My foolproof system for making more putts

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In this video, I’m going to show you a putting stroke tip that will help you make more putts. I’m sharing my foolproof system for making more putts. This system is easy to follow and will help you make more putts in golf.

If you’re looking to improve your putting skills, then this is the video for you! In this video, I’ll show you how to use my system to make more putts, quickly and easily. I hope you find this video helpful and that it helps you make more putts in golf!

If you’re struggling to make putts, this Putting Stroke Tip will help you improve your putting dramatically! Watch the video and see for yourself how this tip can help you improve your short game!


Today we’re making more putts and more importantly I’m going to give you my 3T system that makes it super easy for anybody to do I’m PJ teaching professional Todd Cole director of instruction for us golf TV I’ve got this system it’s called the 3T system we’re

Going to train it we’re going to test it and then I’m going to show you how to actually trust it when you head to the golf course so let’s Dive Right In first thing that we’re going to do is we’ve got to train it and what we’re going to

Do is we’re going to train our aim because this is what what I see with most golfers when they struggle with putting especially as they get inside 15 ft they really struggle with aiming so let’s walk through this so all you’re going to need here is a penny a Sharpie

And an alignment Rod all right and what I’m going to do is I’m just going to take my Sharpie and my alignment rod and I’m just going to put a little dot on the green now the dot won’t hurt the grass so don’t be worried about that but

I’m just putting a little blue dot right here to Mark where my golf ball is going to be now to actually train my aim the first part of the te I’m just going to take this alignment rod and I’m going to line it up so that it’s literally

Halfway through the dot right there and I’m going to take the Sharpie and I’m just going to put a line in front of that dot now in a second here I’m going to share with you why it’s so important that you put that line on the front side

Of the dot because most people do the opposite they put the line on the back side not a good idea so let’s go ahead so here’s what I’ve got I’ve got a little dot I’ve got a line in front now the line is about three four inches and

I’m just going to put the ball down there now because I’ve got that line on the front side I can take the putter all right and I’ve got my new VLS golf my gtrack putter this thing is awesome and I can just point the white line on the

Top right down the blue Lin now I know that my putter is perfectly straight and square and I’m just going to go ahead and roll a couple putts I’m not even putting to a hole because I’m not actually worried about making it I’m worried about training it remember R

Worried about training it so here we go I’ve got it right there I line up the line of my putter with the blue line and all I’m going to do is just roll it Right Down the Line boom now what’s happening when I do this I’m calibrating

My eyes to understand and see and look and feel what square is with the line in front I’ve got a good reference a lot of golfers I see them doing this all the time in the golf course when they’re training I should say the practice green

They put the line on the back side now we’ve done a ton of videos on putting but we don’t believe that the putter swings perfectly straight back and straight through it has a little bit of an arc that’s why we like to have the line front let’s go ahead and hit one

More then we’re going to work into the second part of the te so I’ve got a blue dot where the ball goes I’ve got about a 3in line in front that I made with the alignment rod and alls I’m going to do is get the putter square square up the

Lines and go ahead and roll it and just calibrate those eyes so that’s the first part of the 3T system that’s what we call training it all right so now we’re going to Simply test it and it it got me think when we talk about testing one of

The things that um is really important is the skill we we’ve got this Nick don’t let me forget at the end to mention this skill the most important skill in putting we did a video on it don’t let me forget to do that next CU I

Want to make sure that we understand now that we’re training it we can actually test the skill as well so we’ll get to that in a little bit so what we’re going to do now is we’re going to take the alignment Rod remember we’ve got the DOT

That’s where the ball goes and I’ve got this blue line in front so I’m just going to go ahead and line those up so I’ve got a square line and now I’m going to take the penny and I’m going to put the penny on the end the other end of

The alignment stick so you’ll notice here very simple I’ve got one side of the alignment rod on the blue dot where the ball goes I’ve got the straight line on the front side that I’ve been using to train and I’ve got the penny here on the end very simple now we’re going to

Just go ahead and take the alignment Rod move it to the side get set up here and all I’m going to do is just see if I can roll the ball over that Penny and if I can do that okay like that when I pushed a

Little bit what does that tell us face a little open right no big deal now I just need to make the adjustment so here we go make sure my face is square all right looking down the line roll it okay push it again so I’m learning something this is the whole

Point of the 3T system is that I’m actually training right now I’m learning something all right and so I’ve got to make a little bit of an adjustment let me get back here and get in here again so I’ve got the putter face square and I’m just testing my stroke a little bit

Right now boom okay that one went right over it so that is the second part of the 3T I’ve got to actually train it but then I’ve got to test it now the third part we want to talk about is how do we actually trust it so let’s Dive Right

Into that hey you know our favorite thing to ask is where are you from all right it’s one of the things that Nick and I love about here and where everybody’s from and all over the world it’s pretty crazy where we get people coming from to tune in here to us gol TV

Subscribe tell a friend about it ring the bell you know all the stuff Nick give him a thumbs up so they know you’re here my friend there he is all right so Nick’s here do us a favor and tell everybody else about us golf TV we have

Gone through the first two steps of the te system all right and do not let me forget Nick don’t let me forget at the end to talk about the most important scale with putting because we got to get that to them as well all right so we

Have actually trained it we’ve tested it not the most important part is we actually have to trust it all right so here’s what I want you to do what I’m going to do is I’m just going to take a golf ball got my VLS golf ball right

Here and I’ve got a putt this is probably about a it’s about a 10 12T putt all right one that we’d like to make we probably don’t make all the time but it’s one that you know what if we’re having a good day we might roll a couple of these in so what

I’m going to do is I’m going to take the VLS Golf and I’m going to line it up where I want this golf ball to start so I’ve got this putt breaking slightly to the left so I’m going to aim at about the right Edge so VLS golf pointed at

The right edge of the cup now let’s think about the process that we’ve done here we have actually trained it where we had a DOT and a line in front okay we’ve tested it where we tried to roll it over that penny so we’re just taking that and we’re actually implementing in

The golf course so I’ve got it lined up so that’s my straight line now before I had the blue line now I’ve got the words the logo on the golf ball to use as my blue line right to help me aim my putter face I’m going to aim my putter face I’m

Going to get set in here and I’m just going to go ahead and trust it knowing that I’ve got proper aim okay right in the middle of the cup yes that was the first take that was not a second take so the 3T system we’ve got

To learn to train it we’ve got to learn to test it we’ve got to learn to trust it if we do those couple things you’re going to make some more putts now I promised you this in the next video I’m going to talk about the most important

Skill when it comes to making putts now that we know how to train and Trust let’s learn the most important skill check it out it’s in the next video


  1. Yes. This is the key to holing putts inside of 15’. You have to be able to start your ball perfectly online every time. You’ll still miss a few because of slightly incorrect speed, or a slight misread, but it’s shocking how many putts will actually go in if you master this one skill. I actually have a metal yardstick with a small hole in the end of it. It allows you to sit your ball on it, without it rolling off. Now, I just practice rolling my ball down the yardstick without it rolling off. The visual of the yardstick also helps you align your feet, and putter face correctly. This drill is very challenging, but it will absolutely make you a phenomenal putter. P.S. You don’t have to use a metal one, that comes with a hanger hole in it. Just drill a small hole in the end of a cheap wooden one. I broke my personal best last summer after doing this drill. Had 23 total putts, and 13 one-putts. Shot -7(65). Putting is about 40% of your strokes. Get good at it! The golf swing is complicated, and not everyone can excel at it. However, ANYONE can get good at putting.

  2. I love the simple way you explain things. Happy New Year from the Isle of Wight. Hoping for a Florida school with you guys this year.

  3. Never even thought about this and I think I’m a pretty good putter. Can’t wait to start using this!

  4. Hey, Todd I watched your putting video on setting ball position for putting. I just ordered the new adjustable putter G-7 you are offering. How will the length affect the ball position for ball to feet distance in the video you talked about the length of the grip on a club. Obviously with the longer grip this may be different. May I suggest some video on set up with the new longer putter for setup positions for us all in the future. Bob from Indiana

  5. I am from Ohio. We have a little thing called slope here. Doesn't matter if you can putt straight if you can't read the slope.

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