Golf Babe

Should This Be The Best Hole Out Of The Year? | Top 10 Shots Of The Week

It’s been a great year! In this video, we’re looking back at the top 10 shots of the week, and saying goodbye to 2023. We ended the year with a hole out, and we can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store! #2024

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Wow to no way he does it oh my God you are you got to be kidding Me all right not the worst look in the world 30 feet breaking a little bit to the right should straighten up gently by the hole just gently ever so slightly straighten up come on baby just to see if we can go back to back because why not I mean because why not I I should go get we watch the L just off the back of the green it’s proximity wise not too bad I’m only about 20 foot which from 85 isn’t the worst but that shot face got to get control of it but a little chipping would change everything here a little

Chipping makes all the bad stuff go away little 60 just run him on you know you like it Chris I was just about to walk over you and say they are the worst shots in the winter but that was amazing love that that saves the campaign folks that right there was the

Winning shot for 30 shot challenge little birdie more right around the green it’s just full half s how many you now that takes me to 18 all right I’m going to go with n just kind of ride the wind a little bit not as much as Bubby all right make

It oh my goodness come on we’re make cuz of the blueberries who where is my C we do you even need to play this hole come on baby that’s crazy Quadzilla on the St from 195 away you kidding me right now wow he’s a he’s a Difference Maker oh that was our last

Shot everything else was pretty mean look at that ball he’s amazing oh yeah he hit the drive look at that shot for 195 away he got like a tap in Eagle you kidding me so you just got to make a play here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah I like I like the way you’re feeling you like that yeah all right all right elevation thing is kind of screwing me up with distances but I think this should be good downwind 169 is probably going to play like 155 is maybe I’m okay with the way this looks

So far climb a bit climb a bit should be good that’s what you call a dart yeah we got a hand up from our emotion cameraman on the green that was pretty a freaking dman we’ll be see that’s the reaction we want to see of him I love that we’ll be

Seeing this on Instagram shorts hey play my theme music yeah that was that was good I said I’m like that’s the reaction we want no pressure I know right pin in this is it oh sure nice huh yeah I never like solo birdie from R

Train let’s go bird there keep it hot four through three yeah four through three four through three I’ll take it yeah I think that’s okay all right I have once again missed the fair missed the Fairway I got 175 I don’t think I’m going to go full eight

Iron coming out of this stuff so I’m going to go softer 7 try to hit it that 175 probably try to air a little bit right of the flag he is good as you look wow I love you ball that was pretty good yeah it was don’t you dare Quan don’t don’t even

Think about it don’t even look at it do a I don’t even think I’m thinking about anything look at the look at what he’s about to do he’s going up in the air look at this going upstairs yep set set come on oh my God yes yes you a

You you got to be kidding me don’t be kidding me on that was Lou let’s go I threw our balls scar I’ll I know I just saw like two balls headed towards me woo princess set set come on oh my God I was going to say like that’s on

You guys you put that into the yeah I mean that was so good it was just such a perfect shot all right let’s make it I got like 265 270 to the pin there’s no ifs and butts about it I got to go for

It so I got a 5 wood in hand and hopefully I get it on the Green what the freak let’s go come on well guys I just hit probably one of the best five Woods of the trip so far I got a little downhill right to left pot for Eagle I got to make it I have to make It it’s becoming one with the green oh he’s he’s locked in he’s locked in this actually the biggest part of the trip right there Looks good just broke it the All matters let’s go go in don’t go in the hole oh do go in the hole oh no we don’t want to go oh my gosh y let’s go that was an unbelievable that was so good go shot C are you kidding me with that yeah

Go sit in that car keep hyping yourself up oh did y’all y’all missed it no we we got it that was pretty quick coming down that hill bro you saying inside inside these that much I’m Plumbing it left side of it like right here right there maybe just the hair inside of It oh you sometimes on a putt like that you’re so concerned with reading it right that you forget to hit it he fell in love with the line shorts are shorter than how short he left it shorts are short yes they’re 20 now they’re 20 now heat up nice and high in ki Sky God is that good oh God y go in the hole go in the hole oh my God oh my God we start running no shot oh my Godot 6 ft 6 ft H I didn’t even know there was a drone up there yeah we didn’t spoke too

Soon just a hair right to left inside the hole he’s back you’re back Yo cool dude easier for them they make it so much easier kind pitching fir so cold yeah there’s de on this morning oh touch te’s off touch to no way he does it oh my God he does

It ladies and gentlemen are you he’s the best go in the whole world he does it ladies and gentl give me I need a beer let’s go are you kidding me let’s I’ve never done that in my whole life god let’s go are you shidding me let’s

Go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go no need to hit oh my god oh is that what greatness feels like I got it yeah probably should probably should wait that was that was Shan that just happened it’s in the hole right like nothing holy we that s that just happened dude

dude took a year and a to something like that I mean like don’t do that holy Gango we did it that was nuts yeah so like we’re basically the best golfer in the whole world what was that 120 yeah 121 little 121 out sure couple hops what happened where is it I

Don’t know where is it you guys see it I think I found it oh sure boom Eagle we’re back on track let’s go thank you guys thank you thank you thank you thank you thank You


  1. Your list is garbage if it doesn't include at least one of .att scharffs hole in one's on par 4s

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