Golf Babe

GOLF IN THE COSMOS Ep. 47. Mac O’Grady clinic. 1987 MORAD Breakdown. The Golden Ticket.

1987 MORAD. The world’s simplest golf swing method. Narrow iron stance, swing in a perfect circle, fixed center, arms close to body, stay in your tilts.
Explained by Kevin Ralbovsky PGA.
See Om Golf on Amazon!

Hello H golfers welcome to golf in the cosmos episode number 47 I’m Kevin robowski and here we talk all things Mel Grady and Morad so today’s segment is going to be a little different I wanted to dissect one of the First videos that I came across on YouTube about M Grady and

Morad was this Morad Clinic I’m guessing 1987 looks like Palm Springs it could be Indian Wells it could be um PGA West uh basically Johnny Bench Dave Stockton are joining Mac uh this video was um presented by Danny Wilding I do not know Danny Wilding but I thank you

For this video and uh your contribution to U bringing this forth to the YouTube golf world and the M Grady enthusiasts because I really believe that in this video This Little Clinic that Mac does mostly there are the keys to the kingdom at least for early Morad now

There are a lot of later Morad instructors that will not abide by these principles nor maybe agree or may not even want to even research these ideas uh which is fair enough but I really think that this swing the early Morad swing which Mack used to win on the tour was the swing

That was so amazing to watch both in terms of its power and consistency but also the Artistry right which is something perhaps lost in the modern teaching um this was a very artistic swing in terms of cemetry and geometry and alignment and balance much like a Performing Artist

With Master uh routine and so um there’s great Elegance to this and and there’s an Elegance in the breakdown and so I’d like to uh break down this video sort of dissect it um Mac in a sense has um I think gone a little bit on tangent in this video although the

Information is great I think there needs to be a little bit more clarity in what Mac is saying and I think with that Clarity um it can bring just a a a lot of I would say confusion out there um it would remedy that so some people think

More ad’s very complicated some people think that it’s all over the place and there’s probably some truth in that only in a sense that the way it was presented but the way I’m going to present it it’s going to be so simple that there is

Really hardly any way you can mess it up in fact this is what I believe if you want to play the best golf of your life then you should adhere to this methodology and the principles it’s so simple easy on the brain easy on the body and gives you everything that you

Would ever want of course there’s an adjustment period and you know that’s going to always be sort of the breaking point for people but anyway let’s dig deep into this and I’m going to start the video I’m going to watch it on my side and then I’m going to U display it

On your side and we’ll break periodically and I will go ahead and clarify some of the ideas so we’ll start now and we begin probably rotation 6 just be just setting up and I’m just how fast do I rotate and what makes the golf looks so smooth is the threedimensional space is

Not being disturbed um okay next great you want to know about the hand he had the question about the hand breaking okay so we just saw that uh demonstration by Mac again that’s what I’m talking about the Artistry the elegance and of course Mac has tremendous amount of power in this

Generation so what we can see here is Max talking a little bit in um technical language so 6.0 rotation speed this can be interpreted so on a scale of 1 to 10 10 being the fastest six is 60% so he’s swinging at about 60% of his maximum

Speed or another way you could say it is 60% effort so a lot of people don’t realize that what Mac advocated with iron shots is you swing between 6.0 and 7.0 60 to 70% effort that’s it so the power comes from the physics and the whip-like action that the club does

Through the ball you’re not using a lot of energy strain Force muscle call it what you will right now of course this is not easy to overcome golfers look at that ball and they want to whack it so part of us as teachers uh we need to

Address the Rhythm the tempo um the relaxation part of the swing and this is something that nowadays I don’t hear a lot of I hear a lot about fancy anatomical movements lots of confusion in terms of how to move what where and the teachers talking in a fancy

Anatomical language which which may seem to give them credibility but uh of course real credibility is the results of the student and also the to some degree the proficiency of the of the teacher himself or herself right so the ability to actually demonstrate what

They can do and and do that at a very high level so in other words lot not just a lot of talk right you got to be able to back it up with some degree of proficiency um in what you’re talking about so again we see here Mac very

Smooth and also we see this nice symmetry to a swing we’ll go break it down a little bit more uh this next little segment is going to be on the hands and their rooll and it’s very interesting some of it is very um it can be confusing and I’m going to clarify

It for example we’ve been taught for so long we told One Piece One Piece right first thing is about when you’re dealing with the grip uh we we all basically put the right the the cut sh in our right palm I pal the fingertips the B we call theang do it at

Okay in the right hand but the thing is in the left hand it’s got to be in the almost the same position in the left hand it doesn’t go across the Palm it must be in the fingers so for you to be able to the wrist quickly sections

One into two like this as such if you get it in the palm of the hand as such like this it the only way you can get the club shaft section two like section two you have to start bending the wrist in the opposite direction this is called

Palmer flexion and it’s too difficult on the wrist and everything else so uh that old square square uh teaching method well you either buy that or you buy this all right so quite a little bit here to absorb one is the question is about the hands and

The question from the audience is mostly on the takeaway and why Mac is um advising to use um the hands first and so Mac really isn’t advising this the way Mac answers this question maybe is maybe not the most clear so he starts talking about the grip and basically um gripping the

Club in the fingers with both uh with both hands so left hand a little bit more in the fingers right hand joins and you get a more active um wrist action when you do that so if you hold the club more in the Palm you’re going to get a

Straighter line you hold it more in the fingers the wrists are going to a little earlier and more actively um but I don’t really think that’s what the questioner is asking here and this will have more uh followup as this video goes on but really what

Mac is trying to do is get an early set of the club without manipulating it and so this is done very simply so when you go to address the shaft is slightly leaning forward at address that always that all uh immediately creates a little angle in the right wrist to start so the

Right wrist starts bent the right elbow is bent about five degrees the right wrist is bent 5° the feet are somewhat narrow so we’ll get into this as well so in this generation with the irons is teaching a narrow stance maybe only 8 to 10 in apart uh again this creates

Rotation but this will also create the early set so if I have my feet very narrow and the shaft slightly forward pressed my right elbow bent and then I just naturally take the takeaway the club’s going to be here so I’m not manipulating it I’m not using my hands

I’m not using my wrists I’m just swinging the club and just allowing the preset which is the bent right wrist right right elbow naturally carry over in the swing so as a result P2 which is the takeaway sets a little bit earlier now if I had a wider stance right then

It tends to elongate the takeaway so you’re going to see the guys with the wider stances are going to look wider in the takeaway more what is traditionally called a onepiece takeaway and then the wrist then you got to hold the wrist down so what Ma want wanted was a

More simplistic way where you would set the club early get to the club to 90° turn the back just hold it all the way down and then return it back to impact so in other words back swing down swing as similar as possible again so that the brain doesn’t have to make any

Major Corrections or compensations in the downswing okay let’s carry on to the next point another thing he’s doing I’ll Stand aside of what he’s doing majority of you will make the mistake of putting your hands very high I mean I’ve always the top the higher you put the hands the

More you slice it lower you put them the more you draw it okay after talking with mac and understanding more of what he does watch watch where he puts his hand his hands are set down here the reason he sets it there these two joints he already talking about the 13 joints

These two joints here when he get six you can release it into eight the hands are down hands up here you got no chance no power and no tance now watch let him do it again cuz I want you to I want you to watch what he said you see how close

It is to his legs the chart stand there stand there they’re very close to his body he has long arms I have a I have a hunch but they’re still very close and they’re down okay because you want to release from this 6 through eight how close they

Are with see uh this here this this is a this is a uh read the first 12 Pages this is a uh a computer readout of the checklist every joint is doing all the way through the 10 section okay and uh when we write the book far the instructional book there’ll be a

Curriculum for each one of the handicaps 30 to 20 handicap 20 to 12 12 to 5 5 to0 0 plus 6 also this is explaining the geometry what has to get what goes on each section of the swing of all the joints then there will also be another

Page next to it to explain how do you put yourself in these positions each of the five books is only 20 Pages that’s it so the guy 0 plus 6 handicap that’s 2020 Pages that’s it half and uh if you’re a 30 to 20 handicap you probably

Have one quarter of this p and uh so one of the first things here we go down we talked about the uh Club selection was here drive type of grip to use to the bars overlap the hands with the clut out and fingers of both hands and then the

Talk about the left hand grip then then we talk about the left arm and right arm one of the things you have to do here is that the arms have to hang uh why you step the ball here the arms have to hang vertical actually almost vertical to the

Ground here at the dress position if you as Dave was saying if you get your hands too far away from the body the left wrist has a tendency to start uncocking and one of the problems you get get into when the left RIS gets too uncocked is

That uh Den is that to much forearm rotation and if there is a secret to the gospel you do not you want to try to eliminate all forearm Rotation okay so that’s an interesting comment so a lot of this now is explanation of the low hands and the hands close to the body again this was a staple of early Morad um and people sometimes don’t agree with this now especially in the modern world of teaching but U basically again narrower

Feet you’re going to generally bring your hands closer to your body as you widen the feet you know look what happens usually the hands get further away and they get higher so it’s amazing how many of these little in intricacies of early Morad have to do with just

Simply narrowing the feet so as I narrow my feet my hands get closer to my body and um my hands are going to feel low because my arms are just relaxed right so I as I start to straighten up and my arms get higher I get into this wooden

Feeling this wooden look right my arms are now ex fully extended and tight so I don’t want this at address I want to be in a place of stability so my knees are bent um I feel grounded but my arms are just relaxed just the force of gravity

Um is applied to that and again with my arms and hands close to my body they can stay connected and working dependently of the body rotation right with my hands also on the lower side again it lends itself to the e to the earlier set so

You don’t have to think set you do the things that address that create the set when Mac talks about the forearm rotation so Mac in this era he’s basically saying the wrists are hinging in in a more vertical fashion so the true hinge of the wrist is up and down

So as I rotate the shaft is going to be a little more vertical in the older Mac what’s happening is Mac’s hands getting a little higher weakening the grip and then trying to get the shaft on Plain now there’s a lot of forearm rotation right so obviously guys do play like

This um one interpretation can be that this is on plane right since the shaft’s pointing at the base of the target line at the top another interpretation is it laid off because the shaft is not pointing to the Target at the top of the back swing so these are just different

Interpretations and and this is this changed in Morad but I like this original version because you get more speed and a little more power without a lot of effort right so a little more up and down vertical hinging down the line look at the top um

So Mac in this generation does not like the rolling the the rotation of the forearms the wrists or the club face and uh and then again that’s opening the club that’s one of the reasons why if you uh look at the dress position uh the

Left hand grip for all all three is that the uh hey Johnny you brought that huh good I carry it it watch this you do not want to be playing with a flat left wrist you do not absolutely forbidden you uh if you have a flat left

Wrist especially if it goes up into the palm the tendency when you go from uh sections one to two you get too much form rotation this CL face if it’s Square here or dress when you go to section two it’s already rotated maybe 110° and if the right hand gets up a

Little bit on top like Hogan advocating his you go from sections one or two like this this is 145° here 135° so you want to get the club shaft in your fingers or left hand and right hand but then also your left hand must turn over

45° so when you go from sections one sections one to section two this hand will only rotate 45° right here if you have your left hand too far under then now it’s got to rotate 90° and the forearms got to rotate 90° and much too complicated you’re actually already

Preting already presetting your right your left hand turned over and your left forearm turns over so you can go from sections one to section two very easily and also the left wrist that address here it’s bent the left can move to left 45 80° it’s B at about 45° ma what do

You think about on takeaway though do you think hands first or is is yeah it’s it’s all done to the right elbow when you go from section sections one to two got you’re a good helper when you see the old way when you go one what would have been two you’re

Out here away from okay watching in two here section now the right ELO at address if you notice it’s bent straights 180° it’s bent about 5° when I go from sections one into two section two my right elbow is about at least 20 25° right there okay the old the old

System where everybody would get over here and just have the right elow fly away and I’m almost at section three and the Farms haven’t moved the hands haven’t moved all of a sudden all in section three bang everything rotates very quickly and and as you as you go up

And then you got to come back on down then have the forarms rotate almost 90° that’s why the average guy slice all right so some interesting points there um most interesting obviously is Mac in this era is saying no flat left wrist right which is very contrary to the golf machine and also

Very contrary to what he taught later in the 2000 era um Mac went back more to the golfing machine methodology um in this generation uh again Mac is trying to avoid um opening the club face forarm rotation Club face rotation um and of course uh this elongated wide takeaway of course you

Can again note great players that played with these uh methods and then you can also explain them to some degree so for example Hogan he played with a weak grip and an open Club face but he did bow the wrist down um in his delivery so he in

Fact one of his socalled secrets of the Swing was this Bo down of the left wrist um there’s really no need to bow down the left wrist if you play from a more Square position but if you play from an open position you’re definitely going to

Need to do this Mac also the Square to Square method was also more of a flat left wrist um and then now we seeing a lot of generation playing from a bow left wrist in the whole swing uh especially at the top this is not an anatomically sound position if you don’t

Believe me you can try to do a pushup from that position so dorsy flexion the weight gets distributed through the hands in a much more um in a much more efficient way so that uh the joints uh support the load right from the back of the hand basically you’re going to get a

Lot of strain there and probably some hand and wrist injuries so I would avoid this again why do people do this it closes the club face and then golfer can use more rotation of the hips through impact more you know I would say the Holy Grail in pro golf is playing a low

Spin professional fade and again that’s usually played from a shut face so it’s a shut face at the top and then a hold off through the ball so we’re seeing Coen morawa in the past we saw David Duval this is a common way now more to

Play um but I don’t know if that will stand the test of time so one of the things even as a young golfer myself myself when I was in my 20s some of what Mac said did not resonate with me because Mac would say these things that

You can do at age 25 you will not be able to do at age 45 uh because of these swing characteristics so if you adhere to these principles these early Morad principles the swing will last you a lifetime and I think from what Max said

Based on what he said this is held true especially some of these examples um of modern players so um yes I would definitely Advocate um not playing from a flat left wrist or a bow left wrist so this whole system is set up so that you can go from sections one but to

Two see my right elbow comes right in towards my rib cage right away section two it’s been 20° section three my right elbow has been almost 70° go to the top SE three yeah stay there second one thing he showed me that was interesting the first

Time we worked he walked up and almost killed me only your hands up I’m pushing like crazy now don’t put it down power he’s got in here that’s what you want to feel when you get this position three well I’ve never felt that in my entire life you probably saw me

Hit a couple of balls there where I was going up here to section three and staying here then hitting the ball first few times which was after but after I got the feeling of it and the power of it you’re just coiled you’re connected completely different than the other I i’

Like to back one one thing one thing that really made a lot of sense to me is this you’ve ever watched an ice sker in the Olympics let’s say that goes into a power spin how do they do it they put their arms just like this don’t they

Okay to slow down what do they do they put their arms out right stop they put farther out they stop right okay what you want to do then for them is to get connected what he is showing you here and what I think is so awesome about it

For those of us to work in have swings that aren’t perfect balance like you watch Mac it’s going to be perfect balance every time you know you go and you go to move and everything everything’s disconnected you can’t feel where the hands are you can’t feel where

The club is they’re trying to teach you how much you should turn don’t sway all this other stuff okay one of the exercises he had me do is put my hands on my side like this and bend over turn back like I was taking a back swing and

Then go to the hole right here okay you try that connected to your body like this with the upper part of your arms versus putting your arms out here away from you and then try it I can feel myself everything jerking back in here where it’s in this everything transfers

All right so Dave Stockton’s here making some very good points um and again about the value of having the arms close to the body um and creating a little more speed that way and also having a you know a shorter back swing so going at least even as a drill going to

P3 position P1 P2 P3 basically the wrists are cocked 90 Dees shoulders are turned about 80 right and then hitting some balls full power all the way to P10 um and relying on your hips and your wrists to Reco to create the power so what basically the idea is the Arc of

The Swing P1 to P2 P2 to P3 back down to P6 p7 is very undisturbed right you’re going to get tremendous power here by unwinding your left hip by straightening your left knee and then recocking your wrists right so You’ got to develop that power right from that position if I go

Back widen the feet Go real wide right there’s two problems here one is that now I’ve got to narrow The Arc so I’m going to go wide to narrow so if you look at that Trace that line that you can draw all the way back if I go back

Very wide and then go back very narrow these lines are very different the back swing Arc and the down swing AR going wide to narrow the challenge there is the brain has got to make that correction right going from wide to narrow to some degree we want to do this

But we it should be minimal right we’re not going to make it extreme because it’s going to be extremely complicated for the brain to repeat that under all kinds of situations so again if you keep the John ROM position basically P3 and try to develop power from there that’s probably

A better way to go also doing this drill like Dave is recommending right keeping the elbows glued to the sides rotation rotation right snapping the knees snapping the wrist there’s your power not by how far you go back not by how much you go wide to narrow right these

Are ways you can do it but I would call this I would categorize that as high maintenance right on through okay very very connected you’re your question about the hands one to two two people that did it that I know of Johnny Miller and and N you watch almost any of the

Ones now it’s incredible the ones doing it cuz it’s literally the last you have to make if you listen to him very carefully when he makes this move here that’s it want ahead do it again I mean he’s made this break to two now watch the way just stay there they just turn

It around Center all the way in change throw the club after section 6 to 7 then the hips have to be taken over and take it over section eight see how the arms everything is wouldn’t there be a tendency to throw the club K right down one to two that you’re you’re basically

Trying to control the radius of the clad from this point section one two like this and basically your feel is almost as if you’re going to take it right back on the same trajectory right against going right back down the G it’s so much more difficult take the club real wide like

This then take it up and then get another stretching feel coming the opposite end what what he’s asking about cfal for the whole idea of staying within your threedimensional come out he talked about with the club being back there unless you’re going out there and separating here that’s the only time you

Would get there CU when he gets in that Angle now he’s just moving around it’s like sticking a club in the middle of your body and turning your body it follows your body so you’re basically just using a GI to EAS we to well he’s saying saying to you on this chart we

Show that where the left arm to the club shop that’s in the dress position if I have a driver show you here okay again some of this we’ve covered already uh about the white Arc again you can see a lot of concern from the audience about the takeaway right uh

Not using the hands and of course Ma’s not advocating using the hands he’s advocating a shorter Arc by bending the right elbow and setting up with these characteristics narrow stance right elbow right wrist bent um Johnny Miller I mean sorry Johnny uh bench who’s there

Um one of Mac students at this time you know you can’t see it on the television but BAS basically stuck the club in his body right just to demonstrate the pivot right and the centeredness of course there’s also going to be you know a hinge action um so max saying you know

Turn around the center keep the radius of the Swing constant uh or more constant um as possible and you’ll get a more consistent impact what the audience member is saying is he feels like if you pick the club up straight you’re going to hit it fat or dig and so that’s not

What Ma’s advocating he’s having a hard time maybe you know explaining that clearly but basically we do not want to pick the club head up it’s basically a natural response of early set based on address okay so these are also very good points Stockton brought up the point

About the figure skater in a tight spin again this is body rotation using a more of a rotational swing straightening the left knee also with the wrist hinge and Max’s talking about now how the club feels very heavy here it feels light obviously a lot of golfers bend their

Elbows if they’re not strong we’ll see a lot of you know elderly some women some children you they’ll they’ll bend the elbows because the club feels so light here you get them out here like this they’re struggling right all of this has got to get stretched out plus it feels

Heavy and so there’s got to be a process there of developing those golf muscles and that golf flexibility right and there there is a transition in that for sure but definitely what gives the swing its lightness its clean look uh its efficiency is keeping the mass closer to

Your body and this is true for all um uh very skillful um motor skills all right so some more explanation again um Mac demonstrating a more consistent Arc also now talking about the body rotation um this is a good point knees turn about 20 22 hips 45 shoulders 90

Right these are just general numbers everyone’s Anatomy is going to be different uh when you turn when your knees turn 22 the right knee will still be braced right so that will turn the hips 45 shoulders will turn 90 if you go too much hip turn right you’re going to

Get over rotation in the back swing uh too little hip turn and you’re going to be under rotated again this is a little bit of Case by case basis um uh and also uh the expertise of the teacher uh later Morad was a little more close stce advocating a big hip

Turn and then again so to avoid the over rotation and to get the shaft quote unquote on plane pointing to the base um they would Mac would Advocate forearm rotation and then a little more left shoulder tilt to avoid over rotation um again we’re getting in now we’re getting

Into the weeds right and I think uh so this is where mag digressed uh in the later teaching I’ve worked with it for a couple of months sixed up time was still there he got him he does he L to do this he doesn’t know how strong he is he don’t don’t don’t

Move he hit me like this right he said to me he said okay now in this position stop your arms I looked at him like it’s crazy everyone of you sitting here he’s going to get about this position this how you’re going to slice all days you’re going to get somewhere in here

Everything going to lock up and you’re going to go like that right so he’s hitting me he said stop your arms I’m I’m thinking he’s crazy what are you talking about he said well how can you get the club head going and generate Club heads be if the arm keeps going be

Like a baseball play hting one foul into the right field seat so they never released I mean nothing turned over or anything not that you have to turn your hands this way or anything but it’s a matter of getting here and he’s talking six being here seven being here the arms

Didn’t go anywhere just the hands move forward just hands move forward okay grab a I want to H some fine but I want them to see you okay some points there um releasing the clip head so that’s you know the uncocking and then the recocking of the wrist

Uh before that Mac talks about the penny in the arm again I don’t think you really need to do that in fact sometimes people can jam it too much and of course people also Advocate if you raise your arm up a lot you can get more power um

And then again that’s just a different methodology you can get plenty of power keeping the right arm close um but I think you don’t really have to consciously uh press your arm into your body again the way I look at it is narrow stance correct setup P1 leads to

P2 P2 leads to P3 P3 leads to P4 right so my arm is in there pretty good right I’m not jammed I’m not separated it’s basically a domino effect get P1 right get P2 right and the rest takes care of itself I think Stockton kind of alluded

To that earlier he said this is the last move you have to make because the first two dominoes set the chain reaction and that’s why this swing requires very little conscious thought right which just trying to get P1 to P2 and then from there even with a little coaching

It should take care of itself all the way to P10 um what what uh Stockton says here about the release the hands have to stop the arms have to stop the butt of the club has to stop so that the wrist uncock right and then the left knee straightens

It brings the hand a little bit around and when you Reco it’s more up and down this way this way right not so much this way now this might happen a little more with the driver as the club gets longer and the plane of the Swing gets flatter

But with the iron shots you know it’s almost you know it’s kind of similar to a bunker shot where we keep the face of the club a little more Skyward and you can still the wrists right and the the angle of my shaft here is going to

Be the same as of my spine right and this would be for the power six iron fade right so I’m not coming around that way with hitting a six iron I’m coming around more this way right my angle is here right and I continue like that ear to ear right staying

Tilted staying sideways so I’m not disturbing my posture so much we’ll get into that in a in a minute too because this is where the modern swing is really I verged fing 45 where is your Thum relationship to the top probably the right rot but he gave us all

Quarters the point David is making up there is that again if if uh if we set up to the ball if we go to hit it uh um you know what do I think about when I’m at the top my swing first thing is is

That once I’m once I’m ready to go on the down swing my shoulders will accelerate the section remember my shoulders are turn 90° my hips were 45 my knees have moved about 20° it’s almost a half ratio if I go to top of my swing and if

I go for section four to section five right here that’s all the acceleration I have in my shoulder the shoulders have to unil first once this goes from section 4 to 90° there’s only about 70 I’ve lost about 70° in my from section five but my arms Accelerate from section

4 to six and the moment my arms get in section six they they almost decelerate once I get a section six here then cical Force going to throw the the club head out toward section s and all I’m got to do is take the arms and everything over

Like this and the body stays still don’t dist the M what you relate this to weight shift at all no just just to call around the the only weight shift that goes on there the cent of gravity for but it’s so minimal all right so there was some interesting stuff right there

Um Mac saying something very controversial here which is the down swing starts with the shoulders uncoiling first you would think that the UN the conventional thought would be the hips would uncoil first um and that also is something that Chang with later mored the whether you feel the hips or the

Shoulder ERS I feel like it is a more unified action and not something you segment so much now for an average player you might see them using the upper body too aggressively to start the downswing so we’re talking about um swinging from the top down so we might

Incorporate the opposite uh with a with a younger player you might see tremendous amount of leg and hip action getting the the club stuck behind them and so again we have to find that perfect balance that unification right um trying to unify the upper torso and

The lower torso so when Ma goes up to the top here and he says the shoulders uncoil first right my hips and my shoulders are uncoiling and it’s creating a very nice seamless P5 to P6 position right as opposed to I could throw my hip like

That or I could use all upper body and almost look like address at impact so that’s what we see with the average golfer so again trying to find that that balance between the two um yeah so that’s that’s why Mac is saying that at this at this juncture because the problem with the

Here’s another point I’ll bring us to now watch this if I you know there’s a ratio here I I wish we really had maybe two 2 hours because then we could really go into detail of every joint and break it down and explain it to you the The

Stance is going to be about maybe 16 in wide that’s all if I get my stance too wide babe could you come with a club and Mark why you bring a club too okay this is one of Johnny Ben’s prob he doesn’t know this when said okay uh when The Stance gets too

Wide here this is about 18 to this is about 18 in about 9 in on each side here is that uh when I go to top once you put the club shaft here SN behind me put the club shaft right here these guys don’t know I’ve never explained this to them but

When you go top your swing as such okay my stance is this wide okay what happens is is that when you go from section four to five and you come all the way down to six and I’m going to shift this center of gravity over to the inside like this

The hip will move too far it’s about 8 to 9 in okay it’s moving from the middle here 8 to 9 in over to the left side of the foot and it’s so hard to time that with the hips that they’re sliding and then my upper body is rotating forward

Okay you cannot have that real long slide and then try to rotate forward that such this is why the width of the stance is going to affect how much the hips move and then once the once the hips slide over the 4 in then it’s just

The G RS over with so if I take my normal stance here okay say put a quarter of an inch away okay now watch on my right hip here rotate watch if I go sections Dave your’s got to stay there too we go if I go Section one and two my

Hip will rotate about 10° if I go up to section three it goes about 45° see how this space is increasing okay now once I get a section FL the top okay another yeah here now then when I throw my down I go sections four to five over to six this

Still keeps increasing okay one of the things this is why this right KN cannot change cuz I’ve got to I can’t let myself go in this space here because if I do the Balance Centers right away we’ll kick it and try to rewrite yourself right back up again it’s like

Trying to shoot a missile for earthquake going on below the launch pad so again I’m going to go Section one and the two here the right knee station two up to three then I go up to four now once I’m my section four only thing has to Happ

My right hip’s got to move 2 in that’s it over with then I just go rotate around St just so all right so some things to digest there um one of which is again WID of The Stance so I have a ruler here and Mac says 18 in apart of course he

Doesn’t mention which club so at this juncture in time Mac is playing from a variable width stance in other words each uh Club has a different width of stance um my interpretation of 18 in is the outside of each foot and again we’re looking at maybe a six iron or a five

Iron so one to or 0er to 18 on the outsides of my feet right so the inside of the feet it’s more like 10 in and that’s again from the middle of my foot uh it’s going to be a little closer to my heels and a little further from my

Toes because my toes are spay out so we’re looking at 18 in apart from the outside of the feet right and again what Max’s talking about is rotation so P1 to P2 P2 to P3 this hip is moving away from this stick right so it’s not going that

Direction um in this case too we’re going to probably move the hip to the stick and then back away from the stick so the old adage of turning in a barrel this would apply more to the early mored Mac would call it more like the spinning top they’ve stocked and alluded it to

Like the figure skater right so we’re looking at spinning or turning on a more fixated uh axis right and so that’s Mac is saying there’s a minimum of weight shift now The Wider the feet get right the body will tend to move towards each foot right so you’ll see a lot of shift

And generally you’re going to see a lot of thrust a lot of leg action a lot of hip action this can definitely produce some power um but it can also create some disharmony and when people feel lost or they lose their timing they lose their swing often times it’s simply the

Width of the stance so if you adhere to the old you know old school message hit some balls with your feet closer together right maybe not touching right that’s probably exaggerated but maybe go go four in from middle of the foot to the middle of the foot inside right and

Then just let the swing uh occur from there a lot less can go wrong and you can find this nice Harmony and synchronization between the upper and lower torso and this is where You’ll Play I think your best golf of course we don’t want to play so much 4

In apart but the narrower your stance is the less you’re going to feel weight shift and I think that was one of Max points here I got I want youit about 3 what rotation 7 what is that now how far that’s going uh 180 okay okay how about [Applause] 195 yeah 170

Okay now that now they is warmed up this is his cut Club remember that do it now this is my right-handed three AR you doesn’t think this is any good this just this this can wake you up M responsible for this one you when you do this man this is uh again this

Right-handed technique again you go sections 1 to two two to three 3 to four thought I was kid I ask who was going to do the left hand part right five down to six down to seven over to eight up to n [Applause] any of you tried to hit a right-handed

Free Iron leftand most you have enough trouble hitting it right-handed right [Applause] [Laughter] exactly bad ball by left driver that anybody with a left-handed club I’m just impressed they hit a right-handed Club left-handed there we [Applause] go okay so Mack showing off his ability to hit a right hand handed Club

Left-handed first we saw just the regular right-handed swing Max hitting a five iron 185 yards 7.0 rotation speed then he’s hitting um 195 probably going closer to 85 maybe uh rotation speed um again this is 1987 clubs are a lot weaker lofs so 1955 iron was pretty outlandish in 1987 so so um

That’s again you don’t sacrifice the power at all and again you see the beautiful synchronization um and symmetry in Max swing right so you watch that swing I mean I don’t know how you would find fault with it but I guess some do um the other thing about this uh with Mac

Hitting it left-handed of course the right-handed Club is not meant to be left-handed so we’re talking about unbelievable radius control of the club head right so he’s got to be able to get that club when it’s upside down tow down and be able to just uh hit that uh low

Point perfectly and so again part of Max’s mechanism of teaching or his idea theory was that if this swing were to work uh his theories then he should be able to apply it left-handed and this kind of seems a little odd at first and probably not a lot of people are

Thinking about this in modern times but if you really did I mean if you think about what guys are teaching now uh if you again peruse YouTube or Instagram we are seeing all kinds of you know strange movements where you golfers are or teachers are advocating you know um

Squatting jumping bringing their hip back bringing their hip forward coming down um we’re seeing all kinds of different odd movements uh to create what’s called BBE Ground Force um again using a lot of Highly uh anatomical terms right trying to get into um external rotation and trying to get into Nar deviation right

And so these terminologies using these an anatomical words from the medical uh profession makes the teacher sound smart it makes the the teacher um try to get the teacher tries to get credibility just because you know these terms and and can say them doesn’t mean you know

What you’re talking about in terms of application to the swing we’re also seeing physical trainers teaching the golf swing in this manner we’re seeing um people in the uh physio world you know teaching the golf swing again in this theoretical anatomical world right and so whether this has any real bearing

In terms of Pure Performance that’s a completely you know theoretical subjective thing I would say you know and and to max credit I think this is a good idea if you want to profess these kinds of movements try doing it with a left-handed club right so take a

Left-handed Club where you’re going to be a blank slate right most people right-handed or vice versa if you’re left-handed take the opposite hand and then see how easy you can do the method that you teach right you’re a blank slate a beginner golfer you believe in

Your system right see if you can do it Lefty now in Max system I can take a left-handed Club start off with my feet very narrow and set up correctly forward press right elbow Bend left wrist Bend P1 to P2 three four down to six round to

Eight back up to nine minimum of moving Parts minimum of weight shift right no problem I mean you could literally I could start off hitting a six iron 150 yards minimum of moving Parts it doesn’t take talent doesn’t take great hand eye coordination it takes a swing that the brain can repeat

And this is one of the points that Mack is making with his method okay let’s uh let’s all some drivers Mar no no no no want you to hit him we’ll hit him in a minute but I want you to hit some first okay a right

Yeah for The Bu yeah those three palm trees we were standing at the Lita hotel last year for the Bob Hope go ahead you don’t you can’t hear me anyway um not that I can’t hear my strange situation Ma has about 40% Hearing in one ear and he really people don’t know

That you know they think he’s a loop but he really doesn’t hear well on honestly and so we Kidd him about it but at the same time it’s it’s part of his character and it’s just as well you’re right um but we’re standing at the Lita hotel and I’m hitting driving balls on

The Range and my caddy said hit it over the wall down at the end and I don’t know how many played at the Country Club but you know how far the wall is and I can just get it to the wall or bounce it

Up the wall I said I can’t hit it over M can’t and Raymond Floyd and Arnold are standing there and they’re saying no way and I said yeah I mean that’s no problem for him and so I said M he hit two balls so he was really warm and I said hit it

Over the wall so he takes the ball out just puts it up and he does it this little left to right shot and just takes it and cruises it right over the road and the wall uh over the other time so the amazing thing is how far he really

Hits go uh let me say one point here thank you John uh folks I was 20 years old I was a pretty good player I mean I uh you know I could shoot 65 and lot of course in LA and U my first sponsors I uh bunch of the guys in Hollywood and

One of the teachers changed my swing and start swinging like mckl and get rolled up right I found myself within a year it was very difficult for me to break 75 2 years later and uh this was 1974 I had trouble breaking 80 I went to Japan in

76 and played in the Japanese tour for I think I played 14 tournaments I broke 80 once I never made a cut 14 tournaments I came back I I kept trying the qualifying school then in uh September of 77 I tried down Tory Pines I shot 70 two the

First day I had the 17 PS and then I the next three rounds I never broke 80 and uh I quit playing right-handed then started playing left-handed okay true I mean funny thing about it was I could not hit a driver 200 yard because I I’d

Gotten through a real weak left hand G right hand grip and was taking it really upright like this like mckloud and I just come over and slice it I was bringing my head up I had to Club my palm too much forearm rotation everything like this and uh I was a

Strong kid I mean I was riding my bicycle from LA to San Diego once a week but I lost my mechanics and uh but then once I studied this golf this book called The Golf machine I was able to get back in contact a little bit more and started

Getting my power back and uh but it’s really a strange phenomenon to lose it I mean actually literally lose it then die psychologically and then uh kind of get it back again and uh our whole perspective is to try to there are some Mysteries and myths to this game if

Somebody does have an objective question try to get some objective answers this is why we done the research on science so again we’re hearing a little bit of the narrative the historical background of Max um basically you know losing his game trying the Q School 17 times failing and

Then Homer Kelly and the golfing machine Concepts um helping him gain his power back um and his golf game back and then becoming a PGA Tour qualifier eventually and even a PGA Tour winner and then having what was described as the best swing on tour um so he went uh from one

End of the spect Spectrum to the other and a lot of people are drawn to this story myself included and of course drawn to the perfection in his swing so um this is what sort of is the Allure of Morad and Mack and gives people hopefulness right and so I very much

Agree with that message um some of this though is again a little subjective our our our history mines are sometimes uh subject to interpretation um one of the things again I find confusing is Homer Kelly is saying play from a flat left wrist golfing machine flat left wrist

Earlier in this video ma said it’s forbidden to play from a flat left wrist sounds like when Ma got into trouble that um he started opening the club face uh somewhere maybe in the middle of his golfing career uh and wasn’t aware of it and what Homer Kelly did through the you

Know through his teaching in the golf machine is gave him uh a model uh to start with and uh probably the biggest thing that helped Mac through the golfing machine is awareness of the club face and the fact that the swing has a plane and it has

Rotation um try to keep centered and so um these principles were probably the ones that really helped mat get on the tour then ma went went on the tour started to go in his own little investigation route and that became Morad and zav and manjan definitely was

A springboard uh for a lot of these ideas especially about anatomy and Matt went from geometry from the golfing machine to Anatomy with uh zavin and then even the neurological side with based on his research project he did on The Yips with the UCLA department so these things all evolved I like this

Idea of combining the three right and I think that’s what we got in this 1987 uh model Max’s going to hit some drivers here obviously Johnny Bench talked about Max’s power so um you’re looking at one of the longest hitters in 1986 87 I think number three on the driving

Distance list um I think 86 might have been Davis love Greg Norman and Mack so he was right there so we’re talking about Club headit speed you know in 125 era um and with a very you know steel shafts small heads he’s using you know the tailor made turb burner um very very

Tiny Sweet Spot um not great equipment but uh a great swing makes it work with uh the when you get your arms too far away from your body is that you notice that my left hand right here is left Lev it’s not uncocked or it’s not cocked

It’s just in a level position and this angle from the club shaft to the left arm is at 135° there’s there’s 180 there’s 90 it’s half of that 135 when I go from sections one to two the right elbow bends I take it to section two

Right here now the angle is 100° there’s 90 there’s set about 100° as I go up to section three bang right here uh now it’s 90 it stays at 90° okay section FL it stays 90° um here at the top of my swing if I put a club shaft across my knees it’s

Bent about 20 20° my way my hips have turned 45 my shoulders have turned 90 left arm with the c 90° my right the right humor B 90° also check the other thing is at the top of this point my my uh I put a a dime arm here this

Has to be I can still keep this dime in here top my swing this my elbow goes from four to 500 away so it keeps my left arm at the 20 to 30° angle this point I can go all the way around and the right arm must stay tight into the

Body here so once I get a section FL uh if I go from section four down to section five the elbow comes back Clos to the body I go right back down to section six I move from here I’m over seven and then then at this point at

Section six this is when the hip take over and goes right through Section 8 all the way around I must stay filed okay I’m going to get a couple drivers here and uh again there’s uh let me tell you what I think about when I when I hit this

Shop uh the first thing again is to you know go through all the 10 sections but but once you get in section four you know if you’re the golf ball here and let’s say this Stan the the golf ball right here why you put your finger on

Okay if that’s the golf ball now watch my eyes here some of you folks here can see this is that as I go the top my swing you see how my eyes work getting left in the socket well down swing the eyes will squore back up again and then

As I come through the eyes have to move back in their sockets and this is one of the reasons why when you set up at a dress you cannot be coming up like this now the eyes got to shift and move back on down the eyes have to stay stationary

So when I’m set up I’m going to hit this shot here once that go top of my swing as such my Prime concern is is that my arms to accelerate to section six here then the hips will take over bang and I’ve got to stay tilted so so there’s that there’s

Actually two tilts in the swing there’s one forward and the down swing when the hips slide over that her body tilts to the right and I just rotate around so there’s a I’m going to think about uh keeping my my shoulders tilted in the follow through and and we’ll hit this little baby

Couldn’t see one of the uh over there one of the fun aspects has been to uh uh to do this research have to field test it in the competition and sell that it work for me especially when you get kicked around you get beaten by the game

Then all of a sudden something something something right now what is right it’s it’s a doing some good research getting some good answers applying it and then uh you find out in the competition it works okay one more another aspect you notice here is that we’re all going to hit some balls

Together is uh never lose your balance because none of the joints are getting out of position so that you can with about so the unconscious motor memory systems just take over so not the whole s okay now this one all right so before he goes nuclear on this last one um

Again just to uh emphasize some of those uh points Mac Made um and you notice Max feet got wider uh with the driver so he’s playing from a variable width stand again I would recommend play from the most comfortable narrow stance you can and still generate

The power right so you can hit the ball 300 yards from a narrower stance maybe 18 Ines from outside to outside um you can narrow it with the wedges obviously um but I try to keep mine pretty standard so that the swing doesn’t vary so much in terms of shift

Um again trying to create that centeredness trying to get the power from the rotation and the recocking of the wrists um Mac talks about the two tilts in the swing you have one tilt that’s bent over you come up you go into side flexion uh

So my left shoulder is down and then I am going to start the unwinding process my head stays behind the ball my right shoulder lowers to deliver the club from the inside then bang I unwind and follow through right so this secondary tilt is has a little bit to do with the

Unwinding process and when done correctly the right shoulder is going to lower right so I’m not coming upper body first too aggressively lower body first too aggressively right and then you’re going to see um positions you’re going to have to save it so what Max’s talking about the unconscious brain and and the

Always finish in balance is to basically shut your brain off right so you have the alignments the geometry of the Swing such that you can literally play like a machine and shut off the conscious thoughts this does sound very contrary to a lot of Morad teaching because Morad tends to

Have a reputation of being very complicated with a lot of different uh variations uh and and uh and you know manipulations and uh I would say we want to avoid that right so neurologically to perform our best we want to be more in a rest-like state right so that’s less

Thinking um relying more on just like Max said the unconscious motor memory skill to kick in and very very easy to do with a narrower stance um Max’s also talking about how Morad is science-based that can be a little bit um you know uh subjective U but what Max’s really

Talking about is you know applying his subjective research um and and his theories uh and and how it it um May improve your performance you know I would I would say that you can’t categorically say this is right thing for everybody U or the best

Way to swing um I think there’s no way to prove that when you’re doing Human Performance I think there’s always a caseby casee basis that you have to look at this individual student modify things for that student uh this may serve Morad early Morad may serve as a general Swing

Model and less of one that you have to go deep diveing and nitpick every little detail I think you definitely want to just look at the broad Strokes apply it the way you can and see how it works uh most of you will find I think better results again the

Idea and again this may not be so science-based but to some degree I think Ma could make it make an argument that he did help a lot of tour pros play better in this generation and again it’s through simplifying the movements of the swing and reducing the conscious

Thoughts R in my stance just a little bit and I’m going to hit this as hard as I can and uh concentrate on keeping my my shoulder tilted in my at the follow through is that your sing is that the bio stero your hands okay let’s let’s some

Drivers together where did they are you kidding me what I wouldn’t hit after that no but what I want to do here just take two more minutes uh come on take a driver I just want to go through the very sections again all right so Mac bombed one this

Is pretty much the end of the video uh Mac starts to talk a little bit uh but it gets cut cut off so uh this a good place to end you can see Mac went very wide to hit his longest shot and basically he you have to carry an

Enormous amount of yardage you’re definitely going to need a wider stance so I’m not arguing with that but if you’re looking at carry and roll um you can get tremendous yardage from a narrower stance and more of a medium trajectory higher trajectories you’re going to have to widen your feet but

Again you’re going to have a lot more difficulty um unifying the upper torso and the lower torso so the wider the feet get right It generally makes the lower torso the lower limbs move side to side right and that’s where MC talks about being on a on a on roller skates

Right it’s not advisable possible you know you could hit a million balls maybe a more high maintenance swing right so to keep it low maintenance uh we narrow the feet get into that good address position we talked a lot about this in the prior videos uh and then try to get

That first movement down from P1 to P2 find the domino effect right it’s going to become a natural movement from what came before it and that’s what makes this system so good we don’t have to manipulate our body we don’t have to do any crazy things um you can apply it

Right-handed try it left-handed right and all of a sudden you know it makes sense because the Symmetry is there you’ll actually be able to hit the ball um and so these things things can help um clarify the um you know your particular uh version of the swing and

Hopefully help you simplify it and if you need help modifying it towards your body you can always feel free to email me I have my website kmrs also please like And subscribe um do all those great things at YouTube algorithm needs to get this information out to the

Golfing consumer because I think this can really help people and that’s really my motivation so um again look forward to a live session that will be coming up I’ll probably do that over the holidays uh maybe while I’m in Florida and uh we’ll have a while I’m on East Coast

Time that will be a lot more um advantageous for most of you so look forward to that in the upcoming weeks a live call in show about Morad and M greedy and I’ll be answering all kinds of questions and go ahead if you’d like to

Um you know uh bring in your uh ideas pro and con I’d be more than happy to uh talk with you about it so until then happy holidays good golfing Aloha I’ll see you on the next episode I’d work with him for a couple

Of months go to six he walked up for me at the rph time was still there yes he goes St six he walks up to me he does he loves to do this he doesn’t know how strong he is he don’t don’t don’t move

He hit me like this right he said to me said okay now in this position stop your arms I looked at him like it’s crazy every one of you sitting here is going to get about this position this how you’re going to slice the B days you’re going to get somewhere in here

Everything’s going to lock up and you’re going to go like that right so he’s hitting me he said stop your arms I’m I’m thinking he’s crazy and well what are you talking about he said well how can you get the club head going and generate Club head speed if the arms

Keep going be like a baseball player hitting one foul into the right field seat so they never released I mean nothing turned over anything not that you have to turn your hands this way or anything but it’s a matter of getting here and he’s talking six being here

Seven being here the arms didn’t go anywhere just the hands move forward just hands move forward okay grab a five iron I want to hit some just talking’s fine but I want them to see you hit some okay M when you said something


  1. When you say the back turns at p4 and then turns back to p5 are you saying the downswing starts with the shoulder {back} turn rather than the hands bring the club down,thanks for interpreting this video much appreciated.

  2. Got to the bit that explains the shoulder turn so look forward to trying it today.I note both Steve Ellington nick Faldo and the book [ the inside moves the outside } all say they start with the shoulders.

  3. Could you explain a bit more on what Mac did to avoid wrist unlocking in initiating the downswing and going into impact. That would be helpful to many I'm sure.

    Did he pull down hard with the left arm? Drive the right elbow? It seems difficult to be doing any downswing actions hard and then to brake the shoulders somehow because there's so little time to shift from one action to the other…

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