Golf Players

Rory McIlroy VS Keegan Bradley Matchplay

Every televised shot of Rory McIlroy vs Keegan Bradley back at the 2023 WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play.


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There’s the uh scoring in this match between mooy and Bradley it’s only 164 yards down the hill a little bit into the wind maybe Crossing but 12 balls in the water here there’s no reason for that Nota there’s so much room to the left if you

Hit off that Redan Hill on the left it kicks the ball straight to the right but still 12 balls went right into the bottom of the lake three up yeah this is a smart line here hit a draw away from the hole if it goes farther it kicks dead to

The right not that’s a great shot right there not a lot of movement in ke’s ball so um look for him to sort of start this right at Rory’s where Rory’s ball ended up taking that water out of play and Bradley well outside it’s going to

Come down the hill a little bit that’s another one just about three yards farther it goes almost all the way down Bradley needs to win to advance and here is Keegan for burning just coming in just looking out just outside that left Edge pretty flat overall maybe a touchdown thought it was interesting

Keegan saying that this golf course really didn’t fit his eye very well Zing hasn’t had a lot of great success here as we talked about but still is a has a chance here if he can make a comeback on Rory there’s courses like that you know it can get into a player’s head

Sometimes but you get these angles you don’t like it or you have to play you know certain shots you don’t care for he visually can see a lot of right to left and utilize his driver as much as possible he he loves those tracks where

He can just air it out and then go in and uh Make a Score well he driver his greatest weapon he’s only made one Bo so far that’s pretty strong he had made a bogey in 35 straight holes so there’s something about this that does fit his

Ey not to No Doubt yeah he saw Bradley’s ball not work as much to the left so see if he adjusts Here that looking good just didn’t break at the end so we’ll see what he can do on this hole again today after launching one yesterday they’re exactly 60 yard shorter today on average from yesterday that is a no holes bar fully released right down the middle guys uh

There’s not much prettier to watching golf than Rory in full flight he couldn’t even take his eyes off it and that went so far Dan down the hill there’s our drone shot brought to you by the Paradigm driver and irons from Callaway providing to shift and

Perspective on this hole in gear back up on top of the hill is Keegan Bradley and he’s he’s no slouch Nota he can get it out there oh Tan’s a big guy uh real tall real long limbs gets a light nice wide Arc great shoulder turn but most

Importantly his ball strike is so solid and you’re help by the downhill elevation change here some 64 F feet from the te to the landing area but it’s just so tough when your opponent just blisters one down there and you’re already three down this was a nice one down the right

Side a little higher carry I’m not sure it’s going to get the run [Applause] out fun for the fans to watch it get some serious hang time now this 558 yd hole couple of huge drives trying to pay him off as Keegan Bradley steps in by the way mooy hit another bomb out here Mammoth T shot 359 yards into the wind

Gigs left with 249 Rory left with less than 200 this is a much much tougher shot from back here and this is going to be tight here needs to carry needs a bounce it’s okay my good that’s fantastic actually squeeze that ball between the flag stick in the water

Look at Scotty Phil kind of smiling woo we got away with that one there’s the difference in the drive some 52 yds yeah how are you going to beat a guy that can out drive you by that much that’s the question of the day and the answer right

Now is you’re not it’s just a too big an advantage at the moment yeah it is quite of an advantage over 50 yards closer to the hole sitting at 198 ball sitting up in the rough here the stor at Bermuda so not going to be much issues getting solid contact

Looking out a little right of the hole Yeah and Keegan send him a message you know he needs to hit a good shot here Roy needs to keep it dry he needs to keep it dry came over the top and this is going to be wet right away and that’s

A freebie for Keegan Bradley but Keegan did it to him you know he forced his hand after he hit that shot that’s what match plays all about yeah he’s just in that 60 to 70 yard range and you know this is that intermediate Zone distance wi for wedges Zing where you know it’s

All fi you just try to see your spot produce the Cadence and the swing length that think they’re going to hit your distance a little bit into the wind makes it kind of fun yeah he’s got to be a little more aggressive anything Landing short of the hole will not make

It all the way all the way There smoked it why he didn’t like it he thought he you hit it too far it’s just all there is to it you don’t react like that when you hit it online unless you think you hit it too far and it’s exactly pin high so got a

Good chance to save par out of it yeah Keegan putting for Eagle he would have to three putt Rory to have a chance but yeah he thought he hit it way too far and it’s perfect Rory High Praise from Zing it’s hard to do what he just did

All right for Eagle is Bradley two CS to win itoy just with a par foot left look at he guns this byy good grief so mroy is still has hopes of a tie on this hole after the water it can all be forgotten here this from 5 1/2 ft to tie

The hole and keep his three ugly this would be the alltime escape artist oh wow hini and maybe maoy just had has Keegan Bradley’s number and under most circumstances with no wind Rory can cover that easily so it’s it’s just a smooth one about 280 covers right in the

Center of the green which is where he should be looking the slope of the green as it pitches back toward the players will work from right to left so anywhere in the center part of the screen the ball will work back toward the hole he had a big pull hook the last

Shot got to get that out of his head launches this way up in the air miss a smooth swing there this has plenty of juice on it it sure does so high it just landed into that Hill there soft that’s pretty pure there’s nothing better than watching a free flowing Rory

Mroy back at 13 and we’ll see if Keegan Bradley can do something with this rewood maybe just out to the right but a good shot and he’s got a good angle long chipping run there up and over that thing breaking left to 13 and Keegan Bradley second

Shot got to get it a little bit more over there this is actually pretty good pitching into that slope and hard left now Rory at 13 going to need to slow down a little bit been really tough for guys to keep it on the high side putting from that angle

Over there mroy is three up in the match back here at 13 mroy trying to make his birdie putt oh whoa dead pull little quick there back here 13 Keegan Bradley has a chance to win the hole and he does so he cuts into that three up lead he’s two down

Now a lot of golf potentially left for him Keegan Bradley is away well Zing he’s got to believe he’s got a little burst of uh inspiration after that last hole walking out of there having won the hole and uh made up for what that big loss on 12 so kind of

Evened itself out and now standing right here in the middle of the F at 151 doing anything but helping straight out three down seems a little much at this point but two down is just seems so much more doable it it really is Danny you know

Cuz you’re one you’re one win away from putting this thing you know to a real good back and forth and we’ll add that he has to win the match as well this is a bad swing for KS oh deep into the right yeah that’s really bad well here’s

Where Rory’s drive endered up another big one out there 366 yd you know his Club head speed on 12 was 124 M an hour he shortened his driver by a half an inch this week from 44 and 3/4 to 44 and A4 and usually when you shorten by a/

Half inch it means about 3 mil an hour for these guys but I don’t know if that’s the case with Rory yeah even with the downwind he’s going to be able to hold this put enough spin on it’ll stop basically right where it hits those are the kind of wedges that will

Separate him from the field Keegan Bradley’s third at this par 414 look it’s pretty simple good kick oh and man just about made it oh he played that just right back at 14 mroy opponent in on on this one oh well what kind of mess around is

That not quite a 360 but about as close as you can get very close to grabbing a three up lead if that goes down oh my goodness how did that come out of there Keegan Bradley is two down aor mooy as they play 16 playing 15 right now and that’s okay for

Keegan and now Rory to answer l two up in the mat and what a shot for Rory two points already you make that might be enough to go three up with three to play that would to give him assure him the half point he can’t be pass Scott Stallings can get to

Two Keegan Bradley’s got a point in a half those lofted clubs around the green but feels like he can get a true roll coming off of this Fringe and pretty simple Reed going to work a little from his right to left and Zing he’s got to feel like if he can

Make this just put a little bit of pressure on that short one of Rory he still might have a chance to walk out of here that’s his brain I guarantee you that’s all he’s thinking about and he’s been pretty confident with his putting he’s been working with Phil Kenyan for

About a year and a half he said this is the best I’ve ever puted since the old days of the belly putter there you go well he needs this one Rory’s in there tight for birdie that’s not going to get there that’s like putting through velcro Saturday’s play and win the group

Watch the flow of the putter heads see if it froze flows freely does y and there’s the uh switch back to the new Putter and that seals the deal for Rory winning the group he moves on to Saturday and we go a 16 Rory mckoy has two putts to win his

Match pretty dominant Steve the entired week so far and that should do it Rory was the winner of the Savannah TVC Hardy Park in San Francisco in 2015 the first time this format was used as he disposes of Keegan Bradley 3 and two today he becomes the first player since the

Format change in 2015 to go through three and0 three times 2015 2019 and now and maroy advances to the round of 16 on Saturday morning Denny McCarthy loses to Scott Stallings one up Scott is the winner so maroy in dominating fashion handles that group three and he moves on

To Saturday Rory you’re driving look right on Point again today was too good on 12 wasn’t it it just looked fantas almost almost um yeah it was a bit of an awkward life with the second shot there but yeah you know more of the see again

I think as every day goes by I was sing to Harry out there like the I’ve you know the more and more confidence I’m getting with it uh which is great you know I it’s nice to stand up on a t box and and have that freedom you know

Knowing that you know the club’s you know going to do what it’s supposed to do and um you know the feel of the Swing is matching the you know the shape of the ball flight so yeah another another great day where you know I struck the

Ball well and sort of got up early you know kept pressure on Keegan and um you know it was nice to get through to the weekend it was such a great reaction to your drive on uh Thursday night um fact said it was one of the greatest t- shots

In the history of this game how do you reflect on I think that’s a little bit of hyperbole there but um it would look it would honestly for me the two shots into 16 yesterday were better than the drive on your team driving 18 was great

And you know you know the length and the accuracy and whatever it was it was a good shot but um there was a few more shots out there yesterday that pleased me more than than that t- shot that t- shot’s got all the the headlines and the

Attention but there’s other parts of the game that I’m I’m you know a lot more pleased with and happy with it’s um a little more translatable as as the year goes on Lucas tomorrow he’s bounced back incredibly from the players when he had a terrible time yeah um both of us did

Uh yeah look TPC is one of those golf courses uh if you’re just a little off it feels like it magnifies um you know the misses that you have there and you know we you know obviously we both missed the cut lookas shot a couple of high numbers

But as you see this week you know it it reading into that too much especially around that that Golf Course um you know it just isn’t you know I I don’t think it’s you know that the performances are on TPC apart from obviously Scotty who’s you know playing the best golf in the

World right now you know you can you know take those performances with a pinch of salt because they it’s such a different Golf Course than so many others that we play where how would you grade where your game is this week through through three days it’s getting there it’s very solid uh I

Haven’t haven’t made a boogie in the last couple of days I think I’ve only made one in the last three Um it’s it’s good it’s it’s probably as good as it’s felt all year which is which is nice going into uh obviously the next couple of weeks and your short game looks just sharp as I’ve ever seen yeah short game you know everything sort of is is on

Point you know I I missed a couple of short ones out there later on in the day but I was really pleased with how I puted the the start of the match um I held some nice putts so um that’s the only thing I would say is just sort of

Tidying up that and trying to you know feel a little more solid with the putting but rest of the game feels in really good shape to watch another DP world to video click here and to subscribe click here


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