Golf Players

“It’s probably the best day of my career so far” – Cameron Anderson on Big Game 15 Premiership debut

🌟 Premiership debutant Cameron Anderson on a special day after many setbacks, he thanks his friends and family.

#COYQ #BigGame15 #Harlequins

I don’t think it’s an understatement to say it’s probably the best day of my career so far um it’s been six years in the in the making coming out of school joining wasps having some Misfortune there and and not being picked and today’s kind of the the Highlight really

Um after you know a few setbacks um but I’m very proud to do it in front of you know 77,000 fans it’s a bit of a dream come true to be honest is is is basically how I’d Su it up unlike anything that I’ve done

Before which is not going to come as a surprise um but yeah it’s amazing to feel the support of the fans um on a day like today for me there was obviously a bit of trepidation a bit of fear coming into it um but to see Smiles on faces walking

Into the stadium knowing that we’re well supported look it’s whatever I can get with Prince is is going to be amazing I can already tell um I just want to keep performing now I think to make the step up once is is is a challenge in itself but consistency is is what’s important

For me and and the team next so that’s kind of my next goal that I’ve set for myself probably use my match fee which is my free ticket to infernos um but no I’ll go and see them share a drink with them um spend some time with them um but

Yeah a lot of those people out there are the people that got me to where I am today so um yeah it’s uh it’s time I I gave him a bit Back


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