PGA Tour, LIV Golf extend merger deadline into 2024 | Golf Channel Podcast | Golf Channel

Rex and Lav break down the PGA Tour extending merger negotiations with LIV Golf into the new year up against its Dec. 31 deadline, examining why it took so long to announce and what comes next. #GolfChannel #golfchannelpodcast #pgatour

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PGA Tour, LIV Golf extend merger deadline into 2024 | Golf Channel Podcast | Golf Channel

Over the break there was a little bit of news at least there was an update on the PJ tour piff negotiations that of course had the December 3st deadline as outlined in the framework agreement I actually found this hilarious but the tour literally waited until December

31st at about five or six pm nope 5 PM it was 5 p.m 5m on New Year’s Eve to provide an update to the membership uh I found this to kind of be the bold-faced headline coming out of that memo from Jay Monahan the PJ tour commissioner quote we are

Working to extend our negotiations into next year based on the progress we have made to date just not outline a specific new date for a deadline you would think they would want this wrapped up by the Masters actually you think they would want this wrapped up the month before at

The Players Championship the PJ T Flagship event and where they tend to like to roll out their bright and shiny new toys what’ you make of this uh well the timing got me first I think you and I both have talked about it I I have numerous sources at the tour that have

Told me all along that December 31st was very much a soft deadline that they just put it in there as sort of a benchmark you and you know I’ve been told that in these types of negotiations you have to be working towards something they can’t be open-ended because if not the lawyers

Will let this go on forever so in this particular case they had to put something in there I’ve also was told like this is very complicated so even if they did come up with something before December 31st it wasn’t going to be detailed we weren’t going to know exactly what the new entity

Was going to look like it was going to be more of a financial agreement at that point the fact that they kicked the can is not surprising I think we saw it coming for a long time the fact they waited until five o’clock on December 31st I mean I just happened to be

Staring at my phone when the memo landed in my inbox and I was just kind of shocked by it because I I kind of assumed at that point that oh they’re not going to make any announcement that they’re just gonna wait until next week and then they’re going to come out and

Say something they’re going to continue to try to work towards an agreement whatever case may be it leads me to well I I think we can we can sort of take two things from the fact that they did this at 5 o’ one that the negotiations went

To the wire that apparently they they are continuing to talk there’s no reason to wait till 5 if you aren’t having conversations you could have done this a week earlier and saved everyone a lot of waiting and a lot of uh heartache the other half of this is is the wording of

The memo that you just pointed out and that’s that’s what I took away it’s not as though the memo said oh we’re kicking the can down the street it was okay the initial deadline is December 31st to reach an agreement we are working to extend our negotiations I I didn’t know

How to really write that on you know New Year’s Eve at six o’clock as as I just pointed out I’m a little Floy probably had a cocktail or two if I’m being completely honest I did not read that with the idea being oh like this is definitely going into next year they’re

Going to continue negotiating we are working to extend the deadline we have not extend extended past tense definitive we are working to extend we didn’t see any update from Liv we didn’t see any update from the PFF this is the PJ tour saying we are working to extend

I found that actually interesting as well words are important and in this particular case I think the wording of that is interesting look we’re going to continue to watch this from all indications are there isn’t a new deadline as of yet I would expect there to be one and we’ll probably hear more

About that as we get into this week at the Sentry but man I mean everything about it was a little weird well and everything about this since June 6 has been a little weird but the fact that it was 5:00 on December 31st I mean I had

Been told all along that yeah that’s not going to happen that’s not the way these things worked and that’s exactly how these things worked I the big question that I have Rex after after reading the memo after seeing how this is all gone down after seeing uh kind of no indication from the

Live or piff side and I don’t think it’s a it’s a question that’s going to be answered anytime soon is is do they have some sort of moratorium on poaching more PJ tour players like Liv could continue to Strongarm the PJ tour in negotiations by plucking off a handful more guys to

Round out its 2024 roster Liv’s not playing its first event for another month if you wanted to keep putting the squeeze on the tour you would continue to go after these guys until until the tour is in a position that it absolutely has to acques to

Would ever live in the piff is asking for I’m not sure if by working to extend the negotiations if that’s some sort of clause in there where there’s some sort of Dayton but I would find that very interesting because if these are ongoing negotiations if it could still be

Contentious I I still believe piff could even apply more pressure on the tour I don’t think so and this goes back to the original framework agreement that was written in there that you know they wanted to do away with the poaching they wanted some sort of Peace at least

During these negotiations and the doj pushed back on the language they just didn’t like the language so the tour took it out unilaterally because they knew they didn’t want to create any more red flags than this had already created my guess is they’re not going to

Suddenly add it in there now it’s not as though the doj is going to like it any more now than they would have six months ago but saying is they have to add they’ve got to fill out John ROM’s team anyway I think we discussed this I mean

I think it’s safe to say one of those players is probably going to have come from the promotions event and then the other two I mean we can figure out whatever combination of rumors that we’ve heard they’re going to fill it out before the negotiations are over I don’t

Think at this point John ROM was was all the chips in the middle of the table I I don’t know if you can come up with another chip that’s really going to make that big of a difference because the the message was clear you don’t need to say

It any louder like we’re here to stay uh maybe but I just think if if you’re at the finish line if you’re continuing to negotiate up until 4:59 p.m. eastern time on on New Year’s Eve and and you still continue to to poach players from the PJ tour while you’re this close uh

To me that would not be operating in good faith I’m just curious if there’s some sort of like handshake agreement I’m not sure there’s anything formal any sort of legal Clause uh but if there’s just kind of an understanding hey I I think we’re good here we’re not going to

Continue to make any more runs at player XYZ on the PJ tour and I think and again this goes to the idea that I this these negotiations aren’t going to be done by the time they play the first event so there’s going to be other players that

Go now now who are those players it could be just random Asian tour players off the international series that would be the easiest and straight most straightforward way to do it in the short term I don’t think John wants to do my guess is he wants a team and he

Probably has his two or three players he has in mind that he wants to go get and it doesn’t sound as if whatever is going on between the piff and the PGA Tour is going to stop that at least in the short term


  1. Get this over and done with already
    This reminds me of the last 2 minutes of a basketball game, foul/free throws/time out/three pointer/video review/commercials and very little substance


  3. what do u expect from an organization run by a ceo that plays himself in excess of18 million dollars per annum when they are going backwards, he tried to stop individuals from taking saudi money than took it himself there always has been questions asked about how the pga tour is run now we know it's a non profit organization that makes a few individuals alot of wealth except if u are a member playing golf every week and not making the cut

  4. Poach em all!
    That really feels like the fastest way to a resolution.
    This way most of the top players get some Signing money.
    Then the pga tour begs the players come back as often or as little as they want to play their signature events, and if Tour leaders says ‘pretty please’ possibly their hometown events.

  5. Went to a LIV tournament they don’t have a product it’s like watching the old silly season of golf… golf is an individual sport

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