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Today we’re going to be looking at every single infinite premium plastic disc that they sent out to me getting our first impressions of them I know these videos have been a little bit all over the place recently especially with being a little bit sick but today we’re just going to do a chill

Fieldwork session we’re back at elevation in Denver it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve thrown here it’s been six days since I’ve thrown a disc at all seven which is crazy for me if you guys watch my announcement video I don’t have all of the putter plastic Putters that

Were in there so we are not going to throw the myth or the Scarab we’re basically just going to be getting First Impressions and if I don’t feel like there’s a good throw maybe we’ll throw it a second or third time cuz this is a

Lot of discs to do like a full review of but there’ll be an individual video for each of them over on banana frol I did range out to that that goal down there it’s 447 from here but we’re going to start out with the tombs here s blend

And I blend this is also kind of the warm-up throw so if they suck they suck but I heard they’re pretty straight someone in my Patron Discord called them an Envy I don’t feel like they’re going to be that overstable but we’ll go and rip them and kind of

See yeah that’s the I one it kind kind ofer flips out the box there okay first throw of the day esplin one I think it’s going to be a little more stable we’ll try to punch this on a little bit Annie and kind of see how it

Flies also slightly nose up but that one has a lot more Integrity than the eye blend ones which I think is we’re going to see that like the eye blend in all the premium Plastics I think maybe is a tick more stable than the G blend which

You don’t have any of these which is just gar plastic next let’s throw these rays which are kind of the ax3 this Pol top one I do not think wants to go very far there we go got a little more nose down yeah wow that’s some good over

Stability there okay I’m going have to throw my ruin after that I’m going to keep the bag that I chose in the initial video for first tags which is going to be tomorrow I think this one’s going to have some more Glide too so try to throw it on similar

Line yeah so overstable holy cow I think the difference you could see there is since that one didn’t have the puddle top it like moved more gently back to the left now I got to throw the ruin definitely has a different look almost more like zishes I really like

This metal flake Champion glow it’s at least metal flake whoa okay huh what the heck we’re going to throw those two again and kind of see maybe I actually got that one over nose down that now makes me want to throw these alpacas all four of these banza

Stamped ones which you might still be able to get we’ll throw on that same turnover and kind of see how it fights compared to that raise cuz we have four of these okay yeah o that’s really nice wow glidey so that one it got over and kind

Of held over and didn’t really fight back out like the Rays had some fight out at the end Heiser yeah wow that is really nice that’s like pretty much exactly where my prison plasma black Envy is it’s not going to flip up for me really but it’s not going to really fight out

Of it or be super dumpy oh slight Hiser classic classic me focus on actually bracing into it much better ooh that is nice holds a tight light does have a little over stability but nothing crazy and then we have this eyland alpaca don’t think this is going to be more

Overstable very similar very similar that was just a touch more Annie out of the hand my throats today are probably going to be the least consistent they’ve been in a while coming off of a little bit of sickness a lot of cold weather and new elevation but those flew really

Nice any more Putters in here oh yes we got a couple more by a couple a couple of the same ones the cohort it’s an ey blend cohort 3 and 1/2 speed 3.5 41 and then this Halo s blend one it feels so interesting in the hand honestly as

After I filmed that video I was like this kind of reminds me of like a baby Arrow might be the like closest glitch type disc that infinite has in their lineup but closer to an arrow than a glitch I’m hoping that’s the case cuz

That would be a lot of fun and it’s much more comfortable than an arrow oh that was kind of more stable than I thought this one I’m going try to put on like a high Annie line and just see if it fights out of it

Oh yeah that’s fun I mean I hit that pretty hard so you might have to you might have to like throw it harder than an arrow or a glitch to get that flight but that’s kind of like that panning glidey never even thought about coming

Out of it flight that is pretty sick to have let’s go walk down snag these discs I’ll throw them back and if there’s anything interesting I’ll put that in the video we do need to compare those raises and that ruin again because that was super surprising to me I really

Thought the ruin was going to be as over as the raises were wow these must be really glty cuz all the alpacas the cohort’s the only one that rivaled them in terms of how far it went the Halo one that I put on that big Annie like basically distance line that’s a fun

Disc yeah it’s definitely not as gliding as the arrow or the glitch I’m getting a little bit scared that I put this ruin in the bag for that kind of approach disc I wonder if I’m going to have any forehand approach discs hopefully we can forehand an Inca we’re not really for oh

That was better okay I must have hit the nose angle just right cuz I just kind of flicked that and it was kind of like a ESP Zone and kind of how it fought I just really hope that I threw it super inconsistent the first time all right

I’m going to throw raise ruin then raise again we’ll start with this R blend that’s nice wow I think I like that disc a lot more now that I’m throwing a lot harder I didn’t really love it when I did my initial review of it wait

Ruin oh good I threw it really bad the first time let’s go I guess I threw it really good cuz my first like four or five throws of the day as you guys saw were like Prett popping the nose up and then I remembered how to throw a nose down and

That was why it went all the way over there thank God I just suck I mean those are more of a stable for sure wow that is beautiful I know this isn’t a form video and I frankly haven’t like had the ability to really work on much form stuff recently with

Like travel and then figuring out all the deals of this which I’m so excited that it’s all finally finalized and now this last month before the season kind of really starts I’ll be able to really dial back in my training CU I’ve noticed there’s one thing with kind of how I

Pronate superate my arm that seems to be a really important fix that I think will get me a lot more distance or honestly just more consistency and frankly a prettier looking for cuz I know form isn’t everything and even if I’m focusing on it so much I still know

That’s the case but I also know that form does two things one the farther you throw the less percentage that you have to throw on a lot of shots which makes playing the game a little bit easier and two form is very marketable if I can throw really far and have really pretty

Form that people want to watch people are going to watch the videos more I don’t think form is important for playing phenomenal disc golf after a certain point but form is still important to me for for those reasons let’s get on to the mids starting with

The flippi ones well at least what I think will be the flippi the Anubis 5500 either an old makeo or an old coyote or something also it would make sense that it’s a coyote if you look at like the iconography on there super cool but we got the Maria Oliva Halo s blend

As well as an eye blend I think this ey blend one is going to like flip up to flat but I don’t think it’s going to move crazy right to left cuz these are very doy I don’t know if these will take the place of anything that I bagged

Before I’m excited to mess around with this one it’s just a little it’s a little thick feeling in my hand yeah that one’s kind of Flippy this one I imagine is going to be a little straighter I’m going to throw this one a little higher and a little

Flatter so it wasn’t quite flat but it was a lot higher that thing rode on that o for being slightly nose up cuz I ended up instead of just throwing it high and nose down I kind of sat back into the throw but that thing

Kind of started to pop up I imagine if I throw it flat and like driven it’s going to turn a bit which is pretty nice so stoked to have that in the bag next we got the chariots I’m hoping that this is one that I throw flat it just stays flat

Maybe a tiny bit of drift but not turn so it’s like stays on the same line but just kind of goes like that instead of going like this and then it just finishes back to the left a little this one is the S blend which I put in the

Bag for first tags I hope this is the most stable but we’re going to start with this D blend one which I think will pop up yeah okay so that started out oo that’s nice that’s really nice wow so on Hiser it looks like that one just got to

Where that Anubis went we’ll try the ey blend one which I’m hoping I’m going to throw this one a little flatter I’m hoping it has almost the same exact flight as that D blend glow one so slightly flatter but definitely a little more over stable basically in the same exact spot

Now this one I’m going to try to hit dead flat which for me in my mind means I need to put it on 10° anheiser cuz I’m going to think this but it’s going to come out like this yeah man that’s exactly what I want that disc to fly like okay that’s that’s

Like your perfect straight mid-range we’re going to go with the raw 54 2.5 very beaded I imagine it’s going to be pretty overstable so we’re going to start for the rest of these three putting these on maybe 20° anheiser in my head it’s probably going to come out in like

10 yeah pretty stable that was a little nose up but pretty solid shot it’s going to land maybe 10 ft shorter than those chariots did now we have the Incas which this I think is going to be sneaky good I really love the profile on it like more than I

Thought I would told me that they were going to run Incas as a part of the first drop and I was like okay whatever that’ll be cool and I got these in hand and I like the way that they feel much more than I thought I would to be

Completely honest with you so we’re going to start out with this metal flake glow one and then throw these Halo ones which have my stamp on them which hopefully you can still pick up tcha anzer please be overstable whoa that one is not all right we try these guys okay do better

What don’t think these are 5503 huh all right try to throw it a little flatter I guess wow okay well I’m going have to throw that against the Chariot cuz that is like the same it seems like it flies the same I was not expecting that I like the feel

Of it it does feel more of stable than it flew all three of those times okay we’re going to have to throw those back again but we’re just going to throw all these forward real fast because we’re running out of some daylight but this is the gallion wow that was so surprising

What the heck that’s like a 5502 all right gallion metal flight glow this thing is going to be nuts [Applause] though oh my gosh that is crazy that also like came out in the same angle that I threw those first two Incas on and they turn into

Rollers we’re going to go everything up to a 10 speed we’re going to actually start with the ones that I’m going to be bagging which are going to be these six we have the Centurion and The Exodus here’s the Centurion first I really hope that this is a nice like heer flip up

Dude those Incas surprise me so much I was thinking oh maybe they’ll rival the ultra no chance dude that’s crazy wow all right centurial oh it didn’t flip up okay it’s ooh it kind of kept flipping up okay that wasn’t as flippy as I thought initially but it kept flipping up the

Whole way so that’s interesting I’m hoping this Halo Exodus I can put a touch of flex on and it’ll ride ride ride and then stable out of it with some finish exactly that that oh my gosh that’s good that’s good I have this Halo Centurion I’m going to try to throw

This one flat I’m going to try to throw this as the same as The Exodus but a little more left cuz I think it’s just going to ride it or Halo Centurion oh that’s flipper than the ey blend one what I want I might make an executive decision

And put that one in the bag sh out James Proctor that thing is money that is so good I’m going to throw that in the eyel back and I think I’m going to switch the I’m going to give myself two switches I might change the Chariot for the raw so

I keep the Inca in the bag cuz the Inca honestly to me feels like a rock okay next up Sphinx this metal flake glow guy I hope I hope I put it on this matier and it flips up and turns and rides but has some finish at the end if it does

That it might go in my B forever and ever oh my gosh you’re perfect you’re the most perfectest disc that’s ever been made I love you oh dude that was like such slow effort that was almost 400 ft if not more wow thr this pinky guy see if there’s a

Difference oh yeah that was a little more swoopy so a little more nose up okay that’s almost that’s very similar to my S9 cd1 that’s what I wanted it to be this ey blend one I think it’s going to be flip town oh yeah woo similar shape on less higher

Okay next up we got the dynasties the old cd2 mold I think we got the sine one which is go in my bag I think this will be the heer standup okay too much Hiser but it kind of did yeah that’s almost like my sea line

Cd1 we’ll try to throw these a little flatter here’s the sea line Dynasty oh that one’s flippy that was a lot flipper okay great flight though I think the sine and the metal flake glow are supposedly some more over stable Plastics here’s the ey blend okay A little flip up I thought that

Might flip a little more okay I’m not sure if the Plastics like each plastic for each disc is going to be the same it doesn’t quite seem like that actually I feel like the ey blend’s always been less stable than the S blend but the eye blend has seemed to start

Out pretty stable imagine it’s pretty similar to why Inova has the DX plastic start pretty over stable so that it can beat in I imagine that’s kind of why the eye blend starts out a little over stable but it beats in faster I’m guessing here’s a scepter I’m really

Hoping I don’t roll this my like experience with nine-speed over stable discs recently has not been the best just from what has come out stock from a lot of companies so I’m hoping I throw this on some anheiser it it like Glides on it for a little bit but it comes out

Of it pretty fast come on baby okay good good good wow that is gliding on it that’s good ooh I mean that flight is kind of what you think of as a sex and Firebird ish very is I was so worried that that was going to roll on

Me but so far I’ve really only had one disc mold that has been like way different than I expected it to be everything else has flown almost exactly how I expected with just variations in the Plastics the sea line Dynasty kind of surprised me I thought that the sea

Line would make it a little more stable and then the Halo Centurion surprised me for being flipper but that also might be what James likes and maybe what he asked for because I know he really likes those kind of deep Hiser standups and the ey blend Centurion was a little bit less of

That but I’ll probably beat into it pretty quickly so we’ll go ahead and throw next the Roman which is a PD I believe we got five of these to throw we’ll start with my sine swirly ones which I think are going to be the most overstate we have a c blend one right

Here which I’m pretty sure is the X Out going to be a little less stable I would guess ey blend might be similar to the C blend maybe a little more over stable and then this other regular s blend one I think will be similar to the swirly

Ones I’m think I’m getting a hang for how this plastic is going to end up flying you just never know and it’s fun to be able to experiment with it so hope I put it on a lot like a high turnover nose down and just let it Glide Glide

Glide Glide Glide butt fight out of it that’s kind of what I want that control driver to be dude these are so money that’s incredible that’s exactly what I want that this to just a little flat gets a little drift oh my gosh those also those go

Really far might be able to put some of these distance drivers in that goal if we have enough light we’ll try the S blend oh s blend is a little more flippy that was a little higher a little late flip ey blend I imagine it’s going to

Fly similar to that s blend now based on my guess oh okay it did flip up but that was the worst throw I didn’t brace at all oh that was more over stable-ish huh that one was much more like the sly as BLS then we got another 10p speed the Aztec

10512 this one’s kind of pop top the ey blend I think this is going to be a slightly longer Dynasty and if I had to guess slightly flipper than the dynasty as well similar very similar wow I did it did seem a little faster that the way it

Popped out of my hand now my question is is the Halo going to be more or less overstable maybe that’s the game we need to play is the Halo of this disc going to be more or less overstable Centurion was less less overstable wow that’s how you want ask

Like to fly huh that’s crazy the ey blun is pretty overstable to start out now it’s time to bomb some distance driers starting with the Maya I blend Maya now the question is going to be is the Maya going to be more or less overstable in

The Halo plastic oh this is way stiffer this Maya is though and the eye blend and this is way flat let’s see if we can put this one to the goal whoa okay wow late flip late flip late flip swoopy terrible shot but a lot of late flip oh that is money

Woo might be in circle one of that goal a lot of these Halos are a little less overstable I’m interested if that kind of stays because you think of Halo plastic you think more overstable than the typical Plastics but I haven’t that hasn’t seemed to be the case so far all

Right 11 speed the next one is the Zar we have the Zars the 11513 similar to a wraith and the slab which in this color glow I don’t think it’s going to be crazy crazy overstable so throw this one first yeah like that’s surprising to me

That’s supposed to be like a 305 disc that one just came out pretty flippy we have a zar now 11513 I think we’re going to throw them flat I think this will act kind of like a wraith yeah nice stand up turn and this one I don’t really know

The plastic to me it kind of seems like what the like Halo glow Champion has been from ineva I think it’s going to be more of a stable just feels like it yeah okay it is a pretty good bit too not quite Halo wraith I don’t think

But it’s solid solid disc and now we’re moving on to the Emperors we’ll throw Emperors then conquerors and finish out with the Pharaohs four Halo Emperors and an ey blend three of them that have the new banza stamp on them so snag those if you can we’ll throw the eye blend first

This is supposedly a bomber I guess not feeling like I’m throwing far but if we can get one out to that goal that would be money oh ey blend starts out pretty stable wow not I thought that one would flip more I’ve heard ey Blends bomb but

I also heard that they’re pretty flippy but I think like anything kind of Beats into that well throws pretty stiff Emperor it’s kind of flatter too so I imagine this is going to be pretty actually doesn’t look crazy overstable yeah wow not crazy overstable and all

Three of these are kind of the more doy typical bomber Emperors I think this one isn’t as pop top this one crazy pop top this is the one that’s going in the bag this one also is really pop top so these we’re going to put on some kind of high

Distance line see if we can rip them a bit okay there we go there’s a little overstable guy I think that one’s close to my Calvin not quite there yes oh yeah that was a good shot I really like that one and now my favorite one so far I hope it’s the most

Overstable or at least pretty overstable if it’s slippier than those I’m going to be pretty disappointed oh yeah she’s beefy is yes that’s a bomber that’s a bomber that’s awesome and now let’s look at some real beef the conquerors 12404 pd2 start with the swirly ass blend and see we’ll play

The is the Halo more or less overstable game wow beefy I’m hoping this team St T one’s a little more beefy I think it will be this one’s not quite as flat still got some dome but that one’s really doy we’ll put a lot of aneis on this one

Yeah oh yeah that so much more beefy than those Emperors were just the angle that it got back to as it finished was perfect and now it’s time to throw it into that goal cuz we got the pharohs these white esplen 171’s I think are going to be so perfect to just like

Start on a little heer high get up drift late and finish we’ll start with this black eye blend one and then we’ll throw two of the S Blends the ER Sten Halo just to play the game is the Halo more or less over stable it was more over

Stable for that conqueror and then that’s BL as well oh it just goes so far it’s just so fast it’s going to be harder to pick them up I think so I’ll try to throw them in the air a little bit better this is the one I’m pretty sure I put in the

Bag oh my gosh wow they’re pretty stable they’re like exactly where you want the the strike to be I’m pretty sure that landed at the goal it might be a little short a little less Hiser now maybe 10 or 15 this try to put on like five oh

Yeah okay that one we burned over a little bit got to put it a little higher we’ll throw this air cutin G one first yeah it is I put that on too much Hiser but I snapped it really well now it’s time arguably the cooler stamp let’s put this one Beyond it for

Sure no oh that was the worst throw of the day why’ I do that I can’t believe I HED that last Phar up and then threw the laziest shot of the whole freaking day pretty solid pretty far spread of disc down here if that’s 440 we got a lot

Right in the 400ish foot range I don’t see that Pharaoh super long it might be down there I mean dynasty went pretty far so we might have one that’s way out there all right so this is where that one landed I’m going to give myself 440

On it so nothing wild so this area really seemed to be the collecting point for all the mid-ranges we got all the Chariots here the gallion the raw one of the anubis’s we’re going to throw these Incas back I really thought they’d be more overstable they didn’t feel ridiculously overstable but you know

Sometimes you trust the numbers okay that was more of a stable there that was way more of a stable there did I shank it am I bad at this golf probably both this metal flake Ina okay the metal flake one is getting up flipping and turning like and not

Coming out of it metal flake one is a fraud that was surprising last chance true test these are the two that were going to be in my bag the B stamp Ina versus the team stamped Chariot okay I shanked them thank goodness okay the metal flake one is definitely less overstable I think that this is going to be it might not be more over stable than Chariot but throw them the same okay it is more of a stable than Chariot I’m sure you couldn’t see it

Very well but the Inca was more of a stable in Chariot probably more 5502 than 5503 but if you’re going with conventional like rock flight numbers they call those like a 03 as well and they’re not as overstable so metal flake Inca not as overstable the other two

Incas that I threw my halo ones were definitely overstable so I’ll keep those in the bag as well what that could also tell me though I just realized is not that I just shanked them cuz obviously I think I did but also that they might not

Fight out of anheiser as well it maybe into a headwind maybe they’re not as overstable as another overstable mid-range but they seem to be as over stabilize like my guava that I’ve been throwing the most overstable more overstable than any Pathfinder i’ ever thrown can finalize my initial thoughts

On throwing every single infinite mold except for one I think they didn’t send me the contiki which I don’t know if they ever have really in stock but apparently it’s like a super flippy sixspeed which is I I want to get my hands on it cuz it seems pretty

Interesting to throw officially no daylight left but I’m making the executive decisions I’ve been throwing these back and forth first off my throws obviously not the most consistent today so I’m excited to keep testing these out and throwing them but I once again threw the Incas back and forth just to make

Sure that I wasn’t going crazy and the metal flake one is definitely way more understable than the number suggest but the two that have my stamps are pretty much what I expected them to be I think I was throwing into a headwind and I didn’t quite realize it so throwing them

Back and forth I’ve realized a lot more about these discs but executive decision we’re changing the eye blend Centurion for the James Proctor one and we’re changing the team stamped s blend Dynasty for the SE blend one I think it’s a little flippy I think it’ll give

Us a little bit more variety that ESP one is too similar to those Romans which I am loving and will probably throw all over the place tomorrow thank you so much for watching really excited to continue this journey with infinite and I excited for this series and then for

The fact that like my normal content doesn’t have to change almost at all if you want to watch the announcement video check it out right over here otherwise subscribe for tomorrow I cannot wait to actually play with these discs I can wait to get less sick too which

Tonight’s rest is going to be very helpful for see you tomorrow


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