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Standup Girl Episode 3 | Presented By Telenor | Zara Noor Abbas | Danyal Zafar [ Eng CC ] Green TV

Embark on a thrilling odyssey as a young woman navigates an identity crisis, shattering stereotypes on her path to fulfilling her dream of becoming a stand-up comedian. Witness her intertwining fate with a charismatic rap singer as they embark on a journey of love and creative pursuit.

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Standup Girl Episode 3 | Presented By Telenor | Zara Noor Abbas | Danyal Zafar [ Eng CC ] Green TV

Presented by: Q&K PRODUCTIONS in association with MULTIVERSE ENTERTAINMENT

Directed By: Kashif Nisar

Written By: Awais Ahmad & Adeel Afzal

Sohail Ahmad
Zara Noor Abbas
Daniyal Zafar
Saba Faisal
Adnan Shah Tipu
Farah Tufail
Saqib Sameer
Maira Saeed
Saad Azhar
Ali Jaan
Ahmad Abdur Rahman
Afifa Shah
Arham Khan
Adeel Afzal

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#GreenTV #StandupGirl #ZaraNoorAbbaas #DanyalZafar

What happened, child? I said I would come get my daughter myself. Did you not like something someone said, child? You didn’t even eat food, you left it. I ate all that I had to. You are done eating? You had to eat two bites like a bird.

Come on, my child, they are all waiting. Get up child. Why are they waiting for me? Do I have to put food in everyone’s mouth? You have your anger on your nose just like Naila. She too say things to everyone and get locked in her room.

Then I would go to convince her. So, child, I have come to convince you as well. You used to go convince her? You didn’t see her face for twenty six years. You used to go convince her? No one here knows my mother. I know, I have seen how she fought with her ailment.

How she brought me up alone. You people didn’t give her importance for twenty six years and now, Naila, Naila, Naila. Naila. Naila’s daughter. Come child, sit with us, and then bitter melon and meat. Stop this drama of Naila. Brother Kabir. Yes? Man, I am unable to get in touch with you,

Nor do you pick up your phone. Yes, I am just busy. Yes, you are a busy man. You must not remember. This is the third month, you didn’t pay the rent. I will arrange it. I will arrange it soon. Brother, my own condition is not good. You know about the expenses

And on top of that elder brother is saying we should sell this home. Okay, I will do something in a few days. It is not about a few days, brother. It has become a big issue for me. You clear the accounts and vacate the room this month.

I have a lot of pressure from the other brothers. Okay, I am telling you, I will pay you the rent in a few days. You will have to pay the rent and also vacate the room. My brothers have found another tenant. Okay. I will do something. Don’t forget.

You will do me a favour. Sure. Hi folks. Tell me something? Has it ever happened in your life that you have severe pain in your head because of the noise around you. To mellow down the noise, you have to speak even louder and then when you teach manners to people,

They say that you are the most ill-mannered person. I mean, impeccable, these things never in life… Oh. Thief. Uncle. Elder uncle. Thief. Thief. Thief. Thief. Thief. Thief. What happened, child? Thief. Thief. Thief. Uncle. Uncle. You know, God damn it, son. What happened, Mr. Khan? What happened?

This damned man scared the child. What happened? Was she running away? What happened? Where? Nothing, she got scared seeing brother. Huh? Brother, look at the time. Is this the time to create a scene. Child, nothing happens, he does this daily.

You know, once he slept with me in the get up of the angel of death. I woke up late in the night, I got scared. I thought I had died. Yes. He is a show off, damn it. One day he wore his mother’s suit and came to my room.

Thank God I recognized him immediately. You are right, Mr. Khan. I have gotten so used to it, that one day brother came home in his real face. I didn’t recognize him. I slapped him twice and made him stand outside. When brother spoke up, then I recognized him.

Hey don’t you act like a human and come home? You scared the child. Papa, there are other people in this home other than the child. I slept with so much difficulty, madam woke me up. I cannot sleep on the floor anyway. Child, do you fall from the floor?

Brother, you surprise me. What if Mr. Khan would have had a heart attack, then? A room would have been available, what else? You are a big show off, son. Meaning, you are not sad about your father’s death, you are happy on the room getting vacated. Wow. Oh. Child. I… am… sorry.

Wow. Wow. Wow. I am sorry. You are an English medium robber. You know brother, why do you always get such characters? Even that day you were acting like the leader of rebels and lashing yourself. Hey, what do you have to do with acting? I get into the character.

Son, get in the character, don’t get into the home. Damn it, you scared everyone. Mr. Khan, we are all awake now, let’s have tea. Yes, you are right, everyone is awake, I will make tea. Will you have tea? Child, good tea leaves and sugar. If you cook it well, then amazing. Fine.

Great. Robber with wishes. I too will come. What if she adds extra milk in the tea. Go, child. Child, tell me something. What were you doing in the porch so late at night? I was not sleeping. Papa, this happened because of Hina’s snoring. What is your problem? It is my room,

Whether I snore or… Hey, child, enough. Stay on the snoring, don’t proceed further, child. Child, bandit queen, be careful, you scared the child. The poor thing has only been here for just a day. She also came in the world a day back. She is such a baby.

By the way, Hina, when you snore, I feel someone started my rickshaw. Child, now you go and rest, child. This family of Khan’s is awake, they will taunt each other all night long. Go my child. Yeah. Goodnight. Child, sorry. You really need to stop doing this dude. Pakistan sixty nine for five.

Come on, Shane. Come on, Shane. Go child, go. It slipped his tongue. Go, my child. Mc Grath. Hey, be quiet, damn it. Show off. Rocky on the start… Oh, I feel he went crazy coming under the car of an English man. Oh it is a great shot. Damn your robbery, son.

Such a robber begs and robs people even if they have a gun with them. He has fires his gun before every robbery. All my friends, crazy after money. They changed their path, they left me alone. I cannot survive without singing. I walk alone on the paths. Girls all around me.

I don’t give them signs. Now songs play, and they chant. We don’t mess with the village. We are men from Punjab. Man, you are such a genius. You don’t even know yourself what you have mad. Oh, insane. This is insane bro.

Sir, you and I, both are performing on the university annual. I am telling you all the girls will get impressed. Tell me seriously, do you like it? Oh very good, you are awake. This is good. I was worried that the breakfast would get cold.

First I thought I would wake you up and take you for breakfast together. Then I realized that convincing you it will be afternoon, and I too will remain hungry. I brought it along. I got in the rush and brought it for you. I fought with people, got elbowed around.

Wow, just wow. SubhanAllah. Even if I have been sentenced to death and I am asked for my last wish, I will say, Brother Judge, get me breakfast from the old city. Oh wow. You earned well last night, right? Yes, I got breakfast from that money.

I am joking. I know you consider me a bit of an imbecile. A bit. Okay brother, a big one. Okay? No, no, brother, you own a café, you do what you want. You get whoever you want on the stage. You know there is nothing like that.

You know better than me that people in this country consider the entertainment business as charity. They will eat a burger worth fifteen hundred rupees, but they will not buy a ticket worth five hundred for a young artists. They want it free.

That’s why a lot of people had come to your show yesterday, right? Yes, the boy is really famous nowadays. Okay. How long will he earn fame on stolen songs. Exactly. How long? For the past one year, he has been famous singing the songs both of you had made together,

In fact, you made them. He hasn’t been able to make one original song till now. hmm.. and that’s why the headliner of the café by chance, Mr. Vicky… Brother, what is seen is son. And right now Vicky is being sold and I am also getting sponsors along with him.

So you take this breakfast and go to Vicky’s home. Why did you bring the whole party here? Kabir, you and I established this café together. You know better than me, how many young artists get a chance there. Your anger, your pain aside, but how do I let this café close down?

You understand my helplessness too, and you too have sworn not to sing. Our café and it’s stage was yours yesterday, it is yours today. I want that sir comes there and performs. Amazing. Okay, sorry. I said too much in my anger yesterday. You know, you are my buddy. Business aside,

You get angry, curse me, do whatever, don’t miss the chickpeas. Kabir, you will always be the first star of my café. I was with your yesterday and I will always stay with you. But right now, don’t miss the breakfast, please. Get up. Get up. Oh Bismillah. Bismillah. Oh my love,

God be kind. Did the night pass okay? Did you feel cold? Washroom. There. It is over there. That’s the door. Go, Bismillah. Rusk? Hey, child, you are feeding the child dry rusk in the morning. What are you doing? Child, don’t worry, it is Raju. I have tied him.

Hey come out. Actually child, he fell on his stomach in childhood, his big intestine is below the small intestine, that is why it takes time. Come on, child. Come. Mr. Khan, whenever I go inside someone knocks on the door. Why don’t you get him locked inside permanently, papa?

Or else Mr. Khan fix the time who will go when. I should fix the time? Does a bus operate on the inside? A person doesn’t rest sitting inside. Okay come out doing whatever hard work you are doing. Go my child. Go.

May your pairs remain. May Mr. Khan’s family remain. Damn it, look there, Mr. Khan is sitting. Hey, Mr. Khan is sitting like the country’s economy. Mr. Khan, congratulations, your granddaughter is here, give us something. Damn it, Mr. Khan will pile dirt.

Child, it is really old, I used it in your childhood. Oh, we will leave the old one, check out the new one. Look at Mr. Khan’s son. May God damn you, what did you show me early in the morning? I have showed you the condition of the home.

Look at Mr. Khan’s son. He is like the hook used to rob kites. Damn you. Look at Mr. Khan’s student. It is like a race of mice. Look at Mr. Khan’s student. Like the moustache of a monkey. Look at Mr. Khan’s student. He looks like a back biter.

Look at Mr. Khan’s student. He is like a camel that kicks. Look at Mr. Khan’s student. Like a Tarzan from the flea market. Look at Mr. Khan’s student. Don’t look at me. If you want to look at me like this, then don’t look. Close your eyes. Don’t look child, he is dead.

Yes, Mr. Khan, he is dead. He is waking around in his death robe. Remove your cap. Are you having invisible slaps on your face? Mr. Khan, did you call them for me? Son, no one calls them, God sends them. Mr. Khan’s granddaughter has come, she is a modern girl.

Yes, she is a modern girl, she wears jeans. If the bus conductor asks for the fare, she looks around for half an hours and then she says I forgot it at home. Modern people eat ten rupees salad in five hundred and then they call it a salad. Hey, show off children,

Take this and leave. Oh, Mr. Khan, you are wearing such a warm cap and you are treating us so cold. Give it to me, son . I will give you a hot one. Here is the red one. Oh may Mr. Khan live long. May you live long.

Live long. May the pairs of Mr. Khan remain forever. I think your mother’s entire salary has been spent on fashion. You know it is right, when a person doesn’t have to meet anyone, when they have no responsibilities, then a person wastes it like this.

You know you sit with an innocent face, and you humiliated papa so much yesterday. My poor old father, first he got humiliated because of the mother, now the daughter has come to humiliate her. We never dared to say anything to papa. What all didn’t happen?

They took my room, they took my cupboard, I lost my bed. But we didn’t say a word. But you know it is also about upbringing too. You know you do well that you wear pants, it is easier to run in these too.

If you listen to me, then you too start wearing pants or else you will be left lying in this room all your life. Okay, I am going now. Don’t go. It doesn’t look good. Who doesn’t it look good to, you? No, no, it is not about me.

Afreen, don’t insist on going today, stay here. Okay shall we go out somewhere? It has been so long. I don’t want to go for an outing. I don’t want to see anything other than you. If there is something prettier than you, then we will go see it.

Let’s go to the rose garden. Name a flower prettier than you, then we will go see it. Fine, then we will go watch a film. I cannot see false stories of love with you there. Okay, should we go to the lake?

Yes, we can go there, but then you get tired walking. No problem, you massage my feet. I will massage it anyway. Fine, I will go dress up. Yes, but don’t dress up too much, what if I slip or melt seeing you. Liar. Look at you, loving you, missing you. Okay.

Look at you, loving you, missing you. Is this any less, that I do some other work. Do something else. You know son, it is a good advice, if you follow it, then. Mr. Khan, sorry, we have run out of tea leaves. You listen to the next couplet.

You come to my home as the sun someday. Someday… Mr. Khan, continue. Son, I wont be able to do it in this age. This is how you continue a couplet, you need to repeat. Is it too heavy. You leave it. Thank you. You come to my home as the sun someday.

Son, make a wish according to your home. Mirza, if it is about your home, then you talk of a lamp. Mr. Khan, understand the meaning in the couplet. Son, you understand my signal. You seem tasteful to me. Oh, hear that… Here goes… You come someday… Maybe she went to get the diary.

Nowadays, everyone doesn’t remember poetry. Yes, yes, she went to get the diary. The diary used to beat chilis. She will bring it and grind it today. She has so much power, see, he brings poems on winters. When neighbours visit each other, they make rice pudding and bring it,

Someone brings custard, this idiot makes a poem and brings it. Assalam o Alykum, brother Kabir. Walykum Salaam, sir. Are you going somewhere? I was leaving, sir. All okay? I have not chatted with you for long, nor did you sing us a song. Earlier, we used to hear music from the room,

Now it is complete silence. I am on it, sir. Secondly, brother Sajid, I wanted to tell you that I will vacate the room by the end of the month. You will vacate the room? Do you have any complaint from us, brother Kabir? No brother Sajid, I will pay you the rent and go.

Rent? I feel my brother has started comedy along with music. You had sent the rent with your friend, what is his name, Johnny. In fact, you even sent the advance for the next three months. I think you forgot. You are earning well, MashaAllah. MashaAllah. MashaAllah.

No need to go anywhere else brother Kabir, it is your own home. Stay for as long as you want. MashaAllah. Your grandpa is a mellow man. He talks less, slowly and with love. He has a beautiful personality. You have a grandfather, you have two uncles. The elder uncle is in the army,

He gets posted at different places all the time. The night will pass here. Make milk tea for me, and add equal quantity of sugar and tea leaf. Are you hands broken? Make it yourself. and your younger uncle has done CSS, he is a big officer, in one city today and another tomorrow.

And yes, you have an aunt, she is a doctor. Dermatologist. Yes, we used to play around a lot, but our home was really cultured. No one talked in a loud voice. Our examples were given around the neighbourhood, that if you want to learn manners and customs,

Then learn it from Ameer Khan’s home, from his children. Your grandfather would at times play question and answers with us, at times mental exercises, at times he would read us books and we would all listen quietly. My childhood was really good. I can understand your sorrow, I also have the same sorrow.

I don’t relate with these people at all. I don’t know how I was born here. Look at their faces. Can you say anything intellectual to them? In fact, can you talk to them about anything? Any art form, dance, music, acting is nothing without soul. Bring soul in your work. Soul.

The soul is lacking, anyone can sing, there are many who can dance. So what is the thing that makes you special? Your soul This is not something to be done as a hobby. You need blood of liver for this. Blood of liver. I will back in half an hour,

And when I come back, I need a soulful performance. Make people shed tears, remind them of all their failed loves. Soul. How do you do all this? What do you mean, how? I have an artist inside me, but if he earns a little more, what is the harm in this?

Tell me how did you come? To thank you. What for? You paid the rent of the apartment, that’s why. Oh, get lost. Don’t talk nonsense. I thought God knows what it is. No, no, seriously, man. I mean, I get upset with you,

I scream at you, you tolerate it, so thank you for it. What can I do? You need to take care of the tantrums of artists, and you are my favorite artist. Be quiet man, favorite artist. What artist? Okay brother, don’t start again. Stop it, be easy. I am easy.

Okay, I will return your money in a few days. Did I ask you for it? You haven’t, but you will ask me in future. You know me well. Kabir, you do what your work is. Make songs. When you make songs, my money will come back to me automatically. I want that Kabir back,

Who used to set fire on the stage. I cannot do it, man. You know, man, a rap artist has his own flow, his own style. That damned man stole my style . I want to go and… You are a musician. You are an artist. Take out this aggression on your work.

Focus on your music. Did you not hear me? Soul. Blood of liver. Actually, these jinns… I was saying… This is Naila’s daughter. MashaAllah. MashaAllah. Assalam o Alykum. Walykum Salaam. Then she is my daughter as well. If you want to use the mobile at night,

Then do it outside. I get light in my eyes. Miss Zara, continue the couplet. Huh? Alina, bro, the scene is really bad here. I mean, the scene is not normal. All of them are mad. Man, you don’t worry, it will all be fine.

If God doesn’t kill Maula, then Maula doesn’t die. I sit alone all night and play cards. You come over, so I am able to focus. When will uncle Saleem come? This is Naila’s daughter. Assalam o Alykum. MashaAllah. MashaAllah. Naila’s daughter. Wear less perfume. I have an allergy. I get a headache.

Madam Zara, Yes? Hear the poem. I just wrote it. I swear I have created something new in Urdu. No, no, this is a zoo. I have understood and I don’t know why mama sent me, because we had a good relationship I mean, we were friendly mother and daughter,

But maybe I was her half-daughter…huh? Man, you just stay positive, all will be well. Hey deputy, now it is your own turn. You will get shot now. You must know what this Bulbula can do. Bring the cup here. Since, Bahishtan passed away, there is autumn in home.

I sit alone all night, I play cards. You come, there is spring for a while. Oh, tell uncle Saleem… This is Naila’s daughter. This is Naila’s daughter? MashaAllah, she is so pretty. She is just like her mother. Right? Yes, Naila’s daughter is so beautiful.

But show your face. Show it to grandpa as well. Tell him how beautiful Naila’s daughter is, and how good do we look. madam Zara. Listen to the couplet… Man, if you didn’t have this difficulty, there would have been something else. You don’t worry, it will all be fine.

Nothing will be fine, sister. They are all mad. They have no brains. And how is it my responsibility? Am I a therapist, that I take up their responsibility, hey now this is the baggage, drop it and come on. Sorry, My mother didn’t live in this home, how will I live?

I don’t want to live here. Look at the faces of the people here. I don’t know who all lives here, bro. This is not my scene. I am getting out of here, okay? I have no problem that I have to stay in this home. I am independent and I am going, yeah.

I will drink your blood and I won’t even burp. May God keep you happy, I am a blood thirsty Dracula, be afraid of me. I feel, the stories and characters from the childhood stories have ruined us. What was that? Rapunzel. Sleeping beauty and that cinderella. And what were they doing?

They will sitting in a line waiting that a prince will come and save us. Prince’s don’t get free from their luxuries, now will they come save us? Is this what they will do? I mean, yes, creating a problem is not a problem for them. But solving it?

They cannot solve it, they are princes. What does this mean? This means, you should help yourself. Instead of ruining your life for a beautiful day . I should do the same. What do you think? Comment. You can also share your comment in the DM.

Today, I will reply to the DMs as well.


  1. Mind blowing. Of this drama. Me.i don't know people what thinking. My mind spark in see no SCREEN actZARA .SPECIALLY THIS drama .WHAT A DIRECTOIN I DONT HAVE ANY WORD KASHIF S WORK. ❤❤❤😂😂😂❤😂😂❤❤😂😂

  2. لگتا ہے زارا کا ناک بند ہے اس لیے تو منہ کھول کر سانس لیتی ہے 😂 منہ بند ہی نہیں کر رہی

  3. Green, the English subtitles are wrong and way off in tense. If you guys are going to put up subtitles please put a little more effort.

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