What Makes Rory McIlroy The BEST? | Full Driver Swing Breakdown

Breaking down the driver swing of Rory McIlroy. One of the best driver swings on Tour and not only does he hit it a MILE, he also is extremely accurate! Let’s see if we can figure out what he does to be so successful.

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Rory mroy and we’re going to do a quick little swing analysis of his driver swing one of the most accurate and longest hitters on tour let’s see what we got here so let’s draw a little quick little plane line here he’s got a good plane right through his

Midsection as he brings the club back it just it’s just taken back on absolutely perfect line look at that just right up the line there um one thing I do want you to notice about his setup you can see here his feet are actually pointed right of where his

Driver is pointed he’s he’s pointed over here and that is because he is playing a draw he likes to aim a little bit right of Target Club face pretty square and then he swings inside to out and he likes to hit that high bombing draw so again as he brings it back just

On perfect line one thing he does is he has a very long back swing he’s he’s pushing that club head of that driver back towards the camera to get as much length as he can on that back swing you can see he’s bending that front leg quite a bit but his foot never

Really comes off the ground you know Bubba Watson and some other guys that front foot will come off the ground and just be on your toe uh Jack Jack Nicholas used to do that quite a bit but his his feet stay firmly on the ground

He just bends that knee so as he gets to the top club face is in perfect position left arm stays completely straight club face is almost identical as far as this is a hard little app there we go as far as being lined up with his wrist

There on his left hand just absolute perfect position huge shoulder turn that’s where he gets a lot of his power and then one of his first moves on his downswing you can see right about here he starts to squat as he starts his downswing so both legs are bent pretty considerably you

Can see he’s already starting to keep his head back behind the golf ball those hands are coming right down the line perfectly and then as you see right actually right about here he’s already at this point straightening that front leg to use the ground to push up off the

Ground to hit up on this golfball and get reduce some Spin and get as much power and as much distance as possible so you can see as he’s coming down he squats slight squat starts there and then as he comes down right about there he’s already standing up and

Straightening those legs to try and push off you can see that right foot is coming coming off the ground as he’s pushing up as he makes contact with the golf ball his right elbow and arm is pretty bent until right after impact you can see he’s rolling

Those hands over through impact to close that club face and hit a nice high draw one thing I did want to show you real quick is as he comes through just absolutely the most balanced golf swing on tour just comes through so much power yet so much balance he spends a lot of

Time in the gym working on his core strength working on his back working on his balance in particular just a crazy good athlete now let’s take a look from the front view here the front view here you can see he has a fairly wide stance um

He’s got perfect little V here with his arms you can also see ball position here right off his left heel perfect position uh he does flare his feet out just a little bit nothing too crazy one other thing I want you to notice we hear it set up he’s already got his shoulder

Angle up that way it’ll help him swing up on the golf ball head is already again behind the golf ball he’s going to keep it there the entire time so as you can see I’ve drawn some lines here on his legs just to show you in his back swing he really doesn’t

Have any sway at all he’s got a little bit you can just see right at the beginning that right hip breaks through the plane but then he rotates right around that right leg and then as he’s coming through he does bust through this front plane but you’re absolutely

Supposed to do that get on top of the golfball one thing I want you to notice here is as he’s taking this club back look how low to the ground he keeps it and how long I mean look at that it’s barely it’s probably a qu of an inch off

The ground and it’s a foot and a half away from the golf ball he’s he gets as much length as he can out of this back swing you can see here left arm again just extremely straight the entire time pushing that driver head back towards the back side

Over here the back at the T box so as we continue here you can see again rotating right around that right leg starts to sway just a little bit backwards you can see he’s got a little bit of a gap here but most of that is

Going to be coming from his uh front leg is actually bending a little bit so it’s going to look like he’s swaying backwards but you can see on that back leg plane that he did not come through again as he gets to the top look at that

Left arm it is just completely straight straight shoulder turn is incredible he’s he’s like back over here gets his huge shoulder turn but you can see he’s hasn’t even finished his back swing he’s already starting the process of his down swing you can see his hips

Here watch his hips I’m going to move that Circle just so you can see watch his hips as and the club is still going backwards and his hips have already started towards the target so into his down swing here you can see he’s shifting those hips considerably towards the target his the

Club hasn’t even really gone too far and his front hip is already through that plane he’s already pushing off that back foot back heel is already off the ground way back here okay take all these lines off as he’s coming down that left arm is extremely straight stay straight like

Almost the entire golf swing head considerably behind the golf ball ton of lag look at the angle here of the club relative to his arms here that’s incredible lag now as he gets into the impact position his head is staying way behind the golf ball

Again at this point he Bott com out the club right about here this is the bottom of his swing and then he’s swinging up on the golf ball as he makes impact Club is right in line with that leg right in line with his arms back of

His gloved hand here is pointed towards the target both legs are basically straightened out he’s using that ground to push up that way as he swings up on this golf ball he’s reducing in the Back Spin which will make the ball flies considerably farther that’s how he gets

So much distance and then just incredible balance incredible shoulder turn on the follow through just like I said an incredible athlete one of the best swings if you want to mimic a swing this is the swing you need to watch and try and mimic because it’s incredible appreciate you

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