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Why Do Americans Keep Buying English Football Clubs?

Half of all Premier League teams are owned by Americans, along with a third of Championship, League One, and League Two teams, and increasingly even some National League and other non-league teams.

That includes four of the Premier League’s big six; Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, and Manchester United, plus 18% of Manchester City, and it is a trend which is only accelerating, particularly since the arrival of Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenny at Wrexham.

In this video, HITC Sevens takes a look at the influx of Americans into the English game, why the USA’s super rich have become obsessed with English football at all levels, and what it might mean for the future of the EFL, which is the oldest football league system in the world.

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The Premier League is an English league now almost solely in the sense that games are still played in England for now at least only 32% of the League’s players 20% of managers and crucially just 22% of owners are English including minority shareholders there are 12 nationalities represented among the

Premier League’s 37 major owners whether they be individuals companies or nation states despite the Premier League’s cosm nanism though there is one nation increasingly which is beginning to dominate the makeup of the division’s ownership Americans account for less than 1% of Premier League players overall there are just five of them and

0% of managers Bob Bradley David Vagner and Jesse Marsh being the only three failed yank experiments in the League’s more than 30-year past yet they make up over 43% of the division’s 37 part or whole owners together they have stakes in half of the Premier League’s 20 clubs controlling or majority interests in

Nine of them and six are entirely American owned that includes four of the Premier League’s Rich six namely Arsenal Chelsea and England’s two best supported and most successful clubs Liverpool and Manchester United meanwhile even City football group the multiclub ownership conglomerate that owns Manchester city is 18% American-owned and Joe Lewis the

Majority shareholder of the only Rich six club with no American ownership Spurs spends most of his time on a mega yacht in Barbados in North America it means that over half of the Premier League’s revenue for the first time this season is distributed to American-owned clubs and if Everton’s proposed takeover

By Miami base 777 Partners receives Premier League approval half of the teams in the Top Flight of English football will be majority American owned it’s not just the Premier League though almost a third 22 in total of the efl 72 Championship League 1 and League 2 clubs

And now also American-owned as are a couple of clubs in the National League which is the highest level of non-league football in England of those 22 American efl takeovers are whopping 14 of them have occurred since Hollywood actors Ryan Reynolds and Rob mcelheny acquired their non- league reom in February

2021 yes during coach while some people baked banana bread learned a new language or acquired a pet American billionaires and multi-millionaires were busy buying up English football clubs at an unprecedented rate it has been a sort of Silent Revolution though while the arrival of Middle Eastern nation states

And a swamp of Chinese businesses and billionaires a few years ago was treated with great suspicion the more significant influx of American Capital has been greeted with relative ambivalence likely due to a perception of shared cultural norms after all these are people with whom we share a common

Language and history of war crimes they’re basically us just less miserable Keener on shooting each other and incapable of using their inside voic in restaurants right well we shall see because in today’s video we’re going to be discussing all things Americana in the English game so sit back relax and

Joy me a journey to reom Via Hollywood Manchester via Florida and of course woking via South Carolina as we take a look at the American invasion of English football why America’s Super Rich have begun buying premier league efl and even non-league teams in English football on

Mass and what all of it might mean for the future of the world’s oldest football league system the most obvious answer to the question of why Americans keep buying English football clubs you might have thought is is to make money after all just look at who the investors

Are almost all of them are billionaire investors with a background in private equity and asset management where Edens just to give one example who co-owns V Sports along with nasf severas which in turn owns Aston Villa didn’t toass a net worth of almost $5 billion by investing

In things which he didn’t believe could generate him a return no Eden began his career in the late ‘ 80s at Layman Brothers he Subs quently joined black Rock’s private Equity division Black Rock asset investors and eventually he co-founded his own private Equity Firm called Fortress Investment Group which

Today has almost $50 billion in assets under management unlike in the case of say the Saudi or amirati states or jet setting oligarchs whom there are often a whole raft of other considerations whatever they might say publicly the raise on Detra for almost all American investors in English football is to make

A return on their investment it used to be said however that the fastest way in which to become a millionaire was to start out as a billionaire and buy a football club but that isn’t really true certainly not anymore it is true that outside of the Premier League and

Particularly in the championship English football clubs Hemorrhage cash and in some cases are extremely indebted but in the Premier League revenues have risen to such an extent that it is more than possible to become not just sustainable but profitable in some circumstances the most obvious example of the potential

Profitability of owning an English football club is of course the glazers at Manchester United between 2003 and 2005 Malcolm Glazer paid £790 million to acquire Manchester United leveraging the club’s own debt in order to finance the deal Glazer only actually spent £270 million of his own money to buy the Club

The rest was all debt settled upon them which has since cost Manchester United themselves more than 700 million in interest alone since 2016 the Glazer family have paid themselves and55 million in dividend payments alone over half of what Malcolm Glazer personally paid for the club between 2003 and 2005

Which has caused Great controversy among Manchester United fans whilst paying a dividend is unusual ual for English football clubs and is understandably deemed to be unpalatable by supporters in light of Manchester United’s recent Fall From Grace and neglected spending in other areas such as on infrastructure it is relatively insignificant at least

In the grand scheme of things there are two main ways in which an investment can deliver a return there are dividend payments which are as I say relatively rare in English football and then there are capital gains which is just another way of saying that the value of an

Investment has increased allowing an investor to sell an asset for a larger price there is also foreign currency effects but that’s less relevant here and we really don’t need to get into it capital gains and lucrative exits are where the real money is in the Premier League in the 18 years since Malcolm

Glazer bought Manchester United for £790 million using just £270 million of his own money the club’s value has skyrocketed to well an excess of4 billion in exchange for a quarter of the club’s shares Britain’s second wealthiest person Jim Ratcliffe recently paid the glazers $1.3 billion or more

Than a billion while promising to invest a further 300 million in the club the6 billion pound that the Glazer family reportedly values Manchester United at in the event of a full sale represents an almost 700% increase on their late father’s initial investment the S&P 500 by contrast which is the

World’s most popular stock market index tracking the performance of the 500 largest publicly traded companies in the United States has returned less than 300% during that time the lesson of the glazers therefore is that if you want to be a billionaire first become a millionaire by founding a broadcasting conglomerate and diversified holding

Company then launch a massively unpopular leverage buyout of one of the world’s most popular football clubs sit back and wait for the capital to appreciate admittedly it’s not quite as pithy or memorable and nor is it guaranteed to be a success the key to the Glazer success at Manchester United

Was the fact that the Red Devils had capitalized upon the early success of the Premier League and had marketed themselves better than anyone else whilst also being more successful than anyone else during the 1990s and the glaze has accelerated that marketization and financialization throughout the 2000s as football grew therefore and

Particularly the Premier League and Manchester United remained Market leaders their revenues continued and indeed still continue to rise for fellow Americans Randy larner at Aston Villa or Alis short at Sunderland it was a very different story larner lost an estimated £70,000 a day during his decade owning

Villa despite paying £ 62.6 million for the club in 2006 and selling it for reported £60 million in 2016 having lost money throughout almost the entirety of that time and having been relegated with crippling debts in learner’s final season at Villa Park shorta meanwhile lost more than2 200 million at

Sunderland accounting for roughly a quarter of his entire net worth and he was forced to wipe his 1225 million debt that the club owed him in order to facilitate a sale to a Consortium headed by Stuart Donald in 2018 nor are the glazers alone though it took

Stan Kon more than 10 years to acquire all of Arsenal’s shares and ended up costing him just a shay north of a billion pound Arsenal are now valued at $ 2.26 billion by Forbes but given the more than $3 billion that Todd Bley and Clear Lake Capital paid for Chelsea and

Arsenal’s recent Resurgence as a major force in English football it seems unlikely that Kon would entertain anything less than that and if they were to win the Premier League title this season you could probably shift it closer to $4 billion but even the most conservative estimates would see KRON

Already double his money John W Henry paid a total of £300 million for Liverpool in 2010 who have since won both the Premier League and the Champions League Forbes now values Liverpool at north of $5 billion or4 billion though it has been reported that Henry himself is looking for somewhere

In the region of $7 billion that’s an increase of between 13 and 18 times Henry’s initial investment you won’t find many blue chip stocks with a multiple that can rival that rate of return over the same period of time it’s not just the established super clubs either Aston Villa though a

Terrible investment for Randy Lerner will likely be valued at in excess of a billion dollars in 12 months time after Wes Edens and nasf SAS paid £3 million for the club and spent almost £500 million on the first team Squad John tter David Blitzer and Josh Harris would

All likely double their money in the event of a sale at Crystal Palace assuming that the club retains their Premier League status and in the less likely scenario that Burnley managed to stay up Allen Paces 170 million pound investment back in 2020 would likely already have enjoyed significant

Appreciation you might be sitting there thinking a bit like Charlie Nicholas and I’m sitting there thinking if that was gett Barry or even James Milner that’s all well and good good Alie Premier League revenues have exploded throughout the last 30 years but the most recent domestic Premier League television deal

Though marginally larger than the previous one overall due to an increased number of games being broadcast was less lucrative than the previous one on a per game basis tickets are surely now at the upper limit of what most would deem to be reasonable especially during the cost

Of living crisis and if Sheffield United Nottingham Forest and even Chelsea for a long time are anything to go by in terms of their lengthy search to Source new front of shirt sponsors who met their valuations commercial Revenue isn’t necessarily set to Skyrocket in the immediate future so where pray tell do

All of these golf playing polo shirt wearing Epstein Island visiting American billionaires expect their growth and massive returns to come from I should clarify not all American billionaires visited Epstein’s island or maybe they did I don’t really hang around in those kind of circles but I just thought I’d

Best issue that clarification regardless since they are famously litigious well for a start a lot of American investors are of the opinion that Europeans broadly speaking aren’t very good at marketing and financialization in other words we’re bad at capitalism and they think that they can do it better that

Was the view of Malcolm Glazer 20 years ago even when acquiring the best club in England at marketing and Global Outreach and it is still the view of most of the Americans currently buying up English clubs within the world of football the Premier League is widely viewed as being

The crema Creme of marketing and negotiating media rights the Premier League Raks in over $4 billion a season through its domestic and international broadcast rights which are renegotiated every few years that’s more than double any other league in World football making it the Envy of clubs in Spain

Italy and France who have tried and failed to keep up but have only Fallen further and further behind in recent years Americans however are a little bit less impressed as far as they’re concerned those are rookie numbers and they have good reason to think that globally the NFL has nowhere near the

Appeal of the Premier League yet the NFL generated almost 122 billion in Revenue in 2022 and aims to increase that to an insane $25 billion annually by 2027 in just 3 years time the Premier League back contrast generated just and I do use that word with a bit of an

Asterisk £52 billion in the 2021-22 season it means the NFL is over twice as lucrative as the Premier League and is growing its Revenue faster than English football’s Top Flight in some ways you might think that makes sense the NFL is the most popular sports league in the United States which is the

Richest country in the world and has six times England’s population the but as we’ve already established English football is really English in name only while the NFL has some Global appeal they are able to sell out games at Wembley Stadium and the Tottenham hot spur stadium for instance every major

Sports league in the United States can only dream of having the global appeal of European football you will find people wearing Manchester United and Liverpool shirts and knowing all about their players and results in almost every corner of the globe to an extent that simply is isn’t the case with the

Kansas City Chiefs or the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Americans look at the Premier League therefore and don’t see saturation like a lot of European investors but enormous growth potential not only that as far as they’re concerned English football clubs are very cheap the 10 most valuable sports

Teams on the planet as valued by Forbes are all based in the United States the 11th most valuable Real Madrid a member owned and therefore not for sale even if someone was willing to stump up the $ 6.07 billion that Forbes estimates their worth in the Premier League the rich six

All have valuations of between $2.2 to billion but even that makes Arsenal Chelsea and Tottenham for example less valuable than every single NFL team and all but a couple of the lowest valued NBA teams such as and yes I double checked and this is their real name the Memphis Grizzlies the Memphis Grizzlies

By the way who are ranked as the least valuable of the NBA’s 30 franchises are still valued at 2.4 billion doar which is more than Arsenal the third most successful Club in the history of English football it’s after the rich six though who are at least valued in the

Billions they American c sports teams that are comically cheap when compared to what they’re used to at home Saudi Arabia paid just £300 million to acquire Newcastle United in in 2021 an established Premier League team with 130 years of history and one of the largest stadiums and fan bases in the

English game you could buy 10 Newcastle United for the price of the least valuable of the NFL’s 32 franchises namely the Arizona Cardinals who are valued at $3.5 billion there are baseball teams valued at almost 20 times as much as Newcastle even Major League Soccer which is considered a third rate

League by most Europeans and has a relatively tiny audience outside of the United States has valuations far higher than most premier league teams West Ham owing to their location and Stadium are the only team outside of the rich six who are valued at more than the likes of

Lafc LA Galaxy and Atlanta United and even then only just Toronto FC who finished bottom of the overall Major League Soccer standings in 2023 and have only ever won one MLS Cup and one supporter Shield both in 2017 are still valued at almost twice as much as Newcastle was sold for in

2021 the most recent MLS franchise namely San Diego FC who are scheduled to join the league in 2025 paid $500 million for that privilege that’s over twice as much as the UAE paid to buy Manchester City in 2010 and about 100 million more than John W Henry pay to by Liverpool heck

Even National Women’s Soccer League teams in the United States are now valued at between 50 to $150 million making the most attractive of them more valuable than some Premier League teams so Premier League teams are cheap as far as American investors are concerned and efl teams are even cheaper Championship

Side Birmingham city who were recently acquired by us firm NAD Capital Management did so with a valuation of just 22 million fellow American Kevin Nagel through his holding company Town FC LLC paid nothing to buy fellow championship and recent Premier League side Huds spelt town with his promise to rate off A40 million

Pound debt functioning effectively as the purchase price and Premier League promotion contenders zip switch toown were acquired by American pension fund managers for the same price in 2021 given that Premier League promotional loan is now worth £135 million rising to over 260 million if a club survives the first season that is a

Calculated risk that has proved to be very attractive even if promotion isn’t necessarily as easy as some new or prospective owners imagine of course promotion and relegation itself is an alien concept to most Americans speaking to Marketplace a few months ago American investor Jordan Gardner who bought and

Sold Danish Club FC helinger in recent years and is a minority investor at Swansea City stated quote in the promotion system you can buy the equivalent of a AAA baseball team and get it to the equivalent of the major leagues and what comes with that is huge

Jumps in Revenue the value of your Club so it can if done properly be financially lucrative end quote it’s probably quite odd to a European audience for whom promotion and relegation is so normal to hear it spoken about in such mysterious terms but the reality is that in major US

Sports it just doesn’t exist American investors therefore who are motivated primarily by Financial returns talk in very Frank terms about their aims Ambitions and in private at least their exit strategies when acquiring English football clubs promotion from League one to the championship for example is described as a five bagger due to the

Potential to five times your initial investment in the event of a sale and promotion to the Premier League a six bagger for the same reason promotion from League one to the Premier League therefore something which American owned dip switch town are attempting to pull off this season is viewed by Americans

As potentially delivering a 3,000% return on a company or individual’s initial investment those sums are at the upper limit of what we have previously seen in terms of valuations it would mean that it switch in the Premier League would have to be valued at around 1.2 billion which seems improbable any

Time soon but you start to get an idea of why the prospect of owning a lower league football club which is viewed with such suspicion and considered to be fraught with danger and challenges by Britain’s super rich is perceived as being a fun challenging and potentially extremely lucrative Endeavor by wealthy

Americans of course none of these considerations exist within a vacuum and there is no better example of that than probably the most significant American ownership in English football in terms of inspiring a whole raft of other American takeovers and that is Hollywood Joo Ryan Reynolds and Rob mhen at rexam

In the interest of accuracy it’s just worth pointing out that Reynolds was born in Canada though he has been a US citizen since 2018 so he’s now officially a Canadian American also in the interest of accuracy rexam is a city of about 45,000 people in North Wales

Not in England but due to Historic reasons rexam compete in the English rather than the Welsh Football League system Reynolds and mckl heny bought rexim for just2 million in February 2021 EV valuation which reflected the fact that rexon were in the National League which is the fifth tier of

English football outside of even the efl and they had been outside of the football league for a whopping 13 years promotion to League 2 last season has already trebled Rex’s valuation up to 8 million and the club currently sit within the League 2 promotion places which would likely see another traveling

Effect following an estimated 10 million cash injection it should be said on the part of the acting an entrepreneurial Duo more significant still however is the way in which they have marketed and used their contacts to increase Rex’s reach and marketability beyond anything ever previously seen in the English

Non-league game a docu series called Welcome to rexam produced by FX and Boardwalk pictures and distributed on Hulu and Disney plus has been a massive success series 1 and two gave rexam a level of profile attention and fan engagement unlike any club in English football outside of the Premier League

Particularly in the United States and has led to lucrative sponsorship opportunities with Tik Tock United Airlines and HP the laptop company not the source three companies all valued it in excess of $20 billion American investors already thought that they could Market European football better than Europeans but Rex’s

Rise has served to cement that theory doing a rexam is now the aim of the game for a handful of Americans who have set their sites or indeed have already acquired English lower league clubs it is all well and good and most reom fans are delighted with their American owners

But of course by Nature not everyone can do a reom Bournemouth also Now American owned is another case study that is frequently cited by American investors in six seasons Bournemouth went from League 2 English football’s fourth tier to the Premier League which is the most lucrative football league on the planet

Again though just as it is a fairly unique set of circumstances and contacts which have allowed Reynolds and Muckle heny to transform rexim into a worldwide brand and a television show with a football team attached bournemouth’s rise through the divisions over a very short period of time is a distinctly

Atypical occurrence it’s one which over the last 20 or so years has only been replicated by a few clubs and for good reason the efl has fairly strict profit and sustainability rules which dictate how much teams are allowed to lose and therefore spend meaning more established teams with higher revenues have an

Inbuilt advantage and recently relegated Premier League teams with parachute payments have a massive financial advantage hence why so many of them get promoted here too though there is hope and Ambitions on the part of American investors English football is already the most marketized and financialized in

All of Europe and though it may be the oldest football league system in the world it is not adverse to re form after all the Premier League itself is only a 30-year-old creation and has completely transformed English football’s Top Flight over a remarkably short period of time the efl playoffs likewise are a

Very recent and popular addition to the English game and have proven to be wildly successful anyone who thinks that English football club Owners are done there though is sorely mistaken project big picture which was a power grab by what are already English football’s most powerful clubs was spearheaded by

American own Manchester United and Liverpool the European Super League in its first Incarnation was signed up to by all six English invitees five of whom are partially and four of whom are majority American-owned and they only pulled out due to sustained and overwhelming pressure from their own supporters we’re not done there though

Further restructuring will come new more profitable formats will be discovered and redistribution is likely to be revamped parachute payments for example have come under increased scrutiny in recent years and efl chairman Rick Parry wants to see them abolished entirely and replaced by fairer redistribution across the championship in efl that’s an

Attractive thought for investors in efl clubs though it’s worth noting that on this front American owners are unlikely to present the united front these are largely an array of self-interested asset managers their interest namely being protecting and increasing the value of their asset scrapping Premier League parachute payments therefore may

Sound very appealing to plymouth’s American owners but less so to Bournemouth or leadses there are also a lot of external factors outside of football which are causing American investors to take an increased interest in English football clubs just for a start at the highest level there are

Only a very small number of people and companies who are both willing and able to acquire top Premier League teams Manchester United might be cheap compared to the Dallas Cowboys but the Glazer’s valuation of the club is higher than the net worth have all been about seven people or families in the United

Kingdom basically you need to be very rich to own a football club that wants to win anything and the US has a lot more very rich people in the UK this might seem like quite a rudimentary point but it’s nonetheless significant there are 735 American billionaires

Versus just 52 in the UK so 14 times as many and there is not a single Brit among the 50 richest people in the world compared to 26 Americans or over half there are only five people in the entire United Kingdom who are wealthier than fulham’s Pakistani American owner Shahed

Khan let alone who were able to compete with the wealth of nation states like Saudi Arabia or the UAE and Newcastle United and Manchester City more significant still than individual wealth has been the rise of asset management companies who increasingly control at least western or to be more pointed

Non-chinese trade and commerce and have become freakishly rich and Powerful it used to be the case that whilst powerful asset management companies seemed sort of nebulous and detached from most people’s lives they weren’t but it seemed like that they invested in stocks which exist in the form of lines on

Graphs that went up and down but the sun still Rose in the morning and set on an evening and Ordinary People went about their lives unmoved now these companies have become so large though and so hegemonic that they are increasingly coming into contact with things that we actually recognize as being real asset

Management companies for example traditionally avoided investing in residential real estates considering it to be a bit messy potentially unpopular and outside of their purview now they are buying up houses and apartments or indeed building them on mass viewing residential property as a stable and lucrative investment for the long term

And one which they can control more and more as they come to dominate the market it’s a similar story with football clubs once considered a risky investment possibly worth pursuing as a passion project for the founder or CEO of an asset management company but not as a serious investment for the company

Themselves now football clubs are viewed in a totally different lights it’s not just the Myriad growth opportunities already mentioned it’s the fact that in a rapidly changing world with external shocks like Ai and climate change predicted to wipe out or at least majorly disrupt entire Industries sport is seen as being relatively insulated

From those threats durable in the face of Market shocks and an excellent form of diversification athletes are unlikely to be replaced by robots anytime soon sports fans are reliable and willing to part with their hard-earned cash to fund their fandom and crucially in terms not just of protecting your Investments but

Increasing the value of it football is immensely popular in parts of the world that are still experiencing significant economic growth Africa Asia and Latin America home of the world’s fastest growing economies in countries like India Ethiopia and the Philippines football enjoys huge support as far as investors are concerned these are all

Markets with with Millions if not billions of fans who might currently be economically inactive in terms of driving clubs and the League’s Revenue but are likely to become increasingly active supposing we avoid apocalyptic collapse over the coming decades because of football’s Global appeal therefore particularly in the developing world the

Upside is far greater from that perspective than any of America’s already extremely expensive sports teams even in the United States which is one of the world’s most developed countries football or soccer is enjoying a surge in popularity which investors expect to accelerate by virtue of co-hosting the 2026 World Cup making it another

Location considered to be right for growth the seven largest asset management companies in the world Black Rock Vanguard Fidelity State Street Morgan Stanley JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are all based in the United States and America is very much the global capital of of asset management firms by Nature therefore as asset management

Companies begin flooding into football and particularly though far from exclusively English football more clubs are going to become American-owned by default factoring the tax advantages and rate offs afforded to the owners of sports teams in the United States the strength of the dollar and the weakness

Of the pound in recent years and the appeal of the multiclub ownership model and you end up with a situation that we have seen since the beginning of the pmic the pound for example bought over $2 in 2007 if you were a Brit who traveled to America at the time lots of

Things seemed very cheap compared to at home not Healthcare obviously but you know like burgers and clothes and Things by September 2022 however at just about the peak of American Investment in English football the dollar and the pounded almost reached parity on September 26th the pound fell to just 1.0

035 just as that makes things in America more expensive for Brits who travel there and things cheaper in Britain for Americans who visit here it also puts English football clubs on a sort of sale for American investors whose assets tend to be held primarily in dollars one of the problems with asset management

Companies is that they tend not to be very popular they are a sort of cold gray thing and their intentions namely to increase the value of their assets and to earn a worthwhile return tend to be very transparent that doesn’t chime all that well with football fans who are primarily concerned with protecting

Their club’s identities playing well and winning things and strange as it may sound aren’t really used to owners who are motivated almost exclusively by returns as a result a number of American asset management and private Equity firms have sought to put a friendly face to their takeover bits and ownership

Regimes whilst Middle Eastern regimes tend to just pay someone a load of money to do this for them in a manner that is never particularly convincing and typically only as ambassadors American owners put a lot more commitment into their window dressing LeBron James for example became part of Liverpool’s

Ownership in 2011 when he acquired a 2% stake in the club alongside John W Henry that’s not entirely insignificant at least to most people as was indicated by the MV Legend selling half his holding for a 35 million profit in 2023 but it was fairly insignificant in terms of Liverpool’s overall ownership

And the running of the Club former NFL star JJ wat and his wife likewise are one of several investors who own a combined total of 16% of Burnley while the remaining 84% is owned by ALK Capital golfer Jordan spy and the world’s most decorated Olympian Michael Phelps are both minority shareholders at

Lead United as part of the 49ers Enterprises ownership and most interestingly of all Tom Brady recently became a minority shareholder at Birmingham city Brady is one of America’s greatest ever athletes having won the Super Bowl seven times and is very wealthy estimated to have earned around $450 million throughout the

Course of his lengthy career it is unclear however how much money he has actually invested and how much of Birmingham city he actually owns n head Capital Management an investment firm with $9 billion in assets under management who recently acquired the club maintain that it isn’t a publicity

Stunt though they wouldn’t reveal the extent of Brady’s actual investment or ownership consequently it’s easy to be suspicious that Brady is yet another friendly face although admittedly not that friendly given his recent crypto controversies but certainly a very high-profile celebrity ENT eventually functioning as the public face of yet

Another faceless asset management firm it should be noted that most Birmingham city fans are delighted that their Club has new owners understandably and American owners typically of the asset management variety have been both very good so far at least for the likes of Ip switch Aston Villa or Laton Orient and

Very bad as far as most Manchester United Chelsea or Swansea City fans are currently concerned but I’m dealing with the reality of them and their motives rather than the potential outcomes in terms of the outcomes however I think that it would be reasonable to expect further Americanization to creep into

The English game Todd Bley for example Drew derision when he suggested that the Premier League should have an All-Star game like most American Sports the idea of a 39th game in the Premier League played overseas like the NFL does and of course the mere suggestion of scrapping promotion relegation in order to protect

An owner’s assets are all extremely unpopular in England but that doesn’t mean that we won’t see reform by stealth or simply wants public opinion relaxes after all we are all slowly but surely becoming more American the UK is sometimes referred to as the 51st state and is basically already a US Colony

When it comes to taking foreign policy orders directly from Washington soon everything that you watch and consume will be American your house will be owned by an American ass management company as will the company that employs you and the Health Service that you can no longer afford they have already got

Us trick or- treating don’t forget and some people saying ASAP instead of ASAP perhaps it’s only a matter of time therefore before we’re all American and further Americanization of English football won’t be met with such scorn about 30 asset management companies will own every football club in England and

Almost all in Europe everyone will be part of some multiclub owner ownership conglomerate and you’ll be happy about it this is the beautiful game in all of its Glory don’t forget being drawn up in the image of self-interested billionaires in Miami and New York wait what you don’t want that well feir not

There’s always the option of a dictatorship in the Gulf who murder dissidents and hey who knows this whole Russia Ukraine thing is bound to blow over at some stage sanctions may end and then a few clubs will have the option of an oligarch who amass their Fortune by robbing their own largely impoverished

Country’s natural resources I’ll be honest with you I had loads more planned for this video in terms of further exploring perceived growth opportunities in English football alternative motives like Rob kig at Wick and Wanderers who cited the club’s proximity to Heathrow Airport and his wife’s fondness for visiting Europe when discussing his

Takeover of the club what it all means for the future and whether as Gary Neville has previously suggested if not out right stated American owners pose the biggest threat of all to English football more so than even nation states or ludicrously wealthy gangsters but alas it’s already ridiculously long and

I am a little unwell all of that plus a whole lot more we’ll have to wait for another time then but thank you all very much as ever for watching hit the like button if you enjoyed today’s video I hope that was the case let me know your

Thoughts Down Below in the comments and if you don’t want to miss that and other videos in the future make sure that you’re subscribed and have notifications turned on for both this Channel and my second Channel Alfie Poots armor both of which should be about to appear on your

Screens now along with a couple of videos that you might fancy watching after this one you can also find me on Twitter Instagram or threads VI the username @ hc7 on all three should you wish to do so and all of those links plus a whole lot more should be down in

The video description below cheers


  1. England you know what I'd be worried about? Americans ruining your health care system. They're desperately trying to accomplish that. Beware

  2. 0:04 What about Swansea and Cardiff? They’ve been EPL teams and could be again. Wales isn’t considered England is it?

    Ryan Reynolds and his pal will be well miffed if it is. They’ve been learning how to say “Yaki Dar!” and all that.

  3. For Everton's sake, let's hope that the 777 Partners aren't successful in taking the club over from Moshiri. Their track record with their other clubs isn't great and I think it could actually lead to more problems for Everton than they currently have.

  4. As an American, this all makes no sense. There's no way that EPL teams could triple their revenue in the 10 years the owners expect

  5. Bad outlook… I am glad there is a 50 + 1 rule in germany.. I want to support a football club, not a money grabbing company that happens to play football

  6. You gotta wonder if American sports teams are a bit of a false economy in valuations, given the lack of prestige and stakes in a closed system. Personally it's a bit of a bubble for the past 20 years, too much money being spent on advertising rights and stadiums despite the insulated market and the eroding purchasing power of their fans within the economy… And they still expect American sports to rise in value. At what point do the fans run out of money? When do advertisers realise their money spent is way over the top of what is necessary?

  7. I hope promotion doesn’t leave the EPL. In Liga MX, they recently changed to remove promotion to protect owners investment. Feels like Liga MX will suffer due to this all in the name of billionaires interest smh.

  8. I’m an American and I love futbol obviously but you guys do not understand the level of marketing and money there is in sports in America the funny thing about this is he didn’t mention college sports if we could put a price on Alabama they would be worth more than any of the top six teams he barely touched the surface.

  9. As usual, you can't get in-depth football ownership and decision without the dark and existential. Thanks for keeping it real despite how bleak it is.

  10. All Americans visit Epsteins island eh, Alfie? Well I heard Ghislaine Maxwell is the head of your local crackpot HomeOwners Association! The truth is out now, just saying .. don’t hate on all us Yanks, I promise, the dirt poor ones like myself who hold on to our smug idea that we are better than other Americans who watch the Prem because we regularly refer to the game as Footy or like to “have a kick-about” with our 3 other smug mates are the real gems that you redcoats should accept into your Beautiful yet frustratingly disappointing love circle for this game. I mean if you were an American , would you support a club called the Washington Commanders that play a game called football where literally only 2 of the 65 man roster are actually allowed to kick the “ball” without being penalized? I rest my case. . Great Video btw haha. Love the channel. Definitely one of your biggest fans. Keep it up my guy. Much love all the way from Southern Oregon. Let’s Go You SeaGulls!

  11. In the end, we need government action to change the role of owners to custodians. The clubs are part of the community and belong to the fans. As an Ipswich fan, I welcomed the new owners as they are the very best American owners. They understand that they need English people in key positions. The problem is when the owners decide to sell. If the club is ruined, I will stop following football.

  12. In a world where everything is becoming more Americanised, football was supposed to be an escape. Loads of them buying football clubs isn’t bad necessarily, as long as they don’t try and change things. Some Americans don’t always realise that other countries do things well too. Football is sacred, and should be protected from Americanisation as much as possible

  13. As long as they dont change the system of relegation or make them into franchises then they can buy whatever they want. But dont f ing change anything about the game.

  14. This will only last until BRICS+ has made the world a multipolar world and not a unipolar world as it is now. Owned by USA. And its happening faster then people think. So I advice people to invest in some Yuan 😅 So you still have money when the dollar collapses.

  15. As more Americans are buying EPL and EFL clubs, the is going pyramid to suffer. American owners will want the same returns as they're getting from NFL, NBA and MLB. This means – they'll want to retain revenue, and they'll want guaranteed participation in top league football. It's going to end up a disaster for English football.

  16. I assume the American sports teams are worth/valued more financially simply because they are the highest profile of those sports? I would love to see the promotion/relegation system make its way to more American sports.

  17. The backlasch at idea of an All-Star game in the Premier league Bohely recieved was hilarious. If rotated around different parts of England/Wales, opposed to just at Wembley, really ShowCasing the city for a weekend while giving most players few days off & ones selected to play gaining All-Star on their name are all positive reasons All-Star game was intended for but hard to see now.
    No need to worry about American Owners until first Club is moved across the country to new City to build new stadium, has larger population, owners are Jackasses, or 1 of 1000 ways Owners show how selfish they truly are!

  18. cus its the biggest sport in the biggest league with the biggest viewers, nil is only popular in America as is basketball and all that other stuff, football, the real football is the real deal with a global reach like no other sport

  19. Because English football clubs are just toys for rich people. Sell out football culture. There is no difference between Al Nassr and Newcastle United or Man City.

  20. You may laugh now that in Germany the Fans are Rioting against any Ownership even if that means they can't afford Stars or be less succesfull. But in 10 years when then lowest PL ticket is at 150 and Ultras are banned because the arent lucrative enough for clubs, probably one thinks back then

  21. Because English football has no soul and let’s investors who violate human rights buy their clubs.

    So glad Bundesliga does not do that.

  22. I actually think the inflated price of american sports teams is evidence that americans are really bad a cspitalism cause that sounds like one hell of a bubble given the tony appeal outside the us and thus the relativly low ceiling on thier audience

  23. Just hearing Alfie say “South Carolina,” which is my home state, made my day. Great video as always! Cheers!

  24. South Shields are the latest target for a takeover. The reasons why UK teams are seen as a good investment is because they're not that expensive (if you're an American who is minted) and usually fans will take to you better than European or Asian owners. Apart from Gillett/Hicks, most owners have been decent and even Eisner at Portsmouth puts money in despite Disney flopping as a business. Better them than some shady chancer.

  25. #thepeopleschannel a video on the Bangladesh premier league and the rise of Bashundhara kings would be good
    A team who went into the top flight after promotion and won the last four league titles now!
    Are they the next Newcastle? Are they a team to keep a eye on next few years? Thanks Alfie 😊

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