Golf Babe

Even the garbage dump can have rock treasures especially around here The Bella Coola Garbage Dump

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All right you guys I really wanted to move around a lot a lot more today but we came to the Dyke what is this this is garbage dump Dyke it’s an interesting purple eh sorry I’m zoomed right out there we go garbage dunk garbage dunk dke some interesting Dyke Rock that’s

For sure look at this thing zoomed out sorry I got this interesting lesson today about circular saw blades I’m just filming rocks again filming rocks making Clocks no this one’s actually this one’s actually kind of cool so this take Rock not peock or on there right came to see some like Eagle nests too actually there’s a see that there’s a big eag nest over there there’s a tower on the other side I got turkey books I’m supposed to

Stop at the store I don’t want to that’s pretty cool do I have anything else to say today besides complaints I don’t know man this is interesting Dyke Rock that’s what I got to say besides complaints this is some old old rock and there’s another road down there and I

Want to be right down there that’s where I want to be what am I going to do fames in the truck you know look these what is that that is a very very dark migma migma migma T this is just an interesting D like where did he blow with us out of do

You guys think it came out of there Mar’s gravel P see the other day and I was asking him a little bit about his gra Wonder he’ll probably let wonder if he’ let me have a tour probably but then I’ll just be upset about the treasures that were in

There this black rock I should have brought me magnet today all these granites though some really nice long I don’t know nice long ORS right dude that was almost an accident for me I should be careful if you guys ever have those days where you’re like yeah I probably should have worked out

Cuz like your speed’s off everyone just comes over here to pee don’t they just garbage garbage garbage it’s off but I’ve never seen such interesting black granite and like the rock Town’s delusional nightmare this place is kind of gross an interesting stack of little Pebbles over there that way garbage part is gross

Though it’s actually going to shut down it’s going to be pretty interesting when they do that cuz where’s the garbage going go uh in the bush guaranteed y guaranteed we end up in that bush you guys we got to hit that beach yeah I know I’m just looking crows always make such interesting

Noises just looking I should have looked at this pile of Rebel over here M I just thought there might have been something cool behind the I didn’t even know that was in there that must be special there’s probably some big balls in there let go

Look this dke rock is cool but like I say it’s kind of like what are you looking at here like Mig Mig Mig my Formations Co some big containers some Sand some Mountain someone else walking over here that’s for sure o hands are cold hands are cool that’s an interesting P of rock who done with this here Peebles big p opes h ores pink pig well it’s not that special I don’t know I guess besides

Like agot Center my hands are C shy thing we got to get back to the river right that’s where all the fun stuff is lot of garbage a lot of weird rock oh wait wait wait what’s that one not be too bad bigger size Boulders garbage I have to call this one

Rock hounding garbage dump okay rocking theage that is an interesting though that was a ball right one of my faves okay so while it is like not I’m not saying go to your local garbage dun and do some like rock hounding but that’s definitely an ore of some

Sort that was a ball that was a ball look at this this was red a pink quartz well I was kind of all long ways around just to get to like this weird ass pile dude my hand are C there we go knew it now I’m busting up those gold

Balls right about that this AAL one all right you can find cool rocks anywhere right cool rock in anywhere oh what else should we do so today I seen that there’s a slide also I want to go check out slide that’s what I want to do this

Is interesting this is heavy heavy heavy heavy the mountain slid you know what that means you guys means there might be some clay Baker at the bottom all right that was interesting besides the garbage and now the hands are cold oh bar one those chloride

Things kind of looks like it but I don’t need one all right peace

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