Chest Rotation in Transition

A look at rotation numbers in 3D of an expert golfer in relation to chest/thorax movement in transitioin.

Okay so this is a concept video to discuss how in general good players start their downswing in relation to many discussions about um players who may come down over the top or steep or whatnot and then telling those players you don’t start the downswing with any chest rotation you’ve

Got to keep your try to turn your hips but keep your chest back um and that has been a useful concept for feel sometimes for players who maybe move their arms incorrectly in transition or actually don’t turn correctly meaning they don’t side Bend as they turn but I think it’s been also

Misused to make people think that all these good players don’t turn their upper body when they start their downswing so this is to give you some proof on the right you’ll see shoulder and R rib cage turn graphs those are just numbers if you want to watch that

And then from each view you’ll see c means closed in relation to neutral where the shoulder line and the rib cage line is throughout the swing so this is obviously an overhead view so the greater number is the shoulder line the Lesser number is the rib cage

Line but here we are at the top of this player swing 87 mil an hour 173 yard carry eight iron I’d say that’s really good so here we go we’ll see the club head is starting to move do we see either of these rib cage uh and shoulder Lines Moving yep

So it it’s seems to be that every frame the club head Moves these are moving too now we know the the pelvis is moving underneath but for this concept I want to show you again what the upper body is doing versus what’s been traditionally discussed as not doing so there’s roughly impact Etc okay so that’s an overhead view we’ll look

At a plane view so this is using the elbow plane because the discussion has always been well here’s the problem if you start your downswing you let your upper body turn you’re going to come over the top and that’s again been I think misdiagnosed is either incorrect arm rotate incorrect arm movements in

Transition or um turn turning in a way that’s not proper in the down swing which which is again not side bending as you rotate so we’ll get this going here top of Swing So in theory since we see these shoulder and rib cage lines moving which

You saw from the overhead view he should definitely swing much steeper than the shoulder uh sorry elbow plane which you’ll see cutting right through through it okay then last view is just a front view maybe not as beneficial but also have the elbow plane piece of glass in there

As well but just to show you the front view so top of swings here and then scrolling through so we can do more concept videos like this um there’s not a great deal of players in my swing and unfortunately I think that company is out of business but we still

Have the software but if there’s other things like this that interest you let us know and thanks for watching

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