Golf Players

Reaction: Ravens Dismantle Dolphins

Ravens dismantle the Dolphins as both teams look ahead to the playoffs.

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#nfl #ravens #dolphins #gametime #millerlite

We’re going to talk about Baltimore and Miami now and so I think it played out even even more on on the nose than what I thought but Baltimore is the better team they’re the more physical team and I think more than anything they’re more confident and so you know like

Confidence is a big thing we’ve been talking about with the dolphins you know they they’re every week it’s like they say they we can’t beat anybody good they say we can’t beat anybody good you beat Dallas guys see we can beat good teams you know like to build prove it to

Themselves and that’s why I thought last week when they played um the Ravens just know when they played Dallas last week and they got those two big shots off the bat which I got to give two a lot of credit for those were Big Time throws they gave them confidence in that game

And you know I I think you come to Baltimore this week and we had Zach seeler on you talk about the physicality he played in Baltimore he knows what it’s about but it’s also this confidence that both the Harbaugh brothers have and Jim has it one way and it rubs people a

Lot of the wrong way and John’s like the guy that is a little bit more buffed out he’s just a little bit more buffed out right like you know and but he still got that confidence about him and I think it comes down to one play that encapsulated the whole game because

There was that same conversation who was going to be chasing who in this game because early on even though the Ravens had them in third and long in the Red Zone they they just they they with Kyle Hamilton down and Stevens down they were getting the ball moved on him but they

Had chances but the bottom line is cheetah misses that touchdown in the end zone you’re kind of wondering is Baltimore going to get tied at some point if they if they had had converted and and been down you know if if cheetah caught the ball Baltimore’s down yeah

That’s brutal I think the answer is you wouldn’t been able to keep up and I think the answer is uh the rest of the game provided you the answer but that fourth and seven that was the play of the game and it was the play of I mean it’s a play

That perfectly encapsulates balore mindset yesterday they weren’t worried about who’s going to be out in front they weren’t racing Miami they were racing them themselves like fourth and seven it’s 2113 you get the ball out of the half okay so we often talk about the

Middle eight so what do you want to do here you get the best kicker in the world it’s Fourth and seven you just missed on third down for the first time like all game and you’ve got a chance to kick this field goal and go up 2413 two-score lead going into half against

This explosive offense even though they average about 19 points which I’ve said for a month now in games they play playoff teams and where did they land in this game 19 points okay so when I’m right I’m right about some but Baltimore right but Baltimore fourth and

Seven the safe play would be kick a field goal get a stop take this to the half worst case scenario lead they say that they go fourth and seven they throw the ball likely makes a one-handed catch and he’s out the gate one-handed left left-handed catch tucks it doesn’t

Touch it with his right hand and then proceeds run it in I mean but one-hander just like it those were the type of decisions because the the two possessions prior and we’re fans and we’re sitting here and I got money on Baltimore and and although I say and I say although a

Lot of people Al I say although Miami I although Miami averages 19 points a game in these big games I’m still waiting for the game that they score 30 and I’m like I hope it’s not today and before the half they got the ball with nine minutes to go and

Baltimore starting to get the Run game going to get over Midfield and you’re thinking slow down a little bit like if if you if you can time this up you can have you can get a stop and get a two for one and that sort of thing but

Instead they take a shot to Beckham and Odell Beckham like that’s why he’s here you can say Odell is not a top five wide receiver anymore not a top 10 wide receiver anymore whatever you want to say but when there’s a big 50/50 ball or

A shot you want to take is there anybody better ball skills than him with the ball skills and turning that right ankle and getting both feet down so they take a shot there and then the one that was really confounding to me was they get the ball and you know there’s like five

Six minutes to go before the half and I’m like okay this is the time you you have a big chunk Drive where you eat the clock up and you secure the two for one it shot the flowers they they they were not playing against Miami they were playing against themselves they were

Trying to see how great they could be that day offensively and it was incredible it it was obvious um it was incredible like you said that confidence stuff it’s just it’s worth its weight and gold and all levels of that team on both sides of the football have at all

The key positions special teams out of the half they are so confident they are so confident and and we’ve talked about the way that ran lays The Gauntlet down for this team and I have no doubt that this week after some of the comments it’s evident to me that Lamar reads

Twitter okay he sees the things that we say MH uh for better or worse and obviously it’s quarter for better that was some quarterbacking I saw yesterday that’s some MVP and there’s sometimes there’s sometimes when I’m playing Madden where I just throw at 6 times and I’m going to have 400 yards

But I’m going to have like a 50% completion percentage Lamar was like I’m going to go Baker Mayfield this 1583 go out there and have a perfect day and to your point like John Harbaugh’s a big part of that it’s dated back to the confidence that he showed his offense

Years ago and he said what do you guys want to do he’s like it coach we want to go for it that’s that that’s the Ravens way that’s the The Raven way when they went out back on the field on Fourth and seven and had the offense we

Were like what are they doing and Harbaugh clearly had a problem with the way that McDaniel ran the score up on well I kind of wondered after the game if Shawn pton and and Harbaugh buddies yeah and I had there was a dolphins reporter who was down there complaining

About them airing it out with the back out I’m like oh that’s really rich Snoop stop yeah stop like so the point is yeah so the point the point I’m I want to make is they have the confidence they have the players they have the MVP where

They trust him enough on Fourth and seven with everything that was at stake before the half to go and I think two is a good player good quarterback we we do this all the time and you know you want me to stop doing it stop assaulting me

With in my mentions every time you guys run up 30 points on the Jets in these games you know in the beginning of the game the windows were there and those linebackers if you have good linebackers eventually those hook windows and those quick throws they go away they close a

Lot quicker and you know for Baltimore they might be saying hey we’ll give them the windows early and then we’re going to take them away and you could feel a point in the game where it’s switched and not only was it being down and having to play Under Pressure but it was

We’re taking those windows away you sail some balls you you know there’s some turnovers but more than anything that front just started to get there and the pressure in the middle of the pocket is really tough for him because of his size and that sort of thing and I think you

Know when you talk about com confidence and the fourth and seven just opposed to you know the Dolphins coming out in the third quarter they’re down 22 points they got the they’re supposed to be like the Golden State Warriors no lead safe right that’s what the chiefs

Were when they played Houston a couple years ago in the playoffs that’s not this group because on Third and 15 they’re checking down one read third and third and 15 they’re checking down one read you know like third and 20 they’re checking down one read so they’re not

Like they’ve kind of said hey there’s just no way we can get back in this game and it’s only going to get worse and you could feel that when the tide turn I know Claypool dropped the touchdown I know cheetah dropped the touchdown but that’s not the difference in the game

Baltimore is that much better not just than Miami than all the teams in the AFC and there’s one team to me that if they go in uh to Baltimore in the playoffs might have a chance two one Cleveland bills and Cleveland I should have put Cleveland in there what I think

Cleveland Cleveland for sure bills and Cleveland yeah bills I mean I guess anybody’s got a shot to beat anybody I just put Baltimore at different level and and I I knew that this was the case in the AFC if they have yeah the bills bro the

They’re just like how can you trust them like enough to even say that like good Josh Allen he’s just so good Josh Allen shows up and they beat the the r but if he doesn’t like they get they get 50 piece put on but we’re talking about can

They beat the Ravens okay okay so that’s what I’m saying is like there’s two teams that I feel I would if one of the teams shows up they have a shot and and for Cleveland we’re going to talk about them in a little bit but the whole point

Is I think with with the confidence this team has they’ve already hit bumps in the road that would have sunk other offenses okay like losing Mark Andrews then losing Keaton Mitchell you know what championship teams have they have guys to step up next man up mentality

Likely uh and Justice Hill who I thought was great like from the get-go this year he gave them a different look than Gus he gave them a different look than any of their guys he made them explosive the screen game you know some of the some of

The different kind of run Concepts they can use with him out of the back field as a kick returner I can remember our Super Bowl year we lost sprouls he was a huge deal this guy’s like a Hall of Famer and you know who stepped up all

Those running backs Jay aay um Cory Clement there were a number of guys yeah that that that really stepped up and Jason Peters went down who stepped up big V got himself a contract so and then he gets to Detroit and he’s not as good

Right but the point is when you’re on a team like this you got to have the depth pieces and you got to have the the support system to elevate those guys they have this and so hey and want to say shout out to UVA Alum Morgan Moses on that on that

Old line and playing very well running down like cleaning off he’s had a really good career man yeah he really has awesome he’s a guy that he definitely he’s had injuries before but to see him still out there playing well and being part of like maybe an MVP and like MVP

Offense right now like if if Lamar ends up getting it like you don’t get that without your o line everyone up front playing very well we week to week and that’s what the the the Ravens on line have been doing and they’ve also and they have played well but they’ve also

Had a couple bumps in the road where Ronnie Stanley’s been hurt and he hasn’t played well and and so like I just the point an MVP is perfectly encapsulated in this guy uh Lamar Jackson I mean the he he’s everything you want in MVP you throw the stats out because when I watch

The Ravens they should not be this good it’s just like and it’s not just the quarterback offensively but but he Tua Brock pie you know Brock py makes some plays off platform you talk about one read guys and and golf maybe guessing at times or whatever like you want to throw

People in that conversation that Cam Newton was talking about but you know you can see when Tua is off his first read and it’s not two seconds it could be a long down and it’s dangerous okay and and with Lamar it’s like the more time that that passes in the pocket the

More dangerous he is now he can also take the quick reads and he can he can do the one two three thing but watch his plays and the way they develop and what they had a three-man route maxed up yesterday he’s just back there baking a

Cake eye in the field and when somebody gets open he hits him and and that’s not what you see out of some other offens honestly it looks like like to what you were saying almost like two out of four guys have to win immediately on a rush

Like for you guys to like disrupt and get to to um Lamar Jackson because the way like you said that when a play is extended that after the initial like oh my God oh my God he’s gonna get sacked once you realize he’s not going to get

Sacked it’s almost like oh he’s about to he’s about to get 20 yards you’re rushing to contain not to get home almost like you’re rushing to keep him home but it’s just like he’s a guy even when you’re rushing to contain he still finds way he changes he changes the way people Rush


  1. I predicted a Baltimore beatdown 40-17 and that Miami would be fatally mauled in the game, hampering their chances moving forward
    This just had "bloodbath" written all over it for Miami
    Prayers for Bradley Chubb and a quick successful recovery🙏🙏🙏

  2. Bills arent afraid of the Ravens
    In fact I like Buffalo's chances as they rise to the challenge of tougher teams
    The Bills play to the level of their competition
    Ravens have also been losing key players the last few games

  3. No way the Bills beat the Ravens. Josh Allen would turn the ball over at least 3 times, and that's being conservative.

  4. The turning point was dropping Roquan deeper into coverage to take away Miami's bread and butter. Game over. Led to the pick at the end of the half and Phins had no chance thereafter.


  6. Watch Mike McDaniels podcast afterwards. It was completely embarrassing. As was the Dolphins energy. They need a different coach

  7. I love this cast bc for me its a mix of bussin with the boys with a little more pff nuance

  8. Thanks for the props for our MVP!..He is the team leader and with great leadership comes great warriors! This fight isn't over yet!..Lamar wants the big prize….I think and truly feel he can take the Ravens all the way!! Go Raven's!!!

  9. I wouldn’t want to play the bills fr as a ravens fan but we ain’t scare of nobody 💪🏿🐦‍⬛ Captain Jack 💪🏿🐦‍⬛

  10. Also lost jk dobbins before that. And we didn’t have our best corners Brandon Stephen’s/ Marlo Humphrey out there, or the best safety in the league Kyle Hamilton was also out. Amongst others…
    You guys just got a follow from me this is what I wanna listen to, so sick of the mainstream hating shows on ESPN/FOX

  11. 😂😂😂😂hold up Baker Mayfield thay shit… sorry Baker Mayfield and Lamar not in the same lane. Baker is on his third team for a reason.

  12. I think the reason Harbaugh ran the score up is because Vic Fangio was bitching to the media last year about the Ravens running the ball at the end of a game to keep a record going instead of kneeling it against the Broncos. Now Fangio is the defensive coordinator for Miami so Harbaugh probably did that to be petty 😂

  13. I love listening to ACTUAL PLAYERS talk football, from understanding how the games going to situational football, how man there’s no way they should do that during this point of the game, WTF these guys are crazy OMG how’d they pull that off, y’all are the best!!

  14. Sorry but I think people need to cool it with the Browns talk. Yeah they’re playing great but 1) their defense is very good 2) they haven’t played anyone that great lately and some of the games they’ve played lately they’ve barely won (Bears) 3) if Flacco keeps throwing 2+ INTs a game in the playoffs they will have a very hard time winning

  15. He right thats the only 2 teams that can come into bmore cleveland and buffalo….that buffalo defense has lamars number..they always play my ravens tough

  16. I was a late addition to the channel. Your knowledge is really wisdom, the definition of Superior. Well done love the channel 🫡💯

  17. Hey playoff the time raven nothing else to team players fine however those miami for his did come out look like a good day to go @

  18. "Practice makes perfect." More practice leads to more reps and the more reps Lamar has in and out of games the more comfortable and confident he has become in this offense where he is seeing and reacting more efficiently. Plus Lamar now has some weapons he can trust.

    The offense he is in now has more in common with the "multiple" spread offense he had at Louisville than with the predictable run centric offense with Roman.

    Also you can run plays out of any scheme without having to hire the coordinator that is proficient in it. The Ravens may have run Roman's most effective plays without hiring him.Teams do this all the time. That is the meaning of "mutiple" — sampling from different schemes.

    Who knew that more reps in a modern pro style spread offense — with weapons he can trust — would lead to a more efficient qb1 in that same system. You mean if I play the piano many times I might get better at piano and not the violin. Who knew that you may get better at something you did over and over again.

    I disagree with Dan Orlovsky and Ryan Clark. Lamar needed to be in a similar modern spread scheme from the jump. Instead of leaning into something he does in his sleep running — Ravens needed to lean into that which he needed improvement and more reps in — passing with weapons he can trust.

    Let's see if the Ravens' continue to lean into these principles learned thousands of years ago. If not I may have to send in the big guns — the local "Kumon" Baltimore representative or a violin teacher or a professional bowler or…..

  19. Even with all the praise, I still don’t think people realize how good Lamar makes the players around him look. Like when dude was praising the OLine for making the MVP possible. Lamar avoids blown blocks constantly. Lamar takes pressure off the O-line with his mobility and the threat of it.

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