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Daniel Agger Tells ALL on Liverpool, Anfield, Managers, NEAR Transfers & MORE! Aldo Meets Podcast #5

Dive into the captivating world of ex-Liverpool defender Daniel Agger on the Aldo Meets podcast! Hear exclusive stories of highs and lows in the iconic Liverpool FC shirt, near transfers to rivals such as Manchester City & Everton, Anfield’s electrifying atmosphere, and insights on playing under managers like Benitez, Rodgers, and Dalglish. Discover the untold tales of Agger’s career, his memorable Champions League final goal, and the impact of injuries. Join Aldo, James, and Peter for an unforgettable episode packed with football anecdotes and more! Don’t miss out on this fantastic journey through Agger’s football legacy in episode 5 of the podcast!

Daniel spent 8 years and had 232 appearances in a Liverpool shirt scoring 14 goals and providing 14 assists winning the League Cup and the Community Shield as well as reaching a Champions League final with the club.

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You the story of a boy he was set F away from his home to fight for this King had a country and all saw the old folks back home so the put Vis hi everyone J here with episode five of Aldo meets podcast in conjunction with the hotel anfield over the coming

Months and years hopefully we’ll be interviewing some of Liverpool’s iconic players uh from the past and and maybe from the future you’d never know and and I’m delighted to say today Daniel Ager what a star w war he was for Liverpool for nearly 10 years has joined us all

The way from Denmark so so great to see you mate thank you what brings you to Liverpool obviously need to see a game hopefully win tomorrow uh I actually brought my youngest son uh for the first time here so so he’s gonna gonna have that experience so his first time first

Time yeah no first time for a game he he been here got the kit and yeah of course just been you bringing him up well just yeah that’s that’s what run away mate good must be delighted to be back though obviously I’ve seen you a few times

You’ve been back for the games actually you look fit enough that you could still play uh I feel okay but uh I don’t think I want to be in there right now you look great M and Daniel what are you up to these days where you where are

You based uh I’m based in Copenhagen uh obviously I’ve been uh coaching the last two years uh finished here in the summer um and uh at the moment I’m just taking care of my uh businesses are you looking to get back into management I hope so uh

But for me it’s also about timing it’s about the right the right thing uh the right place um and it’s h you know the jobs are not hanging around it’s it’s h it’s difficult if you uh if you my position with with with with younger

Kids and and have been moving a lot and and finally found some stability in Copenhagen so um I don’t want to damage that once again but you you’ve recharged your batteries after after the football you had the family time your agents ago now as well yeah that was

Actually what I felt uh when I stopped I I felt I just need to recharge I just need to get away from it uh the whole circus not only the football but the the whole surrounding uh if you pull what I found that one was TR me I was five

Years there um it it drained me you you you tend to neglect your family in many many ways and and you you want to do the things right for for your family in the future obviously by being successful but you you tend to look after the team and

The club and everything and you’re put and you can’t sleep over night time was you the same as that yeah 100% but but also not only for my family but also for myself you know I I I felt I needed to get away okay I felt I needed that break

Uh and I actually didn’t I didn’t expect to get back into football but I felt after couple of years that uh first of all I was really disappointed with the whole end of my career I felt I had more so much more to give uh I I always always been really critical

About uh myself uh and also about what I achieved and and it’s it’s not until now where I start to think okay maybe maybe it was okay uh I always felt I could do more I could do more I could do more and that’s why the first the many many years

Just after I retired I I I almost punished Myself by not doing enough uh for for uh also for stopping early but I I at the time I felt that was right uh and I I just needed to get away and uh and luckily I found that uh Feeling

Again I wanted to be there and a lot of people they they a lot of footballers they always say it’s about the dressing room and all that but it was not that for me it was about the three points it’s about being on the pitch it’s about having that winning feeling uh week

After week after week aiming for that uh that was my drug it was my Dr to be on the pitch uh I was I was I loved the dressing room I loved all these things but it was not what I missed I could find that in other places okay but it

Was it was that winning winning feeling and and doing well in your businesses companies all these things it’s not the same feel I wouldn’t like to play golf against you then did did did winning as a manager come close to replica in the buzz winning as a player 100% did yeah 100%

And and the the one that told me was steevie Stevie G told me that it’s even it’s even better as a manager and I didn’t believe him at the time but uh but but I tell you it’s it’s the feelings are it’s not the same but I

Would say it’s it’s it’s it’s up there yeah I think I think what Daniel’s he spot on like again management I think the pressure comes with management much more than than a player and I’m looking at the way Daniels foring himself he put so much pressure on himself which I did

For scoring goals I need to score goals otherwise I was a failure that’s a similar type of thing what what you’re saying but but we’re with the team it’s they win all your energy has gone into that in a week and and it’s like it’s not just the winning it’s like the

Pressure’s off yeah you’re responsible for everything AR Absolut the pressure’s off as well you can you can go yes what great great three points but you know for the next few days there’s no pressure you’ve got the you know what I mean relief more than anything isn’t it

Yeah but but I also think uh when I played it was more I could get away from the game much quicker yeah so I could I could think about it uh maybe the night the day after and then just forget it where as as a manager you can’t just

Forget it no you need to analyze it you need to see what went wrong what was good all the players individually as well so all the week you spent preparing you still look at the the game from last week so it’s always there and then new

Game is coming and then you start all over spot on where where it was a lot easier as a player you you you just focus on yourself the next game it forget the last game on to the next one absolutely because I think it was two

Years ago now I came across to Denmark to to see you and you managing in the the second tier there how how did you find that challenge because I remember you saying you had a small budget I think it was only what 1.5 million a

Year I think you know a world away from kind of the the Premier League how how did you find that that the challenge and what did you learn the most from the experience do you think it was a good experience and it was uh the learning

For me was was unbelievable um I learned a lot more about football in two years there than I did in my whole career also because I had to see different ways and I had to go into different players Minds also uh with all due respect to the things first

Division um it’s just miles of the level I played in uh in the Premier League uh so I also had to take my ideas from here and then put them down to the floor start all over uh and it was basic things that that that that we had to go

Through and uh and and and it was tough especially with the budget and and the budget kept being cut by an owner that that actually said something did something else and you know you you always had to it was it was also politics and there was so many

Different things not only football yeah and that’s the problem when it’s the football I like uh it’s the games I like it’s being on the pitch but you have to deal with so many other things yeah yeah because you’re managing up and you’re managing down yeah you have to you have

To but but it was a good experience and and I learned a lot and and uh I also learned I definitely learned something where that definitely doesn’t work yeah maybe work it will work in new but it definitely don’t work there yeah H so you you you almost have to navigate in

In in what’s working here what I would work frustrating it’s frustrating because sometimes do due respect to the players you got round yeah they’re not at the level that you you played and plays you with and and I found that a little bit um your expectations then in training

You want them to be better than perhaps they are and you you got to see that sooner rather than later because you can damage them as well as your own your own your own 100% And it’s it’s it’s all down to expectation do you expect too much from them from

The beginning it’s then it’s going to be uphill all the way yeah so when when you step down at the end of last season was it because you felt as if you’d taken them as far as you could um first of all my contract was up uh and second of all uh the

Ambition uh in the club was taken right down to instead of we have to avoid relegation and uh and uh two years there was enough for me uh and uh they are also struggling this season uh and and fair off because the budget is solo um but uh but

In if I put everything together it was a good experience yeah and in terms of the next challenge do you think that will be in Denmark again or you looking further a field to T yourself overseas I’m not sure but I I hope it will be in deont again uh there’s um

I still I still feel I have a I can go up a level there uh and still get something out of it and uh also have some experience to pass on there so I hope so maybe end up in Spain spish has to be know you got a

Place in Spain the weather’s a lot lot warmer this time you than Denmark you never know though do you no you never know I I was uh actually before I started in Carew I was offered a a job down there uh okay far from uh from

Where we live but I I had to say no because I I obviously my Spanish is not good enough to to be yeah but managers come over there and you know you put yourself down there managers come over here and can’t speak a word of English have interpreters over the years so it

Comes along have another I might come and join you got yourself a new assistant I speak a bit of Spanish I I mean I do wonder how you juggle all the different plates because uh obviously you also have various business interests right uh one um quite

Notably 10 years ago that you set up with your brother Marco seid company what what how did that come about tell us a little bit more about uh was there a Gap in the market it was uh it was actually my brother that had a a summer

Job uh in a a big switch company in Denmark and uh and he he came to me after and he said uh it’s unbelievable this day are making a lot of money and we can do it with um so uh yeah so we uh we actually just investigated and and

Got it all up and and running and it it’s just went so fast uh and uh and he’s he’s been good he’s been really good and obviously you’re um you’re the the app that’s the biggest tattoo Community the AGA Foundation Building firm still in Spain as well uh the AA Foundation is something

Different that is more the charitable side the and how long has that been going what does it focus on uh it’s been going for 10 15 years uh and obviously it’s All About Kids uh now nowadays uh more and more kids are are struggling uh more and more families are struggling uh

And uh there’s more need for it now than than ever so we’re trying to to to raise as much money as we can to to help as as many kids as possible yeah fantastic what’s what’s the story with your tattoo business is that is that an

App is it where users around the world it’s a cooking platform so uh it’s it’s it’s basically the place to go if you if you want a a tattoo and you don’t really know where to go and you know know which type of uh tattoo artist you need for

Your style and stuff like that and and uh also if you need a place where uh you you know if if we tell you to go to this tattoo artist he’s he’s a proper tattoo artist he’s he’s good um and uh and um exact actually uh it’s going really well

A lot of people are using our our platform and uh idea it’s going forward I think there’s an idea there to raise some money for your foundation you know could a Liverpool supporter get a tattoo done by you because we here you are you are qualified how much Daniel how much

For a nice LFC Crest on the arms down by you you’ll be sad if I had to do that I do it for charity I layer it away again that’s not the end of the things here I didn’t even realize you got a Building Company in Spain as well uh

Next to the resort where you live is la zagala is that what it isala yeah zagaleta yeah yeah wow and you got that’s right right by J jalta not far can see from see I like jalon actually I do like you got you got various building projects there going on

Yeah we have and You’ still got the Villa there yourself The Villa there yeah and and we’re building stay like this that you wish you were there and it’s freezing cuz you had jgen klopp and his players paid you a visit didn’t I think what was that before Champs League final

In Kia wasn’t it what was that like kids my kids loved it were the golfing in that way no they were just for they had a training camp in B I think didn’t they and yeah the feedback was tremendous yeah was saying it’s maybe the nicest house he’s ever seen

Which is quite a statement well on you good on you absolutely absolutely so yeah this is John Aldridge podcast with d Hy Daniel Ager James Pierce and Peter [Laughter] Shilon story of a po boy he was s FL away from his home to fight for this King had his country and all the old folks back home so the put well as a kid in in Denmark when you were young growing up what teams really influen you uh

Obviously in in England or what players for Denmark or or England when you were a kid I have to say that uh my uh my former coach Michael L he play Barcelona he was he was some player he’s a good player one he really good player played against him and all for

For irand a couple of times against Dem he’s very very good to say the least yeah and he obviously played for some of the biggest clubs uh and and he was a he was a good coach as well I lik him I enjoyed playing for

Him he might got that off your own C cuz he you know C he was under C under that’s true yeah that’s true so he was definitely uh he was definitely the one up there um and probably he’s still a big start in Denmark yeah I’m sure he is

See and what’s he doing now he’s uh he’s actually doing TV okay he’s actually doing TV the easy way out easy don’t say and then you made your breakthrough with a Brom that was with him was it he was the manager there you won the league

There then we won the league and we won the cup okay so a pretty good year how many years was you there before you know you got you m 18 months soan you made a quick impression then there yeah because I was actually not meant to uh I was not meant to play

Football there uh I was meant to go in the military uh when I finished my uh uh my degree um I went to business school and finished the degree there and I was going to the military but uh L’s assistant uh John Jensen oh what a good

L what a great L good guy good yeah I remember having a good night with him over in Denmark ex Liverpool players and uh after the game he came to our hotel and uh he likes a drink doesn’t he oh yeah very much like great company Prett similar great good

Player very good player he um he he went to watch uh our second uh probably second team uh watch watch us play and after that game he actually they came to me and said they want to to try me up in the first team uh and that was just

Before the summer and uh I was finished with the school in summer so I I discust it with my my dad and I said what what’s the worst going to happen is is just that it doesn’t work and I’ll go in military afterwards and then I 18 months

Later I was here happy day six million6 million pound later yeah Rafa wasn’t it it was Rafa yeah Rafa yeah how how did the move come about did he did he you just get a phone call out the blue or did you know that Liverpool been watching you closely no I was actually

Um obviously uh my first year we won the league and we won the um the top uh and I played in the national team uh against England as well one of my first games was against England W 141 wow uh was a really good game as well nice love it

And U and I was actually uh brby told me that the David Moyes the uh heon manager was in the stadium uh watching me and he wanted to speak to me afterwards and I said yeah okay whatever uh and I came after the the game I thought okay that

Was was okay game decent game and he disappeared and um and I asked the uh the club uh director there and he said no he said he said to me that uh he didn’t think you were prepared for the Premier League it’s okay fair enough and then six months after I was

Here you had a lucky Escape David Mo 8 and and to be fair he he been about that being the center half that’s a big mess is it yeah that’s a big mess you know I’d like to think I know strier like you know you know you know many

Many different V various players who play different positions but that that’s that’s an own goal in my opinion for actually actually uh one of my good friends L Jacobson he he played for he played under him uh I can’t remember it was it must have been in Everton when he

Was there and uh and he actually told me here not not long ago that uh that they were sitting uh in their Cene can and having lunch or something like that when we played against West Ham where I scored my first goal for for Liverpool

Yeah and he he he he went to L and said I think I missed one what about when you did join Liverpool obviously you know you had Stevie Stevie in the team which W you can’t say about Stevie but also you play longy car who is a great lad but even I

Can’t understand him at time you know what I mean I’m the pitch to be fair you to be fair your language is in your head and and you work alongside each other on the pitch on the pitch but it must have been great for you to be alongside yeah

But also sorry actually the the team I got into there was was uh um it’s probably the team of any teams I played in with the most characters yeah different characters uh and it was it was it was like a um it was strong characters as well uh

And and and you could really feel that in in in every single training session and and I could also feel in in the teams I played in later on in my career that there was a difference and maybe also football changed a little bit in 10

Years but but it was it was it was something I noticed when I finished my career that that first team I came into was that was some team n as well as Stevie you had Stevie you Hada you had you had Crouch you had Hammond you had

Rain yeah yeah there just so many good bamy came uh it was just uh crouchy um it was a a good group matano as well yeah he came he came a little bit after he came a little bit after and know some proper there he

Then when you get cars like that I was lucky enough to have it in many of the dressing rooms you can’t wait to get in the morning have the ban we had good fun we had good fun definitely and that that Champions League run that you were part

Of all the way through to to Athens in 2007 there must be some great memories people think especially your goal against Chelsea here in the in the second egg when Stevie played that free kick short to you but is that something you two had worked on uh actually not

Not not in not in training it was only uh it was only on paper right so it was only on paper was that one of your sweetest moments in a Liverpool shirt you think I think so but I also have to be honest that uh after losing the final

It’s just you know it disappears a l you know you don’t that was my worst feeling losing that final yeah does it make it even worse the fact that you were actually the better team for a lot of gam yeah that’s true lot if we just lost

40 and they were much better it yeah can take it but it was just the way they scored as well and you know it was yeah everything about that game do you know what that game must bring it up I always I always thought um Rafa made a massive

Massive Bloomer with this with his lineup because they were absolutely petrified of crouching and and you know and and he he didn’t didn’t start him and and every everyone and being the players must have all you’ve got to give them because they were even in the papers they were saying

About it s andan and and you know I was just like I couldn’t believe it doing raadi old city and then the game happened and and we played love we played better than we did than when we W it yeah you know in estanbul obviously they flip flipped and beat us

And all that but I always I’ll never forget that when I seen the team she I was really disappointed because I felt he was the one thing that could divide the two teams personally that’s only my op he also came on really late as I remember way

Too late yeah it was and that’s when they were panicking the last 10 minutes and then they scored the goal didn’t they too late yeah too late know you shouldn’t have put yourself down I can understand that because i’ scored goals in in semi-finals like um when we lost

The FA Cup to Wimbledon I was afterwards I was and I I had the penalty save I was I was UN controll believe so disappointed and Kenny said to me look without your two RS we wouldn’t even be there so you know it’s rather to have been there and i’ the experienced

Been never at all but I can understand you’re being like that but sometimes you got to think of the positives and I didn’t think of it till till Kenny told me that you know what I mean because and it’s true you know and without Yogo he probably wouldn’t have been there but

That that that that that game the two games we played Chelsea at anfield I have to say and I’ve been anfield you know since cetti and I’ve seen I’ve seen all these fantastic games from the cup and all that that the the Chelsea one was ridiculous the goal score one and then

The second unbelievable atmosphere I don’t know what it’s felt for you as% 100% that one and actually the game before against Barcelona that was crazy as well and and I noticed when the Barcelona went on the pitch and and they had some players there with experience

And all that but but you could see it in their eyes also because it was straight you know anfield always got full late uh but but but that day against Barcelona was full when we went to the wmart and it was the atmosphere there was from the warmer and uh and that was

That was the biggest different difference uh and it was yeah when you’re on the pitch you you don’t really notice but when you when you’re just in the warm up just stop and realize what what is actually going on yeah it was it was it does you know I’ve been forcing

You know since 1965 six sensing it and and and and you know the big games you get in there and the feelings different yeah you know you could just go it’s like it’s something it’s just you can W what’s this the Chelsea one the Chelsea one was nuts that was just

Incredible even i’ even say that’s probably the the best I’ve ever witnessed and there’s been so many I think that was probably just the best one yeah I guess the frustration was that bonit team you were part of didn’t win more because it probably should have

Done 20189 you go close in the Premier League um what do you think was I mean obviously man united were were very strong at the time what was there what there anything you can put your finger on in terms of what was lacking just that to take that final

Step obviously you can start with looking at at yourself our team but but I think man united was there was a strong per for them you had a great team um but I think comparing to to to 2014 with Brendan uh where we scored a lot of

Goals we didn’t uh back then but we we we we were solid defensively uh where it was a bit different with uh with with brendon’s mentality it’s all about scoring goals uh and I have to say I always been proper Defender in my head I’d rather

Win one n than 5’4 but it changed a little bit and Brendon actually changed that in my in my head because football is about scoring goals end of the day if you score a lot of goals if you have a team that score a lot of goals yes you

Can let one two three in and you can still win but if you have a team that doesn’t score a lot of goals when you let one in you’re going to show yeah so I actually changed also as a manager I rather go for the goals and and know

That okay maybe we’ll concede one or two but at least we’ll know we can score three I think that’s where we are now Liverpool going around in a circle that’s where we are now we we’ve got the players who can out score teams in it yeah but but yeah it’s interesting you

Saying that as a Defender now I wouldn’t I wouldn’t have perceived that like being a striker I could say like a manager have played like Jim Smith if they score three we’ll score four that type of thing but I’ve also played on the managers like Jack Charon who who

Wants to keep it tight at the back and Nick the goal one but I thought that you I thought you I I was because of pen and you probably still say the same but but I I just changed there especially with on the Brendon where I said yeah that that’s actually right you

Know we we we we believe we could score anytime uh under benites we knew that we had to keep a clean sheet yeah okay uh and and and and and I just when I when I started to think more about it uh fot police about scoring goals no

Yeah yeah no absolutely and I think I think it was in Singapore 2009 you you damaged your back didn’t you that did was was that kind of key in terms of that the consequences that followed that in terms of the other injury issues I

Think I think I think that has a lot to do with it uh also because I never really got over it uh the discour prolaps it’s they were really good good you know and I I compensated so many different ways and you know it was just

And I played with you having jobs yeah all the time uh so it was just it was one of the feelings and I think you can ask all players they’re never 100% but uh sometimes I was just maybe too low of percentage to actually play but back did back your back is you

Don’t want any anything it’s your back you know you you you you run off your back yeah Mobility as well absolutely yeah absolutely yeah yeah and it’s int it’s intri it’s so intricate there as well even when Danny’s playing the 100% they don’t know 100% in them days even

But is you know it happened to me young age and I was a long story I’ll go another time but but it does it that’s it’s so hard to at that level to keep on going in it yeah and and obviously you go you go from challenging

For the biggest prizes under Rafa to you’ve got everything going on with the Hicks and Gillette with the ownership situation and and then suddenly the club is in an absolute mess with Hodson in charge playing a brand of football that no one particularly enjoyed watching I doubt you enjoyed playing it that must

Have been a a really tough period to be a player was a really really tough period uh pretty tough period but somehow and sometimes she just has to survive uh and it was frustrating it was really frustrating uh and also after that injury uh coming back and wanted to help

The team all this and also another thing with injuries is that um when you are on that pitch everybody look at you and presume you’re injury free they don’t know what’s going on in your head or in your body and only you know and and that’s

Why sometimes when you go out there and you know you’re maybe only 60 70% is that good enough to actually you get caught out sometimes you get caught out and is it is it then fair enough to say I’m ready if you’re not it it’s one

It’s a balance isn’t it because uh you want to play all the time but you need to keep a certain level yeah and that was my biggest worry after especially after that one is that can I keep that level even though I know I will never

Reach 95% see can I keep it he’s he’s the type of player like like S I was I was naive at times that you you just want to play 60 70% you want to play put a jab in there let’s go Tommy Smith you all know the famous story about Tom go

On let’s go you know we can do it I can get away with as a striker more if I don’t score but as Defender you get caught out more so but flipping now plays just today it’s the other way round not all obviously I’m not saying all but the majority of players unless

They’re 100% they won’t play and look that’s that’s entirely up to them in our day it’s a completely not different mentality you know and Daniel epitomizes that you know by by by doing what he did and we’ve all done that you know in the 60s 70s and before not many people are

Doing now but then football being the roller coaster that it is Kenny dlish comes in gets appointed and the fear good Factor returns you’ve got um great memories then of winning The League Cup against Cardiff Etc so suddenly um things feel better again I assume yeah it did of course uh Kenny

Came in uh with Steve Clark as well he was he was it was a lot better atmosphere there when he came can he always brings a smile on your face uh and Steve was really really good uh yeah really really good uh one of the best I’ve had uh so there was definitely

Something going in the right direction uh but I also think there was a lot of things going on in the background that we didn’t really hear too much about uh which affected a lot of things but we were the feeling was definitely not like

When I came into the club uh I had this strong feeling about this team could do something and all those years it’s the feeling was not there uh on the day of course every team can do something but in the long run that was a that was a

That was difficult to see uh when you’re in the middle of it so considering that what you say which makes me feel like you were there were moments where you weren’t quite sure about the direction um of Liverpool and the ambition Etc you had offers from

Barcelona Man City but in the end you stuck with Liverpool was that um down mainly down to loyalty or also down to the intricacies of how it actually all unfolded between Barcelona City the different office I was it was it was a strange one because

Um I remember I I got presented for all these things and and the club asked me what what are we going to do and and I said if you want me here I stay here MH but if you don’t want me here if you

Don’t see me as a part of your future I think it’s time that I go yeah uh because I want to play football yeah and I prefer to do it here but if you don’t think uh I’m good enough if you don’t like me here then I like to go because these offers

Are the same I don’t know if I will have them next year or the year after or anything so that was the ongoing uh and I think that I don’t know the story completely from their side but I think they they agreed a price and they they

They accepted it uh and came to me obviously and say that this is it and I said okay fair enough and then from the side another offer came in a lot higher uh uh which they accepted and I didn’t want to go to that

Club I said if if you want to sell me I go down there self yeah otherwise I don’t go and uh another offer came in from the same Club higher and the club I could that was my feeling the club said okay we really would like you to go because

It was a lot of money back then uh and I said there’s no chance I’m going to that club so better just stop no that club be Man City yeah yeah good man you just wouldn’t play with he wouldn’t play for a domestic rival to be fair that was

That’s intriguing that you know because you’re looking at Barcelona now I’m a Liverpool fan I love lipol I wouldn’t leave Liverpool for for any and I didn’t want to but like if Barcelona could come come in before or after uh and the club wanted me to go Barcelona’s the club the

Club that you know not Madrid for me bar one enticement that is said to actually lose out with lose out on even though I know you you’re a big red as well you know that experience God that’s that’s mad that man City’s upet that’s when he

Must have got the chics coming then with all the money didn’t that’s when he did he started doing all the Dodge deal when when when you look back now do you think would you change anything do you have any regrets that you didn’t there was there was it was two years it

Was two years 2012 and 2013 and the second year uh the second year it was really really close but Brendon came in and uh he uh he said to me that he wanted to build the team around me and a couple of others and uh he really wanted

Me there and I said that’s good enough for me uh if you want me here I stay uh but then something happened and God knows a month after turned around and I don’t know why uh but that’s one thing where if I could change

Yes I I should have gone yeah if I would have known what happened yeah I should have gone because he he gave you the vice captaincy didn’t he so that’s a thing so you went from being appointed Vice Captain after Cara retired then suddenly he’s picking skirt and sacko

Sometimes even Colo T yes as well yeah did you ever get an explanation from him as to why you’d suddenly lost your place no I and I’m not I’m normally not the type that needs an explanation I just take it and I do whatever I can to get

Back in uh but at that time I I felt really really strange uh I remember I started the first four games of the season and we won all of them uh and suddenly uh after a national team break uh I was not in favor at all yeah

At all I was I was nowhere near and uh and then there was a few injuries and I got back in and I actually think I can’t remember 100% the statistic For That season but I think I played 23 games or something I won 21 of them and

I think I’m not even sure I lost one game that season maybe one um so it was it was a strange one uh and I always wanted to there there’s there’s still something in me that really wants to know what was going on because I went from getting the captaincy and him

Saying that he wants to build in three weeks to be yeah number four or five from being number one to be number four or five in three weeks makees sense and two of the weeks was a national team break yeah because around that time BR in Brendan’s early time in charge a lot

Of big characters and personalities moved on do you think maybe yeah you were one of those big personalities that you thought I don’t know but I always I know I’m not easy uh but I I’m I’m not easy because I raise questions and and and demand there’s something I demand

From my teammates for my coach for myself so yes I I say what’s on my mind and I say if if I feel there’s something wrong I tell and I go directly to the person and say I think this is wrong and maybe maybe that’s some some I know

Sometimes that’s difficult to have yeah uh and and obviously at that time I definitely couldn’t change that because I wanted more not more than anyone but I wanted really to do something with this team uh and I felt we had the team to do something uh so it was the time to

Demand even more see that’s the tra that that most managers would love from as players you know the more players like that the better you I’m going back to W day we had players like that all over the pitch yeah you know it’s when you got a quiet team you got problems really

Yeah so that that is really strange you know sometime when comes down to the manager wanting everything hands on you know that might me think that might have been the reason why it’s poor that’s poor from but you’re right it was it was in in in one two years he got rid of

Yeah all yeah yeah yeah and and then in 2014 when you decide you know it is the end of your time at Liverpool I think a lot of people were surprised at such a young age you were going back to bromi think but were you just obviously there’s a

Strong emotional tier but was there also a sense of I’m going to do it my way rather than I guess Liverpool would have liked to have sold you to a bigger club for a lot more money yeah yeah yeah obviously they wanted and they came with

A lot of clubs but it was and I can say say that today it was a wrong decision and it was I only did that because I was pissed uh and it was a wrong decision to go there because uh the the team there was the year

Before they almost relegated and it was almost bankrupt uh so I came in at a bad time and I had to try and put all the puzzle together and it was impossible but uh it was also bad because after I finished my contract there was two-year contract there I didn’t feel I could

Stay but I didn’t feel I could go out again right so the decision was to stay in Bron or retire um and that was the biggest mistake by uh going back home right I I I always wanted to finish there because it’s the club is unbelievable yeah the fans are

Unbelievable so I really wanted it was just the timing was wrong and uh I wish I could I could have just just pushed myself a little bit uh by staying here six month more and maybe it would have changed uh but I felt at the time that I had reached my Edge you

Know uh I took my career in my own hands and said now this is what I’m GNA do yeah um and at the time it was right but I can see now that maybe I should have just being a little bit more calm you should have gone somewhere else first

And then go back to BR later and yeah and and in terms of retiring at 31 was that because of the having to take you know as you reached a point where you were just sick of taking anti-inflammatories and stuff was it that was it that or was it your general

Enthusiasm had waned or what was it there was that was part of it uh because I I also in in when I played in BR I also had some few incidents where I really got black out black outs from it in games that was from taking too many

Of them yeah I know I took it every day all the time uh just to to function but but for me it was it was I just had enough you know I not only of the football but the whole thing around and I just wanted to get away and that’s why

I Disappeared down to Spain yeah wor places to go man and then that led you back to management because you thought you missed having walked away so early you thought CU I remember as a player you did say once well many you said as a player once I’m done with playing you

Won’t to say see me back involved in football again no no and I honestly believe that when I finished but I also think we talked about it last time that that I after a couple of years there was something I was missing uh and also uh the thing that I felt I had

Something I could I had something to give yeah uh and that was the that was the biggest reason why I I wanted to get back in but the sound of it I think I think you know something’s a miss and something must happen for you hopefully

Will happen for you down the line you know please help this is the the Alo podcast in conjunction with the hotel anfield with Daniel Ager James pier and pet shers man wow very impressive let me tell you the story of a boy he was s far away from his home to

Fight for his King had his country and saw the old folks back home so put him in a high division sent him up to right Dan um you played 232 times for Liverpool brilliant now 75 caps for for Denmark you Captain your country obviously two time Danish football year

Yeah played the World Cup and your always have done that as well uh what means the most here I that what makes you proud and you’re com proud out of all them it’s a difficult question it’s a difficult question uh I think uh I think it’s one of them where in my

Head I was never meant to be a footballer I always had my head it reals but as soon as I got the feel of it and thought okay maybe this can be something I said okay I’m G to be the best I can be okay and uh I think from my my

Strongest thing in football was my head yeah my mentality and and I think that is something I also take with me um away from football but football helped me with it if you understand really councils yeah yeah and Um obviously playing for your country captain your country uh Captain Liverpool it’s it’s difficult to describe tough question it’s a tough question yeah uh and also you know when I won the league with Bron and and the cup uh it’s it it’s been when I think back

All the memories and all that there’s a lot there a lot good things yeah but also just walking in the streets here and people are happy and you know when you meet people they it’s I never had any any I never had any problems or anything uh as as I hear

Some of my my former teammates they sometimes run into you know they about about but I for few that’s that’s you know that’s the best feeling you know when you meet happy people and kids coming up to you and still it’s the respect to get you know

Obviously from from a Dan’s point of view in your own country but when you come here you see the respect that you you’ve still gotten quite rightly so from from Liverpool Liverpool supporters like that that that that means a lot that means a lot I also think it’s

Important that that respect goes both ways and come a lot you come a long way with respect yeah and uh are you’re able to to appreciate more than what you did achieve in the game rather than what you’re saying what what might have you might have achieved you

Know in another five years without your injuries you know that’s another OD question by the way because what you achieved I thought out ways that what you might achieve that’s a lot what I’ve just told you they what You’ done yeah but that was that was diff your life

That has been difficult has been really really difficult it’s it’s it’s just lately where I say okay okay maybe maybe I shouldn’t be that that tough because it’s actually been I have so many good memories uh but I still there’s still part of me that says

That I should have done more there I should have should have been able to do more there but but uh I think it’s get when the years go I think it gets better better you got to stop your OD on yourself mate I’m trying I know CU you

I’m I’m similar to you in many ways but that’s what made you you know get where you are the mentality to have a strong mentality like that I I can appreciate it because you I wasn’t too dissimilar who was the toughest attacker you ever faced or who gave you the most problems

H I think I rather say a type it’s more that uh that uh smaller type the quicker type running behind the lines I think it was it was always easier to have a big strike in front of you and you know you have to fight him

Okay that that’s I won’t say it would be easy but at least you know he’s there yes I know but the players is always going in your back and running behind you and all these things especially the players is really good with runs in the box that’s the tough anyone spring to

Mind I I remember this uh it was actually United player on is it Chito he he was clever in the Box he was had some good movements and and I remember I remember always you know needed to twist and turn a lot more especially in them games you can’t give nothing away then

Think too much in terms of the managers that you work with who who did you learn the most from do you think who who did you kind of take big bits of in terms of influences on you you as a manager yourself I actually think I took from

All of them right but both bad and good uh and that was something I thought a lot about uh going into management because I I I I I don’t really have to know what type of manager I want to be but I also have to know what type of

Manager I don’t want to be okay and and I feel I have the experience from both uh during my career and and I definitely took a little bit from all of them yeah uh but obviously Rafa got me to Liverpool and I there was his mentality

His his way of of playing football I first got into uh and I I I still have it in there and I still understand it and I still appreciate it uh but I could I could mention them all I think there’s been some good with all but there’s also

Been some that’s worse than others yeah and in terms of the jur and klopp Reign at Liverpool um you know you must have been watching on in all at times in terms of the heights he’s taken Liverpool to you knew yourself you time me out other fans just craved success

And what what he’s done for Liverpool yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s been amazing to follow and and and I’m I don’t know if I can say it but I’m a little bit jealous because I want wanted to be part of something like that uh your type of sensor off that like on

The ball been able to deal with that on the ball you can start moves do like mat comes you you’re capable of doing all them things but also I think klopp is was for me the type of manager I would love because he feels like a man there is is there’s no there’s

Nothing really behind you what you see is what you get yeah I I like that I prefer it that way even though if absolutely he if I always worked better when I got criticized than when I got uh positive things because if I got criticized I always said I can

Show you you’re wrong but if he was positive was more okay I can’t use I see that so I like that uh and and obviously the way theyve done the last many many years is is it’s it’s good to follow and it’s it’s it brings a smile you know yeah

It’s it’s where it should be in the club I will’t bring you a smile now because I’m going to ask you to pick a five as side team based on the best players you’ve ever played with that’s we watch that a couple of times before it’s tough like if you ask

Me you know I have a side team it has to be a mix right it has to be you know the F side always always Defenders winning yes yeah I know that no that that’s true I’ve always found that out yeah go I think has to be has

To be P he can play with his feet as well you know he will definitely be in go Um if you don’t put car in he’ll be falling me up in the middle good you said that you you have you have to care for his mentality yeah absolutely you know especially those games in training it’s the players that want to win the most they will win it it’s not always the

Best team absolutely yeah uh and I actually uh I actually think a player like I now jump a little bit but a player like Suarez yes he he has that mentality as well he didn’t winner it doesn’t matter if he was a game he was a training the

Day before game that training if we played uh four against two or five against two it doesn’t matter he wanted to win uh and that was that was why he quite early got my deepest respect because that is what you need yeah yeah he’s the type of sense of sense of for

Dude hates to play G no but I also like it because he’s also type of set for that you can kick a little bit and he would just get up just come back yeah and he would go hard again he was tough he was tough I I’ve

Seen him get kicked a lot and he just keeps on going uh so we got no Stevie has to be but honestly that’s some that’s great by the way I’m a bit jealous of that by the Yeah Stevie obviously so one one more you got to go with Defender haven’t

You yeah it’s a balance it it’s a balance put yourself in me a big Samy yeah yeah abely Samy was a he was a good player he’s great fell as well yeah what about the current Center back situation Daniel F djk looks like he’s back to his best do we have enough depth

K Quanza coming through strong it seems is that okay for now for Liverpool I mean up front it feels and in Midfield like that’s worked well there’s a lot of depths but what about Center back it’s it’s it’s it’s always difficult because uh where do you take from and put in and

It’s a balance and I think I think without injuries I think I think we there I actually think we we have the death we need but uh but obviously uh all teams almost all teams will struggle if they get a few injuries uh and as Newcastle and Spurs are finding out at

The moment with the intensity of the schedule yeah yeah yeah I do think yeah I’m looking at myself I do like the young Quant we don’t like putting too much emphasis on him or pressure yeah but for his age he’s he’s got everything that the qualities that he want have a

Center off you know and then mat youve got mat you got see Kate Joe and Van Dyke who seems to be you know back back on track know so you know we can keep them all fit you know the the coming couple of months and what ever it’ll go

A long way to give us an opportunity to maybe do something this season yeah yeah 100% but I also think that that you know that thing with pressure is a funny thing because what we as as a footballer when you reach a certain level you only reach that level because you can handle

The pressure yeah okay and and even from from a young age if you can’t handle that pressure I don’t believe you will ever yeah yeah go absolutely but if you can handle that pressure as a young age you know look at what Bellingham does is on another level at Real Madrid

Different positions as well and at that age how he deals with it is it’s absolutely phenomenal yeah and and the fire power the fire power at the top end of the pitch could be crucial in the title race can when you’ve got five attackers of that caliber 100% as said

Before it’s about scoring goals yeah you know and this team has goals in it yeah last but not least John the quiz the quiz the the famous quiz it’s six questions you know it’s six questions only because we we as our club we’ve won the the big one six times

And and no one else has got anywhere near I think someone’s a club’s got half as many down man City’s got a is it a 10 or six a six got that wrong T got that one out Manchester City got six Chelsea got a third the miles behind

Us so we give you six questions on your career pul yes James James is the quiz Master right number one against which club did you make your Liverpool debut on the 1st of February 2006 Birmingham Bingham city correct yeah number two your first goal for Liverpool was that as we talked about

Earlier that stunning strike against West Ham in August 2006 who was the goalkeeper that that ball flew past clue he was ex Manchester United oh great sh correct two out of two Shout strug with that one the Bon’s team that went close to winning the title in 20089 how many

Points did you finish behind United oh the hat that t i shouldn’t have asked that question five four I think that’s that’s that’s a half a point okay uh number four 2012 League Cup Final against Cardiff finished 2-2 after extra time before Liverpool won on pens who scored

For Liverpool that day before the shootout point for each SC skirt yeah who scored an extra time who scored that goal been on the podcast already yeah and he got the question wrong no he didn’t I don’t know dirt count it’s tough a tough one that number

Five how many goals in total did you score for Liverpool you got to know that then 40 correct Right four out of five see if you can get it five out of six who did you make your final liver appearance against in May 2014 new correct five out of six June 1 June 1st yeah yeah with Lucas top of the lead was on fire to has been

Brilliant thanks so much for coming really enjoyed it make top man thanks for taking the time no problem thanks a lot cheers this has been all podcast in conjunction with the hotel anfield great great one I’ve really enjoyed the presence of Daniel uh don’t miss next months uh we’ll see you soon take

Care let me tell you the story of a po boy he was set for away from his home to fight for his King and his country and all saw the old folks back home so the put him in a high division sent him up


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