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Washington & Michigan ADVANCE to the National Championship 👀 Kirk Herbstreit previews | SC with SVP

Kirk Herbstreit joins SportsCenter with Scott Van Pelt to preview the College Football Playoff National Championship matchup between the No. 2 Washington Huskies and the No. 1 Michigan Wolverines.

0:00 Sugar Bowl reaction
4:57 Rose Bowl reaction
8:44 National Championship preview

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And Washington hangs on the strength of this team clearly penics in the offense that pass defense has been malign they’ve given up a ton of yards a ton of points but when they had to make a play to play for a title they did and it’s purple confetti that falls in New

Orleans and they’re heading to the quarter to celebrate as penck JR has just the third game in the 10-year history of the college football playoff with at least 400 yards and a completion percentage of 70% are better Joe burrow in that remarkable campaign for LSU did it in a seven touchdown game against

Oklahoma M Jones did it the national championship game against Ohio State Katie George has wow she was just handling oh actually Katie George was on the sidelines on the Texas side and she spoke with uh Steve sarkeesian the disappointment as Texas comes up just a play short coach sarkeesian your team fought

To the final second what do you say to a group of men who laid it all on the line uh just how proud of I I was of them this season you know um the way they they they fought there and the resiliency they showed in the second

Half and in the fourth quarter is just indicative of this team you know these guys are Fighters uh and they they’ve grown into that you know it’s not what we were a few years ago we’ve grown into it and to give ourselves a chance the

Way that we did there late in the game um really proud of them you know with all the self-inflicted wounds that we had tonight um you know we lost to a good team that played well but we gave ourselves a chance and we we just we

Just came up short thank you for the time all right thank you all right time out for the Ram trucks post game and welcome in Kirk herb Street whose day began before the sun came up at the Rose Bowl and it’s well after the sun is set and you’re

With us I love you brother I can’t thank you enough for staying up late but where would you rather be right now than talking ball after these two games remarkable day and you and I are watching this transpire live Texas and Washington and this is a game that felt

Like Washington controlled and then Herby you look up and there’s a play for Texas to steal it what were your what were your thoughts in those last few moments man I I was just sitting here probably like you and everybody else like here goes SAR you know and I think

You and I were even talking we could hear Sean’s call with the crowd noise and you and I were saying look out for Mitchell you know down in that red zone area number five he’s got such great length that they’re going to try to find a matchup that they love and it came

Very close but boy I tell I’ve called four or five Washington games this year I’ve watched this team be doubted I’ve watched this team deliver I I thought this morning on college game day I I didn’t I wasn’t able to pick the Michigan game because I was calling it

But I told uh you know everybody I thought it would be a Michigan Washington National Championship you have no idea what how it’s going to play out but my my Washington thought was which quarterback would have the ball last which quarterback would have a

Chance to win I saw like a 38 35 type of game and it it kind of played out that way uh Quinn ERS and and Texas and Sark they deserve a lot of credit for the season they had and just coming up a little bit short but to me it’s more

About celebrating what uh what Washington was able to accomplish the year that they’ve had doubted and questioned it wasn’t always pretty but give them credit man they they they got there they got to the semi-final they got the win and now they’re headed to Houston for the national title I’m going

To talk to you about that in just a bit after we show the the rose bow epic that you and Chris Valor did such a great job calling how fitting though for a defense that I mentioned it a bit over the Highlight right they’ve been maligned

Because they have given up so many so many yards so many points that’s not the strength of the team necessarily but for them to make a play when a play was required to play again I got to think that you know you talk about resolve in

A room you’d know it better than I because you’ve lived it h how how significant for that side of the ball to come up big for them to live to play another night it’s a great point and and if you really have watched Washington you know that they’ve had some significant injuries

Especially in the back end of their defense I mean if you just look at the stats you you think oh boy was and I was even talking with some people who are in the college football world it’s thought well I’m going to give uh Texas an advantage in this game because of the

Line of scrimmage and I said you know just because I’ve been fortunate to be around Washington be careful this is a team that is now healthy they they got healthy on the back end I think they’re much more athletic and More Physical than people think and I think it is I

Think you’re dead on I think it’s very fitting we know about pinnick we know about a Dun and pul and McMillan and Dylan Johnson but how fitting that the game came down the season came down y to the Washington defense having to make a play and the boys did it man it’s uh

It’s very fit if you know that staff and you know that defense it’s pretty cool that that that side of the football had to make a play and they did yeah they play that’s Williams in motion Lo down b r stopped Michigan makes a stand and comes up with a milestone playoff

Victory that was a great call there from Chris Fowler as Michigan in overtime great late drive to tie and that touchdown in overtime and then the defense Stands Tall you see that Michigan becomes the fourth team in Big 10 history to win 14 games joining Ohio State in

2014 Ohio state in 2002 in the Gophers of Minnesota skyuma 1903 I don’t know a great deal about that team to be honest about you that one there Wolverine’s look to join the Buckey and win the title all right I mentioned Harbaugh talking about his team overcoming adversity here that

Is now it’s almost been an unfair Advantage I mean all the things that that uh you know the the team has gone through I mean we don’t care anymore we don’t care what people say we don’t care about the um anything that comes up we just know we’re going to overcome it uh

Cuz it’s unanimous support from uh every single guy on the team I told him before the game this going to be about what we do and when you look back at it it’s it’s kind of about what we did and what we didn’t do um not taking anything away

From Michigan they played a great game they got a good team they very well coached and uh I wish them the best of luck in the future but you know we could have done things a little better as well and that’s on Me on the coaches it’s not

Anybody else coach uh there’s a lot of interest in your future I wonder if you can tell me what the chances are that the championship game might be your last one at Michigan my future consists of a happy flight back to an Arbor Michigan can’t wait been a pretty good run for the

Harbaugh brothers these last couple days hadn’t it KK CB Street uh joins us again and Herby knowing um your affinity for that venue and these story programs on that stage sunset going down in the mountains I mean like it’s it’s all comes together and then you get as I

Said was it the cleanest game maybe not but then it’s a classic I just wonder you take the headset off and you and Chris fer look and you walk out of there what goes through your mind after a game like that uh I think first of all just what

An honor is to work with Chris fer and and our team uh in in this world of um Hy perbly and social media um it’s just cool it’s cool to work with people that respect the game respect the teams respect the coaches and the players and the moment you know we try

To stay out of the way and just let the let the players do their thing man we we we’re just happy to be a part of it you know small piece of it all and uh that that that game that’s what it’s all about that that that’s what you hope for

Is is a game like that when you see Michigan and Alabama at the Rose bow you hope it’s a good game you don’t know if it’s going to be a good game and then the momentum swings the way the game went back and forth um as good as you

Could hope for congratulations to both those teams I mean Alabama gave everything that they had Jaylen milrose it’s been a remarkable story where he started this year got benched came back battled made some big plays kind of this SE this game was very symbolic of their season it looked like Michigan was going

To pull away they came storming back in the second half and then here came Michigan back I mean it was it was a game of momentum it was college football and you had the San Gabriel Mountains and the rose bll setting it’s perfect it was unbelievable and congratulations to

Michigan for uh for a huge win and now you know they keep saying one more they got one more to go so we’ll see what happens in that that big one in Houston next week let’s talk about that one if the Bama Michigan game was in a phone

Booth where it was block tackle execute it’s a little bit more of a track meet in Sugar Bowl and you think about Michael penx Jr and that offense going up against that Michigan defense who had to make a play to send them forward which it did what what’s is there an

Advantage one way or another there Herby I you know I I don’t know I I think both teams what’s interesting and it’s not by accident when you’re sitting there in August and you’re trying to figure out which teams are going to possibly make a run um I think both

These teams have that proverbial chip on their shoulder Washington feels doubted every single week because they’re an underdog and if you really talk to him and you peel it back don’t don’t pretend that that’s not a major motivator you heard of the guys on the on the podium

After the game you know here we are dled again what’s new they just kind of thrive on that and then you got this Michigan team with Blake corm JJ McCarthy uh you just a veteran group they got embarrassed by Georgia they didn’t quite get it done against TCU

This team was in autopilot focused on just winning it all they beat Ohio State they wanted everybody wanted to talk about it the players were like what’s next they got ready for Iowa they won that game What’s Next They just won this game they they they just seem to have a

Singular focus on winning a national championship it’s not enough so how fitting is it that these two teams Collide and let’s not forget that Jim Harbaugh on fourth down and two deep in his own territory laid in that game I don’t want to just miss that that is Jim

Harbaugh coaching to win he had three time time outs conventional wisdom says punt the football Alabama had a lot of momentum punt the football Bama’s going to run three plays use your three timeouts get the ball back that’s what every coach would do instead he goes for

It he gets Blake corm out in the flat he gets him oneon-one the linebacker doesn’t go out in the flat they hit him now there’s a block in the back so it had to come back but they got the first down that led them that call LED them to

The game tying touchdown and again to me very symbolic of their season and their head coach playing to win with aggressive mindset Chris fower said it perfectly chips all the chips in the middle of the table with about 3 minutes to go on the game and it paid off for

Him and here we go Michigan Washington for it all the National Championship it’s awesome I I I I closed where I started nothing but love and appreciation man you’re you’re the you’re the fac on the voice of the sport and you started at who knows what hour

Of the morning and it’s 1:24 on the East Coast get some rest my man until next time I and it’ll be next Monday we’ll talk after the title I look forward to that and I thank you you got it man love you Scotty take care buddy happy New Year K curb Street


  1. Michigan vs Washington for the national championship game next Monday both 14-0 their battle will be legendary to watch can't wait roll tide y'all.😊

  2. NO SEC team in the CFB invitational championship game! I hope the committee loses a lot of money over this!

    Huge congrats to Washington and Michigan for making a stand ON THE FIELD!!!

  3. Yea right Herbstreit. "you thought" Michigan vs Washington. no one believes you and we know you had Alabama coming in here. just like you have sold out to everything SEC related.

  4. Hold-on people….the "committee" might find a way to get Alabama in the Nat'l Title game…because come on, a two loss team in the SEC is really more deserving than an undefeated team in any other conference. 🙃

  5. Michigan and Alabama played a great game! I'm so glad that it wasn't a blow out either way. Joel hit it on the head, "this game was exactly what we wanted as fans."

  6. All this complaining about the number 3 and 4 teams were few weeks ago, just for the #1 to play vs the #2. The college football playoff doesn't need an expansion.

  7. How can anyone cheer for the Michigan frauds for the national championship! College football has lost all integrity in allowing Michigan to play for a national championship! The big ten informed several big ten teams like Michigan State that they had the right and option to not play against michigan because of Michigan 's egregious violations ! The facts are that Michigan 's coach was suspended twice in this season for big ten violations and then just given an official letter from the NCAA telling them they have committed additional violations that requires a "letter of notice " ! All college football loving fans should be embarrassed by the deceit and dishonesty coming from Ann Arbor!


  9. Fraudulent network is upset its cash cow backwoods trailer park conference didn’t make the playoffs despite being gifted a shot. Herbstreit is a shill and has lost all credibility going forward. Wishing him and his fellow ESPN clowns the worst this coming year.

  10. Jim Harbaugh that MF'R said almost like an unfair advantage! Almost? You dont care what other people say? Apparently youre vary interested in what other people are saying!!!

  11. LOL, Kirk Herbstreit is a HUGE SEC fan and major Michigan doubter. Stop sitting up there capping claiming that you thought Michigan would beat Alabama. Absolutely no one thought we could beat a "mighty invincible SEC juggernaut" except us people here in Michigan. Go Blue!

  12. Respect the game? You have ZERO respect for the game when you happily justify leaving out UNDEFEATED FSU. ZERO credibility clown!

  13. Praising a coach for going for it on 4th down near the end of the game while losing. What expert analysis! Clown!

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