Golf Babe

Iron Fitting (Simon Fits) – Lady Amateur Golfer Jackie Hawes

Single figure Jackie looking to reshaft or replace her old beryllium Ping Eye irons


0:00:00 – 0:04:20 Warm Up
0:04:20 – 13:05:00 Current Irons
0:13:05 – 0:14:35 PXG 0317 CB/KBS Tour Lite
0:14:35 – 0:17:05 PXG 0317 CB/Accra i80 Graphite
0:17:05 – 0:21:05 PXG 0317 CB/KBS TGI 80 Graphite (1st test)
0:21:05 – 0:23:40 PXG 0317 CB/KBS TGI 70 Graphite
0:23:40 – 0:25:30 PXG 0317 CB/Accra iS8 Graphite (1st test)
0:25:30 – 0:28:10 PXG 0317 CB/KBS TGI 80 Graphite (2nd test)
0:28:10 – 0:30:50 PXG 0317 CB/Accra iS8 Graphite (2nd test)

In this fitting we test


PXG 0317CB
Titleist T150
TaylorMade P790
Ping i525


Accra i80
Accra iS8
KBS Tour Lite












Yeah grab any club you like and we have a have a loosen up what you feel suit be suit be loose we’ll get a bit of data what um what ball do you play uh Pro V1 or AVX and then I go to a harder ball in the winter normally and do you

Have a preference for one or other on the prob probably AVX but it doesn’t really just for just for loosener we’ll just use these so we don’t out the other ones but I’ve I’ve got the AVX we can uh we can use when we go and get a bit of

Data that go I’ll get those ones out now so was golf ever anywhere near your radar before you got married no we were all tennis players so no women in my family played golf but it was uh yeah I kind of was obliged to start and then I got

Hooked so I was a hockey player as well before Golf and I gave hockey and Tennis up to concentrate on golf got a bit addicted if I’m honest I only tennis and grass court tennis kind of the older techniques where now it’s much more Western grip and more Top Spin but

Actually back then that s of action of Leaning into it there is that’s a golf swing so actually it used to correlate much closer um or certainly grass scort tennis correlates much closer to a golf swing than say cayore um so you Tim Henman very very good golfer but he was

More of a push back he wasn’t a heavy spinner of the ball so his the racket face is much more stable and that ties in I mean he’s a plus dig golfer um very very good golfer so um he didn’t have to un undo a load of the tennis habits

Whereas um I’ve seen Nadal’s action and he but he plays right-handed um and and it it’s well he plays gol right-handed yeah and he plays left-handed tennis doesn’t he I think he plays golf right-handed I’m pretty sure he plays golf rightand yeah um it’s definitely more of a a less Orthodox action

From a head point of view these is there a particular aspect you’re sort of fond of in particular what for the lookwise or just just generally from a playing point of view or the visuals or just something you’ve got comfortable with over time yeah I mean I’m if i’ I hate

Callaway look I just hate that blocky look to yeah M I would don’t think I could play if I had to use those no that’s but it just doesn’t for me yeah I like it’s important part you’ve got to you’ve got to look forward to using what’s on

The bottom because the last thing you want to be doing is stood over the shot going that’s not very nice um so it it mentally is an important part and generally from a shot shape point of view when you’re when the swing’s going well what would you would

You play a pretty neutral shot shape with it beer basically yeah I used to play a little bit of fade actually yeah um more than a draw yeah but normally I hit quite quite a straight ball yeah and you really take much of a divot or tend

To yes I do take yeah and if it timing’s wrong then the ball doesn’t go anywhere cuz I’ve taken you know too much divot before ball type thing yeah see let me know as and when you feel yep no suitably loose I’ll give you a switch

To the sixth we get a bit of data with the sixr and I’ll grab the avx’s as well how how often do you mans to play now um probably you know in the height of the season two or three times a week n the course plays pretty well this

Time of year yeah no that’s right isn’t often closed that wasn’t so good and would as a tendance see chop pad would left tend to be more likely miss than right um would left or not noticeably one way or other I’m not sure like it is

Noticeable um or would it more more just be the quality strike rather than dis okay yeah I mean when my eyes are on form they’re pretty accurate and it’s really it’s not the um Direction it’s more the distance okay yeah okay this one more be great okay yeah so so

Certainly the dead weight of the shaft is is the primary issue so from a delivery point of view um the second back path with both the seven AR you’re warming up with and the and the six AR um little bit out to him but the face is

Very stable so there is the odd one where the ball turns over a little bit on you but that’s more the contact with the ground and then it catapults it but what is happening is as you start down the club’s just not coming with you so

You move Club drops in behind and then it’s a far out of the club pit so what’s happening is you’re delivering quite a lot of Loft right um so where the club grab that very quickly um as you start from the top club gets in behind you and your

Wear is there so what you’re not doing is that you’re not smothering it over um a lot of that comes from being a tennis player in the racket face control you know where the club face is in you’re Orting it really square but it’s very much that happening through the ball so

Hence with the six under be hitting near the top of the screen quite a high flight right um so here you’re I think with a couple of them I go to the open these up you know launch angles getting up around the 29 degree Mark well that’s

That’s it might sound odd to say you’re delivering the same Loft that’s on the club but normally we’ be looking for the Loft to be near a 2122 right okay so it can get that little cut under and that’s losing quite a lot of power right so and

Distance by absolutely yeah so it it’s launching I mean at 29 it’s launching where my pitch wge launches so it’s an awful lot of launch Angle now not to say that we’re trying to get you down to a 16 17 degree launch but um there’s quite

A lot of I’ll just take that one off there there’s quite a lot of energy loss because essentially just you’re can playing a drop shot the whole time rather than driving it forward but it’s that’s more through you and the club are getting heav out of syn and because a

Flip over is a smother left and that’s just a my that you’re not going to want to do you’re going to manage the face but that cuts the legs out from under it so um in terms of so we’ve got you know Club speed in miles an hour at 66 ball

Speed at 81 on average for those batch of hits that number is the 1.22 the smash is the ratio ball speed to Club speed I’d like to see that a bit near 1.4 with a sixr so okay the disproportion yardage with your irons a lot of it’s because one there’s a bit of

AD Loft you’re turning the six iron into an eight iron in in proportion at let loan ignoring what other club heads measure for loft because you’re having to chase the club head through so if we can get the club as you start down coming out in

Front of you you can then cover it more rather than flap the head underne and is that the reason that’s happening is that because the sh of the Sha then it’s too stiff or no no it’s not not so Flex is the least important part of the club so

The flex is doing absolutely nothing to hinder or help or because what it’s not doing is it can’t affect the so from a delivery point of view it’s all dead weight so um if the club gets light then there’s nothing to hit against and you

Can and you can ends up being kind of flicky and small muscles if it’s heavy it’s like chaining it to the wall you move and the club doesn’t come with you now how the Shar loads and bends cannot influence that it can’t that bit doesn’t influence whether you and the club are

In sync and there at impact so it’s totally the weight of the totally the weight yeah the flex is a feel thing really it has a very minor influence on the picture flight but in terms of the Left Right dispersion technically the you if you go into the minuti is a very

Small amount but realistically there there’s no influence on that okay um so if I can get the weight well if if I can’t get the weight more right than those then I’m in the wrong job um but by taking weight out as you turn the club can come with you and then you’re

Collecting it right than having to flip your hands at and the more we can um kind of take the hands and the small musles out of having to put so what they’ll do they’ll put the club on the back of the ball any which way just to

Make it happen if we can make them not important in the whole thing it’s bit like a tennis shop if everything’s working together then it’s in control it’s in timing and the ball fizzes off yeah the moment you kind of Sling an arm at it just affect it there’s nothing on

It so you’re essentially using this much muscle mass rather than all of this to so you’re losing you might not lose Club speed but it’s inefficient Club speed because it’s a flick of the hands rather than using your lower body and cour to drive everything through um but because

Because of your racket face tennis that kind of background you’re aware where the club base is so you manage it well but there’s an awful lot missing in terms of power from that um and you know so from a you know dispersion point of view Oh wrong button if I put in you

Know your average side it’s 12T so that’s 12 from the center line it’s doing it with a powder puff it’s not coming out and fizzing and especially you play on you more of a links down by the down by the coast um you get any wind under that and there’s

Just it’s just getting patted Away by the wind um so um most we can get that and I I’ll start with a head that’s very similar we won’t use face Tech we’ll use a 30° Loft we’ll keep that all the same and we’ll just look at the Sha weights

Um but the it’s going to be the the the tough but almost ini isue is taking your hands arm out of it and just rotating and collecting um but that’s probably where these are up with everyone else because that there isn’t the same thing happen there’s that much less Loft on it

So keeps the wall going forwards but that’s why those are almost like kind of different game together so um yeah there’s a very very definite reason okay which is nice yeah um um so what I’m going to do is I’ll get a head that I can keep the structure of the head and

The Loft the same and then we’ll work on shaft weights okay initially once we get that bit right then we’ll get a what I call a true picture of where your flight and ball speed and and strike pattern is and then we can use the head to optimize

That if we need to um but yeah the the big difference is going to be shaft weight okay cool but not a surprise based on where they are so I’ll be two moments grabbing something what did you hear about us originally uh just a couple of recommendations that’s very nice whoever it

Was okay so so I’m using this head to start with because I can because of the weight on the back I can manage the head weight easily and and you monitor that side but you very similar to your ping where it’s got a bit of perimeter

Waiting got a little bit of mass behind it but it’s not there’s no V Tech on there so nothing falsely giving ball speed and distance right so going on little what I’ll do is I’ll I’m not going to make small changes if I’m going to make a

Change I’ll make it initially make it quite a decent one but I want to do it in stages if I go if I go too light too quickly then it could feel like a bit of a diff well could be almost a bit of a shock to the timing so do it gradually

Okay okay okay you know what I’ll take that so okay I can take it I want to make sure I can make the next step in right so it might be we do a couple as we go just working the weight down I want to find

Where we go to light and then we can bring it back up so you that one’s at 95 G so we’re already taking 15 out so so I was 110 was I if I remember rightly they’re around the 110 115 Mark yeah um if if there because with the the AG of

The label the numbers off the back of them but I’m 99% sure that’s where they are certainly over 100 gram so I can go I can definitely go not to be lighter than those so I’m going to make quite a decent change in weight now uh it’s just a shaft around the other

Side so if I just went from 100 plus grams down to about 65 it just there’s nothing too much yeah thought I was overswinging a bit on that last one okay see one more and I’ll change it up a little bit more okay it change up a little more

Dead weight’s getting closer it’s still a little bit just getting a little bit open but the weight starting to move better in terms I wonder whether we seeing a yes is interesting there’s there’s a little there’s not a there’s not I’m not seeing a notable progression in club

Speed yet definitely looks easier to move right um but Club speed like I said it can be quite the club speed can be quite efficient with heavy weight where it ends up being kind of flick and a catapult but then there’s nothing on the contact we start to get the connection

Between you and the club better there will be a different what I kind of release pattern to square it off because at the moment there’s lots of Habitual compensations for that so it would take a while to get used to it yeah so it’s unlikely to be well so there are going

To be two elements there’s going to be a little bit from a field point of view just to just to get the club squaring off to path a little bit more um but it’s one that you wouldn’t be able to do with the heavy weight that the lightweight then facilitates and creates

The potential to really kick a load of distance on so something that’s going to be almost feeling like you’re hitting a bit of a pull um just getting that Clump face squaring off but from out in front of you you can do that from back there

It’s a so take that a little bit further on the weight it’s almost the problem we’re almost bit too good at compensating so we can kind of make things work but the problem is you then build in habitual movements that become part of the Swing DNA that then it’s a

Bit of undoing to yeah so yeah cuz I’ve Got That Swing DNA that’s kind of been there probably for quite a few years now yeah let’s see bit of same sort of weight just a different balance point great thank you that felt a better one okay let’s thr the square off better

Okay okay yeah so start to hear like that one so what I did with the shafts is took the the weight instead of having a shaft with the balance down the bottom end start to bring the weight up the shaft a little bit that makes it easier

For you to get the toe coming through so so actually the previous shot wasn’t quite as well struck but we can start to see the the face to path number the club face relative to swing line starting to get less um actually then that one was

Struck better but a little bit more open but then start to see this combination of Club speeds creeping up ball speed starting to get up that’s getting towards 90 M now the smash starting to get into the 130s and bear in mind that’s still with a club face that’s

Five or six degrees open so um from a field point of view um if you were to hit what feels like a right to left shot what feels like a bit of a draw swing yeah you see I’d coach if everyone did that I’d coach if everyone did that just do this all

Right okay okay yeah so there’s typically it’s Mr was just as I was measuring but in terms of the previous swing it caught the ground a little bit you see where your path’s gone from eight out to and four or five open to three and two so much less shot shape

But you that that one we’re now well that start see 91 miles an hour ball speed um so that that’s where there’s a bit of a horrible SP 1 plus 1 equals three there Ison that without going lighter in the clubs getting the club out there to then Square the club

Through the line is impossible Because by the time the club gets to impact you’ve opened up and then the only way is acoss so that that really you in terms of yardage wise you start to put potentially couple of clubs on um if we’re looking at with some of these so

That one because it went left chased out a little bit more but we’re you looking at being kind of best part of 10 miles hour up on Full Speed but it starts to put you back in control of the club face rather than a firefight so okay that’s

So certainly That Swing feel is a good one for the eyes sounds a bit of because your only option is out to an across with an open face with those um that’s that um sequence is quite well established so the feel of a drawer actually squares things up right okay

I’m going to go a little bit lighter than this so this is still around 80 gram so it’s not we’re not going silly light any stretch the balance point in the most most likely the balance point in the composite shaft is going to be more suitable most

Likely okay it’s a better wait for it so just taking same shaft Star as the last one and balance point just a little bit lighter and then the weight in the head slightly less yeah very slightly yes okay seeit swing that one might have found too light on this one

Now yeah it’s interesting it’s not with this one if you drop too light the club doesn’t drop into plane for you so it can end up being you a bit like swinging one of those there’s kind of nothing there to respond and when you’re used to

Having some Mass to respond right um so that looked like but you’ve got a hard job because I’ve got an ingrained within my swing I’m compensating for those um not not massive a little a little bit that’s more sometimes with the pattern the Tendencies to go a little bit that way

But because you have the ability to change the swing like we did earlier if that can be a focus in here we can start we should start to see everything B it’s not the the only challenge is whether I guess getting being able to show you what the potential that extra bit so

Even on the one was 1.3 there’s still potentially another four or five miles hour ball speed to go another club further right yeah um we can get what we can shows that with the lighter weight you can maneuver the swing much more easily to to to square off the swing

Line in the face um but the timing element and how you and the club interact from a uh as you f from the top the club dropping down into in that stays the same it’s just getting probably getting maximum out of these numbers today we might still be a

Little back from what is achievable but then with a little bit of basically with a little bit of getting used to a different setup that then starts to creep out over time but um but because you’re able to move it from 8 degrees to 3 degrees in one

Swing that kind of shows me how doable it is so it’s not there’s a there’s it’s not a major challenge right okay that’s good I’ve had I’ve had bigger challenges So yeah thank you okay so just taking that weight back up a little bit there

Yeah I know was a little bit behind the ball but actually the club you could see going back up in weight that as you fire the club drops down into plane better rather than almost waving around a bit at the top but I was a bit behind the ball was I fractionally

Okay okay want me to do those again I’m going to make it I’ll come back to it I’m just going to I I quite like we’re we’re around the 80 g weight which I quite like that with both the 80 g options do look quite nice just want

To go back to the earlier one just to make a comparison so that seems quite still high is it still still relatively that one was one we just got a little bit more open and so that one will that sort of shot will probably be the shot that’ll end up

Being your Miss pattern start because of B being used to it going that way right yeah um so I I don’t foresee other than when you’re trying to work in a if as you’re trying to square off the path a bit more Square the face up you might

Hit the odd pull with it but that’s that’s more likely to be the that’s more likely to be the natural miss right these don’t look very consistent that’s okay it’s h okay I would say that one moves a little bit more stably I know there’s

The one that went a bit right but then again that’s just through path Club base it’s a so it’s a pattern that’ll kind of creep back anyway whereas actually the even the first one was a little bit missed the bll speed still pretty solid and it’s funny sometimes actually

Watching the track of the club there’s a bit more of a natural flow with a little bit more best best way describing it it’s almost like a it’s almost a bit of a feel thing watching it of how the club travels through um I’m going to get one

Other option to compare with I’m going to take that one out of the way yeah it’s really CU just seeing which which ones you move without having to almost think about it the flow and the acceleration speeds a little bit more natural um so certainly those two

Currently are are the better couple I just going to double check this but um really it’s down to obviously the base weight of the club but where the weight sit it’s not if you’ve got a tendency for the club to drop an open the more

You put the balance at the top and the more it wants to do that so um that’s where you it’s not a you with where those two sit from a balance point of view that’s that’s not a massive surprise uh it was just a question of with when someone’s playing something

Like you have for a while when you played something heavy for quite a long time it’s always that unknown of how far we got to go to find that that point um sometimes okay I’m not going to that’s way too head heav that’s that balance point makes it I wasn’t I didn’t think

It would come out that heavy but I can put that one away okay um it’s sometimes you never quite know how far the right we is going to be if it’s if someone’s starting something fairly close say if you had a almost if was L if you had a 60 gr

Graphite okay well we we we know we going to heavy but it’s unlikely to be 110 G shaft so whereas if it’s on the heavy end or it’s like a you know someone starting with the 130 gram steel that they’ve had for 30 years you know

It’s going to be lighter it’s just how how far we got to do to find that that um that balance this the one I’ve used before yeah yes so both of these wouldve usable I’m going to just go between them and see if there’s a a natural winner between the

Two square it off better good swing okay okay that actually that looked pretty nice so again for one where the face is relatively open we’re still pushing the 90 mph Mark it’s funny going back to that actually looks quite nice okay I’m going to make a so just

From a feeli just exaggerate that right to left field a little bit I just want to see if we start to get the face what sort of ball speed would you want me to get to well if we’re at 68 miles an hour then 28 uh 30 98 well I think there’s there’s

Certainly 95 milph in there okay and bear in mind I haven’t done anything with the head yet so there are things we can do with the head to get a bit more ball speed out of it as well but I want to see what a square square

Club face does before I kind of push too much okay nice thing is you can definitely work that one through nicely so I’m trying to yeah okay okay I’ll pop the other shaft in I think the the neutral to slight fade is that that because of where your pattern

Is that you get to here and then the club travels there it’s going to be one that goes out and just drops a little bit right but the but that’s fine if I know that it’s very reliable yeah very reliable and um Monty didn’t do too barely hitting a

5 yard fade his whole career so yeah and that’s what a lot of a lot of swings now you on to they’re looking to keep the face Square play a slight left or right because that that means the club face isn’t rolling um the only

Thing we going to do is from a feel point of view is feel like it’s rolling because it’s worked out to win an open quite so much in the past so be interesting going back to this with the same feel of how that one moves but we

Are certainly starting to see a bit of a progression in ball speed coming I think part of it though being in the studio if I’m honest you kind of you start to grow into it do you know I kind of tentative a little bit to start with and then oh that wasn’t very

Good it’s a close call I think you’re able to maneuver this one just very slightly easier very it’s a very very very close that felt a little bit yeah okay yeah it looked just like you didn’t have to work yes there’s the old one goes up it didn’t look like

You had to work quite as hard as you got halfway down that one you had to then manipulate a little bit more um so I would just I’m going to get so I’ll car I’ll look at a couple of heads with this one I want to get a head that I can one

Just strengthen the Loft a little bit because that’s naturally going to bring the top of the flight down a little but I’m also going to introduce just a little bit of face Tech to see if we can get a little bit more speed coming out

For you um and see where that can get us to but um yeah in terms of I mean with with those ones versus if I go back into that the distance wise is just it’s a few yards but it’s a few yards stronger um and again that one even without the

Really pure contact you’re getting the face to path squared off a little bit more so I think that’s where the um the acur of the two shelves just a little bit better we’re going to have a look and see what was that the lighter the lighter one very SL it’s

Yeah it’s about it’s about one or two grams it’s not an awful lot so is a quite a close call but that was the one that did move a little bit more freely and that you said felt a bit more comfortable as well so I’m going to see

What we can do with the head now as well what clubs do you play with I’m still quite old school um so I’ve got uh I’ve got some five under pictures I play blades still um but then I go into head like this into the four just to bridge

It up a bit more uh just changed the Titus driver this year uh the tsr3 from an old M4 so 7 eight years back uh and then Callaway actually sounds like I’ve changed a lot this year Callaway Paradigm 3w but that was an update from an old Callaway that was good but the

New one’s just better across the face um and then I’ve got a a driving iron a two onon um and um and then the the blade blade arms so nice I don’t change very often so that sounds like I did but I’ve changed a couple of the wood heads this

Year but hadn’t changed for they driver for seven or eight years in the food for three or four um so which is pretty impressive given what you do as for a living I yeah yeah the the iron heads I changed probably four years back but that was I needed to change shafts

Through my action changed a bit and um all right I got a bit older and um just didn’t need the same weight as previously so I kind of figured that I might as well have a new set of heads as well but know as you I’m I’m not generally a tinkerer

Particularly oh no that’s terrible okay interesting okay so what was interesting is the the head work was only a fraction heavier but timing wise was definitely less strong so it just started to get the first couple got into the ground a little bit more yeah and then that one’s

Actually popped the ball up a little bit more where the head started to drop in behind so head weight is going to be quite a not tipping too heavy is going to be quite a critical thing and so I’ll get one I can go a little lighter

With this is as thick on Top Line as I’d go for you thank you otherwise I’ll be getting my nail file out isn’t it I I’ve played blades for 32 years and and just so used to seeing that neat clean top line that I could

Get used to it but I wouldn’t want to have to get used to it yeah and I think now with the amount of options out there you can you get what you can get the the look that works for you yeah or or if not close enough to to be you so

Something like this whil there is a little bit where it’s a hollowed out head there’s a little bit of a thicker Top Line because constructionwise there has to but it’s not going back to the CYS you allude to it’s not like those old big birthers that had a Top Line

About about a centimeter thick um so so it can you can get something that’s going to look a lot more palatable but but incorporates quite a bit of Technology now okay’s check the Loft on this so there are a few heads where there is the option of slightly lighter or heads

That you control the weight with more usually okay see there we go yeah so get the head weight down and it comes through better okay so even the first couple that got a little bit of mat ball and took a bit of spin-off yeah um but the first couple

Even though they were um still got a little bit of Fade to them um we’re getting us that smash of 135 so that that again starting to move the right way the launch angle just staying controlled a little bit more now some of that is a bit we have to take the Loft

Down just just a little bit um but you know both of those first two have definitely got more efficiency off the face uh and then that one just just caught the ground so was a shame actually it was a nice swing line um and so that just knuckled the spin a little

Bit but um immediately going away from iring away from heavier head straight away provided cleaner strike right okay so I’m going to get two other heads that I can control that head weight with not that one okay so whilst I mean the a stronger distance is going to be a byproduct

Which is getting the timing better a little bit more representative ball speed on it getting the Loft down a little bit um it’s it’s yes it’s going to be there but actually the primary objective here is about getting you not having to fight the clubs to get timing

Um but we are you know certainly seeing if we put a little bit of tech into the head then there is a payoff of of a little bit more ball speed and then as you start to square things off we’re still going to see you versus those

Couple of shots there’s still another 3 4 miles hour ball speed we’re still looking at being you’re looking at kind of carry wise even on a reason being more like the 130 Mark yeah and then there’s potential for a little bit more as well so put a little bit more weight on that

Head so there are a couple of brands that use a weight on the head that help control balance others do um so Muno do a lighter head normally if you’re going longer than standard but helps when when you trying to keep the swing weight down the balance down

Um and say ping use a screw on the back of there tailor made use a little plug in the bottom of the hle uh so but it’s something that not many ping and Muna have always been very good at it uh Taylor Made have done it but but builted

Into the main frame of the head whereas mzo make a lighter head um rather than using a weight to do it they make the frame weight lighter right so there are some brands that are just going to be an awful lot easier to do it

With than well I said easier that we can do it with versus others that we can’t um pxg is the other one we can do it with but the head shape is going to go somewhere you’re not going to like right okay haven’t heard of those before they’ve been around trying think how

Long they’ve been around no it’s probably six six seven years seven or eight years um they they took a lot of the Ping designers so um so they’re a relatively new kid on the Block then yeah um they they had a lot of success quite quickly um and they us-based

Company um but a lot of the products look quite ping like so for the white line at the bottom of the face was always a ping signature and they they do that um but um but they now have the uh the weight engineered into them so it

Makes it a little bit more versatile from a setup point of view felt a bit thinned okay yeah not getting as much ball speed so with that one just that efficiency is not as high and and some of that’s going to be down to construction you know so

For example with the um tailor M head what they’ve got is they they’ve all got different amounts of tungsten the sole um how light the face gets perimeter waiting so that’s something over the last couple of models we’ve seen they started to separate within Drive BS

We’ve seen a lot in terms of because the head size and how much weight’s being moved proportionate to head weight that strike points and delivery patterns suit a certain head style or otherwise um on irons it’s starting to happen more and more now because they’re making the faces lighter the frames lighter and

Putting weight they will to put more weight in various bits of the heads so some constructions I’m going to go back to this one just suit a particular delivery or stripe pattern you know some just get into the back of the ball a little bit better um and this one

Immediately even even though there was still that little bit of left to right on there you we were looking at being seven or 8% more ball speed um which is not insignificant no thank you turn okay so that’ll be an interesting one that last one yeah so I mean one first one back

With it immediately even though relatively open we’re still getting more ball spe than with the other head that last one that is starting to get more to where ODS I’d want a bit so you see we’re up close to the 1.4 mark on the smash ball speed at 95 um now this is

Where from a ball point of view there’s the avx’s lower spin now actually for the higher launch that’s great if you start to get that kind of delivery on there then actually we could do with the higher spin ball right into wind then you go for a pro1 then would

You yeah it’ll pick up another 4 500 revs of spin um however with with the face open and and the more kind of fade higher fade shot the AVX stops IT ballooning right so it’s one of those where it’s definitely you know for for some of those where you the club face is

Seven or 8 degrees open it stops IT flaring up I mean I must admit I’m don’t feel I’m a good enough gol like have I got PR one or AVX whatever’s in my bags tell you the truth yeah I it’s just the pro said oh I think you should play with

AVX so if I’ve got them I’ll play with them but like I didn’t have any out in Barbados so I played with Prov v1s the whole time yeah and and you they’re both it’s not like it’s going from a proie one to a distance ball so they both have

The urethan cover they still get with wedges a decent bit of spin however if you you start to get the the swing line the attack angle is getting a little bit um actually know it’s regulated the same kind of place but it’s now starting to deliver a stronger impact position that one you

Can see you got round and squared off more hence the ball speeds up so we’re now now at 95 miles and now ball speed rather than 85 but because it’s squared off in a stronger delivery and it’s a some of it is it’s a bit of a stronger

Loft so much like in the driver anyone who delivers a lot of Loft you can use a lower Loft to keep the launch down same thing with the irons we have gone a couple of degrees stronger on Loft um but where you start to launch it there

Then what happens is it’s not silly low you’re still at you know we look at land angles and descend so some of the numbers that aren’t necessarily worth worrying about but other than for me it’s not silly low but I wouldn’t want any I mean into wind that’s a great

Ball flight downwind it’s going to want to scoot a little bit more however you start to get it there regularly then you go to the pr one that spins a little bit more puts 500 R of spin on all of a sudden you’re getting that little bit

More control back so it’s at if that starts to become the norm then the higher spin ball will just give you better control into the green right at the moment with the higher flight the AVX stops IT ballooning so they both definitely have a relevance they’re both

Good balls um the AVX will feel quite a lot softer um the prob is definitely a harder ball um but start to get those sort of numbers out of it then actually the one the extra distance in theory that the AVX gives you then starts to mean more when it lands but because

We’ve got so much more out the carry then the extra control then becomes the better thing so it’s kind of It’s Always a bit of a a swing as to which one’s more important however that kind of delivery we’re now seeing the ball speed that we said well that’s that’s there

But also you wanted 9 there’s potentially a bit more because the club speed is now at 69 the more you start to get that through and free it up and um bit like a tennis shot we playing a bit of a drop shot and a a kind of square-faced

Steer is a harsh word but kind of a ster back which by the way is my game um it becomes more of a free up more of a you’re hitting a square forehand through the tee yeah because the lighweight now lets you Freewheel that up uh and then really the more from

A practice point of the more you can practice slinging a bit of a right to left that just encourages that freedom through the ball and then we start to get these numbers getting smaller so back kind of three three path Two Face to path well then it’s just a line drive

Up the middle um but so that’s what you want to see there or three is it um so on the path number so the path path that that number is how many degrees relative to the Target line the clubs traveling through so that one was 8.8 de out to in

Through the ball right now actually 4° Club face open Club face to path so literally 4 degrees closed to Target before open to path has put you 15t left of Target which is pretty good um but the the the square of the path is the

Less You’ got to do with the face to get it back to Target and from a swing that doesn’t like being swung at all I’m not going to risk that one if I can BR just to give a visual on it it’s really rather than having

To with a path is out to in you square it it’s just going over there which you’re not going to do because it’s going to miss miles left so what what one does is gets to there then that happens to create something that is stable but puts

The ball I’ve probably overdone it puts the ball back on line yeah but you know 11 out to 12 open actually face the target like with your swings is very very square but the more the path goes up line the more it shapes yeah so the

More you can bring it back onto Line then without putting in any more effort you start just to free it up through the ball and it takes all the compensations out so maybe I should play with these that felt great thinking about it you

Know um but it takes out any the need to put the club on the back of the ball and to put the club squarely on the back of the ball and then lets you just let the swing go um but the the smaller the path number because you’ve got that natural

Connection from the racket sport side of things it’s not like it’s a you know arms and hands and body all out of sink it’s a little bit of patterns to get out of that open and pull across but the more you can get that feel of a a hook

Which will Square everything up then it just becomes an unload down the line and then it straightens it up doesn’t it but then also you’re going to pick up um you’re going to pick up Club speed because there’s there’s not that kind of that hold on element to it without

Actually having to hit it harder it’s just um effectively allows you to take the control fuse off a little bit and just two turns and a Ser two turns in a Swit um but you you’re you’re kind of natural that that could quite feas go up to you know 70 71

72 without actually trying any harder um but just by aligning those a bit more and not having to manage the face yeah which then puts you close to to you know pushing 100 mph on the ball speed which is then another seven or eight yards at least carry you then looking at

140 carry um but it also means that if you square a club to 8 degrees it’s missing a green left if you square it at 3° it’s hitting the left side of the green so but like I said earlier it’s a bit of a one it’s a um chicken egg thing

If you don’t go I me that should now that should now feel pretty heavy what when I swing it even just pick up um so you’re not having to kind of which allows your you to stay as a frame to stay more stable and turn the club around you rather than having to

Work the club away um less effort isn’t it less effort which then means in principle means more consistency throughout the whole round of golf rather than forit you essentially fatigue kicking in at the end of the round the the fat shot kicking in there um but then allows you to develop the

Swing line rather than have to swing it a certain way to make them work so um so yeah and but you that one in particular that that’s the one that we were saying earli about doesn’t it make my job that’s the one that shows

Me what’s in the tank as a kind of as a stock standard s because with a little bit of practice and they just getting undoing old habits that becomes your your kind of I guess sort of um what my base and and then the good ones have a little

Bit more speed to it a little bit more release to it Square it off a bit more and then put another half a club on or so um but that then becomes doable shot to shot to shot rather than one that goes where you have just to get the

Hands over you where’s that come from and then the next one powder puffing up and going no because it’s relying on that Fetch and and and collect um so what I’m GNA I’m going to do GNA watch a couple more swings I’m going to do

Another test on the L angle on these so certainly it’s it is achievable I’m I’m going to say pretty much achievable just because I need to know what the head weights are we know that by taking one apart on yours you can make them a lot easier by putting

Light of shafts in the one thing we’re not going to be able to do is deloft and get extra bit of pop off the face and I couldn’t guarantee the head weights make that length and balance achievable cuz they where their base length is a little bit shorter these are actually kind of

Current current standard length qu in um it it might be like when we put the titless head on it was just that a little bit heavy and straight away got into the T yeah so the the balancing and everything could be yeah yeah um when you hit those they’re just so nice when

You hit them pure they’re just they’re so soft yes that that brilliant copper yeah it was a really soft feeling metal yeah and that is the one thing that will change because of the construction elements the um the way they’ve got a marage in a thinner face

And the then the the hollow there is an infill that helps just to dial it down a little bit but that will create that little bit of a clicker sound and feel so it’s not going to feel as solid from a material point of view but the strike should feel very solid because

Everything squaring off a little bit more have a little look at the a little look at the face there okay yeah so I’ll do one more to double check with that one’s got so we use the white line just to see how the okay club’s coming into

The toe up to so that one principal is a little bit toe up I’m gonna do one more to double check I’ll just show just so they can see what we okay um I’ll do one more just to make sure that it wasn’t an anomaly but that that’s something we would just adjust

The angle the huzzle to adjust rather than you needing to adjust anything I’m just going to pop another line on this so depending on how to high or low your hands are your yours are lowish you kind of drop down and then round so that’s going to mean the toe naturally

Sits a little bit up but we can flatten the L angle down to um to correct that helps not to knock it off l a little the head so good yeah so here’s a little bit toe up so um you need to take that lle I don’t

Want to take it all the way down because there’s a tendency for the face to work that way if we go too flat actually because of the Loft it actually gears gears it open a little bit so where you’ve got a natural tendency for a bit

Of left to right if we leave it in theory very slightly upright from neutral um it helps just the gear against the left to right shot so it it’s not a massive difference um but if we go too far then there’s there’s nothing stopping it going just it can

Help just to to to uh compensate a little bit for the left to right tendency but it’s not going to turn a 10 yard fade into a straight shot um but it helps to mitigate some of that shot shape a little bit so this is where with ping the the

Dot system that they use which I yeah on blue dot yeah yeah so I’m so the meaning of blue dot recently is it changed it up a little bit but it’s where this would be more towards a black or probably not as much as a red dot but more like a

Black dot just a little bit less upright okay yeah cuz blue tradition was always 3 3/4 degree upright um so we don’t need to be as much as that much more towards in vertical standard which was black dot was it yeah I think standard now is slightly I mean

Between the different even even within different models within the same brand standard like and Vary depending on what they’re trying to achieve with them so a little bit of ground ball but I’ll see whether that’s moved there okay do got a little little higher up the face

Through the the mat strike but it was it was less less towards the toe than line pointing so I’ll do one more to check That here that felt a better one yeah yeah and so so that’s got a 7° on the face to path we still got a reason mod but again we’re right up at 95 96 you could hear the the strength of contact see that lines a little less

Towards the toe yeah so that that’s a really nice place cuz it’s enough to just make a little bit of difference um just to help just to gear against that left to right slightly but much more neutral so um it’s not going to affect

You’ve got to be quite a long way off to affect the the Sol the club and the turf contact UM enough to affect ball flight then because by the time the club has entered the turf and stalled it out the ball’s gone from the face 90 90% of the time

Anyway so when you change that is that the same for every it’s the same measurement for each Club is it the L will will Pro progress so from an angle point of view so on this one we’re at 61° on the 6 IR so be generally

Speaking it’s a half a degree per as the get shorter the LIE goes upright to compensate for the the length getting shorter and and the natural shaft angle going up a little bit um so but say 61 is in instead of you know a bit of of old money is a very very

Standard lie um so you it’s not delivering you’re not delivering kind of quirky L angle but where your current ones are at actually curent 61.5 so just they used to be lie used to be flatter as standard than they are now um and ping used to do

It based on it used to vary what blue dot meant from an actual angle point of view used to change depending on the length so they had quite a it made sense if you only doing if you’re only using their components but if you tried to

Link that into how everyone else does it it’s easier to go by the angle right rather than if you take a half inch off technically it gets gets flatter so yeah it’s it it made sense but it was a little convoluted so they simplifi ex exactly exactly it made total sense but

Only surrounding that system um so actually your line will very very similar to what your current ones are um the the big change here if I take the total weight of these so 386 yes so we’ve gone from 421 G to 386 so 10% less be mind the

Heads we only looking at a couple of grams um because head weight doesn’t really vary a huge amount unless we were going an inch longer and had to use a seven or eight gram head weight that’s quite a big change on head weight um so we’re looking at 35 G difference so if

We factor in where we kind of feel if I remember rightly basically around 110 Mark and 80 it’s pretty much the difference so actually almost it’s not a far off 10% of the whole weight of the club but because it because it takes up most of the length

Of the club that’s where that and going you’re probably traveling on about a 2 and a half meter radius to get to the ball from the top that’s where it can get quite out of sink so quite a sizable quite a sizable change there and Little Bit Stronger on Loft um and assuming

That top Line’s agreeable yeah it’s not much difference is it um actually yeah know the Ping’s got a little so some some Brands like tight have always um I me it’s more squared off but it’s not you know it’s it’s not a m massive amount so that actually the width is

Pretty much identical that’s more rounded so you you kind of only see the point of it whereas this one they show it a little bit more but the actual actual width of the head is is not too different um but structurally and and the the the tech in the head is quite

Different so that’s really where there’s quite a they call that what’s that head called is it a perimeter witing or not yeah it would still be so it would be CL say it’s clust is like a kind of a aying what they call a players distance IR

Right okay so it’s still the P series is still a player side so they do the stealth which is more the they call class game improvement which is then a lot bigger a lot more weight in the bottom a lot deeper sort of wider in the

Sole thicker Top Line um the p790 the P moniker being the play players bit is the one where it’s a slightly stronger LOF than some and they’re using the face just a little bit more to get the forward momentum off the face okay but it’s where a lot of people have called

For a a thicker Top Line on this model because relative to the performance it’s quite clean but but actually for someone like you this this is great because it keeps the visual where you’re used to seeing it whereas a lot of players would want to see a bit more ahead from it it’s

Almost a bit small for a lot of the players that it suits right because of the performance off the face but um but the P element keeps it more in the player and so more the neater cleaner head but length a hair longer on length qu quar inch um which actually more more

Important than the shorter ons just not to have to sit into it but the big difference is the sh big difference from a swinging point of view is a sha weight okay but we can move the head the head Loft a little bit stronger and give you

A little bit of a crossb performance with an update on the head that just wouldn’t be doable with the pings and the head weight is versatile with that head and we’re right on the limit of what’s doable with the Ping heads as well okay so I would I mean with these

Heads it’s an interesting one I think because of where you play and having played four on through pitch the only question marks really the forearm Club well whether to have it or whether cuz as you get things squared off the flight’s going to come down forward quite a bit um it’s something

That you know the life cycle ahead is would be plenty to say okay well we could start from the fiveon down and see where the fiveon plays how comfortable you are with it yeah and then if I think there’s something get missing then I could add one C absolutely I would

Probably do that because there it’s the top end of the set there’s going to be the from a swinging point of probably the biggest difference out of but I want to make sure that it’s definitely something worth putting in right rather than put it in and get yeah actually I

Don’t not really using it and I’ve got a lob wedge at home but to tell you the truth I need to I don’t use it very much but yeah they are they’re hard club with that man off they are hard well we’ll have a look at the the out the the sand

Wge is something we we would look at as a bit a slightly separate element because quite often we need a little bit more weight with so I’ll have a look at that one um that one now so what would be good um what we will do I’ll move this

Forward because of the flight off the Loft will uh don’t want it hitting the top and bouncing back at you so I’ll slide this forward so just so you’re aware I’ve never been able to get the distance I should do with my wedge my sand iron so I had a massive gap between

My nine iron and my wedge yes like massive Gap so let me just check there’s not a I don’t think there’s a in different Loft Gap no Loft Gap sign so some of this is the height of the ball I hit it some of it is that really so

Essentially you’re turning your and it’d be more exaggerated at the higher Lofts because it starts to really kind of cut so I’m turning my wedge into a sand iron basically pretty much yeah pretty much now it’s great for Bunker shots as long as there some soft sand it’s great for

Kind of the cutup shots and the delicate ones around the greens however if you’re trying to get a yeah you’re trying to pitch one down on forwards into a bit of wind then it’s useless for that yeah um but it means so I’ve always been the other way I’ve always turned the Loft

Down right so if you give me a Punchy wedge shot onto one of the greens at deal great flop shot useless yeah so your pattern suits very much one side of it yeah um but if you’re trying to get any you say distance or we’ll just be on

That front mat for this see this one yes thank you see I never hit a full sandwich I will today well I mean doesn’t necessary for these ones just as as I soec a fairly normal oncore swing okay yes a 36 okay okay okay so yeah so the the second couple

Got up to around the 40° Mark so think in the clubs at 55 most of the time we’ be looking at yeah ideally a bit nearer 30 right so again same exactly same thing as the club drops that way and works under I say it’s great for the little cut UPS

You got a bunker in the way it’s a natural shot um but but it does restrict the yardage because it just cuts the legs out from under and Pops so you can see here Club speed on that last one 62 but the ball speed was 50 so it’s coming

Off with less speed than you’re Swinging The Club at right now I say great for the touch shots but not when you’re trying to get trying to get a bit more distance yeah so I’ll we’ll do the same thing on the shaft we won’t be going as

Light as this that’s for certain so you do that with looking at the sand you don’t do it looking at the wedge and well pitch wedge is part of the full swing set so that would that would fall in line with that um whereas these ones

Um where you start to play more shots and knockdown swings then takes on often takes on a slightly different requirement from the setup so I’ll get something that’s uh a little bit heavier but fairly aligned with same thing I’ll take a little bit down make sure it’s the right kind of

Move then take it a little bit more off I to get slightly different head just so it’s not quite as heavy wedges are one area where head weights have crept heavier over the years they’ve definitely more recently got I’d say noticeably a little bit heavier

Um so we’ll see how this swings I may I may do a little bit of uh tweaking with the head just to get everything doing what it we’d like to just resetting the track man very quickly okay okay definitely a little bit more back out and front which is good another

One one a slightly shorter swing a little half swing would be great as well okay definitely a little bit easier so we’re seeing okay we’re not we’re not going it’s not a a distant swing we’re actually seeing a little bit more miss one of the earlier ones a little bit of a stronger

Contact similar kind of launch but actually starting to see it one it’s a bit more out in front of you but we starting to see a little bit more ball speed as well so hence not having to force quite as much of a quite as much

Of a distance I’m going to go slightly lighter on the shaft again gred we don’t want to see it Cannon up to 80 yards or anything like that this it’s got a graphic on it it’s the same um same series just a slightly heavier version that they’ve done for

Wedges so 90 GS rather than 80 just a shorter swing I only wonder whether that’s just got a little bit light mind you nice for that that one can we do a couple more probably one more of the slightly longer swings I think longer swing one more of the

Slightly longer ones then I’ll I’ll pop the slightly po up the steel shaft back in yeah it’s interesting we go to the filler one I wonder that just gets a little bit underneath on you um the the knockdown swing look quite nice right but almost look like you lost it a

Lost the club a little bit on the stronger thing so I’ll just pop the so be mind this is still 15 G lighter than the current one so as we get into the bottom end the shaft weight’s less of an issue certainly um where where the swing’s not accelerating quite so hard momentum

Build momentum buildup is not quite so strong so the weight doesn’t affect quite as much at the short IR end of things feel a bit Scoopy am I scooping it that one just the face got a little bit more open I’m going to swap on that was a bit

I’m going to swap on AE that I can just get a a little bit lighter with these where we glow on the adapter adds a little bit of weight I’m just going to take a couple of grams off that was definitely where you you I think at the balance this is at you’ve

Got to square the face a little bit but when you did like the last one then we start to see launch angle coming down start to see you the the board speed aligning with Club speed a little bit more um so picked up to nearer the kind

Of the 55 57 yard Mark rather than popping up and going 45 so I’m going to get a a slightly light ahead to see if that that a little lighter balance helps just to square that off slightly more what sort of yardage you you look should I be looking for on

That uh let’s think I would say 6570 130 and 30 not that much I think in an ideal world yeah I think without having to kind of feel like it’s all guns if we can get it up to more like kind of the 60 65 Mark comfortably then yes

I’ll use this CU I can control the weight again but using this more from a swinging side this will come out a little stronger because it’s got a bit less Loft on but again it just lets me get the balance down a little bit to then control the waiting and see where optimal

Is well how long were you away for two weeks yeah though it’s my friends go in the wet SE so I go and stay with them and they always go in the wet season it was just I mean it’s hey it’s a nice problem to have but like buggies were on the

Path and it’s just just such a balls when it’s like that whereas I went in April in earlier in the year and it was just beautiful yeah I mean the course was closed three times while I was out there completely closed right that 18th hole they’ve got there

Do you remember the 18 it kind of goes downhill to the clubhous up and over yeah oh awesome h I didn’t like the course initially but I’ve played it quite a few times now it’s already grown on me yeah the one I think I the the bit that I remember the

Most clearly are the the the holes with the coral around like the par 3es with the really strong the sixth with the wall of coral and yeah oh yeah the short PA 4 six yeah um just remember it blowing quite a bit up there yeah it’s always at least you got that nice

Breathed okay okay so that that’s just overdone I’m going to add a little bit just over done the balance slightly so just losing the club at the bottom and just actually the shot before started just flip the toe over a little bit right so that we don’t want so just

Amp the weight up a little bit more okay that was nice okay that’s a better we so the the previous shut straight away squared off more yeah so that just halfway from where we started they went lighter you those 0.0 on the pile 0.0 on the face

The first one 1.6 .2 on the face so it’s just getting it through and squaring off Natural a little bit more so getting better quality strik so ball speeds a little bit better and so we are a little loss is going to affect at the fraction

But but actually um just from a timing point of view felt better it’s a couple of grams lighter than head than what we started which is with the length and the the shaft type we’re looking looking at is perfectly achievable it’s just where we with the um uh where I put the wedge

With these to put them into the system that adds a couple of grams so it’s not a problem from a build point of view I am going to have a look at this the strike point on the sole so where the bounce comes into it so you

Uh over here so the Ping head actually the shape of the Ping head with a weight up there a few of them have copied out the high tone the tailor made the principle of that weight it actually helps work the club underneath a few of

Them are doing that um but from a bounce point of view this one it’s a narrow so but all the relief is on the back Edge or all the relief all the the peak is on the back so where you tend to open the face up that puts the Leading Edge Prett

Proud so on firm like summer Turf this could want to bounce quite a bit or off winter bunkers where the Sand’s packed down the Leading Edge isn’t going to want to get into the sand it’s going to kick off so actually something that’s a little bit more graduated we should give

A little bit more versatility okay I’m going to pop a little bit of tape on the bottom of that as well just to show the strike point when we test and because you do naturally tend to work it under grab that thank you um having that back Edge rolled so the club

Can slide SK through um will just make it more versatile on tital lied you know soft softer conditions not a problem at all um so it’s looks a lot firmer than it is so just actually initially just a little kind of knockdown swing just a little half swing okay

Yeah what what’s nice with it from a timing point of view is I can see you and the club finish all in one go so Club head your body rotation arms is really nicely synced up which is for wedges is great uh so yes and see that

One it’s just on that just towards the back half right so and that’s on a fairly standard swing so if you were to play a little bit of a shorter one a I guess just a sort of 30 40 yard swing okay a little more into H same same kind

Of spot certainly front to back but still more towards that back Edge so if we don’t if I compare this one’s already a little bit of a shallower so than your current one so if we take those two and see the angle the angle on that versus that angle and that’s already

Catching the back half that means it’s really cing that that top Edge there so by having something has a a little bit more of a roll off into the B more for it’s going to mean in various conditions is going to be a bit more versatile and

Where the strike moves a little onto the heel side again the kind of the low hand side that’s where actually that bit of relief there is a good thing so it still want to incorporate a slightly lower heel side um but have something that’s got a

Little bit more I mean this is really where back then I guess a lot of 90% of 50% of go stor is in the US which is softer Turf conditions so most of them historically been designed around those softer conditions um whereas our turf over here there’s much tighter tighter especially

Where I play yeah yeah so the moment you get 2030 yards tight Li bunker in the way it’s if you’ve got something if there’s a bit of softness under the ball absolutely fine but the moment it it’ss tight it’s yeah it’s fizzing yeah I’ll get a slight different sole shape

Would you be wanting to match the brand of the club into the IRS I’m less worried about that y I’ll have a look at this one then CU they they they do I’ll I’ll I’ll see what this so shape does where that’s got that a little bit bit more relief on

The back Edge um and then cu the tailor maid wedge has a um a bit of the face to that rusts which not Everyone likes the visual of there is a Mazo wed is the same color as yours though say a tailor made which is the same color as

Yours yeah they were I mean if you could find a set of the the original ping eyes in the copper in a something like a two to pitch or even all the way down to one they they there was a time they were worth an absolute

Fortune yeah I’ve got three iron but I never use it so I go down someone told me if I had a one iron that’s worth quite a bit okay yeah it’s a complete sets I would imagine yeah okay let’s see with that one that same shot would be

Great God yeah it was it was an isi 1 I had I think I I got it because I had played a tourn at Wen on the Dutchess which is really narrow yeah so I put it in for that never used it again did you hit it all right though it

Was okay for that I just it was I think because at that time it was just too different than the rest of my back I looked back now it must have been really different setup than the rest of the bag that it just didn’t swing the

Same so um and and the rest of my arms were were really good and I was a bit sketchy with it so it didn’t come out again course it couldn’t have been me no of course not okay let’s see that okay interesting so that one is

Where this has got a bit of a rib through there that’s a narrow Mark bit on that point so actually what that backs I take that off just so so where they’ve got almost a a ridge there so it’s softish but actually what that’s done is it’s got the the strike point on

That Ridge so really what we want is a smoother Blended sole because again the the more the we can use it’ll scar whereas that Ridge even that’ll kick it a little bit so well I the other one’s better is it I’m gonna get AE that should have a better soulle

Shape okay let me get this one’s got a a softer more rounded so this is the one that’s got the sim a little bit more similar in terms of that higher so and and color scheme current one not the I I’m getting this more for the soul shape that we can

Create this kind of sole shape with most wedges by doing just a little bit of a grind on the so so it doesn’t have to be this exact Club make sure it’s not been and because of your natural delivery you your strength really is going to be in those shorter

Shots so it’s not something we don’t necessar have to sorry don’t have to prioritize ahead that um that kind of tries to compensate for someone who hasn’t got a good short game you actually you actually play those shots well so um but we by shallowing this and smoothing we’ll see it should be

Hopefully a bit of a wider mark across the sole which means we’re getting more Turf interaction with the sole of the club which means a bit more forgiveness from the club as well in that respect so we’re just going to do a half swing again yeah yes thank you

Okay yeah so it’s not it’s not on that point it’s not hugely wide but I think that’s where where because you’re you’re not not some leans forward and gets the Leaning Edge in it’s not going to be a kind of a heavy front part of the so

Mark however um you know certainly it’s not that sharp point on the last I think anything we can do to mitigate that by by keeping that that smooth this and blend off um is a good thing and by having less bounce than your current wedge that’s going to get it sitting a

Little bit tighter um so certainly that that rounded sole shape is going to be huge more versatile I think in terms of head the head itself the so shape is going to far out way the um the the head the importance of the head itself so which might sound

A little bit trivializing The Wedge heads but actually you because your techniques you square square and works underneath it’s very very good for the partial swings so it’s not that one head style is going to mass make a massive difference difference no um it’s more getting the sole shape right which gives

You the versatility of shot type so um I’ll get the other tailor made head shape just so that there’s a um head finish so there’s a contrast there they do have kind of a more Orthodox one a bit of phrase wedge shape but it does have

That rusted patch in the middle um the the ones I would a away from because of the head weight on the 56 are the vys because are quite heavy um so in the last couple of models the 54 and 56 degree wedges have ramped up in weight

Quite a bit and then we’re firefighting that so that I would steer away from um think from another head shape probably the other the other one that would work well where it we tested earlier where it’s got that bit of a rib we could just smooth that in but the

Cleveland it’s got enough width to give you some some um protection against softer Turf but it would just be a c just blending that in and why would you go for that rather than one the oh I that would be an alternative option the the tailor Maids if so that bit of the

Face out will Rust little bit over time as well that section not everyone’s that Keen on that oh it doesn’t bother me really so I quite like that that one was see Ian so I that one gives you you visually a little bit of a it’s a little bit back towards with a

Slightly higher toe um the sole shapes Absol spot on and so that’s nice and easy actually the ball won’t have any difference but actually visually setting up behind the ball the slightly bronzed finish does give a bit of a link back to this if that were important but

Certainly Soul shape very very good not everyone’s not Everyone likes the the higher toe but it’s something you’re very used to so the soul shape itself absolutely spot on so and can you do me a lob wedge in that as well yes y certainly um that would be a case of uh

In terms of what I’d probably do if you were going if you’re wanting a higher Loft wedge as well is actually we wouldn’t need to go in terms of the gapping on The Lofts like take your current ones your pit at 47 then the sandwich is 55 we can actually move the

Sandwich A Little Bit Stronger um I don’t like as I say I never used my LOB wge I thought maybe I should be using it but do you do you think I can get away with a pitch wedge and a sand wedge so there there kind of two routs that you

Could look at I mean based on the kind of launch and Spins you get I wouldn’t say it’s an absolute necessity um I mean if you were faced with a lot of deep steep face bunkers then the lob wedge means you don’t have to open the face

And crank it quite so much you can set up Square hit it and it’ll pop straight up so for that kind of the get out of jail around the green shots they can be they’re just less conscious you haven’t got to do so much with them um and if

You went down that I wouldn’t go above 58 I think 58’s plenty so these people that have like a three four wedge system you wouldn’t even go there um so I do because I’m not as good at the bringing shots back so for me to have I’ve got a

45 degree pitd 50 55 and 60 so my strength has never been the short stuff right um so the close if I can by going to a 60 give us other club that I can hit shorter without having to take too much off um um and some also my pitch J

Is going 135 yards so to try and cover that in a couple of clubs right having said that Shane Larry tiger they play Pitch wedge and two wedges um if you’re good at taking distance off then it’s not a case of needing the extra wedes as

Much and for example if the pitch W is giving you kind of 90 odd yards then we we haven’t got to go too many to cover off the distances back so there were kind of a couple of roots you could go with it we’re getting a hair stronger on

The arms there is potential to keep us a 56° sand wedge but but put a For example an a wedge in the uh in the IRS to bring it back to to a 51 degree and plug the Gap because we’re going to be moving the

IRS on a little bit so it that that fills in rather than having an 8 degree Gap you know you then down to sort of five five six de so that that Bridges a more um if you were adding LOF then it would be more like kind of 50 maybe 52 and

58 with the kind of flight you get I think if we get the soul shape right now we can always add a degree of Loft to it if you wanted to down the line but I think that that open excuse the P opens up the ability to open the face up and

Slide it underneath more and and put more Loft on the back of the ball without it bouncing and going M so I would I would Orient towards where the arms are moving on a little bit plugging the gap between the sand wedge and the pitch wedge because I don’t believe we

Need much more Loft with the sandwich I think otherwise you’ve got to hit it so hard to get it to go anywhere the the danger is it brings in the slight thin goes 80 yards when he wanted to go you probably looking at 45 yards on a full

Swing 40 yards with a 58 right what’s that a 56 uh yes yeah so and and that’s giving around the without having to hit at it giving around the 60 Mark but with where the iron LOF is going you tell you could put in a either a a say

50° 50 51 degree of this um if you wanted to prioritize the the shorter shots or kind of the field shots kind of knockdown swings or you can go with the same head as this in an a wedge if it’s more of a point shoot full swing kind of

Setup so there two slightly different uses for them I again one way of doing it could be right see how each one feels to swing and we can fill the Gap with the one that you prefer if you if you feel right it’s just a shorter

Version of the pit you need then we can build that one and if it’s a stronger version of this so try it and see is what you’re saying rather than make a decision I think neither CU things neither is wrong so um if you feel you want something that’s going to be better

For the say the partial swings or chipping or a little bit of a you come off the face a little bit softer then this is the roote if you want something if you want it to be a bit better on the Fuller swing and give a little bit more

Shot value then that’s the roote um but it might be worth seeing where the pit Edge gets you to and then saying well the Gap relative to where this is if we keep the Loft at 56 then we’ll grow a little bit yeah um it’s because there are arguments both

Ways around yeah there’s no it’s not you might find actually it’s the more the around the green shots or lower flighted or kind of pitch shots if that’s the case then that’ll be the one if it’s I want to just stand and hit a hit a stock

Shot then it’s that’s the one but I think maybe kind of see how the short arm feels and the wedge feels and then it can be a case of just letting us know saying right the lower the the in between in that one would suit better okay um and especially we’ve

Got getting into winter it’s s of I wouldn’t say critical but it gives a bit of time to have a little play see which one idea of getting them so I can use them practice with them through the Winter cool grip type and size is the other bit see your hand size to mine uh or either either one just really looking at so length diagonally on the hand so yeah so whilst you’re Palm smaller than mine you’re you’re longer that way than I am or very similar so proportionately

A little bit longer and so okay let’s see how that grip size fits yeah so we could we could go very it’s very close um we could go a hair bigger I’ll see your right hand on the grip as well okay so actually like so sometimes

Changing the the taping of the grip is necessary actually for for your hands it actually fits into that finger quite nicely so some players need a thicker bottom hand because otherwise it over wraps around whereas actually that sits in your hands well um you could let’s feel

Those so let’s have a go I think that’s yeah that’s going to be the same size I I would in theory a very slightly larger and by that I mean just an extra layer of tape underneath would just mean not having to hold on quite it’s marginal um

But from a hand size point of view and then seeing how they sit on the club an extra layer of tape just means it fills the hands out a touch more and then means you’re not having to if it gets to the top and it’s too small then it can

Wave around a little bit so stops you having to hang on for Grim death right um probably find yes so that grip because the shaft’s wider is a little bit broader yeah just sits in your finger slightly better so matching the size that’s on the okay

That and it’s just sharp D more than grip types purely tactile so these are a very standard rubber grip there’s not a huge amount of tread from them um so there are grips that are going to give a little bit more coarseness I I’ll bring a couple through just give a few

Different Fe so this one’s got a little bit of cses and cording has a bit firmer yeah been Theory there’s a little bit more purchase from it versus something like that that’s a little bit softer you know what you give people choice and they just can’t make their

Mind up and this one’s little bit of tread but it’s a softer material so it’s kind of a bit of a halfway house it’s whether it makes enough difference versus that which you’re familiar with it’s still a good grip yeah I don’t I can’t get excited

Really yeah CU now if you gave me an orange grip I might get excited all right challenge accepted okay thank you so this one it’s a different material Al together it’s a little bit tacky I mean when it gets warm it really tacks up but it does go a

Bit fur when it’s cold um there is also that much is a variation on this one which has the orange bottom hand I don’t but it is a harder grip in the top so if if in the cold they can get firm yeah um but there’s there’s a little extra purchase otherwise like

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with those I’m kind of used to those you know if you haven’t had any issues with them and if nothing else makes you go oh wow that’s different or are they all much of a matchness in price uh the the Dual compounds like this are a little bit

Dearer but in terms of per Club you’re looking at about a I think top to bottom sort of 5 to 7 pound per Club difference so um but purely it’s just a more complicated construction having the multi layers multi kind of materials whereas the the standard rubber grips

Are minimal because it’s just a basic rubber but there doesn’t stop being a good grip uh and if you’ve not experienced any issues from a grip point of view with them then it’s kind of what I’m used to so it’s there is a familiarity aspect which is definitely

Worthwhile um one of the things we do from a built bar here one everything’s calibrated here so we build everything in the workshop next door so everything we’ve tested and weights and things today are all calibrated in one of the other aspects we do um there’s a

Technology we use called sha puring so it’s a bit like bouncing a car wheel so shafts steel shafts aren’t straight the tip tends to flip when you roll them uh and um Composites have a little bit more of a complex construction so there are just tolerances in the build so

Essentially what the puring does is say it’s like bouncing a car wheel you they’re not using at the moment but the machine in the corner where the screen is there since he wants the shafts trimmed it loads into the machine it measures the the um without the head and

The grip on and it measures the loads under a load cell measures the upward force in the 360 of the shaft finds the stiffest point and then based around the stiffest point finds where it’s most stable so it loads it oscillates it and finds the level point so essentially say

Balancing a car wheel is the best description where in it pureed position the the most stable point is Target side because as it loads and unloads it recovers back onto that point yeah so effectively you that is like a pure shaft if you twist it and try and move

It it pulls which gives a essentially this what you’re doing is taking out any extraneous twisting from the shaft right so it’s why shafts like this have logos that wrap around because depending on where it comes out they could be installed anywhere within the 360 so

That’s one of the things that from a build point of view we do as a matter of course it takes out any tolerances um but that just gives a bit of a visual to it um but it means that less of an issue on this because the logo is more uniform

All the way around rather than the big long wi logo um so that’s one of the Technologies we use and that’s why everything’s built in next door uh and yeah andly won’t be won’t have lead tape on the back that all that way thing’s done internally so but having everything calibrated and

Building next door means that everything’s aligned so that what you’ve hit today is the way other than the part that I’ll work out for you now any questions on at all don’t think so so yeah main difference 30 or Gams in the club little bit more

Tech on the heads I essentially this is kind of the current day version where they just Incorporated a little bit of fa thinner face um the infill the head actually supports the face and effectively the more it rebounds it into the ball so you get a little more energy

Transfer into the ball but really it’s where this head when it came out that’s kind of a current version of it just where updated Tech um and uh yeah mainly light to weight


  1. Just seen the first few warm up shots. Very very straight, but she is leaving so much speed on the table. Instead of patting it she needs to clout it. An easy 10 mph on clubhead speed just with the intent to HIT the ball. Imo….of course.

  2. Curious why you'd use a 6i to fit a player with this speed? Surely they'd be better with hybrids from 6 up?

  3. Thanks for the great content. I always enjoy the variety of players you share with us and there is always something to learn about our equipment.

  4. What kind of marker do you use to check lie? Great content as always! I really enjoy Simon’s fitting videos.

  5. Simon, I may have missed it, but where did you land on swing weight with the irons? Do you generally find swing weight will end up lighter when you go with a lighter overall shaft?

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