Golf Ball Addicts Biggest Surprises From 2023

This is another fun video today! I had some strange things that surprised me in both good and bad ways in 2023. Let’s dive in!


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00:00 Intro
1:00 Not A Golf Ball?
2:36 Great Year
4:05 An X ball that Works
5:52 7 Stick to Groceries
7:15 Makeover!
9:15 Encore! Encore!
10:20 Snowballs Chance in Hell
12:42 Conclusion

When it comes to testing golf balls as much as I do sometimes there are quite a few surprises that get sprinkled in there uh don’t even get me started on running your own YouTube channel there’s plenty of surprises in there but just from the reviewing golf balls or Golf

Tech alone a lot of surprises come up and I want to share with you today some of my biggest surprises from 2023 now these surprises could be anything they could be how well a golf ball performed uh they could be uh how well a product performed it could be

Specific metrics it could be just something that happened in the golf world whatever it’s just biggest surprises that I found when I was really looking at my 20123 year these were the things that I was like yeah that took me by surprise for sure so uh let’s Dive

Right In Here I have seven of them for you let’s start at number seven and keep in mind once again these are not in any particular order so it’s not it’s not like the number one is the the biggest surprise it’s just these are just seven

Random ones so coming in at number seven we have the flight path T review now this is the review I did if you don’t know this product this is actually a tea uh that is designed to make your golf ball go straighter they promise you know

It can go straight or whatever and you know it has left uh less left to right dispersion yada yada yada uh it’s a weird looking design it’s hard to get your ball on but I did a review on it these golf ball these golf te’s end up

Like AT3 or $4 a te they’re very very expensive so the whole point of the review was hey are they worth the price um but the surprise came in not with any of that not on how well it performed or any of that it came with how popular the

Video was guys this is now my biggest video I’ve ever made it has by far the most views I think it’s almost at 30,000 or something like that it’s insane it’s by far the video I’ve made the most money off of um and I don’t know it kind

Of makes me want to review more golf te’s I know that sounds weird but it’s like I’m sitting here from a business standpoint thinking man I like I’m looking at the the videos I’ve made the most money off of and it’s like oh you made you know $30 here and $20 here and

You made $180 off your t video and I’m like I’m like whoa that’s a jump like I I don’t know what the real metrics are I’d have to look but like it was just insane how different it was like that by far is the video that has rocketed this

Channel and I know that’s weird cuz we’re a golf ball Channel but something about that review people really want to know is this tea legit or not so again it kind of makes me want to review more tea so keep a lookout for that now I know a

Lot of you are going to roll your eyes here cuz I got a ton of flack for my favorite golf Brands video but Callaway had a really surprising year for me uh they came out with a bunch of different rebrands redesigns I love them all uh their golf performance you know I I

Tested the whole Callaway lineup this year and all of their golf balls were met with really good success um there wasn’t really too many of them that I just had a bad time with you know and even the ones I did have a bad time time

With there were a lot of people that got on there and said hey I think you should retest this I love this golf ball it’s phenomenal so Callaway just had a really good year they’ve also put a bunch of money into making sure their golf balls

Are better uh which is cool anytime a company comes out and says that I think that’s awesome but I think the biggest surprise was how well I tested as an average to fast swinger 92 mph with the driver with the Callaway Chrome soft Tour golf ball so usually when I test

Tour golf balls on the channel they don’t do very good they’re usually way too firm they they’re just for faster swingers they’re for more advanced players and I just don’t have very good consistency with them and they don’t end up with great numbers the Callaway chromes soft ended up being one of the

Best golf balls I tested and then even when I tested the X model then when I tested uh the LSX model all those actually performed relatively well considering what type they are and so I thought of it being like a tour golf ball that average to fast swingers can

Actually play and I was really surprised at how well I got some of the best numbers I’d ever tested and by far to this date it’s still the best Tour golf ball I’ve tested on the channel it would get number one so uh it was kind of a

Surprise there and speaking of golf balls that surprised me uh this year it was actually the Mizuno Tour X so there’s a couple reasons that this was a surprise one cuz the Mizuno Tour X tested phenomenal really really well uh ball speed was incredible I had such a

Blast reviewing it I mean it just felt like it was just rocketing off the face I mean every time I would hit it I’d think I’m going to try to put a little more on it I want to see if I canak break records and some of them I did at

The time um so yeah it tested really well was an awesome golf ball so it was just a surprise that Muno had a great tester this year but also where it got weird and where it got surprising was that the mauno RB tour the regular tour

Which is more for my swing speed uh tested awful it was abysmal it was one of the worst golf balls I tested uh of the year I didn’t like it I didn’t like how it feel it had no pop off the club it had nothing I I didn’t like it I

Didn’t like it at all and then I thought thought well oh goodness now I got to test the TX I mean if the tour ain’t doing good the X definitely isn’t nope the exact opposite the t x was phenomenal and it definitely works for average to fast swingers um really weird

Surprise that doesn’t happen a lot and I think mauno knows they made a mistake because they took a lot of the marketing and paid reviews out for the RB tour you notice if you go to Google right now and try to find one they’re tough to find

You can’t find reviews of the regular tour but you can find lot of the Tour X which usually means that they were trying to pay a company um they probably came out and said hey the tour didn’t test very well but the TX did great and they probably said hey well then don’t

Put out that first one put out that second one that’s common by the way don’t don’t think ill of Muno for that that’s very common that’s what a lot of these companies do they’re not going to pay somebody to post a review of a bad

Golf ball next up as far as a surprise was definitely the Kirkland V3 so when I tested the Kirkland V2 at the beginning of the year it was decent you know it wasn’t great but it was decent um it got a lot of views a lot of people really

Want that ball to be successful um it spun a lot like it spun a lot uh but it definitely had a more firmer still squishy but a little firmer feel um there was some things they could improve on well then in the middle of 2023 they

Came out with the V3 and that golf ball um was just a complete failure in my eyes I think they tried to make it way more like a prov1 they wanted to simulate a prov1 they wanted it to feel look act like a prov1 um and they didn’t do a great job at

That because the golf ball was stupid firm stupid clicky no forgiveness didn’t feel great and then once I posted the review again a lot of people were like man I’m disappointed it’s way firm now there are some of you that still like it but if you’re an average swinger if

You’re an average player it just doesn’t really work for your swing there’s no forgiveness there it almost acts like it wants to be a ball for advanced players but if you’re that advanced of a player you’re probably going to just play a pro1 because cuz if you’re that advanced

You do want the brand you want the best you want you want the 0% of golf balls that are perfectly Circle all that stuff so um disappointing for sure and another big pleasant surprise coming in here is actually Snell’s Rebrand so um there was a couple things from the Rebrand that I

Really really liked the first of all I love the new logo I liked what they did I actually got to work with snell a little bit um I loved all that that was a really good thing that happened in 2023 for me but what I was really

Surprised with is that the price of the golf balls didn’t increase a ton there was a very small increase there uh despite going through this whole Rebrand as I having to recuperate some of this money despite all of the covid stuff and the you know everything inflation being

So high I expected these golf balls to come around $40 a dozen they actually didn’t they’re only 33 a dozen right now which is amazing uh if you order them bulk you can get them down to 29 they did an amazing job at that and uh it’s

Why I’ve hyped them up all year it’s really what the Channel’s been about it’s about value it’s I love direct a consumer it’s about getting a great golf ball for an amazing price and Snell just seems to understand that and a lot of companies don’t you might say well yeah

But that’s what direct to Consumer well you’d think that but there’s a lot of direct to Consumer companies that I test that don’t do that they actually still have them for $50 clear golf clear golf’s a prime example $60 a dozen for a director consumer golf ball they don’t

Understand the market they don’t understand the idea of it Snell understands all that that’s why I kind of praise him up all the time it’s not cuz I’m paid it’s not cuz I’m a rep it’s just because I really love what they did

This year and I was glad to be a part of it how was I a part of it you ask well I might have made a little boo boo uh you know as far as how I was a part of it so I don’t know you maybe some of you saw

It but I actually did give them the okay to use my brand and likeness and a a like if they wanted to post advertisement or whatever cuz I thought it’d be cool um so they did they used to be in a commercial so I was in their

Commercial which was really cool it was all over Instagram and Facebook and my family saw it and Friends saw it and all this stuff end up getting 40,000 views and um yeah they were just like hey thanks for letting us do that and I’m like yeah but you know I that’s not a

Harp on them I was glad to be part of it um it was a fun time so that was another big surprise now this one was actually a golf ball that I didn’t expect to be very good the Vero X2 so the Encore voo X2 um I I love oncore I’ve been testing

Them for a long time they’re one of the first director consumer brands that made it big and came out um they’ve got a lot of cool stuff going on but when I was reviewing their line um The Elixir was supposed to be for my swing speed ended

Up not that good actually and I was kind of disappointed and then I tested the voo X1 which was not for my swing speed and it was okay I mean it had good numbers you know but it wasn’t anything I just overly recommend for $40 a dozen

But then I tested the Vero X2 which continuing on really wasn’t for my swing speed and it actually did really really well I had a great time reviewing it it performed really awesome awesome it completely took me by surprise it was one of those reviews where I was just

Like hey let’s get this over with put it down hit it and then I was like oh that well that felt good and I turned around and I was like oh the numbers were decent too and I’m like well okay well what about the seven iron you know and

Then and then all the way across and ended up really good so that was another big surprise but by far one of the biggest surprises I’ve ever seen on the channel was definitely the Dio Wings golf ball so um the DI Wings golf ball is a two-piece iometer distance golf

Ball designed kind of basically at uh just getting the ball as far as straight as it can go and so when a company reached out to me you know I have companies reach out to me this one reached out to me and said hey would you

Be willing to review our golf ball they were really simplistic with it they were just like hey just do a review we just want to get recognition like they didn’t want anything from me they weren’t like we want rides to the video they just said hey we’ll we’ll test it we just

Want you know our name out there and I said okay cool and I got it I started testing a little bit and then one of the things I do to review it is I say okay what’s the price point when I found out it was $37 for a dozen of two-piece

Iometer golf balls I was in just disbelief it was the first time I’d ever seen anything that high which of course later on I’d find the Titleist tour soft at that price point as well uh but I just couldn’t believe they were charging that much it was like $20 for six of

Them they sell me either a six or a 12 and I was like gosh dang well I and at that point I was kind of like I was talking to some people and I’m like I don’t even know how the golf ball is going to test but but does it matter how

It tests like it’s it’s too expensive so yes I still agree it’s too expensive but here’s the thing guys the numbers were phenomenal it absolutely jumped off the club it was one of the longest golf balls I’ve ever tested it feels really good it feels

Like it just has a ton of power when it hits that club it shoots off the club like a rocket I mean it it feels phenomenal it really is so it’s a golf ball to where you know would I would I play them if like I had a sponsorship

Deal and they were giving them to me for free all the time absolutely I would but as a guy who doesn’t have a a ton of money and is pretty Frugal and wants the best value and bang for the buck would I use them then not a snowball’s chance in

Hell like just period I would never pay that for a two-piece golf ball if I was going to spend $37 on a dozen you know I mean we’re looking at uh you know a a three-piece Tour golf ball somewhere in there a budget Tour golf ball direct to Consumer somewhere

In there I mean we’re not doing a two-piece for anything over for me personally it’d be 25 now if you had one for 27 28 and you you sat down and gave a sales pitch of your life and the numbers were phenomenal durability was amazing and it had a a

Incredible alignment to all kinds of stuff maybe I would maybe I’d ask for them for Christmas but so as always keep watching to keep saving and keep learning I appreciate you guys as always if you’re new to the channel I do have a way to support I don’t have any merch or

Anything but I do uh have a fundraiser that’s Link in the description right now for a Bushnell launch monitor we’re trying to get some money together cuz it’s going to be expensive uh but I want to get this for the channel because it’s going to allow me to have tons more

Metrics it’s allow going to allow me to have 100% accuracy I’m going to be able to actually get some wedge numbers I’m I’m just going to be able to provide a lot more to you guys as viewers uh so if you want to contribute like a dollar to

That or five5 it would really help but if not as always you being here is just enough for me I really appreciate it so um until next time I love you all


  1. Interesting video. Funny that the tee video was number 1. Good to look back over the year. Good to see you pulled no punches, best, worst,too expensive etc.

  2. Love the honest information. With you brother. I’m also trying to add a bushell launch pro for my simulator. We teach golf to kids and mostly to special needs kids.

  3. Thanks for the videos this year. Would like to see some head-to-head videos, especially for some of the balls you've reviewed a while ago against something newer.

  4. Can you cut the balls and show the inside? Saw a video where a guy showed that the Srixon Z Star was really a 2 piece ball.

  5. Enjoy your golf ball reviews. They have been extremely helpful. Would like to see a review of the Piper Green sometime this coming year.

  6. I’m surprised you don’t mention the Callaway Superfast more often. You got average distance as I recall from the shortest iron, but really great distance with everything else! I don’t like the “sticky feel” of the cover in the Superfast color golf balls but the white golf ball feels like a regular golf ball, nice and smooth and slick. Recheck your Superfast review and give it some recognition!

  7. I had the exact opposite experience with the Mizuno ball. Loved the tour and didn’t love the X. I guess I’ll try it again. Love the MTB Prime and didn’t like the X. Love the channel

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