How Far A 3x World Long Drive Champ Hits EACH Club

I decided to record some shots of me hitting balls with different clubs

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Kyle Berkshire breaks down the world long drive finals.

#kyleberkshire #longdrive #longdriver #wld

Hey guys what is up welcome back to my channel I’m actually currently at the One-Stop power shop doing some long drive training with my coach just finished Little Speed session I figured it’d be a really cool thing while I’m here in the simulator to give you guys

An update how far my clubs are going so what I have here is I have Club speed ball speed spin rate height and carry and I think those are all the relevant parameters for existance and speed creation so and go to my bag I’m going to hit three balls with each club and

I’m we’ll average out the yardages and I’ll give you guys a pretty true um barometer for my yardages and uh I’m hitting an RCT ball so rcts are really good because that actually has enhanced spin capture technology which is why able to capture those spin rates so

We’ll get a very true estimate by distance distances are kind of piering they really depends on conditions so this is zero elevation no win just total Stock Yard I’m just going to swing normal we’ll go through the bag I’ll kind of explain the I’m hting while I’m

Doing it the 60 here we hit three shots and then we’ll just go through the B like that so that’s three with my 60 and you guys might have noticed there’s a pretty inconsistent carry yardage there is when you have that much Spin and that much height there’s a lot of inconsistency

With how far the ball travel because when you spin the ball more the ball will fall sharper when you spin it less it’ll fall flatter and at this speed with that much spin rate variance it’s really hard to get the ball to fall consistently so that’s why when I’m on

The course I really don’t actually hit full shots very much because I would say less than a seven iron I don’t hit many full shots cuz it’s just very hard to control but I’m going to hit full shots for you guys today as I said just you

Guys can see what my arage would look like 54 de wedge here that’s my next next wedge down so that does it further 54° so 135 140 yard carry about CU I said I almost never hit full shots with wedges on the course that sounds about right so now

Round to 48° next wedge up and this might be where I would start to consider hitting full shots especially if I’m out of the rough and I’m not going to spend much anywhere so this been r here should be still around 10,000 in that neighborhood you guys can see that’s

Already carrying about 160 and um starting to creep into the ball Part close to the bottom in for a driver Club speed on P tour so now to the next Club up pitching wedge 44° so yes I have two pitching wedges but uh this one’s 4 sharper I guess well stronger so this

Will be where we’ll start to see I’d say about 175 car is pretty s this but uh so I’m going to throw that one out because that was definitely a misread on the spin rate it’s actually a cool thing to show because 4800 spin so that’s about 5,000

Less I carried it 30 yards further so that’s actually about what You’ expect out of the rough so now you guys can might maybe see why I would actually want to hit a full shot out of the rough because I can still keep spend right

High and I get a ton of carry so when you guys see me hitting a pitch 200 yards more than likely it’s out of the r and that’s why so getting very very close to average PJ Club speed that’s which is about 112 113 we’ll probably get there with this club

So now we’re at nine iron nine iron again 185 190 pretty normal for me I a full shot I do hit some full full n but there’s not a lot of wind down on the course about right right there 190 and you guys will notice like as I get further and

Further in clubs the the distance disparity of full swings will tighten up as the S rates go down that’s where my advantage comes in know it’s not very windy and I can hit 190 yard shot like thatof that’s a big advantage 189 those all three are probably right

On top of each other too so sitting right at 11 CL Speed 8 iron this is about 205 210 12 out of 10 that’s just about average Club speed right 208 and as I said you guys are noticing how tight these carries are starting to get as I said because that

Spin rate is starting to get a little smaller so the variances and spin rate are going down which is allowing the height and the carry to become very consistent that’s all that matters when it comes to hitting the ball close to the hole in distance wise

Like that spin rate is literally what my game center are do that that hair thin just a little bit SP down about 4 500 carry with an extra 78 yards that’s not a big deal two if I’m hitting a 210 yard shot I’m not really I’m not really concerned about being

Five yards too long you know it’s still not a bad distance to it so now we’re on to the seven iron it should be about 25 220 225 there sped a hair thin I everybody believes their highest ball speeds come on a bladed bunker shot and it’s not

Completely untrue because you belly it and you hit it with a lot of speed so there’s a lot of ball speed trans right around 215 to 220 is what I expect my C to be at there’s 221 so yeah 220 I guess you can say it’s probably about what I

Expect my 7even iron to go so now I got the six iron First Mid iron I guess you can say and this is where my speed really does a lot me because this is kind of the club where a lot of people they can have trouble getting the ball

Giving enough speed to the shot so that the ball can stop and spin because the less Loft you have the harder it is to get the ball to launch high with spin that allows you to stop so having speed is what allows you to make that ball

Stop that was definitely a well Str shot i’ say my six goes about 235 240 on Average Z shot again so I’m pretty consistent there right around 240 I’ll take the 240 Club and it’s actually good for me as well because distances do change and I have actually gotten faster every year I’ve been a long drive so I actually think I might gained about five yards to still

My yardages from the beginning of the year just looking at these numbers the five and at this point if I’m hitting a five iron it’s one of two things I’m either well one of three things I guess either have a very very long part three either

Going for the green and two on the power five where I’m hitting a hitting it off the T on T box laying up this is a 250 yard CLP more or less and you know you can hit it straight off T 250 yards it’s a big it’s a big deal it really helps

You with uh being able to manage your course so this is where you’ll start to see I’ll start hitting these off 23 there but I mean the cool thing about this is that if you hit a Miss hit I lost about 10 miles in hour ball there and it’s going to happen when you’re hitting longer clubs for sure it’s still carrying within 10 15 yards so it’s not

Disastrous by any means you know if I’m off the te and I lose 10 yards off the T box I might be H one more Club in the green I’m hitting him to do a par three this 250 yards it’s a hard par three so

I might have a 40 fo instead of a 20 put and if it’s going for the green zo I’m just around the green Shi instead of putting so I say it’s okay Miss hit long longer you’re going to do it that’s 5 right around 250 yard club

And we’re actually going to skip the four iron I go to a three iron because I don’t need a four iron really because first off I don’t want to have more 14 cling back I want to have some wedges but because the three iron is a great

Shot to hit off the it gives me some extra versatility with the longer irons you know two and the one iron because if I have a one iron I can hit that thing 330 yard you’ll see it soon but I don’t want to give up that club I’d rather

Have throw the four out and have the one iron and vice versa and the vast majority of shots at this club will be off the te like my mean is off off actual T but I’ll hit it off the deck just to keep everything consistent so the big thing you’ll

Notice is how much that spin drops one of the things I always try to do with this club is I try to have a lot of shling to pick out the spin that’s cuz I’m used to hitting this off the te and I want that to spin very little so it

Gets on the ground run so that’s a 295 y shot now you guys probably know why I always hit this off the te because you’re hitting it 300 yard is about where I hit my three off the deck like there there’s 288 that’s about right so I like the think this Club goes

About this average yardage on the PGA tour of the driver now go to the one irem this is probably a club you guys have seen with these came out if you follow my Instagram and other various Outlets just because it’s such an overpowered Club to be a this is such a

Huge weapon and you’re ask going to te it up because almost exclusively I will hit this off the Fe there’s so much bounce on this very hard to catch this right it’s off the de you need that elevation um above the ground to get under this side golf ball

So this is pretty much a driveing iron should carry about 320 so 310 carry there I caught it a hair high in the face 134 but yeah I mean this is pretty much forms like a really long drive on this actually another Miss hit but still cared pretty good

Where that’s going to be is that’s going to be a few yards into the right R but still going to be 300 yards off the feet so there you go that was a little lower shot so didn’t carry as far but these are all rolling out probably 315

320 now we’re moving on to the play driver so for my play driver one of the things that people always ask me is when you address your game for competitive golf you slow down I don’t I don’t I don’t believe in that because I think if

You’re going to h a driver you got to give it what you got hitting it shorter off the tea strategically is what these clubs are for you got the big stick in your hands you should be sending it and I just don’t want to teach my body to

Slow down it’s a huge advantage to have speed you can always paper it back when you need it I got driver I want to give it what I got because I I don’t I’m not a fan of slowing down that’s just not who I

Am yeah we at 140 there 150 ft of height 28 90 in St 358 carry about right and as I said I’m not trying to kill it I’m just making a comfortable Swing another one 350 y carry there one more here um but that’s pretty typical and so for you guys curious um normal conditions you guys can probably do the calculation there but more or less uh about 375 y of uh total distance with it’s car inreasing

There you guys have it that’s kind of uh my yardage is fast L you guys hope to gave you guys an insight into my setup on how I play the game I will give you guys an updated once in the bag specifically as well I know I touched on

A little bit but there’s definitely a lot more depth I need to go on that but I just want to give you guys an update on how far my shots go and kind of my mentality that I play the game so hope you guys enjoyed that I hope you guys

Got some insight from that yeah got a lot of great stuff coming up my channel coming uh coming months excited for some exciting content some matches and some other stuff like that so stay tuned I hope you guys enjoyed this if you did please be sure to like the channel like

The video subscribe to the channel really appreciate it and um yeah I’ll see you guys next time happy holidays


  1. Not much to say except … I’m jealous. 😂
    Then again I’m 55.
    Absolutely crazy!
    I’m speed training this winter and have seen some nice results so far … might give him a good run soon. 😂😂😂

  2. Dude you need wedges with 500gm head weight and 150gm shafts lol. What ball do you game on course? Curious if you have ever played a much softer ball like the titleist avx or Bridgestone brxs, totally counter intuitive for you to be hitting a marshmallow, but with seemingly endless ample speed maybe the lower spin could soften up the flight and give a bit of control? Idk, everything you hit has freaking unicorn swing/ball numbers, just so fun and impressive to watch 👍

  3. It’s amazing to see the difference between Bryson and Kyle on speed* … his 8 iron was closer to brysons 6 iron ball speeds … and his driver was already at brysons peak or higher right now just cruising … but of course Bryson just hits everything dead straight most of the time

  4. I love how you swing your 44 degree pitching wedge at my driver speed and your 6i club head speed is the same as the Tour average for driver. You are a freak. 😂

  5. Have you ever watched that video of Jamie Sadlowski doing a demo after some Pro-Am he played in? He does some wacky trick shots and other similar stuff.

  6. The beastliness continues! I had a pretty good idea already but still fun to watch. Amazing to think what you've still got in the tank since you hit an 8-iron over 300 yds. in a sim for Bryson. Cheers.

  7. Love your channel. Such sincerity coupled with humbleness – even while you are launching these balls with almost superhuman speed.

  8. I feel like Kyle doesn’t really need any iron above a 7 (maybe a driving iron for second shots on par 5s or to hit off the tee) and just have like 6 wedges instead. What’s the point of a 240 yard 6 iron

  9. I wish this kind of videos was around in my hay days! I am shocked to see how and why spin rate has a lot to do with not only distance but most importantly accuracy!

  10. If one day you cut your hair and you shave, I'm actually not sure I would recognise you

  11. Seems like you could do with even more wedges. Perhaps the whole lot: 64, 60, 56, 52, 48, 44 just to give you more distance control on approaches. With your driver length, your average approach is probably well under 150 yards. It’s almost like you don’t need any other woods apart from the driver. Maybe a few a long irons for par fives and safety drives. And the rest are wedges.

  12. this man swings his 60 degree faster than my driver..and i dont consider myself that slow of a swinger..its just insane

  13. Kyle you need to but your launch degree on the screen too.
    Without knowing the launch I can tell you right now you are launching your wedges way to high.
    Sub 30 degree launch would help you greatly with your wedges.
    Cheers on the championship and continued success and health!

  14. Imagine getting taken out of the box, a brand new impact screen ready to take on the world, and Kyle Berkshire starts swinging at ya.

  15. The star of the show is the golf ball and the screen. If i were the manufacturer, I'd be sat with a whiskey and a cigar congratulating myself.

  16. Y he not on PGA that is the elephant 🐘 in the room, he should go liv golf.maybe the Arabs will appreciate him

  17. Thank you sharing! Would love to see more content about your swing, how it was developed, and workouts etc! You’re a fascinating guy!

  18. Amazing distance and consistency. I would think that the LIV tour would have scooped you up by now. With the team format you would make an incredible contribution and would attract many viewers. You are one of the most gifted hitters in the world.

  19. Hey kyle speed is insane but that top pf back swing position with the irons is so nice how do you prevent your overswing with irons? 😮

  20. You should do an episode where you try to max out the 1 iron for distance. I bet you could get that to 350

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