The Last Putting Lesson You’ll Ever Need – 4 Simple Tips

Lets hole more putts with 4 simple to follow tips. Each tip leads to better putting on a better start line with a better, more popping stroke.

With these tips you will start to see the golf ball traveling on your intended line and as you progress you will have a stroke that pops the golf ball for a more aggressive run at the hole.

You’ll soon be holing more putts and you playing partners will be asking you what your secret is. Enjoy your golf.

Oh…. Happy New Year!

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REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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Right this is the last putting lesson you’ll ever need I mean that the last putting lesson so it’s going to be a three-parter there’s going to be initially a little chat about setup and start line obviously the start line of your putt is so important so we’re going

To do drills on start line and then the actual stroke how do we hit the golf ball we’re going to look into follow through length of stroke just think how cam Smith is the best putter in the world or one of the best Putters in the

World you are going to be two when you adopt exactly what he does quickly before we start smash that like button let’s get to 1,000 likes also subscribe and my website check that out you a golf so first of all before we start putting posture has to be perfect

We’re going to do posture we’re going to talk about the hands we’re then going to do start line and of course stroke so posture don’t stand Too Tall golfers who stand Too Tall too upright there has to be a hinging mechanism the top of your spine the putter rotates or the the body

Rotates or rocks the shoulders underneath there if I stand too tall the the Gate of the putter becomes too open too Square so the more I am and imagine the more I am the easier it is to keep the putter straight back and straight through using a traditional length

Putter min’s 34 in we have to get over that golf ball I have to get my eyes over the top of that golf ball so here standing upright two uprights not good for me get over the golf ball if you feel as you’re a little bit stooped over

That’s probably better because look at the shoulders they’re going to rock right shoulder up left shoulder down instead of standing to Upright then the right shoulders it can’t go up and down it goes backwards and backwards so of course the stroke then becomes inconsistent so in a dress position

Where you are actually over the golf ball is great so I’m there over the ball I’m able to deliver a good solid stroke on that so now that I have good posture I have to understand what the hands do this video is going to be quite

Snappy we’re going to do this this this and this boom like any golf instruction video should be a dress position I’m going to take a traditional grip now I think about left hand and right hand lead hand and Trail hand what do they do the lead hand on

The putter controls the face if I turn the lead hand Club face closes opens lead hand controls the face the trail hand my right hand controls the Loft so my lead hand controls face aim my right hand controls the Loft this way this way we need to neutralize both keep both

Neutral best way to do that dress position get the heel of the putter just slightly off the ground so the lie angle the dynamic or the static lie angle slightly up and then from there you’ll feel as though you press more down this way with the hands so you’re here there then from

There back of left wrist stays nice and square angle between Trail four arm and Club shaft maintains there I do not want the club face to close over I do not want this angle between Trail arm and Club shaft to disappear that’s adding Loft so it feels a little bit more this

Way like so at a dress so there back of left hand stays nice and square angle between Trail arm and shaft is maintained so now I’m pretty much set to putt I’ve got myself my address position I know exactly what I’m doing I’m over the golf ball my heel is slightly off

The ground and therefore my wrists are going to be nice and neutral through impact great part now start line getting the ball to start on your start line here’s the drill you’re going to need a handful of t’s for this now if I don’t get the ball to start online I’ve got no

Chance of the ball going in the hole so I’m going to place one t there I am going to be let’s see probably one pace away from there so 2 to 3 ft let’s just go 2 ft away from the te let me take that one out so there’s no confusion and

All I’m going to do is bounce the ball off that t so that ensures I can get my correct start line got my address position I’m good there I’m just going to try and bounce the ball off the te that just struck the T no more struck the T struck the

T struck the T so start line there’s very good from 2 ft that’s all I have to do if I can pick something on my line that’s 2 ft away and make sure I roll over that it then comes down to the PACE but I must choose the correct line

Initially now that seems very easy okay let’s change it up a little bit going to move this out to here and I’m going to start 2 ft 4T 6 ft just to ensure I can start on my start line 2 ft start line well done 4 ft start

Line missed it 6 ft is obviously going to be a lot harder missed it I missed it by fractions but I still missed it but I’m not too balled because if it was 2 feet away my start line would have been ideal the green is living it’s breathing it’s moving I have

No control over that you’ve seen the stim meter when people would roll the balls down same ball getting rolled from five from 20 ft and the roll missed the hole hit the hole the Green’s actually moving it’s breathing it’s growing so the 2T start line is the most important

Part now if I take my te’s and I place them 2 ft ahead so there I’m going to move them slightly I’m going to go around in a little circle here an increment so I’m going to put in five T’s let me take this one I’m going

To leave this one line here just for reference point and I am roughly 2 ft away so now I want to obviously hit every T but I’m going to do a random test so I’ve got myself 2 ft away which is here and I’m going to just randomly

Let’s say 1 2 3 4 5 let’s start at number three cuz it’s the middle one which I’m used to so dress position I’m over the ball my heels slightly off the ground back through good hit it there now let’s go to number one so now I’ve had to change

I’ve not lined myself up from behind but I’ve lined myself up from this position here actual golf position there and I’ve hit it which is great and the idea behind this is good because I don’t I’m trying to get Club face awareness so my club face is square to my intended

Target little Interruption from the dog there it’s all right so here we go not phased by that good hit Target let’s go over here to number five good so start Line’s good what one of not done I’ve not done number two good let’s go back to number let’s

Just pick one four perhaps so this is really good for start line without going behind to check where I’m actually going such a simple drill but so so effective because it’s it’s it’s player orientated I’m looking down not going behind for a visual I’m looking down thinking is my face Square

Can I what does a square face look like that’s what a square face looks like that’s how you start the ball online now stroke cam Smith so you’ll notice cam Smith if you watch live two or Cam Smith our main man on there he is one of the

Best Putters in the world without doubt and the ratio between backstroke to through stroke is probably a two to one action so two parts length on backstroke one part length on follow through two to one ratio so what do I mean by that well cam takes a putter back cam like he’s my

Pal cam takes it back to this far let’s say right foot and goes through halfway through so he’s back there to here there to here it’s not a deceleration but it’s a pop he pops the putter so it’s like a there’s there’s an acceleration there’s

An aggression if you hit a full shot and you abbreviate the follow through you’re fast through impact but you’ve recoiled in here and that’s what the top guys on T do watch them all Rory the whole lot they all do it so there so in my adress position

There there there hits the ball so longer back swing shorter follow through pops it gets the ball rolling a lot quicker we need a drill for this it’s all right I’ve got a drill this is what we’ve been building up to it’s cool take your golf ball line yourself

Up take your Putter and line with your intended target good and then we’re going to put a t here and a t here here like so now that is narrower than my putter head so as you can see let me that’s not lined up very well so as you

Can see there that is narrower than my putter head I’m going to place ball so half of it through the back and now from there all I’m going to do is I’m going to there’ll be resistance from these te’s so I take the putter back and then

Through and the teas are going to stop that putter head like so pops the ball up there gives you the feeling gives you that sensation of the putter head snapping so I have to be a little bit aggressive through impact but I’m getting the resistance that’s two good

Putts let’s just bring these back this will feel a little bit strange to begin with but it’s the idea of the Potter head you think about the handle slows down the Potter head’s going to speed up if I slow the handle down the head’s going to bring off that is effectively

What cam Smith’s doing in there boom look at that fantastic so it’s just a sensation just a feeling it’s very much an awareness drill that I’m doing here to feel the ratio between backstroke and follow through so I’m there good getting that ball up to the hole most times I mean they’re all

Gimmies I don’t know how far we are away there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21 ft then take the teas away once you remove the t’s you should be able to feel the 2:1 ratio you should be able to feel from your address position you know

That your heels off the ground you’re over the ball and your wrists are in position and then from there just like let it happen just feel that acceleration but the recoil of the stroke due to the ratio there there there there feels great there there what’s the stats from 21 ft on

Tour guys on tour probably 8% 10% chance of holding it there you go well done cam same again so good good putting there good skills good good ability to put that into play if you can put those four things together so posture and grip massive being able to start the ball

Online massive and a consistent stroke one with a little bit of aggression The Recoil that’s in there that camp puts in there everyone on tour does it that’s why we should do it this is something that we can really copy with two players a lot of positions we can’t get into we

Can all do that though


  1. Awsome Steve ,lots of very usefull tips here .Yes Cam has probably the hottest putter ever . Lets investigate ….more of these please 👍

  2. Had a lesson from a specialist putting coach near Glasgow in November and these are exactly the things he was getting me to do. I was classic standing a little tall, hands too close to my legs and a little handsy with my stroke. Although I putt pretty well like that (+2hcp), I feel that using all the things you mentioned in this video enables me to get a much better roll on the ball and will help me hole more 5ft-20ft putts. It does require a lot of practice to get your feels for pace though, something I found out to my cost when I tried to take it into a winter league match after barely trying it on course 🙈😬

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