Mastering the Topped Golf Shot: Secrets Revealed! || EJS Golf Academy

🏌️‍♂️ **IUnlock the Mystery of Topped Golf Shots**

In this video, coach Erik Schjolberg of EJS Golf and Scottsdale Golf Lessons takes a deep dive into the world of topped golf shots. Coach Erik reveals key strategies and insights that can transform your game, helping you understand and master this common challenge faced by golfers of all levels.

Understanding Topped Golf Shots: A Comprehensive Guide

The Basics of a Topped Shot: I start by exploring what a topped shot is and why it happens. Learn the technical aspects that lead to this frequent mishap. KNOW THAT THE TOPPED GOLF SHOT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH KEEPING YOUR HEAD DOWN!

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them: Discover the most common errors that lead to topping the ball and practical tips to correct your swing.

Drills and Practice Routines. I share exclusive drills that are easy to follow and highly effective in rectifying topped shots. These routines are designed for daily practice, requiring minimal time but offering maximum impact. 15 Minutes Per Day to Reaching Your Goals!

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Coach Erik Schjolberg
EJS Golf Academy

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Have you ever done that top golf shot I know you have I hear it all the time and what is the solution typically if somebody yells from afar or whatever oh you picked your head up so folks I I have something to share with you I’ve

Taught 30 years okay and this is with video okay so I not once in a lesson showed a person a video when they topped it and told me they picked up have I seen evidence of it okay and I’m going to explain to you today why and we’re going to get rid of

This myth and hopefully can get rid of it once and for all because this really this one hurts golfers is why I talk about it because if you go okay I got to stay down now that’s kind of swings I see like that that’s what comes out of it keep your head down

Why we are very active in this golf swing keeping our head down is not what we want to do uh two of the best golfers ever in this world onuk sson and David Deval what did they do they were like this an impact their head here which is

Probably what more people should do so they can get their body through it okay but let’s just say no and keep their head there it’s just for structure it was never built because we can’t see this ball we’re hitting it anyways it was never built for us to be watching

The ball it was for structure so we get back to here our heads here and not up here or here so it was never meant for that so let me get into why it happens okay and this will help alleviate and then help once you understand it it’s

Very fixable and it makes a lot of sense okay so this is for most of them okay the club is going like this and they it’s casted meaning there’s usually some kind of motion like this cast ing it so what happens is when this comes in like this

It’s a way to close the club face that the low point is behind the golf ball if I’m going this way meaning if the golf swings a circle you know somewhat of a circle I have to have a lowest point down here somewhere right so for that

Person their lowest point would be back here okay and the club then obviously after the lowest point has to be coming up so there’s the top golf shot okay that’s it folks that’s where most top golf shots happen right there it’s for people people that typically C throw

This club face which is most golfers out there they swing up like this and they throw the face they look like they’re when they’re at impact they look like they’re so to addess because they just threw the face like this but it’s behind

And they hit it so how do we get out of that and how do we fix it now that we understand the fix okay or understand why it’s happening which is key with all my teaching okay so everything I teach I want the golfer to understand what

Happens there so when you go out and play that you are empowered okay and that’s what I’ve always wanted to do is give students empowerment so I don’t hear them ever saying anymore oh I don’t know what happened I had a bad round I don’t know why no it’s very empowering

To know why you hit a golf shot right so you top a threeway in the middle of the Fairway you go up and take a couple practice swings on your next one and you got it fixed okay so let’s talk about how to fix it then so with an iron okay

Or with any ball see on the ground we want a negative angle of attack not a positive one when we top it that’s a positive one coming into the ball okay we want negative and we also want to have the club’s lowest point out in

Front of the golf ball which is you know somewhere up here okay it depends for each person how much up front Okay but it depends on how hard your swing is or whatever but nobody should be behind it on these okay that’s very hard to time

Up okay so let’s say for me I want to be a few inches out in front what am I going to do so if I go play golf and I had that problem I would tell the person to go like this so that’s in front right

So I was set up right here next to the ball and go that’s in front again okay now I just did those swings now I’m going to go boom and so we have right here um let’s go right here we have the low point 4.5a that means 4.5 inches after was my

Lowest point of that so my attack angle was Nega 5.7 no not everybody has to be that much with a nine iron okay but it just shows you that you’re always going to hit strike the ball clean and when you learn to do this the reason most golfers struggle in

Golf is because their strike is their point down here is bad meaning it’s back here one time it’s up here one time so you got blades you have fat shots you have all this stuff if you can just take that out of your mind and change your

Routine and approach to say I have to get up here I have to start laning up here now let me show you typically how I work with it with students and they can figure this out every student I figures this out now you can take a quarter I

Like taking a quarter drill or something these are little discs I use or you can use a little T but I put this little disc in front with the golf ball here and I tell the GOL the student to heyy I want you to forget really about this

Golf ball and I want you to hit this up here for me now one question I get a lot is well why don’t I just look up there and I say that makes a lot of sense if it’s done the correct way so what I typically see where it goes bad is if

I’m aiming up like this is the person will turn their head this way that is really bad and the reason is because if you’re right-handed there’s 99% chance you’re right eye dominant so if I’m looking up here if you go like this their head is pointed this way now

That’s going to restrict your back swing huge okay so you want to be turned a little bit back this way with our head so you’re just going have to look out of at out of your left eye okay um but don’t get into that habit that will mess

You up okay so I’m going to hit this and what am I going to focus on I’m going to focus on getting all the way up to that thing okay I’m not going to worry about casting this thing I’m just going to hold on to the Angles and get all the

Way up to that that’s all I’m focused on boom and you can see I did it so right there we have 4.6 after on that one with a negative 5.7 degree angle of attack down okay so that’s a lot some won’t be that far but it doesn’t matter

Anything positive after the ball is good is what we’re going for so that’s another that’s one drill okay um if you don’t have a setup like that or you don’t have a quarter or whatever everybody’s going to go have a t grab a t put it in front of your ball when

You’re if you go to the range and do this you know two three inches in front Okay and I just put a real little te in there and my goal is to what is to get up to that te that’s all I’m worried about on this shot I’m not worried about

The ball I’m going to the te and you can see the T went out there and I had 5.0 after attack angle of 5.9 okay so here’s the story let me show you one more way to do this for those of you have alignment sticks in your bag or you can grab a

Golf club this is another great way too just put this put this behind you behind the ball and what this what is that going to do that’s just going to make your eye think you got to get more forward okay like you’re not going to want to land back here and hit this

Stick and so you may have to start with this golf club up which I would and then we’re just going to make sure we get down on it okay I didn’t hit that one that’s solid but that’s okay because I caught it thin I was so far forward but that’s fine um

That’s not the point so here’s the thing with hitting this thing if you want to start hitting the ball well this is 100% key and this is what I tell golfers beginning or whatever if you’re just kind of in a in a in a rut everybody can get this down and hit

The ball okay like how good would your golf game change if you knew every time you’re just going to at least launch it and you can start to get the same distances instead of one fat one Thin and you know maybe when you’re doing this drill and you start doing it it

Goes a little right or maybe a little left but you’re getting good distance out of it and you’re hitting it up there not catching them fat not topping them then you work on that stuff after but number one is by far number one is getting your low Point

More up front now for a lot of you there’s going to be different reasons of how you do it you know you may come off the ball a lot which causes problems you know mostly I see this issue person comes off like this or whatever however

They do it and that’s really hard to time up how to get back so it’s probably a lot better for you if you just come back a little bit and turn and you’re more over the golf ball it’ll be a lot easier for you okay so practice this and

Learn to become a good ball Striker before anything um and everybody can do it anybody come sees me is able to take go hit this ball now maybe a little right maybe a little left but they are able to get a good attack angle down three

After for the KN and a negative four attack angle so I’m always going to hit the ball solid like I said I may just have to work on some angles or path or something like that with my face but it’s always going to be up there somewhere near the green okay thanks for

Watching hopefully this helps you with your top golf shot and you don’t have to believe any more of the mess of lies that are out there throw that one out of the book that keep your head down Eric schelberg ejs Golf Academy

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