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CM Punk WARNED Us About Chris Jericho..

Twitter: @Akoma_Mikey

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Oh man oh man man man Chris Jericho you got some explaining to do boy you got some explaining to do before I get into this video I am trying to hit 4,200 Subs before the end of the week make sure you hit that subscribe button for your boy I

Definitely appreciate it I’m we going into the new year let’s hit that subscribe button join the family hit the Subscribe button hit the Subscribe button now Chris Jericho man hold up I’m about to take a little sip from my little my little drink before I go in on Chris

Jericho yeah man this is crazy this is nuts this is uh I think the the the the world is crumbling on aew but more so definitely Chris Jericho and a lot of these problems bro I’m starting to realize would have just been fixed if a lot of these guys would

Just be quiet if a lot of these guys would just do their job shut up man a business collect their checks from Tony Khan and they would be okay but they seem to not be able to do that if you don’t remember all of this St started on Christmas when Chris

Jericho well but before I bury the lead too much Chris Jericho has some allegations some um how do I say some uh some Harvey dinstein allegations hopefully YouTube doesn’t have a problem with me saying it like that if you don’t know some some uh some Cosby Bill allegations not necessarily

Like those but in a sense of of using his influence to uh necessarily just like uses his using his influence on women and if I got to explain it further than that I’m sorry but you can you know Google do your Googles so Chris Jericho he’s in a

Lot of hot water just with the IWC in general and again a lot of this started with on Christmas where Stephen P knew or not Stephen P new his own website revealed that there’s only one person involved in Allin or braw out brawl out who doesn’t have a NDA and it’s a

Steel’s wife but Chris Jericho here goes Chris Jericho at 4 in the morning on Christmas having to stick his neck in there and saying oh I done sign an NDA and then Stephen p n CM Punk’s lawyer said and Jim cornett’s lawyer LOL um said that I’m sure you do I’m sure you

Do have a NDA bro like it’s in everybody’s contract I don’t know what you’re talking about then Chris Jericho went off called him a bully called him a a mark called him uh said that his uh his actions were disgusting and I just think he should have just been quiet he

Should have just been quiet all brawl out has nothing to do with Chris Jericho it has absolutely nothing to do with Chris Jericho the only thing brawl out and Chris Jericho have in common is it the fact that it happened at in a company that he works for

That the only thing braw out and Chris Jericho have in common is that it’s in aew that’s about it and they just so happen to be in Chicago that night and I think it it’s just ridiculous um I uh you know obviously my thoughts are with the victim in this situation I

Believe her name is Kylie Ray and yeah she is a victim in this situation and if there’s an NDA involved that tells you everything you need to know that tells you everything you need to know uh as in guilt and whatever and I I think we got

To start looking at Tony Khan different we got to start looking at uh we definitely got to start looking at Chris Jericho different if you like I said in my last video he still like I still don’t root against him nope we celebrating the downfall of this nope we

We we lighting the uh Chris Jericho pack you know what I’m saying and we might be we might be uh you know what I’m saying smoking that uh that that Tony conack you know what I’m saying we might be we might be uh you know what I’m saying throwing something

On the grill for that that the downfall of Tony KH you know what I’m saying you know I I think I’m about to have a celebration at the crib you know I might throw some fireworks throw some y’all do y’all like hamburgers some hot dogs you

Know what I’m saying you know I I me personally I like to you know uh toast the Buns a little bit you know I might put some bacing on there it’s a it’s a special occasion you know what I’m saying we got to go all out some pickles

Some cheese all that we going crazy bro we celebrating the downfall of these terrible people who just think that they could get away with anything you know what I’m saying make sure you don’t got to bring too much maybe bring some plates some chips or something you know

What I’m saying we we we but I got the cigars you know whether you like Bud whether you like you know what I’m saying marijuana the devil’s lettuce whatever you like you know if you like the cigars like the Joe burrow cigars I got them too I got them too you know

What I’m saying we we going crazy bro we celebrating the downfall of Chris Jericho he had it coming bro he had it coming talking to CM Punk like that calling CM Punk a cancer of all things that is crazy bro that is crazy and CM Punk warned us about Chris Jericho and

You know we a lot of us didn’t listen I think a lot of us I think a lot of us knew that Chris Jericho was what he was but to what extent that’s crazy bro and it and you know again we got to look at Tony Khan

Different because it’s coming like a lot of speculation has been that he gave like he hid this because there was like a TV deal and at the time Chris Jericho was the biggest star so they could lose a TV deal potentially without him um I think yeah this this happened around

2019 I believe so it’s sad it’s unfortunate and a lot of people was going at the reporter who kind of like spilled the beans about it I guess for knowing this the entire time and not saying anything I don’t necessarily have smoke for him who knows why he kept it

On you know close to the hip for so long who knows who knows who may who knows that he even knew for five years who knows and you know if they got her selling signing ndas who knows what like CU he can reveal if he’s if he signed the NDA it’s

Nick howman by the way uh guy from Chicago I think he kind of started braw not brawlout he kind of like I think that’s who uh CM Punk was asking the question to like if he still you know did what uh improv comedy with cabena I think that’s it kind of started the

Whole press conference so you know that’s Nick howman and he’s getting a lot of heat and I don’t think he deserves the heat I think we know who should get the Heat and she seems like she’s just appreciative that the story finally came out she just left the heart emoji kind of

Confirming that the story happened and and I’m I’m currently watching uh aw worlds in the final pay-per-view of the year and it hasn’t been announced yet that Chris Jericho is off the pay-per-view I’m very interested to see what the crowd’s reaction will be to Chris Jericho but you know that’s to be

Seen and they’re not above making last minute changes to the card they just changed Keith Lee off the card so they could definitely do it to Chris Jericho but let me know what you guys think about this in the comments again man I’m throwing something on the grill you know

What I’m saying subscribers only though subscribers only so if you don’t hit that subscribe button bro you getting kicked out of the barbecue bro but again we throwing something on the grill you know what I’m saying some bacon some tomato some you know what I’m saying we

We doing the whole fixings for the the this this food that we making you know what I’m saying we getting the cigars and all that we doing the whole thing but you got to hit that subscribe button to participate to get you know what I’m

Saying I can’t give you a cigar I can’t give you a a a blunt you know what I’m saying I can’t even I can’t even take a shot of Hennessy with you if you don’t hit that subscribe button but if you either way either way either way hold these people accountable have a

Beautiful night if you are going through something such as Kylie Ray and there are people taking advantage of their power it’s okay to speak up it’s okay to speak up and I understand that it’s a lot of intimidation well male or female it’s a lot of intimidation and

And there are people out there who are for you and I understand I’m making a joke out of this and I I apologize if it offends anyone but genuinely there are people out there who care and um just genuinely just keep your head up there

Um do what you feel is right for you but no one deserves to take to be taken advantage of no one ever does and um you know to all the victims of stuff like this out there I you are in my thoughts it’s something I think about daily it’s something that worries me

About you know my future the next generation of uh women and girls and again it it happens to men too so you know just the Next Generation in general so uh take care of you you got yourselves out there guys there are a lot of scary people out in this world

But you know just all we can do is try our best to avoid the crazy so have a beautiful night sub to I hopefully you can enjoy this pay-per-view as a escape from this crazy world but you know again I’ll see you guys soon peace oh and we do live streams

Every now and then so tune in in the live streams keep my notifications on peace up to act batt peace


  1. Hey Peeps my apologies this is a re-upload I accidentally put a older voice recording on this video. Appreciate if you guys could show this vid the same amount of love. Happy New Years Guys ❤️

  2. Jericho doesn't need the aew did you all forget he also has a band that he plays in an I wouldn't trust anything punk says there's more to the colt thing than he leads on tell punk to reveal it all

  3. Haha some of this could of been avoided by shutting up, the s/a allegations could of been avoided by not being a dirt, im usually not one to believe everything a woman says but based on the fact that its kylie ray and how she low key confirmed nicks story online years ago, im in line to believe her and its absolutely horrible aew treated her that way, kylie ray gets alot of trust from alot of people

  4. Youre comparing jericho to Harvey weinstein and don't even know what the allegations are? Sounds like slander

  5. With all due respect, how is she a victim. Is there something i missed, if so i will acknowledge it. Did he assault her in some way? What he did was creepy as hell, no doubt. He probably intended to try to have his way with her but i thought she high tailed it out of there.
    I just think calling her a victim is a stretch. It makes it sound like he did some unwanted physical activity. Im annoyed that im having to type this out because i cant stand Jericho at all. I want him to be knocked off his pedestal, just not until all facts are out.

  6. I don't really like jericho anymore but this video is dangerously ignorant you call this women a victim with no evidence some guy says jericho is like a predator does not prove He did anything wrong we need due process its morally right to prove people did bad things before you claim they are guilty.

    disgusting bro

  7. The bbq is for black ppl not subscribers soo i won't be subbing and for yall to sit here and make a video about something you dont even have the full details about the situation when you don't even get pussy is crazy

  8. When do you get to the part where CM Punk warned us? ffs you're talking about hamburgers bro, get to the point…

  9. Guilty until proven innocent these days. Man this world is sick. But let these females forcefully grind on security guards at football and baseball games and they dont so much as get removed from the audience.

  10. Also hows it wrong for a man to use his image to attract women but not wrong for women to use their looks for financial gain from men? I mean theyre literally selling booty pics bent over like an opened shotgun on onlyfans right now for financial gain from men. How tf is that any different?

  11. I hope a chick never makes these claims about you. Maybe then youll have some empathy for the kind of wreckage this causes in a mans life. Many BLACK men have had this exact thing happen and it ruin their nfl,nba, and mlb careers. You should be ashamed of yourself for jumping to such conclusions with absolutely no evidence.

  12. Alledged victim… also an NDA doeant mean there guilt. But its used that way these days.

    KRae could just be a venomous person… ive seen loads of "victims" make allegations get people sent down, to later be proven liars! Check out a guy called Ched Evans, guy lost 3 years of his career based on a lie.

    However im not saying Krae is lying what im saying is.. dont jump on bandwagons just because!

  13. If Hausman did have a story, why did he wait until Jericho was in a Twitter argument with Punks lawyer before implying anything? He also says he has more stories and compared Chris to Weinstein. Then what's stopping him? A journalist is supposed to cover and break the news, not make it. If he truly is a predator, why is Hausman not getting him off the street? By most accounts, he made a pass at her and she declined and it stopped right then and there. That's not assault. And there are other reasons for signing an NDA. The fact that Chris is married could've been a contributing factor. If Chris did do something wrong, let the victims come out and say something, and the court of public opinion can take it from there. Right now, it seems like there is no evidence, but people have been so eager to shit on Jericho that they are willing to believe anything.

  14. Id hold off on "celebrating" just yet.
    If the last 10yrs alone has taught us anything believing what whamen have to say without sorting out the facts is a recipe for failure.
    A fate better left for whiteknights simps and cucks.

  15. After the Depp v Heard trial you’d think there be less of this guilty till proven innocent mentality everyone has in these cases…

  16. I wouldn't mine given aew another chance if and only if tony khan step a way from the creative side of the business until then i dont trust him

  17. Guilty based on speculation and rumors is crazy. I will reserve judgment until proof is provided. Seen this story play out too many times. Show the NDA. It's that simple.

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