Golf Players

Taylor Fritz (TEAM USA) vs Cameron Norrie (TEAM GREAT BRITAN) – UNITED CUP 2024

#tennis #unitedcup #taylorfritz #cameronnorrie #australia #NEWTENNISSEASON #TENNISCOUCHTALK

Hello everyone thanks for joining our live stream uh this is going to be an epic match for Taylor Freds against norri Cameron Team USA versus Team great Bren uh Taylor is a must win to keep the US team in the competition so it’s going to be fun I

Wish you all had a great holidays and happy New Year uh please let me know in the comments if you have any questions suggestions and uh who do you think is going to win the match players already on the court Fields going to start any seconds now

They just warming up so it’s going to be fun thank you for joining so just a recap of what’s Happening Jessica Pula Ward number five just lost to Katy Boulder uh in an epic match three sets match um poter actually played really well some really great shots and put Jessy Under Pressure

Pretty much throughout the match except of the second set maybe uh which which put the Great Britain team ahead so we’ll see how Taylor can handle the pressure and if he can pull through the wind tonight the match is about to start any second now

And just uh to put context into this um norri played really well uh in his most recent match uh against deminar I believe uh he’s a great server massive massive serve uh a little struggle with the long rallies and ball placements and you know strategic uh shots but he’s an aggressive player um

Uh he is or he has to outperform Taylor Fritz to win tonight uh Taylor Fritz 223 season so far is it’s been good not the best um the end of the season wasn’t so great for him uh but we’ll see how he does tonight and thanks again for joining so

We will start uh within few seconds they’re about to start now uh let me know in the comments uh who do you think is going to win we will also be uh sharing our predictions for Grand Slam winners for the 2024 season um let me know who do

You think is going to win uh for ATB and WTA alike and also in terms of the Top 10 rankings also will have uh videos posted with the predictions uh on both sides and if you just joined the stream uh let us know where you’re watching From who do you guys think is going to win the match Yi or Fritz I would go with Fritz I think Fritz will outperform and increase his level to build a win for Team USA the defendant champ for United cup it’s a must win for

Him uh it was kind of surprising I think just wasn’t fully into the match to go there uh especially towards the halfway in the second set and the third set completely she kind of lost it it was uh pretty impressive actually I thought he would just win in straight sets but uh

Great performance uh by Balter I think that will give her a post in the 2023 season starting the season with uh one against top 10 players and the match is about to start and Fritz is serving s first and he serves and he gets a point and it’s 15 love or

Fritz second serve serves and Nori gets it and Nori gets the point and it’s 150 all right starting strong in Fritz serves and it’s a fault second serve serves he gets it back to Fritz Nori Fritz his backhand nory’s forehand and nor hits it out and it’s 30 15 frits all

Right Fritz is about to serve again and he serves great serve back to Nori back to Fritz and Fritz gets the point and it’s 405 strong start for Freds and fr serves great serve hasted again and he takes the first point that was quick all right now the pressure is on

Nori Nori serve for serve great serve he gets the point and it’s 15 love he nor is about to serve again he serves for serve in the knit second serve second serve norri great serve back to Fritz back to Nori back to Fritz nory’s backhand Fritz’s forehand is backhand Fritz’s backand Nori

Fritz back to Nori back to Fritz and that was almost the net from Fritz what a long rally and nor hits it in the net and it’s love 15 Ritz oops let me fix the score and Fritz is starting strong all right you would think Fritz

No one under the pressure but it seems It’s Nory usually he’s a great server especially in his first hits and he serves again good serve back to Nory back to Fritz nory’s backand Fritz is backand and Fritz hits it in the Nets and it’s 1 15 all

Right and nor is getting ready to serve again ready to serve Nori serves and it’s in the net second serve Nori second serve nor serves create first serve second serve and it’s out it out and Fritz gets the point and it’s 1530 shaky start for Nori you would think he’s should be more

Relaxed and uh perform better but we’ll see how the first H goes and he serves again and it’s in the net second serve second serve Nori and he served great serve back to Fritz and now Fritz hits it in the net and it’s 30 all right and if you’re watching please

Share like subscribe appreciate the support and uh let me know in the comments who do you think is going to win all right nor is about to serve again and Nori serves great for serve back to Fritz back to Nori back to Fritz’s backand Fritz is forehand nor is for hand Fritz’s back

Hand and Nory hits it in the net and it’s 30 40 Fritz okay let me fix this door 30 40 Frets strong start for Frets and nor he serves again and he serves and first Ser in the net second serve nor and Fritz now hits it in the net and it’s dece

And Nori is about to serve again britz is about to this and a great first serve great Ace 190 K strong massive first serve and that’s what he needs and that’s what he’s great at nor is about to serve again and he serves great second serve Fritz gets it back to

Nori I think that was out they called it nor he’s about to serve again about to ser serve and he serves back to Fritz Nori Fritz’s back hand nory’s forehand Fritz’s forehand nory’s forehand Fritz’s backand Nori Fritz Fritz is forehand nory’s forehand and Nori hits it out and it’s Advantage

Fritz not the start I expected from Nori honestly especially with his massive strong serve uh he had a great first H against Deminar we’ll see how he does tonight or today and nor is about to serve again and he serves and an ace I believe that was out second serve back to Fritz and what a massive forehand from Fritz and Fritz takes the point and it’s to love Fritz strong start for

Frets ahead with the break that was a massive return with the fak from Freds it’s a must win for him to save Team USA um an upset from Bola all right frit serve great first serve and it’s an ace 15 love Brit’s about to serve again he serves and it’s out second serve

Fritz second serves serves back to Nori Fritz’s backhand nory’s forehand and Nori hits it out and it’s 30 law frits a very shaky start for Cameron Nory team Britain and Fritz is about to serve serves great serve massive serve and an Ace and it’s 40 love Fritz and Fritz is flying with this

Match pretty close to the break one more point and he serves back to Nori back to Fritz and Fritz hits it in the net and it’s 405 britz is about to serve again and he serves and it’s fault second serve serves back to Nori Fritz nory’s forehand Fritz is backand nory’s

Forand Fritz’s backand Nori great shot back to Fritz Nori and Fritz gets hit and he gets the point Nori was just standing there in the middle of the court and it’s three love Fritz what a great start for Team USA britz is rising to the level needed uh for this

Match well see if Nori raises his level during the match and uh play more aggressive and put more pressure on Freds I think uh Balter winning has the opposite effects on norri um I guess he’s playing more relax knowing that they already won the first match uh but we’ll see how he

Does Brit still top 10 player with the experience and his game scales um my expectation he should win this match in straight H uh but we’ll see and Fritz is playing pretty well uh given he had this uh think abdominal injury or abdominal muscle issue spasm a

Couple months ago I think he had some proceder or fixing but seems he’s doing uh pretty well and now norri serves first serve it’s a fault second serve Nori he serves shy surf back to Fritz back to Nory Fritz Nori Fritz is forehand nory’s forand back to Fritz

Nori Fritz Nori gr and Nori hits it in the net and it’s love 15 Frets and uh Fritz is just moving fast with the first set great performance so far is giving the pressure on Nori and nor is about to serve and he serves great for serve back to Fritz

Nori and Nori hits it out again and Fritz gets the point and it’s love 30 britz all right Nori to serve again and he serves back to Fritz Nori Fritz Nori and Fritz is hitting the ball the sky and goes out and it’s 30 oh 305 sorry or 1530 nor

Okay he starting to put more pressure on Fritz and he’s about to serve serves again back to Fritz toori Fritz and FIS just run in the other direction and nor he gets the point and it’s 30 think nor is playing more aggressive now and nor is about to serve and he

Serves a great first serve Fritz gets it and he hits it out and it’s 4030 all right nor he’s trying to close the gap and he serves for serve it’s a fault res the serve again and he serves that to Fritz and Fritz hits it in the net and it’s dece

Okay re level rises which is good that will make this match uh more competitive and interesting we’ll see how frit handles the pressure and no reserves and he gets the point and it’s two 31 and now Fritz serves again all right now back to Fritz go a quick service from

Norri get the point from Deuce right Fritz first serve an Ace and it’s 15 love he serves again another great serve back to Nori back to Fritz Nori runs into the different directions and it’s 30 love frets and Fritz is about to serve again feel like Fritz is trying to finish this sit

Quickly and frit serves again great first serve another Ace and it’s 40 love frit all right f is just flying with this match and he’s about to serice again and he serves and it’s in the net second serve second serve Fritz back to Nori back to Fritz back to

Nory Fritz is forehand nory’s forehand Fritz is backand and Fritz hits it out and it’s 405 this is a great chance for Fritz to get the double break and finish this first hit quickly all right and Fritz is about to serve and he serves those was a great

For serve where he gets it and he hits it out and Fritz takes the point and it’s 41 Fritz great start for Taylor fredz great start he rises to the level as he should it’s a must win for Team USA to stay alive and have a a great

Chance their group for the United cup competition all right he’s about to serve in few seconds let me know in the comments where you watching from and if you think Fritz can pull this in straight sets or if nor is going to ra his level um all of a sudden which

He could and make this more competitive all right noris have about to serve getting ready see if Nory holds and a strong start for Fritz and Nori serve for serve great for serve back to Fritz back to Nori Fritz Nori slice and Fritz runs but he can’t get it and it’s 15 love

Nori all right Nori serves great serve back to Fritz Nori and um a great return from Nori and Fritz can’t get it either and it’s 30 love nor all right and Nori serves he serves does a great serve and Fritz in the net and it’s for the love Nori all righty there you

Go that is the serve we needed from Nori couble Aces and he serves another great serve and Fritz hits it out and the retakes the point and it’s 42 all right and Nori is do Under Pressure now britz is about to serve he serves and a great for serf an ace 15 love

Frz britz is aing his level so far and he’s about to serve again and he serves another great serve back to Nori and I think Nori hits it out yes 30 love FRS was just out all right for about serve again and he serves and it’s in the net

Second serve back to Nori britz Nori Fritz and great return from Nori Fritz and the smash from Nori and he gets the point and it’s 305 Nori all right nor is playing more aggressive runs more toward thanate and it’s getting more interesting yeah Captain baty let’s go Taylor right thanks for

Joining all right then Fritz serves again a great serve back to Nori Fritz slice of frits and Nori didn’t get it it’s in the net and 405 frits and and britz is moving fast and playing so well so far in the first set and he is serving and he serves back

To Nori back to Fritz nory’s backand Fritz’s backand nory’s forehand Fritz’s forehand nory’s backhand back to Fritz Nori Fritz his backand Nori again another backand from Fritz Nori Fritz and Fritz hits it in the knit it’s 4030 n’s getting more aggressive and putting pressure on Fritz but so far Fritz is handling it

Well see if he can finishes the point here and uh Nori first serve to stay in the first set and Fritz is about to serve and he serves and it’s out second serve second Ser Frets back to Nori and Nori hits it in the net and it’s 52 Freds great great start

Great first sets for it so far and now nor is about to serve to stay in the set under pressure which it depends sometimes he underperforms under pressure we’ll see if he can do it and nor he’s about to serve to stay in the first H then he

Serves great first serve britz hits it out and it’s 15 love Nori and nor is about to serve again and he serves and it’s in the net second serve back to Fritz and Fritz hits it out again come on Fritz and it’s 30 love Nori I guess it works both way now the

Pressure is on Fritz to in the first set here or have to serve uh for the set himself themselves and nor he serves and it’s a fault second serve and he serves back to Fritz back to Nori Fritz nory’s backand Fritz’s forehand across Court was that end that was a great shot by

Fredz and it’s 305 that was a great forehand on the line and nor serves back to Fritz and it’s out again from Fritz it’s 4050 Nori guess Fritz is getting under pressure here trying to finish the first set the norri serves and it’s B serves again second serve second serve

Nori and he serves back to Fritz back to Nori Fritz’s backand and nory’s nor runs to the net and Fritz gets it but he hits it in the net and norri gets the point 53 all right now Fritz has to serve for the first set let’s see if he can’t close it and

And Fritz is about to serve and he serves was a great first serve back to Nori back to Fritz nor he gets it Fritz and Fritz hits it out and it’s love 15 all right britz is about to serve I guess he’s feeling under pressure now and he

Serves back to Nori Fritz and Fritz runs to the net and closes on the point and he gets it and it’s 15 oh all right and Fritz is about to serve again was a great forand return turns to the net and finishes the point there right then Fritz

Serves serve back to Nory back to Fritz nory’s backand fits his forand and it almost hit the net back to Nori back to Fritz Nori Fritz’s backand nory’s massive forehand Fritz G another mess forehand from Nory back to Fritz back to Nori what a great Riley Nori Fritz and

Fritz hits it in the net and it’s 1530 Nori and Fritz is having a hard time closing in the first set which happens um I wouldn’t say most of players but some players they get more under pressure and um big moments and frit serves back to Nori back to Fritz he

Gets it Fritz he gets it again back to Fritz and it was out from Nori and it’s 30 all righty two more points Fritz two more points two more points to take the first set against team Britain Cameron Nori and Fritz is about to serve serves and it’s a great serve or

Was that a fault yeah it’s an ace he gets it that was a great serve nor he hits in the net and it’s 40 30 frets all right Match Point well not match point first H Point sorry it is heating up Captain I agree although Fritz is seems more under

Pressure in the last two points and he serves back to Nori back to Fritz Nori Fritz’s forehand Nori another long rally and Fritz hit hits it out and it’s Deuce yeah Nu’s catching up but uh would he be able to make it um we’ll see I think most likely Fritz will take

The first set but nor is um definitely improving his level after the first two three points serves first serve back Nory Fritz’s backand nory’s forehand and it’s a massive forand down the line and he gets the point and it’s Advantage Nori that was a great and britz was taking by surprise

Indeed all right well now there’s a chance for Nori and frit serves back to Fritz Nori Fritz Nory back to Fritz nory’s forehand Fritz nory’s backhand Fritz Nory back to Fritz what a longer Ry and Fritz forand and nor he hits it out and it’s back to deuce

Thank you Happy New Year to you too our first official live streaming so thank you for joining and for the support and um let me know in the comments what matches you’ll be interested in watching um United cup or Spain we have Oakland uh we’ll be matching pretty much everything

Especially uh major tournaments and uh we’ll have some videos uh posted in a day or two on the predictions for top 10 ATB WTA Grand Slam um potential winners for 2024 as well all right and for it serves serving for the sit F second serve back to Fritz Nori

Fritz Nori gets it and Fritz Nori running forth back to fr nory’s massive forand back to Nori and Nori gets the point again and it’s again Advantage Nori this is the chance for Nori to take the point and uh serves again to stay in the match where he could have a

Chance great shot again massive all right britz is about to serve again and this is the challenge with players especially top 10 players to rise to the moment at Big moments like this to close the match that needs a high mental capacity and Frid serves back to Nori back to

Fritz nor backhand Fritz’s forehand nor backhand Fritz is just hit the ball in the sky and Nori gets the point and it’s 54 okay let’s fix the scoreboard 54 now nor is going to serve to stay in the match there’s a couple epic matches Happ happening later today um Novak mixed double I

Believe couple of great matches also over the next few days Osaka Chris Bane so we’ll see how that goes it’s a great start for the season so far and it’s like there’s no break for tennis uh literally there’s always matches even in the offseason always these competition and um season’s already starting pretty

Quick so let’s see how it goes this year it’s going to be a great year especially with the WTA side there’s there’s more competition there uh more surprises and um a lot of players with comparable or close um levels so we’ll see how that goes compared to ATB

Where you have three four players that they’re usually the most favorite of for grand slams and boo the one will most likely be the favorite on almost every tournament all right and norri serves and he gets the points and it’s 150 right nor serves again first serve great first serve and

Nori runs to the net and britz doesn’t get it and it’s 30 love Nori Nori Rises his level playing more aggressive runs more towards the net staying more focused and that’s what is needed here for team Bren britz level drops unfortunately nor serves first service out and he serves

Back to Fritz back to Nori Fritz’s forehand and Fritz hits it out and it’s 40 love Nori this is getting more interesting now and n’s really catching up and catching up fast and Nori serves back to Fritz back to Nori Fritz and great return from fritz or was

That out that was out actually and nor he gets the point and it’s 5 great job Nori from 52 down I believe that was and getting back to 55 definitely defitely increased his performance oh great all right Fritz deserves back to Nori back to Fritz Nori Fritz nory’s backand and Nori

Hits it in the net and it’s 15 love frits okay I guess Fritz is feeling the pressure now and they need to win this match to keep Team USA alive in the competition and britz is served it’s the net and he serves again back to Nori back to Fritz nory’s back hand Fritz’s

Backand nory’s backand Fritz’s backand and Nori runs and gets it and he hits it out and and it’s 50 30 love Brits Nuri is a great server with massive serve what he lacks sometimes is the ball placement and strategic play especially with long rallies other than that he’s a great player and frit

S it’s an ace it’s 40 law frits let’s see if Fritz stays focused and still take the first H and Fritz serves for serve back to Nori and Nori hits it out and Fritz takes the point and it it’s 65 65 and let’s see if Nori takes us to a

Tie break if he gets this next point let me know in the comments who do you think is going to when take the first set norri or Frets and if it’s going to be a tie break or not and I’ll tell you uh what I think then

Was if Nori maintains his level this can go into a tie break and with the tie break and the way Fritz dropped his level in the couple L few points um it might be surprising um terms of who can take the first set which could be Nori but we’ll

See okay you think Fritz is going to win and nor is about to serve take us to a tie break and he serves and it’s back to Fred’s back to Nori Fritz’s backand and Fritz hits it in the net and it’s 15 love Nori and nor is about to serve again and

He serves and that was great first serve but I think it was lit second serve serves back to Fritz back to Nori Fritz’s backand and Fritz hits it in the net now and it’s 30 love Nory and we are two points away from a tie break which you wouldn’t

Expect with Fritz been 52 and think had a couple match points so far but we’ll see and Nori serves back to Fritz back to Nori Fritz’s back hand and great shot from norri Fritz gets it and back to Nori and Nori gets the point and it’s 40 love was a great slice I

Think or like trying thought but it didn’t britz gets it but then Nori gets it again and Fritz couldn’t get it now no reserves it’s in the net second serve second serve Nori he serves back to Fritz back to nor and Nory hits it out now and it’s 405

And nor is one point away from taking us to a tight break in this first set for Team USA versus Team Britain 2024 United cup and Nori serves and it’s in the net and he serves again second serve Nori and he serves back to Fritz nory’s

Forehand and Nori hits it out and it’s 4030 40 30 Nori and now nor is under pressure to stay in the match stay in the first set or take us to a tie break be accurate and no he serves no he doesn’t and now he serves and it’s in the net that can

Serve that serve Nori he serves back to Fritz back to Nori Fritz’s backand forehand Fritz’s backand nory’s forehand back to Fritz Nori Fritz Nory back to Fritz nory’s backand Fritz’s backand and great shot nor and hits the tape and he still gets the point and it’s 60 and we’re going to a tie

Break all right this is getting interesting and great performance Nori from 52 to a tight break that was impressive and he apologizes for the loss point it’s the net and still dropped so all right the tie break who who do you guys think will win the tie break let me know in the

Comments all right Fritz to serve and he serves and it’s a fault I believe serves again back to Nori back to Fritz Nori and Nori hits it out and Fritz gets the first point uh pretty interesting and yeah the match is heating up quick quickly because Nori did significantly

Raise his level he raises his level especially after the third Point all right now Nori to serve and he serves and it’s an Ace and it’s 1 one one one Nori Nori to serve again he serves another great serve back Fritz Nori and was that

In and Nory hits it out and it’s 21 Fritz was unfortunate it was a great placement but I think it was just bit out and Fritz to serve and he serves and it’s out second serve second serve Fritz back to Nori back to Fritz and now Fritz hits it out and it’s 2

Do all right for it to serve again it’s serve again and he serves and it’s an Ace and it’s three two frits with the mini break right is getting ready to serve he serves great serve back to Nori back to Fritz Fritz Nori and Nori hits it in the net and it’s 42

Fritz for two Frets which he should have already taken the first set being 52 ended up with a tie break it will be very frustrating if he loses the first hit after his performance overall to uh to serve now 4 two frits nope Nori it’s Nori serve nor is about to serve

Sorry all right serves and B second serve second serve Nori serves back to Fritz back to Nori Fritz is backhand nory’s forehand Fritz is forand Nori and a great shot and it’s in and it’s 43 4 three and Nori seems to stay well composed under pressure and fr serves back to Fritz

Nori Fritz Nori Fritz back hand Fritz’s forand back to Nori great shot Fritz Nori slice it and Fritz runs to the net and he gets it but he hits it out and it’s 40 and nor is starting to to put more pressure and Fritz in this die

Break okay and now Fritz is about to serve and he serves and it’s an Ace and it’s five for Fritz see if he can finish all right fridge should have won the first H already right nor is about to serve he serves great serve and frit hits it in the net and it’s

5 okay getting really close again another tie within the tie break and nor is about to serve britz keeps back to Nori Fritz Fritz nory’s back hand and Fritz runs and he gets it but he hits it out or in that was in great return from Fritz and it’s 65

Fritz I thought it was out Fritz runs all the way across Court he gets it pull stets in in a great shot down the line and it was in even Nori was surprised okay now fors to serve to take the first set he serves back to Fritz back to

Nori Fritz Nori and Fritz gets the point and he takes the first set set all right FR Stakes the first set okay let me know in the comments who do you think is going to take the second set Please Subscribe like and share thank you for joining um the channel I hope

You’re enjoying our first stream and uh let me know also in the comments uh what other matches you would like to watch thank you okay just fixing the scoreboard thank you for patience okay second set nor serves and it’s a great serve and he gets it and it’s 15 love

Nori res serves again and I believe it was a fault second serve back to Fritz back to Nori great shot Fritz Nory gets it and Fritz didn’t get it and it’s diry love Nori and no serve and it’s in the net second serve and it’s again in the net and it’s

Double fult first double fault throughout the match and it’s 3015 please ignore the scoreboard for now and some issues with the scoreboard frit sto the first set and the tie break 76 and now nor Reserves and again it’s in the net I guess nor is frustrated about losing the first set after the

Great performance and raising his level back to Nori back to Fritz Nori Fritz forand Fritz’s backand back to Nori back to Fritz’s backand nory’s backand Fritz’s forehand nor is playing more aggressive and he hits it out and it’s 30 30o if he just joining frit sto the first hit TI

Break and nor is about to serve again he serves great first serve back to Nori back to Fritz Fritz Nori down the line Fritz gets it and he hits it out and it’s for 30 Nory nor he’s about to serve again and nor is about to serve again

And he serves and it’s out second serve second serve Nori and he serves back to Fritz Nori Fritz’s backand and now Fritz hits it out and norri gets the first point in the second set okay or the scoreboard for now and Fritz about to serve and he serve

And the first serve and nor hits it out and it’s 15 love Fritz Brit serves again and it’s another great serve he gets it and it’s 30 love RS Serv back to Fritz back to Nori Nory hits it in the net and it’s 40 love Fritz we’re having an issue with the

Scoreboard so please ignore it Fritz got the first set in a tie break 76 now Fritz serves serve back to Nory back to Fritz Nori Fritz nory’s backand britz his forehand and it hits the table of the net and it’s 405 frz serves and it’s in the net second serve

Frits second serve back to Nori and Nori hits it in the net and Fritz takes the point and it’s one one in the second set first sit 76 in a tie break and please ignore forbo and now Norry about the serving and he serves great first serve and it says

Followed by Smash it’s 15 love Nori or he’s about to serve again serves great for serve runs to the net Fritz hits it in the net and it’s 30 love Nory and nor starting the second sit strong nor he’s about to serve again and he serves it’s a great for

Serve Fritz gets it but he hits it out and it’s 40 love Nori all right great performance today from Nori so far and much less of forced errors and another Ace he takes the point it’s two one with Nori ahead in the second set staying focused content using his aggressive play and great

Surf again if you’re joining just having an issue with the scoreboard the first set ended in the tie break seven set FR stoke the first set second set so far 21 and Nori seems to out perform in the second set and staying aggressive and focused and

Playing well uh we’ll see how Fritz does in the second set it’s almost went for Team USA after uh pigola lost to bter in a three match which was a bit surprising and epic um it was a great play from Bolter winning her first match of the

Season I believe no it wasn’t the first match um but the first one against a top 10 player for the season so far so it was a great match we’ll see if Nori get the advantage and wins and keeps team Britain ahead or if Fritz wins to keep Team USA alive in the

Competition let me know in the comments what do you think’s going to happen all right then Fritz is getting gritty serve or the competition is 1 Z team Great Britain versus Team USA and Fritz is about to serve and he serves hits the tape the net there again and it’s

B again back to Nori back to Fritz and Fritz hits it in the net and it’s love 15 okay go 15 with Fritz seems to be under a lot of pressure and he serves and again he hits it in the net second serve back to Nori Fritz Fritz playing more aggressive

And he hits it out and it seems he’s losing focus and it’s love 30 norri it seems to be getting annoyed um he played really well in the first set especially the first couple of points and then his level starts drubbing gradually um got into the tie break won

The tie break but the second set is not much serves back to Nori and Nory hits it out and it’s 15:30 1530 and Fritz is about to serve again and he serves and it’s B britz to serve second serve back to Nori back to Fritz Nory Fritz his back

Hand and that that was a great shot wow backand a crosscourt back hand cross cour shot from Fritz and he gets the point and it’s 3 oh a great shot from Fritz he serves again back to Fritz back to Nori back to Fritz Nori gets it and Fritz gets it and

Finishes the point at the net and it’s 40 30 Fritz all right Brit just seems to get back to his um performance at the start of the first set playing more aggressive more toward the Nets and with more Focus BR serves and it’s a fault and he serves again second serve

Back to Nori back to Fritz nory’s great shot Fritz gets it nory’s backand Fritz gets it Nory back to Fritz’s backhand nory’s forehand Fritz’s backand nory’s forehand and Nory hits it out and Fritz takes the point and it’s 20 20 they keeping it close and competitive in the second

Set and nor is about to serve and nory’s level is pretty impressive so far and he serves back to Fritz back to nor backand Fritz’s forehand great shot Nory gets it Fritz’s backhand Nory gets it back to Fritz Nori and a great shot from norian he gets the point and it’s 15

Love and nor is playing really well in this match couple errors here and there uh but so far playing very well Fritz serves back to Fritz Nori Fritz Fritz hits the tape and goes and Nori gets it and he gets the point great shot Nori that was very tricky from Fritz’s

Backand hits the table theet and F right there and nor runs and strong backand and he still gets the point and it’s 30 love Nory great performance so far by Cameron Nory team Great Britain actually 40 love Nori so far okay me fix the the lay scoreboard and Nori serves and send the

Net serves again back to Fritz and Fritz great shot he didn’t get it couldn’t get it it’s 405 strong massive return from Fritz okay nor to serve again serves that was out B second serve Nori great second serve and Fritz hits it out and Nori

Takes the point and it’s 32 two with nor still ahead keeping it close and competitive in the second set we’ll see if norri wins and take us to a third deciding set all right if you’re watching I hope you’re enjoying the live stream thank you for joining and please don’t forget to

Subscribe like and share and comment where you from what you think about the match what matches you would like to watch and I appreciate the support and now Fritz is about to serve he serves and it’s in the net second serve second serve Fritz he serves back to

Nori back to Fritz Nori Fritz his backand Nori Fritz gets it backand and he hits it out and it’s 15 love Fritz okay so far is uh very close level between the two and the second set with nor is playing more aggressive and Fritz serves great first serve back to Nori

Back to Fritz Nori backand Fritz and Fritz hits it out and it’s 15 o and Fritz to S again okay and he serves great first serve back to Nori back to Fritz and Fritz hits it out again and it’s 1530 all righty Brit’s level definitely dropped

In the second set and it could be the pressure because he knows it’s a must win and he serves and it’s in the net second serve Brits and now Nory hits it out and it’s 30 all right let’s see if Ritz can keep this second set close and gets this

Point and he’s about to serve he serves great first serve Nory gets it back to Fritz great shot from from Fred’s Nori and Nory hits it in the net and it’s 4030 40 30 frits serve very close second set so far great serves and it’s in the

Net and I am impressed by nory’s level and performance in this match Brit serves back to Nori back to Fritz and what a strong shot and Fritz flicks is and he gets the point and it’s Trio that was a massive forehand from Fritz okay they keeping it interesting and nor

He serves and he serves for serve and it’s a fa second serve second serve Nori he serves back to Fritz Nori and Nori gets it out it’s below 15 15 and that is exactly what happened with Nori in the second set against Alex deminar where his level dropped significantly in the second set

Especially with his serve the first set he has a great serve uh massive serve with a very high percentage was in the 80s and it dropped to 50s in the second set and now Nori serves and he serves and it’s an Ace and it’s 15o right nor to serve again he

Serves and it’s in the net yeah his serve centers dropped in the second set against deer 50 something percentage I believe and looks like the same happening little better and Nori serves again and it’s a fault second serve serves great serve back to Fritz back to Nori Fritz’s backand and

Fritz hits it out and it’s 3015 and if you just joining the first set ended in a tie break 76 BR sto the first set umore the scoreboard has been an issue to that and now Nori serves again and it’s a fault second serve second serve Nori serves back to Fritz

Nori britz hits it in the net 405 and n’s keeping it competitive and trying to stay ahead in the second set yeah any break if he gets this point and nor he serves and it’s in the net and he serves again serves again gets it yep gets the

Point and it’s 43 Nori staying ahead team Britain staying ahead if you just join in please don’t forget to like subscribe we will be live streaming um most of the matches United cup uh some interesting matches bris ban Oakland and uh old major tournaments moving forwards including all grand

Slams and also will be posting uh videos over the next few days with predictions um for the top 10 uh WTA ATV players for 2024 Seasons Who do you think going to remain in the top 10 or leave the top 10 or enter the top 10 in the 2024 seasons and

Also the prediction for the grand slams for WTA and ATB and it’s more interesting and spicy on the WTA sides with the you know closed level players would in the top 10 you know apart from number one and two and overall compared to ATP where most of the time you have two

Three players that they are the main favorite for each Grand Slam with Novak jovic pretty much the favorite for each Grand Slam you know but surprises happen but with the WTA there is more unpredictability there uh although EA been the favorite for pretty much uh most of grand slams beside wimbl then so

We’ll see how it goes thanks again for joining all right and fr serves first serve back to Nori and Nori hits it out and it’s 15 love frits keeping it Clos and Fritz serves great for serve and Nori again hits it out and it’s 30 love Frets it’s about to serve again

And he serves and a ace 40 love or love Fritz since Fritz is about to serve again and he serves nor he gets it and Fritz sles nor he runs to the net and he hits it out and Fritz gets the point and it’s 40 staying very close so far in the second

Set so are we going into another tie break in the second set we’ll see if nor can take us to a third deciding set nor is about to serve so far nor is handling the pressure okay staying very close in the second set about to serve serves that was a great first serve

Massive one and Fritz hits it out and it’s 15 love Nori Nori’s first surf winning percentages in the 80s now which is great 80 5% or so and he serves britz gets it nor runs to the net and he hits it in the net it’s 15 oh to serve again

Serves and it’s in the net second serve second serve norri serves Fritz’s backand and norri hits it out and it’s 1530 1530 44 in the second set Team USA versus Team Great Britain with Fritz taking the first set 76 in a tie break KD Bolter won against Jessica pigola in the first

Match so team Britain still ahead and no reserves great first serve Fritz gets it back to norri norri hits it out it’s 1540 Fritz and Nori seems to Lost His serve at the moment and Fritz is getting excited as he can win this point and go serve for the

Match and nor is about to serve and he serves and it’s in the net seems to be under or pressy sure focus and he serves back to Fritz back to Nori Fritz Nori Fritz his backand Nori Fritz and Nori great shot Fritz gets it again strong massive shot and nor flies

At the net and he gets the point Lexus feels good and it’s 40 3040 3040 Nori that was a massive forehand britz gets it but nor runs to the net and he gets the point one break point back no serves great serve back to Fritz and Fritz hits it out and it’s

Deuce and he gets all the break points back from 40 love or 405 and nor serves the lit I believe B okay serves again n is about to serve again and he s and it’s a fault second serve second serve Nori serves back to Fritz Nory Fritz gets

It back hand of Fritz did the back hand of nori for hand of Fritz great shot from Fritz Nori gets it Fritz runs to the net he gets the point and Nori hits it out and it’s Advantage frits Advantage Frets to take the point and go serve for the sit and the

Match and keep team us say alive in the competition which is a must and nor serve and the first serve is in the net second serve Nori second serve and he serves back to Fritz n’s backand Fritz’s backand nor is mive forehand Fritz Nori and Nori hits it out and it’s 54 frets

Okay Brits is about to serve for the second set and the match to give Team USA the defending champ of the United cup a chance remain in the competition and stay competitive britz is getting ready to serve for the match let me know in the comments if you

Think if Fritz can pull this true and win the second set and the match or if we going to go through the same scenario from the first set and end up in another tie break and if nor is able to take us to a third deciding set thanks again for joining and

Watching all right britz is about to serve second set and for the match it’s a big moment so we’ll see how can handle the pressure here and win the second set and the match and do Team USA a great favor after pigola L to bter and he serves and for serving the

N second surf back to norri britz norri gets it britz his backand Nori slice Fritz runs to the net he gets it back to Nori what a shot britz couldn’t get it it was behind him I guess and or he gets the point and it’s love 15 that was a great great LIF

Over okay raises his level again and Fritz is about to serve and he serves great serve back to Nori back to Fritz Nori gets it Fritz slice Nori runs to the net and he gets it again and Fritz gets it and he gets the the points all right 305 Ritz

305 it looked like a drop shot but I don’t think it was and then the backand was great from Fritz the final one Fritz serves and and it’s an Ace and it’s 405 and so far Fritz hits 13 aces in the match Fritz to serve again serves and Ace by

Fritz Fritz Rises to the occasion and Rises his level and it’s Match Point match point frits and Fritz serves and it hits the table of the net all right serves again n gets it bres backand nor he gets it back to Fritz and Fritz hits it in the

Net second match point all right 4030 Match Point number two for Taylor Fritz to win this match keep Team USA alive the mix doues in the competition and he serves nor he gets it and hits it out and britz wins and wins this match 76 64 two straight sets first set ended in

A tie break and he keeps Team USA alive and we’ll see what happened in the mixed doubles that was a great match uh great performance and Fritz gets the job done and that’s all matters at the end so thank you again for watching please don’t forget to like subscribe

Let me know in the comments what other matches um you would like to watch we will be live streaming other matches the double match with Novak J jovic I believe it’s uh in couple hours tonight and couple other matches and some other videos will be posted on the channels for

Predictions uh again thank you for joining the channel for your support and I wish you all a great and a very Happy New Year and until the next live chat take care everyone thank you

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