Golf Babe

Master, QR Hole 9 – Par 5, ALBA – Rewind 2023 Tournament, *Golf Clash Guide*

Hey guys and gals,

This is Hole 9 – Par 5 of the Sierra Plateau, playing from 3rd tee for the Rewind 2023 Tournament.

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On the drive we start with our apocalypse level five plus in P0 ball and nmt 7.8 Top Spin and one left spin now you may be wondering what can we do this with AO 5 AO six no you can obviously not play with that amount of

Top Spin because you don’t have that so what you are going to do is once you do have uh swapped to like once you have found the nmt which obviously do automatically we po five and a PO six then you shall swap ball then you swap to the extra mile level

9ine adjust Max Plus 20p Z we’re pushing the Rings to allow ourselves to not have a mess with the trees and then the ball shall glitch roll like this we do want it to glitch roll to around 45 410 y on the second shot we are going to

Move up our cataclysm until we do have the second balce to be in the middle of the bright green square that is one green square left of the pin once we have done that we’re going to add whatever spins needed to get the ball guideline into the hole very important

That you’re into the hole and not short because if you are short you will obviously go short adjust is going to be from uh plus 4 and plus five landing position we are using 84% slider plus 30% elevation P3 numbers and in this angle which is the yellow angle we shall

Be doing one click or left however though I did not pay attention to that when I was playing just this particular practice which also then explains the reason to why I’m dropping on the right side of the pin and not dead nuts this is a tough drop this is in my opinion

The toughest drop of all the nine holes that we have by far actually we um yeah we do have some wind tweaks obviously to add on to that and make sure that you do subscribe to the channel also go to slol Clash Tommy for premium guys for expert and monster division that

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