My First Double Foil Stamp –

Massive thank you to @Infinitediscs for sponsoring me as a player as well as the content for 2024! I hope this is the beginning of a long and prosperous partnership 🙂

Thank you all so much for your support, purchases, and kindness throughout the last year and a half here on youtube. None of this would be possible without you. I’m excited to be able to bring you more creative, better, and new content this year because of this sponsorship.

Love you all ❤️

Today’s the day I know a lot of you guys have been patiently waiting and I’ve been like anxiously waiting to be able to let you guys know that for 2024 I am going to be sponsored by infinite discs I actually did my hair so we’re going to take the

Hat off but they actually sent me out my first big content allotment because there’s actually a little bit of a difference in my contract than some others but I want to go over everything that’s in this box with you guys as well as my first custom drop with infinite

And tell you guys why this is not only great for me but also for you guys because it’s going to make it easier for me to create content I’ll have a place that if you guys want to pick up some discs you’ll be able to do that and my

Own custom stamps I know I only had them available for like three or 4 months this year total they’ll be available every single day maybe except for like tomorrow if they sell out today but I’ll show you what that is here in a second but first they sent out a bunch of

Apparel because obviously being sponsored by infinite I’m going to be wearing infinite Apparel in every video here and out which got a sweet little alpaca hat here and of course if you’ve been watching the fccs the Florida Christmas championship series these were the putters that I was using and I

Actually bought you might be able to finally see alpacas see if I can get the light to shine in it correctly yeah so right here is the infinite logo that I had to wipe off to put like And subscribe on these some of you guys guessed alpacas these are the D blend

Ones and I actually am starting to get used to them so I’m super excited to continue trying to putt with these I don’t know if they’ll be my Putters for the season because luckily for me I only have to bag I think in my contract like

One infinite mold and I’m still going to be completely open bag basic I will have a tour series disc like you see all the other infinite touring Pros do I know I’m not it’s interesting because I’m treated like a touring Pro contract wise and through infinite which makes me feel

Super Valu but I know most of my value comes from the content side of things and hopefully next year or the year after it will also be as a touring Pro but being able to get my foot in the door with a company like infinite them already putting like money on the table

That was worth it for me to be able to join hopefully I can prove to them that I’m worth even potentially more but all this is because of the support that you guys have shown me over the course of this last year and it’s super exciting to hopefully be in a sense like

Trailblazing the way for Content creators and disc golf man ufacturers and retailers having like more cohesive relationships that are mutually beneficial my whole interactions from infinite start to finish of signing my contract me feel very like respected and valued like all of these throughout the course of this last year I guess this

Was technically November of 2022 but all of these and your guys support and all the sales that I generated through all these are really what made this deal happen so thank you so much I don’t think I’ll have the ability to share absolutely everything that this deal is

Going to mean in this video but I’m going to try to turn this announcement series into three videos it might only be two I was pretty sick I had like 100.6 fever I woke up this morning no fever feeling a lot better I made sure

To like get tons of rest so I’m hoping that this video will unbox this whole box show you guys all this apparel throughout there’s going to be more on the way obviously you can snag all of it at infinit their links will always be in the description if you want

To snag anything but if you want to snag something that has my branding on it as well I want to share with you guys my first custom drop with infinite discs you guys have seen all these teasers and the reveals right here with the logo and

This is what it’s going to look like in person so we have six different molds they’re all infinite molds so if you haven’t tried infinite before a lot of their molds are old Innova molds or retooled old Innova molds as this Mania moved on from Innova manufacturing Inova

Is able to give some of those molds to companies like infinite and I think Millennium as well so this is what the stamp looks like in person we did a nice little double foil I wanted it to be semi- representative of a lot of things first off just me joining infinite so

The O in my last name is just the infinite logo there’s cameras all around for kind of the background Little Dot pattern just because that’s really the reason for this whole deal was the content and the cameras that I used to create it I wanted it also to have like

Kind of a pop art design just cuz it’s kind of like the breakout stamp with infinite there’s going to be a lot more custom stamps coming these are end blend alpacas kind of Nexus plastic I really wanted to get my hand on some end blend ones especially because I like the D

Blend ones that I’ve been putting with but these are a little bit grippier and tackier especially as they beat in a little bit more I can already feel how much tackier they are which is super exciting cuz I think they’ll grip the chains just how I like them but they’re

Still stiff which is one things that I didn’t like about my peers towards the end is that they were nice and grippy but they weren’t super stiff stiff and so these are a little more overstable really excited to get out and throw these because we’ll be throwing them in

Tomorrow’s video which hopefully will be a fieldwork session with all of these di that are in here and then we’re going to play my first round as a sponsor disc golfer add an actual tag match so there’s actually something on the line it’s the first tags of the year so

Hopefully we can actually win that and get the one tag but these are the Inca which i’ never thrown before they’re kind of a beaded overstable mid-range super excited to see how these guys fly especially on like a forehand and backand they feel pretty comfortable for having a slight bead not something I

Would probably gravitate towards but they’re the Halo s blend as well and one thing that you’ll notice that’s really great about my partnership with infinite now is one there’s going to be custom stamps online for you to buy year round there’s not going to be like days when

They’re not available maybe tomorrow the 1 if these all sell out today then they’ll immediately be able to restock them on the second so go ahead and snag them at the first link in the description if you want to buy any of these including the four other molds but

You’ll also notice that they’re going to end up being a little bit cheaper than when you bought them just directly through me and I won’t have to do any of the Fulfillment so I probably spent upwards of 100 plus hours this year year in dealing with all processes of custom

Stamp fulfillment and receiving and now that can either get redirected into my play or my content and just having one less thing mentally to worry about because infinite is dealing with all of it but to also be cheaper for you if you go to the website you’ll notice that

There are different prices for each of these discs and infinite shipping is cheaper than my shipping because they do much more bulk than I did and they do much more bulk discs than I did so you’ll be able to snag more of my custom stamps if you’d like next is a disc that

I was super pumped to try out these are the metal flake SE blend glow Sphinx I really am liking the way that this stamp looks but this is a pretty flippy nine-speed I imagine it’s going to be similar to my sine cd1 but these might be a little more stable so this is

Something I’m going to play around with it does seem like a can cater I love this stamp too more towards like the beginner disc golfer and then be like a really nice Heiser Flip or roller disc which I’m hoping that this is a really good Denver roller so we’ll be messing

Around with these for sure also big shout out to completely Cory for helping me kind of vectorize my design go subscribe to him if you haven’t yet next are two 10 speeds these are the Roman hopefully we can see this stamp pretty good wow these look sweet these are

Swirly s blend and these are basically just an old PD mold I’m pretty sure so super super cool nice and kind of like glidey over stable so to go very far but have a lot of Integrity to it super stoked on these and one thing I just

Remembered is another reason why I I love partnering with infinite especially for you guys to get your hands on my discs and also if you don’t have a retailer I definitely highly recommend buying all your disc from infinite especially if you want to pick something

Of mine up but also pick up just all of your random discs that you want to buy you can out do all that together which is awesome this is why I’m so happy about this I’ll be I’ll be able to do I I won’t have to change almost anything

That I do except for doing a couple more things for infinite I’ll have links to all the discs and I’ll be able to finally point you guys to a place to buy them because someone is paying me to do so so I’m really grateful for that but I

Still get to work with all the same companies who reached out to me like Prodigy just sent me something dis Mania sent me something like these companies that still want their just to be reviewed I can still review and take all of them keep all my relationships that I

Have with all of the media Departments of these companies and now have a place that’s even more beneficial for them because I’ll have a direct place for people to buy the discs and I’ll be linking to them where I didn’t ever do that before so super stoked on these

Also when you buy any of these discs you’ll be able to choose the weight they’ll have pictures of each one so you get to choose each of the individual stamps it’s like Logistics that I couldn’t even dream of doing since I’m literally just a oneman show doing everything myself but this partnership

Is just takes so much like stress off me financially logistically and then also I just am able to get all the new discs for release so I can review them as fast as possible so and the last two are some of my favorites that I’m so stoked that

I was able to get custom initially Halo Emperors if you guys know the emperor is basically like a destroyer very similar a part of me thinks there’s it’s like a destroyer strike combo I’m not 100% sure but I’ve heard these can get as overstable as the most overstable Calvin

And then there’s like some flipper ones we actually have one in this box cuz I did open it I couldn’t wait honestly I really wanted to film the video right when I got it but I was so sick that I barely got yesterday’s video edited but

This one I think is going straight in the bag nice Dome just your classic Halo disc I’m so I just can’t believe that these have my stamp on them I’m going to actually get more than likely a Halo just Tour series disc in general because massive thank you to infinite but

They’re treating me like one of their like top level sponsored athletes it’s just it’s nice to have a company respect the like audience and the community that we’ve created here putting money on the table and putting a contract on the table so that there’s like a legitimate partnership that we both get Mutual

Value from and we can both increase that value so these look sweet uh this one’s a little bit flatter so I’m interested to see kind of how that one flies and then this one oh my gosh so cool this is a 172 so it might just be a bomber and

The last one the opposite of that are these es blend pharaohs I kind of took you guys off the scent by bagging that shrike well I don’t think I took anybody off the scent everyone was just speculating all over which was so cool to see and also so weird to be like at

The center of that and also so anxious that this was all going to be able to come together in time but these are all 171 s blend Pharaoh which I definitely am going to take the strike out of my bag for these especially since they’re actually s blend and they’re new but

They’re all white these are incredible and so this already constitutes a pretty close to full bag but when I was getting these scent I was like hey can we do like my first allotment cuz I want to create a banana fro video at least for every single infinite mold and uh they

More than hooked it up we’re going to fill up a little bit of these rows as we go through all the rest of these discs but while we also do that we’re going to be creating my bag that I go and play first tags with cuz we’re just going to

Do all infinite for that obviously it doesn’t have to be the case also through infinite I was super excited because it gives me the opportunity to potentially run multiple Signature Series discs and Signature Series meaning it’s a plastic and a disc combo that is only that disc

For the entire year through some other companies that infinite’s associated with so hopefully that’s able to happen as well but I think the first disc that’s going to be coming out is going to be my actual infinite Tour series disc but I’m going to do my best to get

To about six to seven Pro Tour events this year and at least try to money qualify cuz there’ll be good enough content to be made regardless or not if I get into the tournament so we’re going to start out we got these discs which are the tomb a lot of people really like

This it’s kind of a flat semi- Beed Potter I’ve heard they’re pretty straight it’s interesting feeling in the hand I’m excited to throw a lot of these because it forces me to throw some discs that I might not pick up and I limited my bag a lot this past year and so I’m

Excited to like basically my whole bag is out the window now I will be able to get whatever I need from infinite since they carry basically everybody so we’ll end up seeing how many of each of these molds stay in my bag but I’m excited to

At least review them all and just kind of see how they fly because there’s a disc for everybody frankly first off this is the eye blend plastic which is infinite’s own proprietary blend I believe it’s like a mix of star and Pro or something like that not 100% sure and

Then this is just I think a typical s blend pretty sure s blend is very similar to Star C blend is very similar to Champion there might be some differences there cuz they don’t feel exactly the same to me and then n blend is similar to Nexus P blend is like a

Poter plastic I don’t really know inova’s poter Plastics Inova does all the manufacturing for infinite right now next is one that I was super pumped to get cuz I kind of forgot that it existed but I’d seen it before it’s called the ruin it’s like I got this big I’m not

Even going to call it a bead but it’s just like a approach disc I mean like the Zone has a bevel here and this just kind of has a little curve which I don’t know how it’s going to make it Fly any different next up is another kind of

Very similar to AVR X3 disc I actually filmed a review on this and I felt like it fit a slot that I didn’t really need it at the time not really sure if that’s going to still be the case but it’s called the Rays ra aze actually I have

An ax3 here this is literally the first disc that I ever had so shout out to my buddy Sam um yeah I mean it’s hard to tell what the disc has been beat in for a billion years but it seems like it’s a little bit deeper than the ax3 next up

You guys know it from everybody who’s on infinite disc but the alpaca everyone seems to PO with this disc I heard that there’s some Halo ones that are going to be coming out soon so I saw that on Maria Lea story next is a disc that I’m

Really I I don’t know how to feel about it yet cuz it’s like a 3 and 1 12 speed poter when I was initially looking at just like the disc on infinite site when I was kind of in conversations with them being like ooh should I put with an

Infinite poter maybe I can get a like custom run or series or whatever we got the cohort here 3.5 41 and it is shallow and almost feels bigger than the other Putters like wider like a little bit bigger diameter and like maybe maybe maybe maybe but

It’s it’s kind of hard to tell this is a super interesting disc I don’t really know where it would fit but I have a Hal Yow s blend one and an eye blend one so we’ll be able to throw that a good bit and then we’re going to have some Potter

Wars to go through because they sent me Potter Plastics a pair of basically all of their Putters and blend tomes which I think is going to be my favorite putter plastic relatively comparable to a retro just a little bit harder and a little tackier and also I know I’m like

Speaking positive about most things here infinite obviously I’m going to be excited and have a slight bias towards it cuz I’m super pumped about it but what I love about the contract here is like I don’t have to say anything good about any of these disc and so as I

Review them if I don’t like them I cannot like them and that’s completely okay especially seeing as I only have to bag one infinite mold and infinite sells literally everything so if I don’t like some stuff I’m going to like other stuff that you guys can buy on infinite’s

Website and then these are scarabs which are interesting I don’t think I have any of the premium scarabs but this is like a kind of interesting mold cuz it’s got a slight micro beat on it and it has a really low shoulder I imagine it’s going

To be pretty flippy a lot of these like don’t seem to fit the conventions of like all the discs that have come out in the last year and a half because a lot of them I think are older Inova molds or retooled older Innova molds and since

I’ve been playing disc golf for less than 2 years a lot of the discs that have come out like they feel slightly different to these so I’m excited to throw these and see if there are some hidden gems here these are n blend cohorts that like 3 and 1/2 speed and

Then some D blend alpacas which are these guys so hopefully I like alpacas cuz I got a bunch of alpacas right now because on top of the D blend alpacas I have some end blend alpacas on top of the N blend alpacas that are my custom stamp ones so I think that they’re

Basically want me to PO with alpacas right now cuz they sent me so many of them but I also kind of want to PO with alpacas right now as well and then lastly we have emblin myths these are like sneaky might fight for a spot against the alpaca cuz they got a slight

Bead and they’re slightly shallower I feel so I’m really excited to kind of do the putter Wars with all the infinite Putters that might be a banana fro video might be a main Channel video people don’t like budding videos so it’s probably going to go on banana fro to be

Honest so for the bag for first tags I think I’m going to pull out this ey blend tomb here cuz apparently it’s super straight just kind of Po shoot putter I would throw the alpaca in there but we already got some alpacas will be putting with so put something different

And then this ruin H just something about this is super intriguing to me I would maybe throw a raise in there as well but I don’t feel like I need to approach discs honestly and now this should be our putter lineup we got the alpacas for putting a tomb for a

Straighter Putter and a ruin for an overstable putter don’t really see any flippy Putters in there now I think where infinite shines at least in what I’ve seen so far is in their Fairways and drivers I haven’t seen a lot of people using a lot of like of their

Putters or a lot of their mids so honestly because I like be a little bit different that makes me excited to kind of throw a lot of their M engines and kind of see how they fly so I’m stoked to have this Inca with my custom stamp

Initially and like I said if they are sold out pretty quickly which I anticipate because of the limited run that they did you should be able to snag more of these on the second when they get restocked which is another big benefit to having this infinite deal if

I sell out of stamps they’ll be able to be restocked relatively quickly I’ve heard that this is like a mix of a couple old Inova molds one of them being a potential old md3 that was for dis Mania but this is the Chariot Joel Freeman had this as a signature series

For a while with infinite whoops but this is a d blend one so a base plastic it does feel like the bottom is an md3 but it doesn’t feel like an md3 and then they sent me an ey blend Chariot they call it 4501 I don’t really know why the

Fourspeed I don’t think it feels significantly smaller than say uh it’s a h it’s a little smaller than another one so maybe it is a fourspeed but apparently it’s like a straight shooter so it might rival like a Pathfinder I’ll have to throw them against one another

And here is a nice pearly s blend with a team infinite stamp on it something about just having a team stamp I I didn’t really get it honestly people were talking about team stamp stuff team stamp Innova team stamp blah blah blah and I was like whatever guys but now

That I’m on the team I I get it I don’t I get it I don’t know Chariot I think we’re going to throw this in the bag for just that straight slot part of me wants to throw the D blend but I think we got something that’ll fly similar to that

Coming up here in a second so we’ll throw this one in the bag next up are the Anubis we have a Maria Oliva these are 5500 I believe like a moo or makeo 3 but I heard that this might be the old coyote mold I heard that from the

Internet not from infinite so I haven’t heard any of this stuff from infinite that I’m talking about frankly right now I’m not even sponsored by infinite this is the 31st and my contract doesn’t start till the 1st so evenin streaming pretty good so we’ll give him a free day

You know what I mean free like 10 hours after this video gets posted but the eye blend and then the Halo s blend I think I’m going to put this one in the bag and we have these three last mid-ranges which are all relatively overstable so

The raw here you guys have seen me throw in an infinite video that I did a while back I’m pretty sure David Apollo disc golf said that he thought it was the lion mold or the v-rock mold we have a metal flake here this like Rivals the

Spot of my ultra or maybe it’s slightly less stable but still Rivals it this thing might actually like make the bag for the season really good on a backhand better than the ultra on a backhand the forehand the ultra I think feels slightly better so be interested to see

How those fly then this thing is something that recently came out which is kind of silly but like cool silly like kind of like overstable M boy this is the gallion which is a sixspeed stupid overstable I think it’s a Banshee mold or something like that really

Really blunt and overstable no need for this but part of me still wants I’m not going to put in the bag I’m not going to do it we’ll just throw this for a video part of me wants to put it in the bag but then I feel like I’ll make myself

Throw it and then I’ll lose a stroke and I want first T so our mid-range lineup for tomorrow is going to be oh not the Rune that’s putter we have the Inca here we have the Chariot with Team stamp and then the Maria Oliva Anubis these are

All 180 g so they’re all max weight I feel like these are going to fly really well like sneaky good now we’re moving on to the fairways and drivers we got a lot of these are the Centurion this is a 7512 it is a pretty shallow like small

Feeling disc like it feels smaller than my strike feels smaller than an Athena but you see James Proctor kind of flipped this thing all over the place this is his signature series from last year we don’t have purple disc in the bag yet so we’re going to throw the ey

Blend one in there and then we have the first infinite disc ever made which I think was back in 2019 this is the Halo Exodus feels a little domeier feels a little bit thicker in the hand so we’re going to be throwing both these yeah this definitely feels smaller than the

Exodus yeah wow those feel pretty good so these two are going to be going to the bag at the seven speeed slot and then we have a couple more Sphinx these are the 9631 disc I really have been liking flipper discs recently and just kind of trusting them onlines this one I think

Is going to get like pretty flippy pretty fast whereas these ones I think will kind of hold a good stability I’m hoping that they’re between my Zeta Moon cd1 the sine one and the cine one cuz if that if they’re there they’re going to be like perfect and they’ll beat into

The Zas moon like this disc I think will 100% make my bag just guaranteed if that’s the case next we have some discs that I’ve really been wanting to try which are basically the cd1 because the cd1 was going for the cd2 mold and these are the old Inova cd2 mold from what

I’ve heard from the internet these are the dynasty Eric Oakley you’ve seen throw all over the place we have an ey blend one here which seems money this sweet team infinite s blend One S blend swirly one and then this sein dynasty the reason why I say I don’t feel like

This is the same Champion is cuz this seend doesn’t really feel like just your straight up Champion plastic I don’t really know what it is it feels a little bit gummier I don’t really feel like we need multiple of these in the bag especially with that Sphinx so I think

We might just throw this SE blin one in this is a wol am I going to be a sucker for team stamps that might be it’s cold out so team stamp got to find the excuses got to find a way and then the last nine-speed is the scepter which

Apparently means that it’s going to be a little bit less stable than a Firebird from what I have heard again through the internet these are kind of an old sexon Firebird mold this one again like the SE blend is is a little bit gummier than you’d anticipate so I think we’re going

To throw this scepter in I don’t think we’re going to be putting either of these two in the bag this time just because it’s going to be too similar to the dynasty but I’m really excited to see how they defer because this is the 10512 Aztec we have one in the ey blend

And we have one in the Halo s blend plastic run nine Run 10 you’ll be able to see which run it is on each of the discs so that if you want to buy something that’s the same you can buy that exact same run which is really

Sweet and then of course we have some more Romans here we have this X Out SE blend probably we have this ey blend Roman which again is kind of like the PD and then another just s blend with a really cool these are like kind of a

Dire’s the light ones also those pharoh these pharohs right here if you want to dieye some of these those look sick we got our swirly ass blend Roman a little more Dome oh man that thing is going to be so good and now we’re moving up into

The 11 speeds where we got a super super flippy boy the Maya these feel similar to a Mamba maybe a little they’re maybe a little bit different but they the Mamba has like that shallowness that you can feel these also have that shallowness these are going to be really

Really fun add some rollers or some kind of crazy discs we don’t really need it but would it be fun to have yes so we’ll go ahead and we’ll put this ey blend Maya in there all right the rest of the 11 to 13 speeds we have here and we’re

Starting out with AAR this is an 11 speed cuz it’s SE blend Halo glow or something it’s I don’t know but it looks sweet it’s also kind of fun this is Ivan the turtle or something and he is one of the Zars so really fun looking disc and

Then ey blend one I don’t really think that we need that straight 11 speed since we have the Roman I feel like there’s just too much between 9 10 11 going put this one in the bag why not then we have a slap I don’t think I need

This especially because of one of the discs that we have coming out but this is a I’m pretty sure it’s similar to an old JP like a old Max which is an 11speed really overstable guy and then we move on to just your classic Emperors we have a really nice infinite disc

Stamped Halo Emperor here and an ey blend Emperor which I think just bombs and I think we might actually put in the bag because this thing is nice and Dy it’s going to probably be an in between stability of Halo emperor that I have here so kind of keep the ey blend and

The Halo emperor in the bag we have some more pharaohs here we got a eye blend pharaoh and an Erica stench gome Halo Pharaoh this one is sick I really like kind of the Halo how it almost looks like an orbit plastic just because it’s very consistent and then it gets into

The white excited to throw it now especially since I’m probably going to be bagging these s blend pharaohs and then we have the Conqueror this is a super doy one swirly s blend I mean super pop top really like this yeah I mean this is run one right there so

That’s sick and then we have a team stamped Halo conqueror which is a little bit flatter which I think I would want from this because I want a little bit more like dig and not quite as much Glide because this I’m pretty sure is an old pd2 mold or they’re trying to

Recreate an old pd2 mold this is definitely going in the bag the Halo conqueror because this thing I think 12404 going to be just ridiculously overstable and that’s what we got sent out in the first little content allotment just want to say massive thank you for the support that you guys have

Shown last year and a half has been so much growth and just so much work to kind of try to get to where we are and they have that be recognized on this level already where where in my mind this is like a kind of a firstof its

Kind contract in terms of like content creation and dis Golf and honestly it’s with the company that initially when I got started I wanted to be with because I really like infinite branding I like a lot of their disc kind of how they interact with the community they’re one

Of the bigger retailers so I knew that there’d be a lot of like upward potential and so to get my foot in the door with an offer from them that was well worth it for me to join um and then for them to be already having custom

Stamps drop that you guys can go and snag the way that I already feel so valued by all my interactions with them I just can’t thank them enough I can’t thank you enough and I’m super excited to be joining team infinite for 2024 hopefully it’s a partnership that can

Grow pretty sweet full bag there if you don’t have a retailer to buy your disc through right now or you’re looking for a change definitely consider infinite supporting the company that supports me is super helpful and the more of those discs that you buy the more kind of

Leeway that I get with infinite cuz they see just the overall value I’ll be making some videos for infinite’s YouTube channel throughout the rest of the year I have a little bit more planned on the short form content on Instagram Tik Tok YouTube shorts and a

Lot more for banana frol and all that is going to be made possible and presented by infinite for the year 2024 and honestly this partnership is going to make this year significantly easier and better I just can’t wait to see everything that comes out of it I’m so

Grateful and so excited it’s going to be a good year see you in 2024


  1. Are your videos sped up? Can’t say I’ve ever noticed but it literally looks like this is played in 1.5x

  2. Congrats man! Over the last week your videos have been the last thing I watch before going to sleep, and every night I proceed to dream of doing even a fraction of what you do. Big ups, Bodanza – you're killing it!

  3. Congrats, Anthony! 🎉 Very exciting and I look forward to the content that will be coming and to picking up some Bodanza stamped discs.

  4. Super dope!! Never thrown infinite…went to buy some of your discs aaaaand sold out/not available! Sick!! You deserve it, duder. I guess ill have to wait…haha.

  5. Congrats m8, you have been such a grinder, and this is so well deserved. I've become used to see you on other channels, so why not JomezPro soon? 😉
    Also another compliment: You have become so good at these videos that I really feel you are actually talking to a group of people sitting in your house. It feels very close. Great personality.

  6. Congratulations Anthony. You’ve worked very hard to achieve this recognition from Infinite. I hope the New Year is all you need it to be.

  7. Dude, I am SO Proud of you!!! I already buy most every one of my discs from Infinite so this is just a win win for me haha!

  8. I haven't always been a supporter but I came around when I realized how much passion and work you put into your channel and becoming pretty dang good at disc golf. You could become as successful in the disc golf scene as a lot of top players regardless if you're on the pro tour or not.

  9. Well done my man. Hope you are feeling better soon and Happy New Year!! 2024 will be amazing!

  10. Congratulations Anthony! Stoked to see this, been following for some time now. personally i bag multiple infinite-discs molds, but my favorite is the Centurion (metal flake color glow). Other nice molds is the chariot and the Exodus, really recommend trying those out. Stoked to see what molds you end up bagging, best of luck!

  11. Congrats man! Are you able to throw Thought Space Athletics and Clash discs like the other Infinite sponsored players? Being from New England it would be cool to see more TSA thrown around and talked about. Its a really underrated set of discs.

  12. So excited to see you throwing some Infinite! My whole bag is Infinite so I’m interested to see what sticks in your lineup!

  13. I’m on team infinite and it is so exciting to see you go through all of my favorite molds. Tomb is so good and Romans are money

  14. 🎉 This is great! Looking forward to the restock. Hopefully you can do some collabs with infinite Pros like Stinchcomb.

  15. Congratulations! I have been waiting for this announcement ever since you said you will be sponsored! By the way, love the new banner.

  16. Congrats on the new sponsorship!! If you're ever curious for an Innova to infinite mold comparison, here is a list that I've been compiling over the past couple years: (Only a few of these are actually confirmed but that is because I think infinite isn't allowed to outright say exactly what they are)
    Alpaca = P2

    Scarab = VAvair Top / P1x Bottom

    Myth = Whale

    Raze = Avairx3

    Cohort = XD

    Tomb = Rat Top / Colt Bottom

    Ruin = Rat Top / Unique Infinite Bottom

    Kon Tiki = Mirage

    Anubis = Coyote

    Chariot = Small Bead QMS 1.8

    Inca = Flat Top Big Bead Roc3

    Ra = Rocx3 Top / VRoc Bottom

    Galleon = Whippet-X

    Centurion = Leopard3-ish

    Exodus = Eagle-L

    Sphinx = Valkyrie Top / Roadrunner Bottom

    Dynasty = CD2 (PD Top / Sidewinder Bottom)

    Scepter = Flat Top Firebird

    Roman = PD

    Aztec = Starfire-L (SL)

    Maya = Mystere-ish

    Czar = TeeRex

    Conqueror – PD2

    Pharaoh = Shyrke Top / Destroyer Bottom

    Destroyer = *D Destroyer

    Slab = Flat Top Max

  17. OMG yes Bodanza! So happy you can be open bag. I really like Infinite and the pros they sponsors like Drew, Eric Oakley, James Proctor, and Maria Oliva. Looking forward to your collaborations and the future of your content. Happy New Year!

    P.S. please check out the MF Glo and Halo Centurion. Incredible disc.

  18. Congratulations! I bagged an Anubis right next to my beloved Mako3 up until I sent it off to a new owner in Trash Panda’s disc exchange this year. I might have to replace it! The Maya is my favorite bomber (weak arm). Thrown flat it gives me fantastic distance, and it holds a turnover really well for me too.

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