2024 season opener: An important few months ahead | Golf Channel Podcast | Golf Channel

In this edition of the Golf Channel Podcast with Rex & Lav, the guys discuss the PGA Tour’s Dec. 31 deadline extension, storylines from the first event of the new Tour season, and which players could make great broadcasters. #GolfChannel #golfchannelpodcast #pgatour

0:00: Rex pays off his Georgia/Florida State bet
06:30: PGA Tour working to extend deadline with PIF
13:30: The Sentry preview, storylines to watch, why no Player of the Year announcement
23:30: Kevin Kisner makes debut in booth; who else could fill the role?
35:00: What’s on the grill for the week ahead

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2024 season opener: An important few months ahead | Golf Channel Podcast | Golf Channel

Hello and welcome into this edition of the Golf Channel podcast with Rex and La Christmas is over so to is New Year’s before we get into the news of the day and a preview of the century the first event of the new PJ tour season Rex what are your New Year’s resolutions both

Personally and professionally never bet against Georgia again does that yeah you wanna you want to help the the folks that aren’t on the visual on this yes this is yeah we’re not we’re not servicing the audio listeners on this one but Rex did have a bet as it

Pertained to the Georgia Florida State uh Orange Bowl for some reason Rex wanted to do this straight up even though George I believe no I asked for the points you wouldn’t give me the points it wouldn’t have mattered but I I did ask for the point yeah it absolutely

Did not matter I believe they closed as a 20-point favorite I mean they were initially installed as a 14 15 16 point favorite uh I think Florida state was missing 21 starters on both the offensive defensive sides of the ball and predictably it did not go well for

The seminal 63 to three and so the bet that you and I had was if Georgia won you would have to wear a Georgia Band-Aid in your cancer spot if Florida State won which obviously wasn’t going to happen I don’t even remember what the bet would have been it was a very lame

Weak heart week he’d have to wear FSU hat like I couldn’t come up with anything creative because I didn’t feel good about my chances I did not know when I made the bet it it was not 21 starters it was clearly they did not have their quarterback I was thinking

Both teams were going to have more than their share of opt outs that was not the case Georgia outside of Brock had everyone right uh they were missing their offensive tackle who’s likely to be a top 10 pick in April’s NFL draft we do we do have to Bid Farewell to Lad

Makoni one of my favorite Bulldogs of all time who just declared for the NFL draft on Monday he will be Jilly missed but hopefully Kirby Smart will not just be restocking but reloading as well Rex you skipped over the look what a good job bu did she had to do on the cricket

She nailed it she nailed it you you went the you went the cheap route and didn’t get them on Amazon so we appreciate bunk handywork on the Band-Aid how about the New Year’s resolutions you had a whole day to think about it what do you have

For us I did I did come up with some resolutions I didn’t realize you and I were going to talk about them uh I think it’s and it’s normal stuff for me I don’t know how you do it it’s not like I make some big life changing choices like

I’m going to work out every day or I’m going to quit doing this because I’m not going to quit doing anything if I’m being honest but I I did make some resolutions to be a better husband a better father a better uh better reporter better cooworker like you

Always wanted oh it’s the 1% better you always want you mind sharing any specific details of how of how you would do those things uh well I’m starting 2024 by paying off a b which is wearing a University of Georgia sticker over my as you put it cancer spot it is benign we

Keep going back to that so I I feel like that this is all part of the content effort just trying to create better content I’m starting right there uh that that is a good one uh and we do appreciate your efforts uh thank you for

Asking yours is going to Bar more I got I know what yours are no so it actually it actually is related to that personally I’m gonna try and do at least 30 minutes of activity per day whatever that means it could be pickleball it could be walking around the neighborhood

Uh it could be going to the gym uh it could be literally anything just being active I remember Patrick kentley once told me when he was preparing for his P tour comeback I think that would have been 2017 following all the back issues he told me

That your body is like a car and you only get one of them in your life so you better take good care of it orless it’s going to break down and so look I’m always going to eat what I want I’m always going to use my grills uh it has

Been a very active holiday season but I better try and offset it at least some point before I turn into a fat and disgusting blob uh professionally um yeah I think trying to grow this as much as possible uh would be a very good goal and I know we’re

About to talk about like the tour piff negotiations but I kind of want to get back to my storytelling roots and what I and and what I do best that’s writing and talking about professional golfers I had like a Moment of clarity during this holiday season and that whatever is

Going to happen with this tour piff stuff has absolutely zero bearing on my life whatsoever it has no effect on my family or my future happiness so why not work and do the work on the guys that actually could make the difference it makes me feel better about myself uh Rex

Divergent on that one I don’t feel like we’re we’re we’re connecting at all we’re heading in different directions on that front I will say and I wanted to ask you this because today we’re we’re we’re taping this on the second yesterday was the first there was there

Was a ton of football there was a ton of food there I I just feel slothy I don’t feel good like I that’s why we have to incorporate this 30 minutes of of of activity today I worked out every day over the break like I I I don’t need to

Make a resolution like I’m I’m going to work out anyway I’m going to go play pickle ball I’m going to play golf I’m going to do something that’s not even it it was like yesterday the first was just such a because you couldn’t like from

The time I that they turned game day on came up at whatever 10 o’clock in the morning until the time the last game ended with Washington in Texas I I really didn’t walk away from the TV and I always had something in my hand

Whether if that was a drink or if it was some sort of snack or whatever the case may be and I just feel I just feel like I should lay on the floor for a few weeks yeah I mean I’m with you at this point we’re recording this on Tuesday

Like we had a party at the house for the Georgia game on Saturday we had the J Jags game on Sunday obviously we know what that uh means in terms of of tailgating yesterday I played golf and then it as you mentioned sat in front of

The TV for several hours on end this isn’t even a brag like I I I’ve I’ve had at least one drink for so many consecutive days that like I think we just need to like push the reset button I I think we just need we need to we

Need to sweat this out we need to start over just take a little bit of a break it and just let just let my body cool out like we had prime last night and it’s just this enormous hunk of of of red meat it just it it cannot be healthy

No to consume as much as I have over the holiday season I’m not going to stop doing it but again just do 30 minutes of something and try and offset it and get get get the car fluids uh running as efficiently and effectively as possible all right Rex as I mentioned over the

Break there was a little bit of news at least it was an update on the PJ tour piff negotiations that of course had the December 31st deadline as outlined in the framework agreement I actually found this hilarious but the tour literally waited until December 31st at about 5 or

6 PM nope 5m it was 5 P PM 5 PM on New Year’s Eve to provide an update to the membership uh I found this to kind of be the bold-faced headline coming out of that memo from Jay Monahan the PJ tour commissioner quote we are working to

Extend our negotiations into next year based on the progress we have made to date just not outline a specific new date for a deadline you would think they would want this wrapped up by the Masters actually you think they would want this wrapped up the month before at

The Players Championship the PJ Tor Flagship event and where they tend to like to roll out their bright and shiny new toys what’ you make of this uh well the timing got me first I think you and I both have talked about it I I have numerous sources at the tour that have

Told me all along that December 31st was very much a soft deadline that they just put it in there as sort of a benchmark you and I’ve been told that in these types of negotiations you have to be working towards something they can’t be open-ended because if not the lawyers

Will let this go on forever so in this particular case they had to put something in there I’ve also was told like this is very complicated so even if they did come up with something before December 31st it wasn’t going to be detailed we weren’t going to know

Exactly what the new entity was going to look like it was going to be more of a financial agreement at that point the fact that they kicked the can is not surprising I think we saw it coming for a long time the fact they waited until

Five o’clock on December 31st I mean I just happened to be staring at my phone when the memo landed in my inbox and I was just kind of shocked by it because I I kind of assumed at that point that oh they’re not going to make any announcement that they’re just gonna

Wait until next week and then they’re going to come out and say something they’re going to continue to try to work towards an agreement whatever the case may be it leads me to well I think we can we can sort of take two things from the fact that they did this at five

O’clock one that the negotiations went to the wire that apparently they they are continuing to talk there’s no reason to wait till five if you aren’t having conversations you could have done this a week earlier and saved everyone a lot of waiting and a lot of uh heartache the

Other half of this is is the wording of the memo that you just pointed out and that’s that’s what I took away it’s not as though the memo said oh we’re kicking the can down the the street it was okay the initial deadline is December 31st to

Reach an agreement we are working to extend our negotiations I I didn’t know how to really write that on you know New Year’s Eve at six o’clock as as I just pointed out I’m a little Floy probably had a cocktail or two if I’m being completely honest I did not read that

With the idea being oh like this is definitely going into next year they’re going to continue negotiating we are working to extend the deadline we have not extended past tense definitive we are working to extend we didn’t see any update from Liv we didn’t see any update from the piff this is the

PJ tour saying we are working to extent I found that actually interesting as well words are important and in this particular case I think the wording of that is interesting look we’re going to continue to watch this from all indications are there isn’t a new deadline as of yet I would expect there

To be one and we’ll probably hear more about that as we get into this week at the century but man I mean everything about it was a little weird well and everything about this since June six has been a little weird but the fact that it

Was 5:00 on December 31st I mean I had been told all along that yeah that’s not going to happen that’s not the way these things worked and that’s exactly how these things worked I the big question that I have Rex after after reading the memo after

Seeing how this is all gone down if you’re seeing uh kind of no indication from the live or piff side and I don’t think it’s a it’s a question that’s going to be answered anytime soon is is do they have some sort of moratorium on poaching more PJ tour

Players like Liv could continue to Strongarm the PJ tour in negotiations by plucking off a handful more guys to round out its 2024 roster Liv’s not playing its first event for another month if you wanted to keep putting the squeeze on the tour you would continue to go after these guys

Until until the tour is in a position that it absolutely has to acques to whatever live in the piff is asking for I’m not sure if by working to extend the negotiations if that’s some sort of clause in there were there some sort of Dayton but I would find

That very interesting because if these are ongoing negotiations if it could still be contentious I I still believe piff could even apply more pressure on the tour I don’t think so and this goes back to the original framework agreement that was written in there that you know

They wanted to do away with the poaching they wanted some sort of Peace at least during these negotiations and the doj push back on the language they just didn’t like the language so the tour took it out unilaterally because they knew they didn’t want to create any more

Red flags than this had already created my guess is they’re not going to suddenly add it in there now it’s not as though the doj is going to like it any more now than they would have six months ago but I’m saying like if if they have

To add they’ve got to fill out John ROM’s team anyway I think we discussed this I mean I think it’s safe to say one of those players is probably gonna have come from the promotions event and then the other two I mean we can figure out whatever combination of rumors that

We’ve heard they’re going to fill it out before the negotiations are over I don’t think at this point John ROM was was all the chips in the middle of the table I I don’t know if you can come up with another chip that’s really going to make

That big of a difference because the the message was clear you don’t need to say it any louder like we’re here to stay uh maybe but I just think if if you’re at the finish line if you’re continue to negotiate up until 4:59 pm. Eastern Time

On on New Year’s Eve and and you still continue to poach players from the PJ tour while you’re this close uh to me that would not be operating in good faith I’m just curious if there’s some sort of like handshake agreement I’m not sure there’s anything formal any sort of

Legal Clause uh but if there’s just kind of an understanding hey I I think we’re good here we’re not going to continue to make any more runs at player XYZ on the PJ tour and I think and again this goes to the idea that I this these

Negotiations aren’t going to be done by the time they play the first event so there’s going to be other players that go now now who are those players they could be just random Asian tour players off the international series that would be the easiest and straight most

Straightforward way to do it in the short term I don’t think JN wants to do it my guess is he wants a team and he probably has his two or three players he has in mind that he wants to go get and it doesn’t sound as if whatever is going

On between the piff and the PGA Tour is going to stop that at least in the short term and I do think that is a good segue Rex to the Sentry which is not just a Winner’s only event on the PGA tour but John ROM was is the defending champion

Of this event at capalo it’s now a signature event on the PJ tour for the top 50 plus so I think it definitely has at least on paper a different feel to it there’s no Roy mroy uh per usual he will start his year in the Middle East uh no

Defending champion this week as we just mentioned John ROM it does it does feel at least a little more real Rex not seeing John ROM’s name on a PG tour field list what do you make of that what do you make of kind of the lack of star

Power at the very top for the kickoff event for the PJ tour season well I think you say it’s a lack of star power but technically just one player who’s eligible didn’t show up and that was Roy technically John ROM was no those those are two of the three best players in the

World no I agree and so it’s a 59 player field and so at most you were going to have 61 players and those other two were going to be big players but that’s what the tour is created like we can sit here and say oh it’s not the big names that

We want and you know that maybe that’s a bigger and larger conversation to come up with but this is the criteria they came up with to fill these signature event Fields now this one’s a little bit different and we’ll we’ll get a better handle on exactly what it’s going to

Look like by the time we get to Pebble Beach which is the next signature event and then obviously La after that so I I would expect Rory for sure we’ll probably play both of those but this one’s different and it is a bit of a litmus test I mean I I think we’ve

Talked about this in the past I I haven’t covered Maui in a long time this probably was the year to go out there for no other reason then you want to see are they going to be different and from a field standpoint I think we can both

Agree that probably not it doesn’t yeah you got about 20 15 more players in the field than what you normally end up with but it’s not as though there’s names in that field that you’re gonna be like oh yeah I’m definitely tuning in I’m definitely tuning in because I love Maui

And I love capalo I think it’s a cool way to start the year but no it doesn’t have whatever it is the signature events are going to become that doesn’t feel like the end product right now and In fairness 59 out of 60 eligible players like there’s nothing else the tour could

Have done so I’m not quite sure what else they could have done but it doesn’t feel special yet I I mean if anything it is a boosted version of what it had been for years I mean this was sure strictly a winners only event you had what 32 33

34 players it was just kind of a soft launch the PJ tour season kind of the Farmers Insurance open at Tory Pines where Tiger Wood so routinely made his debut for the year like that always felt like the real start to the PGA Tour season I I think not having

ROM in these PJ tour Fields anymore especially these signature type events I think it just kind of reaffirms the fact that the PJ tour needs to Crown new stars and they need to Crown them like very quickly here like I’m talking the field has that I mean your boy is in the

Field Victor hin they’re not they’re not Stars yet I’m talking about they need they need to elevate you can’t s fingers and make them Stars they they they need to win that’s what I’m saying like the PJ tour needs to be the launching pad for these players whether it’s a like an

OE batia type you know I think Tom Kim obviously there’s there’s room for growth there uh lud VI oer I think is the obvious one based on what he did to end 2023 that he could Elevate in a New Direction but I think not having John having these established stars who we

Already know whether it’s Scotty sheffler Patrick kentley Xander sh like we already know those guys like they need to kind of fill the coffers and and make sure the cupboard is full to to use another cliche I think I think over the next month or two those guys really need

To step up and win and make sure the PJ tours is is best positioned otherwise I think it’s in danger of feeling a little bit flat in in the r to the Masters Golf Riders of America just announced their players of the Year John ROM won the

Player of the year for the gwaa astute list you heard it here first on the go show a little bit here you can’t apparently can’t say anything in front of Ryan lavner even when the cameras are off because he’s just going to blurt it out so a week later after Ryan lavner

Let the world know that John ROM was the gwa player the year it actually is official so the lesson here being don’t tell Ryan labar anything you don’t want the world to know that’s that’s the number one rule also keep in mind that the PJ tour season is about 48 hours

From starting and yet we do not know who won the PJ Tour player of the year that’s fascinating for 2023 or the 2023 Rookie of the Year what does that mean does that mean does that mean John ROM won it and they’re trying to move some votes around what’s going on oh doesn’t

Mean that you think they’re gonna really you think they’re going to Tinker with the vote that sounds like something happen why has it not been released uh I don’t voting ended voting ended December 15th uh I agree uh it is interesting to me because every year when they do their

Media guide it’s the way they’ve done it sort of in recent years they’ve done like a picture of the player of the year and then the picture of the FedEx Cup champion if they’re separate and then sometimes they do the Rookie of the Year depending it’s just going to be like a silhouette

Just guess yeah it’s just gonna be like that what you see on those betting forms when you can bet on player X Y or Z and I think I if they did the Voting that way I think we talked about this I think John ROM probably should be the player

Of the year I curious of the timing of when the ballots went out they went out essentially the week after the Monday or Tuesday after the RSM classic and so my guess is and I’ve asked a couple players about this if they do vote most players

Don’t vote by the way if they do vote they turn it around pretty quickly they see it they immediately click on the link and it’s it’s it’s a really easy process and vote for whoever they want for that particular award I I guess that most of the votes were cast before John

ROM going to live golf really became a thing because if not the politics of it’s going to get involved and you’re right I think the tours would rather their Player of the Year not be the newly minted live golf player of the year I mean maybe they are waiting until

This week to present it to Scotty Sheffer in person that’s certainly a possibility Scotty to me would be the the the second most logical choice for winning PJ Tour player of the year not to suggest there’s anything nefarious going on but that’s obvious obviously uh reasonable to assume that that could

Happen I I do think that John ROM most likely won that Ward and it will be delicious to see how this all goes down Rex how about some story lines to watch this week Scotty coming off the win in the Bahamas his first full tournament with putty coach Phil Kenyan in his

State table he wins against the 20-man field at the Hero World Challenge obviously Victor hlin coming off that insane back half of the year which culminated with the FedEx Cup title K morawa is another name I’d throw out there he was up by six last year of

Course uh and blew it to John ROM looking to avenge that he also won in the fall at the Zozo Championship a guy that you had pegged to fall outside the top 25 now firmly that was looking at the top was looking good for a while 15

What’s St line you’re looking to watch this week at kaaloa uh last year Scotty Sheffer was named player of the year on September 10th to give you some sort of reference on that one so they’re they’re not only are they late but they’re historically late on that front I’m

Going to go with the the younger players because that like when I was going over the field the the Maui field this morning like it’s to in my mind this is that stepping Point you’re right like okay now do it in Maui like you know Oar

Did it at the RSM classic he did it at the r cup which is you know I don’t know if it gets more pressure than that but you did it at the RSN classic now it’s time to do it in a signature event certainly Victor hlin would be the guy

You would watch because of the way he finished last season I I don’t know Scotty Doesn’t strike me as someone that comes out fully versed after a couple of weeks off he he seems like he’s like you and I he he probably is more like you and I on that respect that he’s

Literally just won in the Bahamas after taking six weeks off F the rer cup and my guess is that he has not touched the golf club since the Bahamas so he’s he’s probably going to come out a little slothy so I would expect one of the younger players and we we talked about

Him just like you and I just a little slothy on that front I’m going to go to the other side of this though and point out and I said that all right the field is a little underwhelming based on and you’re right it’s probably all just John

ROM because Rory never really plays it but I love watching this because this is almost like and and I don’t mean this and this is almost like the Pro Bowl in my mind because of the time of day it’s on because it’s limited field because

It’s in Maui at capala at and you have those amazing views and it’s always one of those golf courses where guys just stand on T boxes and swing as hard as they possibly can eight out of the top 10 drives last year on the PGA Tour all

Came at capalo it is just a driver Fest guys are out there swinging from their heels and it’s just entertaining to me I haven’t even checked the weather forecast remember the hellacious wins that just Dustin Johnson won one year uh it’s never fun if the golf course is

Playing a little bit wet a little bit softer I I’m with you like I want to see balls abs tumbling down the Fairway 400 425 yards I am looking forward to watching a couple other uh kind of story lines to watch like Xander schafle My

Player of the Year who did not pan out in 2023 Patrick Klay Sam Burns this year are you stick cam Young no we’re we’re moving on uh none of those players Rex won a golf tournament in 2023 do they get out of the gates quick in 2024 I

Think that’ll be interesting to see and Jordan SP who you and I touched on it was either the recap cap pod the preview pod who can say we did so many pods in the final month of 2023 like this feels like a a moment for him to step up he

Has he has become dangerously close to just another guy on the PJ Tour by any statistical metric has won just twice since 2017 uh I’d love to see I think golf could desperately use the PJ tour it could desperately use a big gear from Jordan spe at a place where he has had

Success in the past uh one interesting subplot Rex to this week sentury it’s going to be on Golf Channel and NBC is Kevin kizner go dogs is in the booth alongside Dan Hicks it’s kind of a tryy out run I don’t think there’s actually like a set uh analyst they’re going to

Have in the booth for NBC events this year replacing Paul ainger how do you think kiz will do uh I think he’ll do well and and here’s the deal like and I hate talking about TV because it seems so self- serving on our point but this is a topic

Of conversation going into next year because everyone is curious we are both big fans of Kevin kizner and he sort of has this sort of self-deprecating southern style of humor that I think it lands really really well in the middle of a media scrum I don’t know how well

That’s going to land in the middle of a telecast and so I’m I’m curious how you make and I remember having this conversation with Davis love when he was trying to sort of get his foot in the door for TV and I don’t feel like like

He was given a very good chance to succeed because it’s not easy like there are those who who make it look easy and I think Paul ainger made it look easy for a long time but you have to have some sort of relationship with your co-host you have to understand the

Timing of it Kevin kizner is really good giving you an answer about really anything you want to ask him about but is he good getting in that small window can he do it in a 5-second clip and immediately move to the 11th hole because that’s where you know Roy maroy

Is teeing off I I think those are things that he has to learn and so if he has been given the opportunity to succeed and again I keep going back to that like if you if you put someone that’s talented and creative and funny in this

Situation you need to make sure that you allow him to be himself I I don’t want him to become Paul ainger or Nick F or Johnny Miller or anyone that came before him I think he can create his own lane if he’s given that opportunity he’s an

Interesting choice I’m not sure I I necessarily would have thought him to be uh in the booth but he is quick witted he’s self-de ated he’s a proven winner uh he’s obviously still well connected to the modern PJ Tour player like he still has full status on the PJ tour for

2024 uh he just he’s kind of been battling the driver Yips and uh some of the fun has been taken out of the game he wants to try something else but you know he you have to have a little bit of an edge in this role and be unafraid and

So I think he checks all those boxes does Kevin ker I remember talking to Johnny Miller back in the day he was he was doing his uh final event for NBC uh and he was at the Phoenix Open and he said that being in the booth is a much

Different job than being on the set and kind of being an analyst he said you have to talk in what is essentially 10 to 12 second bites yeah and you have to say something interesting and you have to say something that isn’t original it can’t just be this this this cliched

Comment then you move on to the next thing like you like you have to throw absolute daggers one after another so I actually think Kevin Kevin kizner could do that I just don’t know if he could do that for an entire year who else Rex would you actually want to see in this

Role I find it very interesting that if you look at the players who are on live golf a lot of those guys would have been and and potentially still can be depending on how this merger all pans out and if if this you know the sides have some sort of healing like Phil

Michelson Grant McDow Ian polter Paul Casey I think I think all of those guys would have been great in the booth and potentially still could be uh if there’s some sort of merger and if cooler heads prevail and these guys can get back kind of in the mainstream mix I think so I

Talked with Gran mcdal about this earlier this year at toal about just the idea of I think he would have been brilliant when he sort of transitioned from his playing days to the booth we had talked about this like I felt like he was going to fit because he’s really

Good at fitting in those small windows and I’m not saying Kevin won’t be it’s just sort of learned experience but when you I I I we have both seen GMAC in those situations and it’s a good flow to it he’s won major championships he’s played in Ryder Cup he has the resume he

Also has the opinion so I think he would be very good I think according to the various reports in in I wouldn’t know we wouldn’t know because we have we’re literally the last to know we are the last to know but Jeff ogy is the name

That yeah he could be very good po cropping up and I feel like that he could do a very good job he’s such a thoughtful individual and look this goes back to his playing days and I mean he was always one of the most enjoyable interviews regardless of what you were

Asking him about whether if it was Tiger Woods’s new swing or Golf Course design whatever the case may be I can see that translating really well to The Telecast and he’s Jeff has been on a couple podcasts he’s been on a couple telecasts I think he feels a little bit more

Comfortable than the others will in this particular situation I’ll be curious to see how long we NBC Sports does the rotation where they’re trying to find the right person I like the idea of let’s put a couple people in the chair and see what’s work worked best I think

That’s what you do in every other job so why wouldn’t you do it on this front yeah public Tri out uh is certainly an interesting way to go about it but you will you will know right away all you need to do is go to and

Search and search that analyst name and they will let you know how they’re doing I actually thought po Paul McGinley was was excellent uh he was in the booth for the Hero World Challenge splitting time with Kurt Byam as well when you look at the other players in the world of golf

Who you could see making this transition very easily whe whether it’s next year in the years to come like I think Billy Billy horel will be a great analyst one day I’m not sure he could speak in 10 to 12 second sound bites but I could see

Him on the death from live from being very good padrick Carrington another guy who you would not necessarily uh want for 10 seconds Just Wind him up a live from give him a 10 minute segment very spirited debates with brandle shamble literally learner would just have to

Like have a four or five word question and just tee those guys off and they can go to break 12 or 13 minutes later I think kind of more obscure guys like Joel Damon has already kind of experimented with that role uh he did like the Netflix cup uh calling gol for

That like I think he’d uh kind of be that self-deprecating uh analyst as well Jason duffner kind of an obscure name but actually a very thoughtful guy if you get him in the right setting and I think he would be well I think he would do very well and how about this name

With a little bit more success because you kind of have to have you kind of have to have pedigree as well right if you want viewers to trust you you kind of had to been in that situation that’s a moving Target because I would say that

Look we both are big fans of Paul McGinley it’s not as though you look at his resume as a player and went oh yeah like World Golf Hall of Famer that’s not the case at all I me he was a rerup caliber player and Captain he no he was

Brant rer Cup captain I think he’s very very good on TV he’s always thoughtful whenever you spend time around him but if you look I remember doing this back in the day when he was named captain and at the time the American side was so

Caught up on this idea oh it had to be a aast major champion and everything like his at that time Paul mcginley’s career was comparable to Chad Campbell’s career on the PGA tour and I’m not TR like that comes across Chad Campbell us to love

Chad but it was it was a very very similar comp when you look at number of starts number of top 10 number of wins and what they had accomplished so I I the only thing that separated Paul was his play actually in the Ryder Cup so I

Don’t I don’t subscribe to this theory that it has to be a major Champion like I feel like Brad Faxon would be really really good at that and like I’ve ran this by Brad before and he kind of dismisses the idea saying that oh he doesn’t feel like he has the pedigree

For that I don’t believe that I have like six or seven wins uh oh he does absolutely but I think more like when you start talking about who’s going to take that poing or mold or job like then you start getting in we get caught in

This idea that oh he’s got to be a major Champion or you know he can’t pull it off I don’t believe that yeah I mean that was always the rush to kind of anoint David Duval and I thought David Duval was very good uh at times on on

Television but he was a guy who was a former world number one a major Champion uh stared tiger down head-to-head like in in that Heyday and and he was kind of the guy that they wanted in that Booth I think on the opposite end and where I

Was kind of going with this is I think I think Bo hostler would be a phenomenal golf analyst I don’t know if he wants to do it I don’t he’s still very young in his career he’s still in his 20s but that’s kind of an obscure

Name keep your eye on Bo Hustler uh over the next couple years I think he could be terrific Rex anything else that’s an ultimate hot take from you throw it out there because no one’s ever going to circle back around 10 years no I no we’re gonna we’re gonna Circle back on

This June 2nd 2024 podcast I’m like David Duval one of spectrum B Hustler very much on the other end I think they could be both terrific at their jobs both very uh big golf nerds who can articulate their points very well how about that and again I hate talking

About TV because it feels so self serving but I thought of you uh yesterday during game day were you watching game day and you see what your boy MCA did I was playing golf oh his McAfee I’m sorry mcafe Chris Christi mcaffrey he’d be very good at it the

Running back m is who I’m Pat McAfee is who I’m talking about he had himself a day you need to go back and and check oh no I saw I saw the clip that is gone we will not I was watching it live I had to rewind it like three times like what

Just happened there uh I mean it’s it’s everywhere now if you had not looked it up it has to deal with naysayers very very funny and good television I think will say that that’s why Rees is the best at what he does like we have some really really good

Ones at our shop you and I are big friends of Steve SS clearly Rich learner is is the is the alpha on our side but watching ree sort of weigh through what was a mindfield that could have exploded in so many different ways and then for

Him to finally get back to the read and do it in such a professional way and then lean into and that’s how you do a professional read when you have hij Jinks around you that’s there’s a reason why Inside the NBA and college game day win sports emies each and every single

Year because there’s great chemistry there’s great trust uh you can kind of tell um the relationships that they’ve forged over years it just kind of permeates through the television that was another one of those moments I also think a good reminder for us and fellow TV heads like this is not rocket science

We’re not curing cancer like it’s it’s okay to have fun we’re really talking about I want to throw Anna and car like now I feel like I’m leaving someone behind the only person we’re not leaving behind is Todd Lewis I feel like I can leave him behind

But we have we have some brilliant folks on our side but reys I mean that was shes kiss the way the way he just finished everything out and wrapped put a bow on it little smirk on his face got through the Minefield no one got blown up let’s just take let’s just throw

Let’s toss let’s be done with this guy’s just trying to read the teleprompter and all of a sudden he is navigating landmines Rex final week of the NFL season on Deck the national championship game on Monday will’ll be potting after that on Tuesday what’s on the grill are

We gonna pod about the national championship game is that is that what we have to do now after yeah we have to have we have to have some sort of material assum assuming that what happens at the century will not be able to occupy 45 minutes of our time I I’m

Gonna say this because I had to keep showing people that were over at my house last night and so I was on a I was on a text chain with you and our friend March leall the ultimate bul dog at ESPN clearly and you two had a rooting

Interest in this game and it was fascinating to watch and and I was kind of doing a play byplay for the folks who were at my wa house watching the game because you two were so invested in Alabama just by proxy because I know I know where your mind was going because

You felt like oh if Alabama runs Michigan off the field and that’s just another reason why Georgia should have gotten the call I think I think we I think we both just hate Michigan uh I I all three of us hate Michigan for for different reasons uh but I I I think I

Picked up on what was going on and I’m also going to say going back to the Georgia Florida State thing because you didn’t give me a chance to clear the air I will give Kirby your coach your ball coach a monsoon of credit he could have

Sat in that chair after that game and just crowed about this is why Georgia should have been in the playoffs because we just ran a really bad Florida State team off the field he didn’t do that he used his bullpit he used his time at the microphone to point out that the

System’s broken and that other the locker room the FSU locker room is broken because of it like there’s no way those kids should have had to endure that that said I think Kirby could have called off the dogs before he got the 63 points he was trying he wasn’t playing

As starters in the second half Florida state was just so bad that they had they had no third string was not good that they they clearly went out a championship quality team for their third string however I will give Kirby credit that that was class and so that’s

Why I’m wearing that I mean it’s also it’s also easy to say knowing that the format is going to be changed uh in 2024 and you’re going to go to the 12 team playoff with buys blowouts uh I’m still not totally sold that that’s the right

Way to do it but I do think it will solve some of these opt out Kirby wanted to get rid of the bowl games I didn’t like that take at all yesterday I do no one’s watching that I am who’s who’s watching that I am I did I just said

It’s been a slothy month I need to be done with football spend some time with your family pick up pick up some Hobbies I you know what I I’d like I like actually you and I were talking about that what was that thing called that bar store Arizona bowl or whatever

It was I got got up in it was W wing and someone else I forget who was even playing in that game but I was interested it was like 1615 it was actually a pretty good game it was on Saturday uh it was better than whatever

The big game was supposed to be I couldn’t even tell you who who that one should have been either that was Georgia Florida State it immediately followed that game it was there was a game on during that uh bar stew bowl and we had we had vastly different opinions on the

Announcing for the Baro ball uh I didn’t weigh in I had it on mute again I can’t stress enough we were having a party at the lavender household where Cam actually stayed up until 9:30 which is the latest my 5-year-old has ever stayed up he paid for it for the

Rest of the weekend re you’ve not mentioned the actual question was what is on the grill we’re trying to get we’re trying to get sponsorship for 2024 what is on the grill alcohol sponsor uh grilling sponsor anybody hit us up I trying to we’re trying to do this uh

Hopefully no alcohol sponsors right now as I as I pointed out I think both of us need to dry out a little bit as of right now actually I realized have you ever done this we’ve gone through your freezer and like I will I I don’t cook

All of the ribs that come from Costco now I essentially just cook half of them only because it’s only going to be my wife and I and maybe one of the kids and so between the ribs I found a half a pork butt and I had some pork belly

There’s going to be a lot on the grill the next two or three days like I’m just waiting for it to all thaw out and I’m just gonna it’s like it was a hurricane when you lose power after a hurricane you just cook everything you have and

That’s kind of what I’m going to do over the next two or three days yeah I do need to clean out the freezer I just think that’s a good exercise to do uh if not seasonally or if not if not monthly at least do it seasonally you you you

Left us hanging Rex with your Christmas podcast saying that you were going to do a Christmas brisket did you did you chicken out on the Christmas brisket I did I I got scared uh I chickened out um and I I actually I think I told you this

So I have the brisket still because I wandered by it like I was stuck in Costco I was like stuck in this Costco jail waiting for my kids Tire to get finished over in the tire center and so literally I walked by the brisket like 10 times I just kept wandering up and

Down the aisle just staring at it it was it was it was just mocking me the whole time do it uh I bought it I haven’t froze it yet I probably need to decide today if I’m gonna if I’m gonna do it now or freeze it and try to do it at a

Later date I have both a brisket and a full a full lamb that are sitting in the freezer again I can’t stress enough I have to lean off the red meat like it’s been it’s been a month I haven’t got my cholesterol checked in a long time uh it

Wasn’t too long ago where I was in the dangerous levels and needing to go uh vegan for six months to get them back into the safe Zone I really don’t want to have to do that again I’m not six years removed from that I really don’t

Want to do that again so I probably will pause that and maybe do it next month maybe maybe a Valentine’s Day brisket that’s the way to go Valentine’s Day bin is that a thing are you just making this up I’ll have to check with the wife on that one Valentine’s Day does follow

Around the Super Bowl so we we can tie in the two all right that’s going to do it for this edition if you gol Channel podcast with Rex and lab make sure you go to golf Rex and I will be up late Thursday through Sunday work

On the desk cranking out some blogs checking the transcripts keeping you guys up to date on all things that are happening in Maui at kaaloa the idilic destination at kaaloa can’t wait to see that honor television screen starting on Thursday but thank you guys for listening we’ll be back next week for

Full recap the national championship game and the first PG Tour event of the Season as well have a great week mahalo


  1. I will really enjoy watching up and comers play on the pga as opposed to watching an exhibition match. Greg Norman was maybe my all time favorite but is dead to me now. Phil as well.

  2. Quit fretting about cholesterol. Worthless metric. It’s World Carnivore Month. Get Dr Shawn Baker. Talk to Keegan Bradley. Eat the meat. Eat the animal fat. Cut out all sugary foods and starches. No grains sweeteners or seed oils.

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