How To Find the Optimal Swing Plane For Your Body Type

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Discover how to tailor your golf swing plane to your unique body type in this insightful video. I delve into the importance of considering your height and wingspan to create a swing plane that complements your natural build. This video offers practical guidance on adjusting your swing for different body types, from shorter to taller players. Using alignment sticks as a visual aid, I demonstrate how to achieve the ideal swing plane, emphasizing the relationship between arm length, body height, and swing depth. Whether you’re aiming to cut or draw the ball, this video provides tailored advice to enhance your swing mechanics effectively.

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All right what’s going on everybody uh hope this video finds you well what we’re going to go into here today is how to find your swing plane for your actual body type and why I think this is super important um before we get into that if you haven’t please click on that link

Below check out the last video that I did here also I’ve got a free crash course on understanding impact would love to have you part of that uh without further Ado let’s get right into it so when we look at different body types and what I mean by body types in general

We’re talking more about the height of a player well the height of the player a lot of times is going to dictate the plane in which they swing and what they actually have access to and we can even relate it to and say the ball flight

That we want to hit is going to have a big influence on what we’re going to be doing with the swing plane and the directional movements of the arm and the back swing and how that relates to the plane that we’re on the other characteristic that I think we’ve all

Got to take into account right here is what is our actual wingspan in relation to our height these are things that we as players have to know so that we can actually build out proper swing plane I get this all the time where uh somebody

Comes out and they work with me and they say they want to have a they want to have a back swing that looks like Dustin Johnson or Justin Thomas they want to have really high hand hands and then I look at the player and they’re 5′ 7 5’8

And they’ve got a short wings spand and the problem with that is if we’ve got shorter arms if we’ve got shorter arms and we have a shorter body height well the depth of our hands if we get them high is going to be right here and then

In order for us to actually get this golf club back to the inside we’re going to have to reroute it right there so I would say this when we’re looking at designing an arm swing to create a plane for the player we need to design it around height so me

As an example I’m 6’1 so for me I’m 6’1 I don’t mind cutting the golf ball so for me if I get my hands more up this direction well the plane of this is now going to want to work back down this way and that gives me access a lot of times

To the outside part of the golf ball but now in the same sense if I want to draw it that’s not going to really be the swing plane that I actually want to be on now let’s take somebody who’s shorter if we take somebody who’s shorter and they’re trying to swing with higher

Hands well if they get here and we have any sort of turn this golf club is going to want to pitch so far out this direction and we’re probably going to be swiping across it and so this is why I think it’s super important right here

For us to tailor this towards our body type to create the plane that we want so if we start off with shorter players right here a shorter player is probably going to need to have an arm arm movement and a swing plane that is a little bit lower and a little bit deeper

So like if I shortened up my arm length here for me to create enough depth right here I’m not going to have my arms and my hands crazy crazy crazy high now it’s not me saying that I want you to stand up with your spine and flatten that out

We still want the arms arcing around what the spine is doing right here but again we need to design it for what the body type is and for what the height of the player is and the length of the arms now if we go into more of a let’s say

More of a standard player that’s like 5 foot n something like that we’re probably going to want to see the lead arm a little bit more on shoulder line and if they’ve got normal length arms we’re going to typically see the handle depth right here sit more in line with

Where the trail heel is so if we’re shorter and we have shorter arms right here we’re going to have to feel the club Works a little bit lower and a a little bit more in if you’re more medium 5 9ish we’re going to be able to get the

Arms more up on shoulder line and then again for someone like me 61 or even somebody who’s as tall as like Dustin Johnson we can get the arms a little bit higher and we still have access to turn to be able to create that depth so that

Is one of the things I would really challenge each one of you is when you’re out there and you’re trying to build a swing plane that is going to be suitable for what your body type is make sure you design it around your body type and what

Your arm length is now what I’m going to show you here from a drill perspective once you figure out what that is this is a pretty cool way of doing it so what I’ve got here is I’ve got two alignment sticks that are duct taped together so

What I’m going to do with this one right in here so I’m going to rest this on my shoulder it’s going to sit just outside my shoulder line it’ll be about a fist outside of it and it’s going to be sitting on the height you’ll see right

Here on the actual height of where my shoulder line is a fist away so what I can do right here if I set my club down I’ll rest this on my shoulder and I’m going to push this into the ground right here so when that right there gets

Pushed into the ground now you can see when I’m back here this would be where I would want to see the golf club and my arms work to create more of a neutral possibly even a draw pattern now for us to design this to where we

Can hit the golf ball a little bit straighter I like setting this up on both sides of the Ark so now on here I’m going to do the same type of thing so this is going to basically be sitting on my shoulder line a fist away I’m going

To walk up into it here I’m going to put this one in the ground right here and now I’ve basically got a Runway here for my arms and my golf club to be able to work on it now I wouldn’t say to just jump right in and start ripping golf balls doing this

I think the first thing right here is once you design and you set up what your swing plane actually is let’s actually start to feel out where it is in motion so we’d be here take it away work the lead arm up it work it back down it feel

To impact through and then work the trail arm around it and what I would say right here is we’re playing the game basically of operation to see if we can actually make swings where we’re not going to be hitting these alignment sticks so I’d be in here work it back

Work it through so that was a good feel right there work it back work it through and so this right here is allowing the arms to work more around the spine and it’s not going to allow us as players either to get to Crazy linear backwards

And forwards and it’s going to help us maintain our head Center of access so that the arms can actually work around us so once we do that we’ll grab a ball I would recommend teeing this up just so that you’re able to hit in the same spot otherwise setting up these two alignment

Sticks every single time you hit a golfball can be a little bit harder so we’ll give it a go so I’m going to set up right in here I’m going to feel my back swing once work it down to impact work it through so this first one

I’m going to do is going to be a little bit slower just to make sure I can get this done right so I’m going to go in here feel it once work it back work it through impact work it around and then we’ll go and there would be more of what that

Look would be right there and that to me was an absolutely perfect dead straight golf ball there so start off slower with this type of drill you can work this up in speed really really easily once we gain the feel and we gain control of what our

Actual swing plane is for our body type so hope this helps out hope this get you to understand what your swing plane needs to be based on what your height is based on what your arm length is if you have any questions for me on this please

Leave those down in the comments below thank you for watching appreciate all you guys support we’ll see you next Time


  1. Thanks Trevor I’m shorter and I’ve always known there has to be a difference in swing plane for different heights and arm length and no one talks about it, this is the first time I’ve seen anyone cover it so thanks again

  2. Here as always for a great drill. Never thought of the two stick drill. I think that would also help from coming over the top. Keep them coming Trevor.

  3. Shorter player here. Can you make and videos about fairway woods? Seems like same concept except just farther away from the ball?

  4. Thanks for the video. Is it natural for your trail elbow to fly a bit more with high hands if you have a a long wingspan relative to your height or should you try to keep it tucked closer to the body?

  5. What about a body row with a wide chest? I need to make a conscience effort to get my arm on top of my chest, rather than on the sides of my chest

  6. This is valuable info thanks Trevor. Whenever I see you using double alignment sticks and I try to replicate it…
    The ground I have to use is really hard and not this lush green surface like you have. The sticks dont like to stay at an angle or really straight at all. They fall over or move too much or dont stay put. Even 1 longer stick let alone 2 sticks taped otgether. Do you have hardy sticks you recommend or are they all the same and you just have nice ground to put them into?

  7. I've been waiting years for someone to talk about this, I'm 6'1" with a 6'4" wingspan, I would assume my swing plane to be similar to yours. Thanks!

  8. What about forearm to upper arm ratio, strong/ weak left/right hand grip and external shoulder rotation?

    You should check out Mike Adams/Terry Rowles stuff on this… its well researched and established

  9. Makes a lot of sense why naturally I like to go flatter. I never liked it even when recording and tried to change it. But I appreciate you pointing this out, makes a ton of sense now. I won't be shamed of my flatter takeaway LOL (I'm 5'7)

  10. Need some charts to determine swing plane designed around body type. Cannot simply say you need to do it without some sort of matrix. You probably have a good idea.

  11. Interesting… At 5’8”, I always gravitated towards a Ben Hogan swing plane. It’s the only thing that’s ever worked. Now I know why.

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