FLEXION Needs To Happen On The DOWNSWING! Golf Swing Tips #shorts

A mistake I see frequently ⬇️

Golfers will be told “you need a flat wrist” or “flex (bow) your wrist to close the face” during their golf swing.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. The timing of when that lead wrist starts to flatten or flex is extremely important. I see way too many amateur golfers flex their lead wrist too much on the BACKSWING.

This gets the clubface shut and inside in the takeaway, and as the golfer transitions to the downswing I will almost always see the lead wrist go into extension, the shaft pitch will become very steep and the face angle will open. This has slice written all over it.

Try this drill to engrain the opposite – a more vertical hinging pattern with some extension on the way back (maintaining space between object/arm) and then getting into lead wrist flexion in transition. It’ll help you get that face under control and may help shallow out your downswing as well 👍

As with all internet instruction – this may not be for you! If you play great golf with a cupped lead wrist on the downswing, keep it up! 👊

Online lessons are available on the Skillest App 👊 just head over to my Instagram page or search me on and we can find the ROOT CAUSE of your issues and get your swing dialed in online!

Even if you get to the top with a flat lead wrist if you’re extending it again on the way down the club face will still be open and you’ll still fight a slice we need to Lear how to flex that wrist on the way down to get that club face

More closed a really good drill is to take a binder or a magazine and grip it like you’re gripping a golf club with a little space between the object and your arm get to the top of the swing and maintain that space But in transition push the object against your arm like

This this is going to get your lead wrist to go into more flexion and that’s going to be that same idea of closing the face on the way down to help you get rid of that slice thanks for watching follow for more tips


  1. Hey – it’s Krafty! Thanks for watching! Subscribe PLEASE – but ONLY if you want to shoot lower scores! 🏌️‍♂️

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