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#LSU vs Wisconsin Postgame Show

Tonight’s Topics:
-#LSU – Wisconsin
-What Went Right?
-What Went Wrong?
-Playoff Time

Presented By @Betonline_ag | @BleavNetwork

N How about them tigers baby 3531 down goes the Badgers last three plays of the game uh Jordan Jefferson gets the strip sack mikai Wingo gets a sack and then Greg Penn to end it all gets a sack to end it as the LSU Tigers win 3531 against the Wisconsin badges we’ll

Talk about it all here today Garrett nme getting his first start going for 395 yards in the air three touchdowns one interception kyen Lacy with a really good game Chris Hilton with a massive catch there at the end and a touchdown has 56 yards Brian Thomas Jr eight catches 98 yards two

Touchdowns look man I I mean you needed a moral Victory to some extent with Jaye Daniel’s not playing this team continue to fight throughout the entire game I know it’s Wisconsin I know your defense at times still sucked today and they did suck but there at the end they they stood up

Tanner morai had 378 passing yards the Wisconsin quarterback and three touchdowns your secondary was not good I mean it was not good but LSU mixed some things up today we’ll talk a lot about what we saw throughout the game we can’t or throughout the game we will get to

Your comments thoughts and concerns if you have a question thought or concerned the easiest way for it to be read on tonight’s show or Today’s Show is by sending us a Super Chat like Michael moris just did with a $199 Super Chat and says let’s freaking go yes

Indeed yes yes yes indeed so listen throughout the entire so we can start and and talk about it um bring in your super chats you get your questions read thoughts concerns all that um but let’s go through the entire the entire of it to start the game oh let me say this too

Everybody do us a favor by he see it’s been a while since we’ve done a postgame show so I’m a little rusty everybody do us a favor by hitting the like and share if you’re on Facebook hit that like button hit that share button share to all those social media Pages share to

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Honestly you had a horrible first quarter you are unable to score you come out you have to punt I thought the first drive from nuts and his first ever start was not bad but defense was atrocious giving up the early touchdown they allowed two passing plays in that

First drive for 61 yards both combining for 61 yards and a touchdown LSU offense comes right back out they can’t do anything they go three and out have to punt second possession defensively you actually get a three and out so it wasn’t that bet okay well maybe you can

Go down and score but the entire first quarter you can’t do anything you can’t run the football effectively which is something that we’re actually going to talk about a little bit here tonight too LSU did not run the ball effectively whatsoever in my opinion today I mean look they ran the ball 25

Times for 97 yards it’s not it was not good enough in my opinion but they when they needed it most they found ways to do it um and pick up crucial for uh uh crucial uh first downs going into the second quarter though it seemed like the

Offense it seemed like the team started settling in a little bit as Garrett nme would come out firing at all cylinders heting kyen Lacy for 24 yards heating Mason Taylor who had a pretty big game considering how he’s done this year so far or not even so far we’re at the end of

The season but he had a 18 yard catch and then you get down to to the one yard line and Harold Perkins Jr Harold Perkins Jr hit sticking somebody getting in for the touchdown Tigers get on the board you get another stop um on Wisconsin they missed the

Field goal you’d come right back around this was The crucial to me this was the drive that turned everything around and what I thought about Garrett nus me because on the sixth possession of the game you get a couple little dink down throws you get a pass interference

On kyen Lacy uh kyen Lacy then either you could consider it a drop I thought the pass was behind him it was a bad throw by nus me but but Brian Thomas Jr gets a 17 yard catch Williams gets a 12 yard run here was the biggest thing and

What I saw in the development of Garrett nme today after he calmed down guys he hit Caleb Jackson on a little dump off pass when you’re down seven okay goes for 13 Caleb Jackson gets a run in then very next play for a score a lot of times Garrett would just

Chunk it all over the place no holes bar wouldn’t care but sometimes you just got to pick up first downs and move the chains he did that a lot today which showed the progression of this team like showed the progression of him and so I thought that all around Garrett had a

Really good day to be honest with you I thought the entire passing game was really good I know that you won’t have Malle neighbors and Brian Thomas anymore and you’re going to have to figure out who your number one is but Garrett had a great

Day I thought there was a lot of great play calls even some of them that weren’t greatly executed like the double reverse pass that Garrett nus me just threw completely into the other zip code had no business throwing it had Chris Hilton Jr wide open but it was what it

Was but LSU would go down on the KB Jackson run in and Tie The Game LSU at no point until the very end at all until the fourth quarter but I got to be real with you when Wisconsin got the ball back in the second quarter and scored their only

Touchdown of the second quarter and they go in halftime 214 just being honest with you I did not feel good about it at all I I just like man they get the ball coming at at halftime what’s going to happen here and then something crazy happened you give

Up a 33 yard run for a touchdown coming out of half guys you’re down 28 2814 and it’s not looking good whatsoever but Garrett NM was in his Zone dude from the sixth possession on so right before halftime on I know that he threw a pick I know he threw an

Interception I I mean it was honestly not a great decision but he comes right down after getting the ball back okay he throws a 38 yard touchdown pass to Brian Thomas Jr okay the very next possession that he would have he would throw a touchdown to

Chris Hilton the one on the back left part of the end zone that got reviewed that was not overturned okay M Wisconsin goes down and kicks a field goal it’s good now you wind up having a punt you have the turnover in there Chris Hill I

Mean uh Aaron Anderson gets hit the ball comes out you had some very tough drives but when it mattered most when it mattered most Brian Thomas Jr at the end of the game let’s talk about that last Drive the 13th possession of the game Garrett misses uh Chris Hilton the 98

Yard Drive which is a Legacy Drive so this is what you need to know about Garrett nme which is going to be the Legacy for him all off seon the first play he throws the pass to Chris Hilton and I’m like man he’s got him wide open

You got to go 98 yards just try to get first downs well Brian Kelly knew exactly what he was doing because he gets two runs in there Williams goes for nine and then goes for one Garrett has a throw away but Kyon Lacy had a massive day massive massive day from number two

He gets a 37 yard reception the very next play Chris Hilton gets the the go route the bomb from Garrett NM beautiful pass a little bit behind him okay could have led him a little bit more but a great catch by Chris Hilton Jr for 43

Yards a three- yard run by Williams and then a Brian Thomas Jr touchdown that is the Legacy Drive so you you really feel good about and really and truthfully against a team and defense guys Wisconsin’s defense was not bad this year at all they’re actually a pretty

Darn good defense and Garrett goes out there and throws for 395 we’re going to do this I’m going to show you uh the stats here just to to to wrap it all up in a bow but Garrett Noire goes 31 of 45 got to get a little bit better there

Missed some passes he had no business missing 395 three touchdowns one interception Josh Williams leads the way in rushing with 51 yards and no touchdowns Caleb Jackson who I thought would get more touches in this game did not Two Carries 15 yards in a score I do

Think that you got to get him some more touches Logan Diggs who guys I I don’t know if he takes another snap as an LSU Tiger um had one carry one yard he got hit he can’t he ran out you know what is his what is his decision with the and look

I’m going to tell you with these two-time transfer rules and you being able to play next year what does he do you know does he go on the draft does he go back in the portal I I don’t know but it it does not say if you follow him on

Twitter it does not seem like Logan Diggs wants to be here quite honestly you don’t need him I I’m just being real you don’t need him is he a good back yeah is he somebody that you would win on this team sure but his actions and things that he’s saying on social media

He goes out there he gets hit and he’s like oh I got a little you know I get hit in my thigh don’t want to play he runs off good on him good on him we’ll see you we’ll see you the only thing that I would say offensively before we move to defense

Um the only thing I would say is you did not run the ball effectively enough in my opinion that gave me a lot of like I’m going to need to see a little bit more there I don’t know how you feel but it but to me I

Just did not feel like you got the running game going enough okay guys you ran you didn’t run for a 100 yards in this game and one thing that we’ll talk about all off season not going to start it today because you won I’m being am I being a little nitpicky

Maybe but Jaye Daniels covered up a lot of sins in the Run game a lot a lot a lot of sins in the running game you’re gonna have to throw the ball that much to win games next year I I I mean because you got pretty much your

Entire offensive line coming back you got a stable of running backs that will be here with kayen Durham Caleb Jackson Trey Holly Josh Williams says that he’s leaning on coming back what does Noah Kane do the bottom line is you got to be able to run the ball a little bit more

Effectively you can’t throw the ball 40 40 plus times a game and sustain wins you’re gonna have to be able to to run the clock down play a little bit of keep away you thought the o line did good just don’t they kind of just were in the same

Inside Zone all day long they didn’t mix anything up in the running game and that’s not good like and then you went for it on fourth down and remember the fourth down call that LSU had not the one in the endzone but the fourth down run that you had where you’re going

Underneath Center and a big jumbo package and you’re handing the ball off I know Charles Turner got absolutely blasted and that’s on him but guys you’ve never done that all year long why start now you know you want to talk about going under Center oh I don’t

Understand if you’re going to go under Center do the do the bush push don’t do not do not go guys they run they ran a power Zone blocking scheme fourth and one both teams got their jumbo package in it’s a horribly called play should not have run it and you got pushed a

Around a little bit sometimes in the running game you got to get better there all right overall offense L Garrett nus showed me everything that I wanted to see are there areas and things that he has to get better at yes but guys that’s his first start and his first start he

Throws for 395 yards 395 yards I you can’t I’m not like that’s a hell of a performance anybody taking anything away from Garrett NM is a buffoon can you be nitpicky can you say he’s got to do this this and this a little bit better moving into next year

Having a big offseason sure 1,00% but guys you just got back-to-back years with 10 wins under Brian Kelly backto back years you got 10 wins and the quarterback play let’s call it what it is is pretty steady more than steady it’s above steady you got one dude

Winning a Heisman and another guy if he figures some things out and gets more game reps and experience because Garrett noire’s got the tools where he might not have been ready to start the year a year ago not this year but a year ago Garrett

NM was not ready so when you ask me and you’re gonna ask me this tomorrow when we go live on the show what do you think about the OC job what do you think about Cortez what do you think about Joe Sloan the combination of those two guys you

Know what I’m going to tell you the progression I’ve seen from Garrett nus me the the progression that I’ve seen from guys like Kiren Lacy and Brian Thomas Jr tells me everything I need to know about Cortez hton and Joe Sloan teaming up to be CO’s everything I need to know I I

Would not be surprised now I’m not saying this is gonna happen I would not be surprised if tomorrow that’s permanent and you go into 2024 CO’s you you got both coordinators talking about how they comp uh uh uh they work together and they compliment one another guys say he had a really good

Day I I I mean they got to do some diff they got to do some things better you’re playing a Wisconsin team that didn’t have many Ops in year one under Luke fickle they’re not a bad team they’re not better than you but they’re not a

Bad team I I I like what I saw let’s move over to the defensive side of things very quickly because I I’ve already made this known publicly um I I’m going to let it be known again so there’s a couple things here multiple things can be true at once and I don’t want

To because I’m gonna say something okay um and two things can be true at once I do like some of the play calls that Matt house ran out there with today I expected more from guys like Ashton stamps I I I saw with my own eyes it’s

Not just me we’ve brought guests on this show who said the same exact thing thought Ashton stamps the way that he performed in practice against guys like Brian Thomas Jr I thought maybe he had taken the next step well we’re goingon to have to re evaluate that JV and Toano

I don’t think is a boundary Corner they’re going to have to figure something out there because he’s not a boundary Corner um I like the game plan that they had I I actually loved it to be honest with you but I am a guy personally have said

This for a year since we started doing a Daily Show back in 2020 I want you to send pressure all night long they did that there were times that you could not get home there were a lot of times that you missed tackles there were a lot of

Times that I thought that Matt how put players in a position to make plays and they didn’t stay with me just stay with me don’t go in the comments absolutely killing me Matt house a lot of times today put players in position to make plays and they

Whiffed I I thought that they gave opportunities for guys like DeShawn wac who could have made a couple of plays here and there and he and he just unfortunately missed same with Harold Perkins same with major Burns Andre Sam Javen tovan you name it there was a lot

To be left on the field you quite honestly if you make half the tackles that you missed you’re winning this game 3521 at Max but there’s still a lot to be critiqued on with what he’s doing on third down we told you when at least in

The last two weeks when we were at practice that LSU had been running a lot of bump and run man-to-man coverage and I thought that it messed up a lot of the timing from Tanner morai the problem though is that I have with this team okay you get you let guys like will

Pauling like none of us going into this game knew who will paulen was the receiver for Wisconsin who like the the old Snoop Dog meme who nobody knew who will Pauling was but he goes nuts eight catches 143 yards and two touchdowns guys Tanner morai is not a good

Quarterback he is not a good quarterback this is not a good offense this offense that you played was one of the worst not only in the country but in the Big 10 they ran the ball a lot now their lead back was out and I understand that tenner morai is not a great

Quarterback hasn’t been all year long I think Phil Longo is a really good play caller you gave him a month prepare on an LSU team maybe that benefited him some but I I think you got to make changes I I think that you got to make changes all across the defensive

Staff some of them are not going to be popular they’re not going to be popular with some of the players and I understand that but I’m G to personally I’m gonna say you got to move on now here’s the realistic question will they I don’t

Know like I I don’t know yet no one has definitively who knows what they’re talking about that’s in that Administration or around Brian Kelly told me that Matt house was leaving not definitively I think that they want him to possibly find a job somewhere else in the NFL maybe and then make a

Hire but I like the game plan which brings me to the point here you’re gonna have to have one hell of an offseason developmental wise with this team on defense like like again Matt house is not a good DC and I am not going to I I

Am not going to argue with you not gonna argue with you you can’t miss all those plays that that he put you in the position to make guys they ran outside Zone like 17 times today outside Zone you couldn’t stop that if you wanted to over and over and over and over and

Over again 17 times after they ran it for the fifth time we I started marking it down in this handy dandy black notebook that’s got all my deep dark LSU secrets in it and you could not stop at some point and I know that you probably hate on me trashing players I’m

Not trashing anybody I’m not trashing anybody I’m telling you realistically what just happened on the field you got to make plays like you got to make plays so you can hate me for it you can hate anybody who says the same thing for it but deep down

That you know when Whit weeks as an example has a chance and is coming on a free Blitz on the outside on a quarterback who let’s just call it what it is is slower than molasses in the wintertime tenor morai yeah he’s a decent little athlete he ain’t got

On Whit weeks you got to be able to bring them down exactly like you did in that very last Drive defensively when you got the strip sack by Jefferson you got the sack by wingo and then you got the sack by Greg Penn those are the things that you got

To do even if you get two of those like you got to make plays man all right let’s get to a couple of your comments because I do see some super chats in here but bottom line is we got a long long pause but we have a long off

Season that these guys are gonna have to develop and develop quickly because if you look man I I’m just telling you I think Jordan Gilbert the safety coming in from A&M has shown that he can play in the SEC he’s shown that he can be a good one but guys like kylin

Jackson can DeShawn bride from from denim can any one of these Corners that are coming in like PJ Woodland whoever it may be can you can we find some dudes that can play now yesterday at midnight or today at midnight technically it was 11:00 a.m. which by the way just going to throw

This in there for the chat 16 hours before it was official we put on our message Message Board ayss we put our crystal ball pick in which we call Ben’s picks for Dom McKinley devu you got nine of the LA you got nine out

Of 10 of the top recruits from the state of Louisiana in this recruiting class nine of the 10 it’s never happened last time it happened was 2001 you know who was here in 2001 you remember who was here in 2001 you got to develop you got to recruit

You’re top seven recruiting class in the country I don’t think that that’s bad but you’re going to have to develop and hope some of these freshman early hit so that you can be better defensively Don McKinley yesterday committed and flipped his pick from A&M to LSU it’s a you

Know can he come in and make some really good things happen I think he’s had a great All-American week a really good All-American week where he didn’t do some good things during the season at a kadana he’s had one hell of an All-American week and we’ll see how he

Does in a couple of days but I would make a change on staff members I would make a change on play calling defensively I don’t know if they’re going to do that and we’ll just have to wait and see how it progresses maybe another offseason helps this

Defense we’ll see all right send in your super chats you can send in your super chats thoughts questions concerns throw them inside the the chat the Rudy crew chat we’ll get to all those super chats and get to as many of them as we can the

Other comments as well but if you want something red put in the Super Chat uh arc Arc tick tiger with a $199 Super Chat says undefeated so far in 2024 boom thank you for the Super Chat TC with a $20 Super Chat thank you so much sir thank you thank you thank

You says sttb I think you left out a d there pause he says thank you for capping each week um of my college football routine you’ve been a great find and I’m hoping for your channel to grow thank you so much for that man from an LSU fan living

In Alabama do you think we’ll close in on uh Terry busy um I I think they’re pushing for Terry busy and could Terry busy be a guy that could come in and play for you the F star out of Texas timson Texas could he come in and play for you immediately you

Need players you need dudes guys it’s not like look you need dudes like what you did today that you can just roll out there and go man on- man coverage and win you didn’t have a lot of that happening today you had some of it but

You didn’t have a lot of that happening today and you’re going to have to get better there or you’re going to have a lot of the same stuff now I saw a lot of good stuff in practice from a guy like Ashton stamps today it did not translate Pauline and green and those

Boys they pieced our B Young boundary Corners up they pieced him up I I mean guys we’re acting like you know don’t act as if like Tanner morai is the second coming to Jesus Christ because he’s not I mean the dude so far away from Jesus Christ he probably even can’t

Even take communion all right but the but the bottom line is you got to be able to win I love the game plan on cing pressure if you’re that bad it’s what we called for all year long it’s it’s 1,000% on these postgame shows every and every single week what I was begging

Matt house to do begging if you’re not going to win on the outside if you can’t cover anybody send the Heat s in the house pun intended with that being said though you’re going to need guys like busy who can come in here and win one-on-one

Matchups or you’re gonna have a lot of the same stuff I do think you got some guys in this recruiting class that can do that but if you if you don’t start winning some of those one-on ones guys you’re not changing uh Barry b with a $5 Super Chat says

Worst defensive performance of the Year considering the offense they were playing against Um H I don’t think it’s the worst defensive performance Barry b to be honest with you um it I get what you’re saying it was it was lackluster wasn’t great but you made some stops there I I mean I’m trying to think I mean Bama was really bad man

Bama was really bad I mean A&M played a third string quarterback a lefty uh and they had nobody yeah I I don’t think to me I don’t think it’s the worst defensive performance I think I I think I go is the worst defensive performance because

You had a week to prepare you had so many things I mean just didn’t change anything you didn’t even put a spy on um jayen milro and they play tonight what they what’s that game start at five o’clock right so we’ll see how they do but I don’t

Know if it’s the worst defensive performance thank you for the super chat but um it’s it’s up there it it it’s certainly up there you can’t send in your super chats we’ll get to your um we’ll get to your thoughts and questions uh Cory Rogers with a $199

Super Chat says Phil Parker I’m assuming DC Bo Davis Seth Wallace top five defense um Phil Parker’s not coming here I mean Phil Parker’s not coming here so I I hate to tell people um he’s not coming here I’m I’m trying to be you know I’m not trying to be that

Guy’s just not going to come here and it sucks you know um but he’s not gonna come here now Bo Davis on the other hand um you know what else because I’m I’m just going down this you know what else too let’s just see what happens I I

Don’t know about the Bo Davis thing do I think that they’re entertaining it here I’m going to take the gloves off new year new me new year new Blake do I think that they’ve had conversations with Bo Davis yes I do I think they had conversations with Bo Davis when they hired Jimmy

Lindsay um how many times has BK had a chance to go hire Bo Davis and didn’t now you’re a little bit more desperation here you know like this this go around this team you’re in a little bit more of a desperation mode um but I I don’t I’m not confident you

Know if someone ask me like gun in my head Blake what do you think about Bo Davis I’d say it’s 5050 at best that he comes back here because guys Texas might play for I mean Texas might beat Washington tonight and play for a national title in a week or two weeks

Now do I believe that guys like Don McKinley have been told who their dline coach will be probably um but I don’t know I I do I do not know that would love it would love it but we’ll see Arctic tiger again with the $199 Super Chat says last two years we have

Given up 30 plus a game against the power five that’s not good enough that’s not good enough that that quite honestly that’s horrible and look you play teams next year like Oklahoma you play teams next year like Old Miss uh Alabama USC and be real with

You look man did y’all see Miller Moss at USC I I mean UCLA Chip Kelly’s a offensive-minded dude you you can’t allow these things to happen or either you’re you’re going to have to hold everybody to 30 points and hope that you can get to 35 or you’re just it it’s not

Acceptable it’s not acceptable to give up that many points per game in the power five it’s not and especially you being LSU like that’s not you can’t do that here guys we have fired people for Less we have let people walk from LSU for Less even under the Brian Kelly era you

Know like I mean you can’t that cannot happen thank you Arctic for the Super Chat Chris dreamless jod with a $ five Super Chat says thoughts on the DC change I would do it personally I mean personally I would go after or I would kick the tires on guys like uh uh Blake

Baker um I’d kick the tires on gidry out of miam there’s so many different dudes I kicked the tires on I I mean you can’t be it cannot be it will not be worse it will not be worse now tomorrow let’s see what tomorrow brings Tomorrow there’s no telling what’s going

To happen tomorrow no telling what will happen guys could be resigning getting fired going elsewhere it could happen tonight right like it could it it could easily start tonight listen to this this is Todd pitz um says the most recent fourth quarter comeback win by LSU in a bowl

Game uh was in 2020 versus Georgia Tech and the Peach Bowl LSU also wore purple in 20 LSU Trail 14-9 going in the fourth quarter one 28 to 14 and 2024 LSU trailed third 31 to 28 airing the fourth quarter 1 35- 31 maybe the purple jerseys give you a

Little bit of a spark man maybe they give you a little bit of a spark but one one thing that’s not giving you a spark is Matt house so yeah I would I would definitely make some changes Michael Morris sends a $1 or $2 Super Chat says Old Miss was by far

Worse in my opinion oh God yeah oh oh miss was a yeah you know I didn’t even think about Old Miss Old Miss was a horrible defensive effort ass ass how on YouTube with a $199 Super Chat says what would you do with Harold Parkins Jr on defense in

2024 uh I personally I would get in rush the passer more I would still put him in some of the same stuff that he had been doing I I would just be exotic with him you know like I would move him around I I would make him rush I would make him

Go in zone but in zone in the middle of the field I would not put him towards the boundary him going to the sidelines and like so for Let me Give an example okay what Perkins did a lot this year was he would go in the flat to the

Middle third of your defense on one side of one side of the field doing that to him okay Li limits where he could be at any given moment so he’s just going to be on this side well you know what let me attack the left side of LSU’s defense

I’m going to go away from him putting him more in the middle at least in zone or blitzing or whatever it is exactly what he did in 2022 changes the game for you the reason that he made so many plays in 2022 he would rush off the edge

He would play zone defense through the middle I I I mean why you change that I don’t know he would spy he would do different things now Harold Parkins got hurt at the end of the game he was not in the game when uh LSU got those three sacks

There at the end um looks like he’s got a left arm injury he was in a sling um so we’ll we’ll see I mean obviously he’ll be ready to go next year um not g to hold him out on anything but yeah uh one thing we hadn’t talked about

Either is it’s taking me 30 plus minutes to um to talk about this we do have a new um all-time leader in receiving yards for LSU football that being malague neighbors congratulations to malag neighbors he did not play in the second half don’t didn’t want him to play in

The second half he’s got too much to look forward to glad that him and Jaden were there with the team to support the team but guys the the truth is even if you would have lost today they got more they got more to lose than for them to you know more to

Lose if they got hurt like for example when kyen Lacy went down he’s gr holding his knee I’m like man this sucks what if that would have happened to a Malik neighbors now I know that Lacy came back in but like you don’t want to see that

why would you want to see that stupid I don’t for not for a meaningless bowl game now if you’re in the playoff I mean clearly there are things okay but I I don’t want to see that glad he got the record he’s the all-time leading receiver in LSU’s football’s

History gut on him gut on him so congratulations to Malik neighbors happy for everything that he has done and he has accomplished at LSU he has been a tiger through and through begged and worked for that offer um for so long until Ed finally gave it to him um and he’s been nothing

But an exceptional tiger he’s been an exceptional tiger through and through so happy for Malik I’m happy for um even guys like Brian Thomas Jr you know like really happy for guys like Brian Thomas Jr as well okay show of thumbs inside the super chat

Give me a thumbs up do you want us to take phone calls because I think we’re going to take some phone calls here and I want your reaction give me a reaction to the game today give me some reaction on what you think going into the future and just the

Season give me your overall assessment of The Game season anything you want to talk about this is our last 2023 season season uh postgame show now obviously you know that we um do postgame shows for some basketball not a lot but we do them for baseball for sure

Um so we’re g to take some phone calls we’ll take some phone calls so let me just do this really quickly let me set everything up and we’ll take your phone calls 225 435 9387 that’s 225 435 9387 we’ll round out our last football season 2023 postgame go show let’s talk about

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Um Mac 30 says Savon put on more weight and it slowed him down this year I agree with that I agree with that I 1,00% agree with that now look um they got so many things that they have to figure out defensively so many things that they

Have to figure out defensively let’s can let’s hope that they can all right you’re on the phone with Blake rafino this a postgame show you hung up on me all right well we did have a caller there uh Don says hey Blake your boy Hilton is looking good yeah

He’s looking good yeah he’s looking good had a great game had a great game so we’ll see how he continues to progress but he had a great game I had the touchdown early look good all right you’re on the phone with Blake rafino this is the a

Postgame show who do we have the pleasure of talking to Happy New Year to you what’ you think of the game what you think of the season M and in our system has really helped it what do you think all right the chat said they couldn’t hear hear you chat

Let me know in the in the um in the comments if you um can you repeat what you just said so we’ll start over repeat what you just said see if they can hear okay I’ll just paraphrase I was H obviously happy that you obviously got the W um I’m happy for

The players uh but I’m really really happy for Garrett nire here’s a guy that’s been our system for three years finally got his turn uh to start and I really thought after a slow start uh you know starting from the second quarter on I thought he he played a fantastic

Football game yes he missed some throws yes he missed some reads but the one thing that I really noticed that I was really impressed with him is the fact that you know he’s known as he was known as the quote unquote Gunslinger right and what I saw today was a guy that

Threw it th make he made the easy throws to his running backs he he checked it now he didn’t force anything down the field that wasn’t there he he was in complete in my opinion I I thought that he was in complete control from start to

Finish of what he did today on the football field what did you think I thought that yeah I I thought that he didn’t Panic right like I thought that um when things did not go his way where I thought in the beginning of his 10e n Meers 10e

LSU that he would force things and he would rush and he would Panic okay he goes here’s what the biggest thing about nus for me today was the checkdowns not trying to force things but not panicking right like being down 14 to n and then

Being down 28 to 14 he just fires back and just comes back in a flurry and look I tweeted this okay I tweeted he’s got to take shots down the field like don’t be don’t let coaching push like hinder you so much where you just completely

Change who you are well then he starts throwing the ball down the field he gets the completions he starts making things happen I was really impressed by Garrett nut today but he still got a lot of growing to do okay no question no question the interception that he thrown that he

Threw you know he’s rolling left he’s trying to make an acrobatic throw I I don’t want the acrobatic throw get yards get okay that’s what that’s what makes guys like Jane Daniels Elite like hey man I might be able to make this throw but I sure could get 10 yards and

Slide those are things that I think that he’s got to work on down the stretch that I think they will but I was very and highly impressed um by Garrett nme today I I was too all right moving on to the defense uh real quick if you got the

Time yeah we got time for one more brother uh look I I I mean and the way at times in the first half the way we started third quarter I was I I wasn’t so sure if I wasn’t more shocked that we won the game today’s game or the fact

That we ended the game on a blitz considering we had Harley Blitz at all the entire year did were you the only one surprised or was it just me I was surprised by the I was surprised by their game plan because they didn’t change all year long and so when

You don’t change stuff all year long and then you’re blitzing on third down you’re sending more guys than they have in the block and I’m like well it it let me tell you what it honestly felt like can I tell you what it honestly felt like it felt like Matt house didn’t call

The defense it felt like today that’s interesting right very true right it felt like he did not call the defense it felt like somebody else called it now I have not heard that I have not been told that but they didn’t do anything different all year long why are they

Doing something different now that’s a question that and I you know I’m not able to be at the Brian Kelly press conference the first question I would ask Brian Kelly right now today what changed schematically on defense and I would make him answer it so that’s what

I thought thank you so much for the phone call buddy thank you buddy thanks for what you do man I love I love you man man thank you bud have have a great New Year you too man happy New Year all right you can’t call in sorry about the

No audio I am sorry about the no audio that is on us New Year same Blake 225 4359 387 if you don’t want to call in you want to send in a super chat you can do that as well all right you’re on the phone with

BL rafino this is the ays postgame show who do we have the pleasure of talking to this is a Jimmy from bat Rouge um I’m just I just finished you know watching the game and everything actually I’m driving through um listen to your uh podcast right now but I just want to say

That that was a tough game um shout out to won for giving us like um Beatdown and um we did everything we can um I’m looking forward for the future for this team and um hopefully Matt house will not be here they gave us a Beatdown that’s what you

Said yeah like um they push us they push us to a limit and uh we fight back we never gave up and that’s how I like it oh I got you I got you I appreciate the phone call Buddy I I do I I am looking

Forward to what next year can bring I appreciate the phone call appreciate all right 225 435 9387 if you want got something to say Game season if you come in make a good make make a good point don’t say hey man they they beat us down you didn’t get beat

Down defensively you did not look great um yeah um Brian Kelly in his postgame press conference said once mink Neighbors got the receiving yardage record Brian Kelly made the decision to pull him said that neighbors fought him on it a little but Kelly made the ultimate decision to pull Malik

Neighbors out of the bowl game good for him all right you’re on the phone with blo this is the a postgame show I have a feeling that a jingle is coming on this phone call good evening Tyler Alexander Tyler can you hear me I can hear you all right can you turn

The show down in the background for me brother yep all right the guy I brought in the new year with is on the phone Tyler Alexander lpt reality good evening good sir what did you think of the game oh well man I was watching it and uh I think the second half adjustments

Uh that were made were a um a little different than what have we seen all year and I’m kind of with you on you know the second half play call and I think it was a little bit different um and I’m excited for what’s going to

Going to be in store for 2024 and uh seeing if we can make some changes on defense so I just wanted to call in and see what’s your thoughts on on the game and what you think’s GNA happen in 2024 I like the different schematical things that you did

Defensively I’m starting to question if how much at times is IT personnel and coaching because I do think that Matt house did put this defense in a lot of good position and they did not make plays that’s number one my second thought is and this is in no specific

Order my second thought is I thought that Garrett NSM if he cleaned some things up which again it’s start number one I’m not gonna obliterate him on really anything that he did I mean Tyler was his first start he had 395 yards and three touchdowns right I think

Offensively you got a lot of good weapons you got a lot of good players and I think think you got a go got a really good offensive line that’s going to develop get stronger and bigger I I like the direction that you’re going in some spots the question that I

Ultimately I think it comes down to okay what can you do defensively because again there how many times there the dudes getting shook in the open field by guys like will Pauling bro they had a white running back in the back field and he shaking dudes in the open field and

Picking up a first down that cannot happen so and for 202 I think there’s got to be a lot of development along defensive side or you’re going to see a lot of the same things next year personally yep absolutely I agree with that me I think the offense looked

Fantastic I mean I know a lot of people will shoot down nus you know for the scoring but I don’t think a lot of it was on nus you know when you establish the running game I think it’s a lot different um I think passing wise he

Looked great he didn’t stretch the ball downfield he didn’t take risk like he did you know when he was subbed into the game in the middle of the Year this year and in Alabama game and stuff um so I think he looked great you know running

That offense the way it was and even I mean you got to take into account that Malik didn’t play the second half and he looked in my my opinion better in the second half without Malik than he did in the first half so I’m with you man I

Just I hope some changes are coming on the on the defensive side in the in the second half and um I just want to stop and Austin and say that you are the goat of LSU podcast and um you’re the best there is so that’s that thank you buddy

I appreciate Happy New Year to you and uh we’ll talk soon absolutely happy New Year brother Happy New Year year that’s Tyler Alexander our realtor over here at ays lpt reality the number two realtor in the entire state of Louisiana dude is killing it if you want to sell your home

If you’re in real estate you want to join his team you need to give him a call 225 9558 all right you’re on the phone with Blake rafino this is the ays postgame show who do we have the pleasure of talking to hey Blake it’s Dakota hey Dakota what you think of the

Game well first off I want to happy wish you a happy New Year second off uh I wanted to say uh well we we started off really slow our offense uh didn’t really start well I thought um nesm played a heck of a game uh the pick was on him

He’s got to not do that but it’s part of football but our defense did not play good at all until like the fourth quarter but other than that we need our defense needs some work real big time yeah they need some work and they need quite honestly I think they they need

Some some infusion of talent I I think they do need some infusion of talent but I think it’s a mixture of a lot of things number one I think it’s a mixture of that you got to get better at play calling on third Downs you got to get

Better at knowing when it’s in pressure knowing when not to coaching being better coaching and telling guys how to tackle guys I mean we’ve been so bad at tackling at times it’s abysmal so I’ll just say we got to fix a lot of things uh the biggest thing that I want to see

Moving into 2024 is can you just make open field tackles that’s all I want to see it’s not only that Blake but like we’re letting we’re letting uh morai that’s his name right we’re making him look like we’re making him look like he’s Jan D he’s out here running all over yeah

Well he’s not as fast as him but you get what I mean like he’s out here running all over us and we can’t even tackle him like that’s I mean I do think we’re GNA step it up I mean Brian Kelly should know that we need to CO mean he’s he’s

Not stupid he’s going to get these guys coached but we can’t look like this next year teams are gonna make us look like you know what I mean well you won’t have guys like Jaye Daniels to bail you out I don’t think I don’t think it’s fair to

Nus for him to have to you have to rely on him bailing you out every week because there’s GNA be games where he’s off right like he’s gonna have games where he’s off and so you just cannot allow for Garrett to have to bail you out every week or you’re going to you’re

Going to be looking at eight and four staring eight and four in the face now you got a long way to go right you got a long long way to go but right you know it just it doesn’t feel great at times on what you should be doing what else

Did you what else do you think uh oh I was thinking of the game yeah what else do you think of the game well uh I’m glad they didn’t score that late Drive man that I don’t know if you agree with me but that that almost gave me a

Heart attack watching that last Drive yeah I I mean look I dakot quite honestly and to kind of wrap it up with you here I I just yes sir I I just don’t I I I kind of feel like I don’t expect anything less you know like I

Don’t expect you to take care of business and blow a team like this out I I kind of and that’s why in my pregame like score prediction it was 3528 because I I honestly did not feel that you had the the I I I just feel like you

Would have the the opportunity to blow them out but that you never would so it you should have you could have but they didn’t so it’s all the the the cardiac Tigers brother all right I won’t keep it Blake hope you have a happy New Year all right

Thanks man happy New Year to you too all right this is Blake rafino you’re on the phone with the A on the ays postgame show what do you think of the game uh well hi Blake uh my name is hake man I’m calling from uh just outside HL Nola

Native man um love your show bro first time call appreciate it what you think of the game oh well um just you know just like what you lamented you know what I’m saying on a few things um I think those young Corners um to me the secondary you

Know I I mean I want to believe in stampson Toano but I’m like you man I don’t know if it’s mostly you know the coaching or if it’s just we just need another infusion of talent man um yes we cannot tackle guys in the open field um

That’s discern you know uh uh very concerning and you know it’s yeah man it’s it’s kind of tough I mean and the schedule’s gonna challenge us early next year because you know we got UCLA and USC very early very early Yeah man so you know um Kenan Johnson and McBride

You know those guys that’s coming in can they make a difference because you know major burn I mean major Burns is out there celebrating and he was you know what I’m saying for every tackle he made but he missed about 10 of them yeah you

Know I’m like can we just stop can I just stop you right there on one thing okay yes sir there’s not one thing that drives me more insane than a dude like doing the whole like you know the finger underneath the nose and point you know what the are you doing you know

Like what are you doing he just ran for 14 yards and got a first down and you’re like Bo up on him that you got a tackle that I hate that yeah man come on bro yeah like hey he got a first down like yeah what do

You I mean he Flex I mean yeah I mean come on bro like come on yeah you got me on that one too man but yeah that you know that’s that’s basically my thought I you know I thought for his first start though uh G got my 395 three touchdowns he did throw

The one pick I think the the adjustment that really would help him next season I think by him being a pocket passer we have to implement the Run game to go ahead and protect him from himself because we know he gonna slang it you know what I’m saying but um yeah I think

We have to you know run the football better to protect him from himself and uh I think n will be okay you know what I’m saying I don’t need him to be but far that’s the one thing that I don’t like that what you did today I I don’t

Think that you were good enough in the running game you know look you got Noah Kane Josh Williams leading and I know that you rotate backs in and out that’s a Frank staple having calebs only get three touches the entire game is is asinine to me absolutely and he scored a

Touchdown on one of those Street touches so that’s right that’s right that’s stupid to me you got to get him more touches I think they will but you just got to get him some more some more carry I appreciate the phone call man thank you brother

Appreciate all right bye bye yes sir so look we’re gonna C me and Joe are doing the postgame show um the postgame show after the playoff games tonight so I gotta start getting ready but we do got some super chats in here Michael mois says why would he pull

Malik neighbors 8 but not Brian Thomas or btj thing number one because it it’s like you’re for sure right like you’re 1,000% for sure um if you’re Brian Thomas Jun or Malik neighbors you’re probably going to be a top 10 12th pick I don’t know if Brian Thomas Jr even

Though we believe and think that he will be a first round pick and know that he’ll work himself into a first round pick like going to the combine and stuff like that I don’t know if it’s a foregone conclusion that’s my that would be my opinion on why they did it uh any

Chances Brian Thomas Jr staying I don’t think he’s staying I don’t I I don’t that man ain’t staying here I know he said he make his decision and he’ll announce it soon that man ain’t staying here D Smith with 249 49 499 Super Chat says I think this

Proves that maybe we need to Target secondary Corners um more important I agree with that and he also says bring me Bo Davis wouldn’t mind chevis Jackson neither I love the Chev Jackson thing why do you think Personnel changes what or Personnel change when do you think

Personel changes will be made if so Caleb Jackson just made himself rb1 um thank you so much for the what bet it be eight the both $499 super chats um number one it’s of my opinion that I think Personnel changes are coming could even start tomorrow I think you need to be ready

For a roller coaster of things to come Tuesday or tomorrow I I think that there’s going to be some crazy things that could happen listen to me don’t overreact stay somewhat mellow because there’s always a plan um but I do think things start tomorrow I I think you start seeing

Things change tomorrow guys going in the draft maybe a guy or two going in the portal maybe a guy moving on from the coaching staff then some hires potentially so we’ll see we’ll see all right I gotta start preparing for this PO these postgame shows and these

Playoff games go over to rafino and Joe we will be live tonight on rafino and Joe YouTube channel and on our Facebook Channel um after the playoff games we’ll be here live so stay with us thank you so much for another great great great year of these postgame shows I cannot do

It without you dude I cannot do it without you it means so much that you decide to join us every single week thank you thank you thank you so much and here’s to another great year another 10 win year for LSU the LSU Tigers uh thanks to the producers thanks to

Believe thanks to everybody who helps us in these postgame shows we’ll be back we’ll be back tomorrow we’ll do a lot of postgame shows for LSU baseball too so it’s good to have have you here with us we’ll see you again tomorrow y’all have a good night Peace


  1. I expect Nuss to go for around 4200 passing yards nxt season barring injury. Some might say that’s a stretch but we all know and for those that don’t know the guy is a gunslinger. Still a lot to work on as a total team.


  2. I personally now this is just my personal opinion but I expect Nussmeirer to be a heisman candidate next season.

  3. House has found a way to take the best player on defense out the game. How long has it been since you heard Perkins name multiple times in a game?

  4. Matt house has some good play calls the problem is he can recruit or develop especially his own

  5. The Alabama – Michigan game showed me we are so far behind on Defense. We must develop a slober knocker mentality to compete for a title!!!

  6. Players in the fromt 7 that are real fast, have no control. They are always running past the sack.

    DBs are too slow and playing out of position

  7. I think they dumped the run once we got down 14-0. I mean it's been the story every game. Get down 14,21 points then make a comeback. Jaydens rushing will be missed but bottom line gotta play better defense

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