Stop Swaying In The Golf Swing And Improve Your Ball Striking

In this video, we’re going to show you how to stop swaying in the golf swing and improve your ball striking.

Swaying in the golf swing can affect your ball striking, leading to poor shots and low scores. By following our simple tips, you’ll be able to stop swaying and improve your ball striking, giving you a competitive advantage on the golf course!

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So are you a golfer who just really really struggles to get any kind of consistently solid contact when the ball’s on the ground whether it be irons hybrids Fairway Woods well if you are you just might be a golfer who sways too much during their swing and that is

Absolutely killing your ball striking but the good news is I’m going to show you how to stop that Sway and get you hit in some of the best shots ever so swaying in the golf swing first of all what is it and why does it make it

So difficult in order for you to strike the ball well well nowadays everybody’s filming their swings cameras on the phone fantastic when you’ve got this face on view what you would notice with a golfer and this could be you could be a friend that you’re watching when they

Sway that in their back swing their hips move very laterally away from the target and then obviously there’s no real turn of the body and they have to move a huge distance back in a very short space of time in order to get that good solid contact now very occasionally they’ll

Get that right sometimes they won’t do it enough sometimes they might overdo it and it is an absolute killer so what you would see at the top of the back swing with somebody who sways is you can see the hips have moved a long way outside that right foot

Whereas the better ball Strikers in the world you will see that the hips have turned more and even though there might be a tiny bit of lateral movement there’s not a huge amount so that’s what it is why does it make it difficult when the golf Ball’s on the floor we need to

Get the lowest point of our golf swing slightly ahead of the golf ball so the club’s traveling down and hits ball and then ground and if you look face on at the swing the swing is just basically Club moving m in a circular motion around the body and obviously for a

Circle to be nice and consistent the middle needs to stay still fairly still in the golf swing and the width of the circle needs to stay the same now if for argument say the middle of my circle is moving around a lot it’s going to be incredibly hard to time where the low

Point is so sometimes it could be behind sometimes it might be just under the ball sometimes it could be ahead and what you’ll see is when you’re good with that low Point control that nice crisp strike and we can see on trackman there the low Point’s 3.3 in ahead which means the

Club has traveled down and hit ball and then ground the path’s been a little bit from the inside the club face has been slightly closed there that’s my little draw carrying 168 yards and when I’m coaching people these are pretty much the numbers I look at because if that

Low point is consistent and it does change a little bit with the clubs varying on where the ball position is in The Stance but if the low Point’s consistent it means you’re making contact with the golf ball in the same part of the golf swing every time

Therefore it’s easy to get strike path to be consistent and hopefully Club face to be closer to where you need it to be but like I said that’s the sway and that’s why we need to get rid of it how are we going to get rid of it that’s the

Key thing so what I want you to think about is how you turn your hips particularly in the back swing a lot of people say well I just think it and I do it but then when they swing it doesn’t happen so I want you to

Think about that trail foot so the right foot for the right ended golfer and as I start moving the club away I want to feel like I’m going to push my foot that way now obviously the ground’s going to stop it but as I try and push my foot that

Way you’ll see that hip goes back so if I did it down the line if I if I push the foot in we can see that hip turns behind me now that’s creating that pressure into that right side and for a lot of golfers as soon as you do

That it feels just a much more engaged way that they turn so you’d have a few practice swings feeling like pushing that foot you might even do some smaller swings to begin with and then hit a couple of shots with that shorter swing so again really going

To focus on just pushing that right foot into the ground that way and straight away good solid strike low Point 2.3 in ahead nice accurate shot and even that one carrying 154 yards now for the purpose of the video I’m not going to do lots and lots at

That but you might want to do a good half dozen get in that feel and straight away you’ll notice that the contact is much more crisp and much more consistent and then you just obviously want to build that into the full swing feels very different and you’ll notice straight

Away how you start touching the ground but touching the ground in a more similar Place whereas when you’ve got this movement going on you could be catching the ground here you could be catching the ground here just incredibly difficult when the clubs moving at speed to be consistent when you’re moving

Around a lot so once you’ve done some practice Wings again really focus on that right foot pushing for me towards the camera into the ground get set again felt lovely 2.1 in ahead path again a little bit from the inside Club is pretty neutral and 164 carry now obviously the video is about

Stopping the sway but what you’ll know notice there with my swing is the clubs always coming slightly from the inside now if you are somebody who feels that they do a lot of this movement in the downswing you can change your path because the path is the direction the

Club is traveling at impact with the ball now if your low point was behind the club’s traveling up now if you watch when the club travels up The Path actually starts working more left so even if you are somebody that’s working this way a little bit by moving your low

Point further ahead which you’ll be consistently able to do by stopping the sway the path won’t be as poor so there’s huge benefits to stopping the sway but like I said if you don’t use the ground properly to get you to turn you are going to move laterally and all

Those B bad habits are going to creep back in so again we’re going to set up really feel like get that foot pushing into ground get your turning away from the ball now just pick that one a little bit wouldn’t have been very deep diot but we

See the low Point still nearly 3 in ahead again from the inside Club face slightly closed and a little bit further at 172 and it’s lovely I mean when I work on this face Toof face with golfers who have really moved around a lot over the years the consistency not just with the

Irons but as they get into the longer clubs the ability to get that ball and then ground strike is so important and like I said if you’re turning the middle of the circle staying much more still then as that you get the club to change direction you move slightly towards the

Target the pressure is in that lead side earlier because you haven’t had to move as far and it’s easy then just to release through the golf ball so let’s go one final one stopping that sway just turned it a little bit more than I wanted but again contact really Solid

Low. 3 in ahead again path from the inside Club face slightly closed and 162 yards so like I said at the start of the video if you are somebody who sways it’s really important to understand first of all what it is cuz I think terminology gets thrown around in golf a lot it’s

That lateral movement of the hips during the back swing we need to get you turning rather than swaying and the way you turn is you push that foot hard like it’s trying to go that way the ground won’t let it if I lifted my foot up the foot would go and

The hip wouldn’t turn but that’s going to get you turning that’s going to stop you swaying it’s going to help you deliver the club so much more consistently and powerfully to the golf ball you really will start hitting some of the best shots of your life


  1. Another way is to lift your right heel up a little, maybe a half inch, that pushes your weight on to your left foot and stops you from drifting back.

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