Golf Players

Flacco For The Win/Yo! BTV Sports 2023 Finale | Yo! BTV Sports Episode 18

Flacco sends the Browns to the Playoffs, Russ Drama in Denver, Jimmy Johnson Ring of Honor, Ravens Smack the 49ers on Christmas, Playoff Hunger Games Approach


Check out other podcasts from Jason and Ugo @1stclass2ndplace


#JoeFlacco, #JimmyJohnson, #LamarJackson, #RussellWilson, #PatrickMahomes, #DakPrescott, #JerryJones, #NFL #Playoffs, #2023

Yeah yeah I ain’t going to say who’s on to be cuz you should know by now Che it hey on my mind my 5950 I ain’t ly check it this Ain song with yo yo yo what up yo yo yo yo yo yo yo BTV Sports what is going on ladies and gentlemen

Welcome to another edition of yo BTV sports live from bravery studios in Garfield New Jersey I’m that’s you go boy and we also have another guest in the house but also we have Marv on the glass marvelous of The Marvelous one but anyway like I mentioned we have a special guest in the

House today ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to my homeboy Mauricio Fernandez what is going on Mo my man gave out the government official name don’t worry the feds ain’t watching Manz keep it short man survey says one more for the good guy oh man appreciate you

Guys having me yeah yeah thank you for coming through man and thank you for being a supporter of the show show I know you’ve been in the checkin and every now and then and you know giving your takes and so on and so forth so but yeah welcome welcome to the studio man

Really appreciate you coming through man yeah Round of Applause real quick from Mo Fernandez all right so yeah first and foremost it’s good to be back because unfortunately I was sideline with Co last week that was that wasn’t good but you know what you and [ __ ] shout out to

[ __ ] held held it down held down the for last week and thank you to all the callers and everybody for the shout outs and the well wishes and so on and so forth and hope everybody had a great Christmas I know certainly didn’t but every anyways I hope everybody had a

Good time and yeah let’s get into it and uh wow talk about comeback of the Year comeback Player of the Year in Mr Joe C himself Mr South Jersey Mr Joe Flaco of the Cleveland Browns round of applause for Joe Flo Flo Flo season man man yeah now uh I I actually

Didn’t I I actually Sav myself the mercy of not watching this game because we were actually celebrating something even better shout out to mina mza the Mina mza show we we were celebrating her birthday now we were while we were celebrating her life and all of her accomplishments and everything there was

Nothing to celebrate about the New York Jets they continued to show how much they are a clown franchise and that’s why we got the clown Mass right here a little foreshadowing right there but wow the Cleveland Browns put a smacking and listen I I knew that I knew the Jets

Were dead in the water I knew they were not going to win this game but it it just went so much worse tonight that only the Jets can do things where like you have no expectations and somehow they find a way to lower the bar even lower and lower it’s just a continuation

Of how listen like Jo Bango says and he says it so eloquently they can change the owners they can change the general manager they could change the coach they could change the quarterback they could change the offensive coordinator they can change the uniforms they can change the stadium but the results never change

Give another Don Lemon he’s just getting warmed bro this is this going to be an all all day very passionate I know you know I mean this game was so over very early on that even Joe Flaco was caught sleeping on the sidelines nap thr for 300 yards in a game and you

Were like yeah I think I’m going to take a little nap time right now you know get myself ulated you know the team got this but oh my God I mean there was just so much that was wrong with this and you know like I said it just it really stink

How you had no expectations for this game you you could bet the money line you could bet uh the defense and joku and everything like that Joe Flo over 300 yards and so on and so forth you knew all of that was going to happen but for somehow like when you actually see

It it’s it’s what’s like even worse like the only way that I could describe is like I love eating steaks I love eating cheeseburgers but I don’t want to see the cow being slaughtered that’s exactly what happened in this game in Cleveland that’s a Savage that’s oh yeah but uh

Your thoughts on this game youo uh it’s okay man it’s the draft is right around the corner oh yeah big deal because listen I remember when we had the third overall pick and we picked Sam darnold I remember when we had the second overall pick and we picked Zack Wilson so what

Is what do I have to be excited about with the draft um guys have nice uniforms I don’t know to tell you bro um uh listen I mean it’s The Season’s just going to you guys just got to wrap it up on the strongest note that you possibly

Can got up be WAP It Up rap it up box get it that rap it up box been playing for a couple weeks now you guys yes and apparently Joe Douglas and Woody Johnson and Robert Sol didn’t get the message and it’s just it’s even it’s even worse

That you know flacko was he was on his couch he wasn’t doing anything no he could have came in he was chilling with Justin Pew on the couch and they just got up just chilling man but you guys you guys you guys just wanted to ride it

Out with Zach Wilson you wanted to see what Tim Bole had uh you want to see what Trevor Simeon had you could you could have hit up Joe cool he wasn’t do nothing matter of fact he did there was a Liney of quarterbacks backup quarterbacks that actually called the

Jets when Aaron Rogers went down with the Achilles there was reports that uh Garner muu uh called out uh I don’t know about Matt Ryan I think that was just you know thrown out there uh jacobe Bret he was already with the Washington commanders and and uh you know they even

Said that Joe Flo wanted to come back I mean because him and Joe Douglas have a great relationship from their time in in Baltimore and but no they would said no we’re good Colin Kaepernick he he wrote a letter you 36 bro yeah exactly I’d rather watch uh I’d rather

Watch a film of Uncle Rico than Colin Kaepernick at this point that that franchise right now it’s like three different directions they want to go they want to take some want to play and who knows what the other one is yeah I mean and and plus I mean you

Guys are really at the mercy of uh of of Aaron Rogers right now yeah no oh no listen he so like Woody Johnson sold his soul to Aaron Rogers yeah yeah and it and you know I told you I told you once again I’ll say it I’ll say it till I’m

Fa blue in the face until we do the actual draft uh Super Show in a couple weeks couple months rather um you come soon enough yeah it can’t come soon it’s been draft season for a while for but it’s like yo you guys you guys need to grab your successor in this upcoming

Draft 1,00% you guys need offensive line help as well um you know it’s all about it’s not necessarily about the picks it’s how you the picks that’s that’s how that’s how that’s what it comes down to that’s what I’ve learned in my experience following football and you

Know with these draft experts and Kyper andant anybody Todd M and so forth and so on yeah you know I mean you have you have to have a plan with these picks and and what exactly is you’re trying to do and and you guys have to really take a

You guys have to you know eat some Humble Pie you’ve been eating it for a couple for over a decade now you guys are sick from it but um I I got I got I got stomach problems and hemorrhoids from the at this point suck yeah yeah

One more of those suck I mean is like my my question we got drops yeah yeah we we do drops we do drops on here marvelous on the board that John toell right there I mean you guys have to figure out what it is that you guys want to do I mean do

You guys want to build around Aaron and and go all in once again gangs all here bring back Alan Lazard and Randall Cobb and you know uh bakari or Donald Driver out of retirement I don’t know what what is what the plan is going to be next

Year but um I’m surprised Jordan Nelson is going to is not getting a phone call right now he’s probably going to workout too they got to draft the top with all their draft picks just draft old lines that’s it I said that tell me what I’m

Telling tell me when I’m telling lies 10 picks old lines two of them are going to be good yeah tell me when I’m telling lies your first three your first four selections should be a combination of offensive lineman and quarterback somewhere like your quarterback needs to

Be in the first or second round I I said that I stand on that and then the other three picks within the first four rounds need to be offensive lineman cuz your offensive line is trash 10 trashes I get 10 trashes capital T capital r capital A H

Bro and let me let me say it in Spanish also basa oh my God basa like the bee on a Boston Red Sox hat I agree with that got a lot of work to do man oh my God and you know that’s the frustrating part about Joe Douglas because that’s

Supposed to be his Forte like one of the things that people were talking about when he first got hired by the Jets is you know he’s a an offensive line guy he always looks and now to his credit he has been trying to fix the offensive

Line for the past couple of years but it just hasn’t worked and you know as far as coaching is concerned I mean I know it wasn’t Adam gay he didn’t hire Adam gase ad Adam gase was the one that hired him but you know he he he did bring in

Robert Salah and I do like Salah I mean he’s done some pretty good things but I’m at that point right now as much as I hate to say it because I really do generally like the guy it’s no there’s no secret that Robert Salo is a great defensive mind but we’re looking at

We’re looking plain and simple right now that he’s probably not head coach material um I mean uh again I’m not gonna well you as a fan you you that is your right and and you’ve seen your fair share of bad coaches you know what a bad

Coach looks like oh yes I don’t even know what a hell a good coach looks like yeah Rex Ryan re R is the closest I’ve seen to it closest to it but it wasn’t sustainable he was one dimensional though that’s the problem yeah yeah that was that he had

Offensively but everything else he had but yeah so that’s my thing is um I’m I want a healthy Aaron roders obviously for a full season he’s going to come back and and and finish his career out with you guys play one more year um before I you know because again once

Until a coach has a competent uh starting quarterback it’s hard for me to pass judgment on him honestly so so I think that you know I’ve seen that with other coaches here and there and you know go over to just take your pick I mean look at Domingo Ryan now with with

Houston you know if he would have started the gates off with David Davidson Mills or whoever it is instead of CJ stad before he got hurt um it might be a different tune going on in Houston wasted year yeah it would have been another wasted year so you know

That signal caller is everything so you got I got to see Rogers healthy he’s going to play more than four plays next year God God hoping God God willing God willing so how you feel about that Turf over there oh yeah that Turf is bad that

Turf I don’t trust that I feel like only one player only Garrett Wilson know how to play on that Turf no one else could play that that Turf has been a problem for a number of years it’s taken away a lot of players it’s ended a ended a lot

Of seasons and I think that’s it’s a big reason why a lot of free agents don’t want to go to the Giants or the Jets because you know you got to play there eight to8 to 10 times a year that’s a new I’m not now I’m not wishing this but

This is I seem like it seems like this is the only way that they’ll actually take notice that all right we need to do something so during the offseason MetLife Stadium both the Jets and the giants like to do football related things and you know the the the the

Audience the the fans they’re allowed to be on the field I’ve been I’ve been to a couple occasions I’ve been to the draft at medlife stadium and you know the the turf is there and everything it would take somebody just throwing a football or whatever or kids running around and

Them getting injured because of the turf in order for them to say okay we can’t have this to do something a Savage because you don’t want to suit you know that’s the only way that it’s going to get done I’m not hoping for that but it seems like that’s the only course of

Action that’s going to happen they’ll probably get a little sign football in a jersey yeah yeah free Pepsi at the next Jets Cleveland game com to our first three uh preseason games for free oh wow so a 5-year-old blowing out his Achilles that’s what it’s going to take that’s

Terrible what a disaster shout out to Joe Bingo we got get we got to get it back on the show it’s going to happen it’s going to happen yeah but uh yeah but as far as the game is concerned itself um yeah no I mean you know give props to

Flo I mean he he showed that you know he still has a little bit left in the tank you know and it’s funny because when he was on the Jets he looked like he was done he looked like he was cooked like he was but that that goes to show that

You know obviously Cleveland has a better offensive line than the Jets anybody has a a better offensive line than the Jets and when you have a great offensive line or it doesn’t even have to be great it just has to be confident then you could see somebody like Joe

Flaco’s caliber look like he would uh you know go back in time and be like the Super Bowl MVP winning quarterback that he was back then yeah I mean it’s again coaching matters uh when when you have a plan especially with the penalties penalties as well I mean you Cleveland

You know coming off the bus Cleveland wants to run a football you know that and but those running backs how can you not exactly even with chub being injured you know check down too check and check downs and you know you got in joku you

Got top five tight end you got you got a top five wide receiver and Amari Cooper went healthy Mari Coop he wasn’t even this game he was he didn’t play this game either but I’m talking about the game prior where if you had if you had Cooper you’re in a fantasy football

Championship one or two like myself you know so again and nobody picks him up either they wait till like the third round I always I always scoop him up listen he had a lot of great years in Dallas I know he had a falling out with the front office but you know Mari

Cooper Round of Applause for him route Runner one of the best wide receivers in football hands down certified number one he doesn’t he doesn’t complain he doesn’t make make a Ruckus he’s not a diva goes out there and he torches your favorite cornerback every week and you

Know just does his thing but you know Cleveland had a plan for how they were going to use him and it goes to it goes to show you I have a stat cuz you know I love numbers oh you love stats back up the numbers you know I love

Stats so these next stats are brought to you by the youo boy podcast stream on All Digital platforms first class second place yes sir coming to a podcast Studio near you of course bravery Studios sh the mar so quick stat Joe flacko who’s played his first game on December 3rd right off

His couch in wherever he was he lives in Pennsylvania in Western Pennsylvania reading reading outside of Philly ready shout out to Kim by the way shout out to outside of Philly people has the same number of 300 yard on games as Patrick Mahomes Josh Allen Dak Prescott Jaylen

Herz Matthew Stafford jar off and jto Smith Deshawn Watson had 12 games in Cleveland he is not thrown for 300 yards yet Joe Flaco has five games in Cleveland and four 300 passing games 300 yard passing games and is and isn’t Cleveland on their fourth quarterback this season isn’t Joe Flaco number four

I believe so I mean they had PJ Walker who beat the 49ers which is a lot uh they had uh the the the the other dude I can’t remember the guy with the four names yeah from I I think he’s from USC or something yeah BG flacko and Watson so yeah that’s they’re

On quarterback number four but again the production you’re getting out of flacko now again four out of his five games 300 yards he had to learn that Playbook too that it’s on the fly on the Fly and it’s saying a lot about deshun Watson I know he’s he hasn’t been healthy um massage

Parlor is aside you know that’s Savage Savage um yeah but mean it it says a lot he he’s getting and and mind you this is without Nick chub this is without arguably their best player not named marari Cooper they’re going he’s going out there and he’s lighting it up they

Are going to be a problem in the playoffs for anybody you know years to come too and for years to come and honestly if I’m Cleveland after this year no matter what thean Watson’s health is flacko you’re you’re going to be on this roster next year you’re going

To be the best insurance policy we possibly have I know they have to play Watson because of the money you know you you got to youan you got to but but that’s a nasty contract right there cont track is nasty work man nasty work they don’t regret that in like two years they

Are they are but but if they’re winning Saturday night if if they’re winning if they’re winning with Flaco it eases the burden he’s a great backup great backup so so yeah I mean Flaco’s killing it one more round of applause for Flo he fell asleep that’s how much fun he was having

That guy old he was like he like yo he’s like yo Wheel of Fortune already aired I’m I’m ready yo what’s what’s up with the with the little elf in the middle of the field like was not feeling that that that that’s been there for I want to say

Switched to that probably like two years ago 3 years ago I don’t watch Brown games but wow I’m like I see people with the dog mask and then you got an elf in the middle it makes no sense and my girls like why their helmets orange if

They’re brown exactly what did I say lot a lot of things going on there I was like it’s a lot going on a good question yeah yeah well anyways 862 621 9536 is the number to call in we we going to open the phone lives into less than 10

Minutes if you guys want to give your takes your shout outs anything you want please call in but yeah um wow yeah I don’t know what else I don’t know what else to say about this game I mean it was a disaster and and like I said I’m

Glad I didn’t watch it I didn’t even bother watching the highlights I just listened to everything else on on sports radio talk and let them you know paint a picture for me you didn’t miss much Jeet fan if you’re a Jeet didn’t miss everyone on the tickets hit by a second

Quarter that’s how fast that game was over if you put a bet in you probably hit that bet cuz that game was done facts yeah I mean you you made you actually made some good picks on that game as well yeah I in my mind I was

Like listen I think Mari Cooper’s going to run one in for a touchdown so I just put Cleveland Cleveland defense for 60 and you already know quick 400 get back my Christmas presents there you go there you go there there you go 862 621 9536 all right so aside from this debacle

That was in Cleveland with the New York Jets and the Cleveland Browns and they’re nasty little elves in the center of the field uh we also we also um you know found out about the about about the news excuse me about um Russell Wilson being benched in Denver yeah yeah old

Move by nasty work we well we talked about a divorce that those divorce Pap oh yeah it’s been well well the divorce papers were rescinded from from Shawn Payne but now they’re being printed up again for Russell and they’re fil Russ Russell Wilson excuse me I Russell Simmons Russell

Simmons well both have been canceled so there you have that’s Savage that’s Savage I really don’t like thaty I mean so I mean yeah I mean this was uh you know uh first and foremost Applause for Russell Wilson for handling this like a champ I’ll give very

Professional um he kept it R he kept he kept it a stack man I appreciate when athletes they they go off script and they just like yeah so yeah that happened yeah they they approach me and Yad y y That’s crazy though after a victory and not just after a victory

They had beaten the Chiefs for the first time in almost six years something like everybody lost on that ticket for sure big big facts there so I mean I think that uh this is obviously money-driven I don’t care how Shawn pyton wants to spin it

Um and on top of that this is what happens when a merger happens and they say oh everything’s fine you know I want you to you know we’re just going to just meet with HR uh everything’s okay they on a hook for 80 though yeah that yeah

Oh my God so I mean but I think that um I think Russ they’re obviously going to cut ties with him they’ll part ways with him I don’t think they’re going to to trade him I think they’re just going to cut him outright um there’s a lot of

Teams that could use a quarterback a veteran quarterback um thinking about new Jets raise your hand teams all the New York teams oh yeah Tommy cutet is over that’s over we’ll get to that D that’s sad man I wanted that one to continue oh no that

Was that was L we we called it we called it my Italians it was GNA pan was going to run out of out of out of SC EV it was it was just funny how people thought he was the next coming of James gandini from the man yeah but but I mean but

Back to Russ I think that um I think Denver again Payton wants to draft his guy true that that’s i’ I’ve said that since the day he got there you know when when you inherit a quarterback it’s very similar to D in New York there’s parallels there D didn’t draft D and

Sheen didn’t draft Daniel Jones you know so they they can’t wait to get their guy though the only difference is ownership wants Daniel Jones so they’re in between a rock and a hard place I want to keep my job so I got to go along with status

Quo but at the same time we’re not going to win that many football games because we know this guy isn’t good and there’s a ceiling to what we can do with him so I think with Denver the like Payton wants to get his guy ideally in the

Draft he wants to get his guy get his guy early um and now meanwhile on the flip side Seattle’s looking great like Seattle was able to get a franchise wide receiver a franchise quarterback um Drew lock a backup a solid backup who beat the Eagles on Monday night nice for him

Is that Noah Fant a really good tight end and dra and more draft picks like they they’re still they still have draft picks and draft capital from man Pete Carol stuff they they flipped that amazingly and um so round Applause for uh Schneider yes Brian Schneider the uh

The uh the um GM for for the uh for the Seattle Seahawks so I so but but Denver they’re in a situation now where obviously playoffs are out of the question um you know a bad a bad loss on Christmas to to the to the to the

Patriots at home it wasn’t even wack 100 your guy Bailey zappy yeah zappy probably going to torch the Jets next next week they lost to the zap man where are they getting these guys from this zap and uh s y I would never want

To oh my God that is not football no no it’s CFL it’s arena football it’s XFL cast we got some breaking news right now as we speak sweet what’s up what’s up what’s up uh it turns out that the New York the New York Knicks have made a

Trade they’re trading for an boy they’re sending RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley and draft considerations to the Raptors oh that RJ Barrett RJ Barrett at quickly that’s a nice pick up for the Nicks that’s a Savage yeah so wow what how about that draft in the NBA like where you know you

Had Zion Williamson and then J ran and then RJ Barrett right after it’s not it’s not looking pretty it’s that that draft class is looking well if you’re if you’re a stripper in Miami or Atlanta or Texas it’s looking great for you but if

You want you’re a fan of any you saw his tattoo saw Z’s tattoo man I did it’s a little cred to the left Paul man yeah it’s crazy yeah uh but anyway getting back to Denver but yeah the the divorce papers have been served for for

Russ um I’m interested to see who they go for again this is a loaded class a quarterback we’ll see how any of these guys pan out but you think Russ lost it a little um well yeah I mean yes yeah he’s taking a step back he’s not so he’s

Not cooked it’s weird to see him every time I see him he shows flashes and then it’s like he needs to be in a situation sort of like not sort of like exactly like flacko gotta like honestly Flaco’s situation a blueprint yeah he needs an offensive line he needs a run game and

You can’t expect for him to throw and win you games anymore but then again that was never even when Seattle was at its best they had a dominant defense a dominant offensive line a dominant Run game you know I mean yeah they had they had a couple wide receivers here and

There they had Doug Baldwin and you know Tyler Lockett or whatnot and toward the end of Russ’s tenure then they got DK metf but DK metf wasn’t the DK metf he is now he was still young and a rookie and ascending so what I’m saying is he

Needs to be in a situation where they have those have what he had early on in Seattle and basically yeah we need you we need you to manage the game we don’t we need to be be a bus driver he’s not he’s not the Superstar or the or or let

Russ Cook like he’s cooking Lunchables right now so I’ve been saying can you cook Lunchables Russ Russ can Russ can that’s svage right there that’s Savage right there Mr un limited yeah I can’t get no more limited than lunches right there bro pretty much I just love the Oreo

Inside that’s just me but U so yeah um but but yeah that’s um not not surprised that they went in this direction um I think the way that they handled it was really messy with the in the media putting it out came out like that yeah

And you got Shawn pton berating him on the sideline they going to have to trade him out like it’s not even I think they’re I think they’re going to cut him I think they’re going to cut him and swallow and swallow the contract I thought it was I already

Thought it was a sign of things to come on when it uh when week three it was Miami putting the a beat down on them on you know 70 to 20 70 points yeah how Vance Joseph kept his job is amazing to me oh my God but he ended up turning it

Around people couldn’t even run the ball after I understand I understand that but it was still a s of a foreshadowing in that you know this you know they may make adjustments But ultimately they’re not going to get far it shows that they have a lot more deficiencies than we

Realize and Shawn Payne really has his work cut out for this team but you know what he’s been there and done that and I think that he’s going to write the ship eventually it’s just that you know he knows what’s working he knows what’s not he’s always had a good quarterback so

He’s waiting for that one guy true and then he’s going to develop develop him or keep him and show him the plays and right but Drew re is not coming out of retirement anytime soon he’s not he’s not he wants to though yeah he wants to

He can’t throw a ball more than yards right now but he wants to but again once Shawn pyton has a full off seon to draft the way he wants to develop the way he wants to bring him free agents the way he wants to and gets his quarterback I

Think Denver will be better for it I just think the way that they handled it was messy uh and um you know it’s it’s not a shocker that you know Randy Gregory Kareem Jackson a bunch of guys who were in who were either traded or released from Denver are agreeing with

Ryan Clark saying that Shawn pton like wanted to be a thug pretty much the way he’s the way he’s out here just you know waving his his power like in front of the world to see so I tell you what if that was Mike Tomlin it would have been

A whole different script ESPN been attacking him this is just being thrown under the rug it’s not being really you know put on blast like that that’s Adam DeMarco that’s true that’s true priv he gets he gets away with it that Blanco privilege we talk about it on this show

All the time it rears his ugly head you know so he’ll get away with it but uh you know karma is real karma is real you know the way that Russ has been treated um you know I know it’s it’s a business at the end of the day and and you know

It could have been it could have been handled better that’s what I’m saying that’s crazy it’s a lot of it’s a lot of he’s going have a lot of time he got a lot have a lot of time to throw the ball with future Sun now oh that’s

Sav 862 621 9536 is the number to call in we’re about to open up the phone line shout out to deji in the checkin he goes it’s so good to see Enrique back from Co thank you deji I really appreciate you man thank you DJI my brother yeah off

Where’s the jell off man where’s it at where’s the goat oh man well also I’m looking at that really nice uh sweatshirt that you got on right now we boys shout out Round of Applause to my lovely girlfriend who hooks your boy up for Christmas

Forever can I get a RI Flair whether you like it or not whether you like and now let’s get let’s keep it going with that keep that same energy I know that your energy is up and running right now this this segment keep that same energy it’s

Brought to you by the first class second BL podcast brought to you by B Studios and you good boy your good boy merch now available in the lake yes yes can I get Chris Tucker can I get Chris Tucker please can I get a Chris Tucker one more

One more and one more and one more for the road and now let’s go to the moment that you’ve been waiting for and the rest of New Jersey is not waiting for a little bit of Jimmy Johnson talk oh yeah can I get a how about them Cowboys for

The man that created how about them Cowboys y right there yes sir yes sir um before real quick before we get to Jimmy the keep the this episode of keep that same energy once again it’s brought to you by first class second place podcast as well as the youo boy podcast stre on

All Digital platforms um and also brought to you by Mo Mills of course my man man Mo of course pay in full dope movie Dope Money movie you got to pay your fantasy fees yeah I I I ow some fantasy money every day be yeah exactly exactly um so

Uh tough loss by the Cowboys to the Miami Dolphins uh Round of Applause for Miami Dolphins that this was their first victory over a winning team all year what a disaster of a pick by Me by the way uh myself myself cuz I I picked Dallas to win as well but I wasn’t

Really the the way they lost was was classic Dallas classic Dallas on the road um needing a stop or needing this or needing that Dak Prescott did his job he understood the assignment he did I mean he led a game-winning drive he he hit uh Brandon Cooks who mossed Jaylen

Ramsey in the corner of the end zone that was that was and mind you like Ramsay’s got he’s got Cooks by like almost six to seven inches in height and he just took it off took it on top of his head uh for potentially the gamewinner but you know my

Issue with the Cowboys has been consistent all year their problems on the road are real you know they’re three and five on the road they have one more game um next week against the Washington commodor led by lion Richie and you know if what I’m saying is you

Know they’re going to be on the road in the playoffs you know regardless if they catch Philly or not uh for the NFC East that’s still up in the air everyone just slam dunk locks and gives it to Philly I’m just like bro this the same Eagles

That lost to the Jets that lost the Drew lock on Monday Night Football to say that oh they’re going to blow out and and by the way barely beat a combination of Tyrod Taylor and Tommy cutlets on Christmas like it that was crazy like that was was nuts I I was just watching

Flashes of the game highlights here and there because I was hosting and like I’m I’m seeing I was like okay so it’s 20 to 3 at halftime it’s a wrap I turn the TV on it’s it’s 20 to 18 like Jaylen Herz is throwing pick sixes to Dory Jackson I’m just like yo

But but but but that’s not the here there um the NFC East is up for grabs but again this is a this a must- win for the Cowboys know I said this I said this weeks ago you are my witness Mar myt as well our viewers you’re my witness home

As well it’s like this is a three-part take home cuz they’re all home games see what I did there take home take home exam where like they play the they play the Seahawks at home they won it on Thursday Night Football dramatic fashion they play the Eagles at

Home Sunday Night Football I’ve been waiting all day for Sunday night blew the doors off them by 20 points the Eagles didn’t scoring off as a touchdown and now you get the Detroit fighting Dan Campbell lions in your place B KNE caps off sleepers they are sleepers they the winners of the NFC

North how about Jared G man Round of Applause for Dan Campbell Round of Applause for Jared G Round of Applause for jir Gibbs David Montgomery Jameson Wilson Williams y like they they so again I’m St Brown am St Brown like they’ve got they’ve got weapons what’s that linebacker Hutchinson too hson hson

A problem like he’s going to be a problem tonight as well but again the Cowboys this is a must- win this is an absolute must-win and I’ll tell you why because a three-game losing streak even if they do break it next week against the commodor three- game losing

Streak going into the playoffs is terrible momentum terrible momentum even if you do somehow get and again if they lose tonight the East is over per got to show up per got to be a one’s got to show up not just per the defense has to show up and and this is surprising

Because this was a defensively let you coming into the season the the the raving was all about the defense all about the defense and I know Trayvon Diggs went down he went down the team went down a little ex defense went yeah and donon Bland has been great Don

Bland’s gonna be a pro bowler he’s going to get a lot of he’s going to get a lot of votes for defensive player of the year Michael Parson’s Line’s always hungry he’s three on him always exactly so everybody so everybody else got to step it up exactly and and this is and

Again theyo this is the this is a game in a moment that the franchise and the fan base has been waiting for for 30 years not just getting to championship game and ending the Super Bowl drought but they are they are honoring and recognizing Jimmy Johnson the man that

Built that 9s Dynasty from the ground up Brick by Brick we’re finally putting him in the Ring of Honor and you’re going to have you’re going to have the triplets there em Smith’s going to be in the house Michael ir’s gonna be in the house Troy inman’s gonna be in the house

Charles he’s goingon to be sweating but every everyone’s gonna be crying cry as Jason Garrett’s not there Jason Garrett is not invited to to to AT&T Stadium his his credentials have been rescinded like so so but this Adams exactly but this is a dramatic a dramatic night and a dramatic moment and

I just look I look back this is a classic example when Cowboys like let me down when Texas when Texas stadium was closing in 2008 we were hosting the Ravens on Saturday night Cowboys lost when when Michael Irvin Troy Igman and Emma Smith went into the Ring of Honor

In 2003 I think I was 15 they lost that game on Monday nights on Mark Brunell and the then Washington Redskins d now exactly talk about a throwback where’s he at now he’s on the couch that Joe Flo just came off or somebody’s coaching staff in high school

So it’s like so but this but this is an opportunity to write a lot of wrongs to not just and on top of that finish the season perfect 8-0 at home I don’t I can’t remember the last time that’s happened they’ve done s And1 a couple

Times but to go undefeated at home and again to beat a quality opponent that you know is going to be in the playoffs that you’re that there’s a good chance you’re probably going to see again they have to show me that they’re going to rise to the occasion handle business and

And and win a game that they should to again keep Pace with the Eagles put keep the pressure on them and continue building momentum going into the playoffs because the run defense is still a problem the offense is really up and down like you said Pard than this

Run game has been an issue I’m tell weird he he’s not like that true one well he he he’s the real issue is he looks like a committee running back well here’s what I’m saying the the real issue with him is he’s coming off of injury he does not look like the same

Guy this guy broke leg practically in half but the one be what’s the dude behind him he looks better than him well Rico davo he looks better than him at times he’ll get a little 30 piece well he’s he’s in active tonight he’s not playing wow you know what I mean Duce

Vaugh little Duce vaugh from Kansas State he’s the he’s running back to call Adrian Peterson yeah em Smith might have to suit up you see what I’m saying so so this this this is a big game for the team they’ve got to step up they’ve got

To show up they got to show up and show out they’ve got to honor Jimmy Johnson and they’ve got to continue their their grinding toward possibly getting two seed cuz the two seed is still in play I’ve given up on the one seed I’ve given

Up on the one seed but the two seed is still in play if you want to host a home playoff game take care of business and and and and win this football game against a really good playoff team that is a legitimate Super Bowl Contender I

Can’t believe I’m saying this but I said the lions were going to be I knew they’d be playoff contenders I knew they were going to win their division but Super Bowl Contender was not on my bingo card going into this regular season but they

Are but they are they are you you got to admit they are I mean they certainly looked the part but I feel like I need to see a little bit more well what I will say coming in a major advantage listen Nick Mullins just threw for 411

Yards on their defense is not it outside of Aiden Hutchinson their defense is really not it so if so if Nick Mullins who by the way was just benched because he threw four interceptions in that game if Nick Mullins can throw for 400 yards Dak Prescot are you watching rain Dakota

Prescott first of his name you better you better you better show up and show out tonight baby like we need you we need the Run game michah Parsons CD lamb sedarian lamb CD yac top five wide receiver the guys need to show up and Michael the whole thing like a TR say

The whole thing like a trop call Quest cuz my biggest issue is C lamb almost had 100 yards in the first quarter and then they went away from him until the end of the end of the fourth quarter they got to go to that tight end too

Yeah Jak Jake Ferguson baby Kelce he’s good yo they they’ve got they’ve got to they’ve got to show up and show out the Stars need to show up see St they got to show up tonight go Cowboys and and shout out to to shout out once again Jimmy Johnson he’s

Getting his flowers Round of Applause one more time Jimmy Johnson going in the Ring of Honor long overdue and Darren Woodson who should be at a Hall of Fame he’s a finalist as well he they just announced it a couple days ago he’s a finalist for the Pro Football Hall of

Fame so it it needs to happen if CM Punk can come back to the WWE especi especially especially with all talk that the NFL scripted why not exactly why not why not tell me when I’m telling lies one more time tell me when I’m telling Li go Cowboys yeah 862 621

9536 is the number to call in uh phone lines are open everybody yeah uh I I I agree with you now uh I like I said I still need to see a little bit more from the from the from the Lions as far as like Super Bowl Contender cuz you know I

Feel like they’re not in that position just yet they have to have a little bit more experience I like you said that defense is not it with the exception of Aiden Hutchinson you know and they always say you know a whole bunch of quotes that they say in the NFL but in

This one it’s like you know offense wins you games defense wins you championships so until until that defense actually Shores up I’m not sure about super Super Bowl Contender just yet and Jared Goff if you get pressure on him he’s he’s LA Rams Jared G oh yeah like like for real

Like the turnovers are going to come but when he has a clean pocket he’s he’s he’s shown that he can hurt you 44 TDS exactly but you get pressure on him he’ll give you 204 picks you know what I’m saying so Michel Carson are you watching the line needs to show up

Cowboy defense you guys got to get home and and and the Run they are number three in the league in running the football like behind Gibbs and Montgomery they want to Pound The Rock they want to set up that play action stopping the run is going to be

Imperative if they can’t stop the run tonight they will get run out of the building so and just like they did with Buffalo and just and and Miami didn’t really run the ball but when they had to run the ball they ran the ball and which

Is why they were able to get that field goal at the end of the game so and Tyreek Hill oh my yeah and Tyreek Hill you knew that coming in and 85% or 80% or 75% Tyreek Hill is still the best wide receiver in football right now but

They did they did a good job keeping him in check for for for real for real but again the defense has to make stops when they have to make stops and the offense they they’ve got to show up so like you said Ferguson uh lamb uh Pard Dak the

Offense needs to really lead the way if if if they win the coin toss Dallas needs to take the ball and get right to it get right to it like don’t defer take the ball just like they did with Philly they took they took they took the ball

On Sunday night football and they went right down the field and they set the tone like and Philly was like they never really recovered from that so so they need to keep they got to keep that same energy and once again this segment of Ste same energy is brought to you by

This amazing shirt and my main man right here this first class second place podcast and can I get a whether you like it or not can I get a whether you like it or not I need it I need it Mar come on keep it coming it’s coming he’s it’s

Loading up he’ll find it he’ll find it or don’t like it learn to love it because it is the best thing going todaying that guy still acts the same I follow Rick on IG man this gu not still the same that’s that’s that that’s all

He knows how to be and I’m not even a wrestling fan and I even know that that’s crazy yeah 862 621 9536 is number to call in so uh besides the uh you know the the Cowboys America’s team what about um Lamar Jackson a round of applause for Lamar Jackson

He he has firmly firmly put himself in the MVP discussion I think fa right now he’s favored right now t-bo 2.0 my Colin Colin clown herd whatever anyway so I mean it’s it’s a it’s a three-man race with really A four it’s a three-man race honestly with with Jackson with Dak and

Take your pick with either perie or I I say Christian mcaffry because I say he’s their best player I also say Tyreek and Tyreek as well Tyreek as well really a toss up a toss up with Christian mcaffry and Tyreek because Tyreek is kind of having like a Jerry Rice s kind of

Season right now he is he’s going to get some MVP votes but again it’s it’s a Quarterback Award that’s that that’s what that’s what’s working against him but I mean for Lamar Jackson again I watched that game in prime time my brother’s a 49er fan he was not enjoying

That at all the Avengers yeah the Avengers they met they met Thanos and Thanos was Lamar Jackson that’s a Savage right there he was snapping all over him and he goodness gracious he was giving it to him every way you could man he was doing

It with his legs he was doing with his arm Z flowers Odell Beckham they had no answer for Odell bman was his name Hamilton is going off too on G yes yes and again Brock P threw four interceptions yes four that defense was real all I kept seeing was

Queen yes Patrick round Applause for Patrick Queen like he was all over the place Hamilton was all over the place and again Lamar all over the place again the the way you stop the 49ers again they they they’re going to hit their plays they they got they got elite

Players all over the place KD had a bunch of big plays mcaffrey had a bunch of big plays yuk had a bunch of big plays they’re going to get their plays off but the way you stop them they thrive on Yak yards after catch they they throw the they are number two in

The league in passing they’re number 32 in pass attempts their last in pass attempts and you know why because they run the ball Christian mcaf and they’re efficient they’re all about getting the ball out quick short quick and short five yards seven yards and then Debo

Turns into a 40 yard or KD turns into a 40 yard or mcaffry turns into a touchdown so what the Ravens do they just crowded the line of scrimmage they got their hands up and all those quick five yarders turned into tips and interceptions that’s how and again getting pressure getting pressure Trent

Williams He aggravated his groin muscle and when Trent Williams is not at offensive line that offensive line is not good it’s not good they are they’s a wall he’s a wall he’s he’s the best left tackle in football and just like when the Cowboys don’t have Tyron Smith completely different ball game

Completely different ball game the the the 49ers have the 26th or 27th ranked offensive line when Williams is not in the lineup so so yeah so and and I I sent this stat out to to Jay I texted you in it because again ESPN stole it Kyle Shanahan is going into that game

0 and 37 went trailing by eight or more points going into the fourth quarter 0 and 37 now you can change that to ow and 38 because they were trailing into the fourth quarter going in and they lost again if you have a lead on the 49ers

That’s a touchdown going it’s over it’s over because that team is not designed to play from behind they’re designed to play out in front very similar to Philly very similar to Dallas very similar to all to Detroit all the top tier teams in the NFC are kind of built the same way

If you don’t have a if they don’t have a league going into the fourth it is tough it is tough tough tough for them to come back and you saw P we’ve been saying this we we have not wavered P’s not a bad player but he is he is the 11th most

Important person on the freaking on the 49ers does his job he just does his job he just does his job if you take away KD you take away mcaffrey you take away one of the Avengers not even a couple of them you just take away one of them the main one

They can’t lose Trent Williams and they can’t lose Christian mcaffrey they lose either of those guys and they definitely can’t lose Debo no they lose any of those three not even a combination any of those three they are dramatically a different football team he couldn’t even

Get the ball tyuk the the whole game until until the fourth quarter until garbage time it wasn’t him they couldn’t they couldn’t even throw the ball to him they he just had no time so so again so I and that that blueprint you’re going to see a lot of teams do that now

Especially the NFC like oh so just get our hands up cuz P’s my height he’s 61 for for the quarterback that’s sure like you just get your hands up get pressure on them like like try to take away the the short game again once you take that

Away the the the 49ers are in trouble so I mean they’re going to rebound they’re playing they’re playing the commodor with liono Richie this week like they’re they’re going to bounce right back they’re still going to be the one seed how about those teams that passed on

Lamar signing him at the beginning of the year when he wanted his money well well the Ravens weren going to give him up no all those nobody wanted to bid against him against the Ravens and now they’re all kicking themselves like I well here my thing with that is I don’t

Think I think teams realized that the Ravens weren’t going to give him up I think that’s why they didn’t even bother with the bidding I feel like the owner all like colluded against some collusion there some collusion where’s that X Files music Dam xile shout out to [ __ ] that’s that’s

His favorite thing to watch that bro yeah five scared agent Skully Ander 862 621 9536 is the number to call in we got some people in the checkin you got Gio from hackin saac saying I see you Mo congrats Jay n a nation will rise you

Got you got deji who says but they will be a part two expect the Avengers to be back of course of course of course of course yo Gio if you are man call call us in right now man 862 621 9536 if you want to defend Niner Nation man because

I I I don’t know any other bigger cheerleader of the Niners than him what that g yeah oh oh you can add my you can you can add my brother it out yeah my brother is all about Brock Montana he’s he’s drunk he’s drank the Kool-Aid I

Think Gio went to San Francisco one year I had a great time of course I don’t know what he was doing out there and now he’s 49ers fan it’s my guy though a lot of people have had fun in San Francisco if you know what I mean yeah yeah Z

Included it’s a Savage right there that is a true Savage right there yeah yeah but uh next up we got the playoff Hunger Games approach you know coined by you I got to give you credit for that one oh yeah yeah like the playoffs are like

That wild card race is heating up on both sides I mean you got you got the you got Seattle there in the mix uh the LA Rams round Applause for the Rams round Applause for the Rams back to the dead um they were looking like a top

Five uh draft pick for a while Aaron Donald is still one of the best in the game he’s he’s legit man yeah and Stafford’s not turning the ball over and when Stafford doesn’t turn the ball over and gets the ball to Cooper cup is healthy finally him and puka that onew

Punch and a pick up man p is doing his thing KY Kyon Williams has done the yeah somebody’s phone’s going up okay it’s all good bro my so no so what I’m saying is I think that um this wild card race is going to come down to the

Final week of the season um a bunch of NFC teams a bunch of AFC teams as well the Steelers the Steelers are still alive for a playoff birth the the Harris is not it no they’re qu their quarterback situation I I I know Mason knocked your

Head off Rudolph like I know I know he’s uh he had a heck of a game on on Christmas Eve or whatever but the the Steelers have a lot of question marks but again they’re still alive a lot of teams are still alive in that hunt can

You pull up the uh the the the playoff yeah I got it right here sweet appreciate that so as currently standing it would be Seattle as a seven seed against Philly I’d pick Seattle 1,00% in that game is that just now your Phantom talking there no I mean the the the

Eagles haven’t beaten the Seahawks in like 15 years I’m not even exaggerating we know you have your just just saying you know I got the numbers stat brought to you by the you boy podcast now streaming All Digital platforms and over in the NFC the AFC

Side Lord have mercy you got you got uh the Colts they would be the seven seed with g Gardner menu they’d go over to to Miami to to go against two in company and the the bill this is a big one though you have the bills going to

Kansas City if this if the if the seatings were to hold up on Wild Card super weekend that’d be something uh you’d have the Rams against the against Detroit you’d have Cleveland against the uh the Jags you’d have Dallas against Tampa yet again with Tom Brady I mean

Baker Mayfield at quarterback you know I mean so and again can you pull up the people that are are still in the hunt is there anyone you can get those guys uh let’s see here well we have some scenarios uh tiebreakers notes well you got the you

Got the you got the order over here I think yeah okay so there we go so just over in the AFC side listen Houston’s still alive Pittsburgh’s still alive yeah uh Cincinnati I don’t know Cincinnati I don’t think so and La it was it was over as soon as Joe bur but

Even though you got to give you got to give a credit to Jake brownie they got pay uh what’s his name Higgins T about to get paid it’s it’s not going to be there though he’s going to get his money he’s going to get money it might not just be in

Stripes though I think he’s going to get paid after that last touchdown he did where but I don’t think I don’t know if it’s going to be with the stripes though yeah oh no he’s I see the Giants going after him the Giants should definitely fin they finally cut uh Sterling Shepard

I don’t know how he’s still on the roster man well Darren Waller even though they’re paying all that money to him yeah yeah yeah speaking of the Giants speaking of the Giants you got deji in the check and says the Giants will beat the Rams this week uh I think

He’s drinking the I still I think I still think he’s eating Tommy cutlets right now you sure about that can I get one more of those you one more one more you sure about that Dei my brother you sure about that please we don’t we don’t

We don’t you sure about that we don’t uh don’t do that we don’t one more one more please more yeah I mean but but but sticking with the AFC side then switch over to the AFC please uh Houston and Pittsburgh are still in it you know they’re still alive CJ strout I believe

Is GNA play this week um you’ve got um you’ve got I feel like this this this is not set in stone I feel like one of these eight or nine teams are going to sneak in I don’t trust the Colts and Gardner menu late I don’t I know they

They they’ve been up and down um but I they’re hosting they’re hosting Vegas and they’re playing hard for Antonio Pierce man you know and and for them to Round of Applause for Antonio Pierce he is going to be the full-time head coach for what for them to on Christmas to go

Into the land of the swifties in Kansas City and knock off um the Chiefs uh they made life rough for Patrick Mahomes rough yeah that team doesn’t look the same this year they don’t that’s like Jessica Simpson all over again with with with t Swift big facts big facts again

And this is what happens when you don’t devote resources in the wide receiver room and you just assume well Mahomes just won US the Super Bowl with Juju being his best receiver so we’re good we’re good we’re good we got Kelsey we’re we’re good yeah we got deji also

Saying I’ll be back next week to tell you I said so all right okay okay how Tony cadarius Tony you mean Mr drops Mr Mr drops that’s one of Drop It Like It’s Hot he he Dro Drop it like it’s hot that’s that’s that’s his name cadarius Drop it like it’s hot man

I understand they got the best gloves in the league the stickiest gloves in the league they got they got a mass they got the best meals they got and you droping easy catches these are DS yo Mahomes is hitting guys in the chest man like Valdez SC

Like he he threw a dime that would have beat the Eagles on Monday Night Football and this guy just I don’t he Lo losing the lights did it bounce off the gloves like we got caller yes yes let’s go to who who we got there who we

Got what up Jay it’s your boy Carlos man how you Carlos from little fairy what is going on ladies and gentlemen Carlos is in The Bu shout out to nikk and little fairy man yo what’s going on BR a tough time to too many Giants fans around here

Uh well you know what I’ve seen your house and it’s a beautiful house man so I wouldn’t I wouldn’t complain too much about that can can you do me a favor Carlos though can you guys with Tyrod Taylor can you guys beat the Eagles to end the season and give the Cowboys the

MC East can you guys do that please well he’s not a Giants fan is he no he’s not a I live in a I live in I live in an isolated island over here I’m married to a Patriots fan right yeah oh that’s that’s rough that’s rough yeah well have

A rough life guys well thank you for your service you did beat the Eagles earlier this year so appreciate that appreciate that yeah so what you got for us brother you know what I I really hope that the Dallas Cowboys actually do something this year I I wasn’t a fan of

McCarthy whatsoever even when like the Jets were trying to pursue him I was I just don’t think he has that was I don’t think he has that I don’t think he has that it Factor man he’s always been like close and then just one one and barely

Won he did he he he has a Super Bowl on his ledgend you can’t take that away from him the quarterback that’s now on our on bad time management I’ve seen too many games where he don’t even know how much time is on the clock

Yeah I do I do hope that the Cowboys make it you know the only reason I was cheering for the Eagles because I had two of their players on my fantasy um but but I really do hope that the Cowboys actually do something this year and it’s not mostly just because

They deserve it it’s just for the fans they the fans the Cowboys fans really need to just stop already you guys are America’s team nobody’s ever going to take that name for you already right just it Super Bowl and that’s it tell me what I’m telling lies tell me what I’m telling

Lies oh man real quick Los um who’s going to be quarterback for you guys next year and what should the Jets do in the draft real quick before we get you off the phone um I think that the Jets first round honestly go quarterback um move on

From Wilson that’s I don’t think that kid was I don’t think he was ready for the headlights of New York City um I it it’s too much for him you know all the issues he had kind of off the field you know like with you know having sleeping

With somebody else and you know he’s sleeping with his mom friend you know like it’s it’s like it’s like that’s not the kind of attention that we really need in New York I mean Aaron Rogers is is pretty much the same like you know he loves attentions kind

Of like a little bit of a narcissism just a little bit just a little bit just a little bit it’s a as Dominic say exactly thing is that you know Rogers is a proven champ you know so he’s MVP four time MVP y that and it looks like he

Really wants to prove everybody Wrong by bringing somebody in that he actually wants to coach um now um I don’t know if they’re gonna bring Wilson back I hope that they don’t first round well there was there was reports already saying that you know uh they informed Zach

Wilson that he’s going to be traded they let him know already ahead a time and that’s why he’s that that’s why he early in that game against Houston he was just going off basically to put tape for everybody for anybody that’s willing to take a chance on him and then behind

That offensive line he caught a concussion and he’s I don’t think he’s going to play against uh I don’t even think he’s going to play against New England because they want to preserve him they’re they’re basically having him in bubble wrap right now because they want they’re getting ready to ship him

Somewhere else yeah but I mean what are you gonna get for him I he’s gonna be he’s a solid uh um backup a starter but but but there’s going to be there’s going to be a coach out there that’s going to be like listen the Jets are a

Dumpster fire they don’t know how to develop quarterbacks he has he has talent he has athleticism I’ll find a way to to fix them you know that’s that’s that’s what the some of these coaches out there are thinking as far as Zach Wilson is concerned my only thing is only organization the only

Organization I see them taking uh a risk like that and considering the fact that they turned quarterback’s career somewhat it’ll be the Seattle Seahawks well well I mean you know that’s Jess West as far as I’m concerned they don’t have a line either going throw it again

But keep but keep in mind keep in mind I mean you can’t say that and and not keep in mind that uh uh Sam darnold he found work post jet career uh Mark Sanchez found work post jet career Chad Pennington found work post jet career I

Mean just because you it didn’t work out with the Jets you’re still gonna be in the league for a number of years with somebody and there’s some coach unless your name is Christian hack unless Christian hack that’s SV your favorite from your from your Alma moer we don’t claim

We don’t we don’t we don’t Tak the right situation he’ll find a job he yeah he’s going to find work and there’s going to be a coach that sees oh he’s young he’s got the momes esque P traits or whatever I can develop that guy into a competent

Backup or maybe a sneaky starter somebody’s gonna somebody’s gonna have that arrogance about him and there’s a that that Blanco privilege don’t forget that that that that play that plays into it as well bro tell me what I’m telling Li is that that plays into it I mean the

Way it’s looking right now even with the Broncos the whole issue going on with uh Russ I mean that might be a potential location for him too I mean the the the the NFL to me personally this year hasn’t been as fun as it’s been the past

Couple years it’s been plagued with so many injuries and I think the one that broke everybody’s heart was literally Aaron Rogers at the beginning of the year you know that September 11th game under the lights and just him his hamstring going down I mean I could tell

You I was watching that game and I literally just sat on my couch and I sned and my wife is like what the game just started I’m like no it just ended Savage I feel like this this is like a tartino movie I’ve seen this before you know you know you know what

Was about to come yeah it’s that Turf that Turf man that Turf that Turf is real as a Jet fan since 1995 you know oh right before Rich K TI you know and I got we trash I for to is one of these days people wrong and it

Was just like another year another year so we have to sit through everybody just going through this and go below 500 I’m going to tell bro I’m going to tell you what I told Jay when it happened you guys have like the curse of Willie namoth or somebody you have you have

Some type of curse or Juju just like we did we we’re Li we’re breaking our curse tonight with Jimmy Johnson you can’t tell me that’s not true because I’ve been saying it I’ve been saying it for years Cowboys fans have been saying for years that curse of not putting that man

Into the Ring of Honor it’s it it be the equivalent to you guys not putting Joe namoth into the ring your Ring of Honor whatever just basically saying yeah you want Sly Super Bowl but you know what uh you and the own you slap the owner in

The face during one of the meetings H you’re not going to be we’re not going to recognize you as one of the uh one of the pillars of our franchise even though you brought us a championship so so so so you guys have a you guys have a curse

You guys have to figure out what the curse is and break it maybe it’s the curse of rich kte I don’t know but you guys have to break you got to break that curse I honestly believe that Joe namoth spoke to saan himself soul to soul for a

Super Bowl and we’ve been we’re basically PID for it ever since I I I truly believe that I don’t you’re probably right man look to jump jump back to jump back on the Cowboys for tonight they play the Lions right they host the lions at Jerry world

At Jerry world man that’s gon that’s gonna be a nice game for tonight man it’s going to be a a nice battle um I think that the lions are a legit Contender not not Super Bowl Contender they definitely be be competitive in the in the playoffs um my pick this year for

The n see is the Cowboys to make the Super Bowl I said it Toco DeMarco DeMarco and how about the Cowboys give me a Jimmy Johnson real quick give me a how right and I think I think I think that Brock Brock pie is who Brock p is he

Said Z Prescott is is is what Cam Newton said that he manages the game I think Dak prad brings more to the game uh the only thing is is that what he has to do is be consistent like if he has like two bad drives it

Takes him three drives just to get back again you know he has to be a little bit more consistent when he knows that he doesn’t get certain plays as far as the AFC the most overall team that I see making it to the end I would say it’ll

Be the Ravens right now Baltimore Baltimore post their last bad loss that I that was just them losing to to Gardner menu at home was a really bad loss but outside of that man I don’t really see too many times that like they didn’t show up even in games they

They’ve slipped up and lost or what not Lamar shown up they’ve shown up that defense has shown up and showed out man I mean the the uh the loss to the Steelers the first time around that was a bad loss but that was that was a divisional game on the road stuff

Happens in division I mean the Lions lost the freaking the Bears in their division you see what I’m saying so so like like it happens in division but the I’m with you the Ravens and again it’s not just the fact that they beat the Avengers it’s the way they beat the

Avengers in San Francisco Standalone game in time they they like let it be known like yo we got a legitimate shot of this chip and we’re going to show you that that Brock P like you said is who Brock py is you know what I mean so but

Let he manages the game I mean he’s in a great offensive system and he’s cuddled a lot by the defense he’s a he’s a he’s a he’s a quarterback on an elite team he’s not an elite quarterback I said what I said play been say yeah Plug and

Play like you said and you saw and facts when Sam darnold came in he was lighting it up like like you said tell me what I’m telling lies he he said that Sam D was he said you said D was going to look like Steve Young in that offense and and

Right on Q his first possession touchdown tell me what I’m telling lies tell me what I’m telling lies tell tell me when I’m telling lies you I want to be Sam Dar on my next life he went to work he went to work for half a day and did his job the guy’s

Backup goat again Trent will I keep saying this we thanks for the call man appreciate it thanks for the call but like I said Trent Trent Williams cannot be injured if Trent Williams and and his his groin and that groin is tricky man if he goes

Down mark my words they are a different team you saw it in the Ravens game you saw it you saw it in their losing streak Tre Williams was not there for that full month that they didn’t win a football game he wasn’t there and Debo wasn’t

There when he’s not in the lineup he gives pretty time all day he gives pretty time he helps in the Run game basically M maffy just runs left where’s 71 where’s Trent Williams I’m running behind him when he’s not in the game they are a completely different team so

He’s going to rest up trust me I I’d be shocked if he plays against the commodor with Lon Richie i’ I’d be shocked I’d be shocked but but he he can’t be out because the the the the the Avengers they’re vulnerable they’re not Invincible I’ve been saying I’ve been

Saying that for weeks like tell me when I’m telling lies like I’ve been saying this like nobody believes me like I just watch football you know I mean so they’re not Invincible there’s nobody in the league ever are you I’m only 35 you’ve only been watching football for what 30 years

25 years give or take three decades give or take give or take yeah all right well thank you so much for the call got to get you on the got to get you on the show soon bro a lot of jets therapy needed trust me bro that’s a tough house right there

Combinate thank you yeah and most and most importantly thank you for uh adhering to the rules because it’s a family show appreciate you appreciate you no I know guys if I don’t hear from you guys Happy New Year bless you guys and your family and stay safe guys all

Right all right happy new give my love to my the girls bro I will brother thank you man all right man take care man all right 862 62195 36 is the number to call in uh we got some we got some spicy uh checking right now you know we got Dei

And uh we got deji we got Aaron I mean he’s already you know relishing about his Dolphins right now with t tag of vowa and so on and so forth uh he but he even said that the Cowboys and dolphins is still his Super Bowl pick if not the

Fins then the Browns the Browns again the way they’re built they’re built the right way they’re just Relentless team they do not give up that defense is real I’ve been saying it that defense is real I always I said it before the season with Jim Schwarz and everything that

Defense is scary now that is the type of defense that Detroit is missing in order to be a legit Contender agreed agreed agreed and that’s the type of Defense they were saying Dallas had coming into the season and we’ve seen flashes of that right but consistency and can you

Imagine if they had Deshawn Watson from te from Houston playing good they’d be they’d be the one SE yes easily easily yeah like Kansas City they’d be dethroned by now in the AFC yeah I mean well I mean they’re kind of deth right now but they just missing a few players

I feel I feel like they need another wide receiver talk about the uh Browns yeah Browns open up uh Amari yeah well I mean they got Elijah Moore who cooked the Jets this past game but you know and he left the game hurt too prayers Mo like that that was that was

That yeah I mean I have no love for Elijah Moore but I don’t wish any injuries on any players yeah absolutely that was that was very two esque the way he went down and on the field it was almost it was like two steps away from DeMar Hamlin yeah yeah so hopefully hope

Speaking speaking of which and this is actually I wish I could say that I’m a great host cuz this is kind of like a nice segue but um but I’m not really I’m kind of a hack here but um I I saw something that was pretty interesting uh earlier on on social

Media where as far as like awards for the season you know comeback Player of the Year who do you think who do you think should get it between either Demar Hamlin or Joe flacko flacko flacko I mean I mean I I me I think that’s that’s going to happen anyway because it is

Quarterback’s league but uh as as much as we’re happy that dear Hamlin is healthy and he’s playing and you know doing what he can for the Buffalo Bills and everything uh I mean he he hasn’t really has had he really hasn’t had the impact on the defense like Joe Flaco has

Had for this for this brown and not just anything Demar Hamlin great story the guy survived that he’s alive Round Round of Applause forar HL in that sense now let’s shift gears to football the actual football player he’s been inactive for a lot of weeks this year like he he’s a

Fringe special teams depth guy like he’s not a starter he’s not an impact player he don’t contribute like the other guys do exactly and he’s never been for his career you know so the flipping flipping script over to flacko flacko has the Browns he as a legitimate Super Bowl

Contender yes like like this is like vintage Ravens we’re watching right now this whole season’s ridiculous I got a better comeback player for you guys who’s that Tu this guy almost died on the field and we all saw it why is he not a comeback player of the year

Because he’s doing because he got Tyreek I mean he deserves it this guy almost passed out he had a he had like C stuff well he’s well he’s I think he he’s in the he’s in the discussion he leads the AFC in Pro Bowl voting you know he’s he’s playing out of

His mind what is what is Pro Bowl what is that footb yeah black football it counts it counts well what I’m saying is I did not expect to say that the Lions and Browns would be Super Bowl contenders coming into this season that was not on my bingo card either but with

Tua Tua is is being overshadowed by Tyreek that’s that’s really to answer your question that’s really what’s going on if Tyreek wasn’t having this Jerry Rice season I feel like Tua would get more love but and and on top of that keep in mind the the Dolphins didn’t

Beat a team with a winning record until Dallas true so that’s being held against them just similar to on the other side with Dallas the fact that the Cowboys have struggled so much on the road and they’ve only beaten two teams with winning records that’s being held

Against Dak so so so yeah dear is more of a PR stunt like he’s he’s not an impactful player to be on you know they just it’s a good story for the NFL he’ll get something like the hero award or something like that like yeah they they’ll they’ll make up something for

Him or or give something that’s place already but in terms of comeback Player of the Year who’s directly impacted his team on the field how could it not be Flo how I just I don’t know how Flaco couldn’t win the award honestly no no he’s when I think of comeback player of

The year I immediately think of him and there’s no other way that the definition of comeback itself even just not from a football standpoint that’s like um that’s like uh uh you know we we love movie references here what about Bree your boy Bree it’s funny that you

Mentioned that because gon Fresco in the check-in says Bree hall for for most oh that’s my cousin for most all for most allpurpose yards this year after an ACL tear that I mean that’s not wrong but you know what you’re forgetting one thing uh cuz he play he plays for the

Jets Savage Savage I Roman this coming from heard of Roman one more one more Bri should definitely be up there for discussion man I I think so too I mean he’s he’s you know he’s it’s just that that the entire offense itself has been a Civ you know it’s I don’t know but

Yeah I love Bree uh he definitely should be in that my Phantom is talking right here but it could be hom there hom you know yeah what what are you going to do hey hey how you doing you seen Rocky great movie hey yeah great hey hey you

Didn’t hear this from me but Rocky wins at the end slly wins this time yeah time yeah yeah no but yeah I I um but Bree Hall he definitely was good for for your fantasy that’s for sure not my team I wish I would have drafted I didn’t have

The opportunity to draft him oh man no I’m saying for anybody that did have him yeah true true yeah all right but yeah um should we get into our predictions soon um switch over to the NFC side real quick so we can WRA wrap up those Hunger

Games see this is why I’m a hack no you’re not a hack it’s the effects from Co I I’ll admit that we have we have right all right no problem no doubt no doubt so I mean again like I said tell me what I’m telling lies it’s like Minnesota Atlanta and Green Bay

Minnesota Atlanta and Green Bay they’re all in play New Orleans as well they’re all in play for a wild card and it’s particular with Atlanta and New Orleans they’re still in play for the uh NFC South someone’s going to win the South yeah someone’s going to win the South

Well I mean Tampa is is leading it right now and I think might I I don’t trust first of all I don’t trust any of them like they’re all they’re all like shady ex-girlfriends SL Shady ex-boyfriends Savage that’s a salv right there like like the NFC South honestly between Tampa Atlanta and New

Orleans one of those three teams is going to win honestly they should do like a Royal Rumble they should just put all the teams in like a ring and like the last man standing who hasn’t get thrown off the top ropes over the they should be the crown the dere car be the

First one over yeah pretty much yeah so I mean but I it’s gonna come it’s gonna come down to what it always comes down to it’s going to come down to quarterback play and coaching right so and of the three do I trust uh Arthur Smith and uh smorgus Board of Taylor

Hinek and Desmond Ritter do I trust uh Daniel Allen and a and and uh Derek Carr or David Carr plays like his brother Daniel or Dennis Allen uh Dennis Allen sorry Dennis Allen or do I trust um do I trust Baker Mayfield and Bs they’re trending up though and they got more

Weapons I feel they’re get they’re they’re just throwing the ball to Mike Evans yeah and Mike and Mike Evans and and Mike Evans who I don’t think is going to be with Tampa next year he’s putting tape out right now to let people know to let people know that hey I’m

Still him he’s a he got another three left in him I think productive three without a doubt without a doubt I’m just saying I’m just saying that he’s I’m just saying that he’s getting ready to pack his bags uh to somewhere else they didn’t offer him the contract no yeah

Well Tampa doesn’t know what they’re doing I mean look who look at her coaches he’s he’s gonna get the bag from somewhere and that’s hilarious because to BS coach the chat yeah Elizabeth Elizabeth boy boys from Elizabeth Jersey yeah yeah that’s that’s the only thing that I have in common with but but

But like I said those again the that wild card don’t be don’t tell me why I’m telling lies when Marv gets back and drops her back but don’t be shocked if I will not be shocked at all if Seattle does not end up as a seven seed if if if

Somehow they give it up to Minnesota or Atlanta or Green Bay or the well the Giants are eliminated and the commodor are eliminated the commanders what a disaster shout out to Joe B uh the D lemon but the wild card is is it’s it’s up for grabs it really is it really

Is and and and what’s even crazier is trust me trust me when I tell you this one of these Wild Card teams is going to win on Wild Card super super weekend yeah yeah someone’s going to get hot you could you could you could book that you

Could take that to the bank this is this is like Oppenheimer and IMAX how it’s going to be big facts big facts you know so and like the Rams they’re running the ball really well with Williams again a late draft round pick that that hit that

They hit on and um and and even though Seattle is up and down when when when when non jet Gino shows up cuz when jet goo’s trash that’s the thing you never know what Gino you’re gonna get you’re either gonna get jet Gino or non jet

Gino right and you don’t know what like you said you don’t know which one is going to show up to the stadium that day njet goo showed up in Dallas and he threw he had four touchdowns on us that was a crazy game that was wild but then

Again right on brand the week before jet XO showed up against the 49ers and couldn’t get the ball past Midfield you see what I’m saying so but shout out to the Rams they know how to draft they do drafting them but you know and and it’s it’s amazing from a team that actually

Essentially gave up all their draft Capital they said f the picks yep but that’s really that’s really cap though that’s really cap because Cooper Cooper cup they drafted Aaron Donald they drafted you see what I’m saying they’re best player were drafted like puka Williams puka was drafted Williams was

Drafted as well so so yeah so right on brand the F pick thing was really just a one-year thing when they you know obviously traded for Von Miller and signed Odell Beckham before his knee blew out and you know traded for Matt Stafford or whatnot but the their core

Are all draft picks no but that’s my point like with them getting rid of all of those draft picks essentially and keeping the ones that they had they had to make sure that each one of these picks that they still have absolutely was were home runs that’s fact and

They’ve been doing they’ve doing great as far as that’s facts that’s facts 862 621 9536 is the number to call in the phone lines will still be opening for a little bit longer uh yeah but uh I want to get into say that again oh yeah for sure like the video

Like the video subscribe to the channel subscribe of course like we got 11 people watching shout out to the 11 Round of Applause for 11 people watching um And subscribe to the bravely Channel um you see our handsome faces our three handsome faces faces uh um a

Brave bra fit as well with the girls as bravely fit sorry bravely fit got to say the whole thing like a tribe call Quest you know I mean tribe call Quest so the whole thing and uh you know we’re going to have a movie podcast at some point

Still in the works as well and shout out to Matthew Z put famous coming soon as well yes yes bravely TV we coming for 2024 baby big facts big facts make a jump out of that if you can please uh we also got here um uh gon

Fresco says I heard a lot of Baker Mayfield hold on I can’t read here I heard a lot of Baker Mayfield to come for a come comeback player of the year I don’t know about that um he’s been I mean he’s I mean he’s been productive

He’s had a he’s had a pretty good season but he’s been a little too up and down for me with you on that I I just feel like you know there’s a reason why Flaco’s sleeping because he’s been been slept on why would you play games with me give

Me a Roman Reigns for that like why would you play games with me flacko it’s Flaco’s award bro I don’t know how you can’t how you don’t give it to him like Tu is going to get some votes I’m with you on that he is going to get some

Votes but again for what Flo has done priv yeah exactly that Blanco privilege bro you got that’s got to get factored into man I like Bree with it now now that I think about it I think Bree he he survived some surved tur he survived the

Turf in Denver of all was Inver it was in Denver when he my apologies I feel like everyone gets hurt in giant but you know what but you know what in that same game where he got hurt we also lost avt for that year as well true true yeah so

Who knows maybe maybe it was the uh maybe not just the tur but also maybe the the the air quality up in Denver kind of screwed them up as well that’s Savage got about that Sav yeah no but uh I’m I’m with you though I mean obviously

Coming from a jazz fan I do think that Bree Hall should get some consideration and obviously he’s not going to win it but you know he has to be in the conversation especially with that that injury that he sustained last year and think and we didn’t know how you know

Explosive he was going to be especially with that offensive line being such a Civ it depends how the NFL wants to give it out that’s it y whoever they want to mark it that’s who’s going to get the award absolutely but we all know who deserves each award every year factss

You know meig facts yeah and you ask you ask for me for my vote it’s got to be Joe Flo yeah same same I I I give it the flo again if if if he I’ll pull up the stat once again I I have to again desan

Watson played 12 full games and he didn’t throw for 300 yards once about to break May Mayfield’s record too for yards yeah Flaco’s done it done it four times in five games man just give it a flacko like pretty pretty Flo as as as as D called him like come on man shout

Out to Rocky exactly yo he’s he’s been lighting it up bro and again he threw for 300 without Amari Cooper like if Cooper would have played he probably would threw for 400 against y’all he didn’t even know Cooper was going to be out exactly he said that he was

Practicing with Cooper and then Cooper just walked off and then he didn’t know what was going on so he didn’t even have an idea what and that’s the same jet team cuz you guys your defense does get their flowers the same jet team that beat up um Josh Allen the first time

Played that beat up like beat up Patrick Mahomes you guys beat up quarterbacks you guys knocked out CJ St he’s still in concussion protocol you know what I mean k Jersey never K to Jersey never left the same you see what I’m saying like yo like he went against that fresh off the

Couch and put 300 on him yeah and three ties I just hope that I just hope that when he wins comeback player of the year that he’s not napping he won’t be napping they’re have to wake up Joe Joe you just won they showed that they really showed that they showed him on

The sideline it went viral it went viral and and another funny moment too uh yes yes that’s one yo Al Michaels gets 10 Savages he gets 10 Savages right now he lost his playoff job he’s going out with a bang I appreciate him for that he basically said that I hear these

Banging trash cans the Astros must be in Savage again Al Michaels Al Michaels woke up a chose violence but that’s crazy they allowed the bang it throughout the whole game like you could clearly hear it it’s like no one said but if you do that over here you’re escorted out they’re different in

Cleveland they give it up differently but um but what I was saying too another hilarious moment was after the game because remember flacko was with the with with the Jets like he goes up to quinnon Williams and he touches the top of his head and qu will was just like

Whoa Whoa man yo man don’t touch my head man he was actually get ready to square up trying to Sun him exactly trying to Sun him yo the Jets the jet the jet social media is kind of savage also because they they got that footage of them saying hello to each other before

The game and he was like and they were like sorry and if asked for apologies before quinnon hits you again Savage there and and and also a Savage moment too the Cleveland social media um Steph clown Smith clown Hall of Famer himself that’s a great name purple jacket oh yeah

Stephen a clown actually that’s that’s what it is purple jacketed yeah yeah play play the boo play the Boo and flat out deceive he he’s in his clown car now driving through streets of New York but uh this guy he so when um when Watson went down for the year he basically did

The eulogy for the Browns and said that their season was over they’re in the playoffs now he always gets some bad picks every year he does again him we we say it on here all the time all the time the they’re called the fake take shows

For a reason him and Chris bruar they’re famous for that a clown of the week what are your famous clown of the week a clown of the week Brar I gu I guarantee you you name you name a hot take guy he’s been a clown of the week or she’s

Been a clown basically all you have to do to qualif the biggest qualification at this point it seems like you have to work for f Sports yeah and give a bad take are you do you have terrible awful picks that don’t mean anything and can you say nonsensical outlandish takes

That again are always proven wrong oh you got a job waiting for you with six figures CRA you get a job Chris Mard you got a job Kean Johnson you got a job Richard Sherman you got a job that’s why shanon sharp is not even there anymore exactly exactly he played against the

Rules and now he’s you know he went he went from the Padre’s to the Yankees at this point but you watch you watch First Take or fake I call it fake take you you watch I call it worst take exactly you watch worst take or fake take it’s the

Cowboy hate show now because you got Stephen A Smith and Shannon sharp two guys who have built careers on hating on the Dallas Cowboys meanwhile meanwhile they’re closeted Cowboy fans exactly exactly so it’s just so so yeah so bro you you name a fake take person they’ve

Been a clown of the I miss Max Keller man he he he he told I miss him for reason though when he said the last shot who would you pick yeah oh that was classic he said pick igawa over Curry oh my God that [ __ ] I mean that pissed off Ste trash trash

What are you talking about man yeah Max Max uh ma Max had some high he has some highlights well he said Brady was going to fall off a cliff and he just won I don’t know three more Super Bowls after that so what you what what you me well

We Al Jak got mad at that no no but like I mean I don’t think any think it’s going to get me more mad when uh when I another uh I I I can’t believe we haven’t nominated this guy as a clown of the week yet uh skip bis when he

Actually said that he’s all of Famer I know but but when he actually said that you know Tim TBO will be bigger than LeBron James ever would be in Cleveland what you or when he said that Tim TBO was bigger box office than Kobe Bryant oh my God he also said he said

The same thing about Johnny Manzel he said John Johnny Football was going to be bigger than Leon James wait there’s always with him you skip Bale is here a clown bro he’s not a he’s Cowboy nation has rejected him from day one I just want you guys to know that he

Claims to be a cowbo f maybe maybe to complete this Karma that you have to finish in order to get to the the promised land you got we had you guys have to eliminate skip P some way sh yeah he’s got to get himself canceled he

Got a good speaker plug though he does he does he does Bronco BL that’s going on and your boy also says danki is a clown oh oh yeah he’s a he’s aown yeah yeah Matt Stafford lover Josh Allen lover uh Justin Herbert lover just insert generational quarterback

That dreaded G word that that’s that’s that’s by the way that’s not African-American oh except except for except for Jaylen Herz was the was the um Touchback right yeah running to the back of the End Zone Mr I don’t know where the back of the end zone is that’s

His nickname didn’t win a single game that year that’s wild he’s terrible but it’s it’s about a time for picks and then we’ll but before we go get him Fresco also says who’s got the best defense in the NFL the Browns absolutely I already said it before the season they got a

Scary defense and like I alluded to earlier the the Lions if they had a Browns defense that would make them Super Bowl contenders that would put them over the the over the hill as far I like them and Baltimore both of them oh absolutely and nobody seems to be

Talking about Kansas City anymore they seem to have fallen off a cliff and I think they’re becoming a shell of themselves already or too many penties to many penalties and the fact that that receiving car is it’s trash basa trash they have Kelsey and like four number four

Receivers tell me what I’m telling lies tell me what I’m telling lies tight end one is not a tight end one anymore he’s more over two he’s hurt he’s he’s hurt he’s hurt when healthy he’s still he’s still I think he’s still Le but he’s

Been hurt all year I think he’s a Swifty man after he’s not he’s not paying attention anymore I feel like the guy behind him is is more productive Watson really no uh not him what’s the other one uho no no tight tight end tight end they got

They got like three they was insert him at they got Watson they got Bell yeah Bell’s the other one Watson and Bell are their two tight end behind him I believe he’s he looks just like him yeah it’s it’s Watson I gu it’s Watson y that’s hilarious all right so let’s get into

Our pck segment thank you for everybody for calling in and checking in shout out to Carlos shout out to D shout out to everybody in the checkin and everything thank you for I still feel bad for Carlos that household does not have 10 wins his wife is a patriot Savages

Going look at this guy how you doing oh man all right so let’s get into our pck segment right now and ladies and gentlemen if you want to win some money I definitely suggest that you take some picks from my man Mo picks over here oh

Man yep M put a little bit of pressure on you I’m the best four out of five picker ever why would you play games with him all right so the way that we do is says uh so there’s a Saturday game today so we got the Lions and the Cowboys and

Then we’re going to do that we’re going to pick two 1:00 games games and then hit him off with the Prime Times all right so let’s start off with the game that we have later on tonight the Detroit Lions at Jerry’s world with the Dallas Cowboys Weeden boys Weeden boys

Give me a show the shirt show the shirt give me a how about them Cowboys the man who just spoke now is going in the Ring of Honor they cannot they cannot where’s my camera they cannot lose they cannot lose on Ring of Honor night for Jerry for Jimmy Johnson

Man this is a must-win and again this is a playoff team they need to show that they can beat more than one playoff team at home yeah they beat the Eagles they beat the brakes off them but they got to beat another one now do do you have a

Little bit of a Vietnam flashback right now because I feel like a little trepidation in your voice right now yeah I do I do because again this is a standalone Prime Time game with Legends in the building and I remember 2008 vividly bro and honestly yo it was

Coming off the heels of 2007 you know my what Giant’s favorite year right there um we were closing down Texas stadium we had this big amazing celebration of of like Legends in the building and on top of that we probably would have clinched the NFC East that night what did we do

We let Willis MC he run for like 300 yards on us and and again because we had we had Wade Phillips at head coach one of your favorites one of my personal favorites and we we we had 13 pro bowlers in the from the previous season on the roster

And we we finished the season nine and seven and miss the playoffs so I want but I’m going to chalk that up to the curse let’s talk that the it’s a new day yes it’s a new day it’s about to be a new year Ohio State just lost their bowl

Game I’m in a great mood the Cowboys absolutely have to get this one they have to win this one give me the Cowboys 2717 wow all right Mo how about for you lions or Cowboys I don’t know man this is tough like you said you said they they got

Three in a row that they lost mhm they can’t lose three in a row I’m with Vegas I got Cowboys uh 27 20 give me a h about them Cowboys again man 2720 Vegas got him at 52 so it’s gonna be high scoring yeah oh yeah expect

Points I got C lamb in in a fantasy Championship I need you to go off buddy I don’t know for some reason I feel a lot more confident in this game than you guys do especially youu go but I I feel like the Cowboys are definitely going to

Feast they’re at home they got the home field advantage the crowd is going to be electric I do like the Detroit Lines and what they’ve been doing but I don’t think that they’re there yet we already talked about how their defense is not all that

And we got Dan you guys got Dan Quinn they’re playing good you got Don Bland who’s I think he’s going to have you know you know do some good things and Dak Prescott he knows what’s at hand he’s been in this position before he knows what he needs to do he needs to

Know he he knows what he needs not to do the only thing that’s going to give me any trepidation at all is if Mike McCarthy call some egregious play that’s going toost or of course or of course you know you got uh Dean blandino and the rest of

The refs the zebras want to get their name out there cuz you know the ref’s name I’m a Jets fan I know these guys names by heart because they always screw us over all right so I know these guys name unfortunately oh my God don’t even

Get me started with that don’t give me start either like de Bryant caught the ball I do believe it was a catch but uh no but I with all that being said I do feel very confident for the Cowboys today I just don’t as as great of a

Story as Detroit has been this year I just don’t think they’re there yet give it a maybe a year or two more and then afterwards we could talk about legitimacy but for right now they got to get a little bit of Humble Pie and they

Know what they need to go for but I just feel like this is really the Cowboys year this year and so I’m I’m I’m going to go with the Cowboys on this one I’m going to say 24 to 17 give me another Jimmy Johnson he’s going to the rain

Water yep today’s the day today’s the day today’s the day the the curse is broken tonight today is Easter yes yes yes keep it going keep it going all right so now now we got the 49ers The Avengers against the commodor by Lon Richie yeah the

Commanders Give me the give me give me the 49 ERS um the commodor they’re they’re tanking for Caleb Williams they feel like they can get him or they might even trade for him Eric B enemy is going to be the head coach next year yes and own ownership is all in on Caleb

Williams and they’re not going to do anything to mess up this pick uh so expect them to take this loss take another loss next week against us they they are all in on the Caleb Wendy’s sandwich B so uh give me give me the 49ers even if they could rest Debo and

They could rest Trent Williams they’ll still win by double digits cuz I that they’re in tank mode they really are right I agree they’re I got 49ers too um they’re at minus 950 to win so this is a walk this is a walking apart it’s a 50-point game yeah and God forbid if

They even start Sam how again which I don’t know why they no that’s done that’s done and that’s further proof that’s further proof that they’re in on Caleb Williams because again there were some people in the building that thought that oh they’ve got their guy and Sam Sam how leads the league of

Interceptions yes all right I believe 17 give me some trashes what was that stat what was that stat that you shared with me on Twitter uh it was and and all of those interceptions and Dak Prescott only has seven far oh oh yes yes yes give me one second I’ll pull that up

Gladly gladly pull that up but in the yeah but in the meantime as far as uh my predictions oh yeah the eventers are going to be the commodor up I mean this is going to be a as you call in Jersey an ass whooping so uh starter’s out by a

Half yeah they’ll be resting sure uh yeah 49ers uh you know Sam dar’s going to come in in the second half of the game you know you want to make some money just um pick the third string for Anytime touchdowns okay oh oh oh I like

That yeah I like that real Qui real quick before we get back to our P you know who leads the league in in in turnovers Al together who’s tied Jaylen Herz uh well he’s no he’s up there he’s up there tied is uh Trevor generational

Lawrence and um and uh and Sam how they both have 19 turnovers so Mr generational those are two guys who I do not want over for Christmas dinner no no H is H is not too far behind with 18 turnovers okay but you know who’s not on

That list Dak Prescott’s not on that list no he’s not no right here on that list but but but again he’s not a generational guy so you know it’s he’s he’s still penalized for that but but continue I digress I digress all right so uh yeah uh The Avengers I got this

One the 49ers over the commanders uh I’m going to say 30 to 10 yeah that sounds about right yeah that sounds about right yeah was it 49 I didn’t give it a number I’ll give him 45 to four two saf 45 to four yeah give me uh uh uh 383 3 that’s being

Generous all right now this is a 1:00 game that’s interesting because this is like Oppenheimer and IMAX this is the Miami Dolphins at the Baltimore Ravens that’s a good 1:00 game right there that’s prime time if you ask me so a lot of people this is like a lot of people

Would say this is where the Ravens show their flip-flop colors cuz they they are known for blowing some leads at home over the last few years the Ravens yeah Ravens yeah and on top of that losing losing home games that they have no business losing including I.E to the

Colts and Gardner muu earlier this year but I feel like the Ravens they the Ravens need that one seed they need that one seed they need it like air um they get the one seed they have a legitimate shot to get the Vegas they really do and

Uh they know they have the inside track now they know if they win this week and win next week I believe against the Steelers I think they the steers they know and both of these are home games they know that it’s it’s it’s there for the there is a possibility that last

Week was the last Road game the Ravens will play all year that’s not the Super Bowl right and they know that and Harbaugh knows that so they they got to get this one and I still I still don’t believe in the Dolphins I’m with you on

That I I still don’t believe in that I still don’t believe in them I don’t like I you know until I it’s I’m not even going to say it but no I I just I I have to see it I have to see it to believe it

People feel about Dallas and I’m a d I’m included in that I Gotta See Dallas do it like because that that’s why that he you can ask this guy I have not once one time in this this entire season said you know what Dall was going to Super Bowl

Th those words have never come out of my mouth unless I’m I’m referencing into it because I’ve I’ve seen too many times double digit winning teams come into the playoffs hot all this momentum and then in divisional round for some reason fall on their faces and until I see Dallas

Not not do that or I see the um dolphins not do that I’m not picking them you got to show me right and I’m sorry but Don schul is not coming through that door anytime soon yeah Dan Marino is not taking off his jacket to put on a jersey

You got a better chance of Ray finle coming into this game than that happening lace is out lace is out it’s going to be a close game you like cookie son according to Vegas it will be according to Vegas they got they got a Baltimore by three field goala that’s

The score 2724 is my score I’m going Baltimore and they’re going to win it late it’s going to be it’s going to be back Fortin Tucker Justin Tucker’s going to save the day Tucker a Tucker 90 y to win 6 69 yard field goal new yes yes

100% yeah so yeah I got the Ravens here I’m going to say uh I’m goingon to say 20 to 17 yeah I’mma do upset just cuz it’s rigged in my opinion that’s a Savage it’s rigged it’s rigged in my opinion he’s not wrong I’ve said the NFL everyone is all for Baltimore right

Now they riding the ship but then out of nowhere you’ll see the dolphins come in and put two right away Vince McMahon is writing the script for the NFL for the longest bro like you can’t you can’t tell me you know how much money the league makes with Dallas not winning the

Super Bowl every year he exactly exactly Dolph yeah exactly exactly so I’m with you this this thing’s been this thing’s been scripted I got Dolphins 272 24 yeah okay you got to buy field goal as well okay so you got you got high score but with the Dolphins winning

You flip flop it yeah okay ironically we talk are four touchdowns right I like it uh we also got two four o00 games right here oh no actually we got three four o00 games uh I want to uh let’s let’s go with the uh the Steelers and the

Seahawks uh a lot of lot of terrible towels will be and it’s this game is in Seattle mhm but you know sea fans travel very well they’re they’re going to be present oh yeah yeah apparently it’s going to rain because it’s only 40 41 41 and a half I feel like we’re we’re

Talking to Sam rosin here he knows the weight of the he knows the weather conditions you know how heavy the ball is over there you got so you got the black socks to cover I don’t like Pitts at all man I don’t I don’t trust I don’t

Trust Mason knock your head off Rudolph no I don’t at all I don’t I don’t trust jet goo I feel like jeto the thing that’s the thing we don’t know if he’s going to show up or not it’s a it’s a flip but you know what that’s why I’m

That’s why I’m going more I’m leaning towards the Seahawks because you don’t know which Gino Smith you’re going to get the jet goo Smith or not Gino Smith but you know what you’re getting in Mason Rudolph I mean Christmas time is over yes said Christmas time as a as a

Sandage Christ is over yeah so uh but and also that 12 man you always got a factor in that game uh I actually love the coaching in this one between M Tomlin and P Carroll it’s going to be some pretty good uh chess moves going on

Between both teams um again it’s a 4:00 game and you know the referees are going to want to get their shot on this one as well um I and also I just don’t think I know that Steelers got TJ watt but no I don’t think anybody on that defense can

Stop DK meaf give me give me the Seattle 12 Give me the give me the crowd give me the crowd the crowd’s going to win the game pretty much they going to be a lot of Steeler fans cuz my home girl shout my girl Jen L she’s going to the game I

Think I think it’s going to be allow between the Steeler fans and the 12 man yeah oh it’s going to be oh it’s deafening I’ll tell you what the Steelers out of all the teams they hit the hardest I don’t know if you guys seen have have watched them play SE they

Hit the hardest out of all the teams you got to throw the Ravens up there too I was watching I was watching AFC North is that’s a that’s a war right there the quarterback for Pittsburgh that day he’s done I feel like he’s out of there cuz

I’m I was watching the Monday night game uh in my basement with with cousins and my brother and I’m just like just every single hit I was just like Yo God that’s why I that’s why I actually why I enjoy watching AFC North games because they take me back to the hard

Him hit him days facts but anyways sticking with this game uh I don’t know uh yeah I just think that the Seahawks need this they their their playoff implications are riding on this right now very heavily over the Steelers so uh yeah they they need to win Gino Smith

Needs to find out how to get to the nonino Smith he needs to he needs to he needs to find Seattle Gino if jet Gino shows up the Steelers are going to win this game but if Seattle if Seattle Ginos plays Seattle I’m going to get they’re at home their their playoff

Hopes are they’re in if they end now what’s the Steelers record the Steelers record is7 they’re both eight and seven the only difference is the Steelers don’t control their own destiny the the uh the the seaha Seahawks they do this got to be an automatic win for Seahawks cuz you

Know Mike Tomlin likes doing a 500 thing Savage so it’s definitely free GS it’s free gems watching is watching it’s going to be Seahawks well they got a client but yeah they’re watching out to the free jazz podcast love you guys uh yeah but I’m going to

Go um I don’t think it’s going to be a high scoring game either but I think I think it’s I think it’s going to be a defensive uh matchup for the most part but I’m going to say the Seahawks take this one 14 to7 uh give me 1410 Seattle

Okay I like Seattle 2113 oh okay I like that one too all right uh we also got the uh uh who who do I got here I don’t know I’m none of these really appeal to me but I guess we’ll go with the Bangals goes at the

Chiefs um give me the Chiefs I I think the Chiefs they got to I don’t they got write the ship they got to going into the playoffs they need some momentum I mean that the one seat is gone the two seat is gone uh they’re going to they

Might be locked into to that to Buffalo you know and I don’t think they want that right now um and you know Taylor Swift is going to be there she’s in Kansas City she will and um uh oh my God uh Jake Browning had he looked like a

Backup for the first time yeah for sure he looked rough against uh Pittsburgh um and this is another road game it’s going to be loud um I got mixing in my fantasy Championship so I need I need some mixing points there but but um I I don’t expect for for Pat

Mahomes to to to be get you another trash a trash for Pat Mahomes what year is this he’s due for a good game he’s he’s he’s due for about touchdown game I think he’s fired up especially how they’ve been embarrassed these last couple games and I think that Andy Reid

Has actually been in their ear because not only have they been losing in embarrassing fashion especially to the Raiders on Christmas but they like on the sidelines you can see that they’re falling apart you got Travis Kelce throwing his helmet and you know uh uh Patrick Mahomes complaining to the refs

And you know all this kind of nonsense they’re being sore losers right now they don’t know how to they don’t know how to handle adversity it seems like because they’ve been too used to in their winning ways and it’s crazy that you know um uh like even the Chiefs are not

Going to be in the uh they’re going to be an away team in the playoffs for the first time in Patrick Mahomes career so they goes to that goes to show that they’re not the same Chiefs as before they have a little bit of a hang uh

Super Bowl hangover but they’ll find a way I don’t think they’re going to go far into the playoffs this year I don’t think this is their year but as far as this game is concerned right now they need to know that they need to snap out

Of it they need to get into gear they’re facing Jake Browning against Patrick Mahomes I mean you picked the you you pick which one is the win in this one and I I I I you know me how much I love coaching I think Andy Reed over Zack

Taylor uh but yeah it’s at home the swifties are going to be out they’re do for a big game they understand their playoff implications I think they I think they get back into order so I’m going to say the Chiefs over the Bengals here 24 to 17 yeah like you said those

Those drops they’re they’re taking their toll on the homes and this offense and every every receiver cuz again it’s Travis Kelce and five number fours I said what I said Gario Tony needs to be on a short leash this game he like if he has if he wasn’t on the jugs machine for

Five hours that’s it his the first drop like I’m with you first drop I’m benching him right you drop or you throw to him right away exactly throw to him right away let him get three four pass little sh pass or something right he gets the his first Target if his first

Target is not an easy catch and run sit your sit on the bench bro sit on the bench get him his confidence up get him little five yards three yards yes and then throw throw a deep one cuz he’s talented he’s just he’s inconsistent can’t do his job right now he’s

Inconsistent he’s so so yeah so but give me the I’m with you give me the Chiefs like if Mahomes loses the Browning and Aiden back to back weeks Jesus Christ uh so yeah oh what a disaster yeah the Chiefs have been a disaster the receiving C has been a disaster but give

Me the Chiefs um uh I don’t think they can score 30 points right now give me give me the Chiefs uh give me the Chiefs 27 274 okay Mo um I got Chiefs I don’t know I think they’ll do 30 cuz he’s due for a

Good game um I think he’ll have a four touchdown game and be sitting by the third quarter me personally okay and I got him 30 to 13 30 to 13 okay I like it’s just that like I said I’ve had pat pat Mahomes on my fantasy team and I was

Waiting for one of those five touchdown games and he’s due I was the defending champion in one of my leagues dirty money and I missed the playoffs because of Pat how crazy is that how crazy is that bro worst pickup and every League that I made the championship in I have Josh

Allen at quarterback what world yo 2023 is bizar World bro oh my God I can’t wait for 2023 to be over that’s just me personally yes yes X miles in the championship with Josh Allen come on man yeah that’s sick go ahead keep going yeah yeah I was just say between my jet

Season and my personal life I’m can’t wait for this year to be over you’re good you’re good you’re good bro all right uh we also have the Chargers at the Broncos which is interesting because Russell Wilson has been benched now uh who who’s their back up again for for

For um for Denver um it’s um uh who is it uh i’ have I got to look it up I’m not even sure it’s not even it’s not Drew lock is it no Drew lock is over in Seattle now that’s right that’s right he’s backing up Gino I forgot about

That well it’s not bread ripping because he’s on the Jets now it’s probably one of those one of those uh backups that everybody recycles throughout the league like a b Mo yeah like they just keep getting jobs I don’t understand it oh man well I mean Garner mchu keeps on

Finding jobs it’s gonna be Jared stum Jared St me I thought it was Nick FES I thought it was Brock Osweiler Brock Osweiler oh my God I’m trolling I’m trolling I forgot about no I’m just saying that’s like a blast from the past right there Savage but it’s

Jared stum so a bich and uh a bich throwaway that was also picked up by Josh McDaniel who threw him away as well yeah uh yeah SE Shawn pyton wants so basically you got Jared stdm against e stick there’s no God there’s no inh I’m watching that game I don’t

Think no one should be turning on their TV to watch that game no one should bet on that game game and NSFW we call it NSFW quarterback play that’s what we call it on the show it’s Savage it’s Savage right there Sav so yeah well but

If in the sake of just picking a pick I’m just going to say Broncos uh 10 to three it’s going to be the same exact score from uh from Christmas I got 155 tie interesting interesting I mean that’ll that’ll actually make the game actually more

Interesting if it was a tie 155 tie that game is just going awful right and now finally the uh the last game of of the night uh we have the Packers at the Vikings I like that yeah yeah I mean nice divisional match up keep keep in

Mind that the uh the Vikings on like they’re on like quarterback seven proba I think uh Jared Hall or somebody is like a rookie by from Shameless yes guy from Shameless yeah I feel like dos will come back some somehow and win the game for them yeah that’s the script the script

In NFL I know that you’re kind of joking right now but I’m actually with unlocked up with you right there it’s a script going on right now it’s McMahon all over again again both Roger gell hired Vince as a rider he wasn’t doing anything with wrestling they got rid of

Him uh both of these teams are fighting for a wild card they’re fighting for that number that number seven seed uh I’m gonna go with the home no I can’t go with Jared Hall I can’t even though he’s at home he’s a rookie yeah so give me

Give me the Packers give me the C the Packers by they still got Jordan love right yep yep give me the Packers by getting Packers by seven yeah let’s go uh 27 uh 2720 Packers I’m going to go Packers um 24 to 17 okay ah man this is tough I like I like

Jordan love cuz he’s inconsistent so now he’s due for a good game I don’t like him cuz he’s inconsistent but he’s to say you about that he’s due for a good game though so I feel like the Packers he’s going to come out with one of those

Games that like it’s going to show signs of why they draft him okay so I feel like I don’t know Packers 2320 okay Packers 2320 cuz like you said that they’re on quarterback whatever six seven yeah how many people going to learn that Carousel wild times out there

Four running backs and they still have a better record than the Jets Go figures Justin Jefferson somebody free that man yeah oh my that was my worst pick in one of my leagues man I would never pick Justin Jefferson I just would I I just wouldn’t until their quarterback until their

Quarterback is is actually competent like yeah Kurt though Kurt cousin are you sure about that you sure about that just got hurt man you sure about that that’s why man I’m out I’m out you sure about that as a kid say he ain’t him he is not him you’ll win some you’ll

Win some you’ll wi some fancy games with a with with Captain Kirk but he’s but he’s injured this year man so as soon as he went down I was like yeah that’s that’s a w yeah it’s a WAP it’s a rap and now with that being said the pck

Segment is a wrap and now let’s get into everybody’s favorite segment Mar please cue the music let’s go shout out to Johnta heyy hey would you watch the head the who Jersey so yeah yeah shout out to John trola so this this segment of clown

Of the week is brought to you by the first class second place podcast brought to you by bravery Studios brought to you by youo Boy podcast merch is available now on the link and also I need that hat we got you we got you and it’s also

Brought to you by pton F shout out to Alpo pay Fe all right so guess guess first yeah let’s guess first who is your clown of the week oh man clown of the week I got I got so many clowns I know basically just throw a dart in

That’s how long do we have we got about 9 minutes yeah exactly so clown of the week goes to the Fox News okay sports sports they reported that Frank Thomas has died and it was the wrong Frank there was two Frank Thomas in that league in that organization [ __ ] texted me [ __ ]

Texted me that yesterday and I almost fell out my bed I was laughing they had two Frank Thomases in that league but they reported the one that’s a Hall of Famer oh man and they gave him a tribute on everything and the guy is still alive

You are stupid so that back run that back stoud of the week Fox News you know Trump was right I guess Savage Savage away Savage Savage Oh by the way rest in peace to Tom Wilkinson he passed away today oh man rest in peace man yeah man

75 75 man what a legend man anyways uh yeah but yeah you’re clown of the week I’m sorry for bringing it down thanks bro appreciate that bro sorry for bringing the show on a down I told you I’m a hack a clown of the week’s be a downer

No I already and listen I already Ned myself a clown of the week once I’m not going to do that again okay oh my God yeah so can’t you tell me I’m telling lies tell me I’m telling lies man please please tell me when I’m telling lies and

Another and another and another tell me tell me tell me tell me when I’m telling lies I clown you mentioned Fox we’re going to keep it with Fox but this time we’ll go FOX Sports radio host m balanos mons balanos um she she went viral this lady went viral basically

Saying that Lamar Jackson wasn’t quarterback enough now I don’t know what that means I don’t know if there’s some racial undertones there of what quarterback enough means but she got dragged when she said backy that’s what she lost it exactly exactly exactly exactly mind you the same Lamar Jackson

That beat the Super Bowl favorite 49ers Avengers and the same Lamar Jackson that is a former NFL MVP yep First Team all proo and is a MVP front runner this year like he’s not quarterbacking enough so this this is my issue with not just her because she tried to Michael Jackson

Moonwalker comments but she already got dragged like and she deserves it and I hope she loses her job for it but quarterback quarterback quarterback so if a quarterback is not in the current the you think of the best quarterbacks right now the Front Runners the and and

I’m not talking about Brock Montana in San Francisco I’m talking about Lamar I’m talking about Dak Prescott I’m talking about Josh generational Allen I’m I’m talking about the and even Patrick Mahomes you throw Mahomes in there as well you throw two in there if your quarterback is stationary and

Cannot move at all he’s cooked he is cooked and on top of that the quarterbacks that are coming out now in the NFL a new NF it’s a new NFL like CJ strad is is is already is is going to be superstar you got to have wheels now you

Have to you have to and CJ Stout’s comp coming into the NFL was Dak Prescott that’s who he that’s the that’s the comp if and and mind you Dak Prescott was a fourth round pick in 2016 if they redid that draft class Carson Wentz and Jared

G would not go ahead of Dak price Scott in that draft guys he would probably he would be the first quarterback take it you know what I mean because the the mold right now you look at Caleb Williams you look at um Michael penck

You look at BO Nicks you look at all the quarterbacks that are coming out in this upcoming draft class they’re all quote unquote non-quarterback mobile quarterbacks yeah so for her to make this idiotic foolish buffoonish clownish comment saying that Lamar isn’t quarterback enough I don’t care what she

Says to backtrack it she was a clown and a bozo for it and again this is what they’ve been doing to African-American quarterbacks for years labeling them as well he’s athletic he he’s he’s he’s mobile you know what I mean to take exactly to to take away from the fact

That they can process and make throws you know what’s crazy about Lamar what I saw I see on the field all the time that all the the opposing players they respect the hell out of him and they pick him up after they sack him opposed to other quarterbacks they don’t like

They’ll sack Josh Allen and do a celebration but with Lamar they’ll scoop him up they’ll give him a high five and just next play exactly exactly because again if you’re you’re a quarterback and you’re not you don’t have that mobile aspect to your game now in the current

2023 NFL you are not you’re not for long you have no shot of being successful got to evolve so the the game has evolved to another level right now and so for her to make that comment you’re a bozo you got red hair you got green hair you got

The Red Nose you got the big red shoes mons Banos congratulations you clowned yourself all right so my clown he’s been waiting all week for a clown of the week all right so we talked about my w be gone New York Jets earlier to start

Off the show uh we talked about uh you know what how much of it disaster has been so on and so forth and one of the things that really drives me up a wall is that we’re always in Prime Time games and we’re always seem to embarrass

Ourselves whether you want to talk about the dreaded butt fumble or the hell Mary or the the the the fake spike game whatever you want to call the the SE whatever you can pick just pick him just like he could have figure out his kind

Of the week you can pick him any it’s all there so somebody was uh somebody was was able to catch something on on on social media that was actually at the game and then you got Michael Clemens who’s trying to do his best audition of Half Bake 2 by going to everybody single

Person in the in the crowd going f you f you f you no not you you f you Fu that went viral viral don’t understand that you are on the biggest platform right now in all of America everybody’s watching you people everybody has a cell phone they’re going to record you and

Then you do some stupid is like that and don’t think that you’re not going to get you know in trouble and go viral and so on and so forth you are maybe making a fool of yourself from a season that has already R down the tubes after Aaron

Rogers went down four plays and now we have to add some more embarrassment and show how classless these New York Jet F players can be stop it Michael Clemens you look scary I do not want to meet you in person because I I think you would

Beat the hell out of me but I have to say it out loud right now you are a clown do better be better get out of here this is for you why so serious it’s about sending a message and they were losing too that’s the crazy yes even

More clownish oh my God all right but that being said uh let’s end this let’s end the last episode of 2023 with some hero of the WIS get the yes Chariot of fire bring it up our guest Our Guest who is your hero the week of the week hero

Of the week damn I had say for clown of the week I have nothing for hero of the week let me go last on this one all right think about my ha I know clowns Mark CU that music up where’s my camera go tight on

Me I know where this is going too this is going it has to go here can I get a how about them Cowboys Jimmy Johnson Jimmy Johnson Jimmy Johnson Jimmy J Jimmy GQ whatever Jim jeez Jimmy Johnson you are the architect of the Dallas Cowboy Dynasty I’m a

Cowboy fan because of Jimmy Johnson I a Cowboy fan because of him he deserved to be in that Ring of Honor years ago years ago years ago this man built Brick by Brick that ’90s dynasty with Troy egman Emma Smith Michael Irving he drafted like Hall of Famer after Hall of

Famer he built that offensive line he he changed the culture and and and again he created how about them Cowboys it exists because of him he said he said those words after beating the 49ers in San Francisco in a playoff game foreshadowing yep and and and again like this man is

Taking his rightful place among Cowboy royalty tonight the Cowboys have to win but Jimmy Johnson Round of Applause one more time I’m so happy that he’s going in tonight and yes spoiler alert like me and a lot of other Cowboy Nation members I will be crying at half time during

That ceremony not afraid to say it I’ll I’ll get you some tissues later on no doubt no doubt we the boys yep jimm Jimmy Johnson got the best offense in uh Madden facts oh that was my guy yeah facts and that’s where Kell Moore was learning how to play offensive

Coordinator yeah it’s a Savage right there Savage right there how how the Chargers doing yeah yeah fire the head coach all right do you have your hero of the week yet oh I do I just remembered let’s do it my where’s where’s the music I need the

Music yeah you needi fire baby you got to do it you got to make it do what it do baby my hero of the week goes to Sam Darnell I love that guy Peter Parker yo you know what it is to come to work Play Seven plays do good and that’s it that’s

It you’re good like that’s my hero that’s who I want to be in my next life Sam darnold in his life Jet’s Legend yeah who you said would look like Steve Young y Plug and Play he got mono he went to work for one minute one more tell me

Tell lies for for Jay he he nailed it he nailed it tell me what I’m telling lies and I also said with the Jets in the commanders game that Greg the leg would be the MVP of that game too tell me what I’m telling lies again well well

Done yeah yeah yeah I’ve been watching it for 25 years 25 anyway uh my hero of the week um so I music yeah come on man let’s do this so I already nominated one Jets player a clown of the week and I’m going to nominate another Jets player as hero

Of the week and this is actually taken in a serious note so everybody knows about the Walter Payne man of the year that gave it to you know for their contribut tations to Charities and so on and so forth um I feel like this man doesn’t get enough shine on the Jets or

In this category and I want to give my hero the week to Solomon Thomas because he is very prevalent on the mental health thing that’s going on right now unfortunately his sister passed away from suicide because she had her own mental health issues going on back then

And he’s been spreading the message in in such a great and Valiant way and me being a mental health Advocate myself and going through the struggles myself prior I know what it’s like and I can’t think of anybody else off the top of my head that’s actually been prevalent on

The mental health front as far as like cont contributions to spreading the m in the NFL so I want to give my hero of the week to Solomon Thomas for that one yeah and going off of that going off of that you sent Walter Payton Man of the

Year Dak Prescott the current reigning Walter um Payton man of the year he lost his brother to Mental Health that’s right by Suicide and so and again I myself someone who battles with depression anxiety again round of applause for anybody battling with that especially especially now during this

Holiday season we know that it’s been a rough year uh but you know what we’ve we’re here for you guys thank you so much for tuning in to both of our respective shows to Y BTV Sports shout out to all the callers all the guests shout out to Mo in the building shout

Out to Marvin the building shout out to everybody watching and listening we can’t thank you so much can’t thank you enough uh but Mo thank you for coming through man we really appreciate it man yeah you definitely held on your own uh anybody want to give a personally shout

Out to right now oh I want to give a shout out to my man sto okay that guy I’m in a fantasy league with him he has never made the playoffs and talks the most is I love that guy he loves cadarius Tony he loves Duke Johnson just random

Players he loves Dray mongre he just be talking sounds like somebody we should have on the show that guy is cooked but where can people find you IG at work mostly at work nah man I love sports bro that’s why I told Jay I’ll come up here and you

Know chop it up with you guys you you guys are you guys are very knowledgeable a lot of those names I’m like who this guy knew the ref I’m like what deino jean stator all you name them up I appreciate guys having me man I

Love the show was a good show brother no doubt no doubt Marv can we get the Ric Flair take us on home Baby One More Time like it or don’t like it learn to love it because it is the best thing going all right ladies and gentlemen

That’s going to do it for this episode of Y BTV Sports thank you so much for tuning in you can find me at Jason _ on Instagram Tik Tok Twix threads all social media platforms don’t forget to like And subscribe by first class second place now streaming on All Digital

Platforms and don’t forget about the youo boy podcast now streaming on allra digital platforms and YouTube don’t forget to buy the merch ladies and gentlemen live fromy Studios I’m Jason that’s youo that’s Mo thank you so much and like herw says you play to win the game we are out peace yeah where

Like life get learn the love because it is the best thing going

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