Golf Babe

We’re BACK! Day 1 FULL | Love Island The Game: SEASON 2 πŸ’˜

Today, our new MC heads to the villa for the first time to meet the boys, girls & of course, to try and find love.

A huge thank you to my members for helping make this possible – bloopers at the end. πŸ’˜ I’m uploading this series every Monday, stay tuned for Love Island the Game Season 2!

Thank you so much for clicking on this video, I hope you enjoy!

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Thank you to the following artists for the use of their tracks from the YouTube Audio Library: Jeremy Blake, TrackTribe, Quincas Moreira, William Rosati, DJ Williams, Cheel, Patrick Patrikios, Carmen Maria and Edu Espinal, Otis McDonald, MK2, Eveningland, Reed Mathis, Wayne Jones, Doug Maxwell, Rondo Brothers, White Hex, Aakash Gandhi, Godmode, DivKid, Astron, NEFFEX, Vans in Japan, Freedom Trail Studio, Jeremy Korpas, RKVC, Yung Logos, Mini Vandals, Dyalla, Konrad OldMoney.

I have some great and tragic news for you and I need to share this with you now because I’m already running out of time today is the 6th of December views boox if you don’t know have released a screenshot on the original love Villa app which basically says this from

December the 11th 2023 seasons 1 to 3 will no longer be able to be played these Legacy Seasons run on a third party toour that’s been discontinued beyond their control we know how much you love the SE It’s Our intention to remaster them and bring them back please

Know on December the 11th an app update will be rolled out in stores featuring newest season content to replace seasons 1 to 3 Once the app is updated your gem balance will be reset so please ensure you use up your currency before December the 11th 2023 so this is what fuse books

Have released it is incredibly sad news it’s also sad because I don’t think and please correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think I’ve seen this anywhere on their socials um and I feel like this is just one of those devastating devastating things that we just can’t do

Anything about that being said I have decided to take it upon myself to film season 2 as I said it’s currently December the 6th as I’m filming this it probably won’t be until after the apps already gone down by the time you see this video but I am going to be filming

All of season 2 fingers cross I’m going to do my best and see how far I can get in the next 5 days so without further Ado here we go let’s start season 2 for the second time with only 5 days to go until the end of the season as it’s

Loading in I just can’t help but feel how sad this is my start on this channel realistically like I used to do a whole load of different videos and I settled on love Island The Game season 2 and love Island just went from there romance games went from there and I just think

That is really really sad but in the best way that I don’t know feels very full circle to be here now also it was just like an added point I have 34 VIP tickets and I have 175 gems I’m not going to be buying any more for the app

Because I just feel like I’m going to run out of time if I buy them so yeah that’s the decision why is this so terrifying I have my 30 days here and I’m going to have to press restart restart the whole show here we

Go oh my gosh okay here we go part one of day one let’s get into this Welcome To Paradise playing an episode cost a pass I think I’ve paid all my passes so I don’t think I’m going to need to use them but here we go the search for true

Love is never easy but for you that’s about to change we’ve got a beautiful Villa with all the luxury extras including a massive communal bedroom and we’re filling it with 10 of the hottest and most eligible singles on the planet and you’re one of them but in this game

Of love there’s one Golden Rule to make it to the final and be in with a chance of winning the grand prize you’ve got to couple up or clear out are you ready to flirt fight and find love it’s time for your ultimate Summer Romance choose your

Appearance okay so I feel like we have to go for a different character to Ashley last time I can’t play as Ashley again Ashley found her love with Bobby okay so today we’ll go for completely I say a completely different character there wasn’t much customization the first time round I’ll be completely

Honest like it doesn’t feel like you can change your character up too much I think I’m going to go for this character she seems like fun and I think that is something that we need in this playthrough some fun this is our character her name is m she’s a brand

New character hello M check me out is this the look yep nailed it what should I wear okay so is this your first time playing love Island no I have played before let’s pick out our outfit now I did end up buying a fair few outfits as the series progressed I don’t remember

Buying that one that one’s quite nice I quite like that one as if I’m going to end up buying all the ones I don’t already have aren’t I I think we’re going to go in with some Ruffles let’s go in I look amazing pack your bags

You’re on your way to love Island your summer in Paradise is about to begin bring it on the Jeep engine Fades as you pull up to the Villa you blink in the bright sunlight as you step out you’re finally here the Villa I’ve never seen

Anything like it I can’t wait to see the rest of it another Jeep pulls up to the Villa a pair of expensive heels hit the ground the moment the Jeep stops oh wow hi that outfit is incredible this is hope now I will say and I will get this

Out of the way now because half of you aren’t going to believe me I have the worst memory I’m so terrible at trying to remember anything so this series is going to be interesting because I think I remember Maybe maybe five six moments tops from the whole Arc so this is

Really going to be like a new playthrough for me like imagine if you’ve just seen a couple of spoilers online that’s where my head is at this was like a lifetime ago I filmed this so um I don’t really remember anything apart from like the residual feelings I

Had for characters should we put it that way hope is 26 from London she’s a retail Ambassador and voted most likely to become CEO I’m hope what’s your name hun what do you want to be called but m my name is m i Am M it’s so nice to meet

You I can’t believe we’re finally here how are you feeling I’m actually a bit nervous babe stick with me and you’ll be fine I was so excited I almost tripped jumping out the car I nearly started my Summer of Love flat on my face can you imagine how that would have looked that

Would have been hilarious excuse me I guess we’ll see who turns the most heads once the boys arrive oops already put my foot in it I can’t wait to get a look at all the gorgeous guys we’re going to be hooking up with speaking of which shall we go

And have a look inside I want to check out the bedroom wow look at this bedroom it’s so fresh but I can’t imagine what it will look like tomorrow you know we’re all going to be getting into bed with a guy we just met that’s why I’m

Here me too although I’m not going to come out and say that to the guys obviously I’m looking for something longterm but it’s been a while since I’ve been on a date if there’s a handsome strong and Silent type I don’t know if I’ll want to wait around you’re

Interrupted by the sound of the door clicking open and another voice calling out hey girls the new girl runs over to you and hugs you both this is lty now I do remember she is Australian she’s from Melbourne she’s a makeup artist her lucky number is 13 she’s 24 Lotty looks

You up and down you guys are going to be some strong competition I love your style that outfit is incredible she turns to Hope and your makeup is amazing it must take you ages to get ready getting my look perfect is important to me loty backs her eyelashes and Winks in

Your direction how about you do I spend a lot of time getting ready I’ll do it for big nights yeah I get that sometimes you just want to wear your PJs and chill right and it’s good to give your skin a break I wish I was as Brave as lty with

My look but I try and keep my style classic cuz of work it’s not just a look on me I’m a makeup artist which means going all out is a great way to show off my skill it’s not exactly the best career to meet boys though what about

You m what do you do I’m a I think Ashley was a musician so I think for M she’s going to be I think she’s going to be a student she’s still young and she’s studying I think she might be a health and fitness girly I’m studying health

And fitness so you’re looking for someone to get sweaty with L is cut short as a head peeks around the door hi I’m so glad I’m not the first one here hi come on over the new girl approaches gingerly and hugs each of you in turn I’m Hannah this is Hannah I remember

She’s into books she’s 21 from St Auburn she’s a social media assistant and and she’s writing her first novel I guess you guys didn’t hear me come in did I miss any good chat we were just talking about getting to know the boys I don’t know about you guys but it feels like

I’ve been single forever it’s so nice to hear someone else say that I thought it was just me what about you m you’re gorgeous how come you’re single what brought me to love Island things just never got serious with anyone the same for me I think I always put my career

First so nothing ever has a chance to develop I was starting to feel like all my relationships were cursed I’ve had Liars cheaters men who think getting ready just means two squirts of aftershave like where are all the good men out there they’re all dating other

People bks always make it seem like the right guy is just going to appear if you wait for him I guess mine never got the message Han assumes like she’s waiting for her prince charming maybe we’ll find the prince this summer oh gosh I hope so we’re all here because we’re single we

Should help each other find the right guy I feel like we’re going to be this team of awesome women all looking to get each other coupled up I don’t want to end up fighting with you guys over some man I’m all about putting the girls

First sure why not let’s say it at least I’m so glad you agree I think we’ve got to build some trust between us before the game starts you’re interrupted Again by the click of heels approaching hello ladies I’m Marisol this is Marisol she’s 24 from Portsmouth she is a law student

And her style icon is AAL Clooney which somewhat dates this game marisel Glides into the room and air kisses everyone on both cheeks that’s such a pretty name thank you I see you’ve all met already not at all come and chat with us I’m hope and this is mem we were just saying

It’s important that the girl support each other em was just saying she’s a total team player I respect that we should be friends but I go after what I want I won’t compete for the sake of it but if I see someone I like she Trails off realizing the girls are watching

Look I didn’t come here to make enemies but I’m not going to miss a chance at love because of someone else’s feelings that’s pretty hardcore I like it I’m such a coward when it comes to dating I never know how to go for what I want

Babe you’re about to share a bed with a boy in a room full of cameras if you can do that you can do anything you’ve got to be brave if you’re going to find love how outgoing am I I can be loud when I need to be but I like to chill out

Sometimes too that’s me I party when I’m out but I’m just as happy having a chill day at the beach I’m not about that take a easy lifestyle I don’t even know how I manage everything if I did friends family work dating studying reading Hobbies that’s a lot hun how do you

Manage I drink a lot of coffee like a lot I could go for one now actually coffee babes we’ve been here for ages and no one’s popped a bottle yet I think it’s time to find out where the Fizz is and start this summer off right now you’re talking let’s get this party

Started lossie struts over to the door then stops in her tracks what was that noise I might have an idea she checks her phone guys I got a text oh my gosh here we go ladies Girls It’s Time time to meet the boys there’s five sexy men

Waiting to meet you on the lawn you must take it in turns to make an entrance and pick a boy but don’t relax once you’ve coupled up the boys all stay up for grabs until every girl has chosen well the next Girl Out steal your hunk and

Put you on the bench # pick a mix # standby your man it’s happening guys who do you think will get to go first I hope it’s marasol it might be easier if someone else goes first you feel your phone vibrate I guess we’re about to

Find out the girl going first will be M of course it’s us of course I didn’t want to go first but I guess someone has to all the other girls turn to look at you good luck you walk out of the villa and stop dead there are five gorgeous

Men standing on a line on the lawn there are five gorgeous men standing in a line on the lawn look at these guys I’ll take my time checking them all out first I’m sure they won’t mind waiting you scan down the line one by one all right my

Name’s Gary nice to to meet you this is Gary now Gary was our original first pick I’m sure he might not have been but I did enjoy Gary he’s 23 from Chatham Chatham Chatham a crane operator his favorite food is his Nan’s roast dinner he looks like he works

Out you smile at Gary and he grins back at you you turn your attention to the next boy hi I’m Noah this is Noah he’s 25 from ramford he is the librarian which I thought was Hannah sh he doesn’t say anything else I’m going to see who’s

Next maybe he’s not the one for me next in line is hi beautiful this is Rocco now I remember a bit about Rocco he’s from Belfast he owns a cocktails in cronuts food truck and is hugging a lion Cup in his Tinder profile I’m looking forward to making a connection with you what

It’s cooking goodl looking maybe we should find out together looks like I’ve already made an impression guess I better keep looking you turn to the next boy in line I’m Ibrahim this is Ibrahim I don’t remember much about him I don’t think he’s 22 from Birmingham he’s a

Golf pro and Mr June in this year’s men of Golf calendar girl you’re like winning all four major golf tournaments in one year what because you’re a grand slam thank you next I still got other options and the last one the long awaited the heart stomping beautiful it’s Bobby hey gorgeous this

Is Bobby I miss him so much he’s 24 from Glasgow he’s a hosal caterer and he bought his own apron with him it’s even the best till last were you I’m like the sweet dessert at the end of the main course of beef cake I’m going to laugh

At his joke my heart does go like Bobby Bobby you burst out laughing are you saying you’re sweeter than all these other guys maybe you should pick me and find out your phone beep a now you’ve met the boys it’s time to find out what

They think of you please ask the boys to step forward if they fancy you okay boys now I get to ask you the all important question if you fancy me please step forward you wait for a second and then the boys begin to move Gary steps forward first Rocco

Steps forward Ibrahim steps forward Bobby steps forward I’m spoiled for choice so was it Noah who didn’t I should ask the boys who step forward what they like about me I’m going to ask Rocco Rocco you’ve stepped forward course I did I feel like we could have something really special well he’s

Definitely a smooth talker what about Bobby Bobby why did you step forward you seem like the kind of girl who doesn’t go over the top with her look I rate that I don’t want the competition when we stand next to each other you know Bobby grins at you joking of course

Anyway you know if you P me you’ll be laughing all the way to the bedroom and didn’t it I’m going to talk to Ibrahim why did you step forward Ibrahim grins at you I just sort of uh thought I got to take my shot you know and and Gary

Gary why did you step forward Gary looks thoughtful you look great that always helps my type is definitely someone who puts a bit of effort into their appearance I’m kind of a simple guy I just figured you look a bit of a sort so I thought I’d try it well I’ve seen all

The boys so I guess it’s time to make my choice I know I’ve only just met you all but I do have to choose so the boy I want to couple up with is now I feel like we’re going to get a little bit shafted on this I feel like I remember

Something about not getting we want but as much as much as I feel like I want to play another Bobby route and I might change my mind and go for the Bobby route I’m actually going to go for Rocco Rocco Smiles at you and makes a heart

Shap with his fingers I’m really feeling your Vibe the other boys all applaud as you go and stand next to Rocko well done mate you’re taking an early lead it’s all still to play for though Rocco grins at you hi by the way hi this isn’t how I

Usually meet people but I’ve got to say I’m loving it so far before you can say anything else the door to the villa bursts open and Lotty strides out hi boys hope you’re all ready for a good time Lotty scans the boys quickly and raises an eyebrow I wonder if any of you

Guys can handle me I’ll go straight in and ask any of you that fancy me to step forward you feel Rocco’s arms shift slightly as though he wanted to step forward but then he stops did he just try and step forward I’m going to I’m going to leave it maybe it was nothing

Bobby hesitates and then steps forward lty rolls her eyes and then gently pokes her tongue out at the boys well this one is better than none I suppose being brutally honest I was kind of hoping to see this guy here step forward she points at Rocco but I’m glad he didn’t

Em and I both agree to put the girls first and I’m going to respect that so the guy I want to couple up with is she pauses and turns to Bobby I’m so sorry hun I don’t even know your name yet it’s Bobby she smiles okay Bobby you’re with

Me she strides over to Bobby and kisses him on the cheek what are you reckon they it’s my Bobby they won’t make it one night you catch yourself staring at lty and she notices your expression two down three to go big Ms the door opens again

And Marisol walks out to face the boys what a view let me get a good look at you all she Shields her eyes from the Sun how are you going to choose babe I think you can learn a lot about someone’s character by looking at how they present themselves everyone waits

As Marisol walks up and down the line and inspects the boys one by one she stops by Ibrahim look at how this guy is standing what could he be hiding then she stops by Gary H I’d like to get to know you better too okay boys I’ve had a

Look at you which of you like the look of me Ibrahim steps forward immediately bold and confident I like it what’s your name gorgeous ibraim well then the boy I want to couple up with is Ibrahim you’re a girl that knows what she wants I like that rocker glances at you Ibrahim

Seemed like a good lad earlier when we were chatting and you’ve already met Maris all right do you think they work out they look hot together I can say that for a fact it doesn’t take much wants to see that they’re a good couple so we’re down to two then yeah I’m sure

There a person is about to come out Noah don’t worry about it I know it takes a bit longer for me to make an impression hope strides confidently out of the villa and looks around you all look so cute in your couples now I’m not saying

This to be mean I’m just here to meet the right person I might not be the first of the party but it doesn’t mean I’m going to get stuck with the leftovers she walks right over to Noah what’s your name babes Noah Noah you are just the hottest thing I’ve ever laid

Eyes on I’m like melting under your gaze good for her I hope it goes well for them my mind’s made up the boy I want to couple up with is Noah hope walks over to Noah and kisses him on the cheek Hannah is next to walk out of the door

Oh m g I’m literally speechless look at all these guys it’s like the first time I went to The Stables to pick out a pony babes you need to choose yourself a stallion okay so this makes me a little bit giddy but I’m just going to ask any

Of the boys that fancy me to step forward there’s silence for for a moment nobody moves come on boys don’t be shy she’s gorgeous look at her Bobby starts to step forward and L’s arm goes out to stop him I didn’t mean you you just said slowly Gary Grins and steps forward you

Are fit I just didn’t know if I would be your type sweetheart right now you’re like my knight in shining armor I’m Gary right then I choose to couple up with Gary she skips over to him throws her arms around his waist and Whispers in his ear Gary looks unsure she didn’t

Have much choice Hannah so are we all good is that it um I think so she looks around nervously isn’t there like usually another person what do you mean well there are five girls and five boys we’re evenly matched I won’t worry about it mate you’re calling me mate sorry

Mate anyway I don’t reckon there’s going to be anyone else for now we’re all here we’re in our couples and we still haven’t really met each other yet exactly she looks them in the eye a mischievous grin on her face let’s crack on the Islanders all chat and start to

Get to to know each other you look at Rocco oh that’s me she reads aloud Islanders you’ve all coupled up we hope you’ll be very happy together a that’s nice wait there’s more it’s time to get to know your partners and your options the first recoupling will be tomorrow

Any island is left single after the recoupling will be vulnerable to being dumped # switch up # clock is ticking a recoupling already talk about soon does that mean there’ll be a dumping no don’t worry no one can be left single cuz we have an even number of people here

Unless someone new comes in before then everyone suddenly goes quiet for a moment that’s pretty scary yeah what if you don’t get on with anyone or what if you really click with your partner and then they get ripped away from you dramatically what’s that Spanish phrase queso Reser anyway whatever will be will

Be quas kesas it’s Spanish I don’t know what it is but it’s not Spanish it’s true though the only thing we can do is get to know our partners and hope we’ve got that connection L is right I should really focus on getting to know Rocco

Better why don’t I take him aside for a while yeah of course should we take Rocco somewhere quieter let’s do it Rocco notices you staring at him is everything all right come with me let’s get to know each other better you don’t beat around the bush do you well I’m

Into that if I’m honest the two of you make your way around the pool and sit down on the sun lounges as we’re moving to the sun lers I’m just going to take this moment to say if you are enjoying this video please make sure you subscribe click the notification Bell so

You get notified every single time I upload a video and also I’m so sorry for the accents they’re not good I know they’re not good but this is the last time I might ever play Love Island season 2 I’m going to put some character in okay I’m sorry not sorry thank you

His eyes light up as he watches you sit down if I’m honest it’s such a weird trip coming in here and meeting all these girls it’s like I’ve been here 5 minutes and I’m already sitting next to the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen that sounds like a line do you mean that

Of course I do the competition is pretty Fierce out here for both of us my head is spinning it’s all so much to take in how are you finding it I’m settling in okay yeah me too I never thought I’d make it in and now there’s so much

Happening all at once he looks around and the sound of the other Islanders chatting dressed across the lawn so you picked me you noticed that huh I guess we should get to know each other a bit ask me anything I’m an open book um okay what are you looking for on love Island

Love of course I definitely think two people could make somewhere like this and be a perfect match and I think I might have already made a really good start with that this is fun ask me another I want to know the weirdest place you’ve had sex in the back of a

Rivals Food Van wait what I was doing a big European tour following all the major festivals in my van One Summer the music the money was great the music was amazing and the odd fling here and there didn’t hurt either but I kept bumping into this one woman but I kept bumping

Into this one woman who was pretty much selling the same stuff as me except she gave everyone an extra pickle well I had to offer two pickles to keep the custom up so then she started offering three pickles it got to the point where we were basically giving away a jar of

Pickles to every customer one day I banged on the back of her van to try and put an end to it but we’d spent weeks watching each other cook over a hot Grill all day and when she opened the door she gave me this look we used the

Hot dog buns as cushions this is fun I like being interviewed ask me one more I want to know what’s your type oh that’s an easy one my mates would say I tend to go for girls that are a little out there who don’t mind being the center of

Attention I also love a girl who puts effort into her look someone that’s a bit more refined you know who really likes to front I enjoy a girl that doesn’t mind me being a bit flirty with the others but keeps me on my toes I feel like I need that excitement to keep

Things going you know it kind of shows she’s looking out for herself and being honest with what she wants hope that gives you some idea about what I’m looking for I guess there’s a brief moment of silence as the two of you look at each other I’m really looking forward

To getting to know you he kisses you lightly on the cheek you hear a group of the other Islanders laughing somewhere behind you I guess we should get to go and know the others a little bit too yeah you’re right chat more later though right oh yeah for sure Lotty PS away

From Bobby and heads over to you hey M how are you feeling how am I feeling I’m hoping some new people arrive soon of course they will no worries if you’re not feeling it just think of those handsome hunks who might walk through the door at any moment the reason I

Wanted to talk to you is some the girls were talking about maybe doing something tonight like what I don’t know just something so we can get to know each other a bit better it’s a bit out there but there’s going to be a full moon tonight the moon’s in Scorpio right now

It’s a very sexy and mischievous time so I was thinking we could all get together underneath it and you know celebrate our Collective witchy power unless you’ve got another idea I know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea this could be a really good chance to do something fun

With the girls and find out the Goss about their Partners if I’m interested in cracking on then again I could just spend the evening with Rocco I should o celebrate our power under the moon play a prank on the boys or spend time with our partners do you know what I’m kind

Of interested to see how the moon thing goes right see you on the lawn around midnight I can’t wait to get that energy flowing Bobby calls her name and she smiles at you before heading back to him now I’m alone I’ve Got The Pick of boys

To chat to and I can’t wait to channel some Luna power look at that our new Islanders are all cuffed up but they no it’s not going to last Emma ended up with Rocco but is he the right person for her who’s going to be cracking on

And who’s going to fall out and who’s going to be the first to reveal an embarrassing secret with a recoupling already on the horizon the stakes couldn’t be higher the game has only just begun what did we think of the first part of Love Island The Game

Season 2 or should I say La Villa I don’t even know how to phrase it anymore but I am so excited that we are finally getting back to playing this season however it is obviously with a tinge of sadness I’m going to get straight on to

The next part and I think I’m going to group them so it’s going to be day one to day 30 for right now let’s come on to day one part two welcome back to a brand new Summer of Love Island previously our sexy singles met each other for the

First time I’m literally speechless look at these guys and coupled up the boy I want to couple up with is Rocco and Islanders got a little surprise a jumping tonight the Islanders still seem a bit Frosty so it’s time to heat things up with a game of Truth or Dare all the

Islanders are chatting in the garden you take a moment to look around at the new couples hope and Noah Hannah and Gary lty and Bobby Marisol and Ibrahim and of course you and Rocco wow 10 hotties alone in a beautiful Villa sounds like the start of a horror movie I was

Thinking it was more GL glamorous than that it’s like how those classic romance novels start a big house sorts of eligible young men and Bobby hey I’m elgible are you I’m pretty sure no one’s been called elgible since like the olden days I’m not even sure what it means to

Be honest I just wanted to be in it if everyone else was so we’re all here what’s next where’s the frozen margaritas at now we’re on the same page it’s time to kick back in sunshine and have a drink there’s a table on one side of the lawn laid out with champagne on

Ice and T champagne flutes Gary heads straight for it condensation rolls enticingly down the sides of the ice bucket bit fancier than I’m used to but I can make it work there’s a satisfying pop and the bub will spill down the size of the bottle amazing that sound never

Gets old I love the first part of a new adventure I remember a time where I take my van down the Adriatic Coast there were about 10 of us and we met at this tiny cocktail bar sounds like a great story mate but do you want one of these

Rocco stops talking and starts to give Gary a hand why don’t all of you men fetch us some drinks making the boys work for it I love it the boys walk off towards the drinks what about you m want to give us a hunt some choices will ask

You where you want to go in the villa and who you want to spend time with these choices will shape your love Island Story should I stay in chat to the girls or go and help the boys I am going to O I think we can do both but

I’m going to start with chatting to the boys you reach the table just as Noah is handing around the glasses didn’t fancy a Girls Chat I’d rather be talking to you Rocco Grins and looks into your eyes and I’d rather be talking to you hey

We’re all right here no need to lay on the factor 50 on the first day I don’t blame you for coming with us to be honest Hannah’s already starting to wind me up so it’s going well for you guys then it’s only the first day to be fair

And she is stunning but what was that stuff she was saying about this place being like a romance novel Gary doesn’t have much time for Hannah’s imagination I’m going to defend Hannah I like her she’s really sweet and anyway isn’t finding love what we’re all here for I

Don’t blame her for wanting all that stuff I guess I’m just wanting more about the real world love ain’t all rose petals you know it’s about finding someone who makes you toast when you’re sad toast you can’t win love with toast my friend I like Hannah’s attitude

That’s what it’s all about for me love should make you write poetry even if you don’t know how so love is like my old English teacher everyone laughs my man Noah coming in with a oneliner I think you know you like someone when you check

To see if they laugh at your jokes Noah looks thoughtful I don’t know if I’ve ever felt any anything like that maybe I’m not the romantic type I w’t worry about it seems like we all think love is something different anyway what do you think Em which of these boys has a right

Idea about love I want someone who’s imaginative and romantic this is what I’m seeing love is like a beautiful flower and we water it with our emotions Gary stares at Rocco I hate to break up the party Lads but shouldn’t we take some of these drinks back to the girls

All right yeah the boys fill up the glasses and walk back to the others hey boys no no hands around the drinks cheers everyone welcome to love Island cheers the sound of glasses clinking is followed by quiet as everyone drinks that’s delicious so classy I’m never

Going to get why people like this stuff what can’t go wrong with a little cheeky V you get me they used to do two for one pitches down in my local on Fridays Marisol Winks at him what a revelation I can’t wait to see what else we’re going

To find out about each other you won’t have to wait long marisou Gary looks at his phone it’s me guys I got a text I lers it’s time to find out who’s hot under the collar and who’s playing it cool head to the fire pit to play a game

Of Truth or Dare this is my game you guys let’s go there are two stacks of cards set out by the fire pit one stack is marked truth and the other is marked dare oh my gosh yes we’ve got cards and everything serious Truth or Dare

Business this is not at all what I was expecting haven’t you done this before Rocco you have to pick truth or dare and then do what it says on the card when you’ve had a turn you pick someone else to have a go Oh I thought we get to ask

Each other some questions we meet up W Rocco I didn’t even want to think about the kind of thing you’d ask Rocco Grins and Winks at lty did he just wink at her I’ll handle it later you give Rocco a look what okay is everyone ready let’s

Crack on lty mutters under her breath I guess she’s going first then I’s already taken charge of the game it’s great she’s getting the party started ly raises her eyebrows yeah I guess so okay I choose dare she takes the first card from the top of the deck give a foot

Massage to one of the other Islanders wow getting right in there oh gross I don’t think I could touch someone’s feet on the first day I met them I’m definitely choosing truth when it comes to my turn what a miss out and all the fun suck someone’s toes might be in

There too gross okay well I think it’s time to get this person out of his shell a little bit so the person I choose is Noah come on big man get those Piggies out hope takes Noah’s foot in her her hands and begins to rump her thumbs up

And down his soul how’s that feeling mate actually hope slides her fingers between Noah’s toes Noah’s size like he’s enjoying it pretty good well this is already the weirdest holiday I’ve ever been on I hope looks like she’s really getting into it I’m going to

Cheer her on get in girl he looks like he’s loving it hope smiles back at you hold done for getting us started hope who are you going to choose next hope looks around at all of the Islanders let’s keep things Lively mem seems like she’s up for having some fun you’re up

Truth or DM what should I choose be spontaneous choose dare I don’t know I think truth is a Really Brave option ly rolls her eyes look at you boys deciding for her you’re so thoughtful you make your own choice mem I choose dare yes M

Go big or go home okay the Dare is take a selfie and text it to the hottest Islander okay that’s not as bad as the feet one I think it’s worse I always look so bad in selfies it’s all about getting that perfect pose right M I’ve

Got to choose something really good what should I do let’s go Sultry and seductive you run your hands through your hair and work on your best pout you snap a couple and choose the best one perfect but who should I send it to this is a great opportunity to get in there

With one of the boys but how would the other girls feel about that I could always play it safe and choose to send it to one of them instead I think I want to send it to one of the girls and I think I want to send it to lty it might

Be a bit of a surprise but at least the girls will know I’m not going to try on with their guys it might be a good way of getting to know some of the girls better take your time M don’t rush her who said a flirty pick to is a very

Important decision you immediately send the message you send the message and immediately lotty’s phone beeps wow thank you so much I don’t know if you were supposed to choose a girl there none of us were good enough huh I think it’s great Emma isn’t Bound by convention and if she thinks lty is

Attractive who more to criticize maybe that’s something I’m interested in too he at the guys good luck with that mate I think em is just not stepping on anyone else’s toes so it’s M’s turn to choose next Who’s Next why don’t you choose one of the boys um okay but don’t

Choose Noah we want to get all the boys involved right no sense in you and me fighting over anything lty raises her eyebrows at you I am going to choose Rocco playing it safe a little bit I think Rocco should go next I’m always up for it I choose truth didn’t you just

Tell mem to choose dare to darare is to take a risk my friend I will always encourage that in other people but I want to choose truth I came in here to Bear My Soul I’ve already Beed my Souls big man Rocko thinks choosing truth lets

Him bear his soul I think he is a romantic Spirit Rocco Smiles at you I’m so glad you think so let’s keep this moving shall we Rocco your question is what was your most embarrassing sexual experience sex is a beautiful intimate thing none of my experiences have ever

Been in harison I very much doubt that there was this time I was so good the neighbors banged on the door you were so good the neighbors came around to your house I see Neighbors I mean the other people in the car park this was in my

Truck mate I’m going to stop you there you took a girl back to your truck where you prepare food that’s definitely the most embarrassing story I’ve heard for ages I thought I had bad lines but this is so much worse hey girl would you like to come and enjoy a beautiful intimate

Experience in my van all the boys burst out laughing sounds like a good time to me a sexy man and a catering siiz jar of chocolate sauce what’s not to like well I’ve done my part in this game it’s now someone else’s turn so who you going to

Choose to go next um how about he casts his eye around the group Marisol okay I choose truth good choice your question is have you ever kissed someone of the same gender on a night out yes of course for fun my friend Persia is always snuggy ing everyone on the Dance Floor

Girls Lads no I mean I actually like to meet girls or nights out oh you’re bisexual I get it sorry Marisa I didn’t mean to imply you’re like my friend who just snugs everyone well lots of people do like to experiment especially on nights out when inhibitions are down but

I’m genuinely interested in women just about as much as men I actually get more nervous talking to girls for some reason if I meet a really beautiful girl I get Tongue Tied so the club is a place where you can talk talk with your lips we always talk with our lips Rocco

Something like that Bobby curls his lips in weird directions yeah try talking without your lips it can’t be done I’m good on the dance floor so I end up feeling confident like I could make the first move and then you end up getting Tongue Tied but not from Talking Yeah by

That time I can tell if she’s on my wavelength and interested that’s boss Marisol it’s hard enough for me with only boys in my dating pool I kind of feel reassured knowing that Marisol gets nervous talking to girls just as much as I do well men usually come to me so it’s

Simpler but I could totally see myself in a long-term thing with another woman am I the only one yes and I do so I’m not the only one that’s really cool I think it’s good to be open to discovering new things about yourself but it’s also important to just let

Yourself be who you are you know I totally agree it really sound Marisol time for another quick decision who’s going next marisel glances over at you I think Rocco should go next didn’t he just go yeah funny that hope doesn’t have anything to say about it this time round

I’m not forid I can go again I choose dare hope picks up a card oh it’s a good one piss The Islander you fancy the most I don’t think you can pick yourself though mate I feel like I’ve only just met you all but I don’t even have to

Think about this one he walks right over to you and leans in for a kiss I’m going to kiss him passionately why not you pull him towards you and run your hands in his hair as you kiss everyone else cheers our first kiss wao that that was

Amazing I love that you went there okay moving on who should go next how about Hana okay um I can’t believe Rocco thinks I am the most attractive girl here I must really be his type you Zone back in just in time to hear Hannah finish speaking and I was pulling a hay

Out of my hair for the rest of the day it’s like one of them books my n Buys in the charity shop with the painted covers well I prefer to call it my lady ch’s lover moment but each to their own lty I think you should go next let’s make sure

All the girls are embarrassed fairly after all you watch the game for a few more rounds lty sucks on Noah’s Earl just seeing how angry it would make her Noah Reveals His biggest fear it’s not funny grasshoppers are like spiders that can jump at you when you’re not looking

And hope shares a little too much I think it’s probably the back of my thighs I don’t know why but I always get goosebumps when someone Strokes me there especially with a feather Noah are you taking notes on this bro suddenly you hear your name I choose M I think that

Might be it I’m afraid we’re all out of cards I was about to get another turn I think I could have that go if someone else made up the challenges now I didn’t pay for this before I’m also okay to not pay for it this time so I was done

Anyway oh good I don’t think I could have watched another foot massage anyway what is it with you and feet I just don’t like it when people try and make them look sexy what like this he starts wiggling his toes at her Hannah screams and runs away wow that’s a phobia I’d

Like to know more about marisel follows her and everyone starts to wonder off is everyone walks away Bobby hangs back did your fans see a quick chat him for a minute you settle on the day beds and look around the Villa it’s still a beautiful day the afternoon sunshine

Glints on the pool you can see Marisol and Hannah chatting on the lawn and some of the boys have already started working out at the gym Bobby flops down beside you hey fancy a chat I’m sure rocker won’t mind I’d like to get to know you

Better seem here that’s why I came over he looks around like he can’t think of what to say I’ll just come straight out with it I thought there might be a little bit of chemistry building up between us and I just wanted to know am

I the type of guy you’d usually go for yeah I like guys like you that’s good to hear seems like Bobby might also be interested in me I could take this further if I wanted to what should I say I’d like to get to know you better Bobby

Flashes a smile I’m glad I came over to chat then you’re suddenly interrupted by the sound of her phone somewhere in the Villa text guys I got a text I guess that means we got to go anyway all the Islanders gather around as Marisol starts reading Islanders tonight there

Will be a welcome party please get ready to say hi to a very special guest # drinks on us # dropping the bombshell amazing a party Lotty leans into you we can do our moon ceremony after the party she turns back to the group so wait does

That mean another girl is coming in here all the girls look at each other suddenly worried you catch Noah looking at Hope or it could be another guy however ever it is it means we’ll have an odd number for the recoupling so someone will be single or dumped a new

Islander I’m more excited by that announcement the no it was for his foot massage but will it be a new boy or girl and whose head could be turned and what does this mean for the upcoming recoupling find out next on love Island what are we thinking so far I am about

To go straight into the next part so I hope you have enjoyed it so far let me know what you’re thinking so far down in the comments below please don’t forget to subscribe of you are still watching I appreciate you so much and without further Ado let’s get into the last part

Of day one I am back and as you can see I it’s the same day but I’ve had a bit of a change around I’ve just done a roll for painting on stream and we made this lovely little ginger head ginger head gingerbread house kind of vibe um so

Yeah things are changing things are changing but my commitment to getting this done I have such a commitment okay let’s move on to day one part three this this is the 11th Islander does the arrival of a fiery new Islander cause trouble in Paradise let’s find out

Previously on love Island we met our couples hope and Noah Hannah and Gary lty and Bobby Marisol and Ibrahim and Emma and Rocco the Islanders got to know each other with a game of Truth or Dare I just don’t like it when people try and

Make them sexy and M got to know another boy am I the type of guy you normally go for coming up in this episode the first night welcome party kicks off with a bang as a new Islander enters the villa in the dressing room the girls are getting ready for their first night

Party the whole room is filled with glitter spray and the smell of sun cream I think it would be really nice to have another girl in The Villa this is Hope in her party outfit more girls more power right lty rolls her eyes oh please

I love lotty’s dress I love it so much if the situation was different sure but in here you know if a girl comes in now she’ll be the hottest person any of us have ever seen and she’ll be out to get what she wants and what if she wants

Noah Hope’s face Falls hearing you say that makes me nervous Hannah’s got a very pretty dress on too I just want everyone to meet their perfect match but what if her perfect match is the same as my perfect match we need to get used to

It it’s all part of the game let’s just make sure we’re the best at playing it I agree Marisol looks ready for some business it could be a guy you know maybe your perfect man is going to walk through through the door Hannah he’ll have glasses and a cardigan and a

Mustache and what else do you like horses and he’s going to ride in on a horse I imagine him riding in shirtless and if that happens you won’t be the only one falling At His Feet you like a guy that rides horses I like a guy that’s shirtless my ex in Australia was

Always shirtless he was ripped so I didn’t complain too much but it was a little weird one time he came to pick me up for a date and he didn’t have his shirt on what did you say when you saw him nothing I just looked at his abs and

Took him inside we never made our reservation if he was so hot why did you break up oh gosh he was as thick as a brick I didn’t see it at first because I was blinded by the fanny fluts the what um it’s an aussy thing I guess anyway

One time we talked about going on holiday and he asked me what country is France in that’s when I knew things were going south I think that oh what should we say L’s X sounds really stupid I think everyone asks some silly questions sometimes just saying um but I’m going

To say I don’t no I don’t know I don’t want to get on loss’s bad side what country is France in are you serious watch out L’s going to break up with you as well we had to break up twice in the end what do you mean he was watching the

Fooie when I said I think we should take some time apart I’ve heard that one before and then 2 days later he showed up at my house like nothing happened then out he wasn’t even paying attention to me the first time I broke up with him

What did you do I had to break up with him again louder although I almost thought about taking him back he was that fit sounds like it ended for a good reason to be honest I could never take someone back could you yeah I have I personally have never taken an ex back

But I do feel like it all depends on circumstance and it still didn’t work out well I’m single and on love Island so I’m worried about what it would be like in here I can’t imagine how hard breaking up would be you’ll still have to see them every day that’s a lot of

Difficult emotions to process and you have to watch them get off with someone else that would be the hardest thing for me how would I feel about another girl in here kissing my ex oh it depends on the situation if we’ just been coupled up for a few days or something I guess

It’s fine but if you steal him after we’ve been together for weeks and been to the Hideway woo I can just feel that it’s going to happen to me I trust my instincts and I know one of you will end up kissing a guy I like do you think

That would happen with Bobby depends how you’ll feel about him I guess I still don’t know how we’re all feeling I honestly don’t know myself well don’t worry about it hun it’s only the first day after all no one’s attached yet well apart from me yeah you and Noah seem to

Have clicked straight away what about you mem where’s your head at um I’m really into Rocco I’m not but I’m not going to cause drama right now interesting I’ve been trying to keep an eye on all the boys and see if I can feel out what they’re really like I

Think Rocco’s type is someone who’s really out there and full on in their personality you definitely give me that impression also I’m pretty sure he wants someone who self assured and knows what they want does that sound like you I think so yeah I’m that kind of girl

Maybe it will work out for you guys then to be fair we’ve only just met each other all of this could change it’s good to know though I’m still not sure what I want Bobby seems like a cool guy but I’m not set on him he’s so funny but I don’t

Know if there’s physical attraction there for either of us I don’t think I’m his type and I noticed he might be looking elsewhere is she talking about me maybe she saw us talking earlier I’m not sure about ibraim either he’s gorgeous but what if it means he’s never

Had to work for it I don’t want to find out lat lat he’s completely self-centered I get the feeling there’s hidden depths behind those beautiful eyes it worries me we might never get to find out more about these boys if there is another girl that comes in we all

Have to fight for our place here we’re a team now good on you m none of us want to get screwed over by some Rando that walks in the door especially since we already know there’s going to be a recoupling I’m with you on that I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves let’s

Not make a click we should be focusing on looking our best instead let’s go out there and look amazing and then all the boys will want us Hope’s right I’ve got to get my look right if I’m going to stay in the competition oh not going to

Wear that okay so I have all of the like challenge dresses and the wedding dresses as well because I’ve played through every season on love Villa or love Island the game originally but I think I am going to pick a dress that kind of still works for this situation

It’s like the first night Vibes um this is fun it is one of the only ones I haven’t paid for though so I’ll keep looking around but I think we might have to go for that although this is nice that was like our original Ashley dress

I do like this one as well but it is the free dress I think I’m going to go for sure I think I’m actually going to unlock this one cuz I feel like it suits M’s personality quite a lot so let’s go for this one you look amazing M if it is

A new girl she’s not going to have a chance all the girls walk out onto the lawn together where the boys are waiting o oi there they are Gary looks so nice with glasses I love glasses on a guy I just do some of these guys were getting

Impatient this is ibraim I still think the trousers are very short like is that a trend yeah especially Mr La La Land over here I’m so sorry for the accents I’m so sorry Bobby always looks good what Rocco also I do like this Vibe a lot it suits the weather you know you

Know what that guy Sebastian who sings and plays the piano in that movie you remind me of him the singing crab who lives under the sea no that’s a different never mind the point is Roo wants us to think he’s laid back but it turns out he doesn’t like getting stood

Up that’s me I’m happiest when I’m lying down he Winks at all the girls the boys are waiting for us well we’re here now let’s get this party started it’s our first night in the Villa I want a party my girl let’s get on it why are you guys

Still chatting you know there’s champagne over here right hope heads over to the kitchen and grabs a bottle from an ice bucket so how are you girls find in the Villa it’s amazing that’s what I was thinking sometimes I stay in hotels and a golf tour but it’s nothing

Like this did you have a chance to look at the roof Terrace yet that’s going to be such a beautiful spot to sit out and look at the stars I hope I’ll get a chance to do that one evening with someone Rocco looks at you I’d like that

I could teach you the constellations oh silly really a shipyard at night is just as nice as the stars but no one ever wants to go and look at a shipyard with me a shipyard yeah there’s this park near where I grw up and you can sit out

At the hill at night and just look at the Docks you can’t see any stars obviously because of smoke but the lights on all the cranes are amazing at night they’re all different colors and you can tell loads about what’s going on Gary thinks a shipyard at night is

Romantic I be into that nice to know someone is Hope rolls her eyes like she’s bored um sorry to interrupt because this is riveting but I think I’m starting to see why some of you are single I was expecting better chat than come and look at my Shipyard baby right

What happened to the old classics lty looks at Hannah hey girl do you know how to give the kiss of life um cuz you just took my breath away wow you try one okay um this one was always my favorite hey girl are you an overdue library book I

Don’t know am I cuz you’ve got fine written all over you lty bur out laughing that’s so good Noah catches Hope’s eye I hope feel my shirt um okay she gently touches the Hem of His shirt feel that that’s boyfriend material oh my gosh I’m melting these pickup lines I

Love them me too I want to pretend I like them ironically but Ibrahim clears his throat okay check this out hey girl are you a damn because you got me saying Beaver oh wait I mean there’s an awkward silence I’m going to laugh along why not

Let’s just have a laugh you burst out laughing and ibraim smiles at you at least someone likes it why don’t you try one M um okay I’m going to use my chat line on one of the girls and we’re going for lty again we never know let’s hear

It okay hey lty are you French because I fall for you lty looks at you blankly I fell like I I fell I fall I fell don’t worry about it the girls will smile at you you smashed it with that one I might have to work on my game trust me there

Are worse things than not being a smooth talker people who talk to your chest instead of your face i’ take a couple of lines from a sweet guy over someone who talked down to me or someone who can’t take no for an answer hope pauses and

Looks at the group I was about to talk about this one time a guy was physically inappropriate with me is that going to make you feel uncomfortable no judgment I don’t know I think I might skip this I’m sorry I think I don’t know what I did on the first playthrough but this

Time I’m going to skip it that’s fine mem I totally get it hope you can tell us another time when mem isn’t around thanks guys seeing as we’re talking stories I’m reading a book about anti-gravity is there any good it’s impossible to put down get it Joey would

Be proud of that one everyone groans when a girl goes out with me she can expect uh quality banter and an absolute gent and a 100 bad dad jokes dad jokes this is quality humor right a bishop walks into a NY what could be better than watching Gary do 5 minutes of stand

Up oh I know how about about this I got a text Islanders please go to the fire pit and get ready to meet your new arrival # new arrival #t turn up the heat are you ready Islanders let’s do this Rocco pulls you aside on the way

Over to the fire pair what’s up today’s been such a good laugh but I thought we should have a quick chat before someone else arrives and it all kicks off he’s supposed to be Irish it felt like there was a bit of tension during that truth

Or dare game earlier today was it okay I kissed you when I did that dare yeah I loved it I chose you this morning and you you kissed me this afternoon what’s not to like I played a lot of those games when I was traveling and everyone has slightly different rules it’s so

Interesting to me how quickly a group of people start flirting and gossiping when they’re all on holiday is that being a teenager again he pauses for a second can I ask you now now we’re in private where’s your head at what are you thinking about you and me I think we

Should I want to give us a shot but it feels a bit early to commit I’m glad you said that I think we’ve got a good connection so far we’re clicking you’re say not the right stuff you see my type on paper but it has only been a day I’m

Not making a decision or anything like that right now I want to get to know everyone in here you do for sure I’m a free spirit I don’t know if I’m ready to tie myself down yet so does that mean you might be looking to couple up with

Someone else you’re interrupted by the sound of lty calling you whenever you two love birds are ready you hear the clicking of stilettos on the stone as you reach the fire pit hi everyone I’m so excited to meet you all this is Priya It’s the Return of priia this is priia

She’s 29 from Manchester she’s an estate agent but like one of those good ones Rocco whistles under his breath excuse me Rocco may I know I guess we’re the welcoming committee come on Boys the boys gather around prya and introduce themselves it’s a new girl and she’s

Beautiful oh do you think so she’s stunning man look at all those boys all swarming around her you think they hadn’t just met five gorgeous women today already you sound jealous are you worried about Bobby no I’m not worried if he can’t see what I’ve got that’s his

Loss what about you guys you glance over at Rocco he’s laughing along with priia at something I I want my chance to get to know him I know it’s pretty early but I already like him I don’t really mind Gary going to chat with her I don’t

Think we’re right for each other anyway but I don’t like the idea of one of us girls going home already if Gary does fancy priore I’ll have to find someone else to couple up with if we don’t like it we should do something about it I’m

Going to go over there and meet her I bet she’ll be really nice if we get to know her and we can check up on the boys too too you want to come with I’d rather stick with my girls I’ll go I’d like to see what kind of person she is I’m going

To stay and talk to lty what about you m I am going to I’m going to go meet the new girl I’ll come with you guys I like to see what PRI is all about your choice it’s not what I would have chosen though I know where my loyalties lie what you

Walk over to the boys leaving lossy and Hannah whispering to each other here they are were you L trying to keep priia all to yourself hope immediately goes into hug Pria how are you doing babes I’m hope it’s so good to meet you it’s good to meet you too I’m so glad you

Girls aren’t judging me for gate crashing your party PR turns to you I’m going to compliment her we’re not about putting other girls down hi I’m M you’re stunning by the way we were just saying you’re so sweet I was really worried I’d be Fading Into the background to be

Honest all you girls are so beautiful and I know I’m slightly older than all of you I wouldn’t have noticed that uh moving swiftly on I’m really looking forward to getting to know you better yeah we all are I try and be a pretty open person what do you want to know uh

What your usual type I usually go for cheeky and flirty guys so like Rocco usually I’m the one that struggles to commit I love guys who are fun to be around but I tend to get a bit scared when it gets a bit more serious everyone

Here seems fun to be around in their own way yeah we’re just a bunch of mushrooms what you know we’re fun guys maybe jokes aren’t your thing lad anyway everyone seems to S so far even those two they’ll come around soon I’m sure hope points to

Lty and Hannah who are still chatting by the fire pip what’s going on there why didn’t they want to come and say hi why didn’t they come over and say hi Oh it’s not about you ly and Hannah just had something else that they wanted to talk

About what was that then um it’s okay I get it not all the girls are happy I’m here whatever let’s just get over there let’s get them over here whatever let’s get them over here o lty Hannah you coming over or what sorry we didn’t come over straight away we had something

Important to discuss lty a kisses prya on both cheeks what did you say your name was babe I’m priia it’s nice to meet you it must be really hard for you to come in when we’re already coupled up I’m going to oh I’m going to keep quiet

You watches PR turns to face lty and air kisses her back oh my gosh I love your Aussie accent it’s so rural maybe Pria can hold her own guys it’s a bit early to be getting into it like this it’s our first day in the Villa Noah is right

There’s going to be plenty of time for falling out later sorry if I’m not loving the idea that we’re already in danger speaking of which I guess it’s time to ask the big question she turns to priia have any of these boys caught your eye already I would say Ibrahim is

My type straight away I’m so glad I asked but Rocco has got gorgeous eyes too but I’m not trying to tread on anyone’s tours it’s still early days I don’t mind we’ve literally known each other for a few hours anyway I think it’s only fair you get a chance to talk

With all the boys and we should get you a drink honestly boys it’s a party and no one’s got prer a glass of bubbly yet I guess I better go and do that grafting thing then honey I don’t think anyone with a figure like that needs to graft

Go and sit on the bed over there and watch the boys form a line BBY I think we need to have a word yep I think it’s about that time for all of us you watch as the couples Drift Off to talk to each other you can already hear raised voices

Coming from where lty and Bobby are sitting what a day and tomorrow is going to be even more full on after a while the party winds down and the Islanders begin to get ready for bed everyone gets into their pajamas what am I going to

Wear tonight I need to look my best for the moon ceremony with lty and it’s going to be what I’m going to be wearing in the morning as well okay so did I ever spend any money on pajamas throughout this whole series I did buy

This and red is kind of our color I think we just go for the red hey this looks great I’ll head down now all the girls gather on the lawn bathed in the soft glow of moonlight I’m glad you’re here Priya honestly thanks for inviting me yeah with everything that’s happened

Today I thought it would just be good to take a moment to relax and forget it all we all deserve to be celebrated no matter how we feel personally everyone link hands with someone else this might be a good chance to get closer to one of

The other girls or find out about her partner if I’m interested in him I’m going to hold lotty’s hand hi there she turns away for a second to address everyone I just want you to take a second to be in the moment right here with this amazing powerful woman forget

All the nonsense this is what really matters you can chat if you want or don’t just do what the moon tells you lty looks back to you and squeezes your hands I’m going to compliment her you’re so Fierce and bold I admire that I admire you too em a few moments pass the

Night air moves gently across your bare skin aard sings from a nearby Bush eventually everyone lowers their hands as if on Q look at that we’re all super in tune with the flow of energy feel a bit closer to everyone now everyone starts to disperse you Wander over to

The day beds to sit down for a moment you’re sitting on the day beds looking at The View when Rocco sits down beside you hey gorgeous and hello to you too it’s nearly time for bed and as it’s our first night as a couple I was thinking about what you said earlier about

Wanting to get to know each other and I thought there’s one way I know that’s great great for that how do you feel about sharing a bed tonight I’m looking forward to it I’m so glad you said that he breathed deeply I was so much more nervous than I was expecting Rocco

Smiles and edges closer to you a cool breeze drifts over the lawn and you both shiver slightly you look amazing tonight I just want to say that I’m really glad we’re coupled up wow I’m really getting those first night Vibes we haven’t even got into the bedroom yet there won’t be

Any privacy there anyway this might be the best opportunity for like a cheeky kiss should we try it let’s try it why not not I’ve never coupled up with Rocco this early you quietly shift yourself closer to Rocco and brush your nose up against his cheek hey hey your hand

Reaches up to his face and you draw his lips towards yours you’re radiant him Rocco brushes a strand of hair from your face he stares deeply into your eyes while his hand caresses your cheek you lean in and your lips meet he cups your face in his hands and you wrap your arms

Around his waist and sink into the kiss for a moment you forget where you are all you can think about is the warmth of his lips against yours when you open your eyes Rocco is looking at you his eyes sparkle he takes your hand in his

And you look into the light and you look into his eyes I should say that was intense that’s because we have a real connection M you really think so definitely I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that was really nice he Giggles I can’t believe we kissed on the

First night you hear commotion over by the Villa prya comes to the doorway guys come over here I got a text priia tomorrow you’ll get to choose one of the boys to couple up with leaving one of the girls single and vulnerable # a challenger appears # Girl Code I knew it

This is L’s late night outfit interesting and this is what myasa will be sleeping in it looks more like a bikini but you know if she’s comfy looks like it’s competition time ladies hope is in the Cozy but sexy pajamas and on that note it’s time we left those

Islanders to get their beauty sleep not that they need it have you seen Priya or Ibrahim wow I think these guys are the hottest Bunch we’ve had yet I feel like I’m G to get heat stroke just by looking at them coming up next time on love

Islands it kicks off as Priya cracks on that was it for our first episode of season 2 I am so hoping I’m so so so hoping I can get all of this done so I can get it out to you not obviously before the game goes away but definitely

So I can get it all filmed before the game goes away that is so important let me know what you thought of this part down in the comments below if you’re a m I hope you enjoyed seen this video before anyone else and thank you so much

For watching if you want to please do subscribe it really helps me out and turn on notifications so you know when I upload a video make sure you give it a like as well thank you so much for watching everyone I appreciate you lots and I’ll see you in the next one goodbye

Are you ready to f f Irish is so far away from whatever accent this is going to be and I don’t know if you’re going to see any of it before I upload the whole rest of the series in case I don’t get the whole series done in

Time what if you hate it what if you absolutely hate the accent oh my God I enjoy being a good I enjoy being a girl hope and Noah Harry and Gary cuz we’re not about putting go whoa I was very excited about that should we try it

Let’s try it why not I’ve never coupled up with rhino rhino


  1. An awesome start to season 2 I don't remember much about the original series can't wait to see how it all plays out 😊 loved the bloopers at the end

  2. It sucks we lost the seasons but a new season 2 play through is amazing to see. Hope you got to finish it but I’m hyped to see who u end up with.

  3. Also Ashleigh you’re an icon for archiving this game that we all loved so much so thank you!!

  4. Chilli connect were going to transfer them to their new app or new server but fusebox will remaster them I hope it really sucks and is sad though

  5. Chilli connect are the software company that shut down the old seasons fusebox were warned but they just never accepted it😒

  6. I absolutely adore this!
    Revisiting these character has always been a blast, and I'm looking forward to the familiar chaos this season provides. Loving the Rocco route and the drama brewing on the horizon. The shift in dynamics between the Islanders is so satisfying to see! Aaaaand the voices are on point as usual, of course! πŸ‘

  7. The way I cackled when I got called out for that dad joke. 🀣🀣🀣

  8. It's so sad the apps gone. I played it almost everyday. Prefered these over the new ones they have made. They better bring these back. πŸ™πŸΌβ€

  9. I'm legitimately upset it was my favorite game I tried replaying it one last time but didnt get to finish πŸ₯Ίβ˜ΉπŸ˜­

  10. On dec 31, S2 is no longer playable. I am very sad. Have play every OG route and Lurik. Gary is my fav route. I sure hope your MC ends up with Gary. I really enjoy your videos. I hope you were able to record all 30 days.

  11. I didn't know they took down the first game! I was thinking to play trough season 2 again… so glad you did it and we get to see it!

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