The Glitch Before Christmas – A Disc Golf Duel!

The 2 Old Bogeys duel it out – Glitch vs Glitch – in a fun disc golf match, with unique rules and custom layout!

Sean: 155g MVP Glitch Soft Neutron (1 7 0 0)
Nick: 162g MVP Glitch Eclipse 2.0 (1 7 0 0)


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It was the day before Christmas and all through the course not a disc golfer was playing except for the two old Bogies of course it it’s more than a day before Christmas yeah well we’re recording this two days before Christmas technically but this is coming out Saturday and yeah

We have arrived Sunday yeah exactly what he said we have arrived at Cypresswood disc golf course we got a couple glitches and actually so that’s the glitch many of you have seen him throwing for the longest time well guess what Merry Christmas this is going to be his

Christmas present but first uh we’re going to have a duel a glitch battle with the two glitches uh he going to make me earn it yeah that was a fun practice this should be an interesting game yeah we threw it a few times just to warm up uh so just

Let you know the rules of this uh duel are a little bit different uh we’re going to set a limit of what 200 160 ft yeah 200t 200 ft in terms of maximum distance we get to arbitrarily pick the Tad on any of the holes we’re going to

Play the N hole layout here at at Cypresswood and Extra Innings we’ll we’ll figure something out if somehow that happens the winner of any hole they get the front of the box but the loser of that previous hole they get to choose the lie so this is a good way of giving

Whoever lost the last hole a way of possibly redeeming themselves on the next one so yeah all right so let’s I’m going to uh you call whatever and whoever wins will call the first T heads no it’s Tails so oh I I choose okay so I

Will I will pick the lie all right all right and I go first we’re using this bush nail range finders our T 200 ft out from the basket uh hopefully I’ve positioned the camera well enough all righty uh would it be a Nick Carol experience but I didn’t hit that tree so

I’ll have to work hard on it yes we need trees in our life all right good throw got stra got something to work with so we’re about the same distance out so kind of what you would normally expect I don’t putt with the glitch yeah we don’t touch with the Glen I almost

Never throw one oh my God such a great bed I want a little high all right so I’m just going to use my phone as a mini yeah all right the glitch is different ain’t it it’s different this is different damn it I did it again was it the wrist

Glitch with the glitch pretty much yeah I know that feeling all right well it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t bogey a simple 200t Cole yeah oh yeah blah blah blah mini hey yeah yeah I almost missed that one and as is tradition I’m just kidding we’ve never done this before

Sean’s going to pick the LIE yeah I am you’re going to hate it all right I’m glad I put a limit on distance cuz uh this would be uh something else oh I guess I go cuz uh hold up I got to go yeah yeah you go first yeah put my second mini

Down the mini for the mini oh boy all right that’s about as good as I can get oh that was actually the path too I was hoping you wouldn’t see that all right let’s see if I just screwed myself heck yeah I’m right behind you by the way we

Are both very very sore from a lot of got my old man gear on yeah all right yep as predicted right next to me basically all righty wow okay somebody got eager don’t you do it dog that puppy dog’s been trying to get our discs I’m actually still out so just keep

Running we see you we’re watching you all right there you go super lucky I still got to make this one I’ve been known to miss these I mean not as much as you yeah that’s true no that’s kind of my calling card woot all right made just relatively

Simple for you yep so basically it’s easy to keep track of this as long as I have the box he has the the LIE he can pick the teapad basically Baby Come Back not a whole lot cuz it’s a glitch it’s a glitch does what a glitch does yes it

Glitches oh and there’s a wind so anytime a wind happens a glitches screwed like that how already got a disc over there I think I’m still on the Shelf surprise surprise we’re about the same distance it’s just how it is yeah only I’m not really behind a tree why

Ah all righty not favorable condition I don’t think I’ve ever forehanded a glitch before and that’s why okay maybe I shouldn’t be learning how to throw this in the middle of a round I’m still out oh a little bouncy bouncy a lot of bouncy bouncy in here my heart just jumped

Nice heck yeah all right all right 200ish feet away that’s not good welcome to glitch world yeah there we go well at least you made a correction maybe not the best correction we got some I’m not behind a bush well that’s true oh boy so not that this can’t be thrown

With the forehand just I probably shouldn’t be throwing with forehand that said the roll the roll got you not horrible but I’ve been in better spots yeah great bed yeah all right time to make a highlight putt or not oh my God I made it Sean’s look is

Priceless nice putt so just so y’all know we’re not exact but Bush now I usually get around 2011 202 there you go Nick that’s as far as I can throw a glitch so under 200 ft we know what that number is all right my number is not that great either yeah you’re number

One Yep looks like we’re you got a little bit on me that time yeah all right as per usual we’re about the same distance he just went one way I went the other yeah oh great bid I had to go for it all righty nope stay at least you didn’t go where I

Did yeah thankfully not as bad as he thought I thought it was over there yeah these glitches Will Roll sometimes well the glide on them man they just keep going yeah oh my goodness I made it that’s all that matters that is correct sir you did make

It oh no I need to definitely I got to match that the Highlight putts at least are coming through if not the Highlight throws hopefully we’ll get a highlight whoa there you go so after box that’s all the crap and there’s no line no no there’s a line

Just not one you can hit yeah probably not well I hit a line but not the line hey you got out of here I got out of here that’s good I got a long putt yeah baskets over there and we are not now let’s see if I can actually hit the

Line I was trying to set up for you nice to be fair I can’t do that line so that was a very good play he not really a surprise but Sean’s closer we’re just going to since we’re already heading this way we we’re going

From here we’ll go to mine go up to mine in a minute great pot all right so Nick is uh slightly obstructed yeah thanks Sean well technically I’m the one that did the throw thanks Nick but I have a feeling you got saved by that limb I’m just saying yeah cuz you were

You were destined to go over there yeah all right a couple part capens all right so today Nick is getting a true lesson on how to throw a glitch basket’s over there where right here my indoctrination there you go Ah that’s as far as I can throw it

However I I literally can’t put anything else on it that is everything guys I can’t put anything on it either I’m hurt same you guys have no idea how much we’re how sore we are yes sir I’ve already got a disc over there all right Sean has reached his

Lie not surprised at all at the metal hit now I’ve got a P oh made it Sean’s look we’re going to go play dising on discing on a Friday there we go all right we’re at about 200 ft surprise surprise and that’s not going 200 ft I

Got a good 165 on that baby well it it is a glitch and we are not professionals yeah well you got it closer than I did I’m out a few feet but we’re we’re here don’t matter no one cares no one cares we’re just here to play disc golf no

They probably quit watching after the inro yeah like oh my goodness man I can’t catch a break we’re apparently doing trick shots today just you just me I’m still out okay he’s so out of his mind it’s already foregone conclusion well well all right looks like I think did we

Tied it up or maybe went off still I don’t know oh no you’re still ahead of me but at least now you get to pick the Box yes yes all right I’ve uh put an obstacle on the way we’re about surprise surprise 200 ft out always that wind it just picked up come

On a tree found me think I found the same tree no uh you went way past that tree where did you end up I don’t know I think I’m out he’s over there somewhere yeah we just happened to walk to mine first yeah oh great bid yeah so we got a piece of

It he’s basically pin High yeah so you’ve now witnessed the farthest glitch throw I’ve ever made just under 200 ft that wasn’t a bed well you’re going to win regardless yeah I trying to get it in where I fly off too oh look I’m all the way over here

Nick I’m at the end of the world you know 15 footer aren’t bad until you’re putting with a disc you know you never putt with yeah nice all right let’s get off this rock yeah yeah yeah I got this that’s going to do it oh no That’s going to do it y’all hope you have a merry Christmas happy holidays Happy New Year Etc thank you for he said yeah thank you for watching and have a great Day


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