Hello everybody hi okay so um yeah here we go this is our final draw of the Year wooo okay so I get a whole uh couple days off I’m not doing one on Sunday this week I just so you know because it’s uh it’s New Year’s

Eve I need a break and uh you guys need to be with your friends and have some fun and not uh not to be uh trying to win stuff and gambling and stuff so I’ve giving you guys a break as well so we’re going to return on Tuesday I’ve thrown

Some stuff up there but just the bare minimum for now so I will add some more things in the following couple days and uh I’ll put the hardware up there for next week uh you’re going to have a full set next week we’re turning to normal uh

We’re going to go hardcore next week definitely okay so starting Tuesday we’re going to do Tuesday Thursday um Friday and Sunday so lots happening still okay Lots still to happen now tonight um there’s some pretty cool stuff hands down so Apex utility wood we’re going to

Start with um this is the Callaway Apex utility wood it’s a cross between Uh Wood fairway wood and a hybrid okay uh it’s the only way to explain it they call it a super hybrid but it’s somewhere in between it’s got a longer shaft than a hybrid a shorter one

Than a ferwood a smaller head than a fairywood but a bigger head than the hybrid it’s halfway in between it’s the only thing to explain it it’s really lovely uh they come in different Lofts um if you’ve got issues with certain distances between your driver and your

Say five iron four iron um this fits in absolutely spectacularly um and remember you don’t want to run with one type of clubs all year round so the winter months you have a different type of clubs for different types of of Lofts um well parabas we really call them um so

In the summertime you want to keep your Parabola really short for your Fairway Woods U not too high so you actually get the roll on it um and you want to drop your irons in nice and high and tight so they stop where you want them it’s a

Little bit different in the in the winter um where you just want to get absolute distance the most distance you can because you’re just going to stop wherever you land um but you don’t want to come super high this is where this one comes in um different than a seven wood which just

Drops you up in the air and then down and stops different from a hybrid which just kind of runs you out uh and then keeps bouncing across and gets you lots of distance after this is in between uh lovely lovely lovely little it’s it’s a utility so it’s a specific thing that

You’re using on course um you might put it in your bag for five months of the year four months of the year um you might put it in the bag all year around if you can utilize it that’s you utility is the key in there utilize okay uh but

Lovely got stiffs and rs in them as well and I got a couple different Lofts uh I don’t hit me on the Lofts right now because I don’t really know uh actually I’ve got one here um okay so that’s a 17 uh whereas hybrids start at 19 so

This one’s a little lower Loft and this it’s like halfway in between so it’s something similar to a five wooden Loft but it’s not and then we’ve got also I think a 19 or 20 degree as well or 21 anyway um they’re lovely something really cool to have and

Try out and use in your bag um now on to this one I don’t think you guys realize cuz I put these on a couple times um how highly rated these two little babies are um one of the highest rated uh drivers of the year and the fairway wood as well

Um mauno had two years they’ve spent on putting this thing together um well over two years so let’s say not so early last year it was supposed to be released now they held off because they didn’t have it right they didn’t have all the components right for it so they’ve held

Off an extra year so instead of being 18 months on on the cycle before it um they’ve gone actually two and a half years to get this thing out it is quite cool okay so it’s a slightly smaller face than the than the normal one um

It’s SM slightly smaller CC as well so the volume of the driver head itself is slightly smaller um which means a little more speed through okay um and there is two they’re like this you can kind of see it in the picture the bottom one you don’t see as

Well but there’s two slots in there that you can SL do slidy weight slots okay so you can slide them forward or back um this gives you different spins if you move them both up at the at the same time or both back so you can get more spin or less

Spin if you’re not a super heavy hitter you can still use this no problem you a regular hitter could use these it just depends on how you’re hitting some people I used to I I was I’ve just spent three months training myself not to do it but a lot of a lot

Of uh people hit down into their into the ball with the driver um kind of like their irons so this is why they say they’re really good with their irons but they’re no good with their driver so was getting um I was getting say 250 with my

Fivewood and I was getting 245 from 250 with my driver okay so I had to learn um to hit up into the ball with my driver now this you can change because this is low spin so you don’t get as much spin so what happens is hitting down you get

A lot of spin on the ball the ball goes up in the air spins spins tries to tries to claw itself back down to the ground and backwards is really what’s happening with backspin um so you don’t want that much back you want the least amount of spin you can possible on your

Driver this is why you want low spin some people hit up on the ball already um they’re into negative on their numbers so they don’t really utilize this as well but if you’re a if you’re a heavy hitter and you’re hitting up on the ball this is still good so this is a

Very very useful driver it’s completely adjustable um you can also set it up for draw bias or fade bias um it doesn’t it doesn’t make a huge difference but it might bring your spins down by a couple hundred which matters I mean we could be talking about 20 30 yards difference to

The right or the left on a bad strike um I never have an issue with that because I always hit dead center on my well not always but most of the time I’m hitting dead center on my driver so I don’t really have an issue with this one but

The low spin thing I definitely appreciate um low spin means you don’t have to tune the driver all the way down you can still crank the Loft up you can still get the parabola that’s high and still carry it far because it’s not trying to spin itself backwards that’s

The idea of the low spin driver um the the fairywood is the same kind of setup um it’s cool it’s got Titanium on the bottom um yeah it’s just lovely it looks good too it feels good it’s a really really good setup and the thing about mauno is is their Ferry Woods have

Adjustable hles most of them do anyway this one definitely does so you can adjust the Loft up and down a little bit so you can go for a fivewood adjust it up to a fourwood or to a sixwood or something like that you can get different Lofts on that and different

Face biases on it as well this is an incredible setup actually now this is worth 750 quid um it’s undersold it always seems to undersold because people are really hesitant about mauno but this year mauno pegged it big time okay big time Big Time so you don’t want to miss

On that one anyway I spent most of my time talking about that okay so we got the P series irons okay another really really cool Innovation is if you look inside the 790s the head um they’re shaped differently inside the head so pitching wedge to eight they’re shaped

The same way so they’ve got the same mass in the same spot but you start hitting the seven iron and they’re actually engineered differently um you got to go and have a look at the specs on these things they’re really really cool the 790 um so all the way goes up

To the five to get more mass into the toe which makes it more stable um really cool um just really really well engineered actually the 790 is the 770 is a nice one it’s a it’s it’s an unbelievable iron as well um then you get into the p7 MC which is

Definitely uh that’s your cavity back um blade and then you got this the MBS now the MBs are for Pure Striker hands down but you can have any set of those you want for the pitching wedge and that is about a 1,200 100 lb set of irons okay

Now that’s up for grabs today today well under a minute I was talked my way almost all the way through this one this time um I just felt like telling you some of the tech that’s into this stuff because um these aren’t this is Quality quality stuff I’m putting out this isn’t

Like your Ben raw stuff your link stuff and things like this these are Quality quality stuff that I’ve got um and I believe in this kind of stuff this is cool so even if you had all three of these uh well worthwhile definitely well worth W okay so um

Yeah yeah totally how you doing D Furious um so yeah that’s my speel anyway these are very cool prizes definitely very cool prizes um there’s going to be lots more to come though hands down lots more to come um I spent a little bit of time on what I actually

Put up so um you will see some really cool stuff really really cool stuff and like I said I’ve got clothing lines coming in too so I’m going to be throwing some stuff at you for clothing lines let me know what you kind of like on this stuff but uh the proquip stuff

I’ve got um coming up on Tuesday it should be up there already um these are the ultimate kind of waterproof things they’re not as expensive as Galvin green fair enough okay I’m not carrying Galvin green because to me it’s just a lot of extra money for the same thing but this

Is Quality quality stuff okay Quality quality okay so the the proquip stuff will definitely get you nice and dry uh windproof waterproof lovely the stuff I put up there um but that zero fit that under one that like form hugging one this is awesome you only need to wear

That and the waterproof and you’re totally going to be warm trust me the thing is is it’s the freedom of the movement um so you be able to move underneath the jacket really well in the rain if you want to um I do think of

This stuff it is awesome and I do wear this stuff so it’s really cool but that is an awesome it’s a turtleneck um it’s warm as hell it feels like you’re being wrapped in a hug all the time absolutely lovely that proquip stuff okay but there’s going to be some more Hardware

I’m going to add there as well ah coffee time okay so let’s get on with this we’re going to start with the c the Apex the Callaway Apex utility wood now I’m going to get the spreadsheet if you haven’t seen this before I’m going to put the spreadsheet up behind me I’m

Going to program that random number generator at the top with the right amount of numbers and I’m going to draw this until someone wins no matter what okay U I’m going to be sending one of these things to you and I’m going to be sending the other ones as well so maybe

Not to the same people hopefully uh but here we go people um and by the way as I said before I am limiting everything so the most you’re going to see for tickets is 10% so if there’s 100 tickets of available the most you’re going to be

Able to buy is 10% of the tickets that way people can’t Corral all the tickets and get themselves like a third of the tickets okay so just uh this is my experiment for the month of the end of this month and January so I’m going to

Do January as well cool so let’s get on with it we’re going to start with the Callaway Apex wood and it’s an apex apex is the topnotch stuff for them and yeah no instant wins I’m not trying to disappoint you with the instant win stuff but it’s a bit of a scam the

Instant wins because like I said they’re hedging their bets so they only put out as many prizes as they percentage of the tickets they sell so if they sell 20% of the tickets they’re only putting at 20% of the prizes I don’t do that I put away

Uh put out 100% of the prizes uh always that’s how it goes okay actually we set up right we got two 250 tickets for this one spreadsheet should be popping up in a second a there’s some different ones there definitely like to see new people New People’s always good okay so

250 see we’re back at 250 let’s do a little scroll make sure we know who’s there um you’ll be able to see your numbers that way everyone can see their numbers I’m going to just move move me out of the way okay how about that and move this

One over slightly there now you can see your numbers okay so let’s do some scrolling number three with body coat H all the way down to Deanie 92 Dean e92 with 250 okay people let’s get to it ready 46 do we have a 46 no we do not have a 46

130 no 13 should I bought more tickets people this is a cool prize 127 no we have 137 that was kind of close but 84 no we got an 85 with body coat one 192 Uno n whatever I’m not going to do that2 is a winner it

Is Rogers Rogers with 192 Rogers with 192 okay you are the wiener okay the spectacular prize of the colorway Apex utility wood okay 192 Rogers you’re the winner I’ll give you your ring uh well done now let’s get rid of that oh yeah I got

To put that in hold on I got to put that in the winning section there you’ll get notified in your email if you win you will get notified in your email if you didn’t win please don’t put me in spam it’s cold and it’s wet and it’s lonely

And and I don’t like being in spam okay so let’s get rid of that one and let’s move on to the well let’s do the driver next of course time for the driver I think that’s a new winner actually maybe not driver and Fairway Wood combo Combo Number Nine

I am still here by the way okay we’re going to change this now to the Muno yeah this is serious piece of kit here okay it is really lovely so whoever gets this should uh should quite enjoy it now how many tickets have I got up for this one 500

Tickets I’m always hopeful for that I mean you have to okay so 500 tickets put that into the random number generator 5 z z okay so we’re going to do a bit of scrolling die furious with number one and number two all the way down to this one see someone from

Liverpool I think my dad was born there when he was really young or near there and then he moved to Canada uh when he was one so he didn’t move his parents did David Morris number David Morris 6 with 499 okay let’s do it 500 on the random number generator ready to go

For the Muno combo 270 we got a winner right away for right for right for right wins it with 270 four right not four wrong you’re definitely four right okay 270 wins it okay so the mauno is yours buddy uh I’ll give you a ring after and you can decide

What exact well it’s going to be a 9° cuz then they come in 9° but we’ll figure the rest out fivewood three wood whatever they’re lovely okay now we’re going to get on to the P series irons now that is any P series irons for to pitching wedge um I

Do have sets here already in stiff so I’ve got the 770s and I’ve got the 790s here in stiff okay so you can have them pretty much right away all my shipping is going out on Tuesday by the way just so you know um I might have to do some

On Wednesday but most of it’s going to go out on Tuesday there we go but it’s a nice New Year’s present for somebody okay so P series irons there we go now I had how many tickets for these ones 380 tickets I had for these let’s get that into the number generator

380 there we go time for an Excel okay everybody can see that one okay uh we’re going to start with Robin long with number three all the way up north in Scotland but not in Scotland all the way up North SC cool that’s that’s what I haven’t seen before uh all

The way down to who’s Sledge muncher Sledge muncher that’s an interesting sludge muncher I kind of want to know who that is I have a feeling I know who it is body coat with 377 okay body coat 377 let’s do it 95 95 is it you it is no one split

Between Robin and Rogers not been nice if you could win twice Rogers 42 I guess it’d be nice for you though wouldn’t it 42 is Kev little Kevin Kev little Kevin 42 you get yourself an awesome set of irons okay so I’m going to put me back there hi okay

So anyway um I’ve got uh Lots coming on Tuesday okay we’re going to go back to normal next week that’s going to be a full set on Sunday uh set of irons on Friday lots of stuff on Thursday um and always the uh the cool stuff on Tuesday

As well don’t miss Tuesday I throw some curveballs at you put some cool stuff in there sometimes Tuesday but listen uh come and see me on Tuesday definitely uh check out the site this coming days but please have yourself an awesome New Year’s okay don’t worry about me go and

Have some fun okay definitely go have some fun um thank you for joining me and uh as always I love you all guys

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