The DOD King gets a visit from @kyleberkshire3371.

If you are a weasel and want a shot against The DOD KING send a video to the CVAGOLF IG account and tag him.

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Guys you know how we roll on this channel we’re getting right into it all right we always have the best and we have the best world long drive Champion Kyle birsh my man thanks for coming down to VA brother abut it’s winter time my man drove down from Maryland straight to

The Sleepy hold the players course I’m a long driver so I made a long drive that’s it that’s just what we and we’re winter time people we grind it out we are not scared of it we’re not here to you know try to go after things in optimal conditions we are grinders we’re

Doing it in the cold in the winter for the people at home we’re going to go through a speed set cuz you guys know if I can pick up like 10 miles of ball speed I’m going to be a dangerous player dangerous get ready for

The W that’s it bro that’s it so hey man let’s rock and roll let’s get right into this and uh Kyle birkshire the champ champ champ three times three times is going to be taking the king through a speed session sit back enjoy take some notes we’re just going to keep it raw

Let’s rock and roll yeah we might do a psycho analysis too this is going to be probably possibly a therapy session on top of everything you know I think I think there’s a lot of people who hate me who would love to see how to get into

My brain so I think a lot of people whether they hate me or love me they’re going to be focusing in on this you know so I’ll just start out by just ripping one yeah and we got the trackman numbers um just leave them right here for us to

See and probably put it in post production perfect so we’ve been swinging a little bit before and my last one was 295 total 170 ball speed 12.6 Club speed which is pretty darn good just to set the scene for you guys it’s 51 52 cloudy drizzly so I mean it’s not

Optimal by any means um he’s told me his record off the deck is 183 ball speed that’s not going to happen today frankly cuz I just I don’t feel comfortable pushing him to that place because it’s it could be dangerous in these kinds of weather conditions I want to leave with

That disclaimer it’s very important to do this only in optimal conditions but what we will do is we will try to push to 175 I think that we can still get benefit out of that and get him on the right track to gaining more speed so

That’s what we’re going to do today and a lot of this and we talked about this he was actually saying we should have had the camera roll in a lot earlier um but we can certainly go through it again a lot of speed development is through

The ears it’s not through the uh through the body what I mean by that is it’s a lot more in the mind than it is in the swing because a lot of people when they want more speed their first question is why right what’s the magic tip you can

Give me well speed is more of a function of firing your muscles in a in the nervous system so creating moving your through space and time is a nervous system reaction it’s not really a positional reaction to where you put the club in your back swing so we’re

Actually doing more than anything is we’re trying to get in his brain a little bit we’re trying to get him to a place where he’s pushed himself Beyond his limits and the cool thing about the body when you spend enough time doing this over and over your swing will

Change naturally but it will actually change to where you find your most efficient swing naturally because if you trying to hit as hard as you can your body will naturally try to do its best to give you the best chance of doing that that so by focusing on the brain

We’re also going to be working on the body so that’s the that’s the goal here is to get inside your head a little bit figure out what makes you tick figure out what makes you motivated okay you know we want to get you to a place where your your body’s essentially your body’s

Hormonal position with regards to Adrenaline and just the general nervous system activation is different okay so that’s what we’re going to be trying to do and as we’re not going to go crazy today cuz I don’t want you to be unable to make videos for a couple months but

Had an injury before in this game it sucks fun you’ve had a few too we trying I I literally wish we did have the cameras rolling cuz we just we just pull up this is our like second time really getting to know each other um but we

Just instantly just delved into just the game and the mental side and everything I’m big into the mental side of the game I’m not big into the technique and stuff like that so to see you kind of know the numbers and the signs behind it but also

Keep it in the mental I love that and I think there going to be sick it yeah absolutely we’ll just we’ll just start getting going diving into it you’re right he’s at 120 Club speed I think his high so far yeah I’d imagine we’re going

To push him but I want to see like let’s do I want to see get to about 123 124 and then 175 this is a little different because you know you’re the dod King so we got to have you hitting off the deck of course that’s the only going to be so

There is going to be a little bit of an element of ball striking into this but uh of course yeah just start getting some swings on it start getting start getting going and I’ll start poking at you a little bit and see if we can get

You a little faster it so our goal just for the people at home who don’t understand that I’m at 120 Club head speed 170 ball speed so we’re trying to go 125 Club had 175 ball yeah that’s a realistic cuz when you’re hitting off the deck smash fact will be a little

Lower just because you’re hitting a lower part of the face so if hadie if he was using you know a t i don’t know if I’m allowed to say that in this channel I can find the smash Factor believe me I can find the middle of the well let’s do

It man let’s let’s go let’s go for 175 will any issues that are starting to develop in iny wise your body will actually cover it up because of the adrenaline you won’t feel it till later okay so like when I injured myself I didn’t keep hitting through pain I just

Felt great and that’s why I kept hitting right so I’m going to have a very keep an eye on certain things and when I say we’re done we’re done okay so that way you don’t get injured yeah I’m big on like one more one more one more so I

Appreciate the uh and there’s time and place for that but it’s not 50° weather in the middle of winter valid valid I did we’ll see what you got but we just got out of holidays and stuff like that been traveling got to work off some of that Christmas week of course all right

So let’s see what we can start out with heck of a start there I went dead straight these balls are a little little dead yeah and that’s going to be another variable there might be balls that hit well that are just poor golf balls so we’ll have to keep bear that bear in

Mind so that’s 118.7 166 Y 2 270 total distance so that’s a good start but let’s just start pushing let’s start driving you’re loosing up you’re pretty loose so we’ll just start building now another really good one that’s a high draw they say I can’t draw it off

The deck you guys don’t 197 so that’s a little faster three hund but I think you need a te I don’t think so brother you sure n hell no dog that’s 297 off the deck probably would been 330 with the te n hell no G are you sure yeah that would

Have been in the fck parking l g show me how far you can hit off the deck though if you had a tea that would have carried that uh Casas in there I don’t like this he did swing 121.3mi hour jump the second I mentioned the use of

Te that’s so if that was a tea that would have been probably 10 miles an hour faster didn’t take long yeah it didn’t take long to figure it out 120 you should do T man that’s all yeah cooking them 122 Club speed all this club speed but no ball speed I

Wonder why yeah uhhuh he’s proving me right with every swing you need a t so spinny damn must be the must be the I know I can get this like I know I can you might be able to do it easier with a t though n hell no that’s a 2.2 attack

Angle off the deck nobody’s pulling that that’s pretty crazy actually nobody’s pulling that come on let’s swing hard then show me up let’s go 175 off the deck I feel like every time I try to get more power I like widen the out of my stands feel like I shouldn’t do that

Like do you feel you rotate better when they’re just about shoulder width cuz I feel like every time I’m trying to gear up on one I’m like way outside of those are kind of my I don’t I’m not super wide you’d be surprised like I’m like maybe just a little outside my shoulders

Right so yeah I would say you want your feet maybe just a hair outside your shoulders okay something like that right there yeah when you get really wide you can’t shift off the ball it limits it right yeah and for me I feel more stable but I

Know I’m not going to the best way to hit a fur though is to hit it off the tea yeah okay 170 that was cranked bro 118 club though so that was that’s interesting 294 294 huh so now you need to do that exact same thing but swing faster swing faster

So just think about how much you want to prove to me that you can go 175 ball speed off the deck and think about how many people are just can’t wait to see you not do it so that they can talk to you about how it’s a little weasel

That hits off the deck and it’s a little stick that’s not really legitimate uhhuh so you got the chance I mean you’re 170 right now are you going to get to 175 or 176 are you going to pack it in it’s actually crazy and the my favorite thing

About it is that the same people that hate me they watch and they are watching right now intely just to make sure that these numbers are off um and that gets me going here we go yeah keep hating him because it’ll it’ll help him get faster

He needs it feed off of it cuz he’s yeah he needs to get a little faster wish they were here wish show me up let’s go off the deck let’s go 171 crazy high and see what you’ll notice is there’s going to be it’s a creep it’s not like it happens from time

To time but very rarely will you see a jump of 3 or four miles an hour shot to shot but what you do see is a progressive climb it’s like losing weight you goes like this but there’s a trend so the speed building it’s like that but the trends up

So and then once we actually get him to wisen up and use a te it’ll get even faster so tarps are off 173 it’s getting faster still not there though no still not there 173 okay this is winter time like that’s that’s pretty yeah I’ve never seen sleeves that fit that Loosely

On someone though yeah I’ve been doing yeah come on let’s go right there 168 you were 173.04 I feel like I swung harder at that one maybe not that was a little handsy come on let’s go 293 everybody’s watching you better better prove them that you can get 175 off the deck you’re

Going to never hear the end of it straight pulling everything oh it’s too fast it’s too fast it’s too slow actually it it’s too slow to read where is this the right area for it yeah you should be fine there okay if it misses another one we’ll make we’ll reevaluate this is like

I can get this come on let’s go you guys start pushing man ain’t easy if it is easy everybody be hit at 380 let’s go 1733 dude come on winter time conditions 1732 I’m going to give you six more six more yeah so pick your golf balls wisely

Let me show the people this at least this is winter time okay they’re only juicy slly 296 173 120 nobody’s pulling those numbers all you little weasel out there even when you use T’s you’re not pulling those numbers in the winter time so take a breather Kyle go ahead and show the people

Something this is going to be stupid okay this but just embrace it this is World Long Drive champ world number one show the people this is a two degree driver okay he just got out of a car 4-Hour car ride outrageous outrageous 140 Club speed 195 ball speed

330 and that was just standard that wasn’t even anything let’s go now come on you saw that pop up now let’s go and I haven’t hit a ball in 40 minutes yeah yeah yeah come on let’s go no ex no excuse I’m the king brother yeah the

Right now you’re like the the Court Jester yeah yeah time to take your throwing back still minut come on 175 it’s just inefficient four left inefficient swinging fast enough to do it man you just got to catch it right you got four balls left and efficient

Like spinning out of it all of these are game ready though they’re playable got to get the mullet going here all right come on now oh my God I tried to crank the if only there was something you could use to raise the ball off the

Ground so you wouldn’t hit it behind hit the ball behind the ball the time okay right there that balls that’s slower in my club speed right now let’s go that bro CH got four balls up come on 175 your bus let’s go show me up I’m talking all this show me

Up 170 Dude that feels like 190 that’s outrageous I cleaned that I clocked that ball let clock not hard enough this is D the crown I mean it’s it’s only natural you know kings are are dethroned right long live the king my man that’s what they said come on we got

Three left go 175 come on step up three balls left I mean that’s a good swing 165 how bro 121 like I smashed that one see if I can smash that one these are shitty balls let me get a tp5 fresh out of my

Cart I don’t give a damn let me get a tp5 fresh out the cart Hey Taylor Made Callaway Cobra I’m still a free agent you know I had to go buy these in a Pro Shop that’s outrageous Taylor Made step it up I’m not scared you corporations save that for your last

Ball okay okay I like that these are these are I found two I think are okay and this is your last one it’s it’s got to be the ball dude it’s got to be the ball I’m spend the $5 to take it out of the sleeve and prove that or maybe it’s

The 10- Cent wood tea that you could put it on Hell let’s go 175 push I’m not even going to get buried in a wooden coffin shit’s going to be made out of gold let’s go man come on you know it’s going to be made out of gold come on dial in let’s

Go 167 that Wilson Staff I think might be good okay these balls are he’s swinging 122 121 so to be fair balls are a little bit but he can get there he’s just got to step up and really let it rip and I mean he he just could he could

Use a TM break in a one swing but we’ll see if he can do it without I mean dude no 1 74.9 174.72 point9 like literally he’s 0.1 miles an hour but he’s got down to one ball this is the best one this is this is his last

Chance he’s cut off after this as I said it’s low 50 I’m not letting him hit anymore because literally I don’t want him to be not being able to film so he’s at 174.72 which is crazy because that one I didn’t feel like I swung the fastest and

It went less than the other ones that that were average yeah yeah you probably hit it pretty Square as good as a good ball that’s the biggest difference right this is it though okay got my TP he’s got the speed fresh out the sleeve he’s got one shot at

It and only one shot I’m not letting him hit anymore because this is pretty cold weather come on off the are you really the king let’s see it that is so oh 177 that’s good man that was crazy bro hell yeah dog come on now 177.1 come

On now hide the carry don’t worry about the carry don’t worry about that it’s cold outside okay don’t worry about that 177 on the last ball it’s good good stuff man that was worth the $5 tp5 that’s sick dude well I think you bailed yourself out the last at the last second

There it was good that was clutch but that’s part of it man I mean you started like 116 117 Club speed I think you had a couple at 122 123 yeah and that’s kind of how it goes man it’s about getting on your skin getting you to go to a

Different place like physiologically you’re in a different place now than you were 15 minutes ago I mean you took off your clothes and that typically happens pretty quickly if it’s cold um people warm up that’s literally your body changing be a to move F that was interesting bro honestly that was very

Eye opening I’ve never done like a speed session or anything like that before um very eye opening and that did uh I mean you learned within three seconds what got under my skin so and the people know too but the thing is I feed off of that

Anger so I think that’s what we realize so I learned a lot about that no yeah I mean we we went from right around 170 to 177 yeah you know that’s but that’s just doing it over and over that’s how you build speed that lasts you know interesting so that’s a really critical

Part of it I’m excited to see that cuz this is like this is the coldest it’s going to be that we’re going to train really right and so like to see this this is even yeah I mean when I’m training with my coach almost like 55 is

About the limit yeah if other than that we go indoors like that’s why to be totally honest with you I was I want to say this before I was slightly nervous but I know it’s it’s important for us to do this especially for video and for the

People and for you um like if it was five degrees colder I probably wouldn’t have let you do this but I kind of made a judgment call because this ground is pretty soft right yeah you know the thing about the driver off the deck you always be careful about when you create

A lot of speed is you’re hitting that ground so hard if you misjudge it it can really be tough on your wrist but other than that this ground being this soft and I was kind of making sure to stay in control of the situation I figured it

Would be safe enough to do but yeah for those of you guys at home don’t ever for any reason push feed under 60° outside please don’t because you know if you’re going to do it you need to do it in a very controlled way yeah I feel like

There’s that old cliche where just like push through the pain and stuff like that but like there’s science nowadays where it’s like work smart and work hard like smart yeah there’s a difference between being in pain and being injured yes yes and you got to be very careful

About them because they can be very hard to decipher you know sometimes you’re think you’re injured but you’re just in pain sometimes you’re think you’re just in pain but you’re injured yeah and that could be really really start messing things up yes but for the purpose of

This video this was good to do we got you up to 177 ball speed yeah and as I that’s actually with 6 mph your PR which is pretty damn good in 52 degree weather and if we really really wanted to I’ll be honest we could have gotten you to

185 today yeah but it would have been very risky yeah very risky for sure but if we had to we could have done it for sure hell yeah bro I’m excited to see like to go I mean we’re going to definitely link up again in 2024 I’m

Excited to see like in the warmth I we’ll have to go down to Florida or something like see what I can get it because I feel like I could like do something crazy and that’s going to make me very you I would say you you would

Have about 3% more 3 to 4% more speed yeah in 85 90 85 to 90° weather is optimal yeah that’s about where you want to be so that’s why you see the fastest speeds in the world long drive tour 85 to 90° weather that’s about where it

Gets when you get over that it gets really hard for your body to be 100% because it’s so damn hot right but below that your body also is not 100% because it’s a little cold yeah at 85 90° that’s where you get some crazy speeds hell

Yeah so dude hell yeah man well dude thanks for taking your time coming down here and it’s good to see man I’m proud of you clutch drop on that last ball yeah hell yeah do so you a lot of people were they were sitting like this on the

Keyboard ready they ready ready they’ll still do it anyway buty it’s engagement at least that’s yeah and and the thing is yeah they’re all little weasel but yeah guys go check out my man all the links will be in the description all of his channels he’s killing he’s got over

200,000 subscribers on YouTube he’s the world long drive champ champ champ okay what else more do you want DOD King out


  1. I hope yall enjoy these kind of videos of behind the scenes work. I know you all wanna see me take down the keyboard warriors and believe me- I WILL DELIVER 👑

  2. There is no way you got home to come down
    I was just at the sleepy hole wish I could’ve seen y’all there
    Keep up with the videos 💪

  3. Martin says if you put the club forward on a speed session you gain 5 mph. he has it on his channel. Long Drive Champion. Bryson hit 206 with Martin helping him. he was gaining speed on the way down. plus the golf ball you use helps too. Bryson is very technical trying to push himself.

  4. "Court Jester", Kyle can chirp! The DOD King is getting more length with this World Class coaching, it should be epic for 2024.

  5. Berkshire seems like a good teacher. He should teach speed training to some of the guys on Tour who are looking to gain distance. Just a thought ! nice video

  6. Why not show the ball speed and distance on every shot? 160ish average ball speed is respectable for a good amateur. PGA tour is another story. If you are serious about making pga, use a tee. If you want to be a YouTuber, keep hitting of deck.

  7. Wow, Kyle spent time with you!? Stay humble in your heart Carter. The Lord is being good to you brother.💪

  8. Honestly bro, your consistency of strike is impressive. And I absolutely love that you are sticking to DOD no matter what.

  9. It does not make sense 2 me? All u can do is hit the ball off the bottom of the club? More speed = more spin= less distance? His call 2 fame is his undoing when it comes 2 speed!

  10. I got those numbers no problem bro and I only play 3 times a month and im 40 and smaller than you and my driver is 8 years old.

  11. DOD King…, hahahaha. Bro you had me dying laughing when you said “ I’m not even gonna be buried in a wooden coffin.” I love your content man and personally I don’t even own a driver because I can’t control those things with or without a Tee. I just use a 2 iron, which I can hit about 270 consistently straight all day long. Just an observation man, but you might wanna deviate and try a different driver because those Taylor made drivers have those big bulging metal erection inserts sticking out on the bottom of the driver…. Seems like some of the more aerodynamic drivers may be better for you like a Ping or something might give you a little better contact off the deck. Love your stuff king ! You’d smoke me all day long.

  12. Long live the king you are well loved by your disciples in Australia we would love to see you come down and play the beautiful courses we have down here they are worthy of the king😊😊👀✈

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