How to Build a Consistent and Confident Golf Swing

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“Unlock Consistent Golf Swings and Boost Your Confidence! 🏌️‍♂️⛳

Discover the game-changing Single Plane Swing technique that transformed Moe Norman into the greatest ball striker ever! 🌟 Learn how consistency breeds confidence on the golf course and why this method can turn your bad shots into more playable ones.

Ready to elevate your golf game? 🚀 Dive into the secrets of the Single Plane Swing here: [Insert Link] ⬅️ Don’t miss out on the key to a more consistent and confident golf experience! 🔥 #GolfTips #SinglePlaneSwing #ConsistencyWins”

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About the Single Plane Golf Swing

The Single Plane golf swing is not a quick fix golf technique. It is a system, beginning at address, that simplifies the most important moment of the golf swing – impact.

Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back.

This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.

The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.

Hey I’m in studio today and we’re going to talk about something that I know you’re interested in it’s how do you become more consistent hey welcome to the channel today look I know how important consistency is because it’s the most common thing that gets asked of me as an

Instructor is Todd what’s important to me is to become more consistent I agree with you by the way consistency to me is far more important than Club head speed we get so caught up in club head speed but that once in a while long shot doesn’t do good at all if you can’t

Consistently hit straight shots hit Fairways hit greens you know be consistent around the golf course because consistency was what leaves you to more scores but there’s something very important about consistency as well is when you are more consistent you have more confidence and so when you have

Confidence then you hit shots that you believe you’re capable of and then it leads to hitting more and better shots for example if you’re not confident in hitting it over the water then you’re going to be you’re going to play golf with a lot of fear but if you’re if you

Consistently hit good shots you’ll give you more confidence to hit that shot over the lake or over the water onto the green so you can see how consistency and confidence are very related but I want to talk to you today about what produces consistency in a golf swing and really

That’s the heartbeat of the single plane swing that’s everything that I teach matter of fact that’s why I teach the single plane swing is because I was this my story I was so inconsistent it’s not that I played bad every single day before I learned the single plane swing

And became friends with mon Norman I could play some good golf but I wasn’t consistently playing good golf one day I’d play okay the next that I would not play okay and I was a competitive golfer so you can’t really make a living if day in day out you’re not somewhat

Consistent so my mission which is the mission of graves golf is always to help you learn a simple golf swing to be more consistent and become more confident when you play so what produces consistency in a golf swing and it’s really pretty simple if you think about

It the most important moment of a golf swing is impact right is this moment right here when I swing and I get to this most important moment of impact so this right here if I can get here over and over and over again when I’m swinging a golf club I’m going to get

The face square and hit consistent golf shots so it doesn’t make sense that that all the work you do in your golf swing should be to be working towards the most important moment which is impact to become more consistent but then you have to ask another question and this is a

Very important question what’s the easiest way to move the body and the arms in the hands in the club to get there and that’s where the single plane swing comes in because what I everything that I teach you about the single plane swing is to eliminate stress on your

Body to eliminate rotations that don’t need to be there to make you more efficient that’s a biomechanical term for the body moving in its most effective way to get back to again this most important moment of of impact one of the things I like to do with students

A lot of times is test them what’s the test impact test show me impact in other words look at this position I’m in here the lead knee is slightly bent but stable not flexed but stable the foot is in a turned out position thr foot on the

Ground the hands are leading the club into impact my trail arm is bent and notice this impact position this is a classic impact position my impact position and mo Norman’s impact position doesn’t look any different than of the best players other than maybe the lead knee position but that club shaft

Position the body position the Tilt all that stuff is a position that you must be able to get into to be a consistent ball Striker so again the question becomes what is the most efficient way to get there now this is where the single plane swing becomes such a

Relevant golf swing because watch this and I hate to say this but this is so common sense most of the time but there’s this thing called shaft plane I’m going to go back to that impact position position and I want you to look at what’s happening here so I’m going to

Go back to impact and you see me right here at impact now notice at impact here that the trail arm is lined up with the club so you’re seeing this alignment the trail forearm lining up with the club notice the position of my body and notice the position of my lower

Body so here’s impact right here doesn’t it make sense to start the club on the same plane I’m going to impact why would you start here to impact here why would you hang your arms down and start here if if you know impact is going to be

Here why not start with the proper space to make it easier to get to impact now there’s that word easier again right there’s that stupid word easier everybody uses it but I’m going to show you how it is easier for me to get to impact and it comes down to a couple of

Things let’s talk about tilt of the body right well look at imp look at my impact position here see how I’m tilting I’m tilted why would I why would I start straight up and down when I’m be tilted so the single plane swing we start with tilt now notice another thing notice the

Lead arm is forming a line now it’s at an angle but the it doesn’t matter if I’m hitting a wedge or a driver this lead arm is forming a line with the club at impact well why why don’t I start with that line right now one of the

Things that you’re seeing because of tilt is hand rotation I’m starting with my hand in the position that it’s going to be at impact my trail hand is in a position where it’s moving non-rotationally and here’s one of the most important things about the single plane swing is because I’m starting and

Impacting on the same plane I’ve reduced compression and stress on the back because I no longer have to lift my body to get to impact so I’ve I’ve been in my lifetime before I met Mo Norman before I learned about the single plan swing and saw What mo was actually doing in his

Golf swing I too struggled with consistency because because you’ve got to get back to this most important moment of impact so my question for you if you’re considering going into this next year if you’re considering actually becoming a consistent ball Striker to have more fun playing golf so you can have more

Confidence when you play all I’m asking you is why would you why don’t you consider starting and impacting on the same exact plane to make yourself more effectively efficient at impact because it’s just common sense so that’s what the single plane swing is all about and that’s what that’s why I

Transitioned my game years ago to the single plane swing because immediately I became more consistent had more confidence but I’ll throw one more thing at you before I wrap up with you today I’m also a better bad ball Striker and here’s what I mean by that my bad

Shots are better and so as you know golf is a hard game and and and no one’s going to be ever be perfect playing golf you got side Hill eyes you got you know different different grasses on the course you got elements wind all those things but what makes me a better golfer

Today because of the single point swing is not that I hit every shot perfect I had a lot better more I hadit a lot more shots better than I ever did before however my bad shots are so much better so now consistency is not do I hit every

Shot great consistency is my bad shots are still really good so when I’m out there playing golf it becomes a a short game and a putting thing more than a ball striking thing so to me there’s two elements you need to consider becoming a better ball Striker becoming more

Consistent can you get to this most important Mo impact more often and more consistent right so that’s important hit better shots but also because you’re getting here more effectively and more efficiently your bad shots are going to be so much better because you’re getting really close to being perfect at impact

That’s the purpose of the single point swing and I hope that helps give me hit the Bell icon give me a thumbs up I’ll see you in the next video


  1. I'm the most consistent I've ever been. And I barely practice. I do the pvc drill, and alignment training a couple days before a round. I went from a shake 3 handicap to a glaringly boring .5 handicap. Thank graves golf, without you and moe, I'm sure I'd have a broken back and no desire to play golf anymore.

  2. Awesome shirt; awesome video; awesome year of awesome videos and tips!! Especially loved the Vegas tourney!! After all these years in this one really noticed just how “bent” and close in your trail arm is; quite certain mine is extended and likely why always early release; best 2024 to you and tim and all graves golf; look forward to lots more awesome stuff in 24; 24 will be a wilder ride then 23; glad to be a witness to the truth!!!

  3. I am single plane golf player. I have become consistent and play well at my age My back is fine. The conventional golf players give up golf or slow down here in Kenya. Thanks to Graves golf single plane model. Thank you. Dinesh Jetha.

  4. As a retired business guy, what I've found most intriguing about the Single Plane Swing is how it directly relates to a quality process called "Six Sigma". Simplistically, SS focuses on eliminating variation in a system. It sounds like that's what Moe Norman "accidentally" discovered as he simplified his golf swing and established Six Sigma-level consistency (fewer than 3.4 errors in one million opportunities). Thanks for passing on to us his discovery and legacy.

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