uh my only doll sheep on on Pioneer Peak there which is the hunt Roy was on when he

Fell but we had a great one great trip there got it done um in this article here called the wannabe I mentioned Roy’s toughness and and and I said here back in the early 90s Roy and I wanted to hunt the back country but we couldn’t afford to

Hire horse Packers thankfully his Dad decided to buy some llamas which we trained to huler gear during one scouting trip deep in the Oregon’s Three Sisters Wilderness with the llamas Roy was hitting some dinner on a single burner propane stove using a pot with a handle that would hang down on the

Bottom side of the pot essentially right in the propane flame we’re boiling water to make a little mac and cheese so once it came to boil Roy G gingerly lifted the handle and grabbed it to lift the pot off the burner well that handle was Branding Iron hot and when Roy began to

Lift the pot the handle melted into his skin on his fingers he couldn’t throw it down because boiling water is a precious commodity commodity in the back country so he set it down as fast as possible while exclaiming Jiminy Christmas that is hot as a side note in close to 30

Years of knowing Roy I’ve never heard him utter even one cuss word so that was another fun fact Roy just didn’t cuss but he was funny as hell somehow um anyway he had a deep burn seemingly to the bone on the backs side of his second knuckle where the pot handle had rested

As he lifted the pot we stayed in the wilderness for a couple days after that and he never mentioned it again he just wrapped his fingers in duct tape and kept on keeping on approach no mountain is too high or challenge too great for Roy to overcome

Back in 2001 Roy and a couple of buddies and I were hunting spring bearss on Prince Welles Island to hunt the way we do there we need a decent sized aluminum boat and with an outboard capable of handling big rough Open Water early on in our hunt the outboard went the

Outboard went gunny bag we had a tiny inflatable raft in 8 footer I think with an equally tiny 8 horse outboard we’d hauled it along just for emergencies well Roy knew the success of our hunt was in Jeopardy without the big skiff and the 40 horsepower motor the four of

Us simply could not cover enough country Roy decided to do something just as dark was falling he hopped into the inflatable raft fired up the little outboard and took off towards the closest town 15 or so Miles Away mind you most of his travel would

Be in the dark even worse the front of the lightweight raft constantly tried to lift off the water seemingly ready to blow over so for about 3 hours Roy had to operate the throttle while leaning toward the front to keep the raft from blowing over backwards he got to town

Late slept for a while and somehow some way found an outfit that would fly a new motor out from ketchican on a Sunday no less the next day the other guys and I hung around Camp shooting our bows on wondering what was going on when we spotted a fishing boat in the distance

As it got closer and closer we’ see we could see Roy on board he had hitched a ride with a commercial boat operator new outboard motor and all we were in business again and we ended up killing big Pope and young black bears which never would have happened without Roy’s over-the-top effort

Um yeah so that’s that’s just a couple stories about Roy it’s uh and he was he was tough to earn respect from for sure I also remember another story took he took a guy here into the three sisters Wilderness and and just kind of kind on scouting trip I

Think he might have taken the llamas I think scouting for Elk but might have taken the llamas just to get him you know you got to work those llamas to get him in shape and um they went in there for a couple days came about and I said

Uh I said hey how did the how’ the trip go how’d that guy do and Roy’s like uh he kind of a whiner and I said oh yeah I said what about he’s like oh well it we didn’t set up the tents really good and

Then it started a big storm came in it started pouring and so you know our sleeping bags were laying in water and uh we were just soaked all night and yeah I said so he’s whining about about being soaked all night in wetle back but to Roy that was

Like what are you going to do you don’t whine about it it’s just the way it is it’s just kind he had he had uh yeah his own measure of t toughness for sure really tough to to live up to um I’m GNA wrap up this uh this other different

Breed of man podcast with uh this last last little reading here in this article Wannabe from my Colman bow hunter I write Roy doesn’t bow hunt for Glory through the years and all the bow hunting success he’s experienced Roy has never once s in a picture sent in a

Picture to a magazine for publication never once written an article telling of his experiences never once tried to reach out to a TV network about putting together a show and as crazy as it sounds in this day and age Roy has never once made a hunting Forum or Facebook

Posting emails he’d sent a handful in his life if I hadn’t written a few articles about Roy and his exploits his bow hunting accomplishments would largely be unknown all that being said Roy does bow hunt for something other than punching tags and filling freezers in an article called it’s not about the

Bow which I wrote a few years ago I asked Roy how he is so successful in some of the toughest B hunts in the world not 100% sure what my key is Roy answered I think it’s probably a lot of little things above all I’m always I always stay positive a few random

Thoughts I think some at my Approach Roy continued I try to learn from people who know more than me and I try to make my own luck by doing the extra stuff above all I believe God blessed me with certain gifts to use for his glory personally despite the somewhat negative

Con connotation of the Urban Dictionary definition I don’t think being a wannabe is necessarily A Bad Thing the way I see it looking up to people who stand for the right things do things the right way and stay true to themselves and is nothing but positive I don’t have any

Problem being a Roy Roth wannabe how about you do you know someone who makes you a Bohan and wannabe I hope so so that’s how I endered that up that is an another example of why it’s so important that we share these stories we share these stories of incred rible men we

Celebrate what it means to be tough we hopefully hopefully through peer pressure or through I don’t know what dissuade The Hating indust The Hating of the hunting industry the you’ve had more success than I have I don’t like that that makes me feel bad I don’t want you to be successful I mean

What are we doing what are we doing so let’s keep setting the standard let’s keep pushing the envelope let’s make stories let’s make our own stories that people might read in the future that people might say God did you hear about this guy listen to this story just like I’m doing

Here we’re doing it now get out there hunt shoot your bow become immersed in this the whole process of archery the respect for the game the the love the love of the country the embracing The Challenge and the the uh unforgiving nature of the mountains that we love embrace

It it gets tough yes that makes a great story that’s a great opportunity to overcome to believe in yourself to to get it done and then when you get out here in the regular world it’s a cakewalk it’s a cakewalk baby you’ve lived through the toughest conditions of

The mountains hunting the the most intense animals and you’ve come home to tell to share your story that’s beautiful that’s living that’s living life at its fullest that should be all our goals thanks for listening keep Hammering energy and boom I hear them talking saying the way that I move is so reckless that is a part of my mind I’ve been blessed with giving my blood so I am Relentless my fault they want someone to blame they s their hate it fuels my

Pace I am Roy tough I am the change the few in dirt feeling like cam hands on that I just died that I am dirt give me them odds nobody wants I’ll give you my heart I carry the work give me that impossible task I’ll give you that

Unbreakable curage give me that right up and that hurt I’ll give you that mindset that I Hur give me that last question on Earth did I just die did I Endure


  1. I love it man great stuff. It’s crazy to me that you’re from Eugene and went to Mohawk high school. I was born in Eugene and went to Siletz high school. I grew up in a really small town hunting the Oregon coast.

  2. Got my Nobody Cares, Work Harder bracelet and I love it. I’m a Journeyman Plumber in Northeast Arkansas and I see that phrase through my day. Even when I’m sitting in a warm truck and I have to get out in 20 degree temperatures and part of me wants to stay. That bracelet is a good reminder to get after it and feel lucky I get to work in freezing cold temperatures. Cheers.

  3. Men are born with different capacities. If we are free we will never be equal. If we are equal we will never be free.

  4. This is/has always been my mindset as well, it's okay to be envious – but jealousy is a lousy thing that only destroys a person's motivation to accomplish something on or of their own. When you're envious you'll look for ways to accomplish the same thing and make it your own. – GREAT PODCAST with a GREATER MESSAGE.

  5. I'm 72 and I've always been a fan of yours. And all the names you mentioned!! I read all the articles to about those men for years.Brought back tons of memories! Thanks Cam!

  6. I think you’re filling his shoes quite well. I often find myself when I’m hunting thinking about how you’d handle a situation, Cam. Lol. As lame as that may sound. I’ve been hunting for about 4 years and killed my first buck this season. I really look up to guys like you and I’ve managed to get out there and figure it out.

  7. Cameron, I’ve binged on all your videos recently and love how respectful and encouraging you are with everyone. You’ve inspired me so much, thankyou. I’ve been carrying a 15kg (33 pounds) sandbag up and down our local mountain and you’ve inspired me to go harder. I started doing about 4.5km and now up to 8km, up and around the mountain, so it’s time to up the weight. Keep hammering man!

  8. I’m female and I love this channel. Love and respect to all the men who keep hammering in this world. These are the men who raise boys to be unwavering and calm in chaos. Thanks for bringing us the strongest of the strong Cameron.

  9. Cam I love the pod casts and what your doing for bow hunting! I too grew up to Dwight Schuh and Larry D Jones they are an inspiration to me also! I believe back in the early 2000’s you shot a Quebec Labrador caribou in velvet and it edged my number one position out in Pope and Young! You did a story in Bowhunter about it and I still have that edition to this day!

  10. Couldn’t have said it better, someone needs to put the hunt quietly fellas in their place. No one wants overcrowding obviously, I have always agreed with this point they have made but have not been able to pin point exactly what I despised about their viewpoints. I don’t have any social media accounts so I haven’t necessarily disagreed with their approach to social media but I think you laid out your stance well.

  11. Not to be that guy, but how can you watch this man speak and not hit the thumbs up button? It helps push the channel. Be selfless brothers & sisters.

  12. Koi fish pushes pebble upstream to top of mountain, transforms into dragon. (The Floating Stone) There is a stone on top of the mountain that shapes the horizon, where the feathered eagle struggles to fly, this stone simply lies, consistent in the heights, and the pebble in your boot is greater than the mountain in your way. Along the path of urgency are those waist deep in destiny, beyond the muck and mire, where men burn their desires, a patient stone resides. Behold the Odyssey of Time. The years transform into a moment that defines an age. The weight of the future is the past, and by the present it is belayed. When the present circumstance becomes unbearable, the past will come crashing down, destroying the future. We know he who has memory is from the past. We understand that he who is aware is in the present. Then we must acknowledge that he who is enlightened is from the future. (Shadow Boxer's Quantum Precision Temporal Shift retains Atomic Integrity compounds Butterfly Effect within a Cosmic Nexus) 2012 Land of the Piaute beside the ancient lake directly beneath the axis of the eclipse at a distance of 1 meter the Shadow Boxer is exactly 3 nanoseconds ahead of the shadow. By defeating darkness the Shadow Boxer engages the stars in a universal battle of natural selection for celestial light, decreasing load and growing time.

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