This 0.01% Golf Shot Happened TWICE In ONE Round | Breaking Par Ep4

Our last video from La Cala and probably the unluckiest round of golf I’ve ever played!

Let me know if this counts! 🤣

Hope you enjoy, Gaz!

Right takeit the part no take the Freaking Flag out what you know you know that was good hello guys and welcome back to the channel right this is episode 4 four of trying to break part of nine holes basically I had the round of My Life um

Against Jimmy and tubes and all that on golf life shot three under through nine holes now as you do with golf you get the bug right now I want to shoot under paw over nine holes again we’ve been trying we’ve been so close episode one

We had an eagle put to do it we missed it episode two we close episode three all we needed was a birdie on the last hole so we’re close very close back nine America course here at laala it’s lovely the sun’s coming up it’s about lunch

Time TI jump I’ll be coming off soon first hole Par Four Four 300 no it’s playing 3 380 yards straight up the hill as a line driver’s been on fire this trip let’s see if it’s still working fish bash BOS There She Goes game head on let’s go one thing

That’s so nice about being abroad again it’s like summer golf you just you forget how far driver actually goes like in summer now I mean in Winter back home the ball’s plugging at like 2 20 230 out here uphill you’re hitting at 270 270 yards you leave yourself 90 yards in

It’s like a different game you just these are these are Big par fours you don’t you just don’t hit irons literally it’s just driver wedge driver gap wedge driver wedge right 100 yards I’m actually going to go full 56 for once I think it’ll just land 100 yards on the nose

Go on be good be good be good oh no came up short just get this divot that came up oh I felt like I stried it well as I felt like I hit it well and then it’s just it’s just just came up short only about 10 yards off should be quite an

Easy up and down wasn’t far away I mean we could have went a little bit longer I’m just going to put this I’m literally is going to tap well not tap it but we don’t want to start with a bgy just tap this up the hill good PA save good posive good

Posive well it’s not the birdie we’re looking for but we can’t argue with pause 98 yards in I should be getting birdie puts really but look end the day I said paws are good it will come episode four can we do it right water paw for 194

Yards what’s the front of the green pins right at the back and the the front of the green is 173 I think I’m going to go 79 which should land just on oh come on wind yes here it comes Tom get on it B on like I said little release Here It

Comes I mean I couldn’t execute a shot any better than what I said there land it at the front let it release and roll on a little bit 79 boom 79 of death that pin look it’s at the back if I’d G out the pin and landed that Ball’s gone so i’ left

Our a bit of a tricky put but i’ say this is about a do know quite a big pot I can’t believe that’s got there I hit that so soft I actually thought it was bad yes get in that was a nervy nervy nervy put good

Part hard hole 4 yard par for par three a par snap your hand off we CU I’m playing like I’m playing solid but cuz we’re trying to shoot under Paw I’m just going to I’m just pling along just plot along scramble I scrambled well on that

On that first hole good two put there we’re just pling along we just need some kind of luck to get a birdie put to drop it’s all we need this should get right down there driver hasn’t been a problem cheating stick is flying oh my God man this thing is

Mental again this scen is is really narrow and really long so again it’s not a birdie hole like if we get anywhere near it it’ll be lucky but again just keep plotting away don’t chase the birdies just play the game and hopefully we get

A bit of look one two one it’s a gap wedge we’re not even going to think about it we’re just going to hit it perfect gap wedge don’t think about it just line up you’ve got your Club you know your shot hit the ball I pulled it the hill that is so

Bad turns out you don’t just get your ball walk up to it and hit it then just goes left let’s get my divot watch this guys I bet you if I get another ball bet if I get a provisional and just put it on there hit it it’ll go just on

The pin why is it you can always do it with a provisional Ready [Laughter] Steady oh that was short anyway turn out I’m just I cannot stop it I can’t even send it up in the sky because that Tre there I’m going have to land it on the

Hill and hope it doesn’t get stuck in the grass do you know what that’s a that’s a great shot you know that you know that was good I said keep my head down straight put boom that felt good that felt that’s why you play golf little moments like

That come on next to right we’re going to go foury in here it’s not a long hole and it’s one of them ones where you end up in that in a dip again so you all you got to do is get it over the like literally go straight at the green over

The brow of that hill and it all feeds down to this like this little bowl just down there and bounce and roll down the corner it might stay in the top if not it’s ran down perfectly right fine again worked out perfectly it’s where everyone lands like

I said you just got get over that brow that hill and you end up down here um 131 yards in we got wedge again on the green and how close it’ll be this is the this this here now is the difference between like like European tour Pros scratch golfers plus two

Golfers whatever they can all get here like I can get here but it’s this bit now like 75 yards they’re Landing within 5 yards like even from 128 they’re challenging birdie puts pretty much all the time for me it’s been like Fringe short bit 30 foot they they’re they’re peppering the pin and

That’s just something I can’t do at the minute obviously that’s the next stage for me working on obviously I’m always trying to improve I’m always getting I get a lesson every month and I will try try my hardest to get there that is what it is about it’s about this shot

Everyone can hit the t- shot somewhere in this big area but that pin is Tiny that Target is Tiny now we need to get near it and that’s the hard part so hopefully time coming we can get start challenging the pin a bit more to be fair it’s not it’s not the

Worst it’s not the worst quite they are small greens right here it’s another one of these like off the green kind of just going to go for it oh my God go in go in that would have been the most unexpected birdie ever right take the part

No is that is that a bogy or get in the comments what the hell is that what what what how is that a bogie no I I don’t understand the rules that can’t be a bogy is it we’re gonna leave that as like a bogey paw and we’ll check what that actually

Is can’t it be can it it’s that’s a boogie you’re lying we can’t be one over for that not after everything I’ve been through are you kidding me it’s that boogy no no oh 124 yards don’t really know if there’s a breeze or not might be

Slightly down you know this te Box is always on a hill it’s always on like a like a slope you see it so I’m going to aim right cuz it’s you got to watch that the tea box if a tea box is on a hill then the ball’s going to draw so

I’m on a hill there basically the whole thing’s on a hill I can’t really get on a flat so it’s going to draw so I’m going to aim at that middle the middle third tree nice big green this one comp back the rest of them come on

10 pin ey he just right hand side right right hand side of the green I thought it was going to draw more never mind we’re on I can’t believe that put is it honestly a bgy I wish I could like read the comments live like I

Wish is like a live stream so I’m watching you guys comment as I’m doing it but I won’t be I’ll have to read the comments when the video goes out impossible let’s have a little look at this a point wise I need to get the ball to Die Here turn now here it

Comes not bad was it eh you were all doubting me there you were thinking this guy is a Nutter but we got a tap in for a par from a very hard put G take the Freaking Flag out why what why why wouldn’t you learn from the last freaking hole to take the

Freaking Flag out what I don’t even want to talk I don’t even want to talk the tea box normally is in here it’s normally back a little bit but we could take full advantage of this and just send it over this tree and we could literally have

The birdie On a par five or even the eagle let’s just send it over this tree and see what happens right over there shot tracer on that I’ll just be boom straight over that tree winds off the left as well push your back Fairway is massive up there so I’m not really

Worried but this time one thing I’ll definitely be taking the Freaking Flag out and we are literally A1 look at that bad boy middle of Z pin’s 200 so the pin must be at the back I’m going to hit a six smooth it gets up there even

Fringe I’ll I’ll back myself to get up and down from a good from a good thing but let’s just see where this ends up first this might go on the green to First ah it’s just a little bit l oh no it’s coming around the Ping are on the right hand

Side of the green though and that’s just gone straight to the bit bit to the left I think it might be actually might be front edge or somewhere up there there it’s not the worst place a little bit short in the wind I think just dig it just that grass just

Like almost it just digs in I’ll take that right birdie put if we hadn’t hit the flag twice this would be would be go under par well played H that to be fair that is a long par five I cut the corner so much there like I can’t

Describe how much we cut that corner we still had 200 yards in like it’s a beast of a hole so a p is good just still too over but wait till you see this par three playing 115 I can’t s this 150 in Wind into off the right the

View you’ve got from there this is an epic par three I’m going to try and go at it the pin is so dangerous man but we’re going for it ah it’s just coming it’s just coming in the middle of the green yeah pin ey to the

Left we went for it I went for it don’t know why I just want to hit this without lining it up without anything I just want to hit it flag out e p that was very cocky I’m sorry so we’re actually only two over and the two over

We are is cuz we hit the flag twice if I hadn’t have done that we could have actually been going down the last which is a par five par well got to par this first left of the bunk guys you know what the driver’s going to do it’s always on [Laughter]

Fire oh thing’s a joke yeah left hand sight absolutely never a problem never a doubt but people are asking it’s the g430 max with Ventus TR 60x what a combo Little shout out to golf repairs for you he uh he fit me for the driver and it’s been an absolute weapon ever

Since 79 yards just again it’s a very narrow green I’m going to go 50 I can’t be short if I go long it’ll catch the bank and roll on so let’s go like a good chest swing I think sure right we’re going to go release two

Send it up in the sky land it soft do you know is I’m doing them I I caught that heavy it’s gone miles leaving the flag in just tap it boy well at least that’s actual bogy and not one that just bounced off the flag right this is like tiger tiger

Tiger line if you play this Hall and you can hit drive like 260 270 280 your line is the pylons on the big mountain literally take it over these trees and it should be so far down there it’s mental uh I’ve actually hit mine a little bit FY to the

Right actually hit the tree caught the bank it’s going to R do you see that oh god well we’re down there and we’ll be in the middle the ball is land at the top of this hill we’ll show you the hill when we turn it around it’s so

Far it’s so far down we going to have like a wedge in that is ridiculous how far that has gone on minute we’ve got the balls rolled 320 yards what the hell and we’ve got 118 yards to the front it’s feeding a little bit Ah just off the green

Right just off the green right you really can obviously see it but good shot e Flags in 30d to finish so we actually finished two over and that was with hitting the flag twice episode three no episode four and once again we are two over but two

Them with I’m little weird hitting the thing so playing well game’s definitely turning in the right direction I don’t know what else more I could have done really hit a couple of Da shots but yeah we’re getting there see if episode 5


  1. Of course it’s a bogey. Also, your holed putt on the Par 5 @14.33 mins would incur a two stroke penalty in stroke play and loss of hole in match play.

  2. I’m sorry Gaz, as painful as it was for you, I was fucking cracking up at your reaction when it hit the flag the second time. Talking to yourself and then squaring up to the flag done me like a kipper 😂 you and the rest of us know that them putts were in if it wasn’t for the flag so fuck it, it is what it is! Great vid as always 👌🏼

  3. It’s happened to me twice after a guy swore it’s rare. First happened during covid. I questioned what should happen. My mate said tough tits which is fair enough. What I couldn’t get my head around, was he was giving people gimmies from all over the place!! Seemed a bit inconsistent to me but you live and learn.

  4. With the shots that came up short it looks like they are all into wind in the video, do you allow for this as you don’t mention it during your pre shot? No critism, just curious.

  5. So funny hitting the flag pin, don’t that so many times, makes me laugh every time and never learn by the mistake. Just to lazy to take the pin out lol 😂

  6. Just take it out no point having something else to think about, golf’s difficult as it is just stick to what works and have done for years, simple golf prevails! 😊

  7. Imagine just standing there doing your job, minding your own business to suddenly be headbutted & thrown to floor 😂 look after the course and course will look after you

  8. Definitely a bogey. And it definitely happens more with metal flagsticks 😂 plastic ones are way softer so drop way easier.

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