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ProSouth Wrestling New Year’s Eve Special

Join us for a special preview of our most recent Members Only matches!

Hey what’s up Pro South it’s big ball Saul your 2023 Young Lions Cup winner and I’m here to remind you that tonight New Year’s Eve you’re going to get two exclusive matches zombie dragon versus Cameron keys and the trios match from night one of the Young Lions cup also

Just for $299 a month you get up to 2 years worth of exclusive members only content tonight you could do it just hit the join button what are you waiting For Cherry ladies and gentlemen welcome to members only and the following contest is a trios match introducing team number one nobody does trios better than Pro sou memb know that means dance off dance Off it’s members only and this is the match Pro South does better than everyone trios this man is someone who’s had uh quite the impact on Young Lions cup night one here who would have thought Watley showing up and showing out just because he’s not carrying big

Blue doesn’t mean he’s not going to make an impact he certainly he did here tonight making his way to the ring match hasn’t even begun yet how weird is it seeing the final boss without big blue just feel feels kind of wrong to see him without big blue around his

Waist Wadley finishing as ever you said this is trios you know what that means Lucha rules Lucha rules when one person exits the ring that counts as a legal tag his partner can come in now who’s going to be he is the final boss the serpent assassin brenon

Watley youve been paying attention to the pro South Facebook page they announced this match earlier definitely one to keep an eye on and introducing his partner I’m acting like I don’t know for those at home that don’t know the Facebook check out Pro South Facebook page to get all the

Updates but for those of you that haven’t we’re going to act like we don’t know who this oh here we go what a surprise what a surprise dramatic tension oxos sharing his blessings yet again beaming down with all the energy making his way to the ring representing the house of

Harley he’s not easy but he’s sleazy sleazy C Kate Newton the YouTube champion which I think it was definitely Pro house match of the Year Kaden sleazy C against king of the Dead Sean Christopher go back and watch that match tell me that is not match of the

Year he is the new YouTube Champion being accompanied to rings onw by Harley Haven this is sley C Kaden H somebody’s going to get slimed out for for their kids choices tonight leyc K Newton and the mask of power managing to deow and introducing their partner the king of the Dead Sean

Christopher as YouTube Champion he’s the current YouTube Champion teaming with the former pro South Champion teaming with a former pro South Champion a former allout Champion a former tag team champion former Commissioner of pro South wrestling the quadruple Crown if there’s any schools around here let’s make sure we shut them down

Because the school shooter colum Bine Brandon colum is here Brandon colum has done almost every everything there is to do here at Pro South he was the very first person to carry the pro South Championship into the very first pro South event 15 years ago when there’s justices to be won

There’s always Injustice to carry it out making his way to the ring representing Injustice Andy call not a fan of the kids or the lights apparently H just disappeared into the Shadows there for a second speaking of Shadows he is the bane of so many fans existence this is Brandon Car Brandon Colin this is only his second match back two weeks ago at anniversary Super Show 15 was his first match since and introducing their oppon for show nine proving once again you can always go home again it’s only his second match back in six years but Brandon colum if two weeks ago

Was any indication has not lost a step he’s going to need him against these three whoever could it be I am shocked it’s The Gatekeepers it’s the hand pick the chosen you got to wait you got to wait till the bus say it now let say it

Ready got wait for the beat drop now you can say it it’s the chosen one there we go making to the r it’s Sean Christopher and it’s Cameron [Applause] Kei and it’s Amy [Applause] Haven is there a vampire BTY anywhere to be seen I guess reena’s not here tonight will that affect Sean

Christopher last time we saw team a forever tragic Cameron ke the king of the Dead Shan Christopher and the King of the South being accompanied by the queen of the South Amy Haven they are the chosen ones you got to talk over me at least all finish it I’m still processing what happened

With Cameron Kei earlier tonight I don’t know what to make of that I don’t think Cameron does Either zombie dragon returns without matias’s body what is this how did Carley manage Sean Christopher of course has his eyes locked in on sleazy [Applause] SE Sixers tag underway the trios we’re revving it up like Brandon Watley starting for his [Applause] team and here we go this is your main main event members only this is what you look forward to matches like this you can only see if you become a member of the YouTube

Page those of you joining us we appreciate it for those who are you’re missing [Applause] out Watley went for the big kick CHR on Ducks it eats an uppercut for good measure the kicks didn’t land but that pan sure did Sean got low and go but he was escaping a fire There surprisingly Sean Christopher is the first to land a kick how crazy is that Brandon call him back in oh my God spiked him Dear God these two no strangers to each other he did the thing he’s been saving that [Applause] up call him saying he’s supposed to

Wrestle but he did the thing so I you know sh up he blocks that one blocks that one and he did it again two times in one match the power behind those hips not since Elvis have we seen like [Applause] that saying no not one more time the crowd wants one more

Thing he did the thing again for the third time Brandon call I’m not a fan of the thing I don’t think a lot of people are just Pro out faithful saying they’re friends they might not be if he keeps doing the thing there’s no way you can

Be friends with a guy doing the thing he’s trying to get Brandon to do the Thing it would be an injustice if he didn’t do the thing Harley trying to put a stop to It for the fourth time what did we do is this the member’s only benefit [Applause] oh false sense of security you cannot trust Ace Haven and you canot turn your back on sley C whipping him like a government mule did did sley just do the thing he did

His version of the thing he did a thing no he’s throwing Ace in the corner he did the thing again why does the thing keep happening why is the thing a thing I don’t get it he caught him s he caught him in a plants him down goodbye Ace Haven now he

Is the was okay Cameron Keith did the smart thing jump off the apron yes don’t get tagged in for that Ace Haven now part of the used haven oh ke saving his partner using the Lucha rules to his Advantage the trip good trip and the

Kick right to the back of the head sley C is Downy C is on dream street Here can he come back to Main Street til to World head scissor Here Comes Watley Watley and Cameron not much of a face off cuz he just ripped his face off wo Watley just blasted the Grand Slam former Grand Slam Champion camon ke one of only two in Pro South history butterfly

Suplex throwing cam at least six feet away from Brandon Watley Sean thought about trying to save the match cam able to do it on his [Applause] own he’s firing back Watley just shutting him down with a shot to the gut Dam does not want to be in that corner for

Long straight right hand to the gut from sley C you know how much he loves that right hand it’s his favorite weapon we all know Cam’s a body guy now but his body can’t sustain too many those he’s a body guy that’s why he’s throwing body

Blows and the whole sh bang a sleazy C happening right now that’s his the thing a thing is happening is Cameron getting a crap beat out of him in the Corner Sean does not like the looks of this Cam’s got to make a tag get out of the ring hard right forearm now he’s definitely on Dream Street he’s on dream street so much Freddy Krueger might show up chis for eff to get in could you imagine seeing sley SE walk

Down a dark alley you turn around and walk the other way you just have wherever you’re going and you don’t want to go that way you’re going out for milk just don’t go home to your kids that’s what I’m saying you see sley see in a dark alley no I see

Some weird Ginger with uh way too aggressive what we talking about saw or sley seat yes able to take him down shades of ghost there to who can make the tag a verion of collateral damage kind of leyc tags out rolls out constitutes a tag Ace Haven hardened to the

Barricade Ace is becoming great friends with that barricade keyblade from Cameron ke can he make the tag he made the Tag to Shawn Shan a house of fire last time Sean Christopher and Brandon colmer in a ring together Sean Christopher was a young Lion on the come

Up not anymore super kick from Shan Christopher taking the former heavyweight champion down the final boss is in a bad predicament right now eny in the corner shining wizard Watley smartly rolling out of Harm’s Way that constitutes his attack who’s coming in in comes where Sean going to fly leyc is legaly

See says he’s going to outthink him oh my goodness just starched Him only a two count sley C saw that one coming and just snuffed it out it was only two weeks ago at anniversary sleazy C got the better of SE Christopher took that YouTube Championship away in match of the Year by the way Sean throwing everything one right hand is all it

Takes for sley SE just change your whole perspective on life Terms of Endearment your death your rebirth your guideliner just makes you rethink all of it Ley C’s right hand is a lot like Brandon watley’s right foot he’ll just change the course of your entire life just throwing him butthole first [Applause] Across ring post byy C it’s like cake and sodomy but it’s ring close in sodomy this SP members only it’s a straight kick to Sean’s head and here comes the cake for that sodomy and that cake is Brandon [Applause] Colum nothing fancy just biting Christopher right on the forehead you know Sean Christopher is a bleeder but I think both ends are going to be bleeding after this oh no well change that to the colonoscopy a hard back elbow from Brandon colum another one trying to turn him over for the

Submission camera’s right there seeing it seeing it all happen oh Harley directing camera you learn that from lights camera action oh wow that was called the director’s cut Brandon colum putting all his weight on the back of SE Christopher not only is SE trying to fight to stay awake thas I

Think you R the wrong version of eyes wide shut kitchen sink everything’s been thrown tonight just dragging Shawn back to the corner back to No Man’s Land I honestly don’t know what to make of thatum huge fan of Monto Jordan out there saying This Is How We Do It meanwhile Brandon Watley in the ring doing what he does best there was that kick right to the gut give me the ivy league education Harvard and yel Sean fighting [Applause]

Back oh it takes this one I say oh my goodness I’m just saying Like Watley kicking you in the head is like shot by a gun at 45 mph with a silencer on it a gun at 45 M hour where you’re driving by at 45 miles hour with a silencer you never see it coming that’s what I’m saying never see it coming but it’s always [Applause]

Going see he’s squeezing him right now this is bad news for Sean Christopher his but ho is already bleeding as it is Sean doing everything he can twisting an ankle twisting at the ankle Watley now watley’s in a bad way elbow to the chest Christopher trying to turn it into a desperation ankle

Lock can’t blame the manam he was in a bad way he continues to be in a bad way Watley would have surely squeezed the life out of Him while they trying to turn him over he’s going for the Full Nelson he’s got [Applause] it the the purple starting to show up in Shawn’s face he’s squeezing so hardly putting so much pressure on that PA Nelson trying to turn Sean Christopher the same color is the man who took Sean’s

Title his brand new uh tights oh Sean able to fight back fighting back with everything he has left and then some able to break the [Applause] Grip right to the ribs knee puts him right back down oh up and over through he kicked him into the wrong Corner though taged a Haven wheel kick off the Top in comes colum down goes colum colum back to his feet soul Food kicks the leg out the shinest of shining Wizards oh Ley SE came in didn’t quite know which way to go with it that hesitation cost him cost him his Lifey C up and over leyc ass over te Kettle right over the top rope Watley down call him Downy SE [Applause]

Down what does ace have in mind Ace Haven going up to the top there’s a group forming at the bottom colum up Amy’s trying to say no just push his Ace down everybody but colum taken out by that [Applause] a Haven managed to get the best out of

It oh until that the old Katie the camera ring girl announcer trick watch this no A’s able to get his foot up Haven used the rest of the oh my goodness who are you play That’s The Mention Haven using everybody else in the matches uh to break his

Fall and then uh no nothing broke that fall call him got the Betty Davis eyes there he goes the neverlow DD that might be it no dramatic irony and he caught that flush pleasey see those right hands uh-oh got one in the chamber thinking loaded gun complex good God kale PL [Applause]

Him Sean from behind in comes Christopher like every good guy attacking somebody from behind that’s how they do it Sean on Brett’s [Applause] rope nobody home bottomless pit woo he almost spun him completely upside down but Ace back was watching arm drag out of the bottomless pit springboard

Cutter columns right there for the save able to break up that pinfall Landon Colin breaking it up saving it for his team a is hurt colum in control everybody cheer for Ace just making this worse swinging a Miss oh plant him face first the wheelbarrow has lost all it Wills what a

Maneuver measuring him and he’s about to finish it that’s it you see the gun he goes click clack click clack going for the never more DDT again Ace able to roll through get the shoulders down and there he is the chosen ones win yet again two

Winners of the match the chosen one not the better team tonight but they were the better team for 3 seconds at least and that’s all it [Applause] takes ladies and gentlemen thank you for joining us for members only for Maas darkthorn and the wicked Nemesis good night good luck the chosen ones win

Again Sean CH but [Applause] Bleeding there was an injustice tonight zombie dragon I’m not sure not sure what’s going through your head to be quite honest I’ve never been sure what goes through your head but it’s never really mattered because I always knew you were it seems that’s changed now what I can’t understand is the

Amount of progress that you’ve made over these last six years you thrown away to allow yourself to become a slave to a child I know what I have to do set you free one way or Another hey hey hey hey hey the Master of Puppets Harley Haven former member of the leftand path zombie dragon making his way to the ring being a company by Harley Haven zombie dragon undoubtedly the most dangerous entity to have ever stepped foot in a pro wrestling ring not just I did not say Pro sou ring I said a pro wrestling

Ring you unleash this nuclear bomb this is a walking nuclear bom you have Unleashed on proell he should have stayed in China somehow under the control of Harley Haven tell you how dangerous he is zomie Dragon just how dangerous the zombie dragon is just ask Harley’s mother

Zombie dragon set her on fire go check that out I know it’s there are people here at the pro South palace here tonight who still remember the smell of Amy Haven’s burning flesh and you laughed about it so and introducing his oppon I’m the one that directed

Him as it was explained earlier cam had the blood taken from him last night by the house of Harley and now it’s been used against him to summon and Control zombie dragon still don’t know how she managed the making his way to the ring representing the chosen ones he is

Forever tragic K cheese I found out what happened when the blood runs out uhoh Amy Haven smashed my vile I lost control of the zombie dragon he ended up going to China the Havens have it out for you guys they just hate the left have half

Or they hate you maybe that’s I may may not have given them a reason to [Applause] oh we’re all our own worst enemies except tonight this Cam’s worst enemy the shadow man zombie dragon there’s not much of a man left he might be shaped like one but he’s not a man there’s a shell there there used to be when he was the C kid but then

Uh I kind of sacrificed Him you’re a sacrificer you know drove a knife through the heart of the curry kid now all that’s left is the zombie dragon well that’s Universal in any language any language members only your special main event tonight thank you for joining us all on a night of heartfelt messages and

Warmth we go to the cold dark desolate place the obsil that is zombie dragon Cameron ke one of only two Grand Slam champions in Pro South history yet this might be his toughest CH challenge to date you know badass would Jeri and the great muda give you a thumbs up and

Specifically go out and find you to tag with you the great muda and Tajiri both given zombie dragon their approval zombie dragon often known as the hate muda that’s got to be burning his skin to be touching such a demon like that that poison poison Palm Jam knows all about the poison

Palm the dexterity my man rolled a 20 oh yeah that’s the thing zombie dragon not just not only a wild vicious sadistic s Savage machine he also knows how to wrestle he’s very very good at it does he does does it speak English I I don’t think it he it speaks at

All I I I tried to call him after yesterday to see what was going on he did answer all he said was oh which um same thing happens when I call Saber yeah same arm drag cam cam hasn’t scouted see cam is Cam bleeding cam bleeding or is that the

Blood protruding from the pores hard to tell zombie very unorthodox but super effective straight to the Dome you brought this monster before Us see that the shin across the throat a choke and a pin at the same time zombie dragon if this is your first time seeing him pay attention hangman neck breaker he’s trying to take another soul back with him leg drop see the height the zombie Dragon got on that leg

Drop he killed Curry kid to unleash this zombie dragon setting Amy Haven’s face on fire he broke the neck of Tyler Gage and what happened was it McCain that you also took out that was before zombie dragon see the same difference that’s what I’m saying you’re just bad

News we we we broke his face what the hell is wrong with you Mias you were a different person oh no I happily break somebody’s face today oh okay good lungs were long chop straight just the chest thed right into the chest of Cameron ke Irish whip reversal by

Cam he shadowed him shadow cometh for sure now o light shine forever bright on cam zombie dragon staying down for the count of two was it Cam and Curry kid friends at one point you can like smell him can can zombie dragon not like smell him you

Know like get his scent or does that not work like that with with this monster Curry kid’s dead there’s nothing left You’re a monster and speaking of monsters Cameron made a monster I’ve made a couple of monsters actually good God Almighty I made the zombie dragon I made the mongrel that’s what I’m saying you keep doing this you’re a bad bad humania these people cheer for you I I’ve said

From day one my goal is to build pro South up by any means possible MH yeah I I unleash monsters CU you have to be the very best version of yourself to survive them if not you won’t be here CR has no idea look at people in the background hiding cowering from zombie

Dragon zombie known for throwing the fireball known for the kicks known for submissions known for the Miss known for the violence Just standing on the head of Cameron keys I cannot believe Harley Haven is in control of this she already has sleazy SE now she’s got zombie dragon she’s got double A she’s got born again Christen Garrett Harley displaying the level of her hate for Cameron Key by bringing out the zombie

Dragonly named the hate Mooda cam up and over got the trip what a long strange trip it’s been and the end of G this could be it this could be what he needs desperately going for that cover only a two count that was desperation I don’t know

What cam what does Cam have to do to keep this monstrosity down I have no clue okay you didn’t read the instructions beforehand your Necronomicon didn’t come with instructions well last time I saw him put down it took Trevor on the KE infection oh the Kei infection

That do they have antibiotics in China or Hell wherever he’s from well he stared down uh that whole pandemic had no effect on him Yes that pandemic YouTube doesn’t like it when you name it hell no they still don’t like it when you name name it we are still on YouTube so I I I do have some restrictions on me unlike the zombie dragon Cam that KN that de may have given out on

Him don’t know if he’s screaming in Anger pain or hate yes okay there we go now we got that resolved cross body block taking him down body only a two Count zombie in a whole another Stratosphere when it comes to horror and Terror and destruction and that’s just the fun part it was only a few weeks ago big tomb returned to Pro South and reminded every everybody of what he was capable of yet when we unleashed the zombie

Dragon zombie repeatedly humbled big tomb put this man down on the mat made him scream in agony with his poison Mist put multiple Fireballs into the man’s face right now zombie dragon somehow some way cam spiking him on his head almost got a three count out of that now with this that’s on

Harley if you control him proper got him stalling Brain Buster that is what happens when he’s goes to move forward only a two count he so we have to get the vile and destroy it is what you’re saying that would be the only way I would know know to stop somebody who’s

Got the zombie dragon under control can we shoot it zombie or the vile zombie I mean you can try will he like catch it with his teeth cuz we need we need to help cam somehow he’s a zombie you need to be out there managing cam against this dramatic iron KNE

That’s got to be it I mean come on surely surely that’s it and the two f oh well oh that knee see that knee from earlier giving out on track for the 256 he got some of it he got two you can’t be called Jenny with

That caught with the claw he tried for that uh the Frog Splash got caught with the claw what put ghost down earlier he just stands up from that there’s the other poison CL oh no the poison Palm the poison Palm this is got

To be it this is got to be it ref stop the match ref stop it God Almighty stop it your winner of the match by way of referee stoppage the only zombie dragon the only way to get him off is if he chooses to leave or if Harley Haven pulls him

Off zombie dragon is worth than the worse than the babad DU I don’t picture Harley stopping him anytime soon cam called him out cam Cam’s dead he’s killing cam this has been bers only for Mias darkthorn and the wicked Nemesis good night good luck drink lots of water call

Your mom zombie dragon just killed Cameron keys and all right your Young Lion Champion C Champion a little bit predictable zombie dragon wherever he goes run Carnage follows run [Applause] got to hope we don’t get taken off YouTube for this hello police we just witnessed a murder a he’s so fast good night everyone yeah I hope you enjoyed those two new exclusive matches uh Happy New Year’s guys and uh big ball the following announcement has been paid for by Pro South Wrestling [Applause] Oh oh


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